A few months ago there was an intense discussion at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7566069 regarding the appointment of Condoleezza Rice on the Board of Dropbox.
The linked page was http://www.drop-dropbox.com/.
Looking at Crunchbase profile of Dropbox indicates that Rice continues as a Board member.
I am curious to know how many users decided to drop Dropbox as a consequence of the above.
Don't forget to upvote the post itself to get more people to vote on this.
(Politics is irrelevant to me, but power is not. The government can already twist your arm; being on first name's basis with somebody important will be invaluable.)
Edit: I thought we could openly state our opinions, but it seems I am getting punished with downvotes. Editing again because it's now going the other direction, but my point still stands: don't downvote or upvote just to normalise your own political beliefs.