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   The AIs that suffer from this problem have difficulty counting.
Nope, its not a counting problem. It's a reasoning problem. Thing is, no matter how much hype they get, the AIs have no reasoning capabilities at all, and they can fail in the silliest ways. Same as with Larry Ellison: Don't fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing the AI.

Just have backups. I used btrfs and zfs for different purposes. Never had any lost data or downtime with btrfs since 2016

This is why I'm convinced that relying on Google hardware is a dead end for freedom in the longer term. I'm using a GNU/Linux phone instead.

Side question: is there any good model that allows for image similarity detection across a large image set, that can be incrementally augmented with new images?

You'd somehow have to generate an embedding for each image, I presume.

Here (EU country) the same sweeteners that are used in diet soda is found to replace up to half the sugar in some common non-diet sodas, to reduce costs. Because while its not much, it's a lot more than the cost of water+sweetener. This has been an unpleasant surprise to people whose stomachs don't like the sweetener and who didn't notice the changed recipe on the label...

If Germany is anything like Britain, I expect they will be in a worse mood come the autumn.

I am not sure if reshaping is a reasonable thing. It is not so reasonable in other fields. In architecture, if you build a bridge and then want more lanes, you usually build a new bridge, rather than reshape the bridge. The idea of reshaping a bridge while cars are using it would sound insane there, yet that is what people want from storage stacks.

Reshaping traditional storage stacks does not consider all of the ways things can go wrong. Handling all of them well is hard, if not impossible to do in traditional RAID. There is a long history of hardware analogs to MD killing parity arrays when they encounter silent corruption that makes it impossible to know what is supposed to be stored there. There is also the case where things are corrupted such that there is a valid reconstruction, but the reconstruction produces something wrong silently.

These things are certainly easier to do with MD RAID, but you pay for them in terms of edge cases not being able to be handled well. For most people, I imagine that is fine until it bites them. Then it is not fine anymore.

When I worked my first job (physical work in water service) we had 2 sayings: "minimum wage, minimum effort" and "you cannot lower my salary more than I can lower my effort".

Said Android smartphone relies on clear airwaves and billions worth of GPS satellites.

This! Especially 2nd! Most of the normal jobs do not cover the cost of living in the cities. The salaries are not high enough for positions like clerks, kindergarten staff, teachers, medical staff, firefighters, cops, cashiers. You name it. And for a couple with good jobs and without kids taxes bite really hard, purchasing power is not the one expected from top earners. Add rising mandatory medical and retirement insurance costs. This is just not good.

Having personally lived through the 90's and 00's, I can confirm that:

* Sadam Houssein (and Kadhafi, and Khomeini) regularly moaned about the US

* everybody was indeed aware of them

* and everyone ignored them

* for most people outside the US, the second gulf war was perceived a transparent lie

One look at the ridiculous "coalition of the willing" that GWB managed to drum up makes that clear.


It's not "drugs", it's science and therapy. Huge difference. And yeah, fun fact: both ketamine and mdma are also used in therapies and are researched for decades now.

If it doesn't require external communication, it's very easy to harden against EMP. Just put it in a Faraday cage.


This pretty much. Ants are basically powerless on their own

Not always true. I have devices with GPS which not only relies on a network for getting ephemeris data for the satellites, but they can't function without it. In other words, they don't even try to get ephemeris data through the GPS signal. So, if there's no network, it doesn't work. One of my devices is even a tablet without a SIM card, it only has wifi.. so if I'm near a cafeteria with wifi I can get a fix, and keep it for a while, but without it it's totally stuck. Forever.

In any case, as others have said, in the ocean a cellphone is useless for navigation. At least use a standalone satellite navigator. And learn to use paper maps and a sextant, it's actually a lot of fun.

Just reading that he can apply the word to himself, you can't take the opposite stance of being morally superior by mocking someone for taking a moral stance.

It's completely unacceptable that taxpayer money is being used to pay ransomware demands in the first place.

you can just put a quartz watch in a faraday cage. That'll be more accurate than any mechanical timepiece. Mechanical clocks have a nasty habit of breaking.

Copyright exists to incentivize creators to make more art.

In the case of "utility" works like maps, charts, diagrams, there is already ample motivation to create them – people want to be able to navigate, scientists want others to understand their data, etc.

We would never agree on a global tax system in the first place. We could tax wars for example, and those kill humans directly, unlike climate change. But we don't do it, because many humans benefit from wars. Same with carbon tax, too many countries benefit from not paying it and so they won't.

Second problem is that carbon tax won't help. It doesn't reduce emissions much (because realistically countries would rather pay than de-industrialize in short term), and it doesn't remove CO2 from the atmosphere at all. As I wrote above - a slow down of emissions won't really change the final outcome, it will only prolong the heating process.

That seems to assume that Israel is not in Asia

My media literacy is not strong enough to understand if all the positive content about Sikh is "organic" or a very successful campaign by them to increase their reputation.

On reddit I keep reading about them doing great things, volunteering, silently providing what is needed to people in emergencies, for example the current wildfires in the US. (e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1i0kavt - currently prominently featured on the front page) And now there is even some on Hacker News.

I am not disparaging anyone here, I am honestly curious about this pattern I have recognised.

I know where you are coming from and I considered this myself again and again. For me and for now it is not something I want to do and not primarily because of the effort.

The VM might protect me, but it will not protect the users of the software I am producing. How can I ship a product to the customer and expect them to safely use it without protection when I myself only touch it when in a hazmat suit?

No, that is not the environment I want.

My current solution is to be super picky with my dependencies. More specifically I hold the opinion that we should neither trust projects nor companies but only people. This is not easy to do, but I do not see a better alternative as for now.

...so far, yes. But somebody has to pay all of that new network traffic and cpu cycles ;).

Every birth means also bringig a death.

Earth is for life, not life for Earth.

Do you have kids?

You may also want to consider the EUPL, which is OSI approved and despite the name not limited to the EU.



Thats correct.

Bromelain cant harm though, is cheap, hydrolization is certainly not perfect, and it has other positive effects on body such as anti inflammatory, pain reduction etc.

It's insane to think of the collective number of hours wasted on this.

Yet people will still buy Sonos!

Turns out that technical education doesn’t equip you for dealing with every discipline of inquiry, especially not when it involves social phenomena.

Of course the humanities are all usurped by the woke elites and you should look only to PG and his friends for guidance.

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