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These are jobs at YC startups. See more at ycombinator.com/jobs.
Charge Robotics (YC S21) is hiring full-stack devs to deploy solar robots (ycombinator.com)
1 hour ago
Patterns (YC S21), hiring to build a universal finance and accounting data model (patterns.app)
5 hours ago
Hadrius (YC W23) Is Hiring Founding Engineers in NYC (ycombinator.com)
10 hours ago
Emerge Tools (YC W21) Is Hiring a Product Engineer (iOS, Full-Stack) (emergetools.com)
1 day ago
Carma (YC W24) Hiring an 10x Founding Full-Stack Engineer (Top Base and %) (ycombinator.com)
1 day ago
Confido (YC S21) Is Hiring (ycombinator.com)
1 day ago
Rollstack (YC W23) Is Hiring TypeScript Engineers in Europe (ycombinator.com)
2 days ago
Spice (YC S19) Is Hiring (ycombinator.com)
3 days ago
Converge (YC S23) Is Hiring a Founding Account Executive (ycombinator.com)
3 days ago
OmniAI (YC W24) Is Hiring a Founding Engineer in SF (workatastartup.com)
4 days ago
Lago – Open-Source Usage Based Billing Is Hiring a Data Scientist (EU-Based) (ycombinator.com)
4 days ago
Optery (YC W22) Is Hiring Back End Engineers (Python and Django) & Sales (Remote) (ycombinator.com)
5 days ago
Bitmovin (YC S15) is hiring video solution architects in the US (bitmovin.com)
6 days ago
Nango (YC W23) Is Hiring a Senior Product Engineer (100% Remote, EST Timezone) (nango.dev)
7 days ago
Raycast (YC W20) Is Hiring a Senior Product Designer (UTC ± 3 Hours) (raycast.com)
7 days ago
Substack (YC W18) is hiring systems engineers (grnh.se)
8 days ago
Tesorio (YC S15) Is Hiring a Senior GenAI/LLM Engineer (100% Remote) (tesorio.com)
9 days ago
Hellometer (YC S20) Is Hiring (ycombinator.com)
9 days ago
Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Our First DevOps Engineer (ashbyhq.com)
10 days ago
Juniper (YC W21) is hiring engineers to fix financial infra in recurring care (lever.co)
10 days ago
Supabase (YC S20) Is Hiring Postgres SREs (greenhouse.io)
11 days ago
Meticulous (YC S21) is hiring to eliminate E2E UI tests
11 days ago
Finley (YC W21) is hiring our first Sales Ops team member (SF, NY, Remote) (lever.co)
12 days ago
Infisical (YC W23) is hiring to build an open source security stack for devs (ycombinator.com)
12 days ago
UpCodes (YC S17) is hiring remote engineers across the Americas (up.codes)
12 days ago
Continue (YC S23) is hiring a founding engineer in San Francisco (ycombinator.com)
13 days ago
EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring (easypost.com)
13 days ago
Deepnote (YC S19) is hiring engineers to build an AI data workspace (deepnote.com)
13 days ago
Trellis (YC W24) is hiring engineer to build AI-powered ETL for unstructured data (ycombinator.com)
14 days ago
PermitFlow (YC W22) Is Hiring Software Engineers in NYC (ashbyhq.com)
14 days ago

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