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1. Show HN: Bash Dungeon – An educational dungeon crawler in the shell (github.com/wolandark)
44 points by wolandark 4 hours ago | 7 comments
2. Show HN: YTHunt, App for recommending/discovering interesting videos (ythunt.com)
5 points by xlinux 1 hour ago | discuss
3. Show HN: A complete AdonisJS boilerplate to help TS developers (turbosaas.dev)
2 points by wailroth 3 hours ago | 1 comment
4. Show HN: I made an open-source minimal blogging platform (nucelo.com)
4 points by manafov 5 hours ago | 5 comments
5. Show HN: MetaShunt – high dynamic range current measurement development tool (tindie.com)
2 points by jwachlin 6 hours ago | discuss
6. Show HN: STORI - Automated Storytelling with AI (storiai.com)
3 points by nsiradze 7 hours ago | 2 comments
7. Show HN: DataLine – AI data analysis and visualization through chat-Open source (dataline.app)
4 points by RamiAwar 7 hours ago | discuss
8. Show HN: Foorr – A minimal to-do app with social accountability (foorr.com)
27 points by 21oq 1 day ago | 23 comments
9. Show HN: I made a game for learning the country flags of the world (flagmatch.com)
47 points by kyrylo 1 day ago | 33 comments
10. Show HN: A CLI that uses Claude to fix your code until the tests/builds pass (github.com/joseferben)
8 points by joseferben 9 hours ago | 4 comments
11. Show HN: A JavaScript UI library for imperative JSX (npmjs.com)
30 points by danielvaughn 9 hours ago | 20 comments
12. Show HN: A directory of free and public APIs (publicapis.io)
2 points by mddanishyusuf 3 hours ago | discuss
13. Show HN: SQL Explorer – Open-source reporting tool that Just Works (github.com/explorerhq)
205 points by numlocked 1 day ago | 45 comments
14. Show HN: I’ve made a cheaper SEO research tool (withtelescope.com)
256 points by kulhavy 1 day ago | 122 comments
15. Show HN: Jb / json.bash – Command-line tool (and bash library) that creates JSON (github.com/h4l)
180 points by h4l 3 days ago | 52 comments
16. Show HN: Xcapture-BPF – like Linux top, but with Xray vision (0x.tools)
436 points by tanelpoder 3 days ago | 38 comments
17. Show HN: I made a split keyboard for large palms (jogmekeebs.com)
82 points by jogme 2 days ago | 73 comments
18. Show HN: VimSweeper – Minesweeper with Vim Motions (theanti9.itch.io)
3 points by theanti9 14 hours ago | discuss
19. Show HN: A simple app to create .gitignore files (github.com/alexadam)
14 points by eg312 1 day ago | 2 comments
20. Show HN: BoilerFast – A Boilerplate for Shipping Boilerplates Quickly (boiler-fast-site.vercel.app)
4 points by milkoslavov 18 hours ago | discuss
21. Show HN: Sonatino – small audio dev board based on ESP32-S3
64 points by sonatino 2 days ago | 39 comments
22. Show HN: BoringUi, converting JSON to web UI (boringui.vercel.app)
23 points by Anuttam 2 days ago | 13 comments
23. Show HN: Nitrogen Blue Launching from the Forest (nitrogenblue.com)
3 points by nitrogenBlue 1 day ago | 1 comment
24. Show HN: Listen to Mechanical Keyboard Sounds with Every Keystroke – It's Fast (github.com/zacharyl2)
5 points by zacharylee 20 hours ago | discuss
25. Show HN: I made a tool to turn boring GPX files into cool videos (avomap.com)
24 points by zitscher 2 days ago | 16 comments
26. Show HN: DecapBridge – Standalone Accounts for DecapCMS / NetlifyCMS (decapbridge.com)
2 points by lot3oo 21 hours ago | discuss
27. Show HN: I Made an Open Source Platform for Structuring Any Unstructured Data (github.com/adithya-s-k)
87 points by adithya-s-k 4 days ago | 13 comments
28. Show HN: Open Sourcing Our No-Code WebXR Editor After 5 Years of Development (github.com/transferthought)
67 points by keenanTT 3 days ago | 15 comments
29. Show HN: Adding Mistral Codestral and GPT-4o to Jupyter Notebooks (github.com/pretzelai)
268 points by prasoonds 4 days ago | 74 comments
30. Show HN: Mutahunter – LLMs to support mutating testing for all major languages (github.com/codeintegrity-ai)
31 points by coderinsan 4 days ago | 9 comments

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