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GDPR for lazy people: Block all European users with Cloudflare Workers (apility.io)
755 points by jgrid007 on May 25, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 1467 comments

I’ve been reading hacker news for about a decade, and it’s getting to the point where I don’t think there are many entrepreneurs and/or technical people on here anymore.

The number of people who are saying it’s no big deal to comply with this huge law, especially for very small startups, is mind boggling.

Let’s just take one feature: the requirement that you can permanently delete all of your information. Most early-stage startups use the (in 2008, when I did mine) best practice of “delete=1”. Changing your whole database over to permanent cascade delete is only easy if you’re a very experienced programmer or who knows what he’s doing. And that sets aside the fact that even if you know what you’re doing technically, there are lots of business logic problems with just deleting things out of the database and anonymizing users is very tricky.

I was not a great programmer when I started my first startup. I was learning as I went along.

We couldn’t afford a lawyer, and the amount of time for me (the only programmer) to go through and read all the regulations and make all the requisite changes in the product I would estimate might take on the order of a month or two, which if timed poorly would’ve killed our company. I say again: at an early stage startup with one programmer, you cannot have that one programmer spending two months on compliance.

It’s just gotten to the point that there’s one comment after another responding to this regulation or that regulation or this situation or whatever with “well, just call HR“, or “I can’t believe you don’t have a company policy for that!”

Or “well just ask your lawyers“. It ain’t that easy. Do you have any idea how much it would cost to have “your lawyers” go through the GDPR, tell you what you need to do, and deal with all of the edge cases and gray areas? $20k or $30k doesn’t seem too high.

My biggest fear is that all of these complex bureaucratic laws are just raising the bar for doing a startup. Maybe the days of two people doing a startup in someone’s garage should be in the past? If so, that makes me kind of sad.

Regardless it’s not obvious that GDPR is the right policy or that it’s well designed or clear.

I'm a Brit. I am the MD of a small IT company. I have two partners and 20 employees. We started in 2000. We turn over about £1.5Mpa. We sell our services to people and organisations. Our backups are now smaller these days (thanks to GDPR).

I understand that because you are outside the EU you might feel like a target but that is not the point of GDPR. There is no way on earth that the EU as a whole has looked on your company/project or whatever and decided to screw you.

Have a look at the first few paras of this: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX... after it says "Whereas". Does the language look a little familiar? Do the sentiments look strangely familiar in some way?

GDPR is not about destroying people's livelihoods. It is about protecting basic, fundamental rights that say 30 years ago we never knew needed to exist.

After all the knee jerk reactions have calmed down a bit, you may find that you personally have benefited in some way from EU regs. If you find that, then I suggest you fight tooth and nail for similar to be enacted at home. I'll be the first to thank you for that.

It's reassuring to hear that the GDPR is not meant to target little startups and projects but I would like it a lot better if it said that in the actual law, rather than just trusting all current and future regulators to treat me kindly.

If it's only meant to be used against big companies or extreme offenders, why doesn't it say so? It seems like the spirit of the law and the language of the law are not aligned and in my opinion that's a sign of poorly designed regulation.

I object to the idea that small projects should be ok with breaking the law merely because they very likely won't get caught.

Because if your business model is based on selling user data, it doesn't matter if you're a small startup, it absolutely is meant to target you.

If you aren't competent at responsibly handling personal data and you want to build a project or startup, pick one that doesn't handle personal data, or put in the effort to learn how to do things properly.

How does for example a small yoga studio’s email list fit in your examples? Or even just it’s website? Without cookies and login even - the IP adress in the log files alone is considered potential personal data that basically puts people in the need of consulting a lawyer about how to safely deal with that. And makes you a potential target to being sued and getting a lot of hassle. Even found nit guilty in the end, no one will pay days of time and energy needed for defense.

And then: What kind of online business can reasonably be done without using an email adress, if only for login/resetting password if lost? You either have no option to reset passwords, or must do it by phone, which is extremely expensive.

IP address are permitted under the security exception: Storing personal information in order to protect information or information systems is permitted without need for consent. Using your log files for security explicitly permitted and there is nothing that changed a system administrators job before or after GDPR on this point.

If you are using a email list in order to fulfill a contract to your members by informing them about times and so on then that is also permitted by GDPR. If a customer buys a subscription then the company in order to fulfill their side of the contract can then naturally store information to do so.

Mailing lists also has had a long history of best practices in order to not get marked as spam by the large email services. Get consent so users don't mark it as spam and allow unsubscribing. If a small yoga studio used a email list for a significant time and not been forced to do shady behavior in order to bypass spam filters, then they are almost guarantied to be compliant with GDRP.

Similar an online business has a contract when a customer buy a product or service. In order to fulfill that contract a email address is commonly used. Perfect GDPR compliant. Hard to imagine a online business before GDRP that did not have a contract with customers.

So what you're saying is there's lots of complexity and nuances in how you do this with some commonly done things illegal and others not ... and you should probably consult a lawyer to make sure.

Correct ?

You don't have to get it all right on the first try. If you get something wrong, the regulatory body will contact you (via letter or email) and tell you what they feel like is not correct (that is the official guidance on how to handle GDPR violations).

As long as you do your best to implement the GDPR and interact with the regulatory agency in a friendly and helpful manner then there won't be much need for a lawyer (but do consider that the GDPR being written as it is is also the result of being written in the EU where law is written a bit differently)

Your comment sounds so Orwellian I can’t help but cringe.

I find the use of "Orwellian" rather ironic in this context.

I run a company based in the UK, but I myself am American and most of my business experience is in the US. Despite that, I honestly have had no issues adapting to the GDPR. Considering that the business I operate has systems specifically designed to store as much data on people as possible, I find it absurd other businesses are unable to handle user/client data responsibly.

That said, I cared about privacy BEFORE GDPR and intended to act responsibly regardless of regulation.

It's not orwellian to be friendly towards authority, especially when you're a business and it's about the privacy of the users, protecting the very data that orwellian governments seek to collect and abuse.

Otherwise, I would love to hear which part of my comment was orwellian in nature?

I'd guess he's referring to your (likely correct) implication that the regulators will give more weight to your "friendly and helpful" behavior than to how the text of the law applies to the facts of your case.

The concept of the rule of law was invented primarily in countries that now belong to the EU. Is there no one left there who still thinks it's important? It's not even that people argue "the GDPR couldn't be less vague without loopholes, and this is important enough that it's worth the cost". The idea that a powerful human's best attempt to objectively apply stable, published rules is generally better than a powerful human's unrestrained discretion just seems foreign to most commenters here.

If you ran an organization publicly associated with George Soros in Hungary (whose prime minister has described him as an "enemy of the state"), then would you still feel good relying on your friendly relationship with the government? What steps would you take to comply with the GDPR as it's currently written, if you couldn't rely on the goodwill of the people interpreting it? With a sufficiently corrupt government, there's nothing you can do; but the point where a judge will accept an obvious lie tends to come long after the point where a regulator lets politics disambiguate a vague standard.

The GDPR is a regulation and not a law, thusly the implications are different.

If you produce a device that accidentally violates FCC guidelines, would you rather be immediately punished to the extend of the regulation or rather work with the FCC to rectify the issue and how to fix it for affected customers?

The other reason is that yes the GDPR is vague. It must be because in the past corporations have abused loopholes and the only way to prevent people abusing loopholes without punishing people who don't abuse them is to make it vague and then decide on their behaviour.

And again, these are corporations, legal persons. They don't even have the remotely same rights as a natural person.

At least in the USA, a regulation has the force of law. To say "regulation" instead of "law" just means the rule gets its legal power indirectly from some statute (which probably also limits the scope of the rules), instead of directly from the legislative process. I'd thought the EU was similar. Is it not?

If I ship a device that fails to comply with FCC rules, then I would prefer that the maximum penalty provided by law is also a fair and reasonable one. I understand that most regulated fields are complex enough that if we don't give regulators some discretion, then the law will be filled with loopholes and impossibly complex; but I would like to give them the minimum discretion they need to do their job. I think the GDPR fails that test spectacularly. Do you really think they need the statutory authority to fine someone 20M EUR for their semi-commercial side project that made $1k lifetime total? If not, then why give it to them?

The GDPR applies to natural persons too. Imagine if it didn't! Facebook could just contract all the creepy stuff to a sole proprietorship operated by Mark Zuckerberg...

ETA: From https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-making-process/types-eu-la...

> Regulations are legal acts that apply automatically and uniformly to all EU countries as soon as they enter into force, without needing to be transposed into national law. They are binding in their entirety on all EU countries.

So not quite the same as the US, though maybe some analogy in that the regulation is still "secondary law", subordinate to the EU treaty? But I don't see how you can describe a set of rules "binding in its entirety" as anything but law.

To my understanding the EU handles it differently. Regulation as opposed to law is supposed to be enforced in a guiding manner, recognizing that sometimes you accidentally don't comply or there is otherwise a differing implementation. You can somewhat also see that in how the EU ramps up regulation in case nobody is playing ball.

Stage 1 is when they want to fix it and they express wishes that the industry changes their ways. Stage 2 is the cookie law and Smartphone USB charging. A very vague regulation or law is implemented as a sort of warning for the industry to better go and fix it. Stage 3 is nuclear; GDPR.

The smartphone industry is as mentioned at Stage 2. The EU expressed wishes to reduce the charger garbage, nobody did anything, so they simply put out a regulation that almost literally just says "all smartphones need one common charger". Largely this has been microUSB but vendors are switching to microUSB.

The regulations are to my knowledge and experience also employed and enforced in a similar manner; first you get a nice letter informing you that your website is in violation of X. Ignore that or get aggressive towards the regulatory body and you get a less nicely worded letter with a threat of a fine. Continue that path and you get a fine.

The ultimate goal is that everyone should be compliant but it's okay to be occasionally not as long as you are willing to be helpful and fix it immediately.

>Do you really think they need the statutory authority to fine someone 20M EUR for their semi-commercial side project that made $1k lifetime total? If not, then why give it to them?

They don't you have a legal right for a proportional punishment. Unless your little side project caused damages the fine will be appropriate such that you can pay it without going bankrupt. And if it did you'll have to pay those damages on top of course.

>The GDPR applies to natural persons too. Imagine if it didn't! Facebook could just contract all the creepy stuff to a sole proprietorship operated by Mark Zuckerberg...

It only sorta does, it only does not apply to natural persons while they don't engage in commercial activity.

And a sole proprietorship is to my knowledge a legal person, even if the only natural person involved is 1. (I would know, I am basically one, or rather, small business operator would be the more accurate translation, which also has limits on turnaround and profit)

The sole proprietorship would have less rights than the person behind it and has no option but to fully implement the GDPR in any project or product. A natural person on the other hand, publishing a hobby on the internet with no commercial or business activity (which are different things in german law and you can certainly run a commercial activity without ever touching money or forming contracts).

Enforcement of regulations in the USA isn't grossly different in practice. For the kinds of topics that regulations tend to cover, I doubt it could be otherwise--the complexity of the topic makes it impossible to draft law that can be objectively applied to all cases, that ambiguity makes accidental noncompliance common, and regulatory discretion is required so the accidental noncompliers don't get screwed. I accept that as unavoidable, but not as good. The regulations have the force of law, and the penalties--the loss of one's livelihood, or even prison in the extreme--may be just as life-altering as for any other law. So all other things being equal, I'd prefer that the regulators act with as little discretion as possible. That gives everyone the fairest chance to comply with the rules, even if the regulators for whatever reason dislike them.

The GDPR indeed says the punishment should be proportional; but what does that mean to you? Are you sure it would mean the same thing to a regulator? A regulator who dislikes you? If they said that 10k email addresses and MD5-hashed passwords leaked from someone's game server was a worst-case breach, then I'd say that was ridiculous; but I don't see what in the text of the law lets me say that it's objectively false.

The USA has no concept of a separate entity for sole proprietors. It's just you, even if you're trading under a business name. If the GDPR didn't apply to that, then that would be a massive loophole, so I'm pretty sure it does. In any case, the real question is perhaps commercialness, where (a) lots of hobby projects have some small commercial element, ads or donations or a tee shirt or whatever (and to be clear, I do think privacy regulation should apply to them, just more specific regulation); and (b) I strongly suspect the GDPR applies to some noncommercial activity too--would the EU let a political group pull a Cambridge Analytica with all volunteer staff? I haven't researched that, though.

If I lived in Germany, then I'd probably have pretty good faith in my regulators. But imagine the example of that Soros-linked group in Hungary (which I'd edited my first comment to add, so you may have missed it). I don't think that's hypothetical--political organizations keep lots of data, so I suspect that somewhere, a group is making plans to comply with the GDPR, as interpreted by regulators whose government considers them "enemies of the state". What would you do in their place? Wouldn't you wish the text of the regulation gave the regulators less room to maneuver?

>if the GDPR didn't apply to that, then that would be a massive loophole, so I'm pretty sure it does.

Well, they are seperate entities so the loophole exists for how the US handles it but in the EU there is no loophole.

>In any case, the real question is perhaps commercialness

Last I checked you don't need commercial elements like ads, donations or anything like that to be considered commercial. Running your own git server with open registrations would be considered commercial (there is additional seperation in that you don't have to pay taxes unless you are profit-interested).

>I strongly suspect the GDPR applies to some noncommercial activity too-

Monitoring of any kind that is strictly outside private interest.

That's something that utterly amazes me about the EU, and your comment. A lot of the protections that exist for privacy in the US against authorities mostly don't exist in the EU.

The EU lets every police force in the EU, or in Interpol request data interception. That is a LOT of organizations, and of course, they got caught doing abuse just the same. But, for instance, the default practice in the US is that you get told your phone is tapped (yes, really), unless the police explains to a judge why not (nearly always), BUT in that case you still get told afterwards. This does not exist in the EU. You will never be told you got tapped.

Second, in the US, the provider looks at the order, verifies it with the proper authorities, and decides for itself on scope, reasonableness, ... etc. In the EU, nope. If an order is received the only actions that a provider can take must be technical in nature. In theory an employee that does the actual tapping of the phone can't even tell his manager he's tapping phones, and definitely he can't tell anyone which phones are to be tapped or why (nor is there any obligation on the part of the requesting force to tell him why, but it is a field on the form). In many countries, this can be done without judicial oversight, or in nearly all cases with only very, very light oversight. This, to me, is far more worrying than the situation in the US.

If a local police officer in Latvia wants to tap the phone of anyone in the EU, he just has to fill out a form and fax it to interpol.

This is even weirder given that Europe has actual experience with abuse of surveillance powers, everywhere from Germany Eastward, as well as during WWII. They KNOW what can go wrong, they just have to ask their parents or grandparents to find people who were actually exposed to this. And yet ...

Next we find out that large-scale spying on the own population is done in, at least, UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands ... and not a peep. This was barely reported in the local media, in fact. We all know that most other countries are going to be worse than these, not better. And, of course, they cooperate with the NSA as well.

Hell, the US has reporting on how much they spy on their own citizens (in fact, that's the source of most of the outrage). No such stats in the EU. Nobody, not even the police forces themselves, feels the need to have the most banal, basic level of transparency.

Clearly when it comes to spying the EU is of the opinion, them, yes, perfectly allowed. Think of the children ! I mean, clearly these guys do not believe in privacy.

So yes, it is very Orwellian when they just request that you work with them on the privacy of their citizens. Clearly the result they want is not actual privacy and protections for their citizens.

If they believe in privacy protections, they have a lot of state agencies that they need to attack for not having any decent respect for privacy, as well as the fact that what few protections do exist only exist in a vast complex tangled web that errs on the side of violating people's privacy. And that's ignoring the fact that privacy protections have been systematically eroded further and further in Europe (e.g. recently in Germany).

>A lot of the protections that exist for privacy in the US against authorities mostly don't exist in the EU.

They actually do, the german police for example, generally destroys any video or image footage they make after 24 hours if there is no reason to believe they would help solve a crime.

I can't say anything about Latvia but in germany atleast the privacy of letter and remote communication is heavily protected and usually not granted lightly (exceptions being stuff like actual nazis)

People are definitely aware of the past and there is always a lot of outcry whenever a new law attempts to encroach on that territory, politicians have destroyed their careers with such proposals.

>And that's ignoring the fact that privacy protections have been systematically eroded further and further in Europe (e.g. recently in Germany).

Please note that the BND, the german intelligence service, recently shutdown a surveillance program after several thousands of people requested the deletion of their datasets.

>You will never be told you got tapped.

I don't understand why you should be told that the police is trying to get evidence of you doing a crime? Or someone else's crime?

Again, we have different laws and legal systems (!) in the EU up to and including not having the US constitutions. I think it would benefit the conversation if you recognize these differences instead of applying american laws and principles on the EU.

> They actually do, the german police for example, generally destroys any video or image footage they make after 24 hours if there is no reason to believe they would help solve a crime.

Source ? This, to me, seems unlikely in the extreme. I mean this is strict enough that even I would agree they would regularly shoot themselves in the foot with such a policy.

> Please note that the BND, the german intelligence service, recently shutdown a surveillance program after several thousands of people requested the deletion of their datasets.

I doubt it's the only one. Call me when they change the law back so they can't legally do this.

> I don't understand why you should be told that the police is trying to get evidence of you doing a crime? Or someone else's crime?

The idea, in the US, is that you get informed afterwards. How else will you sue the police if it wasn't reasonable at all ? How will abuses be discovered ?

Keep in mind that more than a few police officers have been sued for using surveillance on women they were merely interested in, in some cases then proceeding to beat up and harass other interested parties. I doubt that this behavior is in fact limited to (a few) US cops, we both know the truth is that (some) EU cops simply get away with it.

>Source ? This, to me, seems unlikely in the extreme. I mean this is strict enough that even I would agree they would regularly shoot themselves in the foot with such a policy.

General guidance policy and numerous court cases. Not all footage is 24 hours, most is however. Some exceptions go for 48 hours. [http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/list/2010/http://www.polize...]

Video surveillance, especially when in public spaces, is frowned upon and there is a long rat tail of court cases.

The law is very strict in when, what, who and how long video surveillance is allowed, including the 24 hour limits, though in case a crime is suspected the footage can be kept for 14 days until a crime is confirmed. [https://recht.nrw.de/lmi/owa/br_bes_text?anw_nr=2&gld_nr=2&u...]

>we both know the truth is that (some) EU cops simply get away with it.

Generally, they are reprimanded or even punished when such behaviour is discovered as it is a violation of various laws, including privacy.

>How else will you sue the police if it wasn't reasonable at all ? How will abuses be discovered ?

Generally, any evidence the police brings up in a court case requires that the police has an explanation on how they got to that evidence. That may have been illegal, in which case a second case might be brought up and the involved officers will be punished.

However, unless the evidence they collected is wrong due to the surveillance (the bar is very low on the police being guilty of forcing you to commit a crime), the evidence will be used regardless (a few edgecases but generally evidence is not poisoned if gained by wrong means like in the US IIRC).

>I doubt it's the only one. Call me when they change the law back so they can't legally do this

Already is, which is in part why the BND stopped this too.

The bar is high for someone tapping the phone or otherwise doing remote communication surveillance, [GzBBPF, Section 1, 2, 4 and 7]. Unless there is a very strong suspicious that you commited treason or commited a federal crime and there is absolutely no other way to prove you did it, they can't legally tap the phone.

I can't believe you can be this naive. Your arguments basically boil down to "the state can be trusted".

Basic dependencies of your argument: the police force will never abuse surveillance, then not make a court case out of it.

Second basic dependency of your argument: the court will easily rule against the very forces they depend on if they find violations.

These are reports German police officers that got caught, shall we say, being VERY untrustworthy:








So I feel like I've provided plenty of evidence that the police cannot be trusted to act correctly, or even just sane. The German police, clearly, is no exception to this rule. Therefore Germany trusting them to do the right thing is just hiding abuse, not preventing it.

You also left the question unanswered: if tapping is so correctly and justly done, then why does it need to be such a big secret ? There is a case to be made that, sometimes, it needs to be kept secret DURING an investigation, but why afterwards ? In many cases, even that is not necessary, when for instance following or tracing someone who was brought in to the police station, it seems to me like there is no reason whatsoever to keep it a secret that the police reads his mail/call logs/... Why do they want this perpetual secrecy, if not to hide abuse ?

The answer is very simple: because Germany hires neonazis, cannibals, violent bullies and worse into their police force, and police officers like those are also trusted with tapping people's conversations.

I’m increasingly convinced that a majority of people who use the term “Orwellian” haven’t actually read Orwell’s books.

Which is exactly my point put a bit shorter :)

I would sincerely hope that the small Yoga studio is not attempting to custom code their website in this case, in which case the economical solution is for the Yoga studio to use a GDPR compliant website and mailing list toolset, and simply migrate to a different set if they find that they aren't.

Now compliance is largely handled by the tool makers, and the Yoga studio can focus on their business case and any custom coded extensions to ensure they remain compliant. (For popular stuff like Apache, compliant configurations are probably already available or will be shortly, once we all figure out if we are allowed to keep logging IP addresses by default.)

I'm not sure I understand the email jab; obviously you can store data, you just must obtain consent first, and must allow the data to be deleted on request. That's an opt-in mailing list with an unsubscribe feature that actually works and properly deletes the relevant data. Why should that be difficult for a small business to do right?

> I would sincerely hope that the small Yoga studio is not attempting to custom code their website in this case, in which case the economical solution is for the Yoga studio to use a GDPR compliant website and mailing list toolset, and simply migrate to a different set if they find that they aren't.

You just gave a perfect example of why GDPR will hurt startups and innovation.

How so?

Parent just admitted that it would be unreasonable for a small business to comply with GDPR and that larger organisations were better equipped to deal with it.

Many small business rely on wordpress because it's free and hosting is cheap. There's plugins for nearly every functionality you can imagine. Perhaps having them migrate to proprietary systems is the better solution, but I can't help but feel it's a net loss for the World Wide Web.

On the contrary, I think this is secretly a benefit. As soon as WordPress updates to include all the necessary tools to be GDPR compliant, every small business using their platform should be able to easily pull those features in with minimal developer work. The common platform is a boon here because it helps everyone work together on the issue, rather than requiring the smaller players to implement a mountain of work by themselves.

> the IP adress in the log files alone is considered potential personal data

Stop logging the IP address then. Hopefully default settings in web servers will change.

> What kind of online business can reasonably be done without using an email adress, if only for login/resetting password if lost?

That means you have a legitimate interest, so long as you don't send marketing emails to those addresses, or sell them, and so long as you delete them if someone deletes their account.

> How does for example a small yoga studio’s email list fit in your examples?

If someone signs up to your email list, they've consented to receiving emails. Just don't sell the list, and remove people if they unsubscribe.

The only real complication (if you're in the UK, I don't know about other countries) is that there is a fee to register as a data controller. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/data-protection-fee/

Ip adresses are needed for security anslysis in case of attacks, for example.

the thing is not about doing what you propose but that however you‘re doing it, you have a lot of bureaucracy and legal insecurity right now.

The examples of wrongdoing you give should be leading to hard measures. But those with good intentions shouldn’t have high bureaucracy costs.

To be clear: i don’t say these laws shouldn’t exist. They just should have been targeted at the actual wrongdoers and put smallest possible burden on all with no bad intentions.

> Ip adresses are needed for security anslysis in case of attacks, for example.

Then you have a legitimate need for the data, so store it for a reasonable length of time and then delete it.

>Ip adresses are needed for security anslysis in case of attacks, for example

People repeat this a lot, but it sounds like complete nonsense.

Why does your business need to perform “security anslysis in case of attacks”? Do you get paid to do that? Why would you need IP addresses for that?

One obvious case is DoS attacks. Rudimentary attacks can be mitigated by blocking IP addresses of the attacker.

Another example is logging requests to secure sections of the site and/or server and perform IP blocks on fishy activity.

You can do that with a hash of the IP.

How would this work? You can't just sha256 IPs as that'd be trivial to reverse, no different from storing the plaintext.

I don't see why the IPs would ever have to hit the disk for this purpose, just keep them cached in RAM for a few minutes.

Salt the hashes, perhaps use PBKDF2. The problem is solved for passwords, just treat IPs like low entropy passwords.

there's only 4 billion possible IPs, you can reverse the entire search space in a few hours

the only way round this is to make the webserver spend a non-trivial amount of time running some derivation function on the IP for each and every request (remember you can't cache the result if the entire point is not to store the IP)

And all that stuff is super complex... for a number which is not person bound and personally identifying in the furst place. Only with a lot more effort. So my critique is, the lawmakers should have made actions to use ip‘s to identify persons illegal, but not storing ips themselves.

IP is person bound and personally identifying, in a lot of countries you can trace back an IP to a list of people and with an additional information like a last name or a timestamp you can fairly reliable identify a single person.

How would all these things be legal just because an IP in a logfile isn’t?

Largely they aren't. It's not important that they are legal or illegal.

The problem is that it's possible and that is where the GDPR hooks in.

It’s probably also possible to identify people based on the combination of their car color, built timestamp, model and specifically ordered extras. Shall storing these, without a name, be made illegal then and forcing someone to save these in a database to hire a lawyer to ubderstand their legal position? Just because if the name is added to such a database of cars produced, it will be personal identifying?

Put another way:

If the goal is to prevent certain actions by making them illegal and a given boundary can already ensure that, whats the point in widening that boundary even more?

>If the goal is to prevent certain actions by making them illegal and a given boundary can already ensure that, whats the point in widening that boundary even more?

Atleast in germany the boundary has not been widened and most corporations seemed to operate just fine.

> Just because if the name is added to such a database of cars produced, it will be personal identifying?

When you add data to your database you'll have to consider this, yes.

Privacy under the GDPR means that you evaluate whether or not it is necessary to store such data.

Why? Because the GDPR is not only about the present but also about potential problems. If your database gets breached and someone runs of with the data, the GDPR seeks to ensure that the data contained is the absolute minimum necessary and does not threaten the privacy of the users if possible.

Put another way:

Under GDPR you do not own data like car color, built, model, extras. People give you stewardship of the data and you are responsible for it. It is your task to protect it. Protecting people's data is easier when you don't have as much of it.

> Stop logging the IP address then. Hopefully default settings in web servers will change.

But in legal matters, you need to identify people and have some kind of audit trail, especially if they tried to breach your system. That makes no sense.

Depends what's on the site. If it's just a static site, there isn't a lot of point trying to investigate a breach, just fix the changes and move on.

Why stop at IP addresses then?

If IP addresses in logs are necessary for audit trails, why aren’t fingeprints?

You put it to a total overexaggerated extreme here.

That doesn’t help.

IP adresses are not 1:1 assigned to a person for a whole lifetime, fingerprints are.

Only with a lot additional effort and connection to other databases, IP adresses can actually be connected with a person, but only for an uncertain period of time, finding out this timespan, and ensuring it’s really only exactly this one person requires even more effort.

So a properly crafted law would have made all these efforts illegal, and put high fines on them, but not the decades old practice of storing ip adresses in logfiles.

Why do you need to store IP addresses in log files?

I understand audit logging for authenticated users, but that's hardly a general case.

Why are ip adresses even considered personal data? They aren’t for most people and situations, unless a lot if other activities are done. All of which would be already illegal without consent by the law. The ip adress i write this from changes every day, and nobody can know if i share it with someone or not.

I want to be protected from marketing firms that sell my email adress , and everyone who uses it to send me mails for whatever product to buy judt because i entered it for some totally different reason. Those shall be fined with 5 figure amounts.

I don’t see how my(and my housemates/office colleagues etc) ip in the logfiles of the webserver which a small business rented for 3€ to upload 3 html filed can be abused (without storing my email and name without consent which is actual personal data and therefore illegal) and i dont want my hairdresser, car mechanic etc be in need to consult a lawyer to understand all that stuff and have a day worth of bureaucracy and adfing a “we have your current ip in the logs” note just because they want me to be able to google their street adresses.

The law is simply not well crafted for no use if the latter is the case.

>If you aren't competent at responsibly handling personal data and you want to build a project or startup, pick one that doesn't handle personal data, or put in the effort to learn how to do things properly.

Or, alternatively, just don't do business where it would put you under the jurisdiction of the GDPR. That's what a lot of companies are doing, and there seems to be a lot of resentment over it.

There isn't a law banning the use of Electron instead of learning how to build desktop applications properly, and there's a lot of resentment over people doing that too.

>There isn't a law banning the use of Electron instead of learning how to build desktop applications properly, and there's a lot of resentment over people doing that too.

Yeah, and that resentment makes no sense to me either. In both cases it's simply people doing what, in their estimation, makes the best use of their available resources.

> If it's only meant to be used against big companies or extreme offenders, why doesn't it say so?

Because, and this has been repeated millions of times on HN, Europe and the US follow different systems in writing laws

Perhaps we should then take some lessons from how they in USA write laws.

Lol hell no, the US is horrible at writing laws that are good for the common person. I'd rather trust the the EU with its clumsy but well-intentioned laws over the USA's malicious, designed-by-companies laws

In the Czech Republic, small companies and self employed people are commonly fined for breaking extremely complex and unclear laws, some of them set by the EU (e.g. VAT) - without any malicious intent, ready to pay whatever should've been paid. It's the big companies that get to make deals with the government and avoid punishment. They also consistently favour big companies over small ones with tax breaks, dotations etc. I don't trust the EU in the slightest.

Most regulation seems to fall into that category in the US too. Big companies have the money to combat it and still make a windfall of profits, while the small guy trying to build a company gets crushed because some regulatory prosecutor is trying to make a name for himself.

Tax law is probably the most common example of this.

lol, no thanks.

He's talking a nice talk, but history has shown us that when EU makes regulations/laws then they just don't care about the consequences or the collateral. As evidence I would bring the completely useless cookie law and the completely botched "digital VAT" change.

In the latter it just confounds me that the legislators set up a situation, where a small business in the UK is better off not selling a digital good (that you can make infinite copies of) to a buyer in Malta, because the bureaucracy would cost more than the sale would pay. You can't have a "single market" like that.

"but I would like it a lot better if it said that in the actual law"

Have you read the bloody law! http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX...

This is legislation designed to protect not only me (as an individual) but you as well (as a probable foreigner) from me!

Reading the law, I only see a single exception for small companies: Article 30.1 and 30.2 doesn't apply for companies less than 250 employees.

Out of an 88 page law, 1% of an auxiliary middle of the law is carved out for small companies.

I'm not sure that counts as differential application for small companies. In the US at least, large portions of entire key burdensome laws don't apply for employers below size 50, 10, 5, etc. This does not seem to be the case here.

Does anyone know whether an official impact study on innovation was even done before its passage?

You can be a company of ten people and still turn over millions by selling your users’ data in shadowy ways. Why shouldn’t you be stopped just because you’re small. How can the size a company be used as a rational differentiator in a law like this?

Because the vast, vast, vast majority of small companies aren't turning over millions of dollars. That's the same logic as, "some people cheat on welfare, so lets defund it." This logic gets pushed around a lot by GOP pundits.

The law may be good as a whole but be overly burdensome for small companies. You should at least acknowledge that instead of just dismissing that outright.

Similar laws have existed for many decades. In The Netherlands, privacy laws date back to the 1970s.

At least my reading of the GDRP is that it tries very hard not be a big burden. If you are a small company or organisation and you collect a minimal amount of information (for example to contact them) there is not a lot you have to do.

The main thing is, you are not allowed to be sloppy. If you collect personal data, you have to think about whether you should collect it at all, where to store it, process it, and when to delete it. And you have to tell people that before you ask them for personal data.

Nothing like, we just collect a bunch of data, give copies to everybody, and have no idea what we collected. That attitude no longer works.

If you set up food regulations, are you going to exempt restaurants with only one cook? Or have aviation regulations that do not apply to airlines with only one pilot?

Given that the entire GDRP is less then a hundred pages, you can easily read it in one evening and get an idea of what you can do, have to do, and what the corner cases are that you may need to discuss with a lawyer.

> If you set up food regulations, are you going to exempt restaurants with only one cook?

But restaurants with only one cook can't afford a $300/h lawyer to tell them how to keep their shit hygienic!

And in the EU we have a different way of working. In the UK you can literally phone up the ICO and get free advice, specific advice on how to stay compliant.

If it turns out that you are in breach, they will write to you with information about what you're doign wrong and how to fix it.

In the EU we don't rely on lawyers for a fraction of the stuff you do in the US.

> Does anyone know whether an official impact study on innovation was even done before its passage?

So if it's "innovative" a small 5-person startup should be able to wreak havoc to my personal data in whatever way they see fit? What is that nonsense. Are you seriously suggesting that "innovation" in startups should be more important than my privacy?

Are you seriously proposing that regulations move forward without an understanding of their impacts?

No matter what the ultimate decision is, no matter how sensitive the subject matter, impact studies are critical to making smart decisions.

If a regulation is going to impact "innovative" startups that sell my data, I am totally for it. I don't want more innovative ways to sell my personal information.

> sell my data

I think you're justifying a really extreme reaction based on the worst behavior of a few companies. GDPR doesn't just go after data-resellers. It targets how a well-intended company can use and keep your data even with no third party involved.

Laws that mess up the good-guys lives are bad laws. GDPR is from the same folks who thought a law that lead to pestering users about cookies was a good idea.

It's not stopping any well intended company from fairly using data. A law making it harder for well intentioned gun enthusiasts from getting guns is a good law according to me. All well intentioned gun enthusiasts should support it. Otherwise there'd be a day people would get tired of the bad intentioned gun owners and legislate a complete ban on guns.

Also I like the cookie idea. If only people really cared about misuse of their data they'd like it too. We've seen how good 3rd party cookies have been for some democracies.

Maybe it's just me, but the 2nd Amendment talk in this case really seems like a hamfisted way to spout political opinion that's in no way relevant.

>All well intentioned gun enthusiasts should support it.

Really black/white argument there which the issue is not. And nor is this topic. There should be more nuance in GDPR, but there isn't which creates a lot of discomfort.

>It's not stopping any well intended company from fairly using data.

It actually is, but whether or not that is an overall good thing is yet to be seen. Certainly, they did some level of testing before proceeding.

So without curiosity or concern for any other impact you say yes...

I might say yes but I still want an impact study.

I prefer governing bodies operate with an awareness of how their actions affect society.

I don't think we're going to lose as many "well intentioned" websites as much as we'll get rid of bad intentioned businesses.

You’re missing the point. One last time: it is ideal to operate with an awareness of consequences.

> Are you seriously proposing that regulations move forward without an understanding of their impacts?

No, and it is dishonest of you to suggest that was claimed.

> impact studies are critical to making smart decisions.

Which were done as was consulting with industry etc. well before the law was passed two years ago.

In the history of laws, many of the ones designed with good intentions have been quite harmful.

And yes, I've read the law. It's typical of legislation in that it obviously wasn't written by people who knew what it looked like to perform that in a real life business.

> And yes, I've read the law.

Have you read recital 1? https://gdpr-info.eu/recitals/no-1/ ? The starting point of the law is that data protoection is a fundamental human right,. The data subject owns their PII, not some company collecting it.

It's all up whether you are willing to accept that as a fundamental right or not.

I mean there is a billion of Chinese that live with the fact that free speech is not a fundamental human right. Most Westerners have a problem with that.

Now many US based IT professionals seems to have problems with accepting that nobody else can own the data about a human.

> It's typical of legislation in that it obviously wasn't written by people who knew what it looked like to perform that in a real life business.

That's what a cotton farmer could have said when they made slavery illegal. Obviously respecting other's human rights makes some business models illegal.

First, let me say that, I'm not the person you're replying to, I haven't read through the entire GDPR (yet), and I think that stronger privacy laws are a very good thing. (Part of the reason I regularly donate to the EFF.)

> The starting point of the law is that data protoection is a fundamental human right,. The data subject owns their PII, not some company collecting it.

> It's all up whether you are willing to accept that as a fundamental right or not.

As a fundamental right, doesn't that mean that the government needs to abide by it as well? Can an EU resident demand that their image be removed from all footage collected by public surveillance cameras, for example?

> Now many US based IT professionals seems to have problems with accepting that nobody else can own the data about a human.

I think the idea that someone can own facts about anything is bound to cause some amount of confusion or even cognitive dissonance.

At what point does one's right to be forgotten supersede another's right to remember?

If Alice knows something about Bob because of their personal interactions, as he asks her to forget about it, but she still remembers it, is she violating Bob's right to be forgotten? How about if she had written it down in a journal? Does she need to erase what she wrote? What if her journal was stored electronically? In any of these cases is she allowed to tell another person? What if she already told another person before Bob told her to forget about it?

More concretely, suppose Bob visits Alice's house, and then a couple of weeks later tells Alice that she must forget that he visited. If she ignores his request is she violating Bob's rights?

Now suppose Bob is visiting Alice's website, which records his IP address in a log file. Bob asks to be removed from the log, and again Alice ignores his request.

I think for many technically minded people there seems like an awfully smooth gradient between these last two scenarios, and so classifying one as reasonable and the other as a violation of human rights can be surprising. Precisely where is the line drawn that makes one scenario reasonable, while the other is completely unacceptable?

> As a fundamental right, doesn't that mean that the government needs to abide by it as well? Can an EU resident demand that their image be removed from all footage collected by public surveillance cameras, for example?

Yes, in Germany, everyone, meaning citizen(EU/EEA) or not, enjoys the right of forgotten from surveillance cameras or any image/personal information that is not subject to the legal registry, from public record beyond 90 days. Unless you are targeted for an otherwise legal reason.

Which law is that exactly (german here, but i dont know what you’re referring to€

Not able to answer that question but the Auskunftspflicht also covers police surveillance footage.

Personal anecdote: I was involved in a student demonstration once that ended with the police recording every individual separately in addition to checking our national ID cards. After about 14 days I wrote them a letter requesting information about what data they had kept and to destroy that data if it is not part of an active investigation.

I received a formal response saying they had already destroyed the data shortly after collecting it because they didn't end up needing it.

I presume the law is exactly the same as with any other organisation, i.e. the BDSG (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) which as of now implements the GDPR (DSGVO) in Germany.

Yes, and meanwhile they illegally sniff your whole Internet traffic... just one current example https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=a5f2e96c

Generally, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), mainly Kapitel 3. §57, §58 and §61.

> At what point does one's right to be forgotten supersede another's right to remember? > > If Alice knows something about Bob because of their personal interactions, as he asks her to forget about it, but she still remembers it, is she violating Bob's right to be forgotten? > > etc.

No, no-one can force you legally to forget something, and I think this brings up the main problem with your argument, which is that we're not talking about Alice and Bob, we're talking about Alice and Bob's Widgets INC.

I'm technically minded and I see a 100% separation between the interaction between Alice and Bob, and Alice and Bob's Widgets INC. Yes, I do think it's completely reasonable for Alice to ask bob to be removed from log files, journals whatever.

Lets look at a parallel you drew:

> More concretely, suppose Bob visits Alice's house, and then a couple of weeks later tells Alice that she must forget that he visited. If she ignores his request is she violating Bob's rights?

I wouldn't say that Alice is violating anyone's rights here. Being unreasonable, yes. Asking for something with no legal or enforceable basis, yes.

> Now suppose Bob is visiting Alice's website, which records his IP address in a log file. Bob asks to be removed from the log, and again Alice ignores his request.

This is a non sequitur, these are different scenarios with different requests, just with the names kept the same. Businesses aren't people, and they don't have memories like people. Businesses don't (for the most part, legal actions notwithstanding) need IP address information. It can be helpful, certainly. Knowing your customer has returned, knowing what they have looked at etc., but it's not essential.

So yes, it's reasonable to ask for removal from logs, and no, it isn't reasonable to ask someone to forget you visited their house.

I guess this demonstrates a prime example of one of the biggest differences in the US:

In the US, corporations are people.

In the EU, corporations are legal persons but don't inherently enjoy the same rights/protections as natural persons (i.e. humans).

Just remember the Hobby Lobby ruling: in the US, corporations can have religious beliefs. In the EU that sentence doesn't make any sense because a corporation cannot hold beliefs (though the people employed by or owning it can).

> In the US, corporations are people.

> in the US, corporations can have religious beliefs. In the EU that sentence doesn't make any sense because --

It doesn't make sense because in the EU we didn't artificially create a legal construct to support the notion of corporations having religious beliefs (or "being people").

Please don't act as if both ideas are equally valid descriptions of the real world when one of them is strictly a legal fiction and completely meaningless in any other sense.

I'm sorry but just like the notion that a 2-person startup would need $300/h lawyers for any significant amount of time to ascertain they're sufficiently in compliance with the GDPR to not get sued into oblivion (.. or something? over here people can just read and implement the needed provisions by themselves in under a week, is what I heard from my friends in the business), this seems to be a problem inside the US legal system, doesn't really seem to me like it's the EU's problem to take into account when it's broken like that.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just trying to be objective rather than judge the two models based on my opinion. My opinion would be that the US system is the result of Friedman free market capitalism trumping civil rights over decades. And in Europe I'd consider myself libertarian.

> No, no-one can force you legally to forget something, and I think this brings up the main problem with your argument, which is that we're not talking about Alice and Bob, we're talking about Alice and Bob's Widgets INC.

I assume you mean Alice's Widgets INC., since Alice was the one with the website.

But in any case, I didn't say "Alice's business's website". I said "Alice's website", as in her personal website. Are you saying that an individual's website can record visitor's IP addresses and store them indefinitely, but a business cannot?

What if it is a personal website, not affiliated with any corporation?

> Precisely where is the line drawn that makes one scenario reasonable, while the other is completely unacceptable?

1. don't be unreasonable

2. be acceptable

Perhaps you should take your own advice.

> As a fundamental right, doesn't that mean that the government needs to abide by it as well? Can an EU resident demand that their image be removed from all footage collected by public surveillance cameras, for example?

That's a good point. The term "fundamental right" occurs only the recitals, not in the law itself IIRC. The laws applies to authorities, but not when they carry out the legal tasks in prosecuting and preventing crimes and dealing with public security. So you would not have any rights with respect to video surveillance by authorities, unless you could prove that that is not done for public security :(

When it comes to authorities practices differ a lot in the EU. Let me give 2 examples because I live/lived there

1. In Germany video surveillance of public spaces is not very popular. One of the biggest cities in Germany, Frankfurt/M. seems to have 6 (six) such cameras now. And whenever there is a new one, it still makes big headlines http://www.fnp.de/lokales/frankfurt/Datenschuetzer-Es-wird-z... (In socialist East Germany they had them already in the 1980, but I am sure they all disappeared in 1990)

Google has stopped rolling out Streetview in the very early beginnings. Not that it is an authority, but it shows the public opinion, even if it's a single picture every couple of years and faces are blurred.

It appears that the resistance is more and more broken. At my last visits in Germany I saw cameras on trains/buses for the first time. I'd assume they are not counted as public spaces, but private properties. Which is a problematic classification considering their function. In Northern Ireland cameras were standard on buses already in the 1990s, no idea for how long before that.

When you get a German passport they will store the fingerprint on it (I guess that's a nearly world-wide standard for machine readable passports). However, in Germany they make a big fuzz about it that the fingerprint is erased from all databases as soon as you have accepted your new passport. If you detect a typo in your passport after accepting it, you have to apply for a new one, pay again and have your fingerprints taken again.

2. In Finland public videos surveillance has existed in all big cities (not that there are many...) for decades. There are also street condition (think snow) cameras on the internet. It's not their purpose, but some of them show fully identifiable people when they happen to walk by. Not many people seem to be bothered about it.

In Finland the fingerprints for the passports are stored until there will be a law how they are allowed to be used. Only few people believe that the police would not use them to solve a high profile crime before the law is ready.

A common Europe is still a big fiction in many aspects.

FWIW the cameras on public transit (which have been the norm in Cologne for at least a decade I think) are legal (under the old data protection laws anyway) because the recordings are automatically destroyed after 24 hours or so.

I think the GDPR would protect them because of a number of factors:

* there's a legitimate security interest (vandalism, terrorism, rape and other personal crimes)

* the recordings are not stored longer than necessary to fulfill that purpose

* there is clear signage indicating you are entering an area with surveillance cameras (i.e. you are giving informed consent)

The GDPR protects the individual's right to privacy but it's a balancing act and the security interests are fairly valid.

> * there is clear signage indicating you are entering an area with surveillance cameras (i.e. you are giving informed consent)

So if I don't want to be filmed on the bus I take a taxi for 10 times the price? (Not sure whether they might have cameras, too. Haven't taken a taxi in Germany for many years.) Or I walk 2 hours?

That's not what I would call informed consent. It's information yes, but as long as there are no competing bus lines without cameras there is no choice really.

We're going in circles. Let me repeat: nobody has a problem with increased data protection and privacy. We're all better off for it.

But the laws regarding it are not clear for an actual operating business. Instead of being simple and straightforward to implement, they are an ambiguous mess that are wasteful and misplaced. Laws designed that way almost never actually accomplish what they set out to do.

> Instead of being simple and straightforward to implement,

I am not sure I can fully follow you here.

If implementers accepted that they only collect what is absolutely necessary and they delete what the they are not legally requited to keep things would be much easier.

Problems start when the business model is that customers'/users' data is our product/an asset and we somehow try the find the minimum possible implementation that just meets the requirements of the law while still using all loopholes it might possibly leave.

I agree that the law is not very clear for how you should code it. Nor very detailed what you can do with a certain piece of data. So it depends on your approach: If you take a conservative approach that if in doubt, we don't keep the data it suddenly gets much clearer. If you start fiddling maybe I could still do it if we did it like this and that you end up in endless work.

And of course if you have an existing system that never had the requirement of deleting anything there is a lot of work. But the law has been in force for 2 years, so businesses that wake up now when the transition period has ended it can be a mess.

>Laws designed that way almost never actually accomplish what they set out to do.

How would you have written the law? Do you have counter-examples of laws being written so clearly that you could recommend them?

The key point really is: Many business models and practices on the internet are incompatible with the spirit of GDPR. It's a fundamental right that the users own their data and businesses are not allowed to do with it whatever they want.

Lawmakers did not want it write it that so clearly, because lobbyists would not have accepted it. And business owners still don't want to accept any suich fundamental right. So complaining about the law being too complicated is somewhat canting.

They are not "simple and straightforward to implement" for two reasons. First one, the problem domain is not simple and straightforward to implement. It may be surprising, but it's only because we've never learned to treat PII with proper respect. Second one, it's because businesses did their best to avoid and abuse privacy laws previously, so the new law has to counter the usual workarounds.

Yeah, it might be getting harder making a startup working on personally-identifiable data - even if it's not doing anything shady. But it's also hard to make a food or healthcare startup; you can't just "move fast and break things" there either. In EU, PII were finally granted the status of something actually important.

As for startups that depend on abusing user data, I'm very happy they have problems now.

A datum is not actually important just because it relates to a person in some way. It's not as if this a regulation about venturing into deviantly risky territory: running a network service of any kind involves the processing of peer IP addresses.

And processing that IP address is neccersary for the operation of the service offered so entirely acceptable.

Exactly. Plus they don’t simply concentrate on people intentionally/ignorantly abusing data (putting my email on mailing lists again and again and ignoring me telling multiple times i don’t want it, reselling, etc) but put a lof of insecurity and bureaucracy on people with nothing more than a static website with IP adresses in logfiles...

May I ask what is not clear to you? I can try to help. As I can see it, it very simple, it is same thing as with borrowing someones car:

- personal data (car) are any data that have potential identifying a person

- person owns its data (car). You cant buy them (well this part is different than the car), you cant steal them, you cant sell them, but you can borrow them from. But for that you need to ask (consent), where it is not allowed to trick the owner to give them to you, whithout beeing fully aware what was borrowed and why. And if you are borrowing the data for someone else, you need to ask about that too. And tell when you will return it.

- it is immature and unfair to play grumpy if someone doesn't want to allow to use its data. Or try to force/blackmail them from him. So its not allowed to do that (noyb.eu)

- once you borrow the data (like property, envision a car), behave acordingly, owner can demand them back, demand to see them, demand to know what you are doing with them and if stolen it is completely normal to tell them about that. And if they were stolen due to your fault (leaving keys in a car), they might demand to be compensated. Same goes if you misuse them (let me put some fertiliziers on back seat, forget to return them, giving it to all your friends without asking,...)

- if the data owner asks you to do something that requires his data ("hey, can you please take my car and bring me icecream from the store") you don't need to ask for data, it is expected you can have them.

Did I forget something? I consider it simple, as long as you try to stay genuinly respecting to other persons ownership. Just think about borrowing your car or borrowing car from your best friend and you wont go far wrong.

things as opposed to knowledge are fundamentally different things.

if yoi tell me your birthday how can i forget it?

if you borrow me a car i have something i can return...

> if yoi tell me your birthday how can i forget it?

That's not really relevant. GDPR doesn't ask people to forget things out of their minds.

So let's rephrase to a more relevant example:

> if yoi provide me your birthday on a web form and I put it in a database how can i forget it?

This now becomes relevant, and easy do answer. You delete it.

>if yoi tell me your birthday how can i forget it?

Ask any husband.

Joking aside, if the memory is on a computer system, as opposed to a person, you can, you know, just delete it.

Out of curiosity, could I legitimately ask Google, GitHub, etc. under the GDPR to delete my name in the AUTHORS file of the git commit it was added in when I contributed to Chrome's v8 engine 10 years ago? Would they have to comply if I did?

Obviously, removing the commit would break git's ability to sign any hashes for that repository after that point…

And thinking it through a bit more, what about the companies that use v8? Could I ask my regulator to get Joyent to remove it from their systems? I'm sure they have copies…

You could ask, but them not complying fall neatly in the legitimate need case...

Ah, this is so interesting! It seems like you're allowed or not allowed to keep data based on the data structure that you use to store it!

Data structure has nothing to do with it. If you stored social media users as fake AUTHORS lines in a git repo, that still wouldn't make you allowed to keep it. In the inverse situation, storing git authorship in the comments table of your photo site's database, you would be allowed to keep it for legal uses.

I interpreted the original posters point that the git repository could not be modified without destroying it. I thought that's how the next poster was responding to it. If you cannot modify an old entry without destroying the integrity of your system, are you required to modify? Either the answer is yes and you effectively cannot use certain data structures (with their integrity) or the answer is no and certain data structures allow you to keep data.

You would want to avoid using a git-like data structure for data you have to delete. But the example was data that's part of making the copyright license function, and you can keep it for legal purposes.

> But the example was data that's part of making the copyright license function

You entirely missed the point of my hypothetical, which was about immutable data structures like git employs.

As it turns out, our business also uses a git-like hash-chained commit log for our normal database. Deleting old entries would thus violate the integrity of our database. Is that now illegal under the GDPR?

When, it's about being able to judge things on their specific merits -- as opposed to having some blanket one size fits all rule.

Law has nuance and cases (and corner cases), it's not some strict predicate.

I agree and understand, but it does give us a likely unintended consequence: no sequential hashed data structures when you are required to be able to modify it. Probably a good thing for hearing less about blockchains!

No. They're required to know who the authors are for legal reasons.

Extreme over-exaggeration in my opinion.

Actually, just because one critcices the way the law is made doesn’t mean they think it’s basic intention is wrong.

As of your slavery example: Forbidding slavery is one(good) thing. Saying „everbody having somebody work for them out of anything but total free will and not being able to prove it is doing forbidden slavery“ is something else. If i must work because i need to eat and pay rent, is that total free will? How can anyone prove that?

So sure, the wording is extremely important.

Yes, indeed I have. But if there's something I've missed, I'd surely appreciate a quote or specific reference.

Please point to the specific section you’re referring to.

I'm sure a whole cottage industry around GDPR compliance will be up and running by the 26th. :|

We're a small agency and all of the legal worries around the GDPR have essentially put one of our revenue streams on hold until we sort out the legalities. Like the comment above, we simply do not have $300/hr available for lawyers to go over everything.

In legal contracts "whereas" often expresses sentiment but it's really the actual terms that matter. Having drafted a number of contracts, I feel most contracts generally have a section that approximates "whereas everyone wants things to go well and everyone to benefit..."

That's great that your company works well with GDPR. I imagine many companies will. I'm also sure that the impact on your backups could have been had without the law if you so chose.

However, an organisation that works inside the UK (EU) serving many EU paying customers (presuming here) is very different from say, Instapaper, who pulled out of the EU today because they don't make very much money from EU customers.

If we pass a regulation that says everyone who is in New York for any amount of time must pass an annual 1 hour health exam (conducted by NY state), I imagine this to be totally acceptable to New Yorkers. It correlates with good public policy: you prevent communicable diseases, and can catch health problem before it gets big. However, if this rule were to be enforced strongly, someone who might stop by once or twice a year probably is better off never coming.

That’s the wrong analogy. How about “everyone who is in new york for any amount of time had to not be actively harming new yorkers”. Sure some people who want to actively harm new yorkers are going to go away and never come back... but they’ll all be better off for it - and really every other state should probably pass a similar law.

Edit: duely noted. Libertarian capitalists of hacker news do not agree.

I find it amazing that you came up with the most one-sided argument you could think of ("not actively harming") and still didn't realize how badly it can misfire.

Here's a hint: my dentist is actively harming me when taking out a tooth.

> my dentist is actively harming me when taking out a tooth.

if that was true you wouldn't pay them to do it. They are causing you pain in the short term, yes. That's not the same as harm.

This comment is personal data about you, specifically your political views. It's now in my browser cache. If you were to ask me to clear it, I'd probably say no. Am I actively harming you?

I was actively harmed by kennywinker's idea I actually would like to seek restitution from him for expressing it because I don't know of a way for him to have it fully erased from my mind.

...or maybe I shouldn't have used this site if I didn't want to be exposed. This is going to end up being less exposure for the EU to things on the internet until someone figures out how to monetize them. If they cost money without somehow contributing something they will be actively excluded.

oh no! Parasitic corporations that provide little or negative value to society are going to make less money of off europeans!! What will they do!!!

I shared my political views publicly. I happened to also use a psuedo-anonymous account to do it. If I suspected my government was cracking down on vaguely anti libertarian-capitalist viewpoints I would probably ask hacker news to remove the extra metadata they might have on their machines that could be used to de-anonymize the comment.

I'm not too worried about your browser cache, but it could under the right circumstances give you some small power to harm me, yes.

How do you handle developer computers with possible client data on them, even semi-anonymized? Or when communicating issues on the live server, you might transfer client information to other stake holders to debug issue. Are you tracking that communication. Where does the communication data reside, perhaps on a server outside of the EU?

There is a lot of complications that arise if you think about the second order/third order consequences of the law.

I don’t know GDPR inside and out, but I have worked at places (not military) where I could be held criminally liable for misuse or negligent disclosure of PII.

The answer to “How do you handle...” is that you get your shit together. Separation of duties, build and configuration standards, no customer data on random laptops.

When I was in high school, I worked at a sandwich/coffee shop. The precious commodity in that store was cash. We didn’t leave cash on a counter, or on a roll in our pockets it was in a locked register. When there was more than $500, we withdrew down to $250 and put the cash in a safe. At the end of the night, we put the cash in a locked pouch and two of us walked to the bank and put it in a dropbox.

Data is no different, just more complex.

And if getting your "act together" is a substantial cost for small companies, no matter?

The word choice almost presumes the conclusion, that data privacy rules are obvious, and cheap, and akin to just washing hands after using the toilet.

Every regulation has costs and benefits. I also would love to have better worldwide privacy at no or little cost, but the fact that people are blocking the EU shows that some companies just don't see this to be the case. And they're voting with their feet.

EU citizens should accept the fact that if they support the law, they will further data privacy protections, which are good, and they will face the music if some innovation leaves or whatever compliance costs may come with it.

> And if getting your "act together" is a substantial cost for small companies, no matter?

Yes, no matter. Should small companies also get free pass on food safety laws? Health inspections are a PITA for restaurants too.

This reaction is pretty much textbook psychological reactance[0]. People doing business had some freedoms wrt. user data, but it turned out in practice that they should never have them in the first place. Now that those excess freedoms are being removed, businesses cry foul.


[0] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology)

Exactly. It's very sad that reasonable privacy measures present such a technical challenge, but nobody promised being responsible was easy. That's why we have regulations - to force businesses to place the common good ahead of profits, where applicable.

>Should small companies also get free pass on food safety laws? Health inspections are a PITA for restaurants too.

But if you look at how reality works, then you'll see that small companies often do not implement the proper food safety standards. This causes all sorts of problems, because if a company already does one shady thing, then doing one more isn't as much of a problem anymore.

And then they get closed down when a food inspection takes place.

Yep, that's exactly the case, but another one of these opens up somewhere else at the same time. We've had inspections like this happen for many years, but it's still happening. And these companies that don't adhere to the law could outcompete those that do by saving in some costs.

Yes, it is unfortunate that the authorities lack resources to track down all misbehaviors, but that doesn't make crime acceptable.

But it means that the laws are poorly thought out, if only some of them get caught and it gives a big advantage to those that do it.

Data privacy isn’t trivial, but the core concepts are pretty straightforward. Like cash, data is both an asset and liability. The business model of tech insulates the investors completely from liability, so there is no incentive to self-police.

The contempt shown for us collectively as users and people is what triggered the regulatory backlash.

The 2016 electron demonstrated that better than anything why this is important.

The internet's role in the 2016 election was primarily its ability to connect like-minded people and capture their attention in a venue where advertising can be purchased cheaply and casually. Data may have helped with ad targeting, but was basically incidental. The insufficiently regulated thing there was speech, not data, and there are good reasons we don't really regulate speech.

I agree that the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica debacle should have been prevented. I'm not totally sure what's the best legislation to have helped that while having the minimum side effects.

As mentioned before, size limits is probably good for compliance costs; if the problem is political influence, make that a key part of the law. Making part of the law liability per privacy breach can be useful too (to deter companies from lax security that end up with them hacked).

> I'm not totally sure what's the best legislation to have helped that while having the minimum side effects.

Legislators don't have the luxury of saying "I'm not totally sure what's the best legislation" to fix this issue; they are forced to propose an actual fix. If you don't have a better alternative on hand, I'd urge you to consider that which legislators have arrived upon after months or years of consideration.

The problem with carving out exceptions for small companies is that larger ones would simply subcontract out all their data handling.

Like encryption, data privacy is either all or nothing.

And personally? I'd rather live in a world without tracking-enabled Google and Facebook business models than the one we're currently in.

Holding personally identifiable data is a toxic externality: Experian simply exposed a clear case.

If you want to do so, you should have to bear that cost. Or design your business model differently so that you don't.

For size limits, as logicians, we would think that companies would just split infinitely but that doesn't seem to be the case.

For example ACA 2012 (Obamacare) applies the most onerous terms on companies greater than 50, but not a lot of 100 person companies split into two groups of 50 to dodge it.

I think privacy is indeed along a spectrum and not binary. I certainly think that EU citizens are more concerned with Facebook and the vast trove of data they have and political irresponsibility with it than with GarethsFirstApp in the Android store handling user data well.

Splitting core business functionality and siloing data handling to a contractor are apples and oranges.

And I'd point out that the latest Facebook media privacy outrage was caused by a smaller (1 person?) third party company.

GarethsFirstApp isn't so innocent when it's providing Facebook with data they can no longer collect themselves (given a hypothetical "You're small, so we'll let you get away with it" GDPR).

Let me shed some light into this: I am having my own mail server and I am using a separate mail address (and now it will be close to 10 years of doing that) for every registration to any website, lets say domain_url@mydomain.com. As you can imagine, I can track who sent me the email and where it got my address from. 99% of addresses that I get spam on came from registering to small bussinesses, never from large sites. Get it?

So based on that some might argue, that the small bussinesses should be regulated more as majority of violations are comming from them, not well established bussinesses. It is probably not true, but it might also be.

So... binary only is a right way to go.

"The answer to “How do you handle...” is that you get your shit together."

Yes it is

I have keyed in and deleted so many efforts at an answer to your question that I have given up and find myself merely asking: "Have you actually read the regs?"


My reading of them finds no second/third order anything. The regs are surprisingly clear.

I forgot to mention that unless you are trying to abuse EU citizens in some way then you have no problems. A useful side effect of the internet is that deciding whether someone is an EU citizen or not is tricky. That means that most companies have decided to treat all citizens in nearly the same way:

For you as a private individual, a foreign power now provides you (indirectly) with way more "rights" than you might have had in the past on the internet. Have a read of the regs, please. The first few paras are a bit "we the people" but then, that is what is required. Then go through the articles. Read them as a person first and then consider them as a company or whatever you do later.

>I forgot to mention that unless you are trying to abuse EU citizens in some way then you have no problems.

Half of commenters are making this assertion; the other half are asserting it's a damn good thing that small companies will be eviscerated for insufficient seriousness, whether or not they are doing anything abusive. Some of you are necessarily wrong.

I could argue that not protecting my data constitutes abuse.

> surprisingly clear

This is an 88 page document with extremely dry language. Just confirming your assertion will be time consuming. No wonder many American services would rather shut out EU users than comply.

This is a silly and downright crude comment. My mortgage contract was 56 “dry” pages and I found time to read/understand it, to the best of my ability.

If you own a business, the cost of reading this document is about 2 days (with consideration for googling terms). To disenfranchise a whole continent because you are inconvenienced is ridiculous.

Put it a different way: are you too busy to read docs/specs of the technology you are using or will you abandon it because specs are too dry?

American services are just busy because they are doing their best to keep the lights on. Within a week, the handful of companies will comply. They’re just cautious because they have to pay folks and don’t want to make a silly mistake that will shut down their business.

Edit: structure

> If you own a business, the cost of reading this document is about 2 days

I've been watching experienced lawyers, general counsels, etc from various companies, vendors, etc literally yell at each other about some of the finer points of the laws. It's quite fuzzy on a lot of things, and get REALLY complicated in some cases, especially when dealing with 3rd party vendors, or when you are yourself the third party vendor. Certain patterns, technologies and software are very hard to retrofit properly. Some concepts like the business justification stuff gets really fuzzy when handling things like free accounts.

If you make any amount of reasonable money, you need a lawyer to work with your devs (hope you didn't outsource the work!) on a lot of this. And your usual lawyer, if in the US, might not be qualified to deal with EU laws. It's a tough situation. For businesses that don't even target EU markets on purpose, well...

If you're a medium to large international business, then this is just business as usual: dealing with new laws popping up, small or large, is just something you do. It sucks, but hey: it increases the barrier for entry of your next competitor!!

Disclaimer: I think GDPR is fine, and in a few years when every new startup or mom and pop company and 3rd parties are all setup for it, it will be a no brainer, just like email (not many people running their own email servers these days!). But the transition is hard, especially on smaller players.

> For businesses that don't even target EU markets on purpose, well...

See https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/refo...

> When the regulation does not apply

> ...

> Provided your company doesn't specifically target its services at individuals in the EU, it is not subject to the rules of the GDPR.

This boils down to relying on each of the EU's twenty-eight data regulators interpreting "specifically target" favorably into perpetuity. One of them takes an unusual view, once, at any time in the future, and you lose 4% of your global revenues.

> I've been watching experienced lawyers, general counsels, etc from various companies, vendors, etc literally yell at each other about some of the finer points of the laws. It's quite fuzzy on a lot of things, and get REALLY complicated in some cases, especially when dealing with 3rd party vendors, or when you are yourself the third party vendor. Certain patterns, technologies and software are very hard to retrofit properly. Some concepts like the business justification stuff gets really fuzzy when handling things like free accounts.

I totally agree with you. But like you said, "It sucks, but hey...". That's totally the approach.

Yeah, it sucks, and what's new? There is always something that sucks. Within the next two months, there is: TLS1.2, new PCI guidelines, and GDPR that go live.

GDPR has more nuance then most other situations but just like PCI, you just deal with it.

What I imagine is this situation is like a bunch of stores stop taking credit cards because the new PCI guidelines require TLS1.2, anonymized customer data, and all customer data stored at rest to be encrypted or hashed.

Would folks have same reaction if their neighborhood deli said "fuck it!" I ain't protecting the CC data cause its tough and requires too much work?

The cost of PCI compliance is baked into the transaction fee, and yes, businesses are sometimes cash only; particularly if the business is small and its products are affordable, customers understand and appreciate the owner's unwillingness to pay those fees.

PCI is well defined. It's a lot of process, but nobody is confused on what the process is.

How true was that on week 1 that PCI went live?

There was still a pretty easy line between "I take credit cards" and "I don't take credit cards". The rules for PCI drastically vary between company size too, in that compliance for small companies is pretty easy, and your responsibilities increase as you go. To this day, there are companies that don't take credit cards too (though usually its not to avoid PCI, heh).

But yes, once there's an industry of GDPR auditors, precedents in lawsuits, and the threshold for "Do not market explicitly to europeans" is obvious and well understood, this will be much easier.

And still, until the end of time, there will be companies that aren't GDPR compliant and don't work with EU customers. Maybe with the goal of doing so once they have more time and resources.


It's basically a checklist, and you're either compliant or you're not. It includes various levels with actual numbers and explicit requirements, there's very little interpretation needed.

If anything, it should've served as the model for GDPR.

Wow, the entitlement.

The GDPR is most of my job right now, and I have a relevant background. To say that the cost of reading the document is two days clearly shows that you have very little idea of what the law means. I've been arguing with other privacy professionals about the details of this law and how to implement it likely for longer than you've known about it, and on a number of those questions there is still no consensus.

This is an incredibly expensive regulation to comply for most small and medium companies not because they're doing villainous things with the data, but because learning this law and then documenting your compliance for this law is ridiculously expensive for many types of businesses.

Your comment came off a bit combative against me vs. the idea I'm trying to argue. Perhaps I didn't make my point very well.

Lets swap GDPR for PCI compliance, which has a new standard (or fully implemented standard, if you may) coming soon. PCI deals with credit card information.

My relevant background allows me to make a few assumptions: 1. If you are in the US.

2. AND you have visited a Quick Service restaurant in the last five years (think Subways, Chipotle, etc.)

3. AND they use one of the major POS (point of sale) providers.

That your credit card, name, expiration date, and CVV is in plain text.

You may know the GPDR very well, as it is your job and you are most likely very qualified for it. And yes, there are probably lots of nuances to this law. However, thats every single law there is, every standard, guidelines, etc.

I'm not entitled. I am, however, a realist that understands that you just have to comply. Taking two days to read the 88 page PDF will make you more familiar then most. It might not make you an expert but for a small to medium sized business, it would give you the necessary tools to comply with majority of the law.

Quite frankly, I don't have a bunch of lawyers and I do have to implement GDPR. Will there be an official review? YES. There will be folks who know more then I and are professionals to double check my work. But I can't tell my stakeholders "Sorry, We can't do that because its just too tough". That seems entitled...

Complying with the majority of the law isn’t good enough when you can be sued for not complying with a small part of the law.

It’s like complying with 99% of securities laws and forgetting to comply with the insider trading laws. That’s not a defense.

Remember that this is EU, not USA where anyone can sue you for anything. If you feel a company is not complying with the law you can complain to your national agency who will follow it up. If the company don't comply after getting a warning the agency can bring the case to court and the company get on trial

The problem with selective enforcement is you may be treated nicely until e.g. your founder takes a political view a European politician disagrees with.

This is europe. We use laws to prevent conflict not to build a battlefield. We don't have ambulance chasing lawers here.

To disenfranchise a whole continent because you are inconvenienced is ridiculous

Oh, please. To not offer a service or website or whatever to people half a world away is not to "disenfranchise" them. I don't think you have room to call anyone else's comments "silly".

It's making your company's products and services irrelevant, as we'll just shrug and move on. That's got to hit the bottom line.

No, not really. Not to be shocking or anything, but Europe is not a target market for every company.

Half a world, but only 100ms.

I would like to share an anecdote with you, which might highlights the difference in mindset some folks have.

When I was 20/21, I worked at PJ Clarke's on the Hudson, a restaurant in downtown Manhattan. Back then, the Merc was still staffed by traders on all floors (they switched to computerized trade desks, I believe, and there were less people there).

During one shift, I had a party of 10+ people and had to grab extra tables from other area. The tables had tops made from granite and heavy. As I was moving the table, the majority owner Phil Scotti jumped in and started helping me. I said something like "I got it" and he looked me in the eye and said "Anything for a buck".

That quote might not be popular but I what I realized is that work is work and money is money. If a multi-millionaire could move tables and his wife (in custom, expensive, suits) can bus tables, then yes...Disenfranchising, or not servicing a bunch of folks, because you don't feel like it is fucking stupid.

I apologize for calling it silly.

I dunno what the point of this anecdote was, but the parent poster was right to mock the word "disenfranchise". If the American business doesn't want the buck, they don't want the buck. If they do want the buck, they do want the buck. Their call, not disenfranchising anyone.

Ha, I actually thought the comment was relevant for an article on blocking EU users with Cloudflare.

This regulation calls for legal expertise, trusting google to save on fees seems risky for a business. In all seriousness, biz owners should shell out for expert advice for compliance, or stop doing business in the EU.

Google and Fb have already seen litigious groups claim $9.3B in fines on the first day[1]. There will certainly be a cottage industry of lawyers going after online businesses that have erred with GDPR.

[1] https://www.cnet.com/news/gdpr-google-and-facebook-face-up-t...

Those groups don't get to keep the fine money? What is with all the disinformation about people sueing companies for GPDR violations like it's a civil court issue and one side gets damages?

People can refer an issue to the regulators claiming that the GPDR has been violated. The regulators will determine if they believe the regulations have been violated and whether it's a large enough violation to enforce. If fines are levied they go to the government and are intended to be punitive, hence the percentage of revenue as the max fine so that you can't just ignore the regulation by being rich.

No individual or group other than the government is going to make money off of this, and the government has to balance the loss in taxes and cost to enforce against any gain from a fine.

This whole kerfuffle about the GPDR has just shown that american companies will lose their fucking mind if they have to follow anyone else's rules and can't just lobby the US government to force their laws on everyone else.

Irrespective of who gets to keep the fine money, it will cost money and time (and likely lawyers) to handle any regulator inquiries. These complaints barely a day after the law came into force clearly shows that this law has come as a bonanza invitation for "activists" to impose legal costs on whatever target catches their fancy. I wouldn't be surprised with anti competitive targeting. Large corporations will write off the risk and the cost. Small business will choose not to do business and avoid the risk.

The law has been in effect for 2 years and the regulatora have given everyone that much time to implement their GPDR compliance. These large companies have not done so. We're people supposed to just ignore them forever because they didn't feel like getting around to following the law?

The GDPR has been there for 2 years, the 25th was just the start date for handing out fines.

Shame on them for ignoring the law for that long, just because there weren't any fines yet.

> litigious groups claim $9.3B

Incorrect. They are civil right groups, which filed complaints with the authorities. Even if the complaints were fully accepted and the offenders fined to the maximum possible amount the groups would not "earn" a cent.

"This is a silly and downright crude comment" - easy mate. My ISO 27001 docs are a bit dry as well and I wrote the bloody things as well as the sob ISO 9001 ones.

In my opinion you absolutely hit the nail on the head with this:

"If you own a business, the cost of reading this document is about 2 days"

> Put it a different way: are you too busy to read docs/specs of the technology you are using or will you abandon it because specs are too dry?

Umm, no, I won't read them?

I seriously cannot remember the past time so ever went and read all the official docs for a new tech.

Instead I learning by doing, and reading stack overflow.

If I have to read through 50 pages of docs to use something, I seriously am just going to use something else.

That's fine when you only hurt yourself but when you are dealing with personal data you can hurt others because you want to take the quickest path.

These same arguments could be applied to just dumping waste from manufacturing in the rivers. Does "If I have to spend 50 days disposing of my waste in a way that doesn't harm others I'm not gonna do it. I'm just gonna dump it somewhere else" sound acceptable?

Modern society has mostly decided it's not

I am not advocating that people break privacy laws. I am instead advocating that US internet businesses simply stop doing business with EU customers.

If the EU doesn't wants these services, then hopefully these services will decide to leave, and the EU citizens can decide if it was all worth it.

I am certainly going to block EU customers on all my future side projects. It really isn't worth the bother for something that I just made for fun, and isn't making many money. Easier to just block this small market wholesale.

I even found a way to block them with a single line of frontend code!

That seems perfectly fine. You'll have to watch out if you have assets/money flowing through the EU jurisdictions still as they can still fine you and take your stuff I'd you violate the GPDR.

I'd you are completely outside their jurisdiction though, there's no much they can so to you without starting a war or convincing your own government that the GPDR should be enforced.

I do think it's leaving money on the table though. The EU is 500 million people, 2/3rds more than the US and with a bigger aggregate economy. The US also has regulations that have a cost to implement so it's not like you are avoiding the issue just by focusing there

Small sidenote here. I'm the creator of https://documentation.agency/ and I've seen quite a few devs actually choose their tech/libraries based on the quality of the documentation.

I agree with you in everything though, everyone should be reading and following the law!

"This is an 88 page document with extremely dry language"

It starts along these lines after the usual intro:

"The processing of personal data should be designed to serve mankind The right to the protection of personal data is not an absolute right; it must be considered in relation to its function in society and be balanced against other fundamental rights, in accordance with the principle of proportionality"

I'll grant you that lacks a certain something but the language is compatible with another well respected charter of rights that you should be more familiar with.

FFS, do you not notice the similarities!

Don't forget the brilliant and deeply meaningful paragraph 37:

"A group of undertakings should cover a controlling undertaking and its controlled undertakings, whereby the controlling undertaking should be the undertaking which can exert a dominant influence over the other undertakings by virtue, for example, of ownership, financial participation or the rules which govern it or the power to have personal data protection rules implemented. An undertaking which controls the processing of personal data in undertakings affiliated to it should be regarded, together with those undertakings, as a group of undertakings."

Even without any context that seems pretty clear.

I'm guessing you're hinting at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? It's not well-known or well-regarded in the US.

Sadly, this is true.

Are there no laws in the US?

Not if you are rich, and a many small business owners labor under the delusion that they will be the next Gates or Zuckerberg

"No wonder many American services would rather shut out EU users than comply."

Good bye and good riddance. And I don't really care if the door hits you in the ass.

If Instapaper, to name an example, wouldn't do shady shit with user data, there would be no reason at all to forgo the European market.

If you have developer computers with client data on it, semi-anonymized or not, I want you fined until you stop. What the hell is wrong with that hypothetical business?

It's like restaurants putting the toilet in the kitchen. Shut the business down!

> There is no way on earth that the EU as a whole has looked on your company/project or whatever and decided to screw you.

The rules are enforced via third-party litigation. So its not the "EU", but some lawyer looking for a nice payday that you have to worry about.

While the GDPR allows for third party litigation, the violations are expected to be handled though relevant data protection authorities, and direct litigation is a last recourse if all else fails. If you haven't tried and failed to resolve your GDPR complaint through the relevant authorities, you'll be laughed out of the court, if you try to bring a GDPR case to it.

Edit: any replies instead of just downvotes? Yes, it isn't spelled out entirely in the GDPR but it isn't operating in an empty place. The civil law systems of most of EU have certain assumptions in place, like that you will first try to find recourse through proper avenues, and only then try direct litigation. If anything, you might actually try to sue the data protection authority for mishandling your case.

I'll try to answer. The law doesn't actually say that you can sue only after complaint resolution through authorities have failed. That is merely expected practice and assumptions. Potentially facing a frivolous lawsuit in Europe is high risk for a business which small businesses may not want to take. If that's the intent, it should be codified in law.

Even if true, how are small American companies supposed to know about any of that without investing in a lot in European lawyers? Easier to just not serve the market.

Thank you for a sensible and balanced opinion. The Americans seem to be shitting themselves over this, when it is meant to help us all work toward better privacy - not shoot people or put them in prison. That is what years of living in a police state has done to them - turned them into wall building nervous wrecks !

There are no GDPR police looking to shut you down. Calm down.

> Have a look at the first few paras of this: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX.... after it says "Whereas". Does the language look a little familiar? Do the sentiments look strangely familiar in some way?

The thing after "Whereas" is just a preamble stating the intentions, not the actual legal text. In this case, I scrolled down no fewer than 31 pages, thinking to myself "The whereas section can't be that long" until I finally found the real start of the legal text "HAVE ADOPTED THIS REGULATION" on page 32 of 88.

>It is about protecting basic, fundamental rights that say 30 years ago we never knew needed to exist.

No. GDPR is an overreaching and idiotic law, where standard IP logs are illegal.

Thanks for posting that, makes me feel much better about the spirit of the GPDR.

I decided to remove any use of cookies from all of my sites() a week ago. For my business (writer, and sometimes consultant) that makes sense for me but I understand that most businesses need some access to customer data so they have a motivation to properly handle personal data.

() except my blog is on blogger - still trying to deal with that - I will probably go back to using Jekyll.

It's curious how these "basic, fundamental" rights only apply to select industries, while others are free to completely ignore them (art. 85). What kind of basic, fundamental right is that?

Are we reading the same Article 85 here?

Member States shall by law reconcile the right to the protection of personal data pursuant to this Regulation with the right to freedom of expression and information, including processing for journalistic purposes and the purposes of academic, artistic or literary expression.[1]

Not sure how that's 'complete freedom to ignore' exactly, nor is that an exhaustive list, just some examples of where they may need to be balanced against other freedoms.

[1] https://gdpr-info.eu/art-85-gdpr/


(see below for my response wrt SS85) I prefer to dwell on things like this:

The processing of personal data should be designed to serve mankind. The right to the protection of personal data is not an absolute right; it must be considered in relation to its function in society and be balanced against other fundamental rights, in accordance with the principle of proportionality. This Regulation respects all fundamental rights and observes the freedoms and principles recognised in the Charter as enshrined in the Treaties, in particular the respect for private and family life, home and communications, the protection of personal data, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and information, freedom to conduct a business, the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, and cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.


A personal data breach may, if not addressed in an appropriate and timely manner, result in physical, material or non-material damage to natural persons such as loss of control over their personal data or limitation of their rights, discrimination, identity theft or fraud, financial loss, unauthorised reversal of pseudonymisation, damage to reputation, loss of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy or any other significant economic or social disadvantage to the natural person concerned. Therefore, as soon as the controller becomes aware that a personal data breach has occurred, the controller should notify the personal data breach to the supervisory authority without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, unless the controller is able to demonstrate, in accordance with the accountability principle, that the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Where such notification cannot be achieved within 72 hours, the reasons for the delay should accompany the notification and information may be provided in phases without undue further delay.

Even the beloved First Amendment does not protect all forms of speech. Your point…?

Please explain why the parent comment attracted downvotes. In the US Constitution, the first amendment protects Americans' right to free speech. However, not all forms of speech are protected. The same legal principle applies to the GDPR; not all industries need to follow the GDPR, as laid out in the Article 85.

You’re missing the point completely.

I’m really glad to hear that I’m not being targeted. However, I don’t much care about what the intent is, I care about what the effect is.

And what I see is a law that is vague and enforcement agents are given broad discretion. What this looks like is that each case become “facts and circumstances” case, which is an absolute nightmare from a compliance standpoint.

And the additional paperwork and personnel requirements appear to be non-trivial and will add a significant amount to the minimum necessary capital and labor needed to start a startup .

The inevitable and undisputable result is that at least some startups on the margin which could’ve made it before the law was passed will not make it after the law was passed.

Supporters would argue this is a good thing, but I would argue it is not.

The thing for me is that it requires me to log additional data. Now I need to know where my users are from, how old they are, and how often and how they access their account.

All data I happily ignored so far to increase privacy.

>Now I need to know where my users are from

Why do you need to know that? Why don't treat all users with respect?

What respect? Saving additional metadata?

I totally get your point. But my product already focuses on privacy. Saving any kind of metadata/communication data is more than I do now.

The business culture defined in this post is really freaky, to say the least. You can't point me to one other industry where you can start selling shit w/o "knowing what you're doing". Or if you can't sell your things you lure people in with free stuff and sneakily fuck them up w/o no laws to work around which protect them.

Simply and brutally put: if you are incompetent and/or malevolent in your business practices and for that reason your business faces existencial threat from a piece of regulation that codifies the ideal setting for the industry, your business better dies ASAP.

I want that just like you can't have a random person design cars, architect buildings or teach our kids, similarly a random person cannot code up a commercial/government web site where they were "learning as I went along"; and an enterprise that can't afford to consult a lawyer can not get their hands on people's private data that they'd rather not change throughout their lives. Entrepreneurs to the hell, the amount of irresponsibility some people posting here want conceded to them is mind-boggling. I really hope that the upcoming decade will bring some sanity to this wild-west of an industry where who don't know what they are fucking doing can't just go out and handle stuff that they should not be allowed to even observe with a telescope from miles and miles away.

This culture has driven innovation of the last 2 decades. You can't point me to one other industry which enjoyed as much success.

Of course, Europe couldn't care less - they never had a real startup industry in the first place.

This culture has been riding a wave of innovation, a wave driven by big chip companies (e.g. Intel, NVidia, Arm), big SaaS companies (e.g. Amazon, Microsoft, Google), big content / ads companies (e.g. Facebook, Google), big hardware companies (e.g. Apple, Samsung, recently Google and Microsoft) and big software companies (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Google). From that big farm of company-flowers which live for only a couple days, founded on the most fragile of practices, only a handful actually produce some service that has any interaction with the general public, and these businesses' most innovative thing was to app-ify a thing that we used to do day to day (which I do not look down upon, but it's no "innovation"). Examples are Uber (however controversial), AirBnB, Etsy, etc., if we exclude those who feed themselves exclusively on users' private data (Facebook, partially Google, Twitter, etc., but these are not businesses whose customers are the general public, their customers are the ad publishers).

This kind of US-centric "only we know how to do startups" is tiring. And wrong, as there are in fact hubs here full of startups - you just don't generally hear about them online because it really is incredibly focused on everything American. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but it is important to keep that in mind before you form opinions that are frankly a little distant from reality.

I actually think it is exactly the opposite: the culture like this was killing the innovation. That is reason biggest companies are ads companies: Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.

And that is the reason companies like Oracle and other will still make big $$ - why? Because you cannot "break things and sell ads" and do "delete=1" when you are developing RDMBS.

I find this pretty rich. Breaking things and selling broken stuff to clients, and then turning around and selling them expensive consulting services is pretty much the biz-model of Oracle.

And then there's this: "In 1990, Oracle laid off 10% (about 400 people) of its work force because of accounting errors.[53] This crisis came about because of Oracle's "up-front" marketing strategy, in which sales people urged potential customers to buy the largest possible amount of software all at once. The sales people then booked the value of future license sales in the current quarter, thereby increasing their bonuses.[54] This became a problem when the future sales subsequently failed to materialize. Oracle eventually had to restate its earnings twice, and also settled (out of court) class-action lawsuits arising from its having overstated its earnings. Ellison stated in 1992 that Oracle had made "an incredible business mistake."[53]"

So Oracle isn't a particularly good example of a well run business with good internal processes (I also wouldn't put them in a list of ethically run companies either)

The other side of this is that the GDPR puts all those companies from jurisdictions with no privacy regulations to speak of in front of a choice to either stop doing business with a huge market or actually stop ignoring privacy concerns.

The important consequence of this is that it puts EU startups on more equal footing than in the past. Most EU countries already had fairly solid privacy regulations, some more, some less, but certainly more than the US (generalization, but that's the trend). If you were a company from a different jurisdiction, you could mostly skirt those regulations (up to a point) because they weren't enforced in most cases. Not so much if the regulation is from your home country.

With GDPR, actual EU startups now play by the same rules as non-EU companies who do business in the EU. If a US startup wants to be international, they'll have to compete with EU startups on a more level playing field now.

> The important consequence of this is that it puts EU startups on more equal footing than in the past.

I can easily say that if I had to choose between a US service and an EU one, from now on the answer is almost always the EU one.

> all those companies from jurisdictions with no privacy regulations

What gives EU the right to legislate in those jurisdictions? What non-privacy laws will EU enact in non-EU countries?

> If a US startup wants to be international

Well I have no intention of being international now, but I still have to play by EU's rules on the possibility that I might ever want to do business there.

driving innovation while having the biggest number of homeless people in the streets and no health care.

Not even close[0]

There is healthcare in America[1]

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homeless_...

[1] Doesn't actually need a source

Holy shit. As a Canadian who moved to the US, that was quite surprising.

Homeless people in big American cities are everywhere. In the couple of large Canadian cities I lived in, they were present, but not nearly as much. I guess Canada is better at hiding the problem.

I'm mostly surprised though that the Canadian social safety nets don't prevent it from happening more. As a kid my family was.... "not doing well" (understatement), and we were able to bounce back up and avoid becoming homeless reasonably easily by using every program imaginable (it took a lot). In the US, we would have been screwed. Yet those numbers...

Yeah I'm not sure. The presence of homeless people seems to be far more a function of how aggressive the government is at removing them than anything else. Melbourne is absolutely packed with homeless, but Sydney far less so, and I have a feeling it's not because of Sydney's cheap rent[0] or a lack of broken homes in the city. I suspect such a business oriented, conservative city is just more tough on its homeless.

[0] Sydney rents are insanely steep

I don't think the commenter meant healthcare as in hospitals and medicine being available; AFAIK the US has nothing like what most other countries has where it is facilitated for most or all citizens to access health care at minimum or no costs.

The commenter is responsible for the disconnect in their hyperbole as far as I'm concerned. America has a mix of systems including Medicare and Medicaid which are actually very similar to the systems we have in Australia. I just got out of hospital recently and didn't have to pay a cent, and at that moment I was really glad for the system we have in some ways, even if it doesn't totally gel with my professed ideology.

However if I were earning any kind of money at all, I would have paid out the nose for it, with some small help from the Government. The system here is actually very similar to what the American system would be if it functioned better. Medicare subsidises but doesn't eliminate costs for many low-income people, you pay for private insurance if you have money or else you get a big fat tax which is worse than any insurance fees. The Australian system is definitely nicer if you are absolutely dirt poor (by Western Standards) like me, but otherwise it's pretty much a correctly functioning version of what the American system aims for, ideologically and conceptually it actually doesn't differ much. I'm not sure why ours seems to work so much better.

Firstly, that list is useless because you're comparing wildly different definitions of "homeless". The US was counting

> The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released its annual Point in Time count Wednesday, a report that showed nearly 554,000 homeless people across the country during local tallies conducted in January. That figure is up nearly 1 percent from 2016.

> Of that total, 193,000 people had no access to nightly shelter and instead were staying in vehicles, tents, the streets and other places considered uninhabitable. The unsheltered figure is up by more than 9 percent compared to two years ago.

While the UK was counting

> The study, by housing charity Shelter, found that 307,000, or one in every 200, people are now either sleeping rough or in temporary accommodation.

Temporary accommodation includes bed&breakfast, staying with friends, emergency shelters. There are about 5000 people sleeping rough in the UK at the moment in a population of about 60million.

And then look at the countries who have worse homelessness than the US.

Nigeria, South Africa, Russia, Indonesia, China, Haiti, Venezuela, India, Zimbabwe, Honduras, Ukraine.

the land of the 98% free!

> This culture has driven innovation of the last 2 decades.

So what? Communism turned feudal Russia into a world superpower in less than 2 decades. Do the ends justify the means?

Not making a moral argument. @gkya's comment paints a picture where entrepreneurs unhappy with GDPR are perhaps just a small contingent of incompetent amateurs who shouldn't be doing business in the first place.

While I, in agreement with OC/OP, see it as a threat to the entire industry.

Nearly, what I think is that, those unhappy with GDPR are either malevolent actors or incompetent people. And I think the bar to entry to the industry should be elevated (while bar to entry to learning ones way to that bar and to hacking should always be as low as possible; but you can't hack together and end user product, period).

BTW I'm not in the US not in a country where GDPR is effective. But I CRAVE that my country implement the same measures or better. Unfortunately that's unlikely.

Finally, it's a threat to the bad part of the industry. And then there are those who exaggerate the situation while they are not really affected by the regulation. But the hysteria will diminish and hopefully most of the bad actors wil either change their business or just go out of the industry, searching for other places to exploit (which hopefully they will not find).

The problem isn’t so much as there’s a cost to implementing GDPR, but that the tech community has been “move fast and break things” and refused to handle things properly before.

If all you do about my PII is “set delete = 1” (which one could argue isn’t even the best practice in every scenario), then I probably don’t want you to handle my PII at all.

To your example, you could easily not switch to a CASCADE, but instead set delete=1 and rewrite every sensitive field with a special value. Doesn’t even require a DB migration.

If your attitude to properly handling sensitive information is “it’s too complicated and costly, so we’ll just not handle it and YOLO”, perhaps GDPR is a good reflecting moment for you.

[edit:typo, edit:clarification]

This may be an edgy and rebellious sentiment that makes me a radical anti-privacy activist, but unless you're storing levels of information on me that are similar to facebook/google/etc., I do not give a damn whether you're soft-deleting or hard-deleting my IP address and my user account. If your web app is just a web app, and not one component of a vast surveillance octopus which puts tentacles on almost every website using social media buttons and GA.js, I don't think it matters in the slightest.

It feels like all these tiny companies, one-man shops, and early-stage startups are going to be collateral damage to a regulation designed to stop facebook and google from knowing a horrific amount about everyone. In fact, it feels like a regulatory moat that will do very little to impede any big tech company while forcing me to do twice as much work for any side project I try to develop.

There's so much smugness about the GDPR being a "good reflecting moment", etc. which makes me think that people who support the GDPR believe that there's no way detractors could disagree with it in good faith or for good reasons.

> This may be an edgy and rebellious sentiment that makes me a radical anti-privacy activist, but unless you're storing levels of information on me that are similar to facebook/google/etc., I do not give a damn whether you're soft-deleting or hard-deleting my IP address and my user account. If your web app is just a web app, and not one component of a vast surveillance octopus which puts tentacles on almost every website using social media buttons and GA.js, I don't think it matters in the slightest.

> It feels like all these tiny companies, one-man shops, and early-stage startups are going to be collateral damage to a regulation designed to stop facebook and google from knowing a horrific amount about everyone. In fact, it feels like a regulatory moat that will do very little to impede any big tech company while forcing me to do twice as much work for any side project I try to develop.

If you don't store PII, you don't have to do any work. Done. If you need to have PII for your webapp to function, you barely have to do any work besides giving the that care people their rights

> There's so much smugness about the GDPR being a "good reflecting moment", etc. which makes me think that people who support the GDPR believe that there's no way detractors could disagree with it in good faith or for good reasons.

I think it's mainly a difference in viewpoint: this is my data for me. Not yours. GDPR makes it easier for me to enforce that. From my perspective I don't care about you violating my rights "in good faith", just like most people don't cares if you trespass on my property and steal something "in good faith".

If you don't store PII, you don't have to do any work. Done. If you need to have PII for your webapp to function, you barely have to do any work besides giving the that care people their rights

The problem is not the work that the GDPR requires, the problem is the work I'll have to put into understanding the GDPR.

I think it's mainly a difference in viewpoint: this is my data for me. Not yours.

This is the part that I don't understand. If I own a shop, and you come in and buy something, you have absolutely no right to demand that I forget your face and your purchase. In the real world, it's not your data, it's my memory. If I go home and write in my diary that today hekfu bought lots of broccoli, you don't have the right to come to me in five years and demand that I remove all mention of you from my diary at my own cost.

I don't understand the concept of data ownership, because it does not align with how I understand the real world to work.

> In the real world, it's not your data, it's my memory.

This is where there's been a divergence on thought. In the real world you have limited capabilities to collect and store the data that is currently being collected. You're physically limited in how much you can retain and retrieve. In your old timey example I assume the diary to be sitting there in the back of the shop just being a record of my name and what I bought, but that's not how a lot of data is being used or being collected online.

The equivalent would be you making the diary automatically write down a potential unlimited amount of data on me and then using it to sell advertising the moment I enter the shop.

If I went past your store and it automatically retrieved physical details about myself, what I'm wearing, my interests, hobbies, location and you then built a profile and then sold this information to advertisers there absolutely would be regulations regarding this in the real world.

A better example:


Privacy limits As retailers trial such tech they are well aware there is a risk of a privacy backlash.

Clothes store Nordstrom recently cancelled a scheme which tracked customers' movements through its stores using their phones' wi-fi signals after complaints.

"Are we willing to accept our everyday movements being monitored and analysed, not to keep us safe but purely to allow advertisers to target us? I think people will start to say no, our privacy is worth more than a few advertising dollars."


You say shop with a diary to present the most innocent of examples but for every shop with a diary there's billions of stalkers following people everywhere they go to learn as much about them as possible in order to sell them products and influence how they think which they never agreed to.

I totally agree, but that's an argument against some specific practices, while the GDPR is a scattergun approach that legislates much more than behavioural profiles and advertising. Barely-profitable or loss-making services acting in good faith are now under the same requirements as odious billion-dollar advertising companies, and some of the former are going to go under because of the GDPR, while all of the latter are going to be fine.

If I go home and write in my diary that today hekfu bought lots of broccoli, you don't have the right to come to me in five years and demand that I remove all mention of you from my diary at my own cost.

I asked this question in a comment [1] here on HN a few weeks ago. There were affirmative responses that yes, the shopkeeper should in fact be held to account for keeping notes on who came into his store.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16509598

This is largely because the law doesn't care about implementation details. If a grocery store had a system which meticulously logged every customer that came into their store, when, and what they bought (i.e. loyalty card profiles) then we have to deal with issues related to privacy and data protection. Doing the same thing with pen and paper won't be seen as a meaningful difference.

If you're using the data to make money, and the user is generating that data, why do you just get to keep and sell it? How is that any different than you owning some forest land and I just come in and take some animals from the land to sell for meat?

You might call it poaching, but that only became a crime when society made it one, and that's what the GPDR is doing now with personal data

What an absurd analogy. Nothing is being stolen from the user. The user has no copyright on their browsing habits.

They do now with the GPDR. You talk like all other IP is something that is a physical fact and not something that the government decided to create

Yes, I know they "do" now with GDPR. The EU has descended into complete madness.

Does this law not apply to organisations that don't make money? I was under the impression it applied to anybody and everybody.

It does apply to everyone, but since data is so valuable now, I would think the ethics still apply.

Data about users has become a valuable asset, and taking it from people now is depriving them if that value, whether or not you personally use it to make a profit.

The problem is that I can't afford the services of a lawyer, or a data protection officer, for a non-profit project. Especially not to satisfy regulations made in a foreign land far away from my own. So the only option left on the table is to block the EU.

> you don't have the right to come to me in five years and demand that I remove all mention of you from my diary at my own cost.

I hate to break it to you but yes I do: by doing business within the EU market you're accepting that. In fact you're accepting that the very same way that you're accepting that you can't store all your clients' credit card/cvv numbers that are used on your store.

See, to me, that looks like an intolerable imposition onto my basic humanity. It's legal for me to remember you, but not to write down anything about you in my diary? Does that not seem unsound to you? Does it not seem to trample all over common decency and common sense, to in some way cause harm to older people who can't just rely on their grey matter?

I freely admit that keeping a diary is not the same as keeping customer details, but that's the point here: why are they treated the same?

There is a qualitative difference between degrees of data collection. What you can see and remember is a different category from what you can write down; what you can write down is a different category from recorded audio/video; what you can record with conventional equipment is a different category from what you may capture and store using all available technology e.g. DNA sequencing. In general, the more powerful the technological aid, the stronger the regulation.

Even just the first two, seeing and writing down, are legally distinct. Supermarket checkout staff handle hundreds of credit cards a day. How do you think the law would react to such an employee writing all of them down?

It's not discriminatory against old people, because even a completely amnesiac person armed with a notepad can permanently capture vastly more information than all but a photographic memory.

They are treated the same because you are collecting data about others and GDPR regulates how this should happen.

If you want to collect the data, then it must relevant for your business and that warrants you should treat it properly.

Upon request to erasure you should go use reasonable measure to remove it. Wiping your memory is absurd and is never considered reasonable – no need for a lawyer to rule that out.

Many of these people would happily give their government the power to wipe your memory if the technology to do so existed. It's insane.

What makes you think that? Why do you intentionally spread absurdities?

> If you don't store PII, you don't have to do any work. Done. If you need to have PII for your webapp to function, you barely have to do any work besides giving the that care people their rights

A server 'processing' (which seems to include using it in any way, not just storing [1]) your IP address appears to fall under the GDPR[1], and said server would be in violation of the law unless its processing falls under one of the exemptions.

The main exemption appears to be getting the user's explicit consent, though there's also this super vague exemption: "for your organisation’s legitimate interests, but only after having checked that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person whose data you’re processing aren’t seriously impacted." [2]

In general, it seems very hard to avoid the GDPR because what is considered 'personal data' is extremely broad.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


[1] https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/refo...

[2] https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/refo...

Yeah, you're putting too much emphasis on consent. It's only one of six lawful bases for processing data, and in fact the one with the most stringent rules.

I used "legitimate interest" as my lawful basis for logging IP addresses and website usage information. From the UK ICO's guidelines [1]:

"It is likely to be most appropriate where you use people’s data in ways they would reasonably expect and which have a minimal privacy impact, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing."

There's a three part test:

1. Identify the legitimate interest: ensure the security and stability of my systems.

2. Show that processing is necessary to achieve it: need to know when and how the site is used in order to troubleshoot problems and detect abuse

3. Balanced against individuals' interests: We pseudonymize logins so usage information is not obviously related to specific individuals. There is no sensitive data on the site that can be revealed by usage data. The retention period is short which further limits what can be revealed.

Now, people here on HN might nitpick my logic, but fortunately they're not the regulators. I'm confident that, in the very unlikely event that a regulator even notices my little businesses, that I'll be able to correct any mistakes before fines come into play.

[1] https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-da...

> I'm confident that, in the very unlikely event that a regulator even notices my little businesses, that I'll be able to correct any mistakes before fines come into play.

Every business owner in Romania knows two things:

- the IRS equivalent will investigate them periodically, usually every few years - they will ALWAYS find something to fine the company for

Sure, you will have to correct the something, but that doesn't mean you don't have to pay the fine anyway.

Also, incidentally, the company I was branch manager for has been once investigated by the police for credit card theft (they received a complaint). They couldn't find anything (because we didn't steal any credit cards - we just had a lot of computers because we were programmers, working for the main company in the US) but, in order not to have wasted the raid, they decided to prosecute us for copyright violations (they found a few pirated games).

So, at least in Romania, there is no such thing as "correcting mistakes before fines come into play".

That's a local problem in Romania, not a GDPR problem.

As in your example, they'll use any law to beat people over the head. That should not be an argument against a privacy protection law.

> That's a local problem in Romania, not a GDPR problem

It's actually a human problem. The history of political bodies granted immense discretion to fine and punish is consistent and terrible.

If your business was in the UK, the ICO can and would be able to stop you processing data, and get a search warrant for your business address. This is because they report directly to the government.

I doubt you'd be able to fix any issues before they get involved.

PS. it's Cambridge Analytica


GDPR has no concept of PII. Personal data is anything relating to a natural person. It's not just an identifier like an address or phone number.

I have a blog. No ads. No revenue.

1. I have been using Google analytics for their entertainment value. I assume that's verboten now.

2. I assume the IP addresses in my logs are PII. Should I shut off logging?

(standard IANAL disclaimers)

1. yeah, probably.

2. There's a comment elsewhere in the thread to this effect, but short-term logging for the usual purposes of managing stability/security of a system almost certainly qualifies as legitimate interest. Don't keep the logs indefinitely, but I figure nginx's defaults with a week's retention period is quite reasonable.

The relevant authorities also have a track record of giving people warnings and time to fix things, so especially for something so trivial, I'd basically just make a good faith effort and not stress about it.

1. No, but you shouldn't need to store PII. Simply disable cookie usage and enable IP address anonymization in Google Analytics.

2. You can simply exclude IP addresses from logging.

You can't have a legitimate opinion on whether GDPR is a good thing or not, because you don't event understand what data is.

> I do not give a damn whether you're soft-deleting or hard-deleting my IP address and my user account

You don't give a damn; neither do those computer illiterate people who use the same email address and password for everything, and one leak of some shitty inconsequential website may obliterate their entire online presence.

I'm not sure how the GDPR fixes anything, since those people aren't going to be capable of finding the hidden "delete account" button five pages into a big tech company's byzantine privacy settings.

The GDPR says "It shall be as easy to withdraw as to give consent". If you're hiding the "delete account" button, you're breaking the law.


Wait, I thought we were talking about tiny inconsequential websites here? You moving the goalposts or what?

TBH location tracking is the most sensitive PII I've seen anywhere, and plenty of 1 man shops are doing it. It takes like 100 lines of code.

>properly handling sensitive information

But the thing is that GDPR affects all PII not just sensitive one so your random small useless app/blog/game/forum that has some personally identifiable but harmless and unimportant data stored is now under the same restrictions like your email or FB data.

Like, say, a personality quiz on Facebook?

> your random small useless app/blog/game/forum that has some personally identifiable but harmless and unimportant data

Unimportant like your email address and your one password you're reusing everywhere? Yes, they should know better but that's neither here nor there.

> If all you do about my PII is “set delete = 1” (which one could argue isn’t even the best practice in every scenario), then I probably don’t want you to handle my PII at all.

Are you aware that setting “delete=1” is essentially what file systems do when deleting a file? What file system do you suggest companies to use when they want to comply with GDPR?

It is simple. You have to apply reasonable measures to delete the data.

That is vague, for sure, but hopefully you have the engineering skills and domain knowledge to make a good call.

Dealing with credit card data? Think a lot about it.

Dealing with movie preferences? Deleting from the database should be adequate.

Dealing with attendants from a local conference? Delete the files when you don’t need them.

(And remember: nobody will ever show up with a fine one day. It will always start with a warning and a chance to improve before any fine is applied – unless there is serious neglect.)

I’m well aware of that, but are you aware of any SQLi that can output a deleted file? There’s a big difference between the two things you’re trying to equalize.

Does the GDPR actually draw that line somewhere above the filesystem, but below the database?

Totally different. deleted=1 would be like adding a tag to a file saying "hey, this file is deleted" and never doing anything again.

A filesystem will remove the entry pointing to the data on disk, and mark that region as free and ready to be reused - and it will get overwritten.

And going through all the backups to overwrite the data? Backups that would have been written to CD or tapes?

Yep, you have one month.

If you are storing backups for longer than this then perhaps you have to ask yourself why.

For instance, the last company I worked for deliberately didn't keep database backups past 30 days and had that policy for some years prior to GDPR. The idea being that it would be expected by a user that when they hit "delete" on something in the web app it would actually be deleted.

(Additionally there is a whole minefield of crap that could happen if you got subpoenaed and had to due process on months or years worth of backup data, but this wasn't the primary driver of the policy)

This is a pretty good read on the matter:


Your backup retention policy should comply with GDPR, and you should be prepared to justify extended retention periods.

From technical perspective, overwriting values is more deleting than deleting itself. God knows when DELETEd records will be overwritten in the database file. I once found very interesting remains in our ‘cleared copies’ of financial databases during the restoration process.

Merely setting a delete flag is not compliant with the GDPR, that's why a cascading delete is necessary. Any programmer worth their salt knows mass random deletes and updates are extremely inefficient.

To your post specifically, I think a cascade of "zero outs" or the like to blank out a user's data would be sufficient is it not? It could happen at most once for each user account so it shouldn't be ruinously inefficient unless a system was already on the verge of collapse.

But on the topic in general, could someone explain to me what the real world consequences are likely to be for a small business not based in the EU, of not complying? If I've never cared where my users were as long as their payments cleared (oh, is that where they get you? the payment processor?), and I'm selling handcrafted bobbins online in Canada without letting people delete their email address, what is likely to happen if someone complains to EU authorities?

That would make it compliant but there will still be efficiency problems.

Databases such as Cassandra are made so that updating doesn't actually delete the old data until some time later so frequent updates will degrade performance and storage. Other databases that allow for immediate overwriting the data will cause fragmentation and thus performance decline and wasted storage until you compact (basically recreating the entire database) which is not something you want to do all the time, especially on SSDs.

I mean, come on.

1. GDPR gives you 40 days to respond. You don’t have to run VACUUM everyday.

2. The entire point of my post was acknowledging that there are costs to being GDPR compliant, and why it’s responsible to have that cost.

It's not frequent updates to delete a piece of data once in its lifetime.

If it takes a week to garbage collect that's fine, it just can't stick around forever.

The problem isn't to delete 1 piece of data 1 time. The problem is different people demanding thousand+ rows randomly spread out in your database deleted every day that is the problem.

Look at the cavalier attitude people have with their data until now. Do you really think starting today every one of them is going to start caring and requesting full deletes everywhere?

Maybe a percentage will be better educated, and actually request data deletion here and there, sometimes but I don't thing anything is going to massively change in general customer behavior. The GDPR just gives the means to those who really want to control their data (which were there before, by the way, just not really enforced. Now that there's a number figure to the possible fine, now is everyone paying attention.)

The problem isn't the odd paranoid submitting a delete request once a month, it's when some influential person publicly requests a delete for whatever outrage is going on that day and causes his 10k followers to do the same

You're suggesting that a business should be able ignore the privacy concerns of its users because they're inconvenient. That is decidedly worrying. If a startup can't afford to run ethically then it shouldn't really be in business.

Is deleting an arbitrary set of rows every fortnight such a problem?

Yeah, this sort of thing is like a pessimistic case for Cassandra and various databases that are designed to model data as an immutable set of facts and to model deletions as retractions or the like.

Apparently it defaults to 10 days for tombstone purging and recommends not going below 5 days. How bad is performance actually going to be at a nice slow several-day compaction rate?

The pessimistic case sounds like trying to remove things within hours.

All I can say is that not everyone's situation is the same. If you have a small forum where a few hundred people post a few dozen messages a day, it obviously won't be a big deal. There are situations where the amount of generated information is much larger than that. Webserver logs are one possible example.

It isn't an impossible problem to solve, but the GDPR is a significant time and a money burden that will especially be an issue for small startups that don't have millions in venture funding to spend on this.

I encourage you to read my comment again, and point out where I mentioned merely setting a delete flag. Any reader worth their salt will point out that it’s not what I suggested at all.

I believe the confusion is around your statement "mark every sensitive field". I think you mean "overwrite every sensitive field", but that definitely took a re-reading to infer, and I'm still not 100% sure.

Thanks, the processs reminded me of the “redaction” process, so I used mark. That’s definitely on me. Clarified.

"you could easily not switch to a CASCADE, but instead set delete=1 and mark every sensitive field with a special value"

you ignored "and mark every sensitive field with a special value", which is the key part. As long as all sensitive data has been essentially zero'd out (for some value of zero), all is fine.

Marking a field sounds to me like labeling and not zeroing it out.

What if "a special value" == NULL?

If you choose that value, and it's the only, or one of the few values that break your software, then it's your fault.

The thing is, affected persons can not only request a data deletion, but also the pausing of data processing. In that case, you are not allowed to delete them but they must not be used any longer, which is essentially a soft delete. So to be compliant, you’d have to implement both a soft and a hard delete.

Wouldn't it be possible to just delete the 'idetifiabel' parts in the database in order to be GDPR compliant?

If you for instance save all the user data like user preferences under a random userId, and then delete the personal data (such as email address, name etc.) associated with the userId I would expect this to be GDPR complaint without having to do a cascading delete.

If you're absolutely certain that the user's identity cannot be reconstructed from the remaining data points, then yes, a full anonymization is enough. You are, after all, removing personally identifiable information, even if the record structure remains in your database.

It's a law, not a technical constraint. No one gives a fuck about some foreign key relations, they care that personal data cannot be accessed, or somehow reconstructed.

This may well be harder to get right than just deleting the data. Just as in the saying (and this is a terrible paraphrase) goes:

  "Anyone can design a lock that they themselves can't pick"
If you think you have anonymised data sufficiently you may well not have done it sufficiently to prevent others from re-conctructing it:


Yes, but this is actually more difficult than you think. It doesn't take very many data points to ID a user.

Anonymizing like that would be GDPR compliant yes, as long as the remaining information absolutely cannot be used to identity the original subject.

That it isn’t known with confidence is your answer to whether it is worth implying it is easy.

I read a lot about cascading deletes, which I interpret as holding personally identifiable data redundantly.

I can see two reasons why this would be a problem:

You have a really shitty un-normalized database design. Granted that you may have to denormalize specific columns for performance reasons. But why that would be the case with, for example names, phone numbers or sexual preferences, totally escapes me.

Or, you're referring to actual cascading deletes, meaning that you need to get rid of child relations, based on deletion of the parent relation. If this poses a problem then I'd argue that you're guilty of a shitty database implementation, arguably with criminally bad definition of your primary / foreign key pairs.

I really don't see a problem here, unless the database schema is implemented in a totally incompetent manner.

Edit: Clarity

A cascading delete is not necessary. You need only to remove personal information, not all information. Now if you are producing an application that only contains personal information like a chat app, then sure, you might need to remove everything.

But often all you need to do is overwrite the name, address, or similar bits of information, and you can then leave the rest of the data intact and set your delete flag.

HN won’t let me go deeper, so here it goes:

> "you could easily not switch to a CASCADE, but instead set delete=1 and mark every sensitive field with a special value"

Emphasize on the part after “and”

That is insufficient. You can still infer identities through metadata and behavioural analysis. For instance purchase history and geolocation is often enough to identify some individuals.

“Move fast and *break things.” Although, GDPR seems to be throwing on the brakes.

Tired of the eternal startup excuse to justify bad behaviour when it comes to protection of consumer privacy.

If it is impossible for some startups to respect strong privacy practices maybe we simply don't need those startups.

This 'startupism' is almost an ideology. No mechanical engineer would complain about safety regulation just because it means that they cannot start a business in their garage. In other industries, strong safety standards and regards for customer privacy is simply the norm, not an annoyance.

Also tired of people thinking that a company not wanting a rule means they were intending to do the exact the opposite of that rule, especially given said rule is incredibly vague and designed to be applied "on principle".

Fortunately for all of us, safety regulation is actually very specific in requirements.

> especially given said rule is incredibly vague and designed to be applied "on principle".

You know, I'm starting to feel that at least some of this contention is based on how Americans interpret the law vs. how Europeans do it. Somehow it seems that Americans (and the UK) has this huge legal corpus but everything has to be nitpicked to the letter, or the common law judges' interpretations may vary wildly, and some people might skate on technicalities, i.e. abuse of the letter of the law.

Whereas in civil law, which the EU is, there's less leeway for interpretation, however, the spirit of the law is also taken into account.

It's the opposite. "In-principle" creates lots of potential for interpretation, depending on who is doing the reading. The spirit of the law is also taken into account all the time in America.

It's really not as simple as you make it out to be and the EU has plenty of argumentative litigation.

Upthread we have the claim that "most early-stage startups use the... best practice of 'delete=1'," pretending to delete user data while actually retaining it. So, the exact opposite of the rule.

Yes, and many things will remain that way with GDPR because of necessity (ie: old invoices and transactions will continue to have your details). Most startups are doing their best to be good stewards of data, and they didn't need big global regulation to force them.

But do let me know when GDPR actually does anything to deal with ISPs, credit unions, medical companies, and plenty of other institutions that have breaches all the time and have endured roughly $0 in penalties.

> Most startups are doing their best to be good stewards of data, and they didn't need big global regulation to force them.


So you work for a big company like Canonical. Glad to know you guys always get it right:



Who he works for won't negate the fact how ridiculous the original statement is at just bare face value.

> Most startups are doing their best to be good stewards of data, and they didn't need big global regulation to force them.

If that were true we wouldn't be seeing daily threads here (like this one) that effectively amount to "I don't want to follow the law/protect the data I collect" for months now.

...you just repeated it again. Not wanting regulation does not mean not wanting to follow the law or protect data.

Complying with GDPR can involve a significant cost, but as said multiple times already, the issue isn't data privacy and security but the vast ambiguity of the law. Costs and risk explode when the rules are vague and applied "on-principle".

There are numerous comments on this page that keep saying you need "a good reason" without realizing that is absolutely useless in a legal sense and can open up a large volley of litigation against any business.

If you're a small company and making a good faith effort to acquire express consent from your users for data collection, follow best practices to secure that data, and allow users to delete their data (even if it's a manual customer service driven process) then I don't see why you have any reason to be afraid.

You're not opening yourself up to litigation from random 3rd parties -- they can only file complaints to regulators who will decide how to respond.

Well then, you’ve never been the target of a lawsuit.

Forgive me if it doesn’t make me comfortable that the decision whether to file a lawsuit against me or not is left to some often uneducated and inexperienced regulators.

I think it is an important point about "many things will remain that way with GDPR because of necessity (ie: old invoices and transactions will continue to have your details)". Most people doing business have _very_ legitimate reasons for having sensitive data; invoices, charges, security, etc. all require having personally identifying and sensitive information, and GDPR recognizes that-- but what it means is that companies _will_ and _should_ have customer information. Just because it isn't sitting in their database to improve customer experience doesn't mean it won't be sitting in the billing department for accounting & auditing purposes. So GDPR doesn't actually change much about people having your data, just kind of shuffles it around.

Why is delete=1 a best practice? There are competing concerns here. The government has now decided for everyone. Agree or disagree it is not worth implyng immorality where no immoral intent is present.

I’m not sure that delete=1 is a good idea, because you’re still mutating database records. But, it’s often lot cleaner conceptually to model state as an append-only log of assertions and retractions or via a log-structured system, where you never delete old records but just push a new index record that leaves the appropriate record out.

Sure, but it also leaves a much bigger attack surface, because you still have all the deleted data ready to be leaked, as has repeatedly happened in practice. It's only a cleaner solution if your risk accounting allocates close to zero cost to that, which is what most startups do.

It's hardly only EU bureaucrats who have pointed this out. See Bruce Schneier from a few years ago: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/03/data_is_a_tox...

Yeah, my point is just that the way databases have been developing recently has been towards eliminating mutation and deletion. The GDPR’s conception of deletion is fundamentally opposed to these models.

However, you can sort of match the two by storing personal data in a separate key-value map, using the (random) key from that map to link your data to the personal data and then just deleting the map entry when someone asks to be forgotten.

The annoying part is retrofitting data scrubbing into things like data warehouses and other systems of record, without accidentally deleting data you have a legal obligation to retain to satisfy, e.g. anti-money laundering laws or audit requirements.

It is insufficient to only mask PII because behavioural data can in some cases uniquely identify an individual, such as purchasing history. You have to destroy all data from the user.

By the way it is this stuff that is so maddening about GDPR. The EU steadfastly refused to be helpful by even answering frequently asked questions clearly.

Here's a thought: regulation like this is, along with the heavy-handed ideology that lead to it, is the reason why the EU is still lagging regarding technical innovation. I think this attitude is the primary reason Silicon Valley took hold in the USA and that the EU has nothing comparable. If the EU wants to legislate itself out of the future they're more than welcome to do so -- and I applaud every site who makes the tough decision to stonewall EU users.

I'm not onboard with the idea that Silicon Valley holds a monopoly on technical innovation. Getting people to click on ads on smartphones doesn't capture the entire scope of technology. Europe's economy is roughly as large as that of the United States. Many world-leading companies from the car industry, to chemicals, to biotech reside in Europe.

The US holds one dominating advantage in one subset of technology. Consumer-facing internet tech. While a lot of people employed in this field commentate on this website, it's a marginal part of the tech industry, and it's not worth sacrificing privacy for, Europe does not need Silicon Valley to produce high-value products.

And if adtech is supposed to be the definition of the future, rather than genomics, complex manufacturing and the life sciences than I'm okay with us skipping that part. There are business models that don't rely on sacrificing the attention and privacy of consumers.

That's exactly my point. The EU is built for entrenched institutions. There is no entrepreneurial spirit -- and that's why there's N-number of self driving car companies in the US and zero(?) in the EU, for example.

The EU had self-driving cars in the 1980s (Ernst Dickmanns & Mercedes, demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I39sxwYKlEE ). The most expensive robot car project was in Europe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_Prometheus_Project).

I do agree that the EU has less of an entrepreneurial spirit. Some cultural elements, but also practical: It is difficult to scale an app, since there are such large language and culture barriers between EU member states. There is a decades long brain-drain of highly technical (AI) people. Finally, it is very hard to compete with US companies, as they skirt the rules, winning all network effects with huge VC infusions.

I always suspected some of that was accomplished with military and intelligence support: The American economy and intelligence apparatus stands to benefit a lot with the entire world using Google and Facebook. The other side of this coin is that the pro-privacy anti-surveillance movement may also be supported by foreign intelligence agencies in an attempt to hurt US economic and military interests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lernout_%26_Hauspie#History was close to establishing an AI-type Silicon Valley in Belgium in the early 2000's, but was unsuccessful.

All (or most?) of the big European car manufacturers in Europe provide and actively research self-driving technology. Volkswagen's research budget is five times as large (iirc correctly) as Tesla's.

You are succumbing to a lot of stereotypes here, which I might add is fuelled by a cargo cult tendency within Silicon Valley.

No, you see, if it's not a startup, it cannot be innovative.

You think you're being funny, but it took silicon valley to invent a machine to press juice of proprietary only bags of pre-chopped fruit, so I think you look rather foolish now!

But they're all providing that technology to American firms who are implementing the technology rather than developing it at home. See what I'm driving at?

So they do some research and then let some american companies that can't even imagine why you'd create safety regulations do the practical testing which kills American citizens instead of European ones when the inevitable mistakes happen.

Then they get access to the technology through partnerships. This sounds like a win-win for the EU companies

Indeed, it’s a win for the American economy too, when the IP is owned by American companies and the majority of profits go there.

Sounds like the Tesla and Mobileye partnership.

Apple recently gave up their self driving shuttle and told Volkswagen to do it for them. So yeah...cargo cult and tunnel vision.

European car companies sell identical technology to Tesla, it's just they call it lane assist (accurately), not autopilot.

You are mistaken. Lane assist is not the same level as available in a Tesla. No European car has or has ever had the higher autonomous level than the late model Tesla has. https://medium.com/iotforall/the-5-autonomous-driving-levels...

Tesla has ambitious goals, especially when it comes to reusing existing hardware, but right now the software is level 2.

>"There is no entrepreneurial spirit"

That betrays a deep lack of knowledge of what happens in Europe. There are a ton of innovative ideas and services that originated here.

Just off the top of my head, Skype and Spotify are huge and well-known.

Famously French has no word for entrepreneur.


Whereas the US with its ISP, fossile fuel, pharmaceutical monopolies, it’s GM and Apple, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, Lockheed, and Boeing is obviously a Randian utopia. Yes indeed, no entrenched institutions in the US!

/s In cased you missed it.

> Getting people to click on ads on smartphones

Clicking on ads is how they fund AI research. Not all tech is equally profitable but you need all kinds. Meanwhile EU is still debating whether it's worth getting into the AI game.

>The US holds one dominating advantage in one subset of technology. Consumer-facing internet tech. While a lot of people employed in this field commentate on this website, it's a marginal part of the tech industry, and it's not worth sacrificing privacy for, Europe does not need Silicon Valley to produce high-value products.

> it's a marginal part of the tech industry


Is it?

Visit Germany sometime. Drive through the countryside. Most parts of the US look like a hollowed out shell by comparison.

That might have something to do with the fact that Germany has 7x higher population density.

You may or you may not have an argument - but you only present the most cliché, most superficial version. You merely divide total population by total area, which is utterly useless and misleading. Why does that keep happening on a supposedly "better" forum like HN? Each time this topic is touched this exact same tired and wrong pseudo-argument is presented as if population follows an equal distribution per area.

Just like in the rest of the world, in the US too the vast majority of people are clustered in and around urban areas. In order to achieve your goal/argument you counted vast stretches of nothingness. At least since the early 20th century migration to cities has been going on, and it still does - large urbanized areas continue to suck in people from the already emptier areas of the country.


> Drive through the countryside. Most parts of the US look like a hollowed out shell by comparison.

In what way do you mean? Wind power?

Basic housing is the thing that stands out most for me. I'm originally an American, and now live in a rural area in Europe. Rural parts of the more affluent Western European countries aren't advanced per se, but they're, I dunno, reasonably modern. Decent housing and decent internet access. The U.S. countryside is just incredibly backward in this weirdly visible way by comparison. Entire swaths of countryside, especially in the southern US, but not exclusively there, are full of a mix of trailer parks on the one hand, and questionably habitable shacks with missing wallboards and plastic-tarp roof patches on the other (parts of Louisiana are seriously shocking). And good luck getting broadband.

I used to live in Europe and have also lived in many parts of the US. Just trying to understand, since I didn't notice much visible difference other than wind power. I'm from a rural area in the US, and it was a great place. I haven't spent much time in rural areas of the south though.

Small and especially medium business is vaporized.

Textiles? Gone

Light industrial? Gone

Regional banks? Dying

Local banks? Dead

Small retail? Dead

Dairy agriculture? Dying

Family agriculture? Dead

I grew up in a small town. 20 operating farms circa 1990. 2 today. 3 agricultural/equipment dealers, today 0. 5 small/medium manufacturers... 1 today, because of a military contract. School enrollment? -25%.

I watched the beginning of decline when I was in high school. There is no anchor businesses that sustain local economies, and no access to capital. Without government spending, either indirect or direct transfer payments, a shockingly high number of US localities would be in a state of complete implosion.

This is an inevitable consequence of globalization and conglomeration (especially of agriculture).

It’s an inevitable consequence of our current economic policy.

Conglomerates are all about capital, not efficiency. We are paying more, not less, by eliminating market participants.

Here's a thought: You don't know what you're talking about and I applaud the EU for protecting me against people like you.

GDPR only has an effect starting from yesterday, I highly doubt it had a retroactive effect up to the early 2000's to wipe out EU startups, that point is moot.

Hey, man, that's totally fine that you don't want those services.

Which is why those services are responding by blocking all EU customers.

Seems like a win win for everyone. Businesses don't have to deal with ounerous laws, and EU citizens don't get to use those services.

Plus it leaves the market open for other businesses who are actually compliant so they can capture a bigger slice of the market than the existing services. There really is a lot to win.

if a preexisting startup doesn't care for the market, its probably because it's too small to be worth it. This is not 1999, most ideas have been tried at least once. And experience shows that "extra privacy" is just not a selling point.

> if a preexisting startup doesn't care for the market, its probably because it's too small to be worth it.

It's not just that. It's that there is no money in cloning unsuccessful startups. Nobody wants to copy you until you're a success, but by then it's too late. By then the first mover has the momentum and resources.

This doesn't change that. By the time a startup becomes successful it will have the resources to pay compliance costs and enter the other market.

The problem is that having to exclude EU users until you're big enough to afford compliance will cause more ventures to die on the vine, before they ever become successful enough for anyone to want to copy them.

It also puts the local EU startups at an obvious disadvantage, because they have to pay the compliance costs up front instead of only after proving themselves in the US market.

>No mechanical engineer would complain about safety regulation

Mechanical engineering projects are too costly to be undertaken casually in the first place. Regulation is unlikely to be the long pole, so do you don't hear them complain about it. It only takes a few minutes and some easily self-teachable skills to start serving HTTP traffic; now it's going to take a few months and some lawyer hours to create the bureaucratic cover for doing so.

> Mechanical engineering projects are too costly to be undertaken casually in the first place.

Yes, because of the implications, as the parent said. Just making stuff is cheap these days, that's not just true for software. You don't have to build a factory, if you want you can even outsource the actual construction entirely if you don't want to go through the trouble and remain flexible, just like "cloud computing" using startups.

> It only takes a few minutes and some easily self-teachable skills to start serving HTTP traffic;

Because people do it without caring for or knowing the consequences.

> now it's going to take a few months and some lawyer hours to create the bureaucratic cover for doing so.

I don't understand your point, it's exactly what the parent said? Yes, this forces the startups to actually care about the consequences of what they are doing.

I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe the true hacker spirit is dead.

I just want to roll my eyes when I see comments to the effect of, "Oh, it's so simple, just read the 80+ pages! The language is clear and straightforward, we promise! Also, you should have separated duties, full CI/CD that sanitizes any possible user data from leaving its hermetically sealed tier, and delete data early and often. If you don't, you'll be fined several tens of MegaEuros." The risk-reward ratio there is just insurmountably high for a small one- or two-person team.

I'm sure there are actually good parts of GDPR, and, hell, for all I know, the whole thing is the overarching achievement of Western civilization. But, unfortunately, reading 80 pages of dry foreign legalese when I'm not a lawyer is somewhere between a waste of time and a very bad idea (e.g. I think the regs are simple, make a mistake, then have huge legal liability). I will sadly be blocking the EU from any services I work on going forward until the point where I'm successful enough that I can actually have my lawyer look over everything.

"The hacker spirit" was NEVER about harvesting user data so you could sell it to advertisers. Bite your tongue.

Yes, and? No one claims that it is. It is, however, about iterating quickly on networked software in the absence of heavy bureaucratic process. Process that is now necessary to ensure auditable, provable compliance with the letter of the law, even for activities that are already complaint with its spirit. One can argue this is necessary for society, but it's certainly a crackdown on the hacker spirit.

Fun fact: GDPR has not one word to say about advertising in particular. Ad targeting may still be legal in some cases! Meanwhile all networked software is illegal by default unless its operator can prove that it stays within the defined GDPR exceptions.

I don't agree that keeping track of data processing operations, where you store data, creating an ability to delete user data and basic security hygiene is onerously burdensome on projects where you know about these requirements ahead of time. Yes it absolutely is a major pain in the butt for existing projects but that's a different argument and not a good reason not to improve consumer protections.

> Meanwhile all networked software is illegal by default unless its operator can prove that it stays within the defined GDPR exceptions.

This doesn't make sense to me. Can you please instruct me how I would go about suing the curl project? Please help me understand how this networked software is "illegal by default." I actually don't understand precisely what you mean by "networked software" so perhaps my misunderstanding lies there.

Overall I find statements like this "all networked software is illegal" to be FUD hogwash. It's just the same as when environmental regulations are going to "destroy the energy industry" and labor regulations are going to "destroy the service industry" etc.. Industry (represented here by tech entrepreneurs) is doing their typical disingenuous wringing of hands they always do when consumer/worker/environmental protections are brought forth.

Let's get rid of the GDPR, the EPA and the Paris climate accords while we're at it.

>suing the curl project

Any server you curl is processing your personal data by addressing the HTTP response to your IP address. Curl itself arguably fails "privacy by design" test in that there is no Tor, etc. enabled by default, although I admit that's a stretch. The entire HTTP protocol design of obtaining documents by interacting directly with their publishers is similarly careless from a privacy perspective.

>"all networked software is illegal"

It's not always illegal. It's illegal by default, and up to you to demonstrate that it falls within one of the defined exceptions.

>"destroy the energy industry"

I'm quite happy that only serious and well-capitalized entities can surmount the regulatory hurdles to running a smoke-billowing power plant. I'm not happy that we're doing the same things to websites.

Not about creating broken networking software or broken software in general.

Have you been in Usenet in a networking group around 2000. Good luck with these fake opinions.

Just because some startup incubator is great at grabbing words from the hacker culture ("ycombinator", "hacker" "news"), does not mean they get to redefine the meaning.

They are just greedy, greedy for money and words they can appropriate.

This is a false dichotomy that I fully reject. I feel disgust for the current generation of creepy, centralized, ad-ridden websites that make a pittance on each of us and use our data to create the next generation of (proprietary) AI.

I also don't think the _solution_ to that problem is to create a new bureaucracy and complex set of rules ("you won't be targeted, trust us!") that seems to address a "problem" (if it even is so) that is a large superset of ad-driven tech. Overcharged bureaucracy goes against the hacker spirit.

By the way, a way out of this mess seems to include crypto. We know right now that most ICOs are scams, crypto has lots of technical issues, and is in general still not ready for "prime time." That being said, when it _is_ ready for prime time, it's hard to even imagine how a crypto network could even comply with any of the basic ideas of GDPR, despite the fact that privacy is not really a concern.

How would you implement a "right to be forgotten" on a blockchain ledger? It may not even matter that the EU itself would not interfere, as GDPR also apparently creates private rights of action. Any sufficiently loony EU citizen can drag foreigners to court with gigantic lawsuits.

My understanding of "blockchain ledgers" is that it's not the case that every single byte of a ledger entry is present in the blockchain, but that some other ledger is maintained and its digest (at various points along the way) is incorporated into the blockchain.

That being the case, "the network" doesn't own these 'side ledgers.' They have owners who may well keep non-public data. Further, that the data comprising a particular digest needn't be disclosed, only that the owner of the digest vouches for the digest. For forgettable mode, said owner validates their own data, generates the digest, adds it to the blockchain, and subsequently 'forgets' the data that created the digest.

Now maybe that flies in the face of a fully public blockchain, but it allows the implementation of that which you couldn't fathom: a right to be forgotten alongside blockchain technology.

The european union provides a FAQ for the GDPR so you don't need a lawyer if you have a small business: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/refo...

The "best practice" you mention was already illegal if you have European users, the right to be forgotten was already a consequence of existing laws and directives (just ask Google).

As for startups the GDPR already takes company size into account, so unless their business is literally being a private NSA/Stasi/etc. they don't have much burocracy to deal with (https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/refo...)

Funny thing is there are also mandatory data retention regulations that say data MUST be maintained for a certain period of time by law.

It's getting worse, but it's generally been the case that it's impossible for an individual to bootstrap a company and be 100% compliant with every law and tax regulation. You would never have any time to actually provide a product and service customers. You just do the best you can and as you get bigger you become more complaint.

GDPR just says that if you are keeping data, you have to have a good reason for it.

If you have to retain certain data for eg tax purposes, then that sounds like a good reason to me.

That's so reductionist as to be useless. What is a "good" reason? Are you a judge that will be presiding over these cases? Things like that are massive holes for litigation and the cause of all these compliance issues in the first place.

Every law will be interpreted according to its spirit, it won't be used like a hammer on anything... It's like HN suddenly discovers how a legal system works..

It has 99 articles arranged over 11 chapters. It does not "just [say] that if you are keeping data, you have to have a good reason for it".

Ok, sure. How do you interpret Article 6, section 1. Especially subsection f) ?


More than that, "compliance with a legal obligation" is specifically called out as one of the six legal bases for processing data.

It's like people are complaining about something they haven't taken the trouble to understand. That couldn't possibly happen HERE, the bastion of rational hacker ethic, could it?

I miss the days when "hacker ethic" meant weird Unix enthusiasts and not neolibertarian grifters...

Thank you for saying this, another thing that is ridiculously difficult is to delete specific user from all your backups. This is made even worse if you have multi region backups and cold back ups.

Even a one-year-old start up could have literally thousands of database dumps in different places if they followed best practice of triple redundant daily dumps.

The general recommendation is that if it's too difficult to purge specific users from your backups then:

* Have a clear data retention policy and make sure that all backups have an expiration date.

* Secure your backups with strong encryption to protect user data in the event of a leak.

* Explain it to the user when the account is deleted when the deletion will filter through your backups.

* Guarantee that if a restore is needed, their data will be immediately deleted from the restored system.

How do you keep track of what info needs to be deleted on restore without violating GDPR?

Save "on restore, delete all data sets pertaining to user id 47263".

You should be able to record the deletion request for the life of the backup and purge those records once the backups are deleted (all tied to the same rolling dates)

It sounds to me like this reflects more on the startup's sloppy practices than anything else. Prevalence of this bad practice shouldn't be an excuse for it.

Regular database backups are a bad practice?

Keeping a backup from a year ago when three backups from yesterday are available, is.

I mean, I see the general wisdom of what you're saying, but I think older backups are still good practice. I've seen it take almost a week for a data corruption issue to be noticed. Not crazy to think it'd take even longer, sometimes.

You have a month to delete data under GDPR: https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-da...

I'd suggest this is a reasonable safety/compliance balance.

No, read again.

They also had 2 years to come up with a way to fix all of that and if they haven’t I don’t think it’s ok for them to be holding that information in the first place. GDPR does give a window for you to remove the data. They could delete the information from the backups over a period of time.

> Thank you for saying this, another thing that is ridiculously difficult is to delete specific user from all your backups.

You have to do very little if you're keeping backups for less than month, simply delete from the DB and wait for backups to age out:


If you are keeping for longer than a month be prepared to justify that.

> This is made even worse if you have multi region backups and cold back ups.

You should be automating this. I assume you're automating the dumps. Automate the deletion. Deleting three encrypted files off S3 every day really isn't particularly hard. I've written stuff to do this a bunch of times.

> Even a one-year-old start up could have literally thousands of database dumps in different places if they followed best practice of triple redundant daily dumps.

If you have backups sprinkled willy-nilly about the place that you may have lost track of then it shows you have a significant lack of care about my data, and so I don't want you to have it at all.

They'd also be spending a shitload for storing those dumps.

If information is backed up (in a way that it cannot be easily accessible and queried directly from the backup,) and the backups are stored securely, and there is a mechanism/policy (it doesn't have to be a purely technical measure) to replay the deletion in case if the backup is restored, you're going to be fine.

> We couldn’t afford a lawyer, and the amount of time for me (the only programmer) to go through and read all the regulations and make all the requisite changes in the product I would estimate might take on the order of a month or two, which if timed poorly would’ve killed our company. I say again: at an early stage startup with one programmer, you cannot have that one programmer spending two months on compliance.

"We couldn't afford a lawyer and the amount of time for me (the only chef) to go through and read all the regulations and make all the requisite changes in the kitchen I would estimate might take on the order of a month or two, which if timed poorly would’ve killed our restaurant. I say again: at an early stage restaurant with one chef, you cannot have that one chef spending two months on compliance."

Would you eat in a place like that?

Yes, in fact I think I have eaten at literally hundreds of places like that all over the world.

Also: your equivalency is ridiculous. I have had a "food manager's card", which means that I am certified to oversee an entire restaurant of chefs and cooks who all presumably have their own "food handler's card". The certification took about an hour. Food handler's cards take even less time, and you'll be shocked to know that many people working in restaurants don't actually have them.

>Would you eat in a place like that?

a vast majority of the food places in my home country were like that when I was growing up, and such places likely still make up a sizable portion of the food businesses down there now. I can't help but be a bit offended by this attitude, because it seems to not only be implying that these businesses are likely to be operating in bad faith, but that the world would legitimately be better off without them as well. It's great that you probably grew up and live in a situation where that might've been feasible, but I can't in good conscience defend those views having lived in places where such strictness is out of reach for most entrepreneurs.

The world isn't entirely comprised of Europe and North America.

> because it seems to not only be implying that these businesses are likely to be operating in bad faith

I think there is a subtle difference between negligence and bad faith.

> but that the world would legitimately be better off without them as well

Well, that's precsiely what laws forbidding businesses like that say. "We'd rather not have them if they can't stick to those rules."

Are you making the argument that the west is generally over-regulating food safety and public health? If so, on what basis? Looks to me like a variant of the old "when i was young we didn't have [seatbelts|gun regulation|hard hats on construction sites] and i turned out just fine!"

>"We'd rather not have them if they can't stick to those rules."

Right, but the alternative in certain situations is having no businesses at all, as was the case in my home country.

>Are you making the argument that the west is generally over-regulating food safety and public health? If so, on what basis? Looks to me like a variant of the old "when i was young we didn't have [seatbelts|gun regulation|hard hats on construction sites] and i turned out just fine!"

No, and again, it's offensive that this is legitimately the first thing that comes to mind when somebody from a developing nation says that it's local population has reasons for doing things the way it does. Nowhere was I arguing that public safety is a bad thing, and don't appreciate having words put in my mouth. I was merely stating the fact that businesses down there almost unanimously don't have the resources to be hiring lawyers, or whatever other services that they would need in order to guarantee compliance with overly strict regulations like you see in the west. If such regulations were in place, and they were strictly enforced somehow, what would happen is that nearly all entrepreneurship would disappear altogether, except possibly for the wealthy (which are often the most corrupt down there), or outside investors with potentially dubious motives for dealing with the local population. It would literally price-out the very people you'd be trying to help with your regulations.

I never said that situation was better than the west, or that things were somehow better "back then" (I much prefer living in the US today), I was saying it was better than nothing, and that these entitled western sentiments can't feasibly be applied everywhere to positive effect. Has it come to the point now that small villages will be needing to apologize to westerners for liking the convenience of having some semblance of commerce in their neighborhoods, due to all the benefits that brings, like not having to worry about cooking dinner in equally poor conditions every night at home? It's not an attack on the west, it's annoyance with the west's over-the-top moralizing of the choices different people make under constrained circumstances that westerners seem to forget exist.

I fail to see how any of this is offensive.

Do you find it offensive that people prefer to live in countries with a high standard of living if given the choice? Is that somehow disrespectful to the people who do not have that choice? Bringing emotion into this seems counterproductive.

Generally you seem to agree that regulation can be beneficial (if compliance is feasible).

I'm sure you also agree that you'd like the toys you buy for your kids in the US to comply with US safety standards, even when they're made in china, and regardless of whatever standards exist in china?

>I fail to see how any of this is offensive.

Because judging countries for not being able to meet standards its incapable of meeting is plain naive colonialist mentality. It's like criticizing a school yard basketball player for not being up to NBA standards, then getting mad when people point out that they aren't in the NBA. Like what are you expecting to accomplish by projecting your beliefs about regulations in a situation like that, and then acting as if people are attacking your way of life? Again, it must be really convenient to have been sheltered and only ever have known environments where abundant regulations are possible, but stop projecting your morals on people that live differently.

>Do you find it offensive that people prefer to live in countries with a high standard of living if given the choice?

I don't see the need for you to be asking such an obvious question, other than to intentionally try to put words in my mouth or paint some kind of strawman of my arguments. The answer should be obvious to anyone.

>Is that somehow disrespectful to the people who do not have that choice?

No, but accusing people of suffering from some kind of cognitive bias ("when i was young we didn't have [seatbelts|gun regulation|hard hats on construction sites] and i turned out just fine!") when all they're doing is explaining why a certain situation is the way it is, is definitely disrespectful. Again, re-read my original comment: nowhere was I even remotely attacking western standards, yet you chose to respond to it by criticizing someone for explaining how they lived through sub-par circumstances. Like seriously, what need was there to get all holier-than-thou about this?

>Generally you seem to agree that regulation can be beneficial (if compliance is feasible).

Only up to a point. I am generally pessimistic about how government intervention in the free market tends to turn out. I'm an entrepreneur here in the US, and enjoy some of the luxuries the US has compared to my home country, but I'd be lying if I didn't think certain regulations were hindering my ability to even start certain businesses (not because I try to do anything questionable, but because I have ADHD and literally can't stand to jump through endless hoops and file mountains of paperwork). I've already switched states once here to move to one that had more favorable business regulations than the one I originally came to.

>I'm sure you also agree that you'd like the toys you buy for your kids in the US to comply with US safety standards, even when they're made in china, and regardless of whatever standards exist in china?

What does this have to do with anything? I'm not opposed to businesses following the regulations of the countries they intend to do business in. The problem with the GDPR is that now a lot of businesses that weren't even intending to do business in the EU, now have a huge universal liability on their hands. Yeah "they've had enough time" and all that, but that still doesn't change the fact that the EU has done the equivalent of police china's toy manufacturers according to its own standards, simply because these toys may potentially get shipped to the EU at some point. It's not the same as having a requirement that toys entering the country meet a certain standard, because a public web server can be accessed by anyone at any time, even if the host was never intending to serve EU people specifically.

Yes. Shove perishables in a refrigerator/freezer, cook any meat thoughly, slap an allergy poster somewhere, and then allocate 30 minutes a night to cleaning and you're 95% of the way there

In contrast there's so much FUD surrounding this bill that you'll end up having to hire a lawyer to figure out how to clear up your EULA without accidentally leaving a loophole for the predatory lawyers on the American side that are partly the reason those EULAs are such a impenetrable wall in the first place

> My biggest fear is that all of these complex bureaucratic laws are just raising the bar for doing a startup.

A senior executive at a large bank once told me "that's the idea!". Specifically, complex and onerous regulation makes it a lot harder for upstarts and, while costly for large established players, they can bear it.

I'm in the US and I can't agree with this sentiment.

1) Don't collect more information than is necessary to provide service. Why do you need to care about someone's physical address? "Shipping physical product" is a good answer. Why do you need to maintain historical usage data? "Providing user the ability to view their own usage history" seem acceptable. If any of your answers involve "Just in case", "because marketing said so", or "I don't know", then your plan smells. If you think you need to make money selling my data, think again: maybe you should be charging me enough to cover your costs and make a profit; or if you already are doing that and you still want to sell my data, the you should just stop being greedy.

2) Allow the user to fix incorrect data. I mean, you wrote it to a database at one point in time, you can issue UPDATEs to allow the user to edit information.

3) Remove data when it's no longer needed (e.g. when it's out of date, or when a user says "I'm outta here") If you can't be arsed to figure out how to properly delete data from your database, or hire someone who knows how, then I suggest you're not really dedicated to the business of creating software of value to customers.

4) Provide all of a user's data to that user. It's right there in your systems, and your software is accessing it to make decisions, provide service, etc. How hard can it be to put it all into some CSV files to download? You don't have to copy the users rows from your MySQL tables into a SQLite database that the user can download. Some files with basic explanation of content will suffice.

Yep, it raises the bar on what's "bare minimum" to get your company going. But keep in mind this is more 'line of business' than all the other requirements foisted on you by the law: things like corporate structure, taxes, occupancy permits, etc.

VC firms pair your technical ability with another founder who, presumably, has more of a business bent. That person should understand how to set your business up and how it's regulated - and if not, know where to find answers.

You sound to me like all the GOP whiners about how "regulations hurt business" who fail to see that lack of regulations hurts consumers.

> Most early-stage startup use the best practice of “delete=1”

Honestly that's a bad best practice if the data your collecting is sensitive, which PII is.

It's not so easy. Someone buys a book. Transaction is recorded, and now we know total book sales.

Someone says "delete me and my purchases", so you do, and oops - total book sales are now wrong.

There's ways around it, obviously. But they are not easy. Much easier to just mark as deleted.

Another example: Threaded conversation - someone deletes their post, and oops all the replies are now orphaned.

> Someone says "delete me and my purchases", so you do, and oops - total book sales are now wrong.

Erase the name and address fields from the user in the database. You don’t have to delete any line, and that person doesn’t have any personal info in your database anymore. Problem solved.

Two days later the customer files a chargeback with their credit card company and the credit card company wants you to provide documentation for the transaction.

Then you have a legal obligation to keep the data, which counts as one of the valid reasons for keeping it, AFAICT.

Credit card company is not a government. It's helpful for business purposes to have records, but it's not always a legal requirement.

Anyway this stuff is super complicated and there's no rollback for data that was mistakenly deleted and shouldn't have been, so the point is there are layers and layers of complications and scenarios and it's not as simple as everyone likes to make it out to be. It's not impossible, but it's definitely a lot of difficult work.

IF my understanding is correct, you can actually keep a denormalized version of user information (name, shipping info etc) and still be compliant, assuming you do not use that billing information for any purpose other than billing.

The "right to erasure" isn't as strict as the "right to be forgotten" -- You (the end-user) would need to prove that merely having your name and address in billing records violates your right to privacy. And to make that argument you'd have to provide evidence the business is using said information for purposes other than billing.

Personal data can be used lawfully to "fulfill contractual obligations with a data subject" (eg: fulfilling a purchase, and retaining information for warranty/returns/RMA etc purposes) and "To perform tasks at the request of a data subject who is in the process of entering into a contract with the controller. " and "For the legitimate interests of a data controller or a third party"

Assuming the remaining data can't be used to deanonymize them. This solution buys into the myth that anonymizing data protects PII.

"Anonymizing" would be replacing each user's PII with a value that's unique to that user. Instead, you could just blank it out or overwrite with universal "data removed because of GDPR" token.

That highly depends on the DB used. If you're using a log structured database, it's possible the original data could still be there. Immutable databases that never delete or overwrite entries exist.

And what if the PII is stored in a blockchain? Then what?

> And what if the PII is stored in a blockchain? Then what?

No clue. But I can't wait for that to be tested, because I'm very curious what the solution will turn out to be.

Mostly solved. Anonymized data sets can sometimes be de-anonymized if the conditions are right and external factors can be applied.

Someone says "delete me and my purchases", so you do

In many cases, that will be your mistake. The right to erasure is not absolute, and if you need to keep those records for a good reason -- for example, as evidence to support tax returns or defend chargebacks -- then you are entitled to refuse to delete them and to continue processing them for the necessary purposes. Otherwise mortgages would suddenly become a very fast way to send lenders under, since everyone could just demand they delete all identifiable records of who owes them money...

Great, so now we get to spend money on lawyers and time in the courts to decide what information falls under “OK to keep for a good reason”

I couldn't agree more. The rules about erasure are full of holes like this. So are the rules about legitimate interests. And those represent, respectively, probably the most significant new subject right and probably the most common lawful basis for processing that isn't strictly necessary for some sort of legal compliance.

No, if you say you need the information for tax purposes (say) then the user will complain to the data protection authorities. These authorities will then accept or reject the complaint, and if accepted will help you to come into compliance.

The trouble is, that's an assumption on your part, and it might not be a valid one. We have no idea yet how 28 different regulatory authorities will handle this sort of situation, or how much of an effort they will expect controllers and processors to make on their own if they are to receive the benefit of the doubt. And even if everything you assume proves to be correct, any formal interaction with authorities is stressful and expensive for a small business with limited time and resources available, and being confident that you aren't doing anything wrong in the first place is obviously preferable.

A simple example: another law requires it.

Your bank's requirement to verify a chargeback is not a law. It's a business contract.

And therefore saving the data is allowed.

Not necessarily. The performance of contract basis under the GDPR is for contracts with the data subject. You can't just agree a contract with some arbitrary third party and use that to circumvent any subject rights you don't like.

For data processing purposes like this, you will normally have to rely on the legitimate interests basis. That's the one with the almost entirely non-specific definition, combined with the almost entirely non-specific balancing requirements.

With a case like defending an unjustified chargeback, we might assume that the interest is surely both legitimate and overriding, but even that is only a personal view and not something any regulator has explicitly addressed in guidance, as far as I'm aware. In any case, plenty of other scenarios won't be so black and white.

More GDPR strawmen.

If a user requests deletion, assign anyYassociated entities (eg purchases, conversations etc) to an anonymous user. Or, keep the original user record and just blank all of the fields. You've had two years to think about these problems.

What about if you need to report any payouts made to an individual as required by a tax authority? How are you also supposed to delete all their information and be in compliance with tax law? You can't say, "I paid <ANONYMOUS> 12,152.00" in 2018.


Ok, looks like there is a clause for these scenarios:

"However, the further retention of the personal data should be lawful where it is necessary, for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information, for COMPLIANCE WITH A LEGAL OBLIGATION, for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller, on the grounds of public interest in the area of public health, for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims."

Then there's:

"It should not apply where processing is based on a legal ground other than consent or contract. By its very nature, that right should not be exercised against controllers processing personal data in the exercise of their public duties. It should therefore not apply where the processing of the personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of an official authority vested in the controller."

And, in terms of technical burden at least it seems like they try to alleviate it somewhat...

"The data subject's right to transmit or receive personal data concerning him or her should not create an obligation for the controllers to adopt or maintain processing systems which are technically compatible"

It’s only a strawman if you assume that everybody knows the right way to do everything. There was nobody around when I did my start up to tell me how to do all of this stuff.

The entire point of GDPR is that it creates a set of requirements, and allows you to make decisions in your professional judgement to fill those requirements. This is no different to how management in any software company will present business requirements for the software you are to make, and request that you decide the technical implementation. That's your job if you're a developer.

As long as you're confident enough in your PII solution to be willing to present it in front of other software developers who have been called as expert witnesses and declare that it meets the GDPR requirements, you can pick any "right way" you like to meet those requirements.

If you think it's an unreasonable burden to have to make PII handling solutions that are robust enough that you can honestly defend them in court if challenged, maybe you shouldn't be handling PII. Like, at all.

I’m not confident in anything I’ve written ever to have it picked apart by a team of expert witness programmers. Maybe that means I have no business working at a startup. Maybe we should think about the implications of that.

>I’m not confident in anything I’ve written ever to have it picked apart by a team of expert witness programmers.

Then you shouldn't be handling PII, any more than you should be handling credit card details, genetic information or military intelligence.

>Maybe that means I have no business working at a startup. Maybe we should think about the implications of that.

The EU has, and has decided that having seen the alternative, it would rather just not have the startups. I think that's a reasonable position to take.

> Maybe we should think about the implications of that.

A good thing because it means startups stop playing fast and loose with my data. These are just growing pains. In a few years, enough stuff will be written online about best practices to stay GDPR compliant. The new guys can follow that.


> Part of creating a business is figuring out how to do things that won't get you sued into oblivion.

The harder that gets, the fewer businesses there will be.

If you look at businesses that managed to exist, sure, you'll see stories of how they used their "innovative entrepreneurial spirit" to triumph over every obstacle. Hurrah! What you won't see are the companies that just barely weren't able to exist, the ones that didn't quite make it through every hoop -- and it is this unseen cost that should keep every regulator up at night.

> The harder that gets, the fewer businesses there will be.

And at what point is it more important to have more businesses than it is to have more businesses that treat consumers fairly? Usury laws have eliminated some companies, reigning in student loan companies would probably eliminate a few more. But that's a balance deemed worth it because usury is predatory and harmful. Profiting by being lazy and sloppy with people's personal information where the risks (e.g. identity theft) are huge isn't a particularly well balanced justification for "more businesses above all else".

Continue to set deleted=1, but also now just set name="DELETED" and email="DELETED@DELETED" at the same time?

You don't need to actually delete the row, just overwrite the information which you no longer have consent to store...

This is obvious isn't it?

update books set total_sales = total_sales+1;

Before GDPR: You had to decide whether you could take the time to do right by your users w.r.t. privacy, because your competitor certainly wasn't.

After GDPR: Everyone's required to do it, so at least you don't have to worry about your competitors.

That's what this is about: Self-regulation failed. Here's the externally imposed regulation. Be thankful it's as well-written and aligned with our interests as it is!

The transition period will be difficult for some people, but I think that GDPR will probably be good for the world in the long-term. New companies will start building their systems correctly from the beginning, and, ideally, the law won't be too heavily enforced on small companies during the transition period. The next generation of programming tutorials will show people how to build things in privacy-conscious ways.

I don't think that blocking Europe with Cloudflare is a good idea. How is blocking Europe going to fix the problem of already having European data in your databases?

Maybe. It is more likely the United States will create the opposite regime. Since all major Internet software firms are American or Chinese it is also possible that the EU May sideline itself.

I think it's more likely that other countries will adopt similar data protection rules (and they should).

Why do you think that likely? I don't think it is at all likely, the CIA et. al. like facebook too much.

I disagree strongly. "...cascade delete is only easy if you’re a very experienced programmer or who knows what he’s [sic] doing." No it's not. Nothing could be easier than foreign key constraints & cascade deletes in a relational database. It's literally "built in."

If you're a garage-startup, you're unlikely to be slapped with fines under GDPR. Let's be honest- if you're a garage startup you're lucky to be noticed by anyone, much less European regulators. The argument expressed here is sleight of hand: complaining about the supposed impact on "the little guy" when the regulations themselves are designed to target Facebook & Google (among others) specifically.

The regulations are not that complex, they just require a new standard of respect for users, one that we should have always had as an industry. The fact that we had to wait for regulators to force this on us is our shame, no one else's.

> If you're a garage-startup, you're unlikely to be slapped with fines under GDPR. Let's be honest- if you're a garage startup you're lucky to be noticed by anyone, much less European regulators.

You might be noticed by your competitor, who reports you to the regulator.

> The argument expressed here is sleight of hand: complaining about the supposed impact on "the little guy" when the regulations themselves are designed to target Facebook & Google (among others) specifically.

No, that is not how they are designed. They might have been motivated by the behavior of Facebook and Google (or not, who knows actually) but they have been designed to target the big and little guys equally. Many GDPR proponents here in comments espouse that as a good thing.

And if you're flagged to the regulator, what do you think is going to happen?

They'll contact you and let you know there's a problem, and you need to fix it - that's it.

If you continually flout the regulations after being warned then sanctions will be escalated.

Half the world is running around saying "I'm going to be fined 20 million euros!" and it's just fear-mongering.

Even if you delete it from disk and remove from memory, you may be required to remove it from offline backups too like tapes and other media.

You don't necessarily have to delete stuff from cold storage right away. You just need to have a process to remove deleted PII when you retrieve/rewrite your backups.

This might be a bit of a weird question, but how do you remember which information needs to be deleted when you're at the point where you need to use backups?

You would keep a list of unique identifiers (opaque) that were deleted and filter data out prior to rewriting/restoring it. It’s cumbersome but not impossible.

So I need to keep a list of people to delete from my backups when I restore them? Is keeping that list even GDPR compliant?

The gist seems, if you are sticking your fingers into your ears hard enough and shouting loud enough, it should count, maybe, in at least most European nations.

But remember, strictest interpretation wins.

So you then need to make sure that dataset is at least as resilient as your cold backups. That's not exactly a trivial problem in most cases.

So basically more work.


>Why not throw your trash on a neighbor's lawn? Why not enslave your workers so you don't have to deal with turnover and hiring replacements? Why dont you stop paying taxes so you don't have to do work to get the same amount of income as you would without taxes?

None of those examples make sense from a classical economics perspective, nor would they be considered sustainable from a game theoretic perspective either.

Meanwhile, not complying with the GDPR doesn't seem to have any obviously severe economic/game-theoretic consequences if you're not based in the EU, or don't already have a large profitable presence there. So it's a bit disingenuous to just lump it in with all those other behaviors.

>None of those examples make sense from a classical economics perspective, nor would they be considered sustainable from a game theoretic perspective either.

Please explain how. Not complying with the GDPR doesn't have any obvious consequences because every company that sells user data is pushing their negative externalities onto others. The GDPR is trying to make it so that the people creating the negative externalities are the ones paying for them

>Please explain how.

Assuming you legitimately want to know, and aren't just trying to ask a pointed rhetorical question, ok:

>>Why not throw your trash on a neighbor's lawn?

Because unless you like having other people's trash on your lawn, a simple tit-for-tat strategy in game theory would suggest that it's in your best interest to not do that yourself either. In other words, the most sustainable course of action in this case is to follow The Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would like them to do unto you").

The thing with the GDPR, is that the parties involved in the game are you and the EU government, and you not complying with the GDPR by just refusing to serve EU customers doesn't put you in line for any kind of equivalent retaliation if you delete all your EU user data first.

>>Why not enslave your workers so you don't have to deal with turnover and hiring replacements?

Because in a developed free market economy, that business strategy is doomed to fail, since your workers can choose to go work somewhere else that has more favorable conditions, and will likely warn any potential future workers against working for you. If you maintain these sorts of business practices long enough, eventually your pool of workers to choose from will shrink to the point where you'll no longer have enough viable candidates to replenish your workforce.

Similarly, if your business is in fact collecting sensitive data and abusing its use of it for shady purposes, your customers will eventually start looking for a way out of dealing with you (as is possibly the case with facebook right now).

However, the key distinction that seems to be missed by a lot of people here, is that not complying with the GDPR does not inherently guarantee that a business is either collecting dubious data, nor that it's doing shady things with it. And this is a result of the fact that companies around the world are not obligated to conduct business in the EU. If they magically were obligated somehow, it'd be a different story, but that's never going to be the case.

For example, if a new business starts up in the US right now, it will not actively have any EU user data yet, but could still opt to not comply with the GDPR purely because of the overhead costs, and just block EU users altogether in order to avoid any hassles in the future. Does this mean that the business is doing questionable things with user data? Obviously not, since it hasn't even had a chance to collect any data yet, but clearly it positioned itself in a way that it found to be the most advantageous for its given resources, at the detriment of any potential future EU users, without risking any obvious repercussions other than having a slightly smaller potential market. If all of its competitors decide to comply with the GDPR and serve EU customers however, then the strategy could turn out to be a losing one, but it's far from a given that this will happen.

>>Why dont you stop paying taxes so you don't have to do work to get the same amount of income as you would without taxes?

Because not paying taxes will get you jail time and/or non-trivial fines in pretty much every country you could possibly be based out of. I know there are quacks in the US that claim you can "legally" not pay any income taxes, but none of those crazy arguments have ever stood up in court, and have historically landed tax avoiders that tried to argue for them in jail. Regardless of how you feel about taxes, needlessly incurring large fees and/or landing yourself in jail, just isn't gonna be good for business, so it's in your best interest to pay them even if you're a raging psychopath/narcissist.

>Not complying with the GDPR doesn't have any obvious consequences because every company that sells user data is pushing their negative externalities onto others.

Not complying with the GDPR != selling user data.

This argument is moot because it doesn't logically follow that not complying with the GDPR necessarily produces these "negative externalities" that you're referring to. Therefore, it doesn't explain anything about why not following the GDPR doesn't have obvious consequences. Refer to my hypothetical startup example above for elaboration, because this is an example of conflating "data collection/dubious practices" with "GDPR compliance", which are two very different things.

>The GDPR is trying to make it so that the people creating the negative externalities are the ones paying for them

I agree that that's what it's trying to do. Unfortunately, it seems like it might be having some unintended consequences along the way regardless.

>Because unless you like having other people's trash on your lawn, a simple tit-for-tat strategy in game theory would suggest that it's in your best interest to not do that yourself either.

That's why company's trash the commons instead of someone's direct property, and then zealously guard their property rights. With actual trash it's dumping into a river instead of a front yard. With personal data they spend millions to suck up and infer personal data and then spend more millions guarding all of their information with lawyers crafting NDAs, obfuscateing their information with accounting tricks, and suing people or trying to bring criminal charges against people who gain access to their information.

When a company puts a secret tracking pixel on a website that users don't know about, it's good business. When an individual puts a secret program in an email the company doesn't know about, that's hacking and they need to go to jail.

>Because in a developed free market economy, that business strategy is doomed to fail, since your workers can choose to go work somewhere else that has more favorable conditions, and will likely warn any potential future workers against working for you

I'm not sure you know what enslave means. People wouldn't be allowed to leave.

To the rest of your point there, the argument that, "the market will respond to people's preferences" doesn't work with such one sided information. Sure people are leaving Facebook, but to go where? Instagram, another Facebook property that steals data? Snapchat, a different company this time but still stealing data. Cambridge Analytical has had to close up shop due to outrage, so they just reopened under another name so that most people will be unaware. Same with Blackwater -> Xi -> Academi. The entire Industry is engaging in these tactics and only dealing with the cost of renaming or a PR push because it is so lucrative. The GPDR is the EU's attempts to make it not lucrative anymore and allow for other business models to now be viable because they don't have to deal with shitty companies making a ton of money off of stealing data from people.

>Because not paying taxes will get you jail time and/or non-trivial fines in pretty much every country you could possibly be based out of.

And now not following the GPDR will get you serious fines followed by jail time if you continually flaunt the regulators. Literally everytime you said "pay taxes" in that paragraph could have been replaced with "comply with GPDR" and it would have been just as accurate

>This argument is moot because it doesn't logically follow that not complying with the GDPR necessarily produces these "negative externalities" that you're referring to.

It's not moot. Even if you don't sell the data, you are creating a pool of user data that is valuable to steal, and the constant stream of breaches from companies ranging to startups to enterprise is evidence that security is extremely difficult if not impossible. Look at the Equifax breach. They didn't have to sell any of that data for the breach to have caused actual damages to both users who had done business with them, and people who had never even entered into an agreement with Equifax. That is a negative externality generated entirely by the company.

The GPDR allows individuals to now say, "no I don't trust you to hold my data".

>I agree that that's what it's trying to do. Unfortunately, it seems like it might be having some unintended consequences along the way regardless.

Everything humans do has unintended consequences, that's a feature of not being omniscient, but using that as an argument for not trying something like the GPDR is disenguous.

If this was the governments first warning shot against data collection companies I'd probably be in the camp that thought it was going to far. It's not though, there was the cookie law, the DPD, and warnings from the government. The corporations have ignored the intent of all of them and gone on with business as usual. So now that trying a weaker form of regulation has already been done and failed the options are to let companies continue as usual and continue to harm society, or create a regulation that has actual teeth to it and starting doing a governments job of protecting it's people. Everyomes entitled to their opinion, but I am firmly in the camp of actually forcing companies into stopping this practice

>I'm not sure you know what enslave means. People wouldn't be allowed to leave.

Ok, apologies for thinking we were discussing a more mundane/realistic scenario then. However that kind of slavery that you're talking about is very niche and not something that could be universally applied by any entrepreneur like you seemed to be suggesting. Furthermore, it'd be illegal pretty much everywhere, and you'd end up in the same sort of scenario of tax avoidance where it's still in your best selfish interest to comply with the law anyway.

>"the market will respond to people's preferences" doesn't work with such one sided information. Sure people are leaving Facebook, but to go where?

Going nowhere is also a feasible option by the way. People lived just fine without having any kind of facebook/snapchat/instagram/etc not that long ago, so there's no reason why they couldn't just go back to that if the alternatives are distasteful enough. I know that's certainly the path I've taken. It may be a minority stance still, but give it time, the markets don't just respond to abstract things like this over night. I'd wager that we won't be able to adequately gauge the real effects of these sorts of privacy breaches until at least a couple decades from now, because the whole questionable online advertising industry isn't just going to run out of money and disappear that quickly.

>And now not following the GPDR will get you serious fines followed by jail time if you continually flaunt the regulators.

Did you skip over the example in my comment of that not being the case? If you don't do business in the EU (e.g. by range-banning them), and aren't holding on to EU user data, then you're not facing any consequences, plain and simple. Doing that doesn't mean you're complying with all that the GDPR is requesting either, so you can't just hand-wave it away as if that were the case.

>Even if you don't sell the data, you are creating a pool of user data that is valuable to steal

Once again, not following all the little rules that the GDPR entails, and/or not doing business in the EU, does not logically imply that a company is even collecting sensitive data in the first place. A small static site could potentially still be non-compliant if all it does is collect ip addresses in its server logs, or uses a 3rd party analytics service of any kind (without keeping any of the actual data itself).

I'm not arguing that amassing pools of personal data are in any way a good idea for anybody, but that's a separate issue than the one of "is it worth it to comply with the GDPR?", which is how most entrepreneurs outside the EU will inevitably approach the problem, even if they weren't planning to collect data. For example, startups will now have to consider if they'll ever collect any kind of data at all, at any point in the future, before they even decide to start, just so that they know whether or not it's in their interest to try serving the EU market at all, even if they have no plans to collect data yet. You could argue that the GDPR will disincentivize such activity and make entrepreneurs think twice about it, but most likely, the path of least resistance for them will just be to range-ban the EU.

>but using that as an argument for not trying something like the GPDR is disenguous.

No one is saying the EU shouldn't have tried passing the GDPR. What's actually happening, is a discussion between businesses/entrepreneurs outside the EU about whether it's worth it to comply with the GDPR or not. I have yet to see anyone legitimately advocate for it to get repealed or anything like that. We're all just looking out for what the best strategy to take is now that it's in place, and it seems like people in the EU are getting upset that not serving EU users is even being taken into consideration as a serious option, when it's a perfectly rational course of action for any outside business to consider.

>Everyomes entitled to their opinion, but I am firmly in the camp of actually forcing companies into stopping this practice

Right, and I'm in the camp that it's your right to try and do so, but also I'm pessimistic about using force to achieve this as opposed to starving the market via ubiquitous ad blockers and things like ad-nauseum. Only time will tell if the approach was successful or not.

Yes, so just block EU. End of story.

I mean yeah. I think it's leaving money on the table, but it's certainly a valid option as long as you aren't processing EU residents personal data in violation of the GPDR still and have money/assets flowing through the EU.

If you don't have anything within their jurisdiction there's not much they can do to you

You need backups of which information needs to be deleted. Or you can just store PII separately from the rest of your data so most of your backups don't need to be modified.

How long are you keeping backups in cold storage for - usually you'd want maybe 6 months there, but no more, otherwise it's just going to grow unbounded and become a financial burden.

That's certainly a valid point, but it still doesn't solve the problem of having to remember to delete something in the event of data loss.

As far as I can tell to comply with a deletion request with absolute certainty requires infallible storage (which would remove the need for backups) or modifying backups (which contradicts the concept of a backup). Maybe you can claim 'force majeure' at some point, but perfect compliance seems impossible.

It's impossible to have absolute certainty about almost anything. That's not what the law requires.

And remove it from the off site backup, like AWS, which helpfully makes copies of the backup data, and you have to remove it from all of them.

Presumably you are also required to delete it from any training data for an ML model, does that make any models trained on previous set of data illegal to use?

Are the weights in the NN “relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier”?

If not, then it isn’t personal information.

Not true.

> Not true.

... unless you plan to use the backups.

Then you have to have another service that tracks entities to delete when a backup it's restored... and back that up separately.

If you back up a list of things to delete is that GDPR compliant? Ponder.

> If you back up a list of things to delete is that GDPR compliant? Ponder.

There's little to ponder, that's why I mentioned "entities" rather than "user data." Use unique keys to reference the data rather than sensitive identifiers. The nontrivial part is storing your backup of entities to be deleted in a way that doesn't get destroyed at the same time as the event that forces you to revert to a backup. This now requires a separate storage, backup, and retrieval mechanism to maintain compliance.

> Use unique keys to reference the data rather than sensitive identifiers.

This is terrible advice. All identifiers are PII and covered by the GDPR, not just the "sensitive" ones.

The GDPR does not use the term "personally identifying information" anywhere in the text. Using that term suggests that you either haven't read the text or haven't understood it.

"Personal data" (the term actually used in GDPR) means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. The GDPR specifically states that the regulations do not apply to anonymous data. A list of unique keys marked "never restore this data from backups" is not personal data. The data associated with those identifiers is not personal data if it cannot be associated with an identifiable natural person.



Quantum has produced a very useful white paper on GDPR in relation to backup and archive systems.


You italicized the wrong data here: "Personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person"

Here's how to read it: "Personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person"

The "any information relating to" part is exactly the "unique keys" that you seem to think are not covered. The uniqueness and mapping to a person is literally the problem.

And re: PII, seriously? You're upset because I didn't type out "Personal Data"—even though you knew exactly what I was referring to, as did everyone else? Fight bigger battles…

>"any information relating to" are the "unique keys" that you seem to think are not covered. The uniqueness is literally the problem.

The uniqueness is completely irrelevant unless it identifies someone. If there's no way to trace that unique key back to the identity of a natural person, then it isn't an identifier within the meaning of the GDPR and the data associated with that identifier isn't personal data.

>And re: PII, seriously? You're upset because I didn't type out "Personal Data"—even though you knew exactly what I was referring to, as did everyone else? Fight bigger battles…

It's a highly significant difference. Other legislation talks about "personally identifiable information" - in the US, NIST define a finite list of things that constitute PII. The GDPR talks separately about "personal data" (stuff you know about someone) and "identifiers" (the information that ties the data to a natural person). Lots of stuff that isn't PII is personal data. Data can become personal data through association with an identifier or cease to be personal data through anonymisation. Apropos of nothing, PII isn't necessarily personal data. Without that distinction, large parts of the GDPR are incomprehensible.

I couldn't disagree more with your understanding of the legislation.

If I discovered your company was storing my personal data under "unique keys" that considered by themselves didn't personally identify me, I'd report you to my GDPR regulator immediately.

Unique keys with no personally-identifiable data in the key aren't some sort of innovative workaround that will allow you to store my personal data without my consent. It's not even remotely consistent with the spirit of the law, and IMO, with the plain text of the legislation.

If data is stripped of all identifiers that could be used to associate it with a natural person by any reasonable means, then it isn't personal data. If a unique key could in any way be used to identify a natural person, even indirectly, then it constitutes an identifier and any data associated with it is personal data.


A salted hash of your IP address is an identifier, because it can be used to indirectly identify a natural person. If I see the same IP again, I can hash it with the same salt and check for a match. The IP can then be used to identify you through your ISP's DHCP logs. If I associate the hash value with any other data, then that data becomes personal data.

If I delete the salt value, then it's impossible for me to match the hash to an IP, so the hash ceases to be an identifier. Assuming that the data associated with that hash does not contain any other identifiers, or data that when combined in aggregate could identify a natural person, then it ceases to be personal data.

Has that interpretation changed? I recall reading that in some circumstances it could. Or was that misinformation?

No-one actually knows. What constitutes erasure and how to deal with all the edge cases around backups, archives, unstructured data and so on is one of the big ambiguities under GDPR, and one of the areas most in need of (but mostly lacking) actionable guidance from official sources.

I'm surprised with the law being around for 2 years nobody has received the official guidance needed.

The law might have been around for 2 years, but in practice many smaller organisations didn't find out about it until a few months ago. Much of the official guidance is more recent even than that. And much of that guidance doesn't really help anyway, because it is often almost as vague and/or incomplete as the original regulations themselves. Questions about numerous everyday issues that will affect literally millions of businesses across the EU are still lacking useful answers.

I'm kind of surprised by the number of people surprised that companies are thinking this way:

If GDRComplianceCost > EUVisitorProfitMargin Then BlockEUVisitors

Yep. Doing a one person startup (in the US) I absolutely do not have time (or money) to mess around trying to figure out GPDR compliance. I'm not selling data to anyone, and I'm not collecting anything beyond an email address during sign-ups at this point, in any case. If a user decides they want to store PII or other sensitive data on my system, I can't stop them, but I'm not going to go combing through their data in order to sell it either. Most likely I'm just going to have to avoid doing business with Europe for the time being.

A quick read of some of the provisions of GPDR immediately brought to mind this passage from Atlas Shrugged:

> “Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.”

Sounds like you wouldn't have to change anything then.

Make extra personal data stuff opt-in, rest should be the same as usual.

Incorrect: Even a single person company described above will still need to handle GPDR requests. The operational requirements is not 0 even for a company retaining no unnecessary records.

> the requirement that you can permanently delete all of your information. Most early-stage startup use the best practice of “delete=1”.

What's your system for dealing with COPPA then? You're required to have a way for permanently removing data of children.

COPPA only applies to sites that are directed towards children or have "actual knowledge" that they're collecting data from children. It's legally sufficient to ask for birthdays and refuse signups from anyone under 13.

Can companies do the same here?

“Are you in the EU? Y/N”

When you learn that someone lied and they are under 13yo, the rule applies again.

I'm not aware of any rule or case which supports this claim.

It doesn't have to be a specific rule. You learn that the age declaration was invalid so the "§312.10 Data retention and deletion requirements" applies unless you have a verifiable parent consent.

Not many companies are going out of their way to learn that their users are lying about their age.

Honestly? During the first year of our start up, I didn’t have time to understand all of that stuff so I just put a checkmark on the sign up that users were over the age of 13, and moved on.

COPA was struck down by the courts last decade.

I get where you’re coming from, but maybe the bar has to be raised. Computing has gotten more capable and software frameworks are exponentially more powerful than they were even 20 years ago when the internet started going bananas.

The barrier to entry is so low that anyone with a credit card can setup complex IT environments quickly and collect valuable and sensitive information with no consequence to the principals.

Many industries are already like this. Certainly anything that touches securities laws or payments. Or safety regulations, or government customers. It was once possible to start a bank (Goldman Sachs origins buying receivables), a hedge fund, PayPal, etc etc without heavy compliance costs and infrastructure. Then things change. Though GDPR has a longer history, the US election showed that data-collecting people-connecting internet companies can do even more systematic damage and e.g. permit more foreign election manipulation than any one financial institution.

They might not crash an economy but they can crash a democracy.

So really the regulation is somewhat deserved and levels the playing field with other industries that have the potential to damage society.

Personally I wish two people could start an internet company or a bank or an exchange or an investment fund without deep pockets for compliance and legal. But it’s no more. Mourn it and think about the next sector that is open for growth.

First off, the GDPR just harmonizes existing data protection laws, and increases the associated penalties to give those laws teeth. If you need to do something fundamentally new today, you probably broke these laws yesterday already. Stop whining because you feel forced to comply now, just due to the fines having been increased. That's a basic risk of entrepeneurship.

Next, something like the deletion right has to submit to other laws that mandate data retention, like having to keep sales and bookings records for 10 years due to tax laws. If you do a cascading deletion in your data set, you're probably breaking these, so flagging records as deleted, or moving them to an archive to comply with these other laws still is perfectly find.

So this is just another regulation a startup has to think about. It's way easier than, i.e., tax laws, so please. Just stop panicking -.-

Regulations absolutely raise the bar for new companies and give an unfair advantage to established companies who can afford the legal costs and additional staff. If I were a strategist for a large corporation, I would push for regulations that would hurt smaller competition.

Startups that specialize in easing the pain of compliance do help. I recently had to implement tax collection in an app and a third-party API saved me a lot of work. However, it was still a drain on resources and took over a month to implement and test.

I don't know a lot about GDPR, but the requirement to permanently delete all your information is absurd, especially if you need that information for a legal context. What if a customer sues you years later and you've deleted all their information? I don't get it.

As the solo developer/cofounder of a two man business I have absolutely no time to worry about these things. Only a few days ago I've googled GDPR to get a facile understanding of what it is.

If at some point I create something that is large enough to matter, I can worry about it then and will have the resources to do so. Until then I'll continue working on software as if it does not exist. It's hard enough to build a profitable product that is valuable to people, don't need to think about any laws handicapping my creativity and design decisions.

> Do you have any idea how much it would cost to have “your lawyers” go through the GDPR, tell you what you need to do, and deal with all of the edge cases and gray areas? $20k or $30k doesn’t seem too high.

The worst thing is those who can afford the $300k lawyers to get away with doing whatever to my privacy.

So . . . what we have here is a law that assumes that if you are a good enough engineer to create software that makes money, you are a good enough engineer to comply with the law, given two years' notice.

I don't have a problem with that.

If the law has a side-effect of people who suck at understanding and organizing and managing data responsibly not starting companies and making money off of data, I'm also okay with that.

Maybe the days of two guys starting a company in a garage learning how to handle other people's information before they start a company dependent on it is just beginning.

I'm also okay with that.

You don't have a right to be incompetent. You don't have a right to be clueless when it comes to databases and information. You especially don't have a right to take advantage of other people who don't understand exactly what it means when they agree to a ToS page.

The reason there are so many comments to the effect that this is a non-issue is that it's just not hard to comply unless the business you're running is doing something shady. There is nothing technically difficult about complying with GDPR. If it's hard for you and everyone in your company, I don't know what to say. Hire someone who doesn't suck at this.

This is only difficult from a business point of view. Not a technical one.

> Most early-stage startups use the (in 2008, when I did mine) best practice of “delete=1”. Changing your whole database over to permanent cascade delete is only easy if you’re a very experienced programmer or who knows what he’s doing.

If you can't handle cascading deletes, continue to set delete=1 and overwrite the other columns with random data / empty strings / whatever.

Less risky than implementing cascading deletes, but still effectively gets rid of PII.

I think businesses should just charge EU customers more for their products, in order to make up for the compliance costs of GDPR. That should make most people happy.

Great! That opens the door for other startups that ARE responsible with people's personal data.

> Most early-stage startup use the best practice of “delete=1”

Who are you people who can’t/won’t actually delete something from your db’s?

DBs, memcaches, tape backups, offsite storage, log files, etc.

Past that, deleting things from databases is sometimes hard. If, for example, I delete userX, and userX was the founder of a number of forums, or chat rooms, or groups, or facebook pages that are linked to userX? Do those groups and forums and things count as 'belonging' to userX? If userX happened to be the guy who created /r/news, do we delete that subreddit, and all of the content therein?

What if userX was a paying member? Do you delete all his old invoices? How do you make sure that doing so still allows you to balance your books?

There are indeed real world scenarios wherein just deleting a user and cascading that delete throughout the system breaks things. In some cases, it might be better to replace userX's personal details with 'AnonymousUserX', but then that might leave behind content they've generated, which you then have to replace with "DELETED CONTENT" or some other stub, which causes complications.

Absolutely. It just isn’t easy.

I only know of two group of people, either incompetent or just plain dishonest.

Because they either argue that it is hard to design a database that allows deleting or anonymization, or it is that they're in the business of selling data and won't delete anything and rather lie to their user and customers.

I would be interested to know if there is any other argument for this.

The problem is dealing with software and databases that weren't designed for deleting and anonymization. I do not envy all the developers who are going to have to rewrite crappy legacy code to be compliant.

What if the contents of that DB get pre-rendered to disk or memory for caching (eg: prerendering a bunch of HTML)? Do you blow those away? Which ones? What if it turns out to be a substantial number of cache records you need to blow away? Whats gonna be the performance impact of that?

I agree with the OP. People who assume this shit is easy haven't really thought about the problem much at all. There is a lot of data stored out there in ways that wasn't really designed to be mutable.

You have 30 days to comply, so if you regenerate those cached pages regularly (e.g. once every 3 weeks) you're fine.

Technical person here! I was tech lead at an energy company in the Netherlands. We had a compliance dept (mostly 1 person) I worked closely with before GDPR was on the radar as the energy sector here is fairly well regulated.

It’s true that compliance can sometimes be scary and requirements are not always clear. Big company ending fines probably keep some people awake at night.

The point is regulators don’t generally want to end your company, they want to see (proof of) reasonable efforts towards full compliance.

Compliance does take time and effort and can be technically challenging. It can be a constant overhead on regular technical / development efforts. But it also isn’t rocket science. It would help people to not overreact (also, there has been lots of time to prepare for it).

Bullshit. Sometimes regulators want to shut down your company. Bureaucrats are not immune from politics.

You have delete as a boolean? My standard (well, Mongoid::Paranoia) is a timestamp and after a reasonable time to cover accidental deletions (like facebook does) a worker job can do the actual deletion.

DHH has a video about how this is implemented in Basecamp. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoxoPfilKqE

Oh, did the series move to a different channel, I missed that announcement. I only watched upto #5, thanks for reminding me :)

It's no big deal because not everyone in here is in B2C marketplace. I have SaaS services aimed at businesses. I don't give a damn about GDPR. It mostly doesn't affect me. On the other hand as a EU citizen I wholeheartedly welcome it. Sure, it's a draconian law and given time it will get polished but let's just face reality. Online advertising and whatnot has gotten out of hand. You visit any given site and it loads two dozen trackers. Facebook tracks you even if you don't have a profile on them. Google collects shitloads of personal information and none knows what they're doing with it exactly.

Back in the days we used to say that the Internet self-regulates. Well guess what, that's not happening anymore. Companies like FB or Google are actually breaking the web as we know it because they exploit our trust. If GDPR means that their business model will break then so be it. I have huge appreciation for Google, and none for FB, but enough is enough. And they're just the low hanging fruits. There are countless other companies out there working in unethical ways. If anyone's business model is to invade user's privacy then fuck off and die. That's not entrepreneurship, that's greed and a total disregard for human rights.

And by the way, we're not just professionals. We're also users.

If you store emails or people's names, you need to care. It has nothing to do with the type of business you are.

>I’ve been reading hacker news for about a decade, and it’s getting to the point where I don’t think there are many entrepreneurs and/or technical people on here anymore.

The number of people who are saying it’s no big deal to comply with this huge law, especially for very small startups, is mind boggling.

You want it to sound like the second phrase is the observation that proves the first, but in my eyes the two sentences are contradicting.

You can very well be technical and/or entrepreneur and think it's "no big deal to comply with this huge law".

Because, in fact, one of the defining characteristics of being an entrepreneur is taking risk, including the risk to not comply 100% with all BS laws. And one of the defining characteristics of hackers and programmers is thinking they can solve a problem (and often underestimating how long it would take).

So your GDPR-related observation would in fact prove the opposite of what you're stating: that there are plenty of entrepreneurs and technical people on HN.

Now, if you wanted to say: "there are no conservative, risk adverse entrepreneurs, and by-the -book corporate software engineers in HN anymore", then yes, that would be something that your GDPR related observation would support.

P.S Note that I'm not making an argument either way. There might be many or few entrepreneurs and technical people on HN. I'm just saying that if the latter is the case, it's not at all supported by your observation re: GDPR.

While i agree with your last 2 paragraphs i don't agree with the rest. I have a small team (2 fulltime devs and a designer) and we have no problem achieving GDPR compliance.

SaaS idea: I am a EU citizen and I will test that for every company that sends me a link to their website, by creating an account and then complaining to the Romanian authority that the site doesn't comply with the law.

Sarcasm... maybe :)

I'm running a small startup and finding GDPR compliance is small beans compared to the tax code and employment law, both of which we have no trouble complying with.

This is mostly false.

The GDPR doesn’t fine small companies that aren’t making a lot of money. The fines also don’t apply fully to startups until they are a certain age, depending on country.

The GDOR doesn’t require you to delete user data that you need. That would be insane, you could obtain a loan and ask to have the record of it deleted if it did. The GDPR does require you to inform people that you keep their data, and it requires you to tell your national how you plan to keep the data safe.

You’re not required to have GDPR legal representation in one man - small companies or startups.

The GDPR is only really a problem if your business model evolves around selling privacy data. I won’t lose any sleep over it being harder to make a new Facebook and I’m looking forward to see what new business models spring up.

I work in the Danish public sector by the way. I have around 500 systems that need to comply, some of these systems run on mainframes and have bits of software that are older than me. I’m not worried, especially not when we haven’t seen a single case in the courts. Until that happens the GDPR is really just a piece of paper because nobody knows exactly how it’ll be interpreted by the legal system.

What is the fear about startups? If you look at the ones you actually use reliably for a decade, very few would have been stymied by GDPR. To add on to this, for every successful startups there seem to be many mostly replaceable ones.

If anything, a reduction in the rate of new startups would indicate that perhaps the market is growing MORE rational, which corroborates the recognition of risk of PII that the GDPR manifests.

For some reason when I read your comment I had a vision of the Reddit founders in the very early days, waking up in the middle of the night to restart the server when it had crashed. Their sanity was very nearly wrecked because they didn't know about the existence of daemon supervisor tools yet. God help them if they'd had to deal with GDPR while still sleep-deprived.

Early-stage startups do not, in general, have their shit together. A straw may not break a camel's back, but a camel embryo would have a harder time with it.

...or I can just not sell to Europe. Solved.

As a start-up, you do what you need to do, and probably skirt the laws in some areas (I do anyway).

We can't get to full compliance, and in the timeframe with the workload we're working with, we didn't send out a message to all of our users asking them to reconfirm that we can email them.

That's just a hassle I don't think is worthwhile at this stage. So, we're risking it. Are we going to get a $4m fine for this. No, did we every implement the cookie law, which because we are an embed would create a brutal UI and result in some of our customers having multiple "accept cookie" messages on a single page? No, we said screw it, it's a stupid law.

If we listened to every stupid law on the books, nobody would have any fun.

BUT, in my opinion, we work within the objective of the law. The law is about protecting users private data. That is a good thing. Due to GPDR, we are taking extra steps to protect user data, and making it easier for users to delete their data. We have had to create Data Processing Agreements for our customers.

Take a look at the law, see what you can implement, understand why the EU has implemented the law as they have, and get as close to legal as you can.

Every start-up is making trade-offs, just because this is a big-bad LAW, does that mean it should get all the attention and that your customers should suffer while you implement.

Weigh the odds and get to work. If this kills a start-up, I suspect it is the start-up gave up or needed to act shady.

This is definitely doable for a one-man start-up with no lawyer.

Just like Terms of Use, take a look at what others are doing, and then copy what works for you and your busy.

I'm so so sorry that my right to privacy is inconvenient for you.

I’ve been reading web news for over a decade, and it’s getting to the point where I don’t think there are many hackers and/or privacy sensitive people on here anymore.

The number of people who are saying it’s no big deal to ignore privacy rights that should be law, especially for sensitive information, is mind boggling.

There are literally hundreds of laws, some very large, that tech startups must comply with from day 1. Yet somehow we still have startups and small companies, and the world goes on, round and round. Why no complaints about these other big laws? None of them get the vitriol hurled at them quite like GDPR. I suspect this is because having to comply with big laws is not really the issue. The real issue is that GDPR hits Silicon Valley right in the soft spot where it hurts: Callous and unrestrained collection of user data. Everyone is complaining "I don't want to have to comply with big laws!" but what they are really thinking is "I don't want to get busted for the crazy amount of data we suck up (or want to suck up) and store!"

>There are literally hundreds of laws, some very large, that tech startups must comply with from day 1.

> The real issue is that GDPR hits Silicon Valley right in the soft spot where it hurts: Callous and unrestrained collection of user data.

I've kept myself to lurking in those threads, simply because there's been so much FUD about this for the last few months. This, however, is spot on and it needs to be pointed out.

If people think GDPR is bad, then they should have a look at what it takes for a small startup that want to sell chicken eggs for breeding purposes, especially if you buy/sell across the EU borders. The requirements are quite insane compared to GDPR. :)

Clearly you have a different definition of entrepreneurs/technical people than I do.

Those seems like impositions on people who implement bad practice or work in fields that have morally questionable practices regarding people's data and identification. Many people I know don't engage or work in such industries because of the moral implications of doing so and what people are doing with data.

Its not about "just ask your lawyers" or "just call HR". Its about "well don't do dodgy/disrespectful stuff with customer data".

And if everyone is doing it or its regarded as "best practice" (as the old joke goes, best practice is just orwellian-speak for average), then that seems like MORE of an arguement why GDPR type activities and policies are required.

Again, I was in my early 20s and fresh out of college. I had no idea what I was doing.

It’s not that I was trying to cut ethical corners or do things poorly, I just didn’t know what the right way to do things was. Computer science education is often very theoretical and high level and not at all practical .

I’ll be the first person to say that I was not the most experienced and or talented programmer in the world, but do we want to prevent such people from starting companies?

And secondly, not all PII is the same. We stored names and addresses and phone numbers and websites. Not exactly medical histories or DNA profiles.

> I’ll be the first person to say that I was not the most experienced and or talented programmer in the world, but do we want to prevent such people from starting companies?

Yes. You should be fine as long as you're not collecting anybody's data or potentially harming them in any way, but apart from that, there should be established a bar to entry to what has become the fundamental motor of almost every single thing on the earth.

Perhaps this is a cultural difference, but I've collected names and addresses and phone numbers, and I worked under legislation where I can go to jail if i disclose the information i saw or had access to.

Later, outside of that legislation, when I'm collecting it, I deal with the Australian Privacy Principles [0].

It doesn't bother me that much, because I take a "well if we don't need it, we shouldn't be collecting it, and if we are collecting it, we should do so minimally and protect it anyway."

I believe under GDPR, if you need it, you can collect it. If you don't need it, why would you be/collecting or holding it?

There are certainly legal problems/ambiguities around ip and data collection, and yes, its usually legislated by people who really don't understand tech or information theory or data linking, but frankly I haven't heard very many legitimate ones brought up in relation to GDPR.

What I think someone naive and fresh out of college would do, for instance, when asked to delete data is...delete data.

And if they think that "delete my data" means go through a database and put a '1' in a delete flag against a record that is still retained, then I think they're not so naive, they picked that up somewhere from someone acting nefariously who told them it was "best practice".

And if they picked that up somewhere and it is industry "best practice", that's the kind of bullshit we should be weeding out of the tech industry.

If the user can't view/delete their data, that's a dark pattern. Which again, see above: needs to be weeded out of tech.

[0] https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/privacy-act/australian-p...

I think that to the hardcore GDPR fans that you're arguing with, this is like asking if we should let someone who is interested in structural engineering go build a skyscraper and figure it out as they go. Or someone who is interested in medicine start doing brain surgery on people.

They don't really agree that all PII is not the same. To them, storing their IP address without permission is a horrific violation of their human rights.

It strikes me personally as illogical and paranoid to the point of hysteria. However, that's just me, and at the end of the day, I think there's a cultural divide here as to what constitutes privacy, who owns what data, and what power we should trust the government with.

+1 to this. GDPR is just the personal data equivalent of the "don't be a dick" principle.

It's that, plus a whole lot of unreasonable demands. Just take the requirement to have an EU representative[0]...even a 1-person US startup that processes data now needs to hire someone in the EU and designate a qualified DPO, which they'll likely need to hire as well. That's way more than not being a dick, it's a huge jobs program that will cost companies millions. One estimate I saw indicated that they expected there would be a need for more than 30,000 DPOs in the EU (and it's that low because a single person can act as a DPO for more than one company).

There's a lot in the GDPR that I like, but having just been through a massive compliance effort, there's a lot in there that overreaches and is just there to leech money out of the companies that make an effort to comply.

[0] https://gdpr-info.eu/art-27-gdpr/

How would EU enforce laws on your business there, if you don't have any representation in the EU?

Dumb question, but how is the EU going to come over here to the US and file charges against me?

They won't, but they'll levy fines that will be in effect should you ever want to expand into Europe. And they might be able to prevent you from doing business with any company that has an EU presence. If you're making a profit off of EU citizens, there are ways to target that revenue.

Look at the ways that the US targeted online poker sites. None of them are in the US and subject to US law. But lots of banks are, and US lawmakers made it illegal for those banks to transfer money into or out of the poker sites and that basically worked.

Except it's now codified law, with real punishments based off the ambiguous "don't be a dick" directive. There are serious ambiguities here, and unfortunately no one knows how they'll be handled.

Funny how the very people who rail about corporations and Too Big To Fail are the same ones asking for regulations which raise the barrier of entry for small startups and protect large ones from competition.

HN has been overrun by MBAs a long time ago

I'm not sure whether you're agreeing or disagreeing with your parent comment, but I'm just tacking this on there because it feels right:

I think HN has just hit peak stupidity.

The amount of paranoia, misreading, misunderstanding, etc. about the GDPR is just insane (or intentional shilling, but let's not go all tin-foil-hatty prematurely).

Nobody who's doing anything even remotely above-board is panicking or anything of the sort. If you weren't already mostly complying with the GDPR (paperwork notwithstanding) your security practices and/or business practices were sloppy and/or dishonest and/or exploitative to begin with.

EDIT/Addendum: People who are not in the know are (somewhat understandably) a little bit nervous about "interpretation" and such, but there's a reason there's a "sliding scale" of potential penalties. Regulators don't tend to go for people/companies who are actually trying to do the right thing. They go for the people/companies who are the most egregious violators. (I hope I don't have to explain the reasoning behind this, but do ask if you're confused.)

> paperwork notwithstanding

thats the main point for me. Some of GDPR is good: right to delete in a reasonable fashion is great. Right to not be personally identified is awesome, but that's much easier to do in the ISP level. Adtech creates problems - that should mean you have to regulate adtech. But GDPR is more about documentation, bureaucracy and Vista-style popups than about how to protect data. You need a lawyer just to put ads on your site. It's a draconian law designed by a single-issue Green leftist, which relegated IP addresses to the status of some kind of fatally dangerous information. It breaks the web from a "web" to a series of tubes with doors in between. The severity of the law is out of proportion with the average internet user's concern about privacy: time and again people have shown they just don't value it as much as the law suggests.

After a few days, when the cheerleading has stopped people are going to be faced with some unpleasant realities: small business switching to facebook (because otherwise their website would contain more legalese than content) and ecommerce turning more towards the large marketplaces. In this sense, Facebook, Google and ebay/amazon become one-stop shops for GDPR-compliant solutions. The reason: GDPR removes options but offers no alternatives.

This is paperwork you should already have in some form if you're actually following (and I hate this phrase) "best practices" for customer data and trying to explain to your employees how to handle a (suspected) security breach, etc.

IMO, it's good to actually at least try (as a company) to come with some sort of consistent set of guidelines as to how a security breach should be handled. And a company-wide policy on how company laptops should be treated (disk encryption, etc.).

It's just that nobody actually bothered to actually do these things because the potential penalties were absolutely trivial.

I know of at least one company which chose to just pay the regulator in their country a monthly fine instead of fixing the problem because it was cheaper than paying developers to fix the issue.

How is that not broken?

(I should say that I have problems in which this was "released", so to speak, since there hasn't been time for any establishment of practice based on the intent of the law, etc. It should definitely have been a gradual rollout, but that's not really relevant now that it has been "released".)

> Let’s just take one feature: the requirement that you can permanently delete all of your information.

Let's take that feature because it's mentioned often, but it doesn't exist.

Read Article 17* carefully yourself. It doesn't say "permanent". It never even says the word "delete". Elementary, My Dear Watson.

* https://gdpr-info.eu/art-17-gdpr/

> at an early stage startup with one programmer, you cannot have that one programmer spending two months on compliance.

And then here's the other straw man.

An early stage startup in the US with one programmer has more to worry about from US regulation than European regulation. Nonetheless, if you want to trade with Europe then reading the ICO guidance on the GDPR for your business should take a couple of hours.

> My biggest fear is that all of these complex bureaucratic laws are just raising the bar for doing a startup.

There are so many things I care about more than whether you can create a startup with wilful disregard for people's rights.

Did you even notice that Equifax* lost control of personal data on pretty much every single American? Your name, date of birth, your SSN. Equifax did this because they are actually incentivised to make their systems as insecure as they can get away with.

The only thing you're right about is that real security has real costs, but you're not convincing me that they're not needed.

* https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/33185/00011931251815...

>* Most early-stage startups use the (in 2008, when I did mine) best practice of “delete=1”. Changing your whole database over to permanent cascade delete is only easy if you’re a very experienced programmer or who knows what he’s doing.*

You do not have to do cascade delete. Just invalidate the data that identifies the user (this includes also transaction dates).

Well, maybe it is possible to cross reference a person based on the transaction volume?

If you don't have the ability to delete a user from your database, you got issues.

Getting a banking permit requires an awful lot of money and you have to go though a lot of bureaucracy to get it, do you also have a problem with that?

What if a startup leaked your private data, like Equifax did? would you still feel the same way about this?

If the industry would have been able to self regulate, big bad government wouldn't have dropped the hammer on them.

So because the sentiment here is that it's no big deal, which you yourself say "is only easy if you’re a very experienced programmer or who knows what he’s doing" somehow the audience is less technical here. Perhaps the sentiment is that it's no big deal precisely because the audience knows how to solve this problem.

“...it’s no big deal to comply with this huge law”

Sorry but this comment has been driving me crazy. The GBDR about 100 pages? Obamacare is 20,000.

This law may be a lot of things. It may have a huge impact. It may require companies to do things hugely differently. It may require a huge amount of work for some. It could do a huge amount of good or bad.

But, it is NOT a huge law.

The fact that it is such a big problem for so many companies just demonstrates how badly things have been handled thus far.

I'm sitting through tons of GDPR meetings & there are quite a few conclusions amounting to "maybe we shouldn't have stored the data that way".

HN is a good reflection of Silicon Valley actually. Mostly people working for big companies who loves to read about and criticize startups but don’t have the guts to attempt one themselves.

Not to mention all the backups of said databases. Imagine sitautions where you’ve got tape backups stored in vaults or places like AWS Glacier. It’s the stuff of ops nightmares.

Imagine situations where people actually read the regulation and its commentaries.

You don't have to delete specific records from every one of your backups; in case of a deletion request, you have to be able to replay that if you restore the backup. Also, have some kind of policy in place for how exactly you're handling your backups and how long you're storing them.

who says it must be possible or easy to run a 1 man company that handles user data? I rather not have my data handled by a company who can’t handle GDPR

> the requirement that you can permanently delete all of your information.

Can you point to the bit of GDPR that says I can have all my data permanently deleted?

>I was not a great programmer >amount of time for me (the only programmer) well theres your problem. in any other industry you have to have professionals and competent people only in tech can you gobbel together something you can charge for by browsing StackOverflow. it is time that your clowning gets checked and you need to take things seriously. and if deleting data from your database causes "business logic problems" then you are obviously doing shady shit with users data and I am glad this is causing you pain.

> I’ve been reading hacker news for about a decade, and

> it’s getting to the point where I don’t think there are

> many entrepreneurs and/or technical people on here

> anymore.

Not sure, I tried my luck with co-founding 2 companies but I work now as an employee. I notice that the number of Stars on popular Github projects is rising every year, leading me to the conclusion there is an ever growing number of technical people. More over I realize it becomes easier every year to deal with more complexity.

That said, it becomes more feasible to handle more business logic - or compliance logic if you will.

I know that especially Lean Startup proponents say one should start with low tech solutions. Also I attended an accelerator program and was surprised that most startups there were not tackling exactly super complex things. In fact one Startup worked with some kind of modified Wordpress or so - which has GDPR logic already included.

So yeah, things become more technical and complex but I think it's for the good. Also when handling other people's data I guess there should be some responsibility. For the 2 companies I co-founded data-export would have been trivial to implement as the Web Apps were AJAX powered, I would have had just to provide a link to the user. In case of Startup #1 users were anyway only there to train for some test, so it would have been no problem to delete the user records. Probably delete cascade would have been fine as I worked with backups. Deleting data from backups would have been fine as well, they take up only precious space and use up bandwidth. Startup #2 was more about producing content that was not from users.

Also I want to note that in times where TDD is something even known to barely technical people, delete cascade is safe and a no-brainer.

Anyhow, the most challenging thing looking back would be all those 3rd party tools. To name some: Google Analytics, Mixpanel, managed DB/Redis/etc. I was never a fan of any of those tools and in times of Docker, we can run our software on whichever computers seem most suitable.

> My biggest fear is that all of these complex

> bureaucratic laws are just raising the bar for doing a

> startup. Maybe the days of two people doing a startup

> in someone’s garage should be in the past? If so, that

> makes me kind of sad.

GDPR isn't really complex, it's more like a collection of vague rules and recommendations. Basically most of them are like keep only the data you need, offer export and deletion following best practices.

I think it's mind boggling how you equate startup with abusing user data without users consent. Is that really the only way you think someone can make a business and earn money?


I assume it is your tone getting you down voted, but the message is true. If a cascading delete is too hard for someone building the tech at a startup, it's no wonder emails and passwords are leaked every single day.

>The number of people who are saying it’s no big deal to comply with this huge law

It's not if you're actually thinking about what you should be doing with user data from an ethical perspective. Our company has had zero problems complying with GDPR.

>My biggest fear is that all of these complex bureaucratic laws

Allow me to be extremely blunt here. If you think these laws are complex and if you have to resort to meaningless U.S. connotations of bureaucracy, you shouldn't be handling user data.

I started coding in 2012 as a funder with 0 experience in programming. From day one I avoided "delete=1". I implemented real data deletion from the very start and it has never been an issue. If someone like me (self thought from 0) could do it, I can't see any reason why this should ever be a problem. The GDPR does not pose any particular problem to start-ups, if you take the time to read it (no lawyer needed for that). Sure, as long as your business model does not rely on exploiting personal data.

The world is not coming to an end, the sky is not falling.

Nothing has to be automatic as far as the deletion requests go. It's fine for you to go through the db manually and grant a specific request within 30 days.

If you're big enough to get enough requests to not be able to handle the load, you can afford a couple of days of dev work.

It's mind boggling the amount of people who's interpretation of GDPR is overzealous (to the max) based on third party interpretations. Get to the source of it and you might find it's not that bad.

You're only in trouble if your business model actually relies on doing things to the data your users would not want you to do (which could be argued is for the better good).

I keep seeing these posts on how to block European users to avoid the GDPR. As a citizen of Europe, seeing these posts consistently making it to the front page is disappointing. It would seem that Silicon Valley perceives the GDPR as more of a hindrance than an opportunity to offer users better privacy. Nothing has been learned.

I feel the EU regulators could stand to learn something. If EU citizens are small portion of your users, and your tasked with parsing this document http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX...

just blocking them doesn't seem like that bad of an idea, especially with the fines involved.

I think the things that bother me is:

1) A College student working on a side project with no revenue are treated the same as some massive multi-national.

2) It's a foreign requirement that feels like a violation of sovereignty. Most business/startup owners complain about there being too much domestic regulations, now we have to worry about things outside of our own countries -- that also can come into conflict with our domestic tax authorities on things like data retention. An international agreement would be entirely different.

3) The GDPR requires clear and concise language, but have done nothing of the sort when writing the regulations. For most websites outside of the EU, could they not have produced a concise 1-2 page infographic produced by the regulators themselves?

> It's a foreign requirement that feels like a violation of sovereignty.

Sure, if you cater to users in your own country. If you cater (read: deal with data) to users from the EU, you should follow local consumer protection laws.

EU laws have always been more strict than US privacy laws: This caused unfair competition, where US companies were free to export their privacy-damaging business model overseas, while local companies were forced to respect privacy. Respecting privacy is just not very competitive/profitable at the moment.

Your viewpoint pushed to the extreme (sorry if you don't recognize your original view): China selling counterfeit goods or unsafe toys to the US, and feeling like any push-back is messing with their sovereignty of lax copyright -, trademark -, and health laws.

>Sure, if you cater to users in your own country. If you cater (read: deal with data) to users from the EU, you should follow local consumer protection laws.

If I have a brick and mortar business in the US and some one from the EU decides to do business, do I have to follow EU consumer protection laws? Unless I have an physical presence in the EU why should I have to follow their regulations?

Further, why cannot the EU just allow its citizens just do business with other extra-national companies if they choose to? Meaning, if an EU citizen chooses to do business with a non-GDPR compliant website, why does the EU care?

>EU laws have always been more strict than US privacy laws: This caused unfair competition, where US companies were free to export their privacy-damaging business model overseas, while local companies were forced to respect privacy. Respecting privacy is just not very competitive/profitable at the moment.

So what? If the EU wants to stifle competition, why should the US care. They are only hurting themselves.

> If I have a brick and mortar business in the US and some one from the EU decides to do business, do I have to follow EU consumer protection laws? Unless I have an physical presence in the EU why should I have to follow their regulations?

You don't.

If they're not In The Union, and you're not In The Union, then you're not required to comply with the GDPR.

> Further, why cannot the EU just allow its citizens just do business with other extra-national companies if they choose to? Meaning, if an EU citizen chooses to do business with a non-GDPR compliant website, why does the EU care?

It's impossible to give consent for something if you don't fully understand the ramifications of what you're consenting to[1].

[1]: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/17/us/politics/cambridge-ana...

What does it mean for a website to "cater" to just my home country? The internet doesn't know political boundaries and most sites cater to all visitors on some marginal level.

Most websites are products nowadays. If you have a simple blog without trackers and ads this is really not going to effect you that much.

> The internet doesn't know political boundaries

Tell that to this US law the whole world has to comply with to called DMCA.

Even my simple blog with no ads has google analytics on it. I don't feel like I was doing anything wrong or abusive, but I guess there's a case to be made.

I assure you I have been against the DMCA since before it passed, though I don't think it's quite the same nor do two wrongs make a right.

> Even my simple blog with no ads has google analytics on it.

I would suggest that you remove google analytics then. It only causes harm.

Maybe you aren't, but Google probably is. You're helping Google monitor individuals everywhere they go online.

DMCA is only one example. In the financial world, the extra-territoriality of US laws is widespread, such that for example even securities sold outside of the US, to non US customers, by non-US institutions, issued by non-US entities have long US laws compliance sections in their documentation. Non US banks outside of the US are reluctant to take US clients because of these laws (not dissimilar to the discussion on blocking EU IPs here).

I even read somewhere a while ago that the US claims jurisdiction on any financial transaction in the world as long as it's done using USD... Talk about overreach.

A simple blog without ads still collects IP addresses. It's as if the EU is trying to legislate that the web needs to behave like Tor.

IP addresses are not PII unless you also have timestamps and a legal avenue for querying the ISP records to see which account and thus person was behind the IP address at that time.

As a small blog, no ISP is going to give you the time of day, so it's not PII because you have no avenue for converting it to a person. If you transmit that data (say to google analytics) it might /become/ PII because google (or any other person you transmit it to) may combine it with other data they have access to, to turn it into PII.

The reasons large organizations are fretting about IP addresses are thus:

a) They have IP/timestamp records going back years, maybe decades

b) They may have ISPs willing to talk to them about who had the IP address at a specific time

c) They can't confidently allow that data to pass to partners in case their partners have access to ISP records

d) That data is a ticking timebomb, because even if they don't have an agreement with an ISP now, if an ISP offers that service for free to all takers in the future, their trove of IP/timestamp pairs could suddenly become PII overnight through no action from them

So yeah, for businesses operating at a certain scale, IP/timestamp combos are now a toxic asset. That doesn't mean your log files for your blog are suddenly a GDPR violation, unless you share them with people or have an inside track with a local ISP.

You can read more here: https://www.whitecase.com/publications/alert/court-confirms-...

Doesn't point (d) apply equally to organizations of all sizes?

> still collects IP addresses

It doesn't have to.

> Tell that to this US law the whole world has to comply to called DMCA.

If a site has no US presence and blocks all users in the US, what negative repercussion can violating the DMCA incur? Maybe their domain can be siezed, but that can be avoided by not having a domain hosted in the US. The US could block all traffic to the site, but that should be moot if the site has no US users.

With the DMCA, if a US judge determines that a foreign company has broken the law, and someone associated with the company ever visits the US, that person is at a high risk of being orange-jump-suited in a barbaric punishment system.

It's been this way for nearly 20 years.

This is outside the scope of my previous comment. If someone visits the US then they have a physical presence in the US.

I'm still failing to see how the original claim, that everyone has to abide by the DMCA, is true. This seems like claiming that everyone has to abide by Thailand's Lese Majeste laws (laws criminalizing insults to the monarchy). Yes people may face repercussion if they have an economic or physical presence in the country. But if they don't, then theres nothing Thailand can do to enforce this law .*

* not without cooperation with other countries at least. Some nearby countries are known to enforce Thailand's Lese Majeste laws abroad and extradite people. But in most countries, this isn't the case.

You want to get all political about this? What about extraordinary rendition? And the pirate bay guys?

The "Pirate Bay guys" were persecuted in Sweden, nothing I can find on the coverage of their arrests and trials mention American copyright law. Extradition treaties are voluntarily made by the countries that establish them.

Again, if a country doesn't want to abide by the DMCA then they don't have to. Extradition treaties and the Pirate Bay do not disprove this claim.

Ok you are right about the pirate bay guys. But you could argue that the laws are heavily influenced by the US.

But extraordinary retention is just the fancy word for CIA abduction. So no treaties are in place here.

But that's the same with the EU rules - nothing to fear if you don't go to the EU.

The internet doesn't know, but e-commerce/data business pretty darn well knows where their customers/users are situated.

The old web was mostly static websites. We spoke of visitors. The new web is app-ified/interactive, walled off to logged-in agreement-abiding geolocated users, and even a single logged-out "visit" broadcasts this to 100s of trackers who will remember your every move online.

Odds are whatever you were using on the old web to measure visitors would be a data processing activity under GDPR.

If you aren't collecting and storing PII, you have nothing to fear from the GDPR. Even if you are, you're fine as long as you only collect what you legitimately need to offer your services.

including targeted advertising campaigns?

IANAL, but if your company is a targeted marketing company (think Groupon) and users sign up explicitly to get sent offers, then you're probably in the clear. If your company offers some other service, but you also want to sell your users' data for targeted marketing, the GDPR requires you ask for and get real consent.

I find it odd that people take issue with regulation, perhaps its been ingrained into the cultural consciousness of the west that regulation is always bad, but historical analysis shows that regulation has always had an overwhelmingly net positive effect for the members of a given society. You can link the stage of a country's development to how effective their government is in protecting it's constituents.

Aww that's cute!

1. when you open a restaurant nobody cares you're a collage student. You have to have all the checks and permits to serve people food. It's not because somebody hates small businesses, it's because the right not to be poisoned is more important than the right to do business hassle-free. Why should internet be different?

2. Fuck your souvereignty. Seriously. USA has no problem violating secrecy of correspondency worldwide, and argues in length for years whether wiretapping its citizens is OK, because everybody agrees wiretapping others is perfectly fine. USA forces poor half of the world to follow ridiculous copyright law, including software patents and art becoming public domain after a century or more. There's no good will earned there, so don't expect a free pass cause of your feelings. Want to serve customers from other countries - have to obey the law there.

3. they probably could. Still - I'm sure there will be "GDPR as a service" soon. Maybe some libraries, frameworks and standards how to handle personal data will finally be created? This should have been done decades ago.

Equivocating mishandling user data on a project that some kid in a dorm made for fun, which collects maybe an email address. With putting someone in the hospital with food poisoning is beyond a dishonest comparison.

So? Projects like that aren't forbidden now that the GDPR is in force. Just put up a paragraph explaining why you need that email address, an unchecked checkbox if you want them to agree to send irrelevant emails, and you're done.

When corporations like Equifax or Cambridge Analytica have engaged in identity theft to the tune of basically half the continent of North America, you want to repeal one of the few laws fighting against it with an argument about kids in dorm rooms? It's basically the tech equivalent of "won't somebody think of the children?"

> Just put up a paragraph explaining why you need that email address, an unchecked checkbox if you want them to agree to send irrelevant emails, and you're done.

Oops, seems you’ve forgotten about the “right to be forgotten”, and several other requirements. Better prepare yourself for those >$20 million fines — how dare you negligently handle personal data, college software engineering student!

I’m all for strengthening privacy protections and punishing bad actors in this domain, but designing strong regulations that don’t have seriously bad unintended consequences, is a really really difficult task. I’m not necessarily saying it shouldn’t be done; just that I don’t envy the jobs of those trying their best to do good for the world via regulations without accidentally destroying some really good things.

It may turn out that GDPR has few unintended negative consequences, or it may turn out the harmful side effects are far more severe than anyone predicted. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Personally, I wish there were a technical solution to privacy concerns — something akin to DRM, but applied to each individual’s personal data to prevent it from being used in unauthorized ways. That’s about the only kind of DRM I think I could really get excited about :)

It is very good that I can delete my e-mail from a website.

I agree. My point wasn’t that the right to be forgotten is bad or wrong, but that the parent post ironically said “just add a checkbox and you’re good!” about GDPR compliance, and was not just wrong — but $20 million wrong!

Those kind of fines are simply not compatible with low quality advise like “Just add an opt-in checkbox, and you’re good to go for GDPR! What’s the big deal?”.

Overall, I like GDPR a lot (though as a disclaimer, I should say I haven’t read all ~80 pages yet).

Still, I am not as confident as many here that GDPR will have no serious unintended side effects.

Imagine for example if Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. all get hit with huge fines despite genuine best attempts by them to be compliant, after which they decide to cut their losses and exit the EU market entirely. Stock markets could crash globally, a new recession would occur, etc.

I very much doubt anything like that would happen, of course. But until things settle post-GDPR, I don’t think anyone can say for certain how this will economically affect the EU, and the world.

These are maximum fines IIUC.

How are they going to collect those fines?

Most of the time there will be no poisoning. Most of the time they will only collect e-mail address.

The law is designed to cover pessimistic case. You can get sick because of food poisoning, you can be robbed because your identity was stolen.

I don't think my comparison was dishonest.

> Equivocating mishandling user data on a project that some kid in a dorm made for fun, which collects maybe an email address. With putting someone in the hospital with food poisoning is beyond a dishonest comparison.

Nobody’s saying both are treated equally under the GDPR. The law stays the same, the way it’s enforced is adapted to the case, like any juridiction. Whatever the situation, you always get a warning before being fined.

While I agree with your point 2 (remember CAN SPAM and DMCA!), that's called "whataboutism" which is usually seen as a bad argument. I wonder if it's only called a bad argument because people are on the receiving end of it or whether it really is faulty in some way.

I don't get the complaints about how hard GDPR is and having to understand it all. If you're based in the US, have you read the actual DMCA document? CFAA? California S.B. 1386? TWEA? ADA? Or at least any interpretations of them and validated that you comply?

If not, then worrying about GDPR which is mostly not enforceable in the US sounds disingenuous.

Who are you arguing with that thinks DMCA was a great idea but GDPR isn't?

Not saying anyone thinks it's a good idea. I'm saying I haven't seen that many comments, annoyed people, and general discussion about other laws, which actually impact US people and can be enforced there.

I'm guessing they also ignore those laws, because of posts like this one. If you're running a business complying with regulations, you likely already know how to block a country. I mean, you keep track of the current embargoes and block relevant countries, right?

Because this is a thread about GDPR, and the GDPR is not the same as the DMCA in either impact or scope. Take your whataboutism elsewhere.

You are speaking as if the European Union spit out this legal document and nothing else, when in fact loads of supplementary material have been released, for consumers as well as for enterprises. Of course, the actual act must be written in formal legal language.

EDIT: Example: https://ec.europa.eu/justice/smedataprotect/index_en.htm

> A College student working on a side project with no revenue are treated the same as some massive multi-national.

Am I reading this wrong? If the college student creates just a simple page, he/she is already complaint with GDPR.

If the student starts collecting personal information, then they need to know what's allowed or not. There are already things that are not legal to do, GDPR just adds private information into that.

The treatment of privacy is one of issues where it's pretty much impossible for individual protect from, GDPR tilts the scale in favor of individuals.

If a kid makes a meme generator site where you can create a profile and organize your dank memes, then now they have to have a data protection officer, build a system to purge user data, and build a system to get user consent, etc.

I can easily see small websites just ignoring GDPR and hoping they fly under the radar. Or, using something like this Cloudflare configuration to block all EU users until they reach a size where achieving GDPR compliance is feasible and worth the effort.

> they have to have a data protection officer

DPO is only needed in specific cases. Dank meme sites don't fit in any of: a) public authority b) monitoring subjects on large scale c) dealing with criminal conviction data.

> build a system to get user consent

It's called a checkbox. They likely use one to agree to TOS anyway. If you don't have that one, DMCA and COPA is what you should be worried about before GDPR. (If you're based on the US anyway)

Article 37 1.a and 1.b are extremely vauge. Hiring a DPO becomes necessary once your service "requires regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale", or processing personal info specified in article 9 "on a large scale".

However, nowhere does it actually specify what sort of scale constitutes "large". I don't see any user count threshholds or anything like that.

Also, it's possible that someone's list of authored memes is personal data. If somebody creates a lot of political memes then this could easily be covered by article 9, since political affiliation is explicitly covered there.

Additionally just saying "have a checkbox" isn't going to cut it. GDPR forbids blanket opt in or opt out schemes. You would have to build a system to track what the user has consented to and refactor all features to abide by each user's consent configuration.

I'm not saying every these tasks are hugely onerous - just that I can see the use case for blocking EU traffic to avoid having to abide by their regulations.

They only apply if it's your core activity though. If dank memes are your core activity, you're not "processing personal data" on a large scale, regardless of how many memes you store.

Again, only if you assume that these memes aren't covered by article 9. You might be able to infer a lot about someone from their authored or favorites memes. Article 9 doesn't just cover the personal data itself, it covers personal data revealing ethnicity, political opinion, etc. If I look at a user's list of authored memes, and it's full of pro gay rights memes have these memes revealed their political opinion? Many would argue yes, and processing memes is definitely the core activity of our hypothetical site.

> If a kid makes a meme generator site where you can create a profile and organize your dank memes, then now they have to have a data protection officer, build a system to purge user data

No, because that website doesn’t collect personal information.

> and build a system to get user consent, etc.

You need user consent to send emails or do something with their personal information (i.e. nothing since you don’t hold that information).

> No, because that website doesn’t collect personal information.

Yes it does. It a least records an email address and password to create profiles. And any features like tagging memes, marking memes as favorites, etc. could be argued to constitue personal data.

> You need user consent to send emails or do something with their personal information (i.e. nothing since you don’t hold that information).

Again, I specified a meme generator site that has at least some user specific personalization.

>they have to have a data protection officer


> build a system to purge user data

SELECT * from users, memes, usermemes where userid = #####

What about all the comments on those memes? Do those go too? What about the people who hot-linked to those memes? Do you just nuke the images and break all the content people linked to?

You sign up for a website and upload and share a bunch of memes.... honestly... the shit isn't really your data anymore. It is the publics. You shared it and yanking it back is kind of a dick move.

It really isn't as "simple" as a DELETE statement that some people argue it is.

You are just making s*it up. Meme is something you publicly posted it is not your personal info, you possibly agreed to transfer copyright to the site, if you still own it, of course you have right to delete it.

As for personal info, most meme websites don't require any accounts to create them, because it only makes the site less usable, but if the site do have accounts, you do have right to see/update your account, you have right to delete your account and be sure that if your account is deleted the data is actually gone.

> Meme is something you publicly posted it is not your personal info,

Very generous assumption on your part. Article 9 specifically says that anything revealing personal info like ethnicity, political affiliation, etc. is covered by GDPR. If I look at a Adam's list of authored memes and there's a bunch of pro-Democrat memes and I look at Bob's and it's all pro-Republican memes, then it's very easy to see a court ruling that a memes reveal political affiliation.

You’re not allowed to have the DPO be yourself due to potential conflicts of interest.

I can easily see small websites just ignoring GDPR and hoping they fly under the radar.

This is my plan. What are they going to do, extradite me over claims that my access logs includes IP addresses? Claim that I do business in the EU when I don't take payments, every side project I've made is in English, and I've never set foot there?

Web servers are non-compliant out of the box because they all by default log and store IP addresses of visitors.

There is nothing non-compliant about that. You seem to misunderstand essential vs. data hoarding for advertisement purposes. If you were to keep that data forever, sell it to third parties or profile users based on that logging data, not tell them about it, then yeah, you'd be violating the GDPR.

For normal operation system logging is pretty much a requirement for essential operation. That includes most properties of a connection like IP, UA, date, time, URI etc.

Which is the answer I see all of 50% of the time. Then, I see "Well, actually it is non-compliant because yadda yadda". My company isn't going to hire international compliance experts to review the operations of every public website we run, and we don't have any that need European visitors. So, best to just block them.

But what about national compliance experts, do you hire those? Because you have a lot more national compliance on your plate than international...

That just emphasises how worthless it would be to spend effort to make sure we're compliant with GDPR. We have better things to do.

And that just emphasises how much you'd rather not worry about user data or telling users about it. You have money to make off of it?

Meaning what? Our time is finite. Time we spend trying to comply with European regulations, when we have no European presence and seek no European customers, is time taken away from everything else we need to do—including complying with the actual laws we live under.

Without it documented why I am collecting it, how I use it and how I store and delete it, it is non-compliant that I am collecting it at all. I think that you are assuming that they know it is being collected and that they are supposed to use it for something. They don't. It is not essential at all to the operation of the service if you don't actively monitor it. Saying it could potentially be used for some kind of security function seems like a CYA if you aren't actually doing that.

Do you disagree with this TLDR of the regulation?


Without a bunch of work that hasn't been done I seriously doubt that they can give Right to Access, Right to be Forgotten, Data Portability, Privacy of Design and it does clearly state it is Personal Data.

So the defaults will be changed.

It's called software cause it can be changed easily.

A quick Google search leads to this, for example: https://blog.flyingcircus.io/2018/02/05/new-default-truncate...

> It's a foreign requirement that feels like a violation of sovereignty.

It must feel horrible, now that the US is on the receiving end of this for a change... ;)

Notwithstanding any opinions of the contents of the directive itself, as Canadian citizen, the schadenfreude of the United States getting its comeuppance is not nearly worth another foreign federal government imposing its will on our domestic activities.

> I think the things that bother me is:


> 1) A College student working on a side project with no revenue are treated the same as some massive multi-national.

That's false. The GDPR repeatedly refers to evaluating the risk with regards to various decisions. The ICO even has separate guidance for small businesses and big businesses.

> 2) It's a foreign requirement that feels like a violation of sovereignty. Most business/startup owners complain about there being too much domestic regulations, now we have to worry about things outside of our own countries -- that also can come into conflict with our domestic tax authorities on things like data retention. An international agreement would be entirely different.

This one I can appreciate, but perhaps look at it from our point of view:

You're violating our laws that protect our citizens.

Why would we possibly have any sympathy for that?

> 3) The GDPR requires clear and concise language, but have done nothing of the sort when writing the regulations. For most websites outside of the EU, could they not have produced a concise 1-2 page infographic produced by the regulators themselves?

The GDPR is easier to read than many US laws, and you don't have to read it anyway. The ICO has written extremely high-quality guidance for most businesses which will suffice. It should take no more than a few hours to determine how your business would be affected.


"You're violating our laws that protect our citizens. Why would we possibly have any sympathy for that?"

No one forced your citizens to come to my website.

And in the situation that it’s no more complicated than a EU citizen visiting a website that doesn’t sell to European businesses, that’s probably fine.

But when you want to trade with Europe, you have to abide by our standards for human rights.

> " It's a foreign requirement that feels like a violation of sovereignty."

How about you look at what bs comes out of the US gov't? That is the worst foreign requirement and violation of sovereignty so far, and it keeps on giving.

> 1) A College student working on a side project with no revenue are treated the same as some massive multi-national.

I hear you, but the argument is that the data doesn't care who caused the leak. A college side project leaking an SSN does the same amount of damage as a multinational leaking an SSN, so the law is going to want them to treat them equally seriously.

My understanding (I could be wrong - IANAL and I haven't read the 80 pages) is that GDPR takes a somewhat countervailing view. SSN data breaches would be treated the same way as, say, whether someone likes the Beatles. The problem with GDPR from my perspective is its Draconianism.

This is by the way the same problem with the various restaurant analogies. It makes some sense for the health department to inspect large restaurants. It would make no sense for them to subject neighborhood cookouts to the same degree of scrutiny.

GDPR seems to be based not on actual harm that could occur based on invasive, sketchy or otherwise bad data storage practices; instead, it seems based on a subjective idea that people have "fundamental rights" to various forms of state-mediated protection in relation to technology. Rights are unequivocal and almost entirely uncompromising.

A college student working on a side project probably shouldn’t hoard personal information if it doesn’t care to protect it.

>1) A College student working on a side project with no revenue are treated the same as some massive multi-national.

If the side project uses personal user data, then there is no reason to treat them differently.

> A College student working on a side project with no revenue are treated the same as some massive multi-national.

And why not? The result/harm is the same.

It doesn't matter a bit whether a company's web site is handing its visitors' data over to Facebook or a "private site" does.

The side project or the private site always have the option of not participating in the adtech frenzy.

But of course they want to participate (free money!), even if they find out much later that almost no money is coming their way.

No, it's not the same. The lack of proportionality is precisely why the UK/EU is such a hard place to conduct business.

These rules don't stop anything about ads, they just make them less targeted. Not a big deal, but it will increase the costs of serving users and thus decrease the total amount of commercial projects started.

I find it funny to claim that the US could be more proportionate than the EU.

Less targeted ads are exactly what we need. That's what the regulation aims for!

Your argument is like claiming that unfortunately, due to car dafety regulations, we cannot enjoy as many fatal accidents as we once did.

And to make my point of view clear: not all businesses deserve to exist. We as society decide which business models and behaviours are okay. "Decrease the total amount of commercial businesses started" cannot ever be a persuasive argument.

This issue isnt about privacy...

Nobody reasonable is arguing that it's a bad idea to let customers control their data. The actual issue is that the rules are vague and thus create a lot of confusion and waste that affects all companies, while not providing any real protection against the massive conglomerates that abuse data in the first place.

>The #1 complaint about ads is that they are not relevant, so this does nothing but increase that problem.

The #1 complaint about advertising is that in 2018, it has evolved into a shadowy, insecure brokerage of surveillance data that it obtains using all kinds of under-handed tactics. If the GDPR curbs this in the slightest, it will be a net positive for people of Europe.

It will not curb it. Facebook and Google who control 90% of the ad industry will already have consent from billions of people by the end of the day, and the increased regulation will only increase their market share as the safe and reliable avenue for advertisers and further strengthen their monopolies and data activities.

Facebook certainly doesn't have full consent under the GDPR.

They are playing games, and don't respect the requirements that the GDPR puts on "consent": focussed, freely given (non-punitive), fully informed.

Sure, one of the most valuable companies on the planet with an army of lawyers doesn't know what it's doing.

Or maybe it's because the rules are confusing and messy and you have a different interpretation?

> Sure, one of the most valuable companies on the planet with an army of lawyers doesn't know what it's doing.

This a fallacy, not an argument. [1]

> Or maybe it's because the rules are confusing and messy and you have a different interpretation?

Please point out which rules are confusing and/or messy. Virtualy every single blog post about GDPR points out how it’s well written compared to other juridictions on the same subject. The language is clear and the website provides a Q/A section as well as concrete example for every point.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority

Yes, a company worth over half a trillion dollars with access to the best legal teams around the world has authority on whether it has done what it can to be compliant or not. And authority is how the legal system works, not everyone can just practice law without going through the proper education and licensing.

> Please point out which rules are confusing and/or messy.

The comment thread you just replied to -- the one where you seem to saying that random HN commenter is more accurate than Facebook's entire legal team on regulation that is supposed to be unequivocal -- is a start.

> Yes, a company worth over half a trillion dollars with access to the best legal teams around the world has authority on whether it is compliant or not.

No, it does not.

Fine, edited. Although you seem to be missing the point...

They know exactly what they‘re doing. They are willfully breaking the law because it makes them money.

Maybe your playacting is simply because you‘re „Currently working on Instinctive, a B2B marketing technology company.“?

You've made this personal twice now, signaling a lack of any real argument.

You do not know my history, and sadly you didn't even bother to do some basic research or you would recognize that I'm one of the few in our industry that has called for regulation and data protections for years. [1] Instinctive has been on the forefront of this as well with our most recent push for net neutrality. [2]

And surprisingly you seem to miss that B2B marketing is rather unaffected by GDPR since everything we do has always been contextually targeted, consent-based, and 1st-party relationships anyway. If you want to have a discussion, base it on the ideas and not the person.

1. https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=manigandham%20regulati...

2. https://www.newamerica.org/oti/press-releases/companies-urge...


As for Facebook breaking laws, I find that incredibly hard to believe given their resources, recent legal , 1st-party data and consumer connections in their walled garden, and the fact that consent is already given by billions of users who just want to use FB products and don't care about the rest. They have nothing to gain from skirting regulations that only serve to strength their relationship.

>Less targeted ads are exactly what we need. That's what the regulation aims for!

I have nothing against targeted ads. I am against targeting ads and collecting/distributing my data without my explicit consent. E.g. mobile companies selling my real time location because there's some obscure sentence in their 90 page terms of service.

> I am against targeting ads and collecting/distributing my data without my explicit consent.

Which is exactly what GDPR is designed to stop. You're welcome - the rest of the world.

And this is exactly what GDPR does, you then have an option to opt-in.

I wish regulation like GDPR would also be implemented in US, but really unlikely.

Please learn from the experience of dealing with side effects of GDPR in EU first, before trying to push it to the US.

The side effects would include:

1) Reduced number of services available to EU customers.

2) EU users will be trained to click "Agree" without reading, because web sites would ask them for permission very frequently, and users do not have time to read web site policies anyway.

> EU users will be trained to click "Agree" without reading, because web sites would ask them for permission very frequently, and users do not have time to read web site policies anyway.

From what I've read, opt-in is only supposed to be used when there's an actual voluntary choice, and "allow us to share your data with 3rd party trackers or we block you" doesn't count as a real choice.

It should be treated in the same way as opting into marketing emails. Totally optional. Not opting in shouldn't totally break a site.

Not allowing businesses to fire customers who don't want to share anything sounds like a massive problem for companies who's revenue model depends on user info. Think of all the people who don't want to share anything but still aren't willing to type in CC info for facebook, are they entitled to free facebook use on the companies' dime?

> doesn't count as a real choice.

Why not?

Because consent must be "freely given". As soon as you start attaching consequences unrelated to the utility itself, you're making a decision less and less freely.

The greater the power imbalance, the less free the choice. Social networks are a great example of this. You can choose not to use a particular one, but what's the alternative if everyone is already on that platform? You can go without, but what if it's LinkedIn, and there can be a real impact on your career?

> Because consent must be "freely given"

But you do have a choice. Don't use the site if you don't consent to its rules. Pretty straightforward choice.

Yes same as you have a choice to live without computers and electricity.

Definitely not the same.

> Pretty straightforward choice.

It is, if you don't think the rest of what I wrote is worth any consideration.

The rest of what you wrote is silly. Social media websites are not charities. They don't have to provide you with a service if you are not willing to compensate them with your data.

Personal data is not the only form of compensation, and GDPR is a direct response to the situation that attitude has created.

Nobody is suggesting companies provide free services. We're saying that personal data is more than commodity, and we should be looking to more ethical business models. And we won't be sad to lose companies that can't adapt.

edit: And I don't think my point was silly, but I'm also not really libertarian. So I don't think it's acceptable for companies to abuse their dominant position to make things worse for society at large.

You're making a philosophical argument about what is a "real choice", precisely the problem with the "based-on-principle" GDPR. All this will do is create a big mess if/when this gets into real litigation.

> 1) Reduced number of services available to EU customers.

That’s not a bad thing. If services that don’t want to protect their users’ privacy can’t operate, that’s a good thing.

> 2) EU users will be trained to click "Agree" without reading, because web sites would ask them for permission very frequently, and users do not have time to read web site policies anyway.

How does this have anything to do with GDPR?

Not wanting extra regulation and associated costs does not mean a business intended to not protect their users privacy.

It's a difference in how much a business values their users' privacy and data.

Some value it until they hit XXXXXXXXX amount of extra cost. Some only value it until they hit XXXX amount of extra cost.

Most probably only value it as much as they're forced to.

> 1) Reduced number of services available to EU customers.

because everyone knows that it is better to not make no money at all, than just a slightly less than normal because your ads are not targeted.

> 2) EU users will be trained to click "Agree" without reading, because web sites would ask them for permission very frequently, and users do not have time to read web site policies anyway.

Sure, and it is their absolute right to do so, but other people finally have some control over their data, I especially like the fact that finally user can also remove/change the data about them.

>And this is exactly what GDPR does, you then have an option to opt-in.

I mostly like GDPR. Ability to opt-in and being of charge of your data, i.e. removing it from a service if you want to, and the right to export and move it to another service are great and long due.

What I don't like is that it's a principle based regulation and thus it can be applied arbitrarily and selectively.

> UK/EU is such a hard place to conduct business

is it though? According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ease_of_doing_business_index#R...

USA is 3 positions behind Denmark which is in EU, and just one ahead of UK.

It's not the same. There're companies which intentionally collect and exploit private data. There're companies which are just behaving negligently with users data. There should be different penalty for intentional and negligent violation.

And there is! The law applies to all but fines/punishment are handled on a case by case basis.

And there's a lot of room for choosing the fine/punishment. There should be some rules, i.e. fines for intentionally violating privacy of millions of people should be very different from fines for unintentional violation of privacy of 10 people.

GDPR has effects way beyond better user privacy. Sorry I've been pasting this in multiple GDPR related threads, but here it goes:

I have a profitable, bootstrapped SaaS business based in US. It's not based on ads or selling data. I don't even have a freemium plan. Only a limited free trial after which you have to start paying. It's a trivial application that stores mostly already public data. Only email is required to login so that I can send password reset and other such communication.

I've been talking to a very well known giant corporation (also based in US, but has many global offices) for months. The VP and director love my product and want to start using it right away for their department. But their legal team is scared shitless with 4% fines in GDPR. They are putting some draconian clauses, (various ISO certifications and such) in the contract that I, as a small company, cannot comply. That's their interpretation of GDPR. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong.

The VP and Director are really nice people and I've developed very good rapport with them. But I'm afraid their patience will run out soon and they'll go back to using spreadsheets. A lose-lose situation.

This is the side-effect of GDPR.

I'm all up for GDPR. I have uBlock, have blackholed all Facebook domains, etc. But don't assume that GDPR doesn't affect normal business transactions. Of course, blocking European users doesn't do anything for me since I want to do everything I can to protect user privacy.

But anyone who says, "Oh, how hard could it be?" has no idea what they are talking about.

Wait a minute… You provide a service, and your users are afraid the GDPR could come to them?!?

Please tell me I've read something wrong. Otherwise, this is just panic induced stupidity. I expect they will grow out of it (though maybe not before you go bankrupt, which obviously sucks big time).

> Wait a minute… You provide a service, and your users are afraid the GDPR could come to them?!?


It's not unreasonable, because GDPR has components that require vendor assurance (more or less). So the megacorp with a point-of-presence in the EU has to be cautious about what strictly-US SaaS services it uses if there's any potential for data crossing into the SaaS.

This is almost certainly exactly what GDPR is intended to do. It aims, in part, to make sure companies can't shirk their responsibilities by handing everything over to vendors who will ignore GDPR.

Ah, OK. Makes more sense now. Still, requiring ISO compliance from a small business sounds like madness. An audit ought to be enough.

Again, makes total sense from the perspective of an American legal department. They're falling back on the tools they know to de-risk vendors, which is formal certifications and accreditations. ISO, SOC, etc. The lawyers are going to be extra twitchy because of how vague and hand-wave-y GDPR is.

An actual compliance audit from an accredited auditor, paid for by the SaaS offering of course, is not going to be cheap or easy.

Depending on exactly what the service is, this makes total sense under GDPR.

The GDPR regulates both Data Controllers, and Data Processors

Suppose I'm excited to hear about Hats.example, a site that sells hats. I visit, but they don't have any hats for my ostrich. Damn. But, they do have a box where I can leave my email address "to be contacted about future products". Great, maybe they'll introduce Ostrich hats. I fill out the box.

Hats.example uses famous email deliverability company WeSpamPeople.example to ensure their marketing emails have "industry best in class reach". I soon get an email every week featuring different styles of hat, but they're all for people, disappointing.

But then, WeSpamPeople's VC runs thin, and they cut a deal with OutrightFraudAndScams.example, which tricks people into making dubious "investments" and wants a lot of "leads". Now as well as the hats newsletters I asked for but don't really care about, I'm getting stuff inviting me to invest in Venezuelan Bitcoin mining and a project to make "Green cyber-organic goats for the blockchain". Ouch.

Hats.example are a Data Controller. The GDPR says they are responsible for looking after the data that I gave to them, even if "technically" that form I filled out is a Javascript frame injected by WeSpamPeople.example, it's part of the Hats.example business, so it's their responsibility to ensure my email is not abused by a processor like WeSpamPeople.example, for example through contractual terms requiring WeSpamPeople.example to delete my email, never to send it elsewhere, etcetera.

WeSpamPeople.example are a Data Processor because they were given my email address and other details to send me "marketing" information. They have a duty under the GDPR to get reasonable assurance that this was OK with me, for example maybe Hats.example did some paperwork that promised they're legitimate and they got sign-off for these email addresses. Regardless of whether they were given terms requiring them to do so by the Data Controller, the GDPR says they have to take care not to abuse the data, for example they can't sell it to anybody, since they obviously don't have permission to do that.

OutrightFraudAndScams.example are also a Data Processor, and maybe also a Data Controller they know they didn't have permission to touch this data, but presumably they also routinely violate all sorts of other anti-fraud or anti-scam laws. Maybe the GDPR will help add to the fines and charges and put them out of business.

[Edited: minor typos / fixes]

> But then, WeSpamPeople's VC runs thin, and they cut a deal with OutrightFraudAndScams.example, which tricks people into making dubious "investments" and wants a lot of "leads". Now as well as the hats newsletters I asked for but don't really care about, I'm getting stuff inviting me to invest in Venezuelan Bitcoin mining and a project to make "Green cyber-organic goats for the blockchain". Ouch.

Just so it's clear, you're positing that when WeSpamPeople breaks every existing contract they have, that those on the other side of said contracts are now liable?

Of course it could happen, but I don't see the EU fining those on the other side of the contract as long as they moved to another DP and alerted their users when the breach of contract was discovered. Both actions should happen regardless of GDPR.

I agree with you up to a point. Diligence is going to come into this as it does with Bribery where again laws in one place target crime everywhere. How diligent were Hats in picking WSP to deliver email? You don't have to have done a rectal exam of every employee, but if it was obvious to half the world what was going to happen, a prosector might be able to get a jury to conclude Hats should have known too.

Sure, but the original comment alludes that the emailer is a best in class in the industry, and not some Nigerian fly by night company. Obviously there is still some due diligence to do, but I wanted to spell out what was being implied so that the unlikliness was also shown.

TBH, email is a bad example anyway because good providers are already pretty quick to boot bad actors so they don’t end up on blacklists.

It's pure FUD and panic. I think the only item most people have actually read is 4% revenue or 20M fine which ever is greater. It's unfortunate, but was the only way to get the Googles and FBs of the world to pay attention.

> The VP and director love my product and want to start using it right away for their department. But their legal team is scared shitless with 4% fines in GDPR. (snip) That's their interpretation of GDPR. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. This is the side-effect of GDPR.

I understand it's frustrating on your side, because you have no control over the response of your customers. But understanding what GDPR is (and not falling for FUD) is why the VPs and Directors get paid the big bucks and get the fancy titles. If they can't or won't work with legal to become compliant, they should resign and let someone else do the job properly.

I'm not saying, "oh it's easy" -- it's not easy. But that doesn't make the law wrong either. And it's not OK to blame GDPR as being "bad", when those rules are mostly just putting some real enforcement around stuff all moral and ethical organizations should have already been doing anyway.

It is your opinion that the law is not "bad" because you view the positive intentions of the law as bigger than the negative unintended harmful effects is has.. on people exactly like the OP.

Your points don't "make the law right". In whose view? Right or wrong for whom? In his example he listed all the ways he is handling user data in a respectful way. And yet, he is still harmed by this law.

That the VP and President may be doing their jobs wrong (in your view) is no recourse for OP, he is harmed all the same.

And ... are they doing their jobs wrong? At the end of the day, they are limiting their risk. What threshold of risk of harm to their business and livelihoods would you feel is an acceptable tradeoff to comply?

It doesn't make the law right either. Also, those VP's might be doing their job perfectly and the net effect could be that they cannot share data with any non-EU companies stifling their competitive advantages.

There are many real world effects of GDPR and we are just starting to see the pros/cons of it.

If you judge a law on what its effects should be rather than what they will actually be when applied to imperfect people, plenty of terrible laws will look good.

> This is the side-effect of GDPR.

And the GDPR is the side-effect of people running hog-wild with PII etc. I feel for you but I see your situation as collateral damage of the privacy crisis.

The loudest GDPR advocates don’t care about you. 90 years ago they would have been the ones helping collectivize the farms, unintended consequences be damned.

And this law’s effects are all about the unintended consequences. Anyone thinking government regulators are reasonable and benevolent has never dealt with said regulators beyond any trivial level. To make it more fun each member country handles enforcement, so now you have a risk of 28 different interpretations of the law. It’s madness. Even if you do everything right there is still a compliance risk. It’s like HIPAA in the US — HIPAA is pretty “easy” to comply with, but the consequences are so severe that it necessarily drives up operational costs significantly. Unless Europe is a significant part of your revenue, better to block Europe and decrease your risk to near zero rather than have a potential risk of catastrophic, company-ending fines. Because the fine isn’t against profit, it’s against total, worldwide revenue. So unless your European profit exceeds 5% of your worldwide revenue, no sane person would take that risk. Even without the enforcement risk, you still have to deal with potentially hundreds or thousands of information requests — even if you are doing everything by the book.

> 90 years ago they would have been the ones helping collectivize the farms

This is possibly the strangest comment I've seen about this whole ordeal.

That part is spot on, he's showing how history rhymes. It's an example of humans historically making the same mistake of not reasoning about unanticipated consequences.

I guess they are just saying you are a communist if you like GDPR. Maybe even a Stalinist.

A large number of tech-inclined americans believe that you're a commumist if you don't consider Ayn Rand to be 'a bit left wing'

Well said.

I can see why you'd be disappointed - if popular websites started blocking US customers I'd be pretty bummed out as well (even if it was easy to circumvent).

As a dev though, I also understand the frustration. Creating startups is already time-intensive and stressful. A lot of us are on shoestring budgets. Most startups will fail. To a solo developer in the US, the idea of spending time understanding and complying with GDPR is daunting, it's more than just a hindrance to many. Still, I don't want to break European law, so maybe it's easier to block EU users at first and change policies later if profitable.

I think blocking is at least showing you respect the law, compared to just doing nothing and being non compliant.

As a developer I can understand this point of view, but as a consumer I say it's time to grow up. Internet startups have taken a "move fast and break things" approach that is analogous to early industrial revolution approaches to worker safety, product efficacy and safety, and environmental protection.

You're working in the real world, with real consequences if you end up exposing people's personal data. The party is ending. Either deal with it, or find something else to do.

I feel that you're ignoring the situation of small startups with just a few founders. At this stage, it can really kill your business to spend a lot of your resources on making sure you're complying with GDPR. Usually the 'consumer' of those startups are OK to take some risk, heck a lot might even sign up with dummy emails.

The Poland proposal [1] to limit GDPR compliance to only large businesses was trying to address that. But it's flawed, because a small company (Cambridge Analytics) could still make a lot of damage to users' privacy... but the intent of Poland was good.

I feel there should be an opt-out based on the numbers of users and the age of the company/service: If you can easily prove that you're not handling more than X users and your company is less than 2 years old, then GDPR does not apply yet, as long as you warn clearly on your website that you're not-yet-falling-under-GDPR. If you're still in the GDPR-waiver zone but believe to be GDPR compliant, then you can remove the warning and are subject to GDPR like every other company.

That way entrepreneurs won't be scared to try some MVP here and there. I'm especially thinking of those trying to start a startup in countries that are part of the E.U.. The rest of the world entrepreneurs can just focus on their local userbase.

[1] https://iapp.org/news/a/polands-proposed-gdpr-exemptions-spa...

It's like a small car maker saying that it can't be expected of them to comply with basic road safety regulations.

"We are a startup on a shoestring budget, we can't put safety belts in our cars!!!"

The cost of being in the car business is to build safe cars. The cost of being in the webservice business is to protect userdata.

If you can't, you are not good enough to be allowed on the market.

If you disagree, should the US also stop prosecuting VW for the diesel cheating?

For what it's worth, I'd argue the same should be permitted of a small car maker. If I want to go build my own cars, step 1 should be putting a motor on a chassis and being able to drive forward. Step 1 shouldn't be adding airbags and seat belts to a couple axles.

The safest car is one that can't drive, and the most privacy-friendly software will fail to compile. You should be able to build a functional car before you need to worry about making it as safe as possible, and similarly you should be able to build a functional MVP of your software before you need to worry about compliance with a huge international policy.

Like most car analogies this one has a fatal flaw.

Before you are permitted to use your DIY car you need to comply with safety regulations to avoid harming others. You can keep your unsafe car off the street in your garage, though. Same for software that is not compliant; you just don't get to call it a "product" and let it loose on the public.

you can build a functional car, but you can’t put it on the road. you can build a functional mvp, but you can’t make it available as saas to users.

you can drive your unsafe car on the track, and your negligent mvp on your customers own hardware as in-house software.

Going along that, it's also like 3D printing house startups no complying with fire safety regulations in the name of "oh no, it's too expensive, let's just not deal with that". Actually, thinking about it, such startups would probably start somewhere where regulations are laxer, make money there, then invest in security, and finally expand to western countries where subject to massive regulations. I don't want unsafe houses, I don't want unsafe cars, and I don't want unsafe websites. Some other countries don't mind about that. To each their own, what's so ridiculous about that ?

Great point about VW btw, I forgot about that !

I disagree with the analogy. Trying to use the same analogy: If I were a one person entrepreneur trying an MVP, I would be building a bicycle, not a car. And what I suggest is have the right to put a sticker on the bicycle: "Warning, this is not compliant with the car regulations" to make sure people don't have false expectations. (Because I agree that in the real world, only a fool wouldn't be able to differentiate between a car and a bicycle, but for web services, this isn't an easy task)

A one person entrepreneur might not consider him/herself to be "being in the webservice business". Instead he/she would consider being in the business of [whatever problem the MVP is trying to solve]. It just hapens that in the 21st century, most of innovation happens online.

Back to your car analogy, it seems that people on one side argue that all companies "being in the webservice business" are 'car makers'. some people on the other side of the argument might say it's not.

Also, ultimately, it's possible that after spending a lot of time and hours examining the legal requirements of GDPR, a startup realizes it's not technically hard to comply, but the issue here isn't implementing the requirements, it's more about getting all the legal analysis, certification, handling customers requests, etc.

> If you disagree, should the US also stop prosecuting VW for the diesel cheating?

In that case, VW has clearly been in the car business for much more than 2 years, and in my example "X users", a good value for X would be something order of magnitudes less than the number of VW customers around the globe. So no, the US would continue prosecuting VW.

Well it's funny because Uber, a company that actually does seem to have financial resources, is allowed to run their apparently unsafe cars on the streets of some us states.

to be fair though uber also has thousands and thousands of unsafely driven cars on the road that we have no problem with; humans are bad at controlling heavy rolling fast motorised steel boxes

Uber seems to be worse than humans thusfar. Orders of magnitude fewer miles than average before killing anyone, covering up running red light running, misleading videos. A human driver like Uber would've ideally lost their license and faced legal penalties by now.

I feel like starting from scratch GDPR really isn't that hard to handle.

If your business is based around exploiting user data however it might be a lot harder, but then that's the point of GDPR, to prevent people exploiting user data.

GDPR exists because it turns out we can't trust companies to handle personal data with the care it deserves, and I don't see why any company should be excused that proper care.

>I feel that you're ignoring the situation of small startups with just a few founders

It's that the equivalent of starting a new car company and arguing that you shouldn't be required to follow the same safety standard as Volkswagen Group, because you're still a small company?

At it's core the GDPR is simply stating that you're accountable for the data you collect and that you're only allowed to use the data for the purpose is originally collect. Building privacy into your product is much easier for someone designing something from scratch, compared to retrofitting it into the business plans of Facebook and Google.

I get the feeling that most of the people arguing against the GDPR are people who are focused solely in collecting user data as a core business. The people I know who are building actual product, where people pay for a service, are doing fine. Even though that they have to build products in a manner I suggested five years ago, where user data is either not collected or delete when processing is completed.

> You're working in the real world, with real consequences if you end up exposing people's personal data. The party is ending. Either deal with it, or find something else to do.

They are dealing with it... by limiting their liability.

They are avoiding it. Essentially they are voting themselves off the island to avoid having to play nice with the other inhabitants.

They're already on the one big island... they've just decided not to worry about the other big island across the sea yet because the one they're on is big enough for the time being.

I think I'd use the term 'putting it off for later'. Almost like technical debt. I'd probably look more seriously at GDPR compliance at about the same time I start working on internationalization and localization.

These are things I can put off until later, I don't need them to validate my startup concept. If the startup is successful, it might make sense to expand the market.

Companies can choose with whom and where they want to do business. The entire world is not entitled to everything Silicon Valley makes.

Considering Facebook even actively tracks non-users, where's the "users" choice of not participating in that glorious Silicon Valley invention?

As far as I can tell, the "user" doesn't have a whole lot of choice there and Facebook isn't the only company doing that kind of aggregated data collection.

Facebook is based in Ireland ostensibly for tax reasons.

I see them as a very poor example of good things coming out of Silicon Valley...

I'd agree with that if Facebook would be that single outlier nobody wants to emulate.

But Silicon Valley isn't a monolith where everybody is on the same page about everything, I have no doubt there's plenty of people in SC who consider FB a success-model to be followed into a shining future.

Is anyone denying that they have that right?

I mean... there's plenty of other islands where they can still make money, so why should they even bother?

...the other inhabitants who insist on maintaining control over the coconuts.

If “fighting over coconuts” is not on their list of things they wish to do, it’s not a completely absurd choice.

That might be a great point if most of the costs of compliance actually did much good for data subjects.



Yeah but what they actually do is removing themself from market place. If I were looking for a startup, I would check for someone banning EU users, with prospective idea and copy what they have done, but GDPR oriented and voila, I am first on the market, slowly taking over the original site bussiness in EU and later the world. EU is a huge marketplace and you really need to be extremly short minded to avoid it due to some stupi legislation, not to mention that as a US cityzen I would abandon any site not going for GDPR compliancy as they are saying to me, between the lines, "we are bastardising my data". Like seeing a laser pointer on your forehead.

Will that work if noncompliant company is offering its service for FREE* by funding everything selling data and you have to charge/use less valuable static ads? Just having a larger market doesn't automatically make you're product more successful, especially when that larger market needs more mundane localization efforts that the average startup probably won't invest in for a couple years GDPR or not

Plus, blatently ignoring regulation is cheaper in the short term, and if you successfully leverage that advantage into revenue than you can start throwing money at the problem once the regulators finally do get around to prosecuting you.

Worked for Uber.

For my money, it hasn't worked for Uber until they start generating bucket-loads of cash.

I do agree with your overall point though.

People already copy successful startups for international markets all the time, it's just the nature of the business.

Only if your audience doesn't give a fuck about originality and community. You can't copy those. Even people in the EU care about who's fake and who's real.

I agree that exposing personal data is serious, and companies should be held responsible if they violate the terms of their privacy policy. I think companies should follow the law of the land.

The thing about GDPR that I disagree with is how it aims to have global jurisdiction. If it was a US law (as a US-based developer), perhaps I'd protest it, but I'd still follow it if I wanted to work in software.

But just because it requires changes affecting companies outside of EU that doesn't make the jurisdiction global. It's the same as with any other product that you are selling - if you want to sell it in EU, it has to satisfy EU's rules, irrespective of where it's being assembled / produced.

So if you "sell" to EU residents, follow EU's rules.

> So if you "sell" to EU residents, follow EU's rules.

Surely this will just result in the development of the reseller model?

As long as the reseller doesn't collect data, they're protected and as long as the US company doesn't maintain a presence or ideally market to the EU, they're untouchable due to the lack of any EU-US enforcement agreement for the GDPR.

Part of the length/complexity of the GDPR text is to deal with "cool hacks" like this to avoid having to spend money on IT security or to respect user preferences.

I think that's fair, but I don't think it's necessarily fair to put the responsibility on foreign websites to do the blocking and vetting. If the EU wanted to block websites that aren't compliant, that would make more sense IMO.

But you're not the only consumer, and your dollar is your biggest voice. Other consumers may be voicing a different concept of maturity than yours.

If a company does not understand GDPR it's fair to say I don't want them handling my personal data. And it's not like this is new, there was a 2 year period to prepare for this.

"Most startups will fail": I do not see that happening. You will first receive a warning. The EU won't really care if you are a tiny startup. Unless you are running a shady business, there's not much to worry about.

The problem is not with the spirit of GDPR. I am totally with that. The problem is the liability of it - as a small startup it is seriously scary to think that all it takes is one insane customer to pull the fire alarm and we'd have regulators and fines raining down on us even if we believe with all of our hearts we are doing it right.

Hence, the blocking of the EU - its better to block at the beginning and then expand to the EU once we have revenue to support someone handling this as an employee.

> as a small startup it is seriously scary to think that all it takes is one insane customer to pull the fire alarm and we'd have regulators and fines raining down on us even if we believe with all of our hearts we are doing it right.

You know this is not what would happen, right, that you'd be given advice and the opportunity to towards an amicable resolution?

That's an optimistic view of dealing with government, that they would actually be reasonable and helpful. Many in the US have a decidedly pessimistic view of dealing with regulations and bureaucracy.

Uber versus Night School is an example of this. Uber: Ignore taxi regulations, get tons of VC, get rich while being awful people. Night School: try to work with government and play by the rules, fail, get used as a cautionary tale.

Source: https://psmag.com/economics/night-school-failed-because-it-f...

I think something akin to GDPR is necessary and good, but GDPR as written probably isn't it. I look forward to seeing how it works out in practice, and how it develops/is replaced, and in the meantime feel bad for the developers and customers that suffer through the unintended consequences and misfeatures of it.

After the law gets clarified some, I think you're right that it won't be bad for small players. But I wouldn't want to be one of the test cases.

> That's an optimistic view of dealing with government

Calling the data protection agencies "government" may be correct in some very legalistic sense, but is utterly wrong under any colloquial meaning of the word.

Perhaps in Europe, but "government" has meant "the state" in the US for most of two centuries.

If they’re set up pursuant to legislation and paid for by taxes they’re the government.

Can you point me to where in the GDPR it talks about being given "advice and the opportunity to towards an amicable resolution"? (I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely curious to read about it, if it exists)

Article 83 in general and specifically Art. 83 (2) state that "the degree of cooperation with the supervisory authority, in order to remedy the infringement and mitigate the possible adverse effects of the infringement" should be taken into account when determining penalties. We'll have to see what this means in practice though.

I wonder if their definition of 'should' is in line with RFC 2119 https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt

I know nothing about European legal systems though

The GDPR doesn't use "should"; it states that "[w]hen deciding whether to impose an administrative fine and deciding on the amount of the administrative fine in each individual case due regard shall be given to" that factor. Basically, if you can show that they _didn't_ take that into account, or that you tried to cooperate and were stone-walled, you will have good grounds for having the fine overturned.

My understanding is that the measures taken against GDPR infringements will very much depend on the good will of the relevant national authority.

And as a member of a EU country that for the last year has been constantly bending (when not breaking) the rules to repress and attack legitimate political reivindications, the relativism in the application of GDPR is something that I find very worrying.

No, he doesn't know that. And you don't either, although you might believe you do.

>> You know this is not what would happen

You don't know this.

We have 20+ years of dealing with tons of national and regional DPAs following national rules. Now these DPAs play by a single rule book, but other than that, little changes.

How many $300kEUR fines (the maximum in Germany until yesterday) served by a German DPA (we have 17: one federal, one per state) have you heard about in the last 5 years?

I haven't found the statistic about fines levelled by the Hamburg DPA that I read recently, but just found something about the Saxony DPA:

From April 2015 to March 2017 there were 124 proceedings, with 47 leading to fines.

The aggregate sum of all those 47 fines was... 174.226 Euros.

The first one was handed out by a court based on criminal law. This is not comparable to administrative fines. He got fined 260 days of his income (which is the basis on which such fines are assessed). He had two previous, very recent convictions. I'd say this is not a very harsh sentence but your opinion might vary.

The second one is a law very much like GDPR (notice the little words "up to"?). Not a single fine has been given based on that, not even a small one.

The challenge is absolutely not technical, so 2 years makes no difference. The challenge is that GDPR is essentially impossible to comply 100% with, and absolutely impossible to comply without incurring extra costs.

GDPR is the PCI of the privacy world, 99% of companies will be non compliant if audited, but 99% of companies wont be audited. The difference is unlike PCI anyone can launch claims against companies, including for malicious reasons like taking out a competitor, and political reasons like a eurocrat taking a disliking to a particular company.

What are these companies doing that makes it so hard to comply?

I've been involved in GDPR efforts at work and all the policies seem fairly straight forward to me. If you're not doing shady shit and you're upfront with your users what you are collecting the data for, how long you keep it and what access policies you have set up.

Not a problem if you ask me.

It includes liability for any and all data handed off or handled by 3rd parties. In other words, google analytics, facebook ads, salesforce customer data, mailchimp, constant contact, that really useful startup. How can you guarantee they are in compliance? If they aren't, you are now liable.

Enforcement guidelines are ill-defined, and the definition relies on vague terms. For example, is retaining an IP critical to running your business? What if you're getting DDos'd? Now it is up to someone else to make that distinction, and you're dependent on them "being reasonable."

And if IP is the only PII you keep and if you destroy IP logs after let's say 6 month and write something about that in your TOS, you're good. And even if you're not, if hey contact you and are not happy with your way of handling data, they will warn you then offer solution.

You can even self-report if you're not sure you handled the privacy well, and they will point you the stuff you have to work on (and give you month to do that).

I Understand Americans are afraid of fine and lawsuits, but please don't be afraid. Read GDPR statement from regulatory instances, they are here to help business too.

> I Understand Americans are afraid of fine and lawsuits, but please don't be afraid.

I think GDPR is short-sighted from a game theory perspective and will short-change European citizens.

When I sold software online, Europe was < 5% of my sales. Why take on business-ending liability risk for that amount of sales? Sure, maybe I'd do these things anyway, but once you open that pandora's box, you're relying on favorable interpretation and the goodwill of regulators.

Having seen what happened in the US with civil asset forfeiture, well-meaning laws can have their purpose bent, and goodwill can be perverted. Why take on that exposure?

>It includes liability for any and all data handed off or handled by 3rd parties.

Why would you hand of the data of your customers to someone that won't/can't prove to you that they will be in compliance with the current legal requirements?

Honestly that is the entire point of the GDPR, don't misuse customer data and don't hand it over to 3rd. parties unless the customer allows you to.

> It includes liability for any and all data handed off or handled by 3rd parties.

Good. Outsourcing violations, ethical or legal, shouldn't get you off the hook for them.

Besides which, what are you doing handing off stuff that's important to your business without knowing what's being done with it? Not a recipe for success. And if it's not important, then...

Take a look at article 82, a DPA and legitimate interest legal basis.

The policies required for PCI compliance are all straightforward too. But enforcing large sets of policies across an organization is a challenge, no matter how simple the actual policies are.

it’s a problem cos the regulation is vague and what you just said is Your interpretation of it... that doesn’t mean it would stand up in court of law...

It's not possible for a financial institution to exist without incurring 'extra costs' for SOX and KYC compliance. And yet they all do. That pesky regulation seems to be useful.

Actually this has been a big problem in the cryptocurrency space. It's entirely too onerous to comply with the rather extreme regulations in the finance space so exchanges had to ignore them for the longest time. Some exchanges even have to move countries because it would be nearly impossible to operate "legally". Yet their services are still needed and if they didn't have this freedom and flexibility then the cryptocurrency space might not have had the tools it needed to grow and innovate.

But isn’t SOX for publicy traded companies only?

Yes, but some of it applies to privately held companies as well.

Most large banks and insurance companies are listed.

Oddly, Sarbanes-Oxley also had implications if you were a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

We had two major expenses: liability insurance for meetings and SOX insurance for the officers. Everything else was in the noise.

> political reasons like a eurocrat taking a disliking to a particular company

Are you just making this stuff up, or has this actually happened?

It's not 2 years though. European countries have had variations of the law for decades. If you ever bothered to comply with those, you'd have had literally decades and very little cost to comply with GDPR.

You didn't (as hundreds of others), so now the EU forces you to. So now you have an opportunity to become a better company: https://medium.com/tsengineering/the-gdpr-blog-post-9a571b13...

Not wanting to use non-GDPR compliant services is completely fair. I think it should be the user's choice.

I think assuming the EU won't care about tiny startups is irrelevant - I want to follow the letter of the law, it's why I'd opt to block EU users instead of just ignoring the existence of the law.

It's not about privacy, its about poorly written regulation that leaves too much vagueness because its based on principles rather than hard rules. Good intentions are not enough, there must be clear paths to implementation and verification. Perhaps that should've been fixed instead of wondering why so many companies don't really want to deal with it.

It will also do just about nothing in regards to the major companies that everyone had such a big privacy issue with in the first place, so not only is the regulation vague but it's also ultimately very ineffective.

As a French guy, these type of comments make me smile. The GDPR is basically just the implementation of the French law "Informatique et Liberté" into the European Level. (You can read on HN many Germans saying that it's actually the implementation of the Datenschutzgesetzt. The truth is: these two laws are extremely similar.)

This law has been in application since 1978 [1]. And in 2018, we have adtech companies like Criteo. [2] I have one of my best friend who started his adtech startup in France. Everything is good.

There's is a lot of implicit contracts (you filled up our sign up form? Well, then you chose to give us your data. ...) The only things you have to do: know which data you collect and give the ability to people to update/delete their data. That's all.

I don't understand the fear. I don't understand what is "vague" about it. It's so simple and low barrier that Microsoft decided to make it the rule for all of their users. But thanks to the hysteria, they made a PR stunt out of it.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Data_ownership&ol...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criteo

Yes, none of this is new or surprising.

The irony here is that American users are so used to being endlessly surveiled without consequence that they are genuinely shocked that the rest of the world refuses to put up with this bullshit. This is completely normal to them.

The GDPR is just another step in a global fight by people all over the world to regain their data sovereignty and protect themselves from endless surveillance. The momentum at the international level is very clearly for data sovereignty. Russia and many Asian countries are following closely behind. And while everybody was freaking out about the GDPR nobody seemed to notice that China passed even stricter online privacy laws [1] earlier this month. Singapore [3] and Malaysia [4] are up to speed and even Thailand [2] will likely soon require minimum standards. (Edited to add more links.)

The end result is like so many other things: American companies will end up blocking everybody but American users who they know they can exploit without consequence. American users will celebrate their exploitation as freedom from Big Government. Everybody else will move on and just shake their heads.

[1] https://www.csis.org/analysis/new-china-data-privacy-standar...

[2] https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/news/1455534/new-data-l...

[3] https://www.pdpc.gov.sg/Legislation-and-Guidelines/Personal-...

[4] https://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=33273

Read the thread again. Nobody has a problem with data protection but the fact that the regulation is not actually clear, hence creating more work while simultaneously being rather ineffective. How is that good for the user?

Also it's hilarious to claim China has better privacy when that government tracks everyone using facial regulation with real-time threat scoring and national social rankings called a "citizen score". A late payment on a single bill gets your face and contact info on a giant billboard so go ahead and try complaining about your data over there and see how far that goes.

"Clear" regulation is a fantasy. Every established boundary of regulation people enjoy in Western civilization was once and unclear, untested boundary that laws and courts had to cope with.

If folks find ambiguity in the GDPR, do NOT get into American Fintech. Here's a great question: what are the technical requirements mandated by the US government to become a bank?

How can the regulation already be ineffective? It's literally been in effect for one day. You'll have to refine the standard anti-regulatory tropes in this case.

Get this: not everybody is consumed by paranoid fantasies concerning their government. And while your shallow understanding of China based off a few western-oriented articles here and there may validate your own biases do understand they have no real relation to reality. In reality, there are no extraordinary consequences for missing a single bill. On the other hand if you're sued in court over a debt the judge -- not unlike American judges (!) -- can use public humiliation to try to modify your behavior.

The regulation is ineffective because billions of people have already given consent to Facebook and Google because they just want to get on with their lives and aren't about to stop using their services.

And sure, China has nothing to worry about other than this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System

>>> People have already faced various punishments for violating social protocols. The system has been used to already block nine million people with "low scores" from purchasing domestic flights. While still in the preliminary stages the system has been used to ban people and their children from certain schools, prevent low scorers from renting hotels, using credit cards, and black list individuals from being able to procure employment. The system has also been used to rate individuals for their internet habits (too much online gaming reduces ones score for example), personal shopping habits, and a variety of other personal and wholly innocuous acts that have no impact on the wider community.

Also tell these people it was just a big joke: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2144690/chine...

>>> Authorities vowed to collect the personal information of debtors and publish it in public places such as newspapers, train stations and other high-visibility platforms. The Supreme People’s Court reported in January that by the end of 2017 it had publicly listed the names of nearly 10 million people. They had been blacklisted from various activities, with 9.36 million of them prohibited from buying plane tickets and 3.67 million from buying high-speed rail tickets.

>but the fact that the regulation is not actually clear

I see this "not clear" repeated here. Can you cite a section that you find not clear, so we understand what you mean?

Can you cite the definition of "large scale", please?

"involving large numbers or a large area; extensive."

When does n grains of sand become a sand pile?

I'd say if you put it on a indoor table, a measly cubic centimetre of sand can make a (small) pile, and a random estimate on the internet states that there are 8000 grains of sand in a cubic centimetre.

So n = 8000 makes a sand pile.


So many left-wing people are convinced that if it weren't for those meddling russians the status quo would remain. It's mind boggling. Foreign powers have attempted to sway elections before and they will do so in the future.

In a way it very much reminds me of Germanys 'stabbed in the back' conspiracy theories at the end of WWI. Any rationalisation to avoid the cold, hard truth.

I'd bet money on two terms for trump at this point. The left has learned nothing from this.

You mean Criteo the company that has lost over 50% of their valuation since last year because of cookie and consent issues? Yea it's going really well for them. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CRTO/chart?p=CRTO

The difference is that France is insignificant in the adtech market. The real money is in the US and spread out across Europe, with Asia soon to overtake. The existing rules you point to weren't affecting global operations where Criteo and others made their money.

The entire adtech business is due for correction.

It's strange that you think the business models are going to fly in Asia. China and many Asian countries are laying out privacy regimes that are even more strict than the GDPR. Take a look at China [1] or Thailand [2]. Pretty soon it will be the case only in America that adtech companies can collect and sell endless personal information without consequence.

[2] https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/news/1455534/new-data-l...

What are you talking about? China with it's national real-time citizen tracking using 'social credit' scores, facial recognition, and internet firewalls really cares about your privacy?

Ok, spend all your time going after the ad company and ignore the government which is 1000x worse and will control your life or toss you in a cell. Good luck with that.

He's not ignoring that? He's pointing out the laws are stricter when dealing with private companies. You are talking about two completely orthogonal laws or standards.

It's connected to their other comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17158209

The laws are not stricter (they arent even laws yet), and they are meaningless in those areas because the government itself already defies them.

>they are meaningless in those areas because the government itself already defies them.

That doesn't make laws meaningless.

In this more specific case, it's very difficult to judge China's policies with an even tilt because private Chinese companies are ad hoc lifted to "public status" when they're convenient for the government to leverage.

But China grants legal exemptions without especially good or consistent oversight over those countries. The net result is an awful lot of folks who get a legal exemption for a specific aspect of their business and then tend to run roughshod in other less scrutinized areas.

>very difficult to judge China's policies with an even tilt because private Chinese companies are ad hoc lifted to "public status" when they're convenient for the government to leverage.

How is this different from any other western government?

Having worked at a high profile government contractor, my observation is that you don't get the same kind of leverage other folks report. Also, the bidding process is cuthroat and subject to public scrutiny here.

Now if you're taking about security contractors, that's different and the same the whole world over I guess.

First of all "insignificant" is far fetched. Small? Yes. But not insignificant.

Second... I don't see how valuation matters. Did they loose money? Went out of business? No. VW lost valuation during the whole diesel gate scandal. Did that make VW a less relevant? No.

And the last thing that I wanted to mention: I said "this is just an implementation of an old French law into the European Level". And I was mentioning the French law itself, not the European Law.

The cookie issue that you're mentioning is related to the ePrivacy directive, which is solely European Law, that was passed one or two years before the whole lost of valuation. My point was just that the GDPR doesn't affect anybody.

> I don't see how valuation matters. Did they loose money?

Do you know that they are a publicly traded company? Losing money is exactly what happens when the stock price falls. When you lose more than half of your value, going out of business is a serious risk.

The stock price usually reflect the "feeling" of the investors. But it does not make a company loose/win money. It's just what the investors think the company will make in the future, but investors (as often) can be wrong.

It only affects the ability to make more money by issuing new shares.

But the "bank account" of the company doesn't get divided by two. Customers don't start paying only half the price for their service.

I looked up information on how to legally comply with GDPR and it's a lot more complicated than you're making it out to be. You have to show regulators the well-defined pipeline for any personal data, and justify to them why that data is being collected.

There are also extra procedures you have to follow that could be really complicated depending on the business. This is even worse for small businesses. I can definitely understand those people who want to just wash their hands of it, especially if they don't get much business from Europe.

When I read that, I don't know how to answer.

As I said other comments, I'm not sure if people on HN have a problem with the GDPR, or just with the concept of regulation itself.

Also, when I read about "complicated rules for small businesses". It reminds me about American republican politicians explaining how taxes on the rich will affect the average joe's taxes.

The reality is that many rules only apply to big businesses. And small businesses are exempt of many rules. My favorite one is the "Data Protection Officer", everybody on the internet™ says that you need one. The reality? Most small business won't. The article 37 explains that the Data Protection Officer is when a business is "collecting data on a large scale" [1] Second of all, people interpret that as "Hiring somebody", you don't. It's just a role, take your CEO, and now he's your "Data Protection Officer", ...


[1] https://gdpr-info.eu/art-37-gdpr/

> It's just a role, take your CEO, and now he's your "Data Protection Officer"

Congratulations, you're uncompliant. Thanks for playing "GDPR is easy".

> (5) The data protection officer shall be designated on the basis of professional qualities and, in particular, expert knowledge of data protection law and practices and the ability to fulfil the tasks referred to in Article 39.

I don't see how this is "not compliant".

Expert knowledge just mean that he/she read the entire directive. The same way that most employer in europe have read their country's labor law.

The reason why they say that is because the "Data Protection Officer" is the person liable for GPDR violation. The same way the CEO is liable for many wrong doing a company could do. They require no certification, no degree for a person to be a "Data Protection Officer."

The "GDPR is easy" brigade is very keen on telling people that it's easy to just read the actual text, so let's try that.

Just having read the GDPR doesn't count for "expert knowledge", it's just knowledge. "Expert" is something more. How much more? Funny you should ask, welcome to GDPR limbo.

Also, it doesn't say expert knowledge merely of GDPR, it says expert knowledge of "data protection law", vague and unbounded, certainly not limited to the GDPR. GDPR is probably the most restrictive you have to comply with, but the text literally requires you to have to have expert knowledge of the others, too. Finally, there's the little "and practices". It's not enough to read it, you have to be an expert in how data protection law is used in practice.

Before you have processed even a single byte of data, you're literally uncompliant simply by being blasé about how you name your DPO. It seems unlikely that anyone will get busted simply for this, but low likelihood of enforcement is not the same as compliance, and why would they include this paragraph if they didn't feel it was important? People who actually care about being compliant need to think about this.

It doesn't mandate any particular level of expertise. If the CEO is the most qualified person in the company, you did it.

I support GDPR, but to be fair about Data Protection Officer, that position sounds like a liability, no one will want that title unless they are appropriately compensated for it, so most likely this will be a dedicated person who will be paid just to be responsible for things being complaint.

Perhaps in early stage of a startup a founder will take the title to save cost, but he/she will want to lose that responsibility as soon as possible.

So like a CEO, that is liable for all violations employees do that they've not managed to put on someone else?

>There's is a lot of implicit contracts (you filled up our sign up form? Well, then you chose to give us your data. ...) //

AIUI that's one of the main changes, that explicit consent is now needed to retain data and specific details of how it will be secured, who it might be passed to, must be given. Also that if the service being offered doesn't need the data, that the company offering the service can't insist on having it.

It is a big thing for micro-businesses and SMEs in the UK - despite having data protection laws already - it does change the complexion of how one handles PII and the embedded assumptions. We're talking about businesses many of whom have paper bookings diaries - the diary apparently needs to now be secured, whilst it's always sat on the counter before; that's a costly structural/workflow change (unlock the diary for every phone call!).

I think that we'll probably need some changes around non-digital records. Mind you, these exemptions existed in Irish law and were horribly abused :(

Every time you log data to solve a problem, you now need to review and decide if that data needs to be accessible for review and deletion.

It is a blocker that slows down your efforts to work on the next feature. It is not hacker friendly. It is a huge pain in the ass.

Edit: btw, I don’t really blame the EU. Google and Facebook got us into this mess.

Giving people the option to delete their data is a bit like allowing someone to get their money back two years after eating a meal at a restaurant.

Given the EU assertion of global jurisdiction, the GDPR seems like a bit of a trade war and it's surprising more commentators aren't treating it as such.

The US should be inspired by this and give online retailers the opportunity to collect and remit sales taxes.

> Giving people the option to delete their data is a bit like allowing someone to get their money back two years after eating a meal at a restaurant.

I'm sorry the analogy is totally flawed. On one hand you have something consumable: food, on the other side that can be made eternal: data.

When making an application that collect data, you just have to make a form/button to give the ability to update/delete data. It's no more different that when you make an adult website, you have to make a page "Are you above 18?"

Sometimes, it sounds to me that people on HN don't have a problem with the law X or Y. They rather have a problem with the concept of regulation in general. (See the comments on all the posts about Germany requiring Uber drivers to have a car insurance with a higher liability.)

But if you want to give an analogy to normal business, a more suitable one would be: "Giving people the option to delete their data is a bit like allowing customers to get their money back on their gift card they purchased 2 years ago"

How is that unfair?

>I'm sorry the analogy is totally flawed. On one hand you have something consumable: food, on the other side that can be made eternal: data.

You're not understanding the analogy. What does a user get out of using Google's services? They get access to a suite of products (search, email, cloud storage, online productivity apps, videos, and so on) that are maintained by a rather expensive group of employees and run on a rather expensive collection of hardware. When you use those services you pay for them by letting Google collect information about your use of those services. The value you get from those services is often intangible (you watched a cat video or looked through a photo gallery of your sister's new kid), though sometimes monetary (you don't have to pay an ISP for an email address if you use gmail.) When you choose to no longer use the services and demand that Google delete all the data they have gathered are you going to return that intangible value and pay them for the money you saved by using their systems? How would you do return the experience of watching a stupid cat video? It's exactly like eating a meal but insisting the restaurant give up the value, i.e. the money, that they got from you.

You're right. I didn't get the analogy. After your explanation, I now get it.

But still, the analogy is flawed then. If I give the restaurant money, the way the use they money afterwards doesn't affect me. They cannot take more money from my bank account or from my pocket. The only thing they can do is invest it and make more money, but it does not affect me.

When I give my data, the way they use my data – after I've "eaten there" – can affect my life. They can send me spam, they can put me into database of "people with suspicious behavior", ...

The law is more about giving a second chance: I could have given information in the past, and you could have sent me commercial emails in the past. But now I've realized I've made a mistake and I don't want you do that anymore.

If you want an analogy to real life: it's more about giving 5 years of jail to a burglar. They committed a mistake, so they have to pay for it, but they should have the right to get out after having paid, and live a normal honest life.

How is that unfair?

FWIW, this last analogy is probably not going to sound very convincing to an American audience, as convicted felons here have their lives permanently ruined, including after they've paid their debt to society in full. As an expat, people are surprised to hear I'm the only person who can request and provide my (empty) criminal record from my home country.

Treatment of felons in the US, like many things, depends on the state. You may have heard of them not being able to vote, but that varies.

I think you misunderstand it.

Google generates money not by collecting data but by showing targeted ads (they need personal information to do good job at targeting).

They actually do provide option to opt out, remove information about you but they make a quite a hassle to opt out and block features that could otherwise work, to encourage you to opt back in. For example you don't agree for Google to your location history? Fine, you don't have location history in Google Maps even for places you searched 5 seconds ago.

Anyway, to turn things around, yes they provide you services for free, and you're paying for using them by have targeted ads, if you decide to not use those services anymore you can't get an offline version of their tools that doesn't phone home, so why should they be allowed to keep your data in perpetuity?

Targeted advertisements is one way that Google uses data about its users to generate cash. Just like users use Google Docs to create invoices, use Google Search to find solutions to problems, and use Gmail to send resumes and receive job offers. The exchange here is the use of the service for the gathering of the data. How it's used post exchange is not relevant. Is a person who decides to cease using gmail going to quit the job that they used gmail to, in part, get?

The fair result of a person choosing to stop using a company's service is that they get to stop paying for that service, i.e. Google doesn't get to collect data about your current and future activities.

The difference is that your data is still valuable whether it is week later or 10 years later. While it is unlikely Google does it, the data also can be sold to multiple parties and that doesn't diminish its value.

People truly underestimate how much information about them is actually worth.

No it isn't. If your business relationship with the customer ends, so should your data relationship.

Yes it is. The customer paid for their past use of the service with their data. Wanting to take that data away after having used the service is exactly like wanting a refund for a product you consumed.

Regardless, GDPR requires that you do this. Data's value is massively inflated in the minds of "technologists" and it is time that price came down to reflect the realities that the rest of the world wants.

Sincerely hoping that this marks the end of the data gold rush

they aren't getting the service indefinitely, why should you get the data indefinitely?

When you finish working at the end of the day, do you return your salary? When you leave college do you get your tuition back?

No it isn't.

The first part doesn't make sense. This is no different than exporting your data if you stop using a piece of software. Giving data back isn't really an issue of contention, nor is privacy in general.

And yet, multiple companies that do all kinds of crazy things with your data (https://www.google.com/search?q=gdpr+shutdown) have shut down already as a result of GDPR. You could argue that wasn't the goal but I'm pretty sure it was part of it and seems to be effective in that way at least.

Like what exactly? The vast majority of them don't do anything that crazy other than storing an email or running some ads on the site, which is completely insignificant compared to the detailed profiles that Facebook and Google have and will continue to maintain. And it doesn't even touch the ISPs, credit unions, medical companies or other deep databanks.

Right now there are billions of people around the world clicking "yes" on all the privacy and consent popups while grumbling about the annoying notices and just wanting to get back to what they were doing. Meanwhile there are also plenty of people creating havoc by filing lawsuits against every company they can, adding up to billions demanded on just the first day.

> Meanwhile there are also plenty of people creating havoc by filing lawsuits against every company they can, adding up to billions demanded on just the first day.

No, the EU is not the US, no lawsuits have been filed. Some individuals have reported some companies to their local data protection agencies, just like the GDPR says you should. No money has been "added up to billions", because the DPAs don't sue for damages, the levy fines to ensure compliance.

Huge difference. If you're going to critique the GDPR, please understand how the legal and regulatory systems of Europe work first.

$8.8 billion in lawsuits by just 1 person: https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/25/17393766/facebook-google-...

That's Max Schrem though, he's been at this for years (and made FB's data collection processes much better in the process).

Yeah, what a win for humanity that EU users can't play Ragnarok Online anymore.

What you have described is _exactly_ how regulation works. It's still a hundred times better than what most countries in the world produce, since it's designed around the average human and not a megaco.

This isn't about how it works, it's about whether it works or not. That companies need to follow the law isn't exactly confusing, and nobody is saying they shouldn't, but when the law cant even clearly answer basic questions of who it applies to and when, that's a problem.

There are examples of regulation that does work, but GDPR is not really in that category.

> but when the law cant even clearly answer basic questions of who it applies to and when

I haven't seen many grey areas or difficult corner cases in the discussions here, so far.

Only people claiming that everything is unclear, because they don't want to accept the truth: that they clearly fall under the GDPR.

> that they clearly fall under the GDPR

...Ok, because you say so? Are you a lawyer? Do you realize that this whole discussion exists precisely because it's unclear?

There are already billions in lawsuits against facebook, google and others so companies are rightfully being careful. And even if you fall under GDPR, there is plenty of vagueness about the data and processes itself. This is not as simple as you make it out to be.

> Do you realize that this whole discussion exists precisely because it's unclear?

I realize that this statement is untrue.

Some people are dredging up all kinds of "but what if" and "I really, truly don't understand how my collecting data could be considered GDPR-triggering".

I find that dishonest. Protest as much as you want.

Oh, and surprisingly, just by some bizarre happenstance, you are "Currently working on Instinctive, a B2B marketing technology company."

I can tell you immediately that whatever you're doing falls under the GDPR.

>> that whatever you're doing falls under the GDPR.

Cool, except we weren't confused about that. Figuring out what data exactly and when, along with the proper processes, documentation, and interaction with all of our clients took lots of lawyer time though.

That's funny, you expressed confusion just two post back about whether you are doing falls under GDPR :)

No I didn't, you should read it again. The original thread was about GDPR in general until the other commenter started talking about me and my company personally. We're not confused on whether it applies to us, although there are plenty of specifics that lack guidance.

>because its based on principles rather than hard rules

They tried hard rules, rather than principles with the cookie laws and the companies around the world turned a good idea into a shit-show of popups while continuing to behave like nothing happened.

Honestly the more I read and the more I see how different business react I start to view the GDPR as EU finally showing that will not accept businesses viewing it as a second rate legislator.

The GDPR and reactions to Trumps policies an EU that is finally starting to behave like it's representing the best interest of 500 million people.

95% of my GDPR work has done nothing for actual privacy. If this is how the EU "represents the best interest of 500 million people," then no thank you.

A lot of "GDPR work" I have witnessed recently has been totally useless and frankly I'm still not sure why I understand the tortuous paths some have chosen to follow.

I think a lot of that is down to decisions taken by US-based management that is simply clueless about how law works outside the US. And probably also only got their information from US-based lawyers that were either as clueless as themselves, or had incentives to make everything look very complicated.

On the other hand, most of the companies around me that have no links with the US were not particularily worried, and either consider that they are already compliant, conducted minimal work to be acting in good faith, or at worst are waiting for the regulatory body (CNIL here) to tell them what they are doing wrong, if that is the case.

However, I don't know any company that does shady things with their users' data, and things might be very different for those.

I think you are mistaken - the amount of effort big companies are putting into this certainly already has improved privacy significantly- and its just the beginning!

Can you elaborate please ? And what about the other 5% ?

I mean, if companies cared about privacy in the first place, there probably wouldn't be the need for such a regulation. At the very least, GDPR will get the general population be conscious about what the hell is going on under most websites.

Most of the costs of this (so far -- we'll see how it goes with subject rights; I spent several hours already working on a right to erasure request that was so confusing it will take a number of additional hours just to entangle and document) are learning the regulation (not privacy, but the regulation itself -- very different), doing documentation (the largest cost by far), and holding customers' hands. The last 5% wasn't all that meaningful; a few assorted things, like one of our S3 buckets that was storing encrypted backups of non-sensitive data with no expiration, and it got noticed during GDPR prep. It would have been noticed anyway (probably even before now).

We've also lost customers (including a contract that would have been our second-biggest) because our competitor is either lying or doesn't know anything about the GDPR, and has convinced customers they're compliant. Their story sounds easier than ours; "We're in the EU, so we're compliant" as opposed to "Hey, you need to sign this DPA with us to be compliant."

And no, many companies already did care about privacy. Companies are not faceless villains -- they're made up of people like you, assuming you have a job, and even aside from not wanting the bad publicity of breach or misuse most people want to use data correctly.

>its about poorly written regulation

What is poorly written about it?

> there must be clear paths to implementation and verification.

There are.

>Perhaps that should've been fixed instead of wondering why so many companies don't really want to deal with it.

There's nothing to fix, and I'm going to assume you can't even name 3 things since your post is just an extremely vague talking point.

I really enjoyed this quote from [1]

> I would be very wary of a company who claims this legislation is onerous. It is potentially life threatening to companies who do very shady things without your consent. That much is true. That is the entire point.

I somewhat suspect those companies hiding behind the 'oh lets just block Europe' excuse just don't want to admit the extent of what they are doing with the data.

US citizens should take note of this, because it's their data too.

[1] https://medium.com/tsengineering/the-gdpr-blog-post-9a571b13...

This might be it for like a very small handful of malicious companies. More realistically they are companies who have very little market share in the EU and their attorneys are very risk-averse and tell them a simple opt-out with few billing hours creates the most ROI.

EU citizens should not be pissed off that second-order effects exist in the world. If they are, they need to take ECN 101/102 again and pay closer attention.

If you don't think this legislation is onerous, you're not doing the work of implementing it. Now, in my company's case, a big enough chunk of our customers are in the EU that it was the right choice.

Thing is? We changed almost nothing about the way we processed data. Data subjects are no better off because we've spent tens of thousands of dollars complying. Whether people comply or not, the fact of the matter is that this regulation is onerous. It's onerous even if you love the intent of it, and it's onerous even if you think it's worth it.

That is the equivalence of, "if you haven't done anything wrong, why do you need to hide your information?"

I somewhat suspect those companies hiding behind the 'oh lets just block Europe' excuse just don't want to admit the extent of what they are doing with the data.

If the cops showed up at your door asking to search your home, business, and Internet accounts without a warrant, would you let them? Why not? What are you hiding?

If I were running my own company right now, this is probably the approach I would take. I'm a big privacy advocate, but I'm also anti-authoritarian and don't like being forced into things by overbearing laws.

Blocking Europeans sounds a lot more reasonable than having to hire a lawyer and spend double the time and effort just to be compliant while writing a new JavaScript MVC Todo List app.

GDPR is happening because for the last several (10s?) of years companies have been playing fast and loose with people's data. They've had their chance and they've blown it fairly comprehensively.

The people (by and large government is run by the people, for the people, at least in some countries) have had enough. I've had enough, and this is us telling companies they've had their chance and not made the grade so we're dictating now. As a person, and father (who has to worry for the rest of my live about my offspring's health and happiness, and linked to that, privacy) I'm very happy with this law. I support it, as seemingly a lot of people do. That's not authoritarian, it's the will of the people.

And no, I'm not some sort of communist beard stroker, I'm pretty central in my political beliefs and I also don't appreciate governments sticking their noses in where it's not welcome, but this, this is welcome.

> than an opportunity to offer users better privacy

I have a site that I did this with. I also wish the US would pass a law like this. And I beg to differ. No, I don't believe this is self-contradictory.

The issue is risk. I'm a one-man band - the site in question does make money most of the time, but not much, and it has always been much more of a hobby/labor of love than a business[1]. And when any legal change means I might end up with legal grief or potentially not be visit European relatives again, even if I generally approve of the change, I'm going to knife it because there is no planet on which the site means more to me than the risk.

My plan right now is to let the big boys who can afford it take the initial lawsuits and let them shake out what the vagaries mean, then come back in a year or so and see what my exposure would be if I let ya'll back in.

[1] Oh, and it should already be complaint, at least as I understand 'compliant'; I added notices and rejiggered a few things for selective denial and whatnot. I never have and never will sell/rent/share user data, don't integrate with any surveillance/ad networks, etc. But I have no confidence that someone won't see me as a likely target to use to make some point, and hiring a legal consultant for something this size would take it from slightly profitable to a future break-even measured in many years.

If this is anything more than fear of change (I suspect it isn't, once people get a little more accustomed to GDPR and some of the inevitable issues are ironed out), and other device owners start blocking EU citizens, I suspect GDPR may end up being a huge boon for Europeans.

Much like China, which has managed to develop a huge internet industry because it doesn't have to compete with the American competitors, the EU's huge market will provide a lot of space for EU startups if the American competitors refuse to do business in Europe. But unlike China, the GDPR will make those European companies more competitive on the world scene rather than less.

If the choice was between 2 services, one of which complied with GDPR and one which didn't, and explicitly excluded GDPR protected users, I'd assume the vast majority of regular consumers, but definitely businesses, would pick the GDPR compliant one.

American competitors aren't going to refuse to do business in the EU. They're going to comply with GDPR for EU customers, and in some cases across the board. I keep hearing how easy it is to comply. Then that's that, it's easy and there's money to be made, so US competitors will continue to be dominant as before.

>Nothing has been learned

In my limited view, this is pretty much the case. When I was telling our management team about the GDPR and how it relates to our new European-focused project, the first thing the CEO said was "how do we get around this?"

Management decided we're not gonna comply with the GDPR and just hope nobody notices.

Some of us do work for companies who respect and promote GDPR who are not based in EU, and we're hiring. Leave, that's a perfect example of terrible leadership.

Agreed. When the Volskswagen story broke that was my first repsonse: Management Failure. No matter how you slice it in a company that is run in a hierarchical fashion there is no way that an employee at some level decides to break the law in such a blatant manner without being pressured to do so in some way.

Which in the longer term turned out to be right. I'd love to see Winterkorn behind bars for that one.

Well, that was what VW said from the beginning. Although it was presented as "rogue engineer", the person they originally presented was the head of the entire department, and a VP at VW. And VW is suing Winterkorn in a civil case, too.

It’s foolish to comply when there isn’t even one example yet of a small non-EU company successfully being hit with fines.

> Management decided we're not gonna comply with the GDPR and just hope nobody notices.

Although they don't say it that way, that seems to be what most GDPR advocates are implicitly advising. They keep saying not to panic and shut down your web site or block europeans because and the EU is not going to sue you as a first step, etc etc.

Time to blow that whistle.

I like the better privacy stuff. What really pisses me off about GDPR is the whole "you cannot deny us your content even if it goes directly against your business model. Instead, you have to have give us all of your shit for free and then provide us an opt-in for your business model to work."

What used to be a full opt-in to the content and business model of a site, the EU wants to only get the content and choose whether or not they want to support a sites business model. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. If you want the sites content, then you should also agree to their business model to actually support it.

Unsurprisingly, now that you cannot tie a sites value with their business model, many companies are choosing to leave the EU as they assume most people don't want to pay for the content they consume (in addition to other things).

> Nothing has been learned.

I don't know about you, but I have learned a great deal!

I've mostly learned that Eurocrats can't actually write useful regulation. Blah blah blah human rights blah blah reasonable measures. Next chapter. Blah blah envisage blah blah reasonable measures. Blah blah blah inter-government communications protocols blah blah codes of conduct.

What's a reasonable measure? How do I know if I'm compliant? How do I know if a vendor is compliant?

GDPR is a wonderful, incredible, essential document for laying out human rights for the digital world. It's also terrible and incomprehensible regulation.

Can you think of any good technical regulations that do lay out requirements & obligations in a useful manner without being massively outdated, trivially bypassable, or some sort of hugely onerous 'one size swamps all'?

I mostly agree that the lack of concrete measures makes it horrible from a compliance view, but I'm not sure you can have both things, especially in a relatively immature area of law.

US environmental regulations tend to spell out technical requirements, particularly around emissions.

I would have been happier if they'd done something around setting up an administrative body that authors and updated regs.

>How do I know if a vendor is compliant? //

Did they ask for explicit permission to use your data? Do they provide the service if you only provide the data they actually need, rather than asking for a swathe of PII so they can sell it on? Do they provide info on how your data is stored, and who has access to it? Do they provide a way for you to view and/or delete all the PII they have on you?

You're right! Those are all critically important questions to ask! It's just possible that they might not be completely exhaustive, though.

Do they take reasonable measures to detect and inform me of a breach? Do they take reasonable measures to ensure it's me requesting data being deleted? Can they provide the same data about all Data Processors they make use of?

It's possible that the answers to this might not be easily and readily answered in every single potential case one might encounter when dealing with specialist vendors.

You're completely right to spell out those questions. It's just possible that there may be more to GDPR compliance - and certainty - than that in some cases.

Dealing with laws is hard. Dealing with laws that aren't even from your country is very hard.

When you're in "move fast and break things" mode, getting stuff working for SOME users is better than having a complete solution for all users that come much later. It's not even just about ignoring Europeans. A lot of these products and software solutions start "only available in California", or hell, only in SF. That's even true for some stuff from big companies like Amazon.

Then as you grow, you can start tackling more barriers and regulations from other countries. I mean, there's plenty of companies that won't ship to my address because they don't do business with the US. Or when I lived in Quebec, I could not participate to a lot of contests because it wasn't worth it for these entities to deal with Quebec's gambling laws. That's ok.

Even if you agree with the general idea of GDPR, even if you want to implement the tightest privacy rules you can't in your software, there's more to it than that. I've watched lawyers duke it out over some of the details. My employer takes GDPR very seriously and we've done everything in our power to comply, not just with the letter, but also with the spirit of the law. But we're big, we have money, and we're actively trying to grow internationally. 10+ years ago when the company was barely afloat? I'm not sure they would have been able to deal with the fine prints even if they wanted to.

There's more to GDPR than sending a silly email and adding a "Delete all the things!" button.

I am European browsing from a non-EU IP. Seems to me a blanket ban on EU IPs is both draconic and ineffective.

As for SV seeing GDPR as more of a hindrance: SV was build on the freemium model of gathering as much data as possible. Companies were funded under the assumption that their user growth would lead to valuable data stores.

GDPR and an increased privacy aware public are existential threats to these companies, as there is little chance to pivot to a non-data-use company. You have to start over.

I hope we will look back at these companies as ugly centralizing dinosaurs, as little by little, the consumers realize the power they gained back (or always had) over their usage and data, does not justify these business models to exist.

(Also, GDPR, even when seen as an opportunity, _is_ a hindrance to implement. Regulation in response to market evils is known to be heavy-handed and clumsy).

> ban on EU IPs is both draconic and ineffective

It doesn't matter it's ineffective. The block means they're complying with GDPR's requirement that they not target Europeans.

But they still process European user data if they do not block my IP. So they are not complying at all with GDPR's main requirement, just a poorly singled-out subclause.

Do EU laws protect you in China? I feel, partially, that going through a proxy means you are more under the discretion of the laws of the country with which the last proxy is operating under. Do you disagree? It's all very confusing

you're saying that blocking eu ip is insufficient. so you can, at leisure, forcibly subject anyone to attack by gdpr, against their will, by circumventing their access controls.

the only way for all businesses around the world to avoid abuse and subjugation to eu regulators, who they cannot influence, is to not exist at all?

No, the blame would be on you then and you would be held responsible for whatever legal action is necessary, not the company trying to block Europeans users like you. Benefit of the doubt is for the company because of their best effort European citizen blocking.

You are breqking the computer fraud and abuse act by accessing someone else's computer without their permission,then.

This means that you should be criminally prosecuted by the US. The government sees this the same as hacking.


I'm curious as to how many European companies comply with SOX, HIPAA, or COPPA just for the opportunity of making security/privacy compliance better?

Please read about FATCA

That isn’t about data protection— it’s actually the opposite, it’s about Euro banks sharing data with US authorities. Furthermore the unintended consequence of FATCA is that many Euro banks stopped allowing accounts from Americans because they didn’t want compliance risk. GDPR is having the same effect: US companies will refuse service to Europeans because of compliance risk.

How many European companies deal with US health data (HIPAA)?

I am a US citizen who, until last week lived in France. I wasn’t protected by HIPAA in Europe. Interestingly, HIPAA is stronger than the protections provided by U.K. law. For example, practitioners in the U.K. actually use Skype for mental health consultations — which would be a huge HIPAA violation in the US.

If it worked the same as GDPR, I could start forcing them all to just by emailing them my health records.

> It would seem that Silicon Valley perceives the GDPR as more of a hindrance than an opportunity to offer users better privacy.

Why would you think that SV would be interested in offering anything for its own sake? The vast majority of the model is to create new rent-seeking profit opportunities for investors, with internet users as a mere means to that end.

I think the response from European citizens on hackernews has been disappointing. I see many refuse to accept any of the negatives of GDP

I am sure most of them are consumers and don't run their own websites.

The GDPR is even an issue for people running simple blogs and forums. Many public software for these don't even have the features for GDPR compliance.

Consider this case, startup app in a niche market, only available on US app stores, and a one man dev team that needs to focus on app dev not compliance for some regulation that could never apply to their customers. Yet needs to be sure they don’t end up giving the company to the EU because someone over there signs up on a marketing list.

That’s the startup I’m presently working on. We’ll expand beyond the US borders (and implement GDPR) when we advance to a larger revenue stream. But right now, GDPR compliance is a distraction that interferes with gaining enough traction to help us afford the engineering and legal resources to ensure such compliance.

NOTE: we delete all client data when they cancel already. And we don’t do any creepy marketing.

> NOTE: we delete all client data when they cancel already. And we don’t do any creepy marketing.

This does sound like you'll have an easy time complying with GDPR! :)

> _NOTE: we delete all client data when they cancel already. And we don’t do any creepy marketing_

So what's there to worry about? Sounds like you're well on your way to being compliant

If anything, this allows you to be transparent with your users too.

> NOTE: we delete all client data when they cancel already. And we don’t do any creepy marketing.

Do you inform your users what data you're collecting, why you're collecting it, and get their consent? Are you taking proper precautions with the expanded PII data (encrypting at rest for example)? You've basically covered the requirements.

> Yet needs to be sure they don’t end up giving the company to the EU because someone over there signs up on a marketing list.

What kind of FUD are people reading...if someone voluntarily gives you their email to sign up for a list that's fine. You just need to keep that they consented to receive what they agreed to. What you can't do is use that email for crap they didn't sign up to receive. Obviously normal unbsub rules apply, which in this case says forget that someone ever signed up.

€20M / 4% of global revenue isn't fud. Right now, that would kill our bootstrapped operation.

The FUD is losing your company because someone signs up for your marketing email.

It's a reality. Literally, a 4% tithe on our revenue would literally kill us right now. Funny though you seem to know this isn't the case, having never seen our books.

I don’t need to see your books to know that someone signing up for your marketing email is not violating the GDPR.

Um, but now you are storing data "they own". And now you have to comply with how each member country wants you to handle that data. So yeah, you can violate the GDPR...

Odd then that MailChimp had to make extensive modifications to comply with GDPR. https://blog.mailchimp.com/gdpr-tools-from-mailchimp/

An admirable effort, but all the fans of this law seem to hear is "You're not 100% compliant with the GDPR? You're scummy and shady and don't care about my privacy. I hope you fail immediately because the world is better off without you."

Meanwhile they'll be using VPNs to access your site anyway :)

This is interesting, an EU Activist thinks they can twist Facebook's and Google's arms into providing free service: (again, I'm not a fan of FB/Google invasive data mining driven advertising)


I have a similar, but opposite feeling. Genealogy sites, even free US based ones, are (such as WikiTree) taking GDPR very seriously. Rather than risk being sued out of existence, they are marking any and all content involving living individuals as private unless the individual has an active account on the site.

This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to find links to living individuals. A ton of people have done a ton of work to build a shared public tree, and some 50-100 years of it are getting chopped off the bottom.

I wrote the blog post to show how Dilbert's boss would solve GDPR for his company.

Don't take it seriously.

> Nothing has been learned

I would say this is also applicable in reference to the unintended consequences of regulations

The companies that don't want to deal with GDPR are more than free to stop serving the EU. Then alternatives to these companies (services) will spawn within the EU.

It's a bit like a good forest fire. Out of the monocultural ash sprout (life sustaining) varieties.

It’s disappointing, sure... but is it surprising?

To a lot of US-ians the GDPR is just some EU bureaucrat stopping them from making more $. Nothing matters apart from being able to do whatever you want and make $.

It’s just a different mindset.

Many people view The EU's recent actions (GDPR, Vestager's crusade, etc) as a blatant attempt to weaken the dominant US tech sector so that Europe can try to compete.

Are you familiar with the term 'unfunded mandate'?

That's because GDPR is regulating and fining without representation to non-Europeans. Blocking Europeans is a defensive measure.

My gut tells me Europe will use GDPR to further attack (and fine) large US tech companies (Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.). Everybody is likely breaking these sorts of laws in some small way, but I doubt the EU will bother going after a small startup. If you can't avoid a lawyer, I doubt you're worth being prosecuted.

I'd love a browser plugin that indicates a site I'm visiting is blocked in the EU. I'm not in the EU, but if I site cares that little about my privacy that they don't want to comply with GDPR then I don't want to use it. I might just start browsing through a VPN terminating in the EU anyway.

If there's a successful business that blocks EU access due to GDPR, that's a huge immediate opportunity to enter that market in the EU (unless, of course, the business model is based on resale of personal information).

Or unless the business model is location-based.

The example from a previous HN article was the Chicago Tribune blocking EU access.

Are you saying that there's a "huge immediate opportunity" for people in Europe to read local Chicago news?

Not every business is global. In fact, 99%+ aren't.

Which is exactly the point of the law — it’s a trade barrier.

EU companies also have to abide by it so I don't know how it is a trade barrier.

Do they have any opportunity now that they haven't always had?

It's certainly a hindrance. I can't look at core dumps from code running in Europe now. It's a mess.

Innovation costs money. GDPR threatens part of their model, but the tradeoff is calculated.

> Nothing has been learned.

Yet. Give it some time.

Pretty awful.

I guess they can afford it.

I just spent the last few weeks on this and the regulators took a 'tech should conform to my understanding' approach. It's horrible legislation, time consuming across a still-emerging field (talk about hindering progress..) and I'm not even part of the EU. I am tempted to just shut off my services to the EU until I redeploy everything as dapps and wipe my hands of this nonsense. Let EU deal with blocking eth because it doesn't conform to the way they think technology should work.

HN is full of morally totaly unscrupulous people. The typical Silicon Valley crowd actually celebrates the kind of privacy invasion that the GDPR is design to counteract. So, obviously it's no big surprise that these Silicon Valley bros post silly tips on how to avoid the GDPR by just blocking the pesky Europeans.

They will learn. It's a financial certainty.

On a separate note: I feel totally disgusted with the kind of people who are totally uninterested with the the fate of their users. It's not exactly uncommon in Silicon Valley. Fuck these guys.

My biggest _annoyance_ with GDPR and its advocates is the constant touting of "giving users control over their data" when in reality it is hindering voluntary actions that by their nature require some of "my data". If I want to service a small group of people with, say, an XMPP network, and those users are willing and eager to just go with it without any of this bs with terms and three-letter EU dictated roles, then it should be possible. When you've made it prohibitive, then you've done something wrong IMO.

My biggest _fear_ regarding GDPR is that, to me at least, it seems like a one-size-fits-all regulation for a world where only organisations are allowed to run services, and where all services are centralized. Which is not the world we live in (yet).

So which parts of the GDPR do you actually disagree with in case of this XMPP service? Mostly you need to tell people what you collect, allow removing accounts and history, and tell them if you're sending the data to third-parties. If you're running a private service you most likely already fulfill those requirements. Where's the annoyance?

In the specific case of XMPP, wouldn't I need to have an agreement with every other admin who federates their XMPP server and work out what exactly our roles are as defined by GDPR? XMPP still has active development community around it so this will no doubt get much easier with time, but that's just XMPP.

IANAL, but unlikely. Sending messages is the primary purpose of the service. As long as users are made aware that messages going outside of your domain are shared with 3rd parties, it's on them to make that decision. Same would apply to email, phones, etc.

Maybe not: You need to have a "Legal Basis" and only 1 of them is the "subject has given consent" one.

There's another:

"The processing is NECESSARY FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF A CONTRACT to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;"

I thought you would have to al least all the admins to agree to follow the GDPR so that data can be retrieved, corrected, and deleted on demand right?

Look at it this way: The service you're using needs a privacy policy, that is not new. The way that policy is organized or shared is no different now, just what rights the user and what obligations the service provider has.

GDPR is simply a response to abusive behavior. May not be the best response, but it was about time.

Then, it is surprising to me that Americans are against a national id card, but are not OK with a privacy protection law.

But I'm not railing against _a_ privacy protection law, I'm railing against the GDPR. Fundamentally, for the simple reason that I want the freedom to with my data as I please, regardless of whether or not the service I want to use is meeting EU dictated goalposts or not.

(I'm European, though not in spirit apparently.)

I believe it's because, in general, Americans distrust government and trust corporations

Giving someone money or trust in exchange for a service or good is a straightforward relationship that implies various social contracts. Americans' relationship with government is far more adversarial.

It's not about trusting corporations, but rather trusting in the benefit of the free market which offers more choices than a government which generally limits choices. A well intentioned government but still with too many unintended consequences

We distrust both but only one has a monopoly on violence that can be pointed in our direction at any time.

I guess we’re just kind of ignoring things like credit bureaus, who sell finacial data about you whether you like it or not, and god help you if you miss a payment. But hey, even if you dont screw up, maybe something gets reported wrong, or maybe you just don’t spend like the algorithm wants you to, and your credit, and thus your life, is ruined.

I guess we’re also ignoring private health insurance companies and how they can just kind of, you know, deny you for any reason. But it’s cool because your insurance is dependent on a benevolent private company providing you employment.

See where I’m going with this? The Ayn Rand “government is violence” nonsense needs to stop. It’s not corporations vs. government, it’s powerful institutions vs. we, the plebes.

There's also economic/financial violence.

Sounds like a good idea until corporations influence government.

Government can come in your house in the middle of the night, guns drawn, and take you away.

Corporations can't.

No, corporations just pay the government to do it on their behalf.

Tell that to people at Standing Rock.

> network, and those users are willing and eager to just go with it without any of this bs

How can you declare they're willing and eager, if you don't have their consent, and they're not informed about your actions?

This Regulation is intended to contribute to the accomplishment of an area of freedom, security and justice and of an economic union, to economic and social progress, to the strengthening and the convergence of the economies within the internal market, and to the well-being of natural persons.

It hinders nothing. It ensures that what you're with user data doing is truly voluntary and that your users really are 'willing and eager" about it beyond you pinky-swearing you'll be good with what you're given.

Be annoyed all you want, the only people whining about the GDPR are those showing their true colors when it comes to user privacy and agency. If you're complaining that it hinders you from using user data as you please, that's precisely the point.

To be clear, I'm annoyed as a user too. Partly by the discrepancy between the claim that I now have control over my data, but can't actually use it since the small independently run services can't accept my data even if I wanted them to, because that acceptance comes with a set of requirements that are prohibitive, and which I, the user, would not want in this instance. However, judging by some of the other responses, I might be wrong about the effects on independently run services (and I'm happy to be).

I'm going to ignore the part about my supposed true colors in respect to user privacy. Too tired.

I don't think it applies to individuals and noncommercial activity, though I have heard anecdotal reports of european cops hassling people shooting pictures on mobile phones

> I don't think it applies to individuals and noncommercial activity

Why would these be unaffected? You have to comply with GDPR as soon as you start processing personal data.

That's not entirely true. Article 2 defines the scope in various respects, and categories such as "by a natural person in the course of a purely personal or household activity" are specifically not within that scope.

This thread on Reddit seems to have some cogent discussion on exceptions


If I want to service a small group of people with, say, a nuclear power plant, and those people are willing and eager to just go with it without any bs or roles, then it should be possible. When you make it prohibitive to handle hazardous materials, then you've done something wrong.

If you and the small group of people are the only living creatures on the planet, then absolutely! That is to say, this isn't really comparable, for obvious reasons.

PII is a hazardous material, and it should be regulated like other hazardous materials, for obvious reasons.

This is so hyperbolic. Hazardous material? So your old IP address that has since changed 27 times being in some forgotten log file somewhere is now basically like uranium or industrial waste. Makes sense.

The processing of personal data should be designed to serve mankind. The right to the protection of personal data is not an absolute right; it must be considered in relation to its function in society and be balanced against other fundamental rights, in accordance with the principle of proportionality. This Regulation respects all fundamental rights and observes the freedoms and principles recognised in the Charter as enshrined in the Treaties, in particular the respect for private and family life, home and communications, the protection of personal data, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and information, freedom to conduct a business, the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, and cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.


I suggest you read the rest of it before opining.

This basically boils down to, "just hope that all current and future EU member nation agree with you on what is and isn't morally right."

Good thing different societies and cultures have never disagreed on what is and isn't morally just, amirite?

I simply don't understand how or why a law that has scope in the EU is causing trouble for companies which conduct no business in the EU beyond responding to HTTP requests on a global decentralized telecommunications network. Why would an American internet business which conducts no operations in Europe and has no servers in Europe be subject to regulation that affects the EU? What is going to happen? Is the EU going to target American banks of American businesses and try to extract fines? Is the EU going to extradite owners of these businesses? Are EU courts going to issue default judgements on businesses and individuals?

> Is the EU going to target American banks of American businesses and try to extract fines?

You mean like America? That time when the USA decided to enforce their embargo against Cuba by intercepting a payment from one of the Nordics for a bunch of Cuban cigars? No, that's unlikely.

> Is the EU going to extradite owners of these businesses?

Extremely unlikely, besides that would require the cooperation of the other country. But - and this is interesting - the other countries typically expect the EU to cooperate with extraditions when the law is broken and we do. So who knows.

> Are EU courts going to issue default judgements on businesses and individuals?

Against individuals: Unlikely, but it could happen, against businesses, that's typically how things go when one party doesn't show up.

But note that for that to happen you first have to ignore the regulators for long enough to get them really pissed off, an action I would recommend against.

> You mean like America?

Ahh yes, one of my favorite logical fallacies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque

Tu quoque is not a logical fallacy. There's no logical step that's violated. It's an informal fallacy.

Technically, yes. It's an informal logical fallacy. The point is that it's a pretty ineffective means of advancing the discussion.

Right FTA: it's an "informal logical fallacy.

But since the answer is no, is this still a fallacy?

It's not being used as a fallacy, since it's not part of an argument that proves a point.

I don't follow you. My interpretation was that OP said roughly, "I don't understand/approve of GDPR because of this and this." Child then responded by saying roughly, "but America does it too." Seems like the child was trying to imply that OP's claims/concerns are false because they are hypocritical.

Not really, he said in substance: "America do this, EU will not". Using this example to somehow gain a moral high ground.

The intended effect was to provide some context and to take away a worry. I can see why Americans would be worried because there are many examples of where America has 'exported' its laws all over the globe. The EU is emphatically not doing this, they simply require that if you do business in Europe that you have a European presence so they can enforce their local laws against you.

That "European presence" requirement is, by itself, an attempt to force their laws on the world, and if it's going to have teeth, will require other countries to bow to pressure to enforce it even though they had no input.

If Jamaica passed a law fining any company that hired homosexuals, we'd consider it bullshit even if they tried to abstract it a level up by only passing it as a local law, and then passing another law saying companies that serve Jamaicans have to have local representatives. I'm not sure why you think this is any less bullshitty a tactic, other than the fact that the law they're trying to push seems more reasonable (which I agree with).

So you're saying F. local laws that get in the way of international commerce? You could stop doing business with Jamaica, and hence put pressure on it's elected bodies.

If you don't like foreign markets, don't enter them.

I think that child was saying that since America does that routinelly, Europe is entitled to do it too. Alternatively, may do it for strategical power reasons.

That makes me wonder: what about wechat? Surely Tencent has many overseas Chinese users in Europe, and I’m sure they play as or more aggressively as the American majors. Is Europe going to sanction Chinese companies for violations along with American ones?

Facebook is legally an Ireland company FYI.

Facebook is most definitely American even if their European subsidiary is based in Ireland. That is all moot under the law anyways, as they consider global revenue of any parent company, not just that of the subsidiary.

> You mean like America?

Yes, like America. This may shock you, but America isn't always right.

> Yes, like America. This may shock you, but America isn't always right.

That was exactly your parent's point?

So whataboutism is a valid justification to continue the practice?

They're arguing that US companies are afraid of the EU behaving like the US, & then asserting that the EU will not behave like the US

It's always wrong to be the first in the thread to invoke "whataboutism".

Exactly. It's possible to criticise what the EU are doing without thinking the United States does everything right - or even that it does it better.

Disappointing to see so many EU apologists defaulting to whataboutism.

>> Are EU courts going to issue default judgements on businesses and individuals?

> Against individuals: Unlikely, but it could happen

AFAIK IANAL: GDPR doesn't apply to individuals that e.g. host mastodon instance.

It's true that the GDPR has exemptions for "personal or household activity". Ideally, this should apply to non-commercial Mastodon instances.

However, some non-commercial Mastodon instances are now supporting thousands of users. An argument could be made that operating such instances is no longer a "personal or household activity".

Whilst I would hope that the local data protection agency would side with the Mastodon instance operator, it does put them in a rather difficult situation.

I think this possibility raises a lot of concern for operators of Mastodon instances and other online services.

Agreed, but execs of companies violating the law are also individuals, and those were the individuals I had in mind.

> GDPR doesn't apply to individuals

>> Agreed

Not a lawyer too, but I'm interested what makes you (and jbfoo) believe that it doesn't apply to individuals. It's a EU regulation it should apply to natural and legal persons.

Ok, it has an exception for the processing of data by natural persons in the course of a purely personal or household activity but that doesn't mean it doesn't apply to individuals in general.

> Ok, it has an exception for the processing of data by natural persons in the course of a purely personal or household activity but that doesn't mean it doesn't apply to individuals in general.

If you set up a service that operates in the same way as a similar service would operate if it were done by a business then I suspect that you being a private individual is not going to be much protection, after all you are effectively roughly in the same situation as a sole proprietor business minus the incorporation.

If you process data for family and friends then that would most likely be enough to trigger the exception.

So the dividing line in the case of a Mastodon server would likely be whether or not you allow total strangers to make use of the service and whether or not you respect their rights.

> You mean like America?

I get the impression that a big part of the motivation for GDPR is this type of resentment against America.

The companies that are most guilty of mishandling personal user data are American companies. If it could not apply to them in protection of EU citizens any regulation would be useless.

Thats because the EU has no tech giants.

If Facebook was german there's no way that GDPR would of passed.

There are plenty more examples of the US twisting Europe's arm. Currently it's looking like that is the plan for Iran.

I hope not. They really need to tell the US to go to hell on that front. Pissing away a deal that is seemingly working because Trump got made fun of by Obama.

The US has all the leverage. They can just say "you can trade with Iran or you could trade with us," and what is the EU going to do? I'm not happy about the Iran deal being torn up either, but there is nothing European leaders can do about it.

Call a rather obvious bluff and put political pressure on American leaders over it.

They have a pretty easy to defend position.

It's not really a bluff; they can cut off any European business that deals with Iran easily. Someone else will play ball. This wouldn't be the first time they did it either.

> They really need to tell the US to go to hell on that front.

Would be easier if Europe had a coherent voice. You got the former Eastern Bloc countries desperately clinging to the US (because they, rightfully, fear that Putin will screw them over), you got the UK which is trying to not fall apart due to Brexit, France is... France and Merkel is trying to prevent the worst of the shitshow, even though she's miserably failing at that (and under heavy pressure from the AfD nazis and her own sister party which is openly copying the nazis).

In addition, Europe is so damn far behind the US when it comes to military power - jeez, German army is practicing tank shooters with broomsticks as munition, the NH90 marine helicopters are not allowed to fly over water and we all know what a fuckfest the A400M is. No money, no competence, but it wasn't a problem since WW2 as the USA had always covered the EU... now that Trump is, well, being Trump the EU has yet another giant problem to tackle.

> Europe is so damn far behind the US when it comes to military power

As a European, I consider this a good thing.

> As a European, I consider this a good thing.

I am ideologically more aligned to pacifism, the problem is that it does not work in a world of wannabe highschool bullies (USA, China, Russia, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar) vying for regional dominance.

Europe is so damn powerless and underfunded that we cannot even ensure that basic human rights are respected in conflict areas. On a bully stage, the tiny kid will always be the one that's bullied. No matter how economically powerful the EU is.

As a Canadian I'm fine with my country being behind too.

Would like more spending to make sure soldiers don't die due to shitty equipment, but still largely fine.

Jacques - I love the effort you've put into explaining the GDPR to clueless and needlessly exasperated (mostly) americans here on HN.

To be honest I used to think you were just a shameless self-promoter like almost everyone else, but in this case you've risen to the occasion. Bravo. I think you're now rating quite high in most people's "mental books of good people". Or at the very least, in the minds of people who actually have a strong impact.

>clueless and needlessly exasperated (mostly) americans

I'd love to see the dataset you have access to backing up any of that statement. It must be fascinating.

> I'd love to see the dataset you have access to backing up any of that statement.

That would make you a sub-processor.


Recital 23 [1] of the GDPR excludes most US-based businesses from compliance with GDPR. It essentially says that sites that don’t “envisage” (their word) offering services in the EU are in fact not offering services there for the purposes of the GDPR and are thus are not subject to it. It also explicitly states that the mere accessibility of a foreign-based website from within the EU does not by itself subject the site to GDPR.

So while blocking the EU isn’t required, the other tests they use to determine whether or not you intended to offer services to EU residents are a bit murky. In light of that, what better way is there to make your intention to not serve EU users clear to all than to block EU users? That’s the main reason to do it. This kind of blockade will not prevent all EU users from accessing your site, but it doesn’t matter. You’ll have made your intent to not serve EU users clear, which will preserve your immunity to GDPR.

[1] http://www.privacy-regulation.eu/en/recital-23-GDPR.htm

A point with many sites is that they use ad networks and those ad networks send localized ads to Europeans, thus the site targets (or "envisages") Europeans. Even if the actual content is about quite local things.

In my personal opinion, that would be both a stretch of this recital and an abusive use of the GDPR. You don’t control what ads are shown to anyone because they are served by a third party, and you have a good faith belief that you are not subject to GDPR under Recital 23. My guess is that if you used an ad network that specialized in EU ads, you’d be subject to it. But using code from a US ad network that may have some EU advertisers now or in the future shouldn’t expose you.

But I don’t disagree that some EU countries that intend to abuse the GDPR for the purpose of generating massive amounts of revenue from fines may try to make this kind of claim. One of the problems with GDPR is that when you combine unclear regulation with the lack of moral hazard that government agencies enjoy and the financial incentive of massive fines, you create a monster that will constantly seek to expand who and what is covered under it.

You control to whom you give the space on your site. You contract somebody to do this under the terms you negotiate with them. "This is somebody else, they are just paying me" won't work. (And well, if the ad network is GDPR compliant it is relatively little work for you to add the note, if they are not GDPR compliant they may not target Europeans)

Again, this argument is a stretch for sites that are otherwise immune under Recital 23. It is one that may be tested by the most abusive GDPR enforcers, but I believe that test will ultimately fail.

Regardless, it’s one more reason to block radioactive EU traffic.

Your page is showing European ads and you are earning money of those. For me, as a user, the ad network is an implementation choice of your business.

Probably you can offload some challenges to the ad network, if they don't tell you enough of their business, but that's between you and them. For me I'm accessing your site.

I don't see how you can possibly say that. If I'm serving a german an ad in german, for a german business, then how the hell am I not clearly doing business in germany?

If I'm serving a german an ad in german

You aren’t serving any ads in the case of an ad network. You contracted with an ad network that is within the US and the site on which you served their code is not otherwise subject to the GDPR. Your intent to not serve the EU market is clear.

For those purposes, a simple JS snippet as provided by my https://euroshield.xyz/ would serve very well.

Read up on FATCA (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Account_Tax_Complian...) before you argue further down that path. The US already has extraterritorial laws that have to be enforced by banks worldwide that don’t operate in the US.

Yes, and that sucks. Adding more overly broad extraterritorial laws is going in the wrong direction.

Note that a common response by foreign banks to FATCA is to refuse to do business with Americans, which is very likely the best course of action. So it shouldn't be surprising when companies take similar precautions because of GDPR.

There seems to be a big difference between enforcing a law on all financial institutions and enforcing a law on all websites basically that serve the EU. The latter seems next to impossible to enforce.

FACTA is why banks refuse US citizen or PR customers.

As long as you're just "responding to HTTP requests", there's nothing to worry about and the GDPR does not apply.

It's when you start collecting personal data on EU residents, send their personal data to third parties for analytics/targeted advertising, and so on, that things get interesting.

I can't think of any web server that doesn't log ip addresses by default, and I think it's been established that satisfies the GDPR threshold test for personal data. So while what you say is true, I think you're being a little bit deceptive when you say 'As long as you're just "responding to HTTP requests"' because all practical and established means of doing that violate the GDPR by default.

Ip used for technical reasons such as logging access are not concerned by the gdpr per se. The same goes to KYC informations. The gdpr is actually a well written piece of legislation which should worry you only if you do shady stuff. The only edge case that I know are not well addressed concerns the status of encrypted data (would be deleting private keys considered to be deleting them? This question is important on blockchain data storage)

If you log for security purposes that is a "legitimate interest" which would allow you to keep doing that, provided:

- You make a note that this data is being logged.

- You state for how long this is logged (6 months is reasonable), and justify that time frame.

- You state who else has access to these logs.

- You state what steps you have taken to try to minimize unauthorized access to these logs.

- In a register (these statements should be delivered on request of a law supervisor) you also provide your personal details, which users are affected by this data processing, and your goal (which should be something along the lines of: "fraud prevention and intrusion mitigation" to have legitimate interest. Expect big companies with law firms to push this "security interest"-angle hard, as they try to justify their data processing).

Pretty reasonable, no? It would be nice if the large web logging softwares provide standard options to automatically limit disclosure of PII web logs.

You already described far more work than I'm willing to do for the small web site I happen to host. If there's a simple geoblocking switch I'd much rather flip the switch and block Europe than continuously worry that I didn't dot every 'i' and cross every 't' to make some obscure European regulator happy.

You'd also make me happy :).

So hash the IP before you log. Now it cant be traced to a user and you are GDPR compliant. Its really not that hard.

What's the setting in httpd.conf for that?

Post process the bloody logfile on a regular basis. You can legitimately capture IPs etc for a while, provided that it is for a good reason - fixing a problem, or gathering aggregate trends but not for direct marketing reasons against individuals who have not given consent. So, your logrotate.d/ might get a few post/pre rotate scripts, if it really bothers you.

I run a small UK based IT firm. So far I've turned down some of the logging on my HA Proxy instances and stopped logging IPs and user agents in general and a few other things. If I need to do some diags then I'll turn them on again. That's on the long term stored logs (due to backups). So far, my backups are smaller 8)

I do keep very detailed logs with IPs (actually full packet capture) in the ES cluster for IDS purposes but those are turned over (deleted) within a few hours. Less detailed logs last a lot longer.

> Post process the bloody logfile on a regular basis.

Or, maybe, just block all of the EU.... probably a lot easier for a small site.

It's pretty much trivial to reverse a hash when there are only 2^32 possible inputs.

My understanding was that an IP address is considered personal information under GDPR, which would put it in your class #2

So if your dating site matches gay couples should you expect fines or worse if a Saudi expat uses it?

I'm wondering this too actually, I run a small business, we collect only the bare minimum of information from our customers but we do have some European customers. I'm ignoring GDPR completely, is there any downside for me? Will they block customers from using my service? Will they sieze my European cloud servers? Or can I safely do nothing as I currently am because I don't reside or have a registered business in Europe?

EU has a history of moralistic bullshit proposals like that stupid cookie law. Which looked good in the eye of the law-makers (career politicians I should call them) but doesn't really work in the real world.

People get used to accepting the stupid cookie law and it becomes a habit, and in a couple of years the law lost it's meaning (people blindly accept cookie law) and no-one cares about "the great privacy laws of the EU".

This is probably how GDPR will end up, no sane person would have the time to read all the privacy notices and the crappy opt-ins to just order food as fast as possible.

Hey I'm starving I need that food ordered now, here's my location so you can deliver food here, I don't give a rat's ass about your privacy statement and clickady clack are there any more opt-ins to check before I can finally order my food?

Nobody just doing ordinary business things is going to get caught up in the GDPR. The EU are going to go after the local companies first and/or the worst offenders. Just sit back and wait for the case law and best practices to settle down and then decide what to do.

My feeling is it is going to end up like the cookie law, but who knows at this stage.

You have two solution:

1: ignore GDPR, you'll probably fly under. And if you dont, fine are scaled for business and people affected, as well as privacy infraction. Encrypt your backups, encrypt PII if you can do it effortlessly, and you're good. If you are not using emails except for checking double inscription, encrypt them too, the entropy is low BUT this is better than nothing .

2: If you have some time and money to spend to try to improve your services: self-report. A public agent will point you the weakness of your data processing.

Is there some way they can fine me with me being in a country completely and totally unrelated to the EU?

Yes, they can fine you, and if you don't pay it they can trash your credit. Don't ignore this.

How? I'm not in their country, their laws don't apply to me or my business in any way, shape or form. They could perhaps argue I do business there, but that still doesn't give them anything to press charges against. Best they could do is block my site as far as I can guess...

I'm going to call bullshit unless you can provide a source that any overseas government can levy a fine for whatever reason and then "trash my credit".

You're probably fine.

If you have a lawful basis for collecting the information, you're only passing it along to others as necessary to provide your service to your customers, the customers have clearly consented, and you employ reasonable protection of that data... it's extremely unlikely that you're in violation.

And if you were, they'd come to you first with a warning (at least based on past behavior). They're not going to seize assets unless you seriously provoke them.

"but we do have some european customers"

The entire point is, NO you can't just ignore GDPR. Your lack of action toward compliance is negligent.

Why can't I ignore it? I have european customers but they chose to sign up with a business in a foreign jurisdiction where their laws don't apply. If it's a problem, the EU can feel free to block my sites, but I can't see how it's negligent to not comply with laws that don't apply in my country.

I don't comply with laws from many other jurisdictions either. Should I start applying censorship laws for China and Saudi Arabia too? Why should the EU be special?

I answered your question the first time. The answer is no. If you really had to ask this, just google "does gdpr apply to non eu companies?"

There are thousands of laws on the books where nothing happens when you ignore them. Sure it is possible that the EU will pick some obscure small company doing boring business things outside of the EU to make a test case out of, but how likely is this?

Anyone not up to shady activity can afford to wait for the case law and best practices to settle before doing anything.

EU will not be able to enforce GDPR law in other countries, unless company has a subsidiary in the EU. Otherwise any country in the world can create their laws and expect that anyone in the world following them.

Unfortunately that horse has already left the barn. Have a look at the USA's FATCA law or any of their sanction laws against countries like Cuba or Iran.

Well thats because you dont understand GDPR. If the company doesnt conduct any business in EU - or more correctly with EU private persones - then GDPR doesnt apply to the company. It also doesnt apply for any Business-2-business relations.

GDPR only applies if you are providing a service to a EU citizen. That also explains what EU will do if a company doesnt comply with GDPR (where it should); they will stop the company from providing those services to the EU citizen.

This is also why blocking EU traffic doesnt make you GDPR compliant (I can use a vpn or visit your site when travelling, and then you are still providing a service to a EU citizen).

If the case really is as you say, with just serving http request, then you have no issue with being GDPR compliant, because you dont store and information about the EU citizen. If however you are not just serving http requests, but track the user or otherwise store information on the site visitor, then you may have GDPR issues. But if you do store data about your users, you really should treat the data correctly.

GDPR is common sense, and if you bother to understand it correctly, its fairly easy to be compliant. Though I’d say, the bigger the company the more complex the implementation.

You're mistaking GDPR's intent with its implementation, an error that lots of people are making.

As Americans we're particularly sensitive about having to follow rules made by people who don't represent us and are not accountable to us. This is a totally fair and justifiable reason to be against GDPR even if you agree with its objectives.

“As Americans we’re particularly sensitive about having to follow rules made by [others]”

That may be one of the most ironic comments I’ve ever heard. I love americans, but as a super power you stick your nose into so many other countries business, directly or indirectly. So, lets just say that argument is not gonna change my view in any way.

I don’t think I am mistaking intent with implementation. The regulation’s written text leavea many details to be answered along the way and the first couple of rulings on GDPR will (hopefully) bring us a lot of insigts into how to interpret and implement GDPR in practice. So I guess no one really knows the implementation yet. Until then we have to go by what is reasonable and the intent. And if you store data on private citizens you better treat it correctly.

It's because:

A) The law seems to extend beyond the borders of the EU.

B) It's extremely long and vague, doesn't really offer a lot of actionable advice, and nobody outside of privacy lawyers seems to really understand it fully.

C) The penalties are harsh.

Further muddying the waters, the EU and US already have some existing bilateral agreements with respect to data privacy [1], but does the GDPR supersede or unilaterally invalidate these...? Who knows?

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EU%E2%80%93US_Privacy_Shield

You haven't actually read any of it have you?

A) It covers behaviour towards the citizens (ie passport carrying members) of the EU. It basically says: "please do not be evil" - OK it says a lot more but I think you get the idea.

B) It does cover a lot of ground but it is written in pretty accessible language for such a large and complex subject.

C) The possible maximum penalties are set at a level that will not destroy a serial transgressor but should hopefully deter anyone from becoming such a beast in the first place.

Overall, GDPR is really a manifesto for how people should be treated in the burgeoning data economy. I still find it hard to understand how such a reasonable and farsighted set of regs came to be designed in the first place. As a citizen of the UK, at least I am reasonably certain that the GDPR will stay on the local statute books post Brexit because to contemplate otherwise is economic suicide.

GDPR is far stronger that Privacy Shield... so you can't use that

> The law seems to extend beyond the borders of the EU.

Hi guys,

It's Kim from the Best Korea, and we just decided that we are going to allow our people to access the Internet.

There is a tiny little thing though, our internet policy stipulates that for every traffic hit to sites outside our borders, the country of origin either donates 1 nuke or if it doesn't have nukes an item of great value, or a 24 hour TV broadcast featuring me.

Not directly related, but see FATCA. Because of a US law, individuals in many countries who don't deal with US securities/markets, have to fill a form saying they don't have any direct investments in US, or that they are not a citizen/resident of US.

Interesting that the end result was the same - block people from the country using their services.

Well, if you don't serve European customers, it doesn't.

yup, maybe, probably not... we'll find out

Fun fact: Russia recently approved similar law which requires all personal data of Russian citizens to be stored in a server hosted in Russia. So theoretically many webmasters are already be in trouble :)

> Russia recently approved similar law which requires all personal data of Russian citizens to be stored in a server hosted in Russia

I wouldn't call that a similar law at all, because the spirit of it is so that the government can have access to that data…

It's similar in the sense that government dictates how foreign companies can deal with personal data of its citizens. I agree that purpose seems to be different.

Oh are European governments and intelligence agencies going to follow the GDPR as well?

The fact that the regulation is so vague around it in the first place is the whole problem. There are dozens of conflicting statements (from law firms, no less) about what exactly exposes you to GDPR.

You should be glad that it's so vague. The alternative is a law that lays out technical details of how you handle information, and no one wants that.

... which in part isn't since that law is that complicated, but buy law firms and consultancies looking for customers.

Companies aren't that dumb, and law firms can't lie either so those conflicting articles show just how much interpretation is involved.

Yes, this is the way the law, prosecution and judgement works. If you violate GDPR and the EU prosecutes you and you don't even show up to court and there is judgement against you and you are fined, the EU can try to get paid from your bank. That's how law, prosecution and judgement work in America too. How else would it work? Why would anyone obey any regulation or ever show up to court otherwise?

That being said, the starting point shouldn't be, "there's no need to imagine that I'm violating GDPR. I only serve Americans". The starting point should be, "I had better imagine that I might be violating GDPR even though I only intend to serve Americans. Are there things I haven't considered? Are there resources I should seek out? As a service provider of some kind, hadn't I better spend a day or two imagining the ways I might run into trouble and plan to avoid it?"

Playing Devil's advocate, there are 193 countries in the UN; is it reasonable to ask site owners to keep abreast of the Internet laws passed in each one, and spend a couple of days for each, even if you just serve your compatriots?

I'm biased for the GDPR, since I think every site should follow its principles regardless of legal obligation, but I don't think the rationale you're proposing is scalable.

Hello mere mortals,

Its your favorite dictator, the leader of Crazystan and from 29th of May 2018 I ask that from that date, for every site accessed by citizens of my country I require the hosting company to send one employee to be sacrificed to our mighty gods.

Failure to comply will attract a fine of 50 Gazillion dollars.

Laws are made with physical borders in mind. Digital world doesn't have those borders. But it seems that politicians are expecting those borders to work.

I'm not even sure about sane way to map IP address to country. There are some geolocation services, but I doubt that they are 100% precise and probably paid. Also if I'm using geolocation service passing IP of the incoming request, does that mean that I'm already violated someone's privacy? This is weird.

With IPv4 stretched thin, there's a lot of international trade, even of small blocks. Also, multihomed servers can announce IPv4 from one ASN on another ASN, given permission. Anyway, it's nontrivial to really know where an IPv4 is located.

The block is to pacify the lawyers, it doesn't really matter if it's effective.

It should be noted that I'm talking about the previous poster's proposal. The GDPR doesn't demand that; it specifically says that simply being available in the EU does not automatically make it fall under the regulation.

Compliance with GDPR for an existing small business might be tricky. But...

I’ve been in the “online payment processing” space for decades. When I first got involved, there were no central guidelines for handling sensitive credit card data. And to be honest, there was a lot of neglect within the industry as a result. As I share memories with my colleagues of what was done in the early days it is laughable and a horror at the same time. We were all learning on our feet.

When PCI was introduced in the mid-early 2000s, it was not easy to undo / redo things to be compliant. It took time and cost money. At the time I wished I was working on features rather than “compliance”. But we got there. It didn’t kill us, and in the end we had a better service because of it.

Fast forward a decade and I found myself working on another startup in the payments space. PCI compliance was in the very fabric from which we started - we designed things from the very beginning with PCI in mind. And that made PCI much easier overall because every decision contemplated PCI.

I feel GDPR will be similar. It will be a transitional burden because existing businesses will have to undo some practices and that is hard. But going forward startups will build services with GDPR in mind from day one, weaving compliance into the fabric of the product piece by piece, and everyone will be better off for it.

I’m sympathetic to small businesses that face a difficult transition. But I do feel that the burden is in the transition, and not something that will hang overhead forever.

That's a very good approach and mindset. Now the tide has passed, let's wait until waters calm down

I think the most important part about the post is at the very end:

> Please don’t take us seriously

> This is an example of all the things you can do with Cloudflare Workes and our API. If you like it, please spread the word! But hey, don’t take us seriously. We just wanted to take the drama out from all the GDPR madness out there.

Anyway: just for academic interest I’m curious how much this increases the overall request latency, as there would be one additional blocking HTTP call at the beginning. Do you have any benchmarks for that API call to check the blacklist?

You can see the average latency here: https://status.apility.io

But Cloudflare has servers very close to our endpoints around the world, so I guess < 50ms if you don't use SSL could be a good estimation.

We are working hard to reduce the amount of time to establish the connection. It's about 80% of the time of the request.

If you make sure that the response is cacheable, then Cloudflare will cache it at the edge and so only the first check for any particular IP will be slow.

What makes a response cacheable is a little complicated. There's cache headers, but also some heuristics involved. However, you can override all of that from a Worker by passing an explicit cache TTL to fetch():

    fetch(url, {cf: {cacheTtl: 86400}})
This will force Cloudflare to cache the response at the edge for one day regardless of anything else. (Note: The documentation currently claims this option is available to enterprise customers only, but as of this week, it actually works for everyone. Docs to be updated soon.)

Yes, you should cache as much as you can to reduce the latency. We have some examples using NGINX and Lua to cache at the very edge and reduce roundtrips to our endpoints.

Probably I will give it a try on Workers another Friday afternoon.

Isn't there a Cloudflare geo-location header that you can trivially activate and map to EU/Non-EU? That would result in no additional latency except for the worker itself.

Cloudflare has a country header. So yes, an easy way to block millions of users is checking that header against the list of countries applying GDPR.

I'm the author of the post. My most stupid post is in HN! crazy! I just wanted to be sarcastic and make some laughs about people blocking all traffic from Europe, which is crazy!

It's a Friday afternoon blog post to show how cool my product is with Cloudflare Workers and having fun at the same time!

It's no laughing matter for some companies. EU citizens have turned into pests overnight. There are businesses who don't make much money from the EU to justify compliance with the regulations.

Is it onerous because you are doing dodgy things with EU citizens data, because you don't take information security seriously or because you've fallen for some of the FUD around GDPR (having to hire a DPO, being fined 2 trillion dollars, etc etc)?

If it's too hard for you to copy paste a GDPR compliant privacy policy and monitor a GDPR email address then well, maybe you're in the wrong job.

We do take security seriously and we're not doing anything dodgy.

We have business reasons for collecting user data, and users have no real reason to tell us to delete it at will, other than the fact that it makes them feel "creeped out".

The future is probably going to be super creepy. If you want to participate, get over it.

So lets unpick this. You think you're not doing anything dodgy with your users personal information. However you feel that their information is your information and users have absolutely 'no real reason to tell us to delete it' (apart from, you know, it being their information). Then you top it off by taking a screeching right turn and saying 'future is going to be creepy ... get over it'.

Riiiight. You sound like the perfect person to be handing my personal information and I would trust you to take full care of it.


I tend to agree with what you've said here, but there's a lot of unnecessary snark in your comment.

There is an epidemic of snark in the overall conversation about GDPR. I'm sure I have my biases and blind spots, but the majority seems to come from the same direction as the comment you are replying to.

It's not "their" information. It's information about them. I collected it and stored in my servers that I'm paying for, and that makes it my information. Your laws may say differently, but practicality wins here.

Do your users know what information you collect, and what for? If they don't, you're being creepy. Here's the same thing taken to a logical extreme:

"I shoot this sex tape myself with my camera, climbed my tree on lawn, zoomed with my long focus lens, stored it in my computer. It's my data. If they don't like it, they should have pulled their curtain."

There must be a threshold somewhere. When does it stops being acceptable, and starts being creepy?

Your procedure sounds like the work of a private investigator. Not everything creepy needs to be illegal.

I'm pretty sure in my country (France), only the police may peep through windows with optical instruments. The work of a private investigator you speak of may very well be illegal, assuming the investigator is not an on duty police officer.

Public places are one thing (he entered this building with that woman at this hour). Looking through private property is another.

Under Canadian Law (which you are subject to, according to your profile) and you're liable if you decide to snoop on a specific persons data, or misuse it in a way that they didn't intend. So, it doesn't seem to be completely your information.

> Your laws may say differently

Sure, Canadian laws in this area are very scattered and backwards. I wouldn't put that forward as a good thing though, or use it as a pretense to not bother protecting or managing your users PII.

If you tape a song off the radio, that doesn't make it your song.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_Home_Recording_Act#Exemp... America is a very strange place, isn't it?

But it's still not your song, is it.

Your bio says you're a Microsoft employee. Hopefully you're talking about a side project?

My opinions are my own. The above was meant to refer to a philosophical stance, and not any particular instance of data collection.

EDIT: Not allowed to say what was previously put here.

I respect your opinion, but I strongly disagree.

Here is the thing: my email and personal info is mine. And if you are using my info to provide me your service that is also ok - I will rent that to you. And give you my CC#.

But if I do not use your service, then I want that you delete all my personal data. Why is that so hard?

But is knowledge of your email address yours? Do you expect to control all knowledge? What action do you take when someone accidentally CCs another party when they should’ve BCC’ed, and your address is leaked?

There are pieces of information that are particularly problematic for other parties to know. An email address is not one of those things.

> What action do you take when someone accidentally CCs another party when they should’ve BCC’ed, and your address is leaked?

I realize that it was a user error, am a bit miffed about it for two minutes, maybe mail them that they should be more careful with mail addresses.

If, OTOH, it's a business misusing my mail address intentionally and for monetary profit, I hope that regulators stomp on them.

Retaining email addresses doesn’t necessarily suggest deliberate misuse (or even accidental misuse), however. Unless you’re of the opinion that retaining it after, say, account closure/deactivation, is itself misuse.

I’d take a big issue to an organization storing a social security number or something of that nature, because its leak would represent a significant risk, but email addresses are fairly disposable items that we only voluntarily attach to ourselves to.

Disclosing mail addresses to all other users is misuse, albeit usually accidental misuse.

So we just have to believe you? With no effective recourse if you lie? no thanks.

-We're not doing anything dodgy.

-Other than the fact that it makes them feel "creeped out".

Pick one.

Feeling creeped out doesn't mean someone is being dodgy.

But more times than not it does. Since there's a long history of companies doing bad stuff, you definitely don't deserve the benefit of the doubt on this one.

there is also a long history of people giving up their personal data to get some (overall) irrelevant service and then being surprised when their data is missused...

Yes, but how much of that can be attributed to the service not adequately explaining what they are collecting and how they are using it to the users upfront, in a format that non-lawyers can understand?

Non-lawyers are very large and diverse group of people.

My mother does not understand where data is kept, what is encryption or anonymisation even if you darw it for her...

and if my father wants tp watch porn he’ll pop his CC where ever just to jerk off...

And this is literally what GDPR was created for. Hoping you've blocked access to the EU so I don't happen across it :)

It is genuinely fascinating to me how different people can feel about things. I get enraged when my "government" tells me what I can and can't do with my body/money/time. If I want to snort coke all day, what business of theirs is it as long as I'm not infringing on others' rights? Likewise, if I want to give my data to a super sketchy website, why shouldn't I be able to?

Obviously it's "safer" to let others make rules and force us inside the fence to keep us sheep away from the dangerous wolves out there. I do understand that perspective to some extent. However I would never trade my freedom for security. The former is not easy to regain.

Except they're not taking freedom away from users, they're taking freedom away from corporations. Freedom that many corporations have been abusing. This is a key difference in perspective.

Your example where you "want to give your data away to a sketchy website" is not in any way representative of reality when a) the website is as ubiquitous as for instance FB, and thus in no way perceived as sketchy, and b) the user makes no conscious decision to consent (let alone "wants it").

I think you have a decent point there, but the comment I replied to literally said:

> Hoping you've blocked access to the EU so I don't happen across it :)

Being glad that he doesn't have the freedom to use the site, thanks to a government law (whether a side-effect of the law or a direct effect is irrelevant, because the law brought it out just the same).

I suspect it's more in teh sense of a "Don't let the door hit you on the way out..." retort.

That is, if you're offering such a service that exploits users for their data, then I would never want to use it, so it might as well be blocked, for all I care.

Maybe even desirable if it was, so you don't come across it by mistake and sign up without doing proper diligence.

Freedom of choice is nice, but there's an argument that putting rat-poison in food products isn't ok, even if you label it on the package.

when you give out you data you are doing it willfully.

thinking it’s a good idea to give your personal data to FB is not FBs fault, it’s yours.

The government also prohibits you from accepting a job offer for less than minimum wage, and the general consensus is that this gives workers more power.

The government isn't the only source of power and coercion; private companies are too. A lot of these regulations are the one countering the other.

> However I would never trade my freedom for security

So we should stop government from enforcing food safety and accept poisonings as fact of life...

Your premise is flawed: if it was true that without government, companies would just carelessly or intentionally poison us all (not a good way to gain repeat customers btw) then I would agree with you. But obviously I disagree with your premise.



Consider how many modern food standards regulations came about, and what abuses they were addressing.

The Jungle is a widely misunderstood book. For one, it's fiction [1] [2] [3].

The milk scandal is interesting tho. I don't disagree that there are people/companies out there that are horrible human beings (or run by horrible human beings), but these are exceptions. There is also a market-based recourse for consumers. Lawsuits and liability is a big deterrent for example. It's also illegal to harm someone (as it should be) so jail time for the offenders is quite possible without having enormous and onerous regulations. And haven't you noticed that it's the giant companies that often push regulation? Because it raises barriers to entry for competitors. Big companies have the resources they need. Using the government to hurt your competitors is one of the oldest traditions in countries with governments big enough and powerful enough to do so.

[1] https://www.history.com/news/7-things-you-may-not-know-about...

[2] https://www.libertariannews.org/2012/11/15/meat-packing-lies...

[3] https://www.zeroaggressionproject.org/uncategorized/upton-si...

> If it was true that without government companies would just poison us all (not a good way to gain repeat customers btw)

Counterpoint: Cigarette companies poison you, and they found it's an amazing way to gain repeat customers.

And they got the crap sued out of them. The lying is the problem IMHO. People know what they're getting now, but millions still choose to smoke. And why shouldn't they be able to?

do they make people smoke?

like do they MAKE you smoke? cos government MAKES me pay taxes Marlboro does not MAKE me smoke...

Companies are careless and malicious despite government and customers actions.

* XIX century wants it's snake oil back * Didn't hear about China and melamine milk scandal? * Would you buy food from Amazon if it was co-mingled in current way? * VW emission scandal

It is easy to be freetard when you do not get diarrhea every so often due to food that was "optimized" (like in XIX century ;)

This is exactly what startups are worried about: inane threats from EU users.

Good luck proving we're not in compliance.

EU citizens have turned into pests overnight.

EU citizens turned into "pests" two years ago. Much like Y2K was a "pest" years before January 1, 2000. But unlike EU regulations, Y2K was like The Terminator: there was no appeal process, and it absolutely would not stop...ever, until you fix your Y2K bugs.

GDPR OTOH, eh, maybe there's some way to wiggle out of it? And two years later, when Compliance Day comes, here we are.

>> EU citizens have turned into pests overnight.

Are they really pests for demanding privacy? In today's environment?

You are a pest when you use a service and give nothing back in return, stealing resources that are better allocated to users that actually contribute to revenue.

I don't understand... isn't that something that the company decides? How are users stealing something?

For the longest time companies have been able to market something as 'free' when they have been the ones who have been trying to hide the fact that users' data was being sold, etc. So I would argue that if someone is 'stealing', it is actually the companies themselves.

No, GDPR effectively says that you have to get the users to opt in to your targeted ads (aka the business model) but you also cannot deny them the content if you opt out. In effect, the EU wants to get all the content for free while not paying the costs that give them such great content which is targeted advertising.

The "stealing" is because they are trying to get companies to give their content out for free without paying the cost which requires targeted advertising (and no, generic ads pay shit which is why tons of companies are blocking all the EU because they now aren't worth the server costs).

Nobody's stealing anything. You're giving the product away for free. Sure, the user is still "paying" with their data. But they didn't sign up for that. (And if they did, congrats, you're a step closer to GDPR compliance!)

If you're sick of people using your product and not giving anything in return, Charge. A. Fee.

Sure, the user is still "paying" with their data. But they didn't sign up for that. (And if they did, congrats, you're a step closer to GDPR compliance!)

The GDPR specifically forbids giving users the option of paying with data. (In that you can't deny access if the user doesn't agree to the data usage).

Charge. A. Fee.

It turns out that a whole lot of users don't want microtransactions for everything they do online, and would rather allow providers to monetize their data in exchange for access. You not liking those agreements is not a reasonable justification for forcibly banning them.

I know this sounds extreme but you could always go with the good old approach of charging users money for provided goods and services, instead of monetizing their data or throwing ads at them.

This may blow some minds, but we keep data from paying users too. It’s the nature of the business.

In the interest of transparency you should probably disclose which business that is.

Yes, when you're telling the angry mob why you won't give in to their irrational demands, you should definitely tell them who you are and how to hurt you...for transparency.

No, it's just that I would not want to do business with him.

After all, if someone exhibits a certain attitude towards their users' data that is a good indicator that there is more that isn't done properly.

It's funny that you think that it's totally ok to do this.

It’s funny how easily you throw around straw man fallacies.

Well European users (like other users) don't want to pay as well. And why create a specific feature for European users when globally people are just fine clicking on ads.

What makes you think that European users do not want to pay for content they consume? Given that Europeans passed this law we apparently are.

You don't need to create a specific feature for European users if you don't want to, just as European users don't need to do business with you if you don't value their privacy. Economic exchanges are voluntary. If you think ignoring European customers is something that pays off for you, go for it.

Can you point me to any specific study which says that Europeans are more willing pay for content vs. rest of the world? I mean, if that were true, you would see a lot more paywalls in Europe vs. globally.

I don't know of any such study but I'm not sure why I need to given that this law quite clearly reveals the preference of European citizens?

If we would not care about privacy to a greater degree than other regions we would presumably not pass legislation that protects private information and cuts into ad-revenues.

Even if you charge EU customers for goods and services, you end up having to collect and store personal information in order to provide evidence to tax authorities that you collected and paid the right amount of VAT for each country.

that's not in violation with the GDPR at all. (it's also nothing that anybody is really concerned about).

What's really being affected on the backend side of things is bulk data collection and storage and sharing with 3rd parties without consent.

Right if you don't follow the law, you're now conducting illegal business. I think you get that, but you just don't want to fess up to it.

To me it seems like a case of wanting to have the cake and eat it too.

"I want to use your free service without participating in your monetization model. K thanks" -- EU citizens

More like:

"I want to use your free service and to participate in your monetization model only after you explicitly tell me how you are going to do with my data. If you can't tell me this, and get me to accept the trade off, why should I trust you?" -- EU citizens"

I doubt anyone here cares if you don't trust them and choose not to use their service. But that's not enough for you :)

So it's more like "if you can't do this according to the whims of my government regulators, I'll still be using your service, AND prepare for a large fine."

Is it really too much to ask to clearly spell out how you use my data, clearly get my consent to use it, and provide an email address where I can request it be deleted? Really? You're saying that is too difficult?

It’s only the last part we have a problem with. We’re not going to track down every trace of your data and delete it. We probably also won’t let you do an export.

I think we’re perfectly fine with telling you we use your data for ML training, internal analytics or showing you relevant ads. That is standard stuff you consent to in a TOS.

>It’s only the last part we have a problem with. We’re not going to track down every trace of your data and delete it. We probably also won’t let you do an export.

If you can't easily delete or export my data, it means that you don't have a coherent, legible record of exactly how my data is being processed. You can't be sure if my data has been leaked or stolen. You can't guarantee that you'll be able to notify me in the event of a breach. You can't prove that my data was lawfully collected. I can't check the data you hold on me to ensure that it is accurate.

The GDPR is easy to comply with if your data protection policies and processes were decent to begin with. If you have read the text of the GDPR and can't see how you could bring your business into compliance, then you are almost certainly doing something seriously negligent or seriously shady.

We are not going to go looking through compressed archives and snapshots for your data. We are not going to run routines on immutable logs to filter out all trace of your history. We are not going to check CSV files used for imports. We are not going to track down any third parties who may have shared our data. We are not going to retrain neural networks on a new dataset that excludes your data. We are not going to move heaven and earth for a user who decides it'd be clever to demand all his data be deleted after reading a couple articles on Medium. We don't care how European you are.

What we can do, is set a little deleted flag on your profile to treat you as "deleted".

it is... what does data processing mean? does it include when my databe does a look up on a field which has your name in it or does it mean i do ML on it to serve you adds and profile you? cos it doesn’t say in the regulation... so yes it is very hard to figure out what level is clear... as regulation is not clear.


> ‘processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

So not a database query itself, but the thing that drives the database query. It also extends to things like logs - aka don't keep a log full of SQL queries that are full of peoples personal information. Don't ship that log off to some third party, or make it available to random people.

For web apps it's mostly the storage and retrieval aspects that are important. Don't store too much PII. Don't allow anybody to access it at the DB level. Implement appropriate access restrictions at the web-app level.

actually what you quoted might as well apply to query as it is actually processing data... and again the point is the regulation is vague... it can be interpreted in multiple way before we get precedents.

It applies to anything that contains PII, so sure you should ensure your queries are not sent in plaintext over the network and are not logged unnecessarily. There isn't much else that can be done.

It is perhaps a bit too abstract, but that's because it's covering a highly complex topic, but I don't think it's too vague on this: If it contains PII, protect it. Which, of course, you should be doing already.

Whether it's too much to ask is not the issue, nor whether doing what you list is full compliance (doubtful).

No one is asking.

Rather, the right question is whether the entity demanding (the EU government) has the right to do so on the basis that their jurisdiction extends to anywhere that a citizen of theirs can reach via the Internet. I argue no.

You probably disagree, which is fine, but this ultimately comes down to enforcement. And for now at least, I win on that front.

'Free' is a powerful word - there's a lot of incentive for companies to tout 'free' and for users to feel like they're getting a good deal - when in reality there's a whole lot of other stuff happening behind the scenes.

My take is that consumers need to be aware of what 'free' really means for each service that advertises it. What are the real implications - not just something hidden in doublespeak in a ToS or privacy policy.

Everything spelled out in the GDPR is a great thing for users and should have been there from the very beginning - being able to erase all their data, see all their data, export their data, and get notified when data is accessed.

> Everything spelled out in the GDPR is a great thing for users and should have been there from the very beginning - being able to erase all their data, see all their data, export their data, and get notified when data is accessed.

I hate this "empowering users" philosophy of the EU. It's reminiscent of "right to be forgotten" type regulation where EU believes users should be in control of "their" data, when it reality it isn't "theirs" to begin with. Once data is "public" you can't ever "erase" it because it's not "yours". I'm sorry, if you shoplift in my store (online or no), I'm keeping track of you no matter how much you demand that I erase "your" information.

Because it is their data, consider if there was a database of your fingerprints and DNA available online to everyone, would that really be okay to you?

So your private database about customers is somehow public? Where can I get it?

> EU citizens have turned into pests overnight.

More than USA citizens with dubious DMCA takedown requests?

This strikes me as the typical political response when you are backing a terrible candidate and somebody points out something terrible they do/did. Rather than defend your candidate you respond by attacking theirs. My kids do this all the time when I catch them doing something wrong, "well #{brother} was doing #{badthing}!"

Both seem wrong, can we agree on that? DMCA is a disgusting weapon, as is a lot that the US has done. Does that make weapons created by Europe ok?

It's been around long enough to have a short name in a dead language:


Oh man, that's genius. Totally gonna bookmark that.

You don't need to do anything to implement DMCA on your site - just respond to emails. How is this even comparable with the kafkaesque implementation required by gdpr?

We've never had a DMCA takedown.

Yes, much bigger pests

> EU citizens have turned into pests overnight.

That's an excellent attitude to take towards your users.

I hate to break it to you but not all users are treated the same.

Let's try another formulation.

Valuable, dear, beloved users for which the business has boundless sympathy, empathy, and compassion are now awkwardly the source of compliance concerns for which the costs outstrip the reasonably expected revenues enabled by compliance. While compassion is unlimited, it is possible the budgets and time may not be.


"for which the costs outstrip the reasonably expected revenues enabled by compliance"

The GDPR is not about revenue but about privacy. It's not meant to be cost neutral. Bank robbers could also quote you to complain about the burden of anti-robbery laws.

You're absolutely right! GDPR is in no way, shape, form, or manner meant to be cost-neutral. Your point about bank robbers is well-taken.

However, is it possible that in a context where companies are weighing the cost of GDPR compliance against the benefits of GDPR compliance (i.e., keeping their EU business) some might come down on the side of jettisoning the EU business? They might even opt to do it by using a tool, like Cloudflare Workers, that they can convince to block everyone in the EU.

You would be absolutely, completely, 100% right to consider this fully in line with the intentions of GDPR. Protect privacy or GTFO, right?

If companies find it too onerous to do business in the EU I am sure others will happily fill that gap, so I am not worried. A lot of polluters probably also went out of business once environmental regulations got tightened.

You're right! I'm also sure others will happily try!

With that said, it's possible that a fragmented market with fewer legal business models may not be as conducive an environment to all possible businesses. It's even possible that as a result, not all gaps will get filled.

Personally I think it's healthier to have a fragmented market. Maybe it's not as efficient but fragmentation makes it more possible for smaller companies to find a niche. Otherwise big companies like Amazon, Facebook and others monopolize business world wide.

Different legal models also provide grounds for experimentation. Who knows what works better in the long run? Wild West or regulation like GDPR? We don't know.

Sometimes a fragmented market just means everyone has the same problem and nobody can solve it profitably at a price that works for most. Then things just suck for everyone.

Which is to say that you could be right! Absolutely and completely! Or you could be really wrong. Time will tell. The economic history of protectionism could be read by some to provide some clues, though.


> Much better.

Is it? It's a lot of bloviating about love and kindness and positivity that dances around the point a lot. It implies, instead of being explicit. It focuses on feelings instead of making a point clearly and concisely.

It's poor communication. For the same reasons, it's great PR material.

> But I wonder what changed since last week because those compliance concerns were just as valid last week.

I imagine that for a lot of really small shops, what's changed is that GDPR is now law when it wasn't for the past couple of years.

> Or do you mean to imply the company knowingly broke the law for a couple of years just because they could?

Maybe! Depends on the company, I should think. In some cases, I'm completely certain that you're absolutely right and they've been knowingly breaking the law for years because they can and there were no consequences.

For others, it's possible that the situation may be more subtle. The costs in time and money and opportunity costs to determine how compliant they are or need to be might be daunting or dwarf any reasonable forecast of revenue from EU users.

It's possible that not all scenarios might not be quite as simple as having nothing to fear so long as you are doing nothing wrong.

> what's changed is that GDPR is now law when it wasn't for the past couple of years.

That just isn't true, the GDPR has been law for the last two years and before that there was a law with roughly the same (say 80% or so) components.

That the law got ignored we can agree on.

> That just isn't true, the GDPR has been law for the last two years and before that there was a law with roughly the same (say 80% or so) components.

You're absolutely, completely, 100% correct! Please accept my deepest apologies for being unclear.

Until May 25, GDRP which has been law for years did not take full effect. It's possible that some people made choices based around which laws are in full effect, rather than what is law, for reasons that might at times be other than negligence or malice.

Again, please accept my apologies for being unclear. Please let me know if there's anything else I can clarify!

> It focuses on feelings instead of making a point clearly and concisely.

And your point is? Customers appreciate when you consider their feelings.

Of course, you should back up your kind words with kind actions too.

But I wonder what changed since last week because those compliance concerns were just as valid last week. Or do you mean to imply the company knowingly broke the law for a couple of years just because they could?

You keep repeating this on various threads, but it's not a good argument.

It's obvious: for companies that are now blocking EU users, they weren't in compliance or blocking before because the law wasn't being enforced. Hence the cost / benefit tradeoff was different. Now that possible enforcement is on the table, the calculation has changed. It's pretty simple.

For companies who were ignoring before and ignoring now, nothing has changed. They are either taking a huge risk or are correct in assuming that there's no enforcement mechanism, so they don't need to worry about it.

> You keep repeating this on various threads, but it's not a good argument.

It's an excellent argument. That you don't agree with it is obvious but whether or not a law is enforced or not does not change the fact that it is the law.

Those companies that have decided to block EU users as a rule have done fuck all in the last two years and now, rather belatedly, have realized that in fact they are subject to the law rather than that they can afford to ignore it.

> They are either taking a huge risk or are correct in assuming that there's no enforcement mechanism, so they don't need to worry about it.

I sincerely hope that they will swap positions after the first few fines have been dealt out.

>> They are either taking a huge risk or are correct in assuming that there's no enforcement mechanism, so they don't need to worry about it.

> I sincerely hope that they will swap positions after the first few fines have been dealt out.

The idea of EU laws being enforceable worldwide is mind-boggling. Do you, seriously, think this is a reasonable notion?

That you don't agree with it is obvious but whether or not a law is enforced or not does not change the fact that it is the law.

And something being "the law" doesn't actually mean anything. If not enforced, laws are just words.

So these companies who are now blocking did the actually rational thing, which is ignore the law right up until it matters.

No fines are going to hit these companies that have no EU presence. That's just scaremongering. And for the ones that do, I guess we'll see. Blocking the EU market seems pretty damn fair to me. I don't understand why the EU thinks it can force a business outside of the EU to deal with their citizens if it doesn't want to?

> No fines are going to hit these companies that have no EU presence.

Oh they will be fined. The question is whether those fines will ever be collected. But the collection of fines is a different part of the government than the part that sets and applies the fines.

> That's just scaremongering.

No, it's a fact of life: if you ignore the law you will be fined.

> And for the ones that do, I guess we'll see.

Oh ok, so they will be fined. At least we agree on something.

Note that the EU at this point in time couldn't care less about those companies that have no POP in the EU, and if that causes companies to pack up and leave then so be it. But those companies that do have a POP and that knowingly and persistently violate the law, whether they are European in origin, American or Chinese deserve to have the book thrown at them if they ignore the law.

> Blocking the EU market seems pretty damn fair to me.

That's just fine, I take it your business is not affected or you plan to ignore the law because they can't collect. I'm perfectly ok with you doing that, don't get me wrong. It's your right to do this but I do think you should be transparent about this.

> I don't understand why the EU thinks it can force a business outside of the EU to deal with their citizens if it doesn't want to?

The EU can't force that, and that's not the intent of the law.


>> That's just scaremongering.

> No, it's a fact of life: if you ignore the law you will be fined.

Which law specifically, under the jurisdiction they operate in, are they ignoring?

Hey, rest of the world, sorry some of our idiots are calling people pests for defending privacy.

Hey, rest of world, sorry some of our commenters can’t express disagreement without name calling.

Well, it is well written and informational.

Unfortunately, I think people are taking it seriously. -.-

I run a simple personal blog. I make a meager $200 a year or so from targetted ads on that blog. I have Adsense and Analytics collecting what they collect. My stats have IP's, countries, browsers, OS's, list of pages a visitor looked at, etc. I look through the info on occassion to decide which random rambling I wrote that I should improve or update on the site. This is a hobby but it has expenses and income so it's effectively a business.

At $200 a year there's no point spending even a few hours to figure out if I need to ensure GDPR compliance in the first place much less to do so. No point in figureing out how to erase users if I should ever be asked to, etc.

Last night I tried to log into AdSense and turn off targetted ads because I figure that handles most of my risk and is one of the evils people seem to be trying to kill. I couldn't find the option, only found old articles about it "coming soon" on Google, and got nowhere in a half hour or so.

Are there any limits to the sizes of companies that have to deal with this? Blocking EU might be the only real option I have (although some say that's not even enough).

You filthy person. You're violating people's human rights! Shut it down immediately or face the consequences! The world is better off without your dirty honey trap that tries to STEAL AND THEN SELL USER DATA!!!

/s, obviously

This is only slightly more hysterical and illogical than the typical fan of the GDPR on HN seems to be.

IANAL, but if I were in your shoes, I'd either block the EU if that's easy, or just ignore this entirely. They can't enforce anything.

Yes, I believe Google is still working on this. Looks like their drop-in thing won't be ready for a couple months:


You can just turn off ads for a while and then turn them on again when Google has gotten their shit sorted out, or leave them on because honestly you're very unlikely to come to the attention of the regulators -- especially since they're not yet fully staffed and funded for this. :-)

Blocking EU users doesn't actually protect you, and will just piss people off -- not to mention look shady, and thereby increase the chances of you coming to the attention of regulators!

A trend I've noticed from lurking and browsing these comments: commenters who have experience taking risk and operating under existential conditions in stressful, budget constrained companies (AKA, startup founders) tend to be critical of the GDPR.

Commenters who work as 9-5 employees or have never started a company (or at least, don't mention as having done so in their profiles) tend to be more supportive of the GDPR.

Funny how that works..

A little nuance to your stats: I've spend the majority of my career in startups, mostly my own, many times struggling to survive. Never worked in a comfy big corp. I currently work in a startup and my hours are far from 9-5.

I support GDPR. It's the first reasonable solution to privacy I've seen. And I hated the cookie alerts. The transition is tough and we're fighting to figure it out at the moment. But the basic principles in GDPR are solid.

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. It's the Facebook Way™ and the dream for all those soon to be failed startups.

Funny how that works...

I plan to completely ignore GDPR laws and will not modify neither my privacy policy not my SaaS product, even if I have a lot of customers from the EU.

You should also ignore DMCA and host copyrighted movies, it will help with the visitor numbers.

Why? You're opposed to privacy? And how do you plan to react when you get penalized?

I do care about privacy - I don't use Analytics on my website, don't show any ads, don't send marketing emails and don't sell customer data to anyone. However, I will not comply with that bureaucratic law, because the EU will not be able to enforce it in my country and I have much more important things to do to stay competitive on the market (I have a lot of competitors).

"Oh no, the EU passed a law that is totally in line with my ethics! I'd better rebel against them."

Do you send user data anywhere in a way users may not expect? If not there's probably nothing to comply with. It's really the opposite of bureaucratic law — the entire thing is quite readable and reasonable.

Its going to become cookie law v2 with more annoying opt-ins

While I find your stance somewhat childish, I applaud you for "don't use Analytics on my website, don't show any ads, don't send marketing emails and don't sell customer data to anyone".

You're far ahead of the curve. May you profit from it somehow.

That's an important aspect. May I ask which country is that?

I'm curious about your product too if you are comfortable enought to disclose it :)

Because he's lazy and thinks he'll get away with it. He'll come into compliance after penalties outweigh the costs of changing the way he does business. This is probably the reaction of the vast majority of folks dealing with customer data, and not at all unexpected — they have a business to run, and costs to customer privacy are an externality being rolled into their costs via regulation.

Also, this is one of the sane solution if he know he has not that much user data. First fines will not be high or won't happen at all, and he will receive advice and even help from regulatory instances if he is ever reported.

If every business owner commenting those GDPR post on HN could act the same and not like headless chicken, discussions would be more healthy.

He won't get penalized. He has no operations in the EU. GDPR does not extend outside of the EU.

Being opposed to the use of violence to protect privacy = being opposed to privacy?

Can also boycott RoHS compliant products while at it.

You better hope you fly under the radar then.

Why? Bad press often makes for great business.

Not parent commenter btw, just my two cents

Because when the EU catches on, they will have funds in the EU (including customer or advertiser payments) seized, they will probably not be able to travel to the EU without fear of arrest, etc.

>hey will probably not be able to travel to the EU without fear of arrest, etc

This is EU, not USA, Russia or China. At most his visa will be denied (and i'm not even sure immigration services will actually care)

Change one letter in your username and your comment suddenly makes a lot more sense.

I think you're just grandstanding, since I hope anyone with a sufficiently large business would understand who and where their customers are and what laws would affect their revenue streams.

Smells like another right+ forward from grandma.

...and why would you do that?

We'll soon get used to websites following good privacy policies, so your SaaS will just look less appealing to Europeans.

Is it really hard paying attention to how you handle people's sensitive information without selling it to third-parties?

Considered this before, but it doesnt work. IIRC, the law applies to euro citizens both living in country and abroad. As such, geoip blocking is not a working strategy. (a french citizen who lives in japan still had GDPR rights) A better one would likely be a clickwrap agreement for all users stating "European citizens are not allowed on this service" which they have to click a "I am not european" tickbox to.

You hear wildly different takes on this depending on the source. Troy hunt had a (now seemingly deleted) article where he claimed you have to be targeting EU users specifically, ie offering products in a european currency, EU domain, eu language (other than english).

Dropping a IP block on the EU seems to be a pretty clear indication that you arent targeting EU users.

EDIT: Found the article https://www.troyhunt.com/free-course-the-gdpr-attack-plan/

I'm the author of the post, and yes: blocking 500 million geolocated people is crazy. That's not the spirit of the law.

I just wrote the post because if you want to overkill and you are lazy, you can follow our recipe to 'implement' GDPR. I just wanted to be sarcastic and also show how easy to implement Cloudworkers + Apility.io.

On the contrary, if you are running a business where 99% of your customers are outside of the EU, its totally rational versus opening yourself up to massive liability.

You need to purge that 1% customer data though. If you're accepting EU citizens data through any channel - another business, them using a VPN, via smoke signals, you need to comply.

Yeah, no, please stop this FUD.

You need to comply with the laws of the jurisdiction you operate in. If you don't operate in the EU (and having a presence on a global communication network does not qualify), EU laws are not applicable.

The onus is on concerned EU citizens to stick to .eu domains with a feel-good GDPR-VERIFIED banner if they are so inclined, not on the rest of the world to bend over.

As a non-EU business, I will pay my GDPR "fines" right after I'm done paying my Iran and North Korea issued fines. Cheers!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why the GDPR is needed.

For comedic effect?

Seriously though, I made no comment on the law itself so I'm not sure what your point is. Most reasonable people would agree it's a good law in spirit, and I wish I had some of those protections where I live.

But the notion that it can be enforced on non-EU entities is ludicrous.

If it is while the customer is in the EU.

If the customer joins your Japanese site while in Japan, its governed under Japanese law, not EU law. Your citizenship is irrelevant.

Do you have a source for this? Would love for this to be true but there's so much disinformation out there.

Blocking 500 million geolocated people is crazy. That's not the spirit of the law.

No crazier than thinking you have to comply if you have no connection to the EU.

If you have no connection with EU why do you collect personal data from the EU citizens? If you don't collect why worry?

What do "collect" mean. Its too broad to comply.

They keep sending it to me. Apparently, even asking them not to and trying to block them is not enough for some people.

Just to be clear, I treat all my users fairly and protect their data, and I am not intentionally targeting any EU users with anything I do online.

You have a responsibility to your users, be they EU or not. The fact you consider "they keep sending it to me" means that you are not considering the whole privacy issue. This data is not yours to do with as you please. Yes they send it to you -- but you are listening, You are the active party here. There is a duty to protect your users data.

I have a responsibility to treat users in a way that I consider fair, which includes protecting data such that it doesn't get used in a way that I wouldn't want my data used, or that a person who is more sensitive than me wouldn't want their data used.

I do not agree that I have any sort of implicit responsibility to treat my users in a way that an EU bureaucrat deems fair.

The question I was answering was why my company is collecting this data. We have email subscribers from the EU because...they subscribed to our email list. We don't advertise in the EU, we have no EU-specific languages or currency on any of our projects, etc. But EU users still want to subscribe to our content, visit our site, etc. So we're "collecting their info" because they voluntarily send it to us and we're not specifically trying to block them. Perhaps we should.

We're not compliant with the letter of the law of GDPR (and according to some it doesn't apply to us at all due to the above), but we treat all user data seriously, regardless of where they come from. If that's not good enough, then people can stop visiting / subscribing / purchasing, or the EU can try to levy a fine and collect it. I'm not particularly worried about either scenario.

Your post was really hilarious. It's the first funny thing I've seen about GDPR, which among other things has unexploited potential for humor.

Best hope there are no people using VPN’s

You should consider making this a bit clearer in the beginning. There is already a lot confusion about GDPR lately and people could take your post seriously. As pointed out by others already, geo-blocking isn’t a proper way to become GDPR compliant.

> Considered this before, but it doesnt work. IIRC, the law applies to euro citizens both living in country and abroad.

No. The law applies to people physically in the EU, not blanket to EU citizens. An American in Paris is protected by GDPR laws - a German living in NYC is not.

> IIRC, the law applies to euro citizens both living in country and abroad.

GDPR doesn't mention citizenship, it applies to any Data Subject who is a 'natural person'. The scope is stated as 'whatever their nationality or place of residence' which is universal.

So just blocking EU residents is not enough, one would have to also ensure that no other data is processed (1) within any country implementing GDPR or (2) anywhere in the world if you have a controller in the EU, his role being a sort of GDPR proxy.

Even saying 'within EU' is actually inadequate; the Isle of Man has implemented GDPR but isn't in the EU and there are probably other examples.

nah the law doesn't mention citizenship. it applies for "every user In the Union" and for all companies in the union.

So much this. So many people conflate citizenship and residency, and it leads to no end of confusion. GDPR applies to EU residents, accessing services from the EU, and some more edge cases. But not to EU citizens.

(There are countries with up to 30% non-citizens, and there are plenty of multi citizens. The distinction is entirely relevant.)

Not even residents (meaning permanent residents). People who are in the Union's territories (including tourists / visitors). Like most laws it applies wherever EU countries have jurisdiction. It applies to all your users if your business is located in the EU though.

As an American in Europe I didn’t have HIPPA rights.

How the hell does the EU claim extraterritorial jurisdiction over the entire world? And people complain about America being “imperialist?”

It doesn't. GP is spreading falsehoods. The law applies to users in the Union, regardless of citizenship.

I'm glad see that the EU has created a potent reason for US internet services to take a hard look at their tracking/privacy feeding-frenzy.

When my ad-blocker tells me that 50 to 200 trackers are interested in me reading some innocuous, unparsable word-blob, or watching some throwaway video, I see that as a symptom of thoughtless hoarding and unreasonable prying. This is not gathering intelligence: quite the opposite.

Were there some demonstrable, substantial benefit to all this for the end-user it might make a bit more sense. But there are no upsides to seeing shark fins at the beach.

When I guesstimate the costs -- just those of energy usage, bandwidth and man-hours, not to mention the rest -- and compare that to the supposed results (only imaginary to me, the end-user)? Sorry, it looks like madness.

> I see that as a symptom of thoughtless hoarding and unreasonable prying

It's a symptom of people not paying for content and news. Also the fact that publishers want to provide equal and easy access to everyone regardless of affordability.

> demonstrable, substantial benefit to all this for the end-user it might make a bit more sense.

The content you're consuming.

Guess what sir/madam? when I started using the net, there was plenty of great content on bulletin boards and on usenet. And when the WWW started up, there was plenty more great content. SHARED. Eminently affordable. And very, very social. People talking to people, with no overseer/exploiter in between.

> publishers want to provide equal and easy access

What they want is money. 'Content' is what they've got to sell. And they hire pros to jazz it up and fluff it up, never mind reality or reason.

You're never going to convince me that the commercialization and infiltration of interpersonal communications is an improvement. (Except for snoopers and exploiters.) And I'm very sure that I'm in the majority on that one.

If it were up to me I'd limit all the advertisers to one TLD: .stripmall . And then avoiding all the B.S. would be REAL easy. All the 'news' websites that scrape their content would be there.

> ou're never going to convince me that the commercialization ... is an improvement.

Ok, then live in the past I guess? Both content quality and quantity has vastly increased over the past 2 decades to meet the modern demands of billions of people who are now online. This is fact, the world has moved on. Either way you are not the arbiter of what is valuable content or not for someone else. People choose for themselves.

Yes, publishers are businesses. They must make money to create commercial content. This doesn't mean there isn't free content available, and in fact there's more of it than ever before due to the trivial costs of publishing media, but the rest of the stuff has to be paid for somehow.

As stated, consumers do not like to pay (often due to bad value assessment and inability). Ads are much more granular, passive, and equally accessible whether you're a billionaire or a 3rd-world farmer. This also doesn't mean subscriptions and other patronage options don't exist, there are millions examples of those as well.

Does the implementation of advertising online suck? Yes. It's slow, frustrating, privacy invasive and filled with fraud, but you're talking to one of the few people who has pushed for regulation for the last 5 years. It's not a new complaint and it'll take time to change a 12-figure global industry.

However if you think the world hasn't benefited from the commercialization of the internet, with education, entertainment, and information creating progress in every corner of the world, than you are most definitely not in the majority. You're actually in such a minority that it's basically considered the same as any other conspiracy group and largely irrelevant in any serious economic, societal, political or business discussion.

I recommend revising your perspective and acknowledging the differences between advertising as a concept vs the implementation, and especially the progress that it has brought that has led to the world that you seem to take for granted today.

I think there are a number of comments being made throughout this whole thread that are conflating the effort required to comply with the best security practices to protect user data, compared to the effort required to comply with the language of GDPR. A general theme seems to be that if a company is afraid to do the latter, they must not be willing to do the former.

Which brings up a question, is the complexity of building and offering a GDPR-compliant solution really any different than building a solution that conforms to best security practices? I wouldn't think there is much difference. What is the remaining overhead to comply with GDPR? I am sure just understanding it is a notable piece, but would the developers already be aware of all CWEs, BCPs, existing laws and standards for their components which would also be overhead?

GDPR is not about security but about privacy and data access protection. In fact security is mostly on paper: requires that you document the data and procedures, but doesn't require you to upgrade your security. So the effort for the one has little to do with effort for the other.

Good point; the sentiment in the original post did mean to include privacy in addition to security.

Since there are IP addresses collected and sent to third parties without consent, it violates the GDPR.

An IP address is not regular PII, its 'linked PII'. It must be collected in conjunction with information that can identify a user to fall under GDPR, an ip on its own is worthless. If an IP address allows you to link information from HTTP logs with a user database that does have PII, then the ip address is part of the PII. If you aren't collecting any actual identifying information, then an ip is fine.

I hate the GDPR hysteria as anyone but you might be approaching this topic a bit too casual. The GDPR doesn't speak of "regular PII" or "linked PII".

Article 4.1 defines an identifiable natural person as one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to for example an online identifier.

IP addresses are specifically mentioned as online identifiers in recital 30:

> Natural persons may be associated with online identifiers provided by their devices, applications, tools and protocols, such as internet protocol addresses, cookie identifiers or other identifiers such as radio frequency identification tags

Only time will tell how this will be interpreted specifically but we have at least one court decision already [1]:

> What makes a dynamic IP address personal data?

> The CJEU decided that a dynamic IP address will be personal data in the hands of a website operator if:

> there is another party (such as an ISP) that can link the dynamic IP address to the identity of an individual; and

> the website operator has a "legal means" of obtaining access to the information held by the ISP in order to identify the individual.

[1] https://www.whitecase.com/publications/alert/court-confirms-...

By that logic, doesn't the entire Internet fundamentally violate GDPR?

Time to shut down DNS!

Hope ICANN has 10 million euros.

Keep in mind, just blocking traffic out of the EU does not serve as GDPR compliance. EU citizens are covered by GDPR, not EU traffic. A EU citizen traveling to the US is still afforded all the protections of GDPR as they do back at home.

I understand why you think this way. After all, GDPR is about human rights!

In practice, GDPR is binding on businesses that operate within the EU. An EU citizen in the US doing business with a US-only company is not afforded any protections under GDPR.

> Provided your company doesn't specifically target its services at individuals in the EU, it is not subject to the rules of the GDPR.


Genuinely curious; how is that even remotely possible to enforce?

It's not. If you have any legal disagreement with a company outside the EU they tell you to complain on that company origin.

I experienced this myself. EU is absolutely powerless outside their borders.

The way things are going, we'll start whole services shutting down completely, just to avoid trying to handle people's data responsibly.

If the business has no presence in the EU, then the EU is impotent to enforce their law.

This is factually untrue.

Yes, please do block all those customers. What a terrific business opportunity for new companies to enter markets previously full of strong competition!

I don’t see a lot of comments looking at the practical side of things. I am implementing GDPR and here are some suggestions:

1. Collect only what is necessary for providing your service 2. Make clear what you store and for what reason 3. Ask consent and give the opportunity to retract this consent as easily


1. PII means information that makes a person identifiable. This is the type of information that you need to remove 2. So if you are storing PII information for the use of profiling you will need to disconnect the profile from the PII information. E.g. you could use user table where you would overwrite the PII information with generic information. You can still use the now stale profile withou PII information (for example in statistics, aggregations etc), but you cannot tie it to a single person anymore. Ie. You should not be able to reconnect the person to profile you have stored. 3. As technical possibilities evolve you need to improve the disconnection over time.

There are legitimate business reasons to store some PII information. E.g. for security reasons, other laws etc. So IP addresses don’t need to be deleted from your web logs, but if not given consent you cannot use them for ads, sell them etc.

The required clarity that GDPR will bring to your data is actually going to benefit you. Your data scientists will love it, because the tooling that helps with Gdpr also helps with discoverability, data quality etc.

Enjoy GdPR, there is a lot of business opportunity in it.

To offer a non-dev perspective on Hn, it feels like tech companies are really trying to annoy us users with GDPR updates in an effort to nurture opposition to similar proposed regulations in the future. I hope it doesn't work.

I love GDPR, getting rid of the WHOIS database stuff alone is enough to make me a huge fan. The option to delete my data is also amazing.

Isn't this pretty much what happened with the cookie law? It states that cookies necessary for the functioning of sites were ok, but everyone ended up putting up those warnings anyways and it greatly diluted any benefit of the rule and it ended up like Prop 65: warnings everywhere, even when they weren't useful. Overall, it just led to the law being ridiculed.

We just added an EU surcharge to our pricing model. This isn’t a hard law to comply with, but you need a lot of business in Europe for re-factoring and lawyering up to make sense. Even if you do nothing dodgy, you’re going to need to be ready to handle incorrect requests and misguided complaints.

Wait what? Really? All the annoying "cookie" popups I've seen were them telling me the cookies were used for necessary function. I always thought it was due to some European law. Are you telling me it's not even required by the law?

What no one want to do was read the law. I actually had to do that, and how you dealt with it depended on your mindset. It was pretty clear that you could just disable all tracking and you'd be fine. If you wanted to use 3rd party tracking, using cookies, you'd need consent.

Because people wouldn't give up Google Analytics, targetted ads and "re-targetting" they opted of silly pop-ups, often delivered by a 3rd. party that will scan your site to keep track of all the data collectors your marketing department added without considering the users privacy.

The GDPR is written the way it is because companies refuse to accept the intentions of the cookie law, and choose to look for loopholes. At least that's my take.

If you're using cookies for storing stuff like login information, you don't need a cookie notice. If you're using cookies for tracking, you do need a notice.

Correct. The “necessary” function was that the website and advertisers wanted to track you all over the web. Login cookies and the like don’t require notices so if you see a notice it was because they wanted to track you.

I didn't even know that - thank you :)

>To offer a non-dev perspective on Hn, it feels like tech companies are really trying to annoy us users with GDPR updates in an effort to nurture opposition to similar proposed regulations in the future. I hope it doesn't work.

You think businesses are that forward thinking? You think there is some grand conspiracy to annoy users so that they hate regulation?

You think businesses are that forward thinking?

Definitely. Adhering to new regulations costs man hours and $, companies understandably would rather not be forced to comply. No grand conspiracy just long term bus dev.

>Definitely. Adhering to new regulations costs man hours and $, companies understandably would rather not be forced to comply. No grand conspiracy just long term bus dev.

The simpler explanation is that these ultra annoying pop-ups make it more likely for people to accept the ToS and allow the service to begin monetizing.

>You think there is some grand conspiracy to annoy users so that they hate regulation?

Yeah? U.S. companies do this all the time. They did it with the cookie warnings and tried to act like they didn't know they were creating an absolutely terrible experience.

Companies acting in bad faith against regulations is basically the default.

In this case, the companies are following the prescribed rules of GDPR which requires them to not only publicize their privacy policy, but notify their users if it ever changes. This is a side-effect of a well intentioned law.

See also giant "install our app" banners on mobile sites, like Reddit

Don’t get your hopes up for the US. This would have to overcome some amazing first amendment hurdles in the US. Short of slanderous and violent content, saying truthful things is protected.

You've got the incentive structure backwards! GDPR actually favors companies big enough to do something like that. They have the resources to comply without it affecting them much. Complying with vague, complicated laws is something they're used to, and they have legions of lawyers on payroll. For them it's no big deal. The ones who'll have the biggest problems are the little companies, the ones that are secretly just three extremely busy guys and a handful of EC2 instances.

Regulations usually favor big businesses at the expense of their competitors, and the GDPR is no exception.

> really trying to annoy us users with GDPR updates

Isn't that the law that required these updates, pop ups, and new consent forms? Not sure how the companies could be blamed for that.

No: the law wants you to not have to do this. The law wants you to stop collecting data for things that are not core to your business. The issue is that companies are trying to maintain the status quo as much as possible, and annoying users with these does that.

Personalized, targeted advertising is how many services make money. So what is meant by 'the law wants you to not have to do this'. The law wants these services to not make money to cover their expenses? Or scale back their operations?

The problem only arise when you out-source the tracking and personalization of the ads. You could do the profiling, aggregation AND anonymisation on your end.

You're still allowed to have personalization and targetted ads, but now you actually have a responsibility for the data you collect and I don't view that as unreasonable.

You can only have targeted ads if you ask users for their consent which is why these pop ups etc are necessary - going back to the original question.

No... I mean I see your point, but that depends on what data you use to target the customers. Staying with in the boundaries of your own site, tracking what a person is browsing isn't necessarily personally identifiable, so no need to ask.

If you use data that the user actually enter, or their IP for some reason, then yes, you do need to ask, but you could just ask when they are entering the data.

If you want to target based on activities across website, then you'll most likely need to ask, but that's already the case with the cookie law.

You do have me wondering if I'm correct, but I would still claim that if you noticed that browser with the "cookie XYZ1234" read five article related to child and then ask your ad partner for an ad for "people with children" would allow you to be GDPR complaint without any pop ups. It does flip the current ad tech model upside down though.

You need (separate) consent to process their personal data for targeted in-house advertising. Thats what facebook/reddit do. If you pass user personalization data to others (such as that they are interested in children) it's the same thing as having personalized tracking ads, you need consent again (and an agreement with that third party).

Sometimes personalized advertising makes money at the cost of privacy, e.g. selling of personal data. In the EU, data privacy is a right. So the law isn't maliciously making life hard for these 'services', but if your entire monetization strategy is breaching data privacy, then good riddance to you.

Commonly the data is used for targeted advertising which is why they need the pop ups and consent forms. Their appearance is not because the companies want GDPR to look bad.

No, most of them aren't required.

You don't need GDPR to hide your WHOIS records. Almost any domain registry provides WhoisGuard that will hide all your WHOIS data.

It’s a racket business - private registeation should be default.

Why? Property records are public in most countries. It doesn't seem ridiculous.

No it really should not.

Hopefully, these actions will spawn european competitors that will eventually take over the market. If you're ignorant and don't care about privacy, you do not deserve better.

Why wouldn't you use the built in `request.headers.get("CF-IpCountry")`?

This is a very weak and lame attempt at just getting people to use your service when it's already built in...

Or even better, just use the Firewall to block by country. That's what we do to stop bots from countries we don't sell in.

Id argue the web workers are better (although they are paid for), only because you have full control over what to do with them (like showing them a message that you're not GDPR compliant in their area yet, etc)

That works. YMMV but If you still want EU users here is what I did last night: https://medium.com/@riantogo/gdpr-band-aid-b619d0b17e5b

I like it for being to the point and actionable. Thank you!

Plenty of other countries have similar, or even stronger consumer privacy protection laws. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine the US eventually becoming the outlier to the point they have a sort of self imposed "great firewall".

The rest of the world will continue on without them, especially as the ~middle class~ population explodes in countries where there previously wasn't one.

The US is really only the "center of the Internet" for primarily English speaking countries, as the others have regional variants of popular US based services. There is no real reason why things wouldn't just split out to Europe and Oceania even more.

Isn’t the IP address of a person/data which is subject to GDPR? So this form of blockade means that you need to disclose that you are using service X for checking the black list and that they might track/ store data.

Someone should really make a tool: use Cloudflare to block your own trackers and user data collector and etc with one click :)

I didn't get past the first paragraph. The site lobbed four interruptions my way:

  - Agree to cookie
  - Forced "Do you want our newsletter" prompt
  - Request to show notifications
  - Pop-up icon to subscribe to notifications
... and one non-intrusive top-of-page banner notification, " Awesome! Your IP is not in our blacklists of abuse...". This last item (when dismissed) may have triggered the 4th item above.

Edit: fix list formatting

How does CloudFlare know if someone is a citizen of the EU and traveling abroad? In haproxy, I redirect a few accept-language headers, but even this has its faults.

You're the third person to ask this and I'd like to ask you: is this idea coming from a specific source? The law, like any other EU law, obviously does not apply outside the EU. It applies to companies that do business in the EU (even if they are based outside), but it can't apply to companies that don't do business there. https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/refo...

You’re going to get downvoted for that comment, but you do raise a legitimate question of enforceability. Sure the EU can say any company in the world who has EU residents’ data should comply with GDPR. But... or what exactly? The EU doesn’t have the power to fine companies outside of their jurisdiction. I mean, they can try. But as far as I know there is no enforceability to ensure that the company actually pays the fine.

For larger companies with offices in the EU (especially the ones headquartered there for tax purposes), they obviously have no choice to comply. But what about a small startup, with its only domicile and employees in the US?

What exactly could the EU do to punish a startup in that case? Unless they have some enforceability treaty with the US, I don’t see how they have any legal ground to extract fines for arbitrary laws defined in their jurisdiction. The worst they could do is ask EU ISPs and/or payment networks to block the offending sites, right?

Corporate counsel, who actually went to many of the lead-up conferences for GDPR, said the data authorities from many member countries didn’t even hesitate before saying they would file civil lawsuits against non-EU companies.

Such a suit could be ignored too, but it would certainly be a PITA for vacationing executives who get locked up in Italy for an outstanding summary judgement.

> but it would certainly be a PITA for vacationing executives who get locked up in Italy for an outstanding summary judgement.

It's a good thing there are a lot of beautiful parts of the world other than Italy.

I won't DV anyone. I use an addon that hides the down arrows. [0]

I suppose when I asked the question, I am assuming internet businesses for the most part don't isolate themselves to a specific region, so their reply probably makes more sense for the businesses that operate in a small locality. Perhaps they have such a business. I should have considered that prior to asking.

Where this might start to get interesting is if people use infrastructure that is in multiple regions and that infrastructure provider has an agreement to block companies that do not comply. So if AWS for example had such an agreement, then non compliant companies could find their sites broken, even if they are only hosted in the U.S., not that this would ever happen, but it could.

[0] - https://userstyles.org/styles/9038/hide-down-vote-arrows-and...

If they have significant business in the EU then they can be fined regardless of size but the rules indicate that working towards compliance can go a long way to reducing the size or even existence of fines. Plus to get to that stage you have to ignore someone's request to remove their personal data.

It applies to companies that do business in the EU. They could at least seize any assets that you have in the EU, including future profits there. If you don't do any business in the EU to disrupt then this doesn't apply to you anyway.

It actually isn't clear that it doesn't, as best I can tell. I don't have the text in question in front of me, but one of the questions I've asked and haven't gotten a solid answer on is - who is covered by GDPR? Is it only EU citizens residing in the EU, or EU citizens generally?

If it's the latter, then someone with both US and German citizenship could be covered even if they've never been to the EU.

This is a very dangerous interpretation. Let me tell you why: this opens the door for someone, let's say China, to say that their laws apply to Chinese nationals outside of China. You know, censorship and the rest.

While GDPR is a good idea, its legal impact can only be for business conducted within EU boundaries, or we are going to open up a Pandora's Box like this.

You mean: like giving fines to ANY company doing business with Iran just because some US President decided to cancel its own part of an international treaty...? ;-)

Come on: you're whining but you're doing that kind of extra-territorial stuff for decades!!!

GDPR is written in terms of rights people in the EU have against companies operating in the EU.

Which is to say your hypothetical dual citizen would have zero rights under GDPR in their dealings with purely US entities.

"data subjects in one or more Member States in the Union."

People (regardless of EU citizenship status) who are physically in the EU.

This isn't so hard.

Anyone who is in the EU (citizens and not) at the time of using the service. EU citizens living abroad are not covered (unless they are visiting Europe, of course).

Geoblocking is not enough. A user in Europe that bypasses an EU block with a VPN is still covered (this has been explicitly stated).

https://gdpr-info.eu/art-3-gdpr/ Art 3 (2b)

> The law, like any other EU law, obviously does not apply outside the EU.

There are precedents for the opposite. If you have a grandparent born in some EU countries, you have EU citizenship according to the law of that EU country, even if you never set foot on that country and have no contact at all with the EU. There is a (non-EU) country which says that if you're a citizen of that country, you have to pay income taxes to it, even if you never set foot on that country and have no contact at all with it. At least one country says that its law applies to buyers of widgets manufactured in that country, even if they are sold by someone who never set foot on that country and has no contact at all with it, to someone who likewise has no contact with it. And so on.

GDPR applies to all EU citizens. It doesn't matter if the citizen is accessing the web site from the eu or another country. Blocking people in the EU doesn't block all eu citizens from accessing your product/service.

That's just not how it works.

Recital 23 (referring to Article 3, Territorial Scope)

> In order to determine whether such a controller or processor is offering goods or services to data subjects who are in the Union, it should be ascertained whether it is apparent that the controller or processor envisages offering services to data subjects in one or more Member States in the Union.

An attempt to prevent EU users from accessing the site at all is about as strong a signal as it gets regarding this. When you're blocking all of Europe by IP, it's pretty fucking obvious you're not envisaging offering services there.

People keep saying this but its not true. The EU has no jurisdiction outside of the EU. If both the user and site are outside of the EU at the time of the transaction, they can not make claims, regardless of citizenship.

The EU has jurisdiction over EU citizens, even those outside of the EU (see US citizens and taxes). But I question how the EU would have jurisdiction on anyone who is outside of the EU and does all their business outside of the EU, even with EU citizens. The EU can prohibit EU citizens from visiting websites that violate the law if they want. They can also block EU residents from visiting those sites.

Maybe they can get the firewall technology to do all of that from China too.

No, it is true, If you don't the EU Army will come and get you. /s

It's a basic idea, and HN prides itself on being smart, but there aren't global laws. No one gets to enforce civil penalties outside of their jurisdictions, without exceptional circumstances. If they fine you and you don't have offices there just ... don't pay? The EU might not exist in 10 years anyway.

Do you have a source? It is my understanding that the world operates on the idea that the laws of where you are located only apply to you.

An expat living in the EU is protected because they reside in the EU. If you are living in the USA, you must follow American laws.

You aren't a data subject if you're outside the EU. If you're in the US, data will be happily collected on you irrespective of GDPR.

Also, GDPR applies to more than just citizens of the EU. The language doesn't even say citizens. Data subject could be someone in the EU on vacation for two week. Even me a heathen US citizen! O_o

And that makes sense. This is about business conducted in the EU while someone is in the EU. The EU does not have jurisdiction outside of the EU.

As a person on both sides of this regulation I have to say I'm not conflicted at all were I stand. On a professional level this will have a huge impact on the firm that I've been employed for more than 5 years because of the legacy practices used in the software. This has been the proverbial "clusterfuck" at work. This might even have serious implications to the future of the firm as most of our customers reside in EU. Nevertheless on a personal level I'm so happy and relieved that finally something is being done to protect information. In fact I believe that the tighter the screw on the regulation the better. If some businesses have to stop entirely in order to reevaluate what has been done, why it shouldn't be done this way(I like the analogy about slavery I read in the comments here) and start from scratch if possible at all, then so be it. Even if it threatens my job security(and I just bought myself an apartment) I'd still be in favour of this. In fact I believe that in a few years if this sticks it would be much easier if not trivial to deal with GDPR regulations and then my only regret would be that this was not implemented sooner.

Assuming, and this is a big assumption, you can cookie (CDN level) or otherwise leave an indication client-side that the visitor is from the EU, then you can easily make the page GDPR compliant instead of blocking.


This does NOT solve the problem, its just (IMHO) a better alternative to blocking.

The amount of dishonest conversation in this thread coming from supposed "hackers" is extremely aggravating. These laws have existed in various forms across several European countries for a few decades. It's now a standard across all of the EU. This is to say, that these have been tried, tested, found to be functional and useful; these regulations now have proper surface area coverage.

This is good for both companies and users. It gives companies clear goals and policies for how to treat users, their data, and what their users want to do with their data.

I think what we're seeing is a light shining brightly on some pretty scummy practices. It's understandable why developers who rely on user ignorance to make a profit/revenue would be bummed about this, because these regulations are correctly placing the burden on you, the developer, to be forthright and honest about what you're doing with people's personal and private information.

To developers who don't want to do business in an open and honest manner, who rely on low brow tactics with user data, who didn't have the good sense to know what was coming and plan for it: Good riddance. Try again.

I agree it is raising a bar for starting a new business but I think this is a good thing in this case.

As a victim of identity theft, I say that burden should be on entrepreneurs to learn and write good code. I have written a lot of bad code myself but back then everyone was writing bad code to get to market as fast as possible. People who wrote good code and followed best practices for their users’ privacy and security were at disadvantage. This regulation evens out the playing field, so now good guys/gals can compete too.

Also this is not hard if you were already following the best practices for security and user privacy. Sure there is some new stuff like real deletes instead of soft deletes. I can tell you from my experience that the people who are the most stressed about GDPR are those who are working at the companies where they had very bad dev practices. One of my friend who works at a decent-sized ecommerce shop, had to finally get rid of CC numbers in their logs. That guys had been pushing for better security and dev practices but would get overridden by managers and team leads.

I am glad that GDPR is finally forcing higher ups to finally improve their dev and security practices.

Wait, I don't understand, this is blocking traffic from EU continent. I thought GDPR was applicable for all EU citizens regardless of where they physically are. And I may be wrong, but I thought it did not apply to non-EU citizens surfing the web from the EU (although I may be wrong about that).

A more effective way might be to ask on page load if the user is an EU citizen. You know, like some financial website asking you if you are a US citizen on page load [0] (i remember marshall wace's old website doing it, it looks like they do not anymore).

And EU traffic being the "most malicious" ? Is this satire, irony, or something else ? Seriously, if I go on website W and they go through all the dark patterns possible to collect and share my data without me knowing about it and I'm the malicious one ? Better read that than being blind...

[0] https://www.quora.com/All-of-a-sudden-Bank-of-America-is-ask...

> Wait, I don't understand, this is blocking traffic from EU continent. I thought GDPR was applicable for all EU citizens regardless of where they physically are. And I may be wrong, but I thought it did not apply to non-EU citizens surfing the web from the EU (although I may be wrong about that).

I believe you have that the wrong way round. The territorial scope (as it applies to processors outside the EU) is defined as "processing of personal data of data subjects who are in the Union".


> I thought GDPR was applicable for all EU citizens regardless of where they physically are.

Do you mean a company and its customer, both located outside the European union, would still fall under this law if the customer happens to be a citizen of a EU country?

That's how some US tax/banking codes already work, so it's not without precedent. I don't remember exactly what it's called. But allegedly it's a hassle for everyone involved, both banks and customers.

Ah, found it: "... is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which was passed in 2010 and will go into effect in January of 2013. The act requires all foreign banks to identify and report on US citizens with accounts holding more than $50,000 in an effort to clamp down on tax evasion. If banks refuse to comply, they could face a punitive 30 percent withholding tax on all payments from the US."

Joking aside, I have yet to find a site that isn't using the whole dark patterns book and then some to trick users to consent. Realy disappointing.

I received an email from a website I don't remember signing up for, and have no clue what they do. After a few attempts I am able to log in. I go through menu after menu looking for the "permanently delete all my data" button only to find an FAQ that says

"Q: How do I delete my account?"

"A: Please get in touch with our Customer Services team if you have any worries or concerns. If something at {website} has troubled you, we'll be happy to help sort it out."

To their credit, the support chat person was very efficient in complying with my request.

I know plenty of people who block all of China, simply to be rid of its many botnes which run rampant and are hosted by network administrators who don't respond to abuse requests. I guess Europeans can now experience how it feels to have parts of the internet made unavailable by whimsical sysadmins.

Even though this post is sarcastic, people forgot that your EU resident could still access you when in vacation or business trip outside of the EU and that they certainly already have plenty of data store fom EU resident, so blocking all european IPs does nothing to help them being compliant.

This is a common misunderstanding. GDPR makes no mention of citizens or residents. It just says “data subjects IN the union”


Just add to your terms and conditions - not available for EU residents.

Yeah you changed your EULA, but at least you don't need to completely review it for compliance.

While I know they are not recommending, recommending this, for everyone who does, this doesn’t get you off the hook at all unless you are a new site who has never had EU visitors. Also of course all the EU citizens in the US, GDPR would presumably still apply.

Regarding the last point, I'm not sure why this point is still being parroted, despite so frequently being corrected:

The GDPR applies to any residents of the EU, not EU citizens regardless of location.

The discussion here is getting quite heated. I'm sure no one has missed that this is a bit of a light hearted piss take.

I was going to go to town on it until I did a quick pre-emptive search but I had no idea about this being a thing: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/451 - 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

I'll assume that 451 is designed to be available if a canary might be required at short notice.

It is not just Europe and GDPR. You should block users from every single country where you are not ready to take responsibility to comply with the local laws. By providing service/content in international scale you are doing business with real physical people there, regardless of your own or your server's location. Seriously. So Cloudflare (and all other CDN/web service providers) should really have country-based opt-in instead of opt-out, so you at least think a second before clicking the tick.

Protip: you can ignore the GDPR and get away with it if your business is located somewhere that the GDPR has a snowball's chance in hell of being enforced. For example, America

Just curious, but what does the investors think when a company volentarly leaves the EU market because it is easier to simply ignore eu as a market then to comply to GDPR?

It all depends on your investors and who your company's target audience is.

If I run a business putting up American flags on people's houses on patriotic holidays (an actual business in my neighborhood), then ignoring the EU market is an easy decision because I already was.

And if you presented a nice growth graph over American customers with the implication for expansion over other regions such as EU, whats the possibility that some investors considered that potential when they invested?

Like say a software service which I would assume is more common investment target here rather than flags.

Your example is a different audience. As I pointed out, it depends on your target audience. Not every company wants or even needs to do business with the E.U. in order to be successful. I know that sounds strange to someone in Europe, and I've never been able to make my Austrian friends understand it, but it's true. There are millions of businesses from Australia to Alabama and beyond who don't care about the E.U.

For all its noise and bluster about "500 million customers lost!" the European Union is still less than 7% of the world. I think most businesses would be happy to serve the other 93%.

But almost a quarter of world GDP.

I think the rest of the world can survive on the 75%+ remaining.

But that bypass the original question. A company might survive fine on 75%, but what will investors think when the potential growth is being artificial cut down to 75%?

I would imagine that the stock market value would take a rather strong dip if a company proclaimed that they revenue would be cut down to 75%. Investments and stock options are not only valued by the companies current ability to survive, but also speculative value.

> what will investors think when the potential growth is being artificial cut down to 75%?

You make two mistakes:

1 - Assuming every business has investors. The majority do not.

2 - Assuming every business is suited to a global audience. The vast majority are not.

If you don't have a investor then clearly the question does not apply. Similar if you don't have a company the question does not apply.

"what does the investors think when a company volentarly leaves the EU market?"

This question has 4 predicates.

1) investors. If no investors then there is no investors that can have an opinion.

2) Company. If no company then no investors, and since you have no investors than point 1 applies.

3) leaves. If the company don't leave the market then the investors can't object to a company is leaving, as such point 1 and point 2 applies.

4) EU market. If the company is not leaving the EU market then the question about what investors will think about a company leaving the EU market is not relevant, and thus point 1, point 2 and point 3 applies.

> Assuming every business is suited to a global audience

That was the question. What does investors assume when investing in a software company such as those ycombinate investors usually invest in, for which HN is a forum created by ycombinate.

Holy crap! 1123 comments and the damned article link doesn't work! Might someone have something to hide?


Judge for yourself!

Encouraging this attitude is childish. GDPR (which has been around for 2 years now) is a way for people to say "ok now grow up guys, we know you like to tinker, but we're getting screwed in ways we don't like and we've given you enough rope". This post is saying "so just don't sell soylent in the US because we're too good to bother passing FDA".

No serious and earnest would/should consider this.

Your work affects lives. Period.

HN Meta: Is it really necessary to split 1k comments into 5 pages? Many sites serve a homepage much larger than every comment here on a single page.

It isn’t just to limit page size, it also works as a damper on heated discussions, as most people won’t read more than the first page, but comparatively few people stop reading in the middle of a page, regardless of length.

I figured that, but I didn't want to make such an embarrassing assumption about what purports to be a reliable tech discussion site. Especially when I noticed new comments automatically went to page >1. Sad, but hey, it's HN's property.

The position of new comment apparently depends on the commenter’s “karma”.

Normally, they appear top for a few seconds, but I understand the alg that takes karma into account, maybe it changed a bit. If it's a thread split into pages...

so, say i'm outside the EU, and put a project up online, awesome.com. it's accessible from anywhere (or rather, it doesn't filter traffic), except from a eu ip. i don't explicitly "target" anyone.

does the gdpr suggest that, if a "data subject" in the eu accesses my website without my consent, the eu will view me as subject to it's legal system?

Clearly, the EU can't enforce or even make laws that apply globally. If you don't have a presence in the EU the GDPR does not apply to you, period. And the GDPR doesn't apply to EU citizens outside the EU, period.

But this thread and others just show how people will continually lie when it comes to the politics of GDPR. And when they don't want to lie, they partake in whataboutism. Even EU bureaucrats seem to be willing to partake in at least promoting the idea that it's a global law for their political agenda, when they know it's not.

I don't know why people continue to lie about the jurisdiction of this law, when everybody here knows it's not true.

This might be a silly question, but I'll take the chance to ask it anyway. What constitutes personal data? More precisely, using FB as example, does it apply to things like: 1. where have you been? 2. what have you liked? 3. photos you've shared? 4. comments and posts you've made?

Or is it really just identification details like name, address, etc.?

You need a legal basis for automated decision-making, such as doing geolocation on a user's IP address (which can be considered PII, as per EU legal rulings from last year). Which means you cannot block them without first getting that legal basis (i.e. consent). Therefore, you're in a catch 22.

Rubbish, folks block Africa and China all the time

Is it supposed to be enough to be compliant with the GDPR? If you have harvested data from Europe, you are not allowed to sell/transmit it without informing the concerned party. I feel that to become GDPR compliant this way, you also have to delete all data that may have come from european residents.

You do not need Apility to accomplish this.

Here is a example of blocking all EU country codes without using any external API's.


Some notes:

- This is insufficient for GDPR compliance. Besides the other points mentioned in this thread, you also need to delete any data about EU residents you have already collected.

- CloudFlare sets a geolocation header, you can probably just use that without consulting a third party, without adding any latency!

Any recommendations or resources for what micro internet sites should do? I'm thinking in scale from website with my picture and some software projects on it, to micro free webservice like uptime checker, to $1 seating chart maker.

Block EU is totally reasonable for all these. Is it necessary?

No, it shouldn't be necessary.

Because: do you need personal informations from users? If yes: why?

Payment & Accounting => allowed ("legitimate use") Technical Monitoring => allowed ("legitimate use")

And if some user want to cancel its account: is it a problem (if he doesn't owe you anuthing)??? No? Well... then you'll have no problem

Yes but we aren't really sure are we? Like if the ip address gets stored in some open source logging software, it seems like you need to track it down and delete it on request. Or do you? No one seems to know.

I worked on the same script using CloudFlare workers just a while ago, if someone is interested:


Your geographic knowledge is poor, and you should feel bad. There are a bunch of European countries now blocked that aren't in the EU.

(Some of the more famous blocked websites are similarly misinformed, e.g. the chicago tribune tries to tell me I'm in the EU and blocks me.)

But this wouldn't even work, because it applies to all EU citizens, regardless of geography.

This is a great point actually... the GDPR law specifically applies to holders of EU passports. If your website clearly disallows EU citizens, ie: a popup stating "You are not authorized to access this website if you are, or plan to become within the next 2 years, an EU citizen", are you being compliant with GDPR? Or is there simply no way to be GDPR compliant if you store any personally identifiable data?

I won't get into intentions, but it seems like the law is so broad that it just allows any EU government to selectively enforce the law and collect fines from any company they choose...

If you don't do any business in the EU, while you may technically fall under the law, it would be nearly impossible to prosecute you for it.

But the moment you try to access the EU market....

Seems like nobody got the point of gdpr. A it's core a move to break the US companies (the GAFAs) Monopoly in Europe and to potentially fine them with huge amounts of money. The fact that GDPR is actually a good thing for the users is subordinate.

I’m really getting sick of seeing IP filtering being mentioned in the context of blocking a specific nationality of person. Do people not understand a European citizen can travel? Use VPNs? Have an IP that is misreported to the wrong location?

Yeah this is basically the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "LALALALALALALALA"

The GDPR comes across as a consequence of businesses not self -reguating themselves well enough. If businesses weren't so lacksidasical with personal information; and aggressive with marketing, we wouldn't need it!

Funny that that site announces it's using cookies in a pop-up that blocks much of the text before a click, per another EU reg.

Not that we got the best UX from that one, where I'm constantly reminded cookies are a thing, via a large blocking box requiring user interaction, like a pop-up ad for something I already know and can totally control on my end.

There's a saying about how internet considers censorship damage and routes around it? Maybe better: the internet considers regulations information, and anycasts them, regardless of their quality.

China's a bit of a counterexample. Maybe the firewall is bidirectional, keeps democracy out and censorship in?

Maybe that's the endgame, balkanization. Some people will get to live under paternalistic maximalism, some under authoritarians hunting dissidents, some under anarchocapitalism, all dystopias in their own special way. And some of us will flee to Tor and .onion sites and encrypted signatures where we manage our own privacy and prevent third parties from auditing our communications.

Edit, "brevity."

Has anyone noticed that this is brilliant content marketing by apility.io? Generate a controversial headline, news-jack a current event topic, and then disclaim at the end to prevent the serious backlash.

The other option - if you have no business presence in Europe - is to ignore it. It's never concerned that I'm likely breaking the laws of North Korea every day, for example.

Slightly OTT: Does anyone know why May 25 was chosen as "GDPR day"?

I asked a data protection specialist, a real expert on the legislation, but they couldn't answer that question for me.

Just a deadline.

Two years ago (14 April 2016) the regulation was adopted, and a 2 year notice period was put in place so businesses could prepare

That notice period ended today

Nothing will happen to companies outside the EU. You can violate GDPR freely.

There is no possible way they can enforce any law, fine or penalty outside their borders. They won't even try.

I heard one person say that they were worried about traveling to Europe to visit if they had any GDPR violations. Do you that's a valid concern?

The EU or its member countries are free to arrest whoever they want whenever they want on their own soil, and not face any kind of externally enforceable sanctions. Best way to avoid being subject to arrest in a foreign country is to simply not go there.

Man, i miss those days before this industry got jumped by all those hijackers.

Imagine if the law was layered, as in - below a certain size, you could get away with unintentional mischief.

Why bother? If you are not in the EU, and you don't have assets in the EU to seize, it does not apply to you. The EU does not get to make laws for other countries.

Crocodile tears. After facebook, google, cambridge analytica etc. screwing us all six ways to Sunday, nothing makes me happier than to see greedy inconsiderate techie "entrepreneurs" kick and scream and cry at regulators (read: voters) bringing the hammer down. If you didn't want regulators involved, maybe don't treat users like human garbage? You/we brought this on ourselves. There is a new Constable in town. Now put on your big girl/boy panties and deal with it.

Or is handling user data responsibly one of the new "three greatest challenges in computer science"?

5 USD per month + 0.50 for every 1 million requests my site gets... that a lot of money being wasted on feature that could be solved in another way.

There's one very important problem with this approach: this blocks people from accessing your site who are doing so from the EU, whereas the GDPR applies to EU citizens, wherever they access the Internet from.

In other words, an EU citizen residing in and accessing the Internet from the US has just as much right to invoke the GDPR with these sites as an EU citizen residing in and accessing the Internet from the EU. Blocking people accessing your site from the EU does not allow your site to not respond to such requests.

Do EU laws still apply when a person has physically left EU jurisdiction? I doubt it. After all, every egg sold in the US would be in violation of EU food safety laws (and vice versa).

It depends on the law. In the case of the GDPR, it does apply despite the person not being physically in the EU.

Go ahead and block the EU. I will clone your business for the EU market and I don't have to worry about pesky US competition. /s

Doing this would be a huge boost to Europe's economy by weaning us off the teat of Silicon Valley's robber barons. Do it!

It may make sense. If 4% - 5% come from EU why go through all the hassle and risk fines? Block them. Unfair to users? Oh well...

Why are people empowering the EU as a one world government by legitimizing their world wide law? This is flat out dangerous.

Not that simple. It doesn’t matter where the connection is coming from, what really matters is if the person is european.

More like "GDPR for stupid people"

I have a couple of side projects I've been slowly working on toward launch. I hate to say it, but I am indeed very inclined to simply block EU users until I can prove the economic viability of the products. There is no personal data involved except their login credentials and what they type in, and that information certainly is not the planned source of income. But it simply isn't worth taking on the liability.

Either we get blocked and have the opportunity to build our own alternatives without legacy baggage.

Or we get better privacy abroad.

Seems a win-win.

say you are a small or medium sized business based for example in the US, can the EU even do anything to you if you don't comply with GDPR? I agree 100% with people being in charge of their personal data but the US isn't part of the EU.

Great, lets hope European companies move quickly to provide services for these users.

I hope people realize that there is a difference between Europe and EU...

On the plus side, the USA Today in Europe is completely ad free now.

How does this make you compliant for the data you _currently_ own?

I for one love the fact that companies I dealt with once who knows how many years ago are begging me to click a link to "keep in touch." Good bloody riddance. This is possibly the best privacy news of the Internet age.

I think some people are missing a real opportunity here. It seems GDPR is here to stay.

A simple, straightforward guide to GDPR compliance for small-medium size websites who otherwise would have difficulty complying, including FOS well-executed software extensions that make it even easier:

* Backup compliance

* Database deletion performance improvements

* Legal explanations à la tldrlegal [1]

Haven't done general population-facing web dev for a while, but it seems fairly straightforward. How to monetize it, if at all, I'm not entirely sure. Maybe charge a reasonable fee for short consultations which consist of essentially running down a checklist?

[1] https://tldrlegal.com

Sadly it's not humorous for many people.

This won't protect you by the way.

I think GDPR applies to EU citizens no matter where they are? So while this will work for most cases, it doesn't really give you immunity?

No; it applies to EU residents, and they don't have to be citizens. From Article 3 (2):

"This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data of data subjects who are in the Union"

Does "in the Union" has to mean geographical presence? As far as I can tell it may mean legal membership?

No. It does not. States are members, not individuals. The legal terminology for citizens is, quite simply, "citizens of the Union".

Actually you are breaking GDPR rules because you are transfering personal information (the users IP) to cloudflare.

Yet another website doesn't know the difference between EU and Europe.

I'm not in the EU. You don't need to block me.

Or rather: block all EU users because you want to sell the users' data without informing them about it?

"Page not found"

May be blocked because you are European ;-)

It works for me now.

I don't understand how this post could reach HN just a few minutes after I published it... Whoever it did, thanks!

I decided to make a little change in the URL (Europeans instead of EU) and that's why there was a short period of 404 errors before I created the redirect.

working now. :)

Does not work.

If you already have information on EU users, you may be violating GDPR anyways.

I thought GDPR applies for EU citizens outside of the EU as well?

EU laws can be ignored. Block 'em!

Maybe someday they will learn?

im so surprised companies are doing this, but also not at the same time. shocker.

Why is everyone losing his mind over this!!?

The law makes perfect sense, it's not that hard to be compliant, and businesses with good ethics will already be compliant!

Can American businesses actually be sued or anything over GDPR? What if all my servers are housed in america?

If I have a user agreement that my users agree to, I don't particularly care what another country thinks about what kinds of privacy they think my users are entitled to. I would already have a legal agreement in that case.

If it is against the GDPR, then it is an illegal agreement in the EU. Non-enforceable contracts are a thing. You are not allowed to literally sign away your firstborn, sell yourself into slavery, or accept a job at less than minimum wage.

Enforceability will generally be based on revenue streams coming from the EU (oh you want a credit card processed from an EU user? We'll be taking that money as a payment towards your fine.) If you're a particularly flagrant violator, they may arrest you if you ever dare set foot on European soil.

>>You are not allowed to literally sign away your firstborn, sell yourself into slavery, or accept a job at less than minimum wage.

The last item is nothing like the first two. The EU is now going to see the natural conclusion of a society based on its conception of contract rights. Digital technology magnifies the effect of everything by several orders of magnitude, so I suspect we'll see dramatic consequences flow from the law.

From a legal perspective, the last is pretty close to the first two. If you sign a contract saying those things a court will throw it out. End of story. This is how contracts work in the US too.

Same as how in California non-compete clauses are illegal.

No, it's nothing like the first two. Common law would disqualify the first two, while certaintly allowing the last.

The last is only thrown out by courts because of statutory interference/intervention in contracts.

a) There is no such thing as common law in non-UK Europe.

b) Common law was perfectly fine with slavery until it was outlawed by statute.

c) Even in the American system, common law is just one more source of law, alongside statute. Common law prohibits "unconscionable" contracts, but that doesn't mean statute law is prohibited from prohibiting other kinds of contracts (which it does all the time). Hence the boilerplate "void where prohibited" language in all kinds of contracts.

GDPR is set to destroy American tech/media companies along with those from developing nations.

Europe has got most of its wealth through imperialism back in time robbing countries of Africa and South Asian countries.

This is the primary reason countries of South Asia/Africa so poor today.

Before imperialism, most of Europe was poor while countries like China and India were way richer.

India is just 70 years old by comparison which is not long enough to make back the lost wealth due to its sheer size and diversity.

Now, American companies are able to an extract huge amount of money from European nations using mostly legal (maybe unethical?) using companies like Google and Facebook. They are set to make this illegal.

It's nothing more than a wealth preservation strategy. European nations can't compete against America and rising nations (India, China etc...) due to their aging population in near future.

So, they are going to shut off the market by making unreasonably harsh laws which are quite difficult to comply with.

You are finding compliance difficult because it's intentionally part of their design.

Keep an eye open and expect more unreasonable laws coming out of EU in near future. They are not going to stop here.

Care to explain downvotes? I would love to know why would anyone disagree with me.

What an utter shame. All of the services that people in the EU now will not get to use, all because Big Brother doesn't think people are responsible enough to decide for themselves what data to share with websites.

Alternative approach by USA today: add and tracking free site for EU users :)


How this checks if a user is European when using US VPN or being on holidays outside EU?

It uses its magic crystal ball, while simultaneously consulting a legion of captive demons to determine this and other similarly unknowable information.

Unknowable? It's can check your browser footprint and ask Facebook/Google if you are on holiday.

I suppose you have to use your TOS for that. (In fact, a banner that tells European users that they aren't allowed to use your site is probably the easiest way to insulate yourself -- if you collect their data because they used your service illegally, I'm not sure you can be blamed.)

Violating TOS is not illegal...

You misunderstand the GDPR if you think you carry its protection around when you visit non-European locales.

That is not true I am afraid.

Just because a piece of paper in a European bureaucrat's filing cabinet says one thing doesn't make it reality

The legal text refers to "data subjects in the EU". This is pretty straightforward language, people.

It doesn't. It just checks that somebody is connecting from an IP address geolocated in Europe.

I tried to be sarcastic, but I think my English is not good enough :-)

I'm a native English speaker and I picked up on your sarcasm. You did great :-)

That said, a constant source of miscommunication from native english to native english that is written, is missing sarcasm. Just a side effect of not having non-verbal communication cues.

Really guys? As a citizen of Europe I find these posts to be unacceptable. And they are making it to the front page? Really?

I am very disappointed in all of you guys, just got one thing to say: FUCK YOU!!!

You do not have to do that.

Just use Content-Security-Policies to block your pages from loading anything but safe assets/services.

You will need to politely ask those not using browsers that support CSPs to switch/upgrade.

All of a sudden HN has divided into EU vs US on basic human rights? This seems odd. I don't think you guys really think there is anything wrong with GDPR, not in its implementation nor in its sentiment. I really don't. The reason you are whining like crazy though is because you are in a project where the deadline/budget did not take into account this new EU law.

Hey, blame the ones who planned your project, not the EU.

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