Six months ago, I took a new job as a developer. I expected to feel like an outsider for a while. No new job is "comfortable". However, I started to notice that my team is really abrasive. They're always correcting everything, job related or not (how to write code, best way to cook something, reasons for economic changes, etc). I make some comment about the world and get a response like "Well, if you'd studied [such and such] you'd know that... [why you're wrong]". Many of these things are opinion-based anyway. Despite the fact that I bring the most external experience, the guys I work with on a daily basis act like they are trying to teach me how to program. It's really demeaning.
What should I do? (What CAN I do?)
I've debated talking to my manager about these concerns, but I don't know that there's any way he could address the issues--he can't change the personalities of my team members. Still, I feel he deserves a chance.
Should I just quit and go somewhere else? It feels like doing so would make my resume look pretty bad since it hasn't been long. Also, it seems like I owe something to this company for giving me a job and good pay.
Are there other ways I can address this?
Then, at month 10-11 of working there, begin looking for a new job immediately.