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This is nearly a year old. However it really is funny to consider that a country can tax such an abundant thing as the sun.

There is also the case of making collecting rain water illegal....


I'm not so lazy that I can't hold my phone and google for something. Pass.

It's good to see Europe taking the opposite approach of America with regards to Glyphosate. Forget the studies and just let time show us who is right and who is wrong.

All I do know is that humanity made it this far (15000+ years of agriculture) without such chemicals and we'll probably make it much further without them.

If you like Glyphosate, fair enough, enjoy! The rest of us might sit on the sidelines and watch this experiment unfold.

Crop failures used to kill millions of people, and now that doesn't happen. Industrial agriculture is part of that story.

I think this is a false dichotomy where, if we don't use Monsanto, we will be forced back to the stone age. If herbicides are dangerous we should start putting resources towards further developing alternatives (like the weed-punching bot Bosch is working on)

I don't think it was presented as a dichotomy. Just that you can't cherry pick the parts of the past that you like to support your theory.

It's important to keep in mind that there are a variety of things that are different now from the preceding 15ky of agriculture -- the most important statistic being the one demonstrated by this graph: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3a/Human_populat....

> humanity made it this far (15000+ years of agriculture) with

That's an argument to "the way it's always been done", which is not very effective.


Neo-classical capitalism doesn't even acknowledge the laws of nature let alone follow them.

Jeremy Rifkin has written a lot of about this topic and his arguments that economists should first learn the laws of thermodynamics before being set loose on the economy.

His book, "The Third Industrial Revolution" touches on this topic quite a bit, if your interested… http://www.amazon.com/Third-Industrial-Revolution-Lateral-Tr...

Agreed, there is no conspiracy here. Just a series of systemic flaws. What's scary is that there needs to be a discussion on this but few economists are brave enough to voice their concerns. David Harvey, Steve Keen, and others are stepping up but we need more people.

Keep in mind also that the 10% reserve doesn't mean physical money (paper/coins). When a bank loans money, it can create $9 out of thin air for every real $1 it holds (be it in paper or in DB entry). When loans are being paid back, the banks count that payment as "real" money against which they can loan 9x the value again. In theory at least, this process can repeat to infinity.

I wonder if anybody unit tested this design for flaws.

The documentary "Four Horsemen" (link below) goes into these topics at length, especially money creation. Most people's jaws drop when they learn that 97% of all money in the world isn't in paper/coin form but rather 0s and 1s in a database and that it is all willed into existence as debt by a bank.


Land the rocket on some flame-proof air bags. It doesn't have to land vertically does it? Let it fall over gently if need be.

The dang thing is a couple mm thick and ten stories tall. There's no "gentle" option available for tipping over. The solution is to land it right. It'll happen.

No flame-proof airbags are available on Mars.

AFAIK most of SpaceX's design decisions are based around this.

But can't the vehicle carry them to Mars? Kind of like the airbag system for one of the rovers, can't remember which one (Curiosity?)

Or even better, how about getting it to land sideways on purpose? I don't see how that would be more difficult than doing it upright.

Imagine the material that a coke can is made off.

Now imagine a cylinder made of that material 3-4 times wider than a barrel and 20-30ft high.

That's why you can't land them sideways they'd just crush themselves.

I guess you are right. It wouldn't make sense to make a rocket that can withstand vertical AND horizontal forces. That would be like launching a brick I guess.

Thanks for the pointer.

Herbivore men in Japanese is not "soshoku danshi", it's "soshoku KEI danshi". Just sayin'.

I just looked it up and you're technically right; that's apparently the official dictionary term, but I've never heard anyone actually say that. Everyone calls them "soshoku danshi."

Well the kanji uses "kei" too.

A Google fight (excluding Chinese) turns up 549,000 results for 草食系男子 and 571,000 for 草食男子. Much closer than I expected, but the 'kei' is definitely not required.

I think they meant that http://thelongandshort.org/issues/season-three/images/DeskHe... has the 系 but then the translation the article gives below it is missing the "kei".

Oh, I see! Yeah, that's true.

"Soshoku danshi" is literally "grass-eating (herbivore) man". "Soshoku-kei danshi" is "grass-eating-group man". The latter is slightly more correct, but both are in common use.

> it's "soshoku KEI danshi". Just sayin'.

You are correct. The calligraphist got the inclusion of the "kei" right, just not the article text. I don't think that "soushoku danshi" is wrong, though. Also, sometimes just "soushoku doubutsu" is used (literally, "herbivore").

Does this apply to vegetarian Japanese men? Does this mean vegetarianism is considered a negative (at least among men)?

I don't think it's literal; it just uses meat eating as a metaphor for aggressivity and drive. Just like in English we have "carnal act" for sex, referring to the flesh. Or whatever.

It's not even a word denoting vegetarians, but rather herbivores. A vegetarian is called 菜食主義者 (saishoku shugisha), not "soushoku" anything. "soushoku danshi" comes from "soushoku doubutsu", or "herbivore".

Kazinator is right. Don't think vegetarian. Think "herd animal sluggishly grazing in the fields".

"meat" = vagina

It's an unrelated video somebody created subtitles for. The only thing funny about it is the guy's laugh, especially at the last second of the video.

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