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It's good to see Europe taking the opposite approach of America with regards to Glyphosate. Forget the studies and just let time show us who is right and who is wrong.

All I do know is that humanity made it this far (15000+ years of agriculture) without such chemicals and we'll probably make it much further without them.

If you like Glyphosate, fair enough, enjoy! The rest of us might sit on the sidelines and watch this experiment unfold.

Crop failures used to kill millions of people, and now that doesn't happen. Industrial agriculture is part of that story.

I think this is a false dichotomy where, if we don't use Monsanto, we will be forced back to the stone age. If herbicides are dangerous we should start putting resources towards further developing alternatives (like the weed-punching bot Bosch is working on)

I don't think it was presented as a dichotomy. Just that you can't cherry pick the parts of the past that you like to support your theory.

It's important to keep in mind that there are a variety of things that are different now from the preceding 15ky of agriculture -- the most important statistic being the one demonstrated by this graph: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3a/Human_populat....

> humanity made it this far (15000+ years of agriculture) with

That's an argument to "the way it's always been done", which is not very effective.


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