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I know I will get downvoted. But Tom Cruise is right. Psychiatry is largely nonsense and the DSM book is almost arbitrarily made up by a bunch of suits. In most of the higher quality studies, antidepressants are no better than placebo. And “ADHD Does Not Exist”, that’s book title by one of the foremost ADHD psychiatrists who helped popularize it but is now calling for a reversion. The symptoms exist, not ADHD is not a real disease.

>The symptoms exist, not ADHD is not a real disease.

This is just logic chopping. You could say the same about autism or depression, as it varies so much across people.

Maybe my car doesn't exist? It's just collection of metal parts that when put together happen to get me to the shop?

> In most of the higher quality studies, antidepressants are no better than placebo.

That is extremely strong claim. From what I searched, this is not what higher quality studies found. Instead, they found them statistically working for some issues and not working ... for other issues.

It looks neat. I love the blurry background on the interface elements. Does it include images from Wikimedia Commons?

I searched for a known Wikipedia photo I had upl myself (“urinal”) but it didn’t show up on your search engine.

Aren't Wikimedia images under the CC, not public domain?

No, the uploader of each image can decide on any free license they want, and some people choose public domain.

Since this is hackernews;

if this doesn’t exist, i hope you build it, just write a simple tool that does exactly this and publish it on github.

>just write a simple tool that does exactly this and publish it ...

..."under whatever license you want - commercial, open-source, etc"

I know I will get downvoted here but I like to keep everything enabled. The more Google knows about me, the more relevant the ads they can serve. I hope Google’s ads will one day be as relevant as the ads I see on Facebook and Instagram.

And if I ever get falsely accused of a crime, my Google location history, combined with my Google Photos’ metadata, could serve as my alibi.

> And if I ever get falsely accused of a crime, my Google location history, combined with my Google Photos’ metadata, could serve as my alibi.

Or the next government change what constitutes a crime and use the information as evidence.

agree, it helps google personalize the service content.

while, somehow, it is not expected to record all internal server names/urls. that is kind of private info, may contain something not supposed/expected to be outside in some way... did not pay attention to /realize this before, so...

…unless you get falsely accused of a crime because of your location history. ;)

You could share them on twitter: @InterstingHNposts

I’ll follow you.

I didn't know about that account, never really got into Twitter. I may check that out sometime though . Thanks for reccomending it.

And $245,573 in the S&P 500 in 1995 would be worth over $2.2 million today.

This is because asset price inflation has grown at much higher rates that consumer prices (CPI).

>“this person is mocking Bezos for turning a quite small fortune into one of the largest on the planet”

No, he didn’t do that all. He’s just providing context about the early beginnings of Amazon that allowed Bezos to built this. Bezos deserves credit for what he built but let’s not act as if he came from the gutter.

Of course parents who are wealthy, well connected and highly educated are able to give huge advantages to their children, and that’s okay. It also makes things like Y-Combinator even more important, as it gives people with drive access to funding, connections, the right advise etc. I submitted this post because the word “self made” is stretched and overused to the point where people forget important context.

>Of course parents who are wealthy, well connected and highly educated are able to give huge advantages to their children, and that’s okay

That's OK? That's quite a controversial statement.

Yes, we should make parents investing in their children illegal.

At birth, children will hidden from the eyes of the parents and transferred to the community. The child will be part of the community and the community will provide for all equally. They will be rotated out on a weekly basis amongst couples to be raised and nurtured temporarily, so every child will have the closest possible exact same upbringing.

Those who grow tall too fast will have weights put on them, those who show intellectual aptitude will be given booze to slow their development.

Then one day a child escapes, runs through the corn fields to freedom, and immediately gets run over by a AI controlled John Deere harvester, for the children are fast, but the harvester is faster.

>Yes, we should make parents investing in their children illegal.

Agred, we should make the artificial boosting of prospects for some kids and handicapping of others based on their respective's parent's wealth illegal.

>Those who grow tall too fast will have weights put on them, those who show intellectual aptitude will be given booze to slow their development.

And those sliding on slippery slopes would have to wear high-friction fabrics to be made to slide slower.

Or perhaps natural talents and throwing money to boost some children's life prospects while others are left behind (from no quality or action of their own) are not the same thing.

Who would have thought?

I think maybe a reverse interpretation might be more charitable - like it's too bad that there are many people who don't have access to that investment and opportunity due to their birth.

Although my take is I disagree with both points - yes maybe connections and status may allow some people to be successful, and extreme poverty can hinder success. But on average I don't know how much that matters. I think someone like geohot could be successful without any network or without anyone's help. He has an attitude that's geared for curiousity and making a contribution

Literary context? I thought of: https://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/harrison.html

I want to read the article but sadly my usual paywall bypasses didn’t work. So submitting it here as someone often comments a working link to the full article.

Same, I typically use archive.is but I am stuck in Captcha hell.

I hope you release it in EPUB, which is a popular format for digital books. Like MP3 for books.

I know the following will get downvoted, but I hope you upload it to Z-Library too. Z-Library is a website that allows people to illegally download copyrighted books for free. If your book has even a tiny bit of success, it will end up there anyway.

I second EPUB. Works perfectly with Kindle-copycats, which do not have DRM issues. Otherwise, I'd recommend LaTeX given your requirements.

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