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I know I will get downvoted here but I like to keep everything enabled. The more Google knows about me, the more relevant the ads they can serve. I hope Google’s ads will one day be as relevant as the ads I see on Facebook and Instagram.

And if I ever get falsely accused of a crime, my Google location history, combined with my Google Photos’ metadata, could serve as my alibi.

> And if I ever get falsely accused of a crime, my Google location history, combined with my Google Photos’ metadata, could serve as my alibi.

Or the next government change what constitutes a crime and use the information as evidence.

agree, it helps google personalize the service content.

while, somehow, it is not expected to record all internal server names/urls. that is kind of private info, may contain something not supposed/expected to be outside in some way... did not pay attention to /realize this before, so...

…unless you get falsely accused of a crime because of your location history. ;)

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