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I've been a daily lurker since I was 18. And I do 100% mean daily since the time I started. I've never frequented any other URL so consistently.

I have thousands and thousands of screenshots of highlight posts and comments (highlight to me of course), that I dream about organizing with tags for future access, whether I use any of the information or tools, refresh myself on something, or just want to walk down memory lane... A lane that just keeps getting longer and longer. A lane I'm happy to have at least left a bread crumb trail on to retrace in the dark if I feel like it.

In hindsight, screenshotting them has been more of a personal act I do for myself, knowing very well I may never meaningfully do anything with the majority of them. Every screenshot taken was something important or impactful to me in the moment though. The process of screenshotting is just a part of the ritual it seems .

I thank the individuals, and community as a whole, who have been responsible for making my life better, enabling growth I'd have never anticipated or foreseen , enabling countless echoing feelings of comradery and connection that have been hard to find in meat space consistently.

This place was like discovering a magic land when I was 18 given my rather humble background. I still had a lot of learning and growing to do. Hacker News has been invaluable.

Not to get too gushy... But I do love this site, and I love the fact there are people willing to take time out of your days to participate in it. People of all creeds and credentials being civil, yet unafraid to agree to disagree. Willing to have some fun. Willing to be candid. Willing to dive into the deep end depending on the post...

Merry Christmas everyone:)

Always wish I could wave a magic wand, and somehow reciprocate back all the good I feel like I've just freely consumed and co opted from others over the years ... The giants whose shoulders I stand on.

I'll never forget or downplay the people and exposures that are integral to who I am.

Were I born and raised on some far removed island... Id have been grown off of whatever arbitrary cultural and informational scraps that I could gets my mits on from my local hierarchy, and that's about it. I don't like the sounds of that.

Modern life has its downsides and contraindications for sure, but Hacker News is not one of them. Hacker News is one of modern day phenomon that I am thrilled to have been alive for.

Hope you all have a solid day!

Just started this year, at 16, I hope this is me in several years.

Merry Christmas!

Cheers :)

Sometimes I hope HN would have a forum, a real old forum, about life itself, not only tech.

It would be amazing to have such a high quality community able to contribute to everlasting threads. About life, decisions, and of course, curiosity.

P.S: Merry Christmas!

I imagine I would frequent that URL somewhere close to as much as the OG HN we all know and love :) that's a good idea.

You could share them on twitter: @InterstingHNposts

I’ll follow you.

I didn't know about that account, never really got into Twitter. I may check that out sometime though . Thanks for reccomending it.


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