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Ask HN: How to increase SWE salaries in Europe?
392 points by euengthrowaway on Jan 13, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 945 comments
It is often mentioned that Software Engineer salaries in Europe are significantly lower compared to US salaries, even adjusting for lower Cost of Living.

The consensus on why that is seems to be: * Individual contributors in Europe are not as valued as much as managerial professions, due to cultural/historical reasons

* Salaries in the US are skewed due to the presence of FAANG companies and VC money, which inflate salaries through the large amount of capital they inject in the system

* Europe has less freedom of enterprise (debatable), is in general more risk averse, and has a less dynamic job market (more difficult to fire lower performers), which results in lower wages to compensate for these factors.

Reasons aside, how can the European tech job market become more competitive?

I got my higher education for free. I expect to save nothing for my children or their education. I expect to have to put aside very little for retirement.

The thing is, I just can’t find an argument why I should be able to get very rich doing my job. It’s a comfortable job. It pays a good salary. I got here by taking no risk at all. I wouldn’t want to switch jobs just to drive up my pay even if I could. I have other things to think about. I have worked 20 years in the same job and so have my colleagues. This is a cultural difference I feel.

A lot of folks here are calling out the lower pay for SWEs in Europe and Canada as a failure - but also praise the low wealth inequality and low income inequality in Europe and Canada.

You can't have low inequality by definition if you decide to start paying one group a ton of money.

Well, this is a lot like the housing conversation in the US. "I want my house to go up in value, and be a great investment!" Also: "Why can't I afford a house?"

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

It's not necessarily a failure, it's just a different place to draw the line on social contract. While individual contributors earn less the social safety net also makes it much easier to found and grow a business without the threat of death and guarantees a peaceable minimum standard of living. It's also worth pointing out that salary, especially at high seniority levels, becomes a smaller and smaller part of total compensation.

Paying laborers more does not lead to the kind of inequality we see.

"You can't have low inequality by definition if you decide to start paying one group a ton of money."

Very few of even FAANG-level salaries are high enough to put them in the same bucket as the people who wield power through their wealth. Paying the entire field of SWE laborers even 50% more salary is not going to appreciably change the inequality gap.

Are you sure about that? Sure, not the top elite, but there's still a significant gap between upper middle class and lower in for example Sweden, which I believe is one of the more equal countries. FAANG level salaries would significantly widen that gap.

Agree with this take, being in the upper 10% of salaries in Sweden gave me perspective on how wide of a gap there is between myself, some friends working other office jobs (accountants, architects) and some in more blue collar work. I don't feel like I deserve a much higher salary than what I have for this society, I'll be honest and say that sometimes I feel ashamed of earning so much more than some friends given that my job isn't really that important for society.

Oh yes, familiar. I'm in Sweden, I definitely make good money by Swedish standards, and also have excellent benefits through work. This is, frankly, not proportionate to the value I provide to society. I work on some nice software that certainly adds convenience to the lives of many people in multiple countries. But it's by no means critical, and I generate less value for society than anyone working in healthcare, than competent teachers, and than many other workers who make significantly less.

Plus my job is safer and more comfortable than many others. I sit in my office, I think and I type. Unlike the emergency services, I don't risk my life or health, nor does anyone's life depend on my work. Unlike construction workers, assembly line operators and many others, my office environment is free of hazards.

Your salary is not about value for society, it's about value for your company.

Software as they say is eating the world. The software you write replaces tons of manual processes generally. Finally it come down to supply and demand. If lots of people know how to program (well) the salary goes down.

You should never feel embarrassed by making a good wage. If you wish, you can always use that wealth to give back to society and your community.

I agree with this, although it's worth highlighting that sitting at a desk all day isn't "risk free" in terms of ones health.

Being from the Netherlands, I recognize this shame. High positions in the workforce are often shamed, talked about as "easy money", as if it's inherently corrupt, people don't acknowledge their risks and responsibilities. Whether that warrants those high salaries or not, I'm not commenting on that debate. Public functions or private organizations in which the government invests, must cap salaries at what the prime minister makes, which is "only" around 200k euros, a fraction of what american CEOs make. This includes public television talent; imagine your US network television nightly news anchors being capped at 200k. (I understand those are private, just making the comparison because they're the highest watched shows in either nation. Private television in the Netherlands is not subject to the cap, but also has not the highest ratings.)

Now that I live in the USA, I've never heard anyone talk like that about a successful CEO. Envy yes, aspiration too, admiration yes.

And yet Netherlands has the highest wealth inequality in the world (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_eq...) so one could interpret this cap and the cultural attitude you described as pretty much a scam by the capital owning class to maximize their returns.

Yep. I also never understood why Europeans focus so much on income inequality ("OMG, programmers and managers get paid too much, tax them more!") and not wealth inequality where old, established families can keep rolling their wealth from generation to generation nearly tax-free and see their assets apreciate substantially while the working class bares the brunt of taxation and are getting squeezed every year more and more by wage stagnation and inflating real-estate prices.

It's a real mystery to me why people aren't up in arms about wealth inequality instead but I guess as long as the working class is provided with a minimum of comfort (food, shelter, healthcare, education, sex) and are kept busy with the ratrace for the next big career move during the day and with an endless stream of available entertainment and consumerism in the evening, they're too busy to notice, care or bother to do anything about it.

Yes exactly. People get up in arms about things they are told to get up in arms about. Many people either don't know how much of Europe's wealth is concentrated in old families, or don't care because they're not told to care.

For example, BMW. It is simply ugh. At least with US companies you know they'll do right by shareholders for better or for worse. If you invest in a German company you might as well be pissing your money away because they'll always do what's right for the heirs.

> It's a real mystery to me why people aren't up in arms about wealth inequality

You have quite a few Dutch political parties talking about this, PVDA, The green party, the socialist party etc. The socialist party (SP) actually suggests giving all employees shares in the companies they work for. But these left wing parties, while not unpopular, have the whole ultra capitalist system working agaisnt them. What can the SP do if their legislation simply causes business and the rich move to another company? It's an impossible battle. You need international cooperation for it to work, and there is no such cooperation.

That's one of the saddest things about extremism. People get disenfranchised by their existing leaders. Then they are desperate for new political blood because they don't understand the underlying problems. Clueless people who promise exactly what you want to hear start leading parties and fight the wrong battle.

Income inequality is driven by wealth inequality. The wealthiest people don't get compensated in dollars, they get compensated in equity and if that equity is going up, companies can afford to pay more to their executives.

Wealth inequality is driven by domestic economic demand shifting away. It is either concentrating in a few economic hot spots (urbanization), moving to other countries (globalization) and through central bank money that sits around in asset markets. There are probably lots of other factors but they are increasingly less impactful.

Urbanization is not necessarily a bad thing if there is enough housing and people can move to the new location, except not enough housing is built and existing residents hate the new arrivals.

Globalization is not necessarily a bad thing if it also drives foreign demand. Turns out, the Chinese really love buying foreign real estate but nobody is building the luxury apartments they want. So they have to buy less luxurious housing and drive up prices in the middle and affordable segment of the housing market.

Central bank money is not necessarily a bad thing if the money is used effectively. The government can help the economy by providing cheaper funding to companies during bad years when there is lots of work to be done. But what if the economy isn't in a bad year and merely refusing to grow? It means that there is already enough funding but not enough demand for services and workers. In that case you also have to apply the government stimulus on the demand side as well. But that's not what central banks do. They can't do it by definition because that's not their responsibility. The central banks are separated from the rest of government because the government can just abuse it's money printing powers to fund endless debt and cause hyperinflation. However, when it's the central bank that is doing the endless printing people don't seem to care, somehow most economists care even less and will assert that even moderate demand side stimulus will eventually lead to the slippery slope of hyperinflation.

Ultimately history will just repeat. A war is a quick and easy way to get rid of excess workers. It is also a quick and easy way to provide demand side stimulus in a political environment where more sensible options are considered impossible. It's like political capital is like money. Once you have run out you are going to be extremely desperate and are willing to do anything no matter how stupid. Running out of political capital is the reason why Keynesian gold digging is even a thing in the first place. All good options have been exhausted, anything that follows is batshit insane but it is also the only thing that can be done.

Well taxes on the rich are not low in NL, so it's not a scam. The current asset bubble just distorted everything in a bad way, and finding new taxes on wealth is hard since wealth flees very easily. But I agree wealth inequality should be talked about more than income inequality.

British, for contrast. I attribute most of my success to luck. I was born with aptitudes, in a stable family, white male. I'm definitely not worth what I'm paid from a societal point of view. I find the idea of being multiple times the median wage for chilling in front of a computer solving puzzles bizarre.

The idea of talking about money is slightly awkward anyway, and I guess I'd say embarrassed rather than ashamed? Different culture and motivation, but a datapoint for you :)

Interestingly while income inequality in Sweden is fairly low, wealth inequality there is one of the highest in the world and higher than in the US (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_eq...)

I'd guess that this is similar to the Netherlands, where it is primarily a function of household debt, and many households having negative net housing equity. [https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/economy-finance/e...]

The wealth inequality gini coefficient is not very useful and misleading. You could have a country where people choose to take on debt when they are young, and all of them end up with the same higher level of wealth later in life. This would be a very equal society, but could have a very high wealth inequality gini coefficient. To actually judge the wealth inequality of a society the analysis should be done cross-sectionally, comparing within age cohorts. [https://www.sv.uio.no/esop/english/publications/articles/201...]

Yes, I am quite sure. The typical FAANG developer is not earning $200k base and $200k RSUs per year. It's more like $130k - $180k and maybe $80k to $150k RSU. You have to be pretty senior to reach top 5% income at FAANG in the US--it isn't as common as HN would have you believe.

And as I've noted in another comment, top 10% doesn't put you in the same socioeconomic class as the actual wealthy (https://www.investopedia.com/personal-finance/how-much-incom...).

There's a gap between FAANG and, say, a janitor's salary; that's just not debatable. The gap is much smaller than between Mr. FAANG and Mr. Top 5%, and for all intents and purposes Mr. FAANG is Mr. Janitor when compared to Mr. Top 1%. That some FAANG employees are in the top 1% doesn't negate this.

I guess it all comes down to which unequality we're talking about. Sure, if does not significantly affect the difference between the very top and the rest. But there are a lot of differences between different brackets from the ones at the bottom up to 99% too.

Those differences between the lower brackets exist more because of the power those in the top have. Raising incomes of those in the lower brackets might increase the gaps between some of them: but those gaps are much smaller than between any of them and the top.

They do? How can you be so sure there are causation between the two? Lessen the gap between the 99% seems to affect the general consensus (since 99% share a more similar type of life and experience status /money wise), making it easier to change the rules for the top 1%.

To me this feels like falling into perfect is the enemy of great trap. Just because this topic might be affecting you (assuming you're a software dev), and because it doesn't affect the top 1%, doesn't make it smart to widen the gap between the 99%.

Not really true. Being a dev in sweden does not put you in the mid-upper class (lawyers, doctors, footballers, celebrieties, bankers, management consulting)

FAANG salaries would help close that gap.

In Ireland, software developers with similar levels of experience earn significantly more than doctors, lawyers, management consultants and most bankers. There's only a tiny number of footballers, celebrities, bankers, and non-software consultants who earn more than the software developers as a class.

Except I wasn't talking about Ireland which has low taxes and high wages for sw devs compared to continental Europe.

I like Germany for an example. The top tax bracket (Spitzensteuersatz) is 42% and is reached when you earn a laughable 57k€ a year, something that will never allow you to afford an apartment in a city for a family. The next higher tax rate is 45% for income above 279k€ a year (Rich tax). Source: https://einkommensteuerrechner.com.de/Steuersatz.php

And then the German finance ministry keeps trying to squeeze blood from the turnip even further every year by dreaming up new taxes, while actively discouraging investing (Olaf, the finance minister, claims not to invest in the stock market and keeps his money in a savings account while at the same time pushing negative interest rates) with Transaction taxes and no tax-advantaged savings account. You could consider that maybe conservative Germany encourages investment in real estate. Nope, you get to pay 6% sales tax and 1% notary fees when you buy a home, with no breaks for first-time home buyers, and you can't write the interest off on your taxes either.

Ireland does not have low taxes for individuals compared to continental Europe.

Even compared to Sweden, personal taxation is comparable for high-earners, although Ireland's much more progressive and redistributive scheme results in lower taxes for low-earners, and thus a smaller tax base.

I can tell you that I’m a not terribly highly paid software dev (by US standards) in Ireland and my marginal tax rate is about 50%, and it could go up a few points if I made more. Add 40% tax on cap gains as well. And bank interest. (I get < 1 eur a year in interest, and they send 40% of it odd to revenue. Why bother? Hell if I know.)

Hmm, it's anecdotal, but my colleagues who moved from Ireland and UK to Austria say that back there it was basically a tax heaven for tech workers compared to the income taxes they pay here so... maybe you could be wrong?

> maybe you could be wrong?

Ireland is bang on the EU average for taxation of high earners. It seems Austria has higher (although not massively so) taxation of high earners - source below.

Ireland has the most progressive taxation system in the EU, so low-earners do indeed pay less personal incomes taxes than any country other than Cyprus and Estonia.

Ireland is definitely not a tax haven for tech workers - you're the only person I've ever come across to hold that opinion. The UK may be closer to that, as self-employment is much more attractively taxed there than Ireland.


My source for the above was intended to be: https://publicpolicy.ie/papers/comparing-irish-income-taxati...

It would be helpful to include some numbers with the above comment :)

Based on my insights (I'm actively recruiting software engineers, my dad used to run a health clinic as a doctor, I'm educated and have many friends within management consulting - in Sweden) that's at least not true for doctors - at least it's in the same ballpark (in contrast with FAANG-level salaries).

Marginal tax rates are much higher in Europe at lower levels, so in order to pay someone 50% more, you would have to pay them 100% more for them to get a 50% pay increase to make up for the money taken by taxes (the mechanism that prevents wealth inequality)

>the mechanism that prevents wealth inequality

False, this mechanism only prevents income inequality but not wealth inequality as existing wealth is not taxed much in Europe.

For example, inheritances, assets and properties are not taxed much in Europe (people scream double taxation if you propose that) but income is taxed substantially so you'll never be able to save enough to catch up to the upper classes who own assets.

So actually, in some European countries, while having low income inequality because of high income taxes, you end up with huge wealth inequality due to untaxed inheritances, assets and overvalued properties rolled over across multiple generations to the point where Germany's top 10% own two thirds of the country's wealth:


To level the playing field and reduce wealth inequality, a sound policy would be to tax income less and tax inheritances and assets more but fat chance of that ever happening as that would be a blow to the ruling class.

This comment makes the mistake of treating Europe like a country, which it is not.

> For example, inheritances, assets and properties are not taxed much in Europe (people scream double taxation if you propose that) but income is taxed substantially so you'll never be able to save enough to catch up to the upper classes who own assets.

In Ireland, apart from relatively small tax-free thresholds (€335,000 lifetime from parent to child, for example), gifts and inheritances are taxed at 33%.

In the UK, above its (similar) threshold, the rate is 40%.

The US Federal Estate tax rate is 40%, but with an enormous $11,580,000 estate threshold, which is orders of magnitude higher than Ireland or the UK.

Even though Ireland and the UK have some of the highest inheritance taxes in the world, the EU effective average is still ~14% - double the global average of ~7% and on par with the US, where added State taxes vary the average between 12% and 19%. Source: https://www.uhy.com/uk-imposes-highest-taxes-on-inheritance-...

>This comment makes the mistake of treating Europe like a country, which it is not.

Of course it's not, never said it was but cherry picking countries with larger inheritance tax is also a mistake as you can't choose where you pay your taxes as an EU resident. You pay them where your main residence is.

So on the other side of the spectrum you have Austria which has high income tax (because socialism and income equality) but basically no inheritance taxes, and taxes on assets are levied on their original purchase price so you end up having countless residents who earn small incomes but are sitting on millions of euros of wealth due to exploding real estate values but only pay 5 Euros tax per year as that's levied against the purchase price from 60 years ago when their grandparents bought it for pennies.

So you end up with huge wealth inequality where even people with good incomes pay high taxes and are priced out of the real estate market if they don't come from families of means.

I didn't cherry pick anything. I chose the UK and Ireland as they directly contradict your statement that:

> False, this mechanism only prevents income inequality but not wealth inequality as existing wealth is not taxed much in Europe.

The E.U. is home to both the highest and lowest inheritance taxes in the world, and averages very close to the US. I think this adequately refutes your statement that "existing wealth is not taxed much in Europe."

I play an economic simulation game. Every time I see an asset explode in price (inflation) I am thinking "I should get into this industry and produce the stuff that is going up in price". High housing prices are a strong demand signal, meaning more houses should be built. It's really unfortunate that it does not happen enough.

Because it's not the building the houses that's the tricky part, that is easy, it's the land that's expensive and difficult to obtain. That's what's appreciating since it's a finite amount, not the walls and roof sitting on it.

The problem with inheritance taxes is that there are some crazy people who believe that the tax rate should be 100%.

There is also the big issue that you can just transfer most of the wealth well before death.

If I were to suggest an inheritance tax it would not be significantly higher than 30% but it should have a generous tax exemption for at least $10 million.

However, I personally do believe not that this is an effective solution against wealth inequality because it is a very slow mechanism. It would make more sense to just raise capital gains taxes and decrease dividends taxes so that there is no longer a heavy skew towards wealth building in the first place.

You can still get returns but they have to be paid through a dividend which generally correlates with useful economic activity. You can't just flood the market with cheap money and then use the cheap money to pay dividends if you didn't earn the income in the first place.

Borrowing money doesn't increase the value of a company. It is neutral. If the company is spending that borrowed money on dividends then the company is losing value by exactly the amount that is paid out.

That's more or less true in the U.S. too, at the rates software engineers make, at least in NY and CA. In my locality a software engineer making $100k will face a 40% marginal tax rate.

That's fairly low by E.U. standards. The marginal rate in Ireland would be 52%.

40%?! Where do you live? The effective federal income tax at 100k is 22.75%. I don't think any state has a 17.25% effective income tax, certainly not if you only earn 100k.

If you're making 100K in California, your marginal tax rate is:

- Federal: 24%

- State: 9.3%

- FICA: 7.65% (6.2% social security, 1.45% medicare)

- SDI: 1%

This gets you to 42%. Your employer matches the FICA payments too, so that's closer to 50% of your take-home pay.

Once you make enough to pay off the regressive FICA taxes ($142K) you get bumped back down to "just" the mid-high 30% range briefly, until you hit $163K, then its back up to 40% again.

So California is basically on par with Germany? Yet all I hear from Americans is how our tax rates are high.

A lot of those "taxes" are also not going into the government's budget. They are used to fund specific services exclusively.

Wow, I had no idea

It's not insane - it's pretty common in most developed countries. The US is a major outlier.

In many developed countries, 42% tax would cover healthcare, a pension you can actually live off of, and fully-paid education for all of your children. Californians get none of those things, and I don't really understand what it is that they get over (e.g.) Washingtonians for the extra ~30% in taxes.

In the states, tax is obscure but painful -- you feel it when you pay it, like a sales tax not included in the price or a complicated tax form. In Europe, tax is hidden but smooth -- like a VAT built into the cost of everything or a 3-box tax form (in NL)

They get to work 50-60 hour weeks. But that's not exclusive to California. Every state has that advantage. /s

Are you sure Washington doesn't just take the money from some other tax? Like property tax and business tax?

I'm actually curious, is there somewhere you can see the total revenue for a state from the union of all collected taxes and fees?

30% ? The difference is 9% and is probably made up through other taxes. I know Washington has the highest alcohol and cigarette taxes for example

They get protection by the US military and promotion of Californian business interests throughout the world through Federal institutions. Not to mention: friction free access to a large labor pool and US domestic market etc.

I get your point that the US doesn’t provide as much social services as other developed nations. Almost all these nations depend on US hegemony to not have to spend as much on their military. This is a choice that the US made. There are good arguments for scaling back military spending and increasing social spending without compromising US hegemony though, however those choices may not be politically expedient so here we are.

I don't want to address the hegemony point beyond I disagree on the need or even effectiveness of US military.

But I would want to point out the curious phrasing and of your first paragraph and what that says about USA way of thinking. All these points are business targeted while all european points are individual targeted.

> But I would want to point out the curious phrasing and of your first paragraph and what that says about USA way of thinking. All these points are business targeted while all european points are individual targeted.

I don't think there is anything curious about this way of thinking. And US hegemony plays directly into this!

Pre-World Wars, European nations had their colonies and their militaries and the priority of thinking was along similar lines: access to expansive markets, large pools of labor, protection of business interests etc, chiefly through colonies.

WW2 changed all of that, reducing European nations to client states (no disrespect) of the US, that funded their reconstruction. Colonialism was no longer allowed, and European nations could not freely pursue foreign markets without competing with US companies, which would always get precedence. With no real way to compete with the US militarily, and with NATO aligning with their immediate geo-political needs anyways, European nations invested heavily on Social Services, rather than blow up their military budgets. This geopolitical equation hasn't changed post WW2 and you have generations of people that consider social services as the primary function of their Government.

However, its a fundamental mistake to assume that a Government can provide effective social services without having a strong economy. Strong economies require successful businesses.

> However, its a fundamental mistake to assume that a Government can provide effective social services without having a strong economy. Strong economies require successful businesses.

Umm... I would say the social services in european countries are pretty successful.

It can depend on what to compare them to (and for what class, which changes a lot in terms on access to commercial clinics, etc.). What countries are you comparing to?

I can get into the nuances of it, but honestly even on surface level, just the single point that my Health care is not linked with my job gives me infinitely more control over my life.

WA residents get all of these things with 0% state tax, and only a bit more in property taxes. What Californians get for the extra taxes (and Washingtonians too, for that matter, for a large fraction of theirs) is a jobs program for incompetents that occasionally achieves something good as an unintended side effect; known as government.

I frankly have no idea why US govts on all levels, and from all parties, seem so much more incompetent than many European/Asian ones (I have a pet theory), but they are.

> They get protection by the US military and promotion of Californian business interests throughout the world through Federal institutions. Not to mention: friction free access to a large labor pool and US domestic market etc.

And Washingtonians do not? What you wrote does not address the question that the parent poster asked.

The Washingtonians part was added by the OP after I made my comment. Originally it was a comparison of CA with European states only.

It's not a major outlier if it's common.

100k USD in GBP is 73347.60. In the UK you'd be taxed 30% on that, including national insurance. https://listentotaxman.com/73347.60

No, in the UK, your marginal rate at that income would be 42% (40% income + 2% National Insurance).

If you have children, you lose out on child benefit between 60k and 70k, which adds an equivalent 10% in that margin.

Between 100 and 120k there is also the loss of personal allowance, which results in a marginal tax rate of 62% in that bracket. If you have children between the ages of 3 and 4, you also lose out on 15 hours/week childcare, resulting in that marginal tax rate hitting 89%

The marginal rate in a small bracket isn't that relevant to the effective rate though.

+9% if you’re still repaying student loans, which is common until 40s.

Student loans operate like a tax in the U.K., taking 9% of your pre-tax income above 15 or 25k directly from your payslip.

I don’t view paying my own individual debt as a tax. I have a percentage of my pay deducted and diverted to my retirement account. That’s not a tax either, even though it’s percentage-based on my pre-tax amount and directly deducted.

You can opt out of your pension contributions. You can’t opt-out of paying student loans, which is an available option with other debts.

Student loan deductions reduce a balance that doesn’t impact your credit score, can’t chase you for repayment (unless you do something stupid like move country and fail to inform them) and doesn’t impact lender decisions. Most people have no hope of repaying their ‘loan’ in their lifetimes and instead expect the loan to be written off after 25 years. U.K. student loans being debt is a technicality, it’s a tax with a countdown timer that might be shorter if you’re baller.

If you hit 100k by the time your 30 you won't be paying it off into your 40's... Tech / consulting etc, not too hard to hit that number.

You aren’t wrong, but hitting 6 figures at age 30 is very far from the typical experience. Outside of London it’s not guaranteed you’d even hit £60k.

Plan 2 students are screwed, with the high interest rates and slower repayment schedule I wouldn’t even be sure non-London devs would finish paying it off.

The take-home amount includes all of that. You lose 30% of your income.

Correct. This can be easily verified https://www.gov.uk/estimate-income-tax

Tax is (arguably, different argument) progressive.

Parent message talks about effective tax rate, you talk about marginal tax rate. You are talking about 2 different things.

Shouldn't that be 37%?

1-(1-0,24)*(1-0,093)*(1-0,0765)*(1-0,01) = 0,37

No. Those taxes are levied on the gross income, not on the net income after the previous tax has been applied.

Don’t forget the 10.25% sales tax. This puts the combined marginal tax rate at 59.85%. (24 + 9.3 + 7.65 + 7.65 + 1 + 10.25)

In Croatia the total would be about 63%. If you go through capital gains (no paycheck just profit after corporate tax, capital income tax and VAT) it's 53%. It could go down if some company expenses can be used for your life expenses.

In Austria the total is 75%. In Austria going through capital gains would still be 70%.

I'm very disappointed at how much money Europe sucks out of my work.

I call bullshit on the tax rate in Austria.

"Capital gains" through GmbH is 25% KÖSt (Körperschaftssteuer) and then 27,25% KESt on Profit. The highest VAT rate is 20%, there are also lower ones. This results in 56.35% percent including VAT (1-((1-25%)(1-27.25%)(1-20%)).

If you go through income tax as a freelancer this is even lower when you claim the default deductibles (Pauschalierung), which is common in IT jobs, because you have very low expenses. The later is also cheaper if you factor in health insurance.

Well, having a GmbH does not really allow a clean profit extraction without having employees, so when you eventually employ yourself you'll get to around 70%.

Austria is one of the worst countries in the world to do any kind of small business. Self-employment is also taxed aggressively.

A form of self-employment in Croatia allows a fixed tax payment of about 5k EUR a year with an income cap of 39k EUR per year, leaving you with 34k EUR after taxes. Similar thing in Serbia but even more money.

In Austria there's nothing like that.

It would be nice if it was possible to assign a significant amount of life expenses to business but that also is heavily bureaucratized and regulated that even buying a 5k EUR computing machine has weird tax consequences (not immediately deductible as expense in the full amount or now, because expenses are higher, you might not be able to take that 12% of profit untaxed).

I mean, I guess I'm just miserably following every word of law and my accountant's advice and maybe other people just ignore a bunch of these guidelines and hope that inspection never comes.

39k EUR a year in Austria is 33% tax+insurance+pension:

20% "forced savings" (Pension + Vorsorgekasse) 7% health insurance 6% income tax

But 39k a year is definitely not a freelance programmer in Austria.

80-120k is the average I see at my colleagues and enterprise customers for freelance programmers with regular working hours compared to regular employees (5 week vacation, sick absence, ...). I know people scratching at 200k, but they are senior consultants.

So a more realistic view would be 100k 40,5% tax+insurance+pension 15% "forced savings" (Pension + Vorsorgekasse) 6% health insurance 19,6% income tax

This calculation assumes that you do not really have significant expenses of business. Having those actually makes the picture look worse.

You can calculate here for yourself, no "cheating" required: https://abrechnen.wko.at (official chamber of commerce calculator)

A GmbH is always better at 220k+/year. But there may be reasons you would want one earlier (liability, employees, IP, investments, ...)

Employing people in Austria is expensive ("cost of labor"). Beeing self employed is not bad, if you factor in benefits and costs of life and quality of life.

Well, 34k after taxes in Zagreb, Croatia is about 50k after taxes in Vienna. Given the increased cost of living and quite similar bureaucratic and regulation heavy state I'd say the self-employment is very aggressively taxed. For 50k after taxes you need to earn quite a lot compared to 39k in Croatia and the benefits are not that much different.

> I'm very disappointed at how much money Europe sucks out of my work

Are you owner of property like apartment or house there? Just wandering, if that makes a significant personal economic difference for owning it in EU.

I do not own anything substantial. Saving for a house in the capital city would take about 15 years of frugal living as a programmer. I could also take a loan.

What I also dislike is the tax prepayments for business owners, which is basically legal theft. The government takes tax in advance and then gives you back the money if you overpaid after about a year. I wouldn't mind this if taxes were low.

Imagine being a business owner and there's a period of irregular income yet the advance tax payment arrives and bankrupts you.

The taxes here are just insanely high and everything is insanely inefficient. Healthcare, education and municipal services.

After moving from Croatia to Austria, it's much worse in Austria, a wealthier country but still, I see all of the same patterns of inefficiency and they are even worse because Croatia can't afford being so inefficient.

If you can back it up with numbers you can request to reduce the prepayments. This request is usually granted.

Yes, but free studies, free healthcare and unemployment benefits.

Only if you buy stuff, though. Which was hard this year in particular, and not terribly useful once basic needs are met.

But one of the reasons why buying stuff was so hard last year (which I imagine is what you meant) was because people were buying a lot more stuff.

GP is based in UK where lockdowns closed shops. So it was literally hard to buy things when shops are closed.

This is slightly misleading. The federal tax rate is a tiered system, meaning a portion of your income is taxed at a certain rate and income that exceeds that tier is taxed at a different rate after that and so on.

The federal tax rate is much lower if you account for that.

Op did say “marginal rate”

Yes, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't understand what that means. No doubt it's not true on HN, but a lot of people among the general public seem to be under the impression that the effective rate jumps at thresholds.

I personally know someone who turned down a payrise for this reason.

Given that in modern economy it's insurmountably more difficult to earn first million than the next ten, 50% increase in SWE salary would give a huge advantage and produce non-linear effects on inequality gap.

It does lead to gentrification, instant conflicts between newcomers and old residents, pushes up prices, etc.

Plus having that more money means one can invest a bit, and a generation later dad can give a big gift to help seed the kid's startup.

> You can't have low inequality by definition if you decide to start paying one group a ton of money.

You can, if you give the other groups a ton of money too.

Wages in Europe have stagnated compared to GDP [1] too, so it's not unreasonable to fight for higher wages.

[1]: https://www.robert-schuman.eu/en/european-issues/0289-labour...

There is only so much "richness" you can share. You can't give 400 million american a nice car, a big house with a view on the ocean, 100% organic food and access to top level healthcare and education. Unless you produce those thing at that scale, and some things are by definition not scalable (there is only one "best medical school in the US"). So some people have more power to get access to/acquire those desirable items. And software engineers are often amongst the first in line. If you want other people to have a better access to these, by definition that leads to current "first in line" to loose something.

Giving more money to everyone is easy, everyone was a billionaire in Zimbabwe few years back. That did not make them "rich".

There's quite a gap to be filled between the current US situation and "everyone has a house with ocean view". You might not be able (and not want) to bring inequality to 0, that doesn't mean the current level can't be lowered a good deal with good solutions. And yes, education can scale a lot - it's just that many gatekeepers don't want that. The story of humankind is making exclusive things available for everyone.

As others have pointed out, people don't actually want "a nice car, a big house with a view on the ocean, 100% organic food and access to top level healthcare and education." all at once. They want a "good enough solution". Some of them are fine with an apartment with a view on the ocean. Some of them are fine with a house without a view on the ocean. Some of them want organic food, a lot of people eat junk food or processed food and like it.

This is basically a strawman that you built so that you can easily defeat it.

Think of the most extreme possible scenario. An economy where no human workers are needed and only capital is needed to build robots that are equally good workers as humans. The rich will own a lot of robots and no longer be dependent on human workers. Here is the problem. Since everyone else is unemployed, nobody can afford to buy your products. It is actually possible to get wealthier by giving to those who have nothing in this scenario because although the rich own robots, the robots are effectively worthless if they don't do any work. You don't even have to give that money away for free, you can just lend it out.

Lending doesn't work in existing economies because it is very difficult to get access to capital if you have no money to begin with. It's also a chicken and egg situation because you need money in consumer hands to drive demand which then drives more loans. If you spend your loans wastefully then the money will arrive in consumer hands by mere chance. So in theory if you just print an infinite amount of money some of it will trickle down eventually. That's the idiotic policy central banks around the world are following instead of giving out just (emphasis on just) enough money to get everyone back to work.

>Giving more money to everyone is easy, everyone was a billionaire in Zimbabwe few years back. That did not make them "rich".

There is an easy indicator for when to stop. You can stop handing out money once you have reached the 2% inflation goal.

> those things at that scale

When everybody have those things, you no longer think of them as "richness". Richness is what sticks out.

150 years ago very few people had running water, electricity, fridge, WC, etc.

Most urban americans live "richer" lives today than the rich did 150 years ago.

>Most urban americans live "richer" lives today than the rich did 150 years ago.

This "richness" is also relative: If you own a goat in a village with no goats, you're rich. If you own an apartment in a village of McMansions you're poor.

And let's not mistake comfort with wealth. Just because I have electricity, a WC, a fridge and don't plow the fields like my grandparents did might make me seem rich, but my grandparents owned that land they were plowing while I don't own the "land" I am "plowing" at my comfy deskjob, but the corporation does, nor do I own the land I live and sleep on, but the landlord/bank does.

Our lives are now much more safe and comfortable than 150 years ago, but in the end, most of us who are not asset owners, are set to be serfs for life, just like 150 years ago except that instead of being serfs to a crown we are serfs to banks and publicly traded megacorps.

The US has around 150000km of shoreline.

There are roughly 350M inhabitants, but only about 120M households.

If you want to give everyone a house with a view of the ocean, with plots 10m wide, you need to build them around 8 deep to give everyone a view of the ocean.

It may be easier to do if you stagger the plots.

Everybody earning more will just lead to more inflation. I expect most of the additional pay will end up in higher housing prices.

> Everybody earning more will just lead to more inflation.

Normally we measure wage growth adjusted for inflation.

In my case I referred to wages as share of gdp, which has been going down over the last decades. There is no reason that shouldn't at least be a fixed amount. If it's not, it means that people who make money outside of wages (shareholders etc.) are capturing a steadily larger part of the total economy.

Increasing wages for everyone doesn't inherently mean everybody will earn more. Less money will go to shareholders, decreasing inequality

It can be difficult for shareholders to earn money if there is high CPI inflation.

If the previous year over year ROI is 7% and inflation grows by 3% then you have to increase your ROI to 10% just to catch up with inflation. This means only the most productive companies will actually maintain their existing growth.

Compare that to a deflationary environment where every warm body with a big bank account can get 7% ROI without even trying or even do annoying things like employ workers.

This is the wrong mode of thinking.

>I expect most of the additional pay will end up in higher housing prices.

It will _justify_ existing house prices. If inflation picks up the interest rate will rise and the cost of housing will stop growing. The increased wages can still afford the same housing price, but not a cent more.

> You can't have low inequality by definition if you decide to start paying one group a ton of money.

That's true, but the question is, the higher salary you refuse to take as a SWE in Europe, does it really go instead to someone else in need of it? Or is it just pocketed by someone who already has more money than you?


Fiscal policies and budgeting policies aren't "This group of people will pay for that group of people, and that group will pay for the other."

Your taxes become part of a revenue line on various budgets. Who gets what is defined through various public policies, grants, subsidies, procurement. Maybe a chunk of your taxes will be allotted to social programs, another chunk to NASA and maybe another chunk to various endowments such as the Humanities and the Arts.

Moreover, the issue isn't just how tax revenue is spend. The issue is just as much in how taxes are levied. Income taxes for individuals vary from taxes on financial instruments, corporate taxes, value added taxes and various other taxes. Or even the taxes that get tacked on your various utility bills, the estate you inherit from a loved one and so on.

> Or is it just pocketed by someone who already has more money than you?

Money is often seen as a store of value. The more you have of it, the better of you are. But that's only part of the story.

Money only gains real value when it is exchanged. That's how wealth is created. Money acts as "oil in an engine". If money doesn't get exchanged, you have an economic crisis.

The big issue is today is that 50 years of complex global policy making have generated dynamics that pushed holes in the engine, causing that oil to leak away. Where to? The financial markets. Where money is exchanged for debts.

If you want an equitable economy, you have to address fiscal and monetary policies first. Not this "who gets my money" argument.

Or it could be neither. Perhaps that revenue isn't being generated in the first place.

> you refuse to take as a SWE in Europe

Refuse to take?

I wouldn't call Canadian (or Fr or Se) wealth inequality 'low'. 'Why I can't afford a house', again is more a problem in Fr/De/Se than in US, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_home_owne...

Inequality in Canada is substantially lower than in America (and is on par with Australia, and between Fr and Se). This is evidenced in their Gini coefficients. [1]

- Gini for SE is 0.25

- Gini for FR is 0.31

- Gini for CA is 0.33

- Gini for US is 0.48

- Gini for ZA is 0.65

I've also included South Africa for comparison, one of the least equal societies on earth. A photo of what a 0.65 Gini country looks like is here (https://blog.prif.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/SA_Drone_Pi...)

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient

From your link, GINI of Canada and Tajikistan is the same or Finland and Azerbaijan. Totalitarian states like Belarus or Kazakhstan have one of the lowest GINIs in the world, now I question gini usefulness even more.

I assumed you realized we were constraining ourselves to places with a High or Very High HDI.

If nobody has any money at all, would you not say inequality is low? If everyone in Tajikistan has $5 except the president, Emomali Rahmon, is inequality not low?

I suspect you are looking for a pairing of HDI and Gini, which factors in both the development (and hence the standard of living) and the inequality.

Sweden: (Gini: 0.25, HDI: 0.933), France: (Gini: 0.31, HDI: 0.901), Canada: (Gini: 0.33, HDI: 0.926), USA: (Gini: 0.48, HDI: 0.924), South Africa: (Gini: 0.65, HDI: 0.709).

Now, Tajikistan has an HDI of 0.66 ("medium"), and Azerbaijan 0.756 ("high").

Kazakhstan might surprise you, the HDI is 0.817 ("very high"). The standard of living there is actually good, in spite of what you may have seen on Borat - incidentally filmed in Romania. Almaty's been on my list of places to visit for a long time :) [1]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almaty

> Borat - incidentally filmed in Romania

Romania: Gini: 0.36, HDI: 0.828

HDI is close to Kazakhstan, actually

> If everyone in Tajikistan has $5 except the president

That distribution will yield a very high gini coefficient of very close to 1.

No, it yields a Gini coefficient very close to zero.

The Gini coefficient is defined as 1/2 the mean absolute difference considering all pairs of households:


A group of people where everyone has the same income as a Gini coefficient of exactly zero. Adding a single outlier will increase it a little. A group of 1001 with 1000 people earning $1 and one person earning $100 has a Gini coefficient of 0.09.

>> If everyone in Tajikistan has $5 except the president

> That distribution will yield a very high gini coefficient of very close to 1.

It yields (n-1)|5-p|/(2n(5(n-1)+p)) which is about p/(5n+p).

So it depends on whether the president (p) has $10 or $n^2.

indeed. If everyone in tajikistan has $5 except the president, who has $1, the gini coefficient will be different.

Trives of neanderthals were very equal too.

Obviously you have to compare apples to apples

Read "Sapiens" 35 hour working week as a hunter gather is far preferable to the 60 + home chores of the homo softwaricus.

I'm always sceptical when I see people quoting 50-60+ hours a week as a "normal" workload. I don't doubt that many people spend that much time in the office but I can't believe they're actually productive for that many hours - I know for myself (as, I think, a reasonably effective developer) I can't sustain much more than 40 productive hours a week for long.

I would way rather program 60 hours a week than live as the hunter-gatherers did.

I am not sure, in there own world some tribes might have been far happier than 95% of society is today

I don't think I am able to make this judgement but I can talk about what happened after hunter gatherer tribes disappeared.

If you are a hunter gatherer you just need a good hunt every now and then. There is no pressure to perform work all day if you get enough food.

This is different if you are a farmer. Farming is highly labor intensive. There is so much work to do that you are never done. You will have to repeat the same motions every single day. Swing the same tools the exact same way. People are tied to their land and it is possible to conquer the land violently. You are dependent on a military force which implies that a local ruler must collect taxes to pay the soldiers. That ruler also has power over you which can easily be abused.

Democracy is definitively fairer than having an authoritarian ruler but it can be subject to tyranny of the majority or the minority and still cause failure in leadership.

That is until they die from a simple infection.

Or starvation, or being eaten by a grue. People who think being a hunter-gatherer sounds great should go try it, there's nothing stopping them from doing so. They don't because actually, living in civilization with abundant cheap food, clean running hot and cold water, indoor plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and entertainment is great.

This argument is a fallacy. There's plenty of stuff stopping me from being a successful hunter-gatherer:

1. HGs are very skilled, and they build their skills throughout their lives - crucially, starting with childhood and adolescence. I, an adult brought up in a Western civilization, would be totally clueless in a rain forest the same way that those HGs would be totally clueless in our world.

2. HGs live in groups. I would need to find a group of HGs that would accept me, which is highly unlikely because of the language and culture barrier, plus my lack of skills - why would they want to have anything to do with an useless guy in the first place? My CV full of accomplishments does not impress them at all.

Unfortunately, just like transplanting an adult HG into our society most likely ends in them becoming a homeless addict, most likely result for me heading for the jungle is fairly quick death.

I guess I should have said "there's nothing stopping them except lack of will to do the required work." Which I guess makes sense since the motivation generally seems to be a desire for a return to some noble-savage-in-Eden life of plenty and ease.

How do you integrate with a HG community that doesn't care about you or, even worse, kills you and eats you? It's not only about "required work" but also about serious life-threatening risks involved. Whereas if you were born as a HG, those risks aren't there.

> People who think being a hunter-gatherer sounds great should go try it, there's nothing stopping them from doing so.

Well, I mean, except property rights and the people that will defend them in most of the places in the planet suitable for human habitation.

The Missus and I tried to plan going back to nature as a quarantine thought experiment. The conclusion was that it's simply not possible in most of Europe unless one manages to find a Sami spouse, and even then, most Sami seem to live fairly modern lives. As a Nordic citizen the Greenland option is there as well, but the situation is similar to the Sami one.

And the above presumes the existing population would accept you, and it's quite likely they won't.

Deciding to live off the land without special privileges enjoyed by native populations is simply not possible; regular financial transactions between you and society is a requirement, and it's pretty much impossible to raise children without access to modernities and without having the authorities go after you for child abuse.

you can make a simpler experiment: try going a week with only food you can forage in nearby forests and fields, plus some meat you'd buy (you're not expected to be able to hunt).

I love eating wild weeds and berries, but it takes _a lot_ of time to get enough to fill yourself, and it's not a case that people have only eaten stuff like acorns only in times of famine.

This fact by itself made me question a lot of what's in "Sapiens".

a tropical island wull give results very different to like a siberean forest.

Also from what i gather most meat was aquired from trapping, rather than hunting

Plenty of hunter gatherer tribes still around for the people crazy enough to want to join them

It is not likely any of them will gladly accept new members.

Gaining acceptance by a tribe and finding ways to not die if you ever become disfavored seems like part of the whole hunter-gatherer package, don't you think?

They tend not to be very wealthy by modern standards. Maybe you could ingratiate yourself to them with them gifts of things that require modern manufacturing infrastructure.

Your argument literally defeats itself.

You were born into the tribe, and stayed there your entire life. Also there were no laws on hunting, setting traps, etc.


We've banned this account for using HN primarily (exclusively? I skimmed your history and didn't see a single exception) for political and ideological battle. It's not what this site is for, and it destroys what it is for, so we ban accounts that do it regardless of which side they're battling for.

You've also broken the site guidelines frequently with snark and attacks on other users. Not cool.


Seems better than perennial back pain from sitting long hours and getting brain fried from implementing same logic of micro-service 1000th time for a 'challenging' project.

Go try it and let us know how it works out

This virtue signalling about hunter gatherers is funny. It's not the first time I've seen these kinds of discussions :-)

And don’t forget murder. So, so much murder: https://ourworldindata.org/ethnographic-and-archaeological-e...

Sprain an ankle and you’re out of food that week.

Break a leg, if you’re lucky, you’ll a burden for s month.

On the other hand, your teeth may be healthier than that of people who gulp sugary drinks.

I would not refer to Harari in any context as an author worth reading. „Sapiens“ is a popular book, but scientifically it’s at least questionable.

I think you have to approach it with a certain mindset. I didn’t read it as a source of reliable history, but I definitely got a lot of value out of it. He has a way of presenting ideas from perspectives I haven’t considered before. In fact disagreeing with him and trying to find evidence against his often too simple narratives is a fun exercise on its own, and I learned a lot just from those tangents.

In totalitarian states, everyone is equally poor.

> In totalitarian states, everyone is equally poor.

Not quite. In totalitarian states, typically everyone's income is fairly equal.

Wealth, however, is often another matter.

In the soviet Union, party apparatchiks often had very nice dachas to live in, fancy cars, exclusive shopping venues with imported goods, vacations abroad, etc. But these things weren't necessarily purchased with disposable income, per-se. At least not officially.

I would quibble with the "fancy cars" part. Only the nomenklatura got government owned fancy cars and other perks --that reverted to the state if they lost the position. So it was a kind of state wealth that you temporarily had custody over.

To some extent, many of the "fancy cars" and other perks of capitalistic wealth are also things that one has only temporary access to by virtue of one's position. Without the position and the attached income, these can revert to the bank or other creditor.

After the wall came down and the GDR collapsed, East Germans were surprised how simple the life of the highest government functionaries was. They had a small gated community, with a level of luxury (except perhaps for extra labor) which is comparable to North American middle class: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldsiedlung

Are those wealth or income coefficients?

My impression has been that wealth inequality in many places in Europe is much higher than income inequality, as a factor of it being an older society.

The places in Europe I'd want to move to are really no cheaper to buy a house than the places I'd want to live in the US.

I grabbed these from FRED and it looks like they use the income version, not the wealth version. [1]

[1] https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/SIPOVGINICAN

Gotcha, thanks.

I pulled some city-level numbers and it seems like at least in some areas, European SWE are missing out compared to coastal US ones:

London 2018: 0.7 https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/nationalaccounts/uksectoracco...

SF 2012: 0.523 https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Income-inequality-on-... (probably this has gone up!)

Paris 2015: ~0.492 https://www.institutmontaigne.org/en/blog/data-inequalities-... (they just say "similar to brazil", which is 0.492

Its unfortunately harder to find a bunch of city-level data, I wasn't able to find any German cities on quick googling, so I'm definitely fulfilling stereotypes of "Americans who think of Europe as just a couple famous cities", but those capture at least a couple of major population centers that aren't so appealing if you're a dev compared to the US hotspots: they're still unequal, but suddenly you're not nearly as high on the totem pole.

However you look at wealth inequality Sweden is actually the most unequal country in that list:

SE is 0.867 FR is 0.687 CA is 0.726 US is 0.852 ZA is 0.806

That picture likely contrasts lower middle class and lower class - middle class and upper middle class houses in south africa would not be across the road from an informal settlement due to unbelievable levels of theft and violent crime in such areas.

Home ownership is strongly influenced by culture. Germans are just happier to rent. Buying often doesn't make a lot of sense financially either. It's not much cheaper to buy than to rent and you lose a lot of flexibility. I could afford to buy a house, but I don't want to. That would just tie up a large fraction of my wealth into one fairly risky investment and make it much harder to move when my life changes.

Germany also has among the lowest median household wealth in Europe[1] despite having a high median income[2].

This explains the high wealth inequality we observe[3], despite the low income inequality[4].

This could be caused by the low levels of home ownership given that home ownership (and the associated leverage) is a huge tool for wealth accumulation for the average person.

I know that people say you can make more from ETF's etc. than real estate, but I'm not sure if that applies so much to your primary residence given you will always need somewhere to live and a bank isn't going to lend you hundreds of thousands of euros to invest in ETF's, but they will for your primary residence.

The extra mobility you have while renting is an advantage but one that comes with a hefty price.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_pe...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income#Median_equivalen...

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_eq...

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_income_eq...

What’s risky about the investment? I’m of the impression that real estate is one of the more stable investments, subprime mortgage scandals notwithstanding.

What isn't? Volatile market value, risks of breakdowns and fires and previously undiscovered structural flaws, fires, natural distasters, etc. It's putting a lot of your eggs in one basket, which in investment terms is same as foregoing diversification, ie taking on a lot of risk for no corresponding increase in returns. Depending on jurisdiction, risk of unfair treatment in a divorce. High transaction costs when changing housing due to changing life circumstances. And to top it off you are binding the important service of having a roof over your head to the fate of this investment.

Home process in the US are historically very stable. I would think this is also true in Europe? As for diversification, your house shouldn’t be your only investment. As for fires and natural disasters, this is why insurance exists. Owning a home isn’t for everyone, but I don’t think there’s anything particularly risky about it as far as investments go.

Are you looking at home prices as aggregate? It will naturally seem a lot more stable then since you are then looking at what you'd have if you had diversification! As for individual cases of housing, I think we've recently seen enough discussion of CA volatility to conclude that at least big cities have a lot of volatility in individual housing units.

(Of course this all depends on the alternative too: renting regulations vary widely over the world in how strong the position of the occupants is wrt rent increases and landlord initiated termination)

I’m not talking about California (which is anomalous in many respects), but I am talking about the general market in various municipalities as well as anecdata from various people about their property values increasing from year to year.

Buying a home in a tolerable location costs at least 200k in my area and upkeep isn't free either. I can rent an apartment in a much better area for fifteen to twenty years for just the initial investment.

A house can easily lose its value or at least cause large expenses, e.g. if the cellar floods or develops mold problems. Or if the surrounding neighborhood becomes worse.

Selling houses has a large transaction cost.

I really don't see much benefits to owning over renting. I'd rather have 200k in a diversified portfolio that earns me 5k a year after taxes and has a much lower probability of losing 30% of its value while living in an apartment in a central location than own a house in a suburb that costs me a few thousand a year in upkeep and taxes. I'd likely need to buy a car too in that case, which is another few thousand a year.

> I'd rather have 200k in a diversified portfolio that earns me 5k a year

From a financial point of you a difference is that to do this you need to have 200k cash, while you can borrow most of the money to buy a 200k house.

There is a leveraging effect when investing in property.

I think the economic tradeoffs in buying a house are pretty country specific. For example, renters in Germany have very strong legal protection. It is very difficult for your landlord to kick you out, or raise the rent dramatically. I could certainly afford to buy the flat I live in, but I prefer to have the money invested in the stock market instead, and have someone to call (who also pays for) any problems. I also lived in rented apartments in France and UK, and it felt significantly different: Limited-term contracts, poor maintenance, (poorly) furnished - I would not want to live that way forever (of course, I choose these contracts because I only intended to stay for a limited time).

Interestingly, in Poland, it's the renter who is responsible for taking care of all problems, except structural ones and perhaps stuff like mold. Everything else is on the renter, and he is expected to return the house in "no worse" condition on the lease's end - meaning, repairing all the white goods in the house if they break etc.

Germany takes care of that problem by not supplying a kitchen or any white goods at all when renting an apartment. Of course, exceptions apply and some landlords do offer an EBK (fitted kitchen) when renting.

Shouldn't you also factor rent into your calculations? I don't know how high it is on 200k property, but I assume it's significantly higher than 5k/year. Owning a house is risky for the reasons you've mentioned, but might give you higher returns.

Like I said, owning isn’t for everyone (my point is only that it’s not an extraordinarily risky investment contrary to the OP’s claim). 5k a year isn’t rent in most places.

You should also consider the liquidity risk when selling a house. The MSFT stock is traded thousands of times per day, so there is strong consensus on its price. A house like yours in a neighborhood like yours is maybe traded once per year, so there will be less consensus and you would have to wait longer for a suitable buyer or discount the price.

How volatile is the housing market in Germany? And there are solutions to the other problems - getting the house properly surveyed before buying, insurance for fires.

The long-term trend in Germany has been a movement from rural to urban areas, and immigration from outside of Germany to German cities. So if you had an apartment or house in a city you are sitting pretty, not so much if you had the same in a small town or village.

> What’s risky about the investment?

The German population is shrinking.

Real estate as a safe and stable investment in the long term relies on steady population growth to insure that demand will always be there for you to be able to sell at a good price.

Of course, if you buy in the most desirable locations you may be shielded from this because demand outstrips supply by a huge margin to begin with.

Doesn't that really depend on where and culture? If you bought a house in Detroit in 1965 you aren't likely doing well today. If you bought in San Francisco in 2019 you're probably under today (though that may fix itself). If you bought in Japan almost anywhere you now have a used house which like a used car only goes down in value. If you're lucky the land goes up but condos/apartments you don't usually own the land and even then only in prime locations. Most locations land is likely losing value as the population declines. Land in Ginza (the most expensive land in Japan) only recently passed its late 1980s price per square meter.

Yes, there are extreme examples, just like there are extreme examples in the stock market.

You can diversify in the stock market (in fact for most people investing in funds it's the default), you cannot diversify in your housing investment.

The argument is that home ownership isn't a worse risk-adjusted investment than stocks. If you know how to reduce risk in the stock market without correspondingly reducing your returns, do share.

I believe that is also not true. Case Shiller is up barely ~x3 since 1990 including the recent large bump [1]; SP500 appears to be ~x12 since 1990. Inflation-adjusted, according to Wikipedia, Case Shiller National index is up ~25% since 2000.

Also, extreme risks is not what most people aim for in investing when most of their net worth is involved; the utility of money is not linear.

[1] https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CSUSHPINSA

> If you know how to reduce risk in the stock market without correspondingly reducing your returns, do share.

If you want to do it without reducing your expected returns you diversify to products with similar expected returns and, to the extent practical, mutually independent risks.

I don't see how this can be true. If you're splitting your investment, your downsides are smaller but your upsides are also smaller, and presumably by the same amount.

> I don’t see how this can be true.

How could it not?

> If you’re splitting your investment, your downsides are smaller but your upsides are also smaller, and presumably by the same amount.

Yes, and your expected return remains the same. Reducing variability isn’t “reducing returns”, because, as you note, what you lose from reducing the 50+nth percentile returns is made up for by increasing the 50-nth percentile returns.

Buying your home isn't an investment, it's only an investment if you can sell it at any time.

Risks of buying your home include: - Not being able to move if you can't sell (because the market isn't right) - Being stuck in a house where you pay a high mortgage while you could rent for much less after a crash (what happened in Spain after 2008). Note than in US you can give up your house and your mortgage goes away, but that doesn't work this way in Europe. The bank sells your house and if it doesn't cover the mortgage you still owe the rest

Also if you sell too early after buying, you're losing money because you pay more in transaction fees that you would have in rent (unless there is a big spike in prices).

Anyway, for a long time real estate have been steadily appreciating and people (especially boomers) got used to it, to the point that all their reasoning about real estate is that it's appreciating faster than inflation. It was true for a long period but that's no longer the case.

If you live in a country with mass migration then both house prices and rental prices increase almost constantly. I lived in London from 1996-2015. I bought a house in 2000, it tripled in value by 2015 and I sold up and moved out of London. Its kind of mad.

divorce, for example, is one major risk

I don’t think this is any different than with stock market wealth.

you can divide stock between 2 parties, maybe fair, maybe unfair, but that's it. A house will be up for sale when neither can afford it on their own, and a lot of money gets lost just in the process

Ah, fair point.

I don't know about the other countries you have mentioned but German residential real estate has very high levels of institutional investment and the legacy of rent control (famously, Berlin...although that changed a few years ago).

So you have very high wealth inequality, average German net financial wealth is equal to Greece and Germany has a significant number of billionaires, but you also have a system that fundamentally cannot be compared with the US. It just optimises for different things.

That being said, whilst recognising those differences, lower wealth inequality is not the result of most of these systems. Income inequality is generally lower but the cost of this is usually: low competition, high structural unemployment, weak unions, low levels of business creation...it isn't free. It is readly apparent from the EU that whilst the US has high inequality, it also has a far more dynamic economy that results in more people actually becoming wealthy (to take Germany as an example, most billionaires come from families that got rich in the 30s and inherited...the level of downward mobility is very high in the US) and higher levels of innovation.

> more dynamic economy that results in more people actually becoming wealthy

This is exactly the other side of inequality: if there is a big gap, someone must be taking advantage of this gap. The problem is that most people are losers in this competition.

Most statistics contradict you, despite the popular impression. The US has lower social mobility than most European countries.


What happened with rent control in Berlin?

Rent control sounds like a good idea in theory but in practice it seems the opposite, creating two tiers of renters.

They introduced the Mietendeckel law last year, which solidified the two tier system for renters. If you had a good rent contract in a central location, you were sitting pretty and could probably count on a decrease in rent. If you had done the responsible thing and rented in a further away location, no such luck. If you are looking for an apartment now, supply has been dramatically reduced. Great for the haves, not so much for the have nots.

Rent control is a bad idea in theory as well. A theoretical solution to the problem that can deliver the promises of rent control is if the government guarantees housing for the desired price.

The reason why it works is because the government is forced to change laws that prevent the construction it just promised. It's about accountability rather than the promise itself.

The reason why rent control doesn't work is because the government can enact or keep laws that restrict the supply of housing. There is no accountability. It's actually equivalent to censorship. If you want the housing market to look good, just ban bad news (high prices).

The salaries aren't low because of equality though. You're just shifting the high earners from the people doing the work to the managers of the people doing the work.

As far as my experience goes, managers make about the same, or less, as an engineer at a similar experience level. They may end up at a higher compensation level if far enough in the career ladder, but I don't think it's significant in the bigger picture. The average CEO earnings in the Netherlands, including bonuses, is only 5x-6x the average engineer salary.

So maybe the real answer to the question is that European tech companies are just not making a lot of money?

There are few growth stocks, so I'd expect compensation figures are not strongly skewed by stock bonuses, and are a function of market and fiscal environments much more than profit. When they are raking it in, it will be mostly going to US investors' pockets via buybacks.

Mind you, there are exceptions. The CEO of a certain hotel bookings company makes €17M/year. Technically an american company though.

They don't by and large. Listing the top 50 tech companies in the world by revenue will show that the US dominates it.

The few that appear on the list pay FAANG-level salaries for the most part.

Probably this I only know Finland tech scene but eg lot of Nokia engineers did FAANG like salaries in 2000s and there is now couple unicorns here where senior employees do very well.

Nokia valued managers, but not engineers. Good engineers became not so good managers to get a raise. We know how the story ended.

From world market leader to out of business in 7 years.

> The average CEO earnings in the Netherlands, including bonuses, is only 5x-6x the average engineer salary.

What do you mean by average CEO? That's about the same as a CEO of a mid-sized American company. Shell's CEO makes a lot more than that, even considering the terrible year for oil.

The ratio in the US is reported as 320:1.

That’s mind blowing

The CEO only earning a few hundred thousand is mind blowing? Really?

That's the way it used to be in the US, too.

That’s the way it is still. Don’t assume because a handful of Fortune 500 companies pay tens of millions that’s a typical CEO salary in the US.

Yeah, the super high ceo pay is for the super large companies. Pick a super large company in europe and you can find high ceo pay too. Shells and volkswagens ceos for example made 10 million each.

Most of the really rich CEOs such as Bezos are making more as owners than as CEOs.

No, the other way around. Inequality is low because the distribution of salaries across roles, across industries is tightly clustered. I suspect it's true of the managers too. The point is there aren't high earners.

> You can't have low inequality by definition if you decide to start paying one group a ton of money.

Sure, but you can still ensure that the lower classes have a good standard of living. Most wealth isn't zero sum. People talk about income/wealth inequality in the US, but to me, based on the complaints people have, it just seems like a proxy for poor standard of living.

> Well, this is a lot like the housing conversation in the US. "I want my house to go up in value, and be a great investment!" Also: "Why can't I afford a house?"

The big difference here is that the supply of land is fixed, and thus (almost all) housing wealth is zero sum. But for other things, this is not the case, so you can't apply the logic of housing to other things.

> Most wealth isn't zero sum.

Most solutions to inequality seems to be zero sum. "Tax the rich".

The situation is very odd because the inequality graph is a lot steeper than anyone is willing to believe. For the UK, look up your salary on here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/percentile-points-f...

If you're a SWE on a half or even a third of an SV salary, you're still in the top 5%. Do you feel rich? No. Are you easily able to buy a house in the southeast early in your career? No. But for every person earning more than you there are twenty earning less than you.

The number of super-rich dominating the conversation, the political donations, and the housebuying is surprisingly small, and most of them make far more from investments than from salary. Actual income for "work" caps out at a few million for celebrities and sportspeople.

Even among the ordinary I know people who've been out-earned by their houses - that is, the annual rise in the value of their (mortgaged) house was more than their salaried income.

The thing is you only see this attitude with Software Engineers and not other high paying professions such as Doctors or Lawyers.

If you were to compare the roots of Computer Science and its culture to other professions, it initially stemmed from the nerds and nerds were always trained to see themselves as low status, in fact by definition being a geek would make you an outcast amongst others..

It just so happened by pure luck that many successful startups grew thanks to our field and being a SWE became suddenly desirable.

So I'm not surprised that demanding a fair wage or forming unions are some of the things we struggle with.

Our industry is constantly trying to bring its own value down (anyone can code, it's easy,..), you never hear about other industries complaining they are "overpaid" or belittle the value they bring to people and businesses.

It's an unfortunate truth about studying CS and if I may be boldly controversial on HN, it might also one of the reasons we don't see too many women in this low status field.

>A lot of folks here are calling out the lower pay for SWEs in Europe and Canada as a failure - but also praise the low wealth inequality and low income inequality in Europe and Canada.

I think when it comes to Europe people should specificity the countries. If you take Europe or even the EU as one entity then it is one of the most unequal places on Earth when it comes to income and wealth.

Bulgaria is an EU member state and in 2018 had an adjusted net national income per capita of $8,148.[0] Luxembourg is part of the EU as well and in 2018 it was $60,189. Denmark was at $52,641. Poland was at $12,954.

All of this varies enormously from country to country.

> but also praise the low wealth inequality and low income inequality in Europe and Canada.

Now what happens if you include expats in the calculation?

> makes it much easier to found and grow a business without the threat of death

And yet you see a lot of Europeans and Canadians founders going to the valley for funding. Yet the opposite almost never happens.

> Now what happens if you include expats in the calculation?

Pretty sure expats are included in Gini calculations.

> And yet you see a lot of Europeans and Canadians founders going to the valley for funding. Yet the opposite almost never happens.

Why wouldn't you raise money from where the money is? Inequality means there's a small handful of people with giant piles of money. That's a good bet to go knocking at if you want some.

Generally if you want to build a successful business you should raise on the best terms possible, and European investors are not known for offering particularly compelling terms.

I should also say, just because you raise money in the bay doesn't mean you have to run your business in the bay. Should you choose to do so remotely, you'll like take a bit of a discount, but it's worth mentioning this year's YC class was entirely remote.

I'm not sure this argument is connected.

> Pretty sure expats are included in Gini calculations.

I meant European nationals living in the US. Pretty sure the salary distribution would be different between "Software Engineers in France" and "French Software Engineers" as the second includes all expats living in the Bay Area...

> I should also say, just because you raise money in the bay doesn't mean you have to run your business in the bay. Should you choose to do so remotely, you'll like take a bit of a discount, but it's worth mentioning this year's YC class was entirely remote.

Had there not been a global pandemic would that have been the case?

>I should also say, just because you raise money in the bay doesn't mean you have to run your business in the bay. Should you choose to do so remotely, you'll like take a bit of a discount, but it's worth mentioning this year's YC class was entirely remote.

I like this idea. Is this common? How many companies followed this strategy? It might have been remote but it is entirely possible that the companies will move to the bay area after receiving funding.

> > makes it much easier to found and grow a business without the threat of death

> And yet you see a lot of Europeans and Canadians founders going to the valley for funding. Yet the opposite almost never happens.

Just because it is easier to found and grow a business doesn't mean the environment is friendly to founding and funding a high-growth business.

In fact, an environment that is friendlier to SMEs, lifestyle, and bootstrapped companies probably reduces the pressure to jump into a VC-funded high-growth swing-for-the-fences model. Combine that with a less generous funding climate, and those who do want to go that route will go somewhere else for their funding.

But I don't think the reverse applies in terms of attracting entrepreneurs that don't wish to go the high-growth route from elsewhere.

I think in our current economical climate it is actually good if there are rich people willing to part with their money, even if it is just a moonshot. What I don't like is that the VC model often just devolves into the same boring strategy of outgrowing the competition. Lots of good companies died because of this and lots of bad companies are still alive.

I share your distaste, and even more so when outgrowing devolves into outspending and outlasting.

Canadians are kind in a shit position. Real state is stupidly expensive everywhere where you would like to live (Greater Vancouver, Greater Toronto, Ottawa is getting more expensive), and salaries are not keeping up at all. For example, cost of living in Vancouver and Seattle, disregarding the currency, is more or less the same, however in Vancouver it's like you earn 2k less than Seattle for an entry level Big 4 position. In Canada you need 2 professional incomes at least to buy a house/condo.

Vancouver and the GTA for sure, Ottawa had been relatively affordable - prices in town went up before COVID, but down during. Montreal remains quite affordable. Edmonton and Calgary aren't bad, and Kitchener/Waterloo's pretty reasonable still. I mean, it's clear a lot of that is mainland Chinese money parking, which cities are actively pushing back on.

The problem I see is that everywhere in Canada but Lower Mainland in BC you freeze 6 months out of a year.

House/condo have very different prices. You can totally buy a condo anywhere in Vancouver with a software engineer salary of 120k+ which is very doable for senior positions..

The wealth inequality debate is about Bezos and wall street ceo's type thing - I don't think many people have issue with some making $50k and others making $200k.

Remember the whole drive to push all the Techies out of SF? Remember rocks getting thrown at the Google busses? It's both.

At the end of the day Bezos makes headlines but his personal largesse has very little effect on most people in the country. It has very little impact on the lives of folks getting "pushed out" of SF. That's the folks he employs.

Those techies are often poor in their hometown. Many of them got a student loan, went to college, graduated in CS and then looked for a growing job market. Their own hometown offers maybe half the salary and some don't have any jobs at all.

They became rich the moment they entered the bay area. So hating on the "rich techies" is really misguided and will only further increase inequality.

Pushed out is a misnomer, really. If you have a booming housing market you should invest into more housing. These "rich" people will take the luxury apartments in 3 story buildings and the existing residents can keep their housing.

These things are not mutually incompatible. You just need to give one side what they need and they will leave you alone.

> Remember the whole drive to push all the Techies out of SF? Remember rocks getting thrown at the Google busses? It's both.

This is primarily attributable to two causes:

1. distorted views that result directly from inequality and the extreme poverty some communities have: to the (stereo)typical Tenderloin resident, as person who is able to afford a modest 3/2 townhome appears to be vastly wealthy

2. the mistaken view of techies, themselves, as being in the same class as those who actually are wealthy, and presenting as such (including the disaffected/indifferent attitude towards those in even lower socioeconomic brackets), which reinforces (1)

> At the end of the day Bezos makes headlines but his personal largesse has very little effect on most people in the country. It has very little impact on the lives of folks getting "pushed out" of SF. That's the folks he employs.

That's so out of line with actual reality it's best classified as "not even wrong." I don't even know where to begin with it. The people pushing others out in SF are not Bezos' employees; they're a tiny, tiny fraction of tech workers, most of whom won a VC/IPO lottery.

Bezos and his social class benefit immensely from the lower socioeconomic classes in-fighting. For example, by some thinking paying a laborer more will lead to more inequality.

Sure, but reducing inequality is as much about pulling the bottom up as it is pulling the top down. If you bring people closer together you solve both (1) and (2).

But you're all over the place arguing that pulling some in the bottom (SWEs) up will increase inequality.

Unless you believe--quite wrongly--that SWEs aren't in the bottom....

I'd be shocked if software engineers aren't in the top 10% in the US.

The top 10% requires an income of about $160k/year. Quite a few software engineers in high and very-high cost of living areas make that--but the vast majority don't.

See: https://www.investopedia.com/personal-finance/how-much-incom...

Look at the wage growth for the 90th - 95th (top 10% to top 5%): it's in the bottom.

The distribution of salary for Senior SWE is found, e.g., at https://www.salary.com/research/salary/alternate/senior-soft.... The median is $115k, the 90% is $130k--still not the top 10%. Even when you bonuses the salary curve shifts right by less than 10% (e.g. median goes to about $116k, 90% outlier to $138k).

Some 4 million people in the US work as software engineers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_engineering_demograph...). FAANG accounts for, what, 1% - 2% of that? Maybe a bit more, but not much. The vast majority don't have high TC, most of them are paid a flat salary with a modest bonus and either have ESPPs or no equity at all.

Software engineers are laborers, in effectively the same social class as manual laborers. Our economic circumstances are better, but not that much better.

Your comment is a great example of how the huge inequality gaps and the infotainment media have distorted perceptions among workers.

Inequality is mostly about not being able to compete for local goods such as homes or healthcare. When others can outbid you by an order of magnitude there wont be anything left over for you. In this sense Jeff Bezos doesn't matter, he wont buy a hundred thousand homes in the bay area even though he could afford it.

Are you talking to people in the 0-$50k range (below median) or in the $50-$200k range (above median)? Opinions probably diverge.

If you think through it, the billionaires don't have all that much real resource to be used - eg, J. Bezos owns an island in Hawaii. So say the government takes his island off him and redistributes it to low-wage earners in New York - they can't actually use the island for anything. They'd sell their stake in it and go for real resources locally. The actual real resources they consume are going to be made up for by the upper-middle class having less.

If anything is done about income inequality, it is probably going to involve bringing the above-median types more into line with the below-median earners. There aren't many ways around that - low earners need real resources, not paper money. Billionaires tend not to have the amount of real resources that are needed.

>They'd sell their stake in it and go for real resources locally. The actual real resources they consume are going to be made up for by the upper-middle class having less.

That is not necessarily true if you can produce more of the resource. The extra money would drive up prices and thus make it more profitable to run a company that offers the resource. Housing is artificially restricted but the technology to build denser housing exists. Taking the island is not really a sound strategy though, because it is much more efficient to just borrow money and give it to people through government stimulus. CPI inflation will eat at the value of unproductive capital like the island away on its own.

>If anything is done about income inequality, it is probably going to involve bringing the above-median types more into line with the below-median earners.

There is no meaningful difference between lowering the top and raising the bottom. Wealth tends to flee easily so increasing the bottom is a more reliable strategy. CPI inflation is generally a force that does both at the same time.

> Well, this is a lot like the housing conversation in the US. "I want my house to go up in value, and be a great investment!" Also: "Why can't I afford a house?"

This problem isn't unique to the US, and exists in Europe too, as well as New Zealand and probably other countries too. For this particular point, the US and Europe aren't all that different.

I live in the US, in a major East Coast city. FAANG level income lets me live a fairly worry-free life in a nice neighborhood, including a nice 2-3 bedroom flat and a private school. It's a tremendous luxury, for which I'm greatly appreciative.

Many of my colleagues in Europe, make far less than 1/2 of what I do from a compensation perspective. However, they're able to live essentially the same lifestyle I am. Nice flat in a vibrant, walkable, top-tier urban locale with the ability to afford most things in life. They're able to do so because they have less worry about surprise medical bills, paying to care for their elders, saving $200k for the kids' college, etc. My employment is also at will. I can leave or be forced to leave at a moment's notice.

Obviously, I'm only offering anecdotes here, but (IMHO) once that lifestyle moves out of reach, then companies will be forced to increase pay.

> They're able to do so because they have less worry about surprise medical bills, paying to care for their elders, saving $200k for the kids' college, etc.

I think that makes up a large part of the difference. In the US, those things are pay on use. In Europe, they're done through taxes that everyone pays.

If you don't have kids, that can be a substantial difference. I do not, so I don't have to pay into a college fund, or pay for healthcare for kids, or private school, etc, etc.

I think once you take it as a given that you pay for those things one way or another, it evens out a bit. Probably slanted a little bit towards more pay in the US, but not by nearly the gap between a single 20-something SWE in the US vs the EU.

> You can't have low inequality by definition if you decide to start paying one group a ton of money.

The inequality exists between those who need to work for a living and the ownership class that does not.

One of the issues that I know Canada faces (having been in this exact position) is a southward "brain drain". There is no small amount of top talent that graduate from Universities and ship out to SV, or of top talent that seek out remote gigs in the States.

The remote work proposition in particular is extremely enticing. Getting paid in a currency with 10-20% more buying power while still receiving the same government services was pretty swell.

We’re talking about upper middle class jobs though, not billionaires. Seems like giving SWEs more crumbs from the billionaires’ slices (because the alternative is that the investors and execs take the difference) is only going to reduce inequality. Which isn’t to say that this is optimal from a welfare perspective, only that enriching SWEs isn’t incompatible with lower inequality.

What matters is wealth inequality by top 5 to 1%. Some wealth inequality between the lowest 80% to the top 20% to 5%, on which devs are, is actually somehow desired - ensures that people are going to work those harder jobs, requiring more responsibility.

This does not mean that devs are supposed to earn millions, but 2x or 3x average salary is not the inequality that's ethically bad.

We seem to have it both ways in Australia somehow

If you increase housing stock, there can be more cheap homes for new entrants in the market, meanwhile existing homeowners may still see significant appreciation on their home value, depending on lots of market variables.

Wanting affordable home ownership is not contradictory to growth of home asset prices.

I also think your argument about income inequality is not right. Achieving income equality by suppressing wages and paying below competitive market rates is nothing to be proud of - and largely for professions like SWE, it has absolutely nothing to do with income levels at the low end close to poverty, which is what matters when understanding income inequality.

We should be raising purchasing power and unlocking possibilities for people. That’s the real purpose of reducing inequality.

Otherwise we can just take the trivial solution: destroy all technology and return everyone to subsistence agrarian society. Near perfect income equality, near zero societal level wealth.

> paying below competitive market rates

That does not make sense. How is it below competitive if every company in Europe is paying in same range? By definition it is competitive.

The talent they are competing for can work anywhere, and this untethering of geolocation is only increasing. The relevant market of candidates for large European cities is increasingly just a pan-Western talent market, and lower cultural salary norms are really hurting Europe, leading to brain drain and reduction of major tech hubs.

A SWE might make like 5 times what a teacher makes but a CEO can make like 1000 times what a SWE makes (eg $50k for the teacher, $250k for the SWE, and $250M for the CEO).

What kind of CEO makes 250 million?

Microsoft's CEO made ~44 million last year, and Microsoft is a trillion dollar company (https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/news/2020/10/20/microsof....)

Sundar Pichai

Well, there's papa elon who made $2.3B in 2018. Though, I agree, that's a massive outlier :) Zaslav at Discovery was next in line with $129M total comp in 2018 [1]. Sounds like Satya needs to ask for a raise ;)

[1] https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/discovery-ceo-david-z...

That's because he's a founder and major shareholder, not because he is CEO.

You’re confusing compensation with stock appreciation.

One might guess that all the random labels you put before the numbers makes few difference. At the end of the day, it’s a large gap in incomes.

The point is that at this point Tesla itself could pay Elon Musk absolutely nothing. His stock appreciation as a shareholder is where the majority of his income is coming from. It has nothing to do with CEO compensation at that point.

It has nothing to do with “labels”. There is a fundamental different between what a company pays its CEO and what the value of its shares provide through appreciation.

From a business account analytics point of view, the difference matters.

From a social analysis point of view of incomes inequalities, they are just random labels.

> From a social analysis point of view of incomes inequalities, they are just random labels.

FFS, one is not even income. So they aren’t the same if you care about even talking about income inequality.

An equity stake appreciating in a company is not actually income until you sell it and realize the gain. For example, if Amazon’s stock price doubles, none of the shareholders have made any income until they sell it on the market.

This distinction matters because stock owner equity appreciation has literally nothing to do with the amount the board has agreed to pay the CEO. They give a salary and a fixed number of shares with maybe another fixed number of shares if performance numbers are hit.

All of the obscenely rich CEOs are also major owners and their net worth is a bunch of unsold equity in the company. Being mad about companies becoming valuable and making shareholders wealthy is a completely different argument from income inequality. Shareholder appreciation directly benefits 401k holders, etc. and you’ll find a lot less support for putting a cap on how much a company can be worth.

What if you are compensated in stock? You are unlikely to liquidate your stock on your payday so it is very likely for your stock compensation to have risen in value by the time you want to sell the stock.

It doesn’t matter. The amount the company paid is the price of the stock at that particular grant time.

I believe you're vastly overestimating the CEO earnings. I doubt you'll find many 8-digit CEO earnings, let alone 9-digit.

Almost no CEO makes anywhere close to 250 million.

They pay peanuts then say we need more programmers. They also say managers are really valuable while we have plenty of those. Programming is also a really intense job, pretty much no one can do it for 8 hours straight and managers sit on their ass drinking coffee all day with brief interruption by tasks 85% should have been automated 20 years ago.

> managers sit on their ass drinking coffee all day

You have experience with some really terrible managers. Have a look at other places.

That does sound like a pretty stress-free way to live!

That said, living in Europe doesn't always equal good living conditions and stability - it depends on the particular country you're in as well.

My net salary is just over 1000€ per month as a software dev. My living expenses eat up around half of that. If a quick search turns up that in USA the median salary for a dev is around 100k$ per year ( https://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/software-develope... ), that means that i'd need anywhere from ~8 to ~14 years to save as much as they could in a year (depending on their disposable income, taxes, currency value etc.).

In short, i'd much prefer not to spend a decade to get to the point where i'm as financially stable who's worked for a year, if even that.

People oftentimes mention purchasing power parity, but it breaks down in a global economy: for example, i cannot afford AWS and most SaaS/PaaS tools.

That's just one of the reasons why one could look for a better financial situation. Compound interest and investments in general could be another. Stability and peace of mind, although not guaranteed, could be a third.

> My net salary is just over 1000€

That's really low, even for poorer European countries. Decent middle-level software engineer in, let's say, Ukraine (no offense meant - it is a good country, just isn't one famous for high incomes), easily makes at least 2k (and I say "at least" - that's awfully underpaid).

> that means that i'd need anywhere from ~8 to ~14 years to save as much as they could in a year

That's a bit exaggerated figure. It's 100k before taxes (so, around $5.8k/mo), and rent (or mortgage) costs are significantly higher (I believe it's around $1-3k/mo, highly varying depending on where you live and how comfortable you live). And it's not just rent but other expenses as well.

> That's really low, even for poorer European countries

He said net salary. I know a lot of engineers from C schools in mid-size towns in France who are paid less than 2k euro net.

France is really terrible in terms of SWE compensation. I think I know why. I've had some traineeship / internship requests from French students and their mentality seems so much more like "engineering" career trajectory than "hacker".

Engineer: "yes, of course it is normal to be a trainee for 2 years, then a junior for 5, then a medior for 5 and of I'm really good I'll be a senior. I would be really thankful if you consider hiring me." With this mindset you don't expect high wages.

Hacker: I am a ninja rockstar, I don't need any certifications and you should be happy if I decide to work for you because I should actually be working at FAANG.

Well... just because a developer claims to be a senior engineer (with only 2 years experience) it doesn't actually make them a senior engineer, it makes them a bullsh*ter :D

Just like the fresh out of school CTOs and Principal Engineers in the US. Of course you get a fancy title, you're one of the founders in the company - it doesn't mean you know anything though =)

I know its kind of informal but do you have any current remote internship opportunities?

I'd rather work with the 'engineer' than the 'hacker'.

I've worked with quite a few people who had "15 years of experience" which would be better described as "one year of experience practiced 15 times".

The main thing that such an internship-apprenticeship system guarantees is that the newer generation is well-versed in the ways of the old generation, and will likely have a similar record.

In a conservative industry, such as civil engineers building bridges, roads and buildings, and electrical engineers building high-voltage electrical distribution systems, this is what you want -- those industries have converged on good safety records. You want a few people who innovate, but otherwise much prefer to delay the future by 10-20 years than to the potential risks of bringing it sooner.

If the same was prevalent in software, we'd likely still be coding in COBOL on IBM mainframes.

Tesla is a very interesting case study - actually managing to bring the future sooner (with relatively small accumulated damage so far) in a field where being conservative is considered a virtue.

If you'd rather work with the apprenticed person, this model still exists in banks, who are willing to pay big bucks to maintain their cobol backends.

I didn't refer to the apprenticeship model. I referred to the bullshitting 'hacker' type referring to themselves as a ninja and acting like the work he's doing is beneath them. I wouldn't want to work with that guy.

And it taking 5 years of work experience for you to call yourself an experienced engineer does not mean we'd be stuck with COBOL. It usually takes that long where I work and it's not a bank. You're very likely to use our products right now.

In Ukraine, however, the reality is that most of the engineers are employed as PE (private entrepreneurs) with some additional things included, like a decent insurance. And the overall tax for this scheme is just 5% so far. No other benefits or bonuses usually. So, NET almost always equals GROSS here. In absolute numbers it is something like USD 25K - 70K per year for junior - senior/TL range.

That's still insanely low. With all these people reporting low salaries in constantly thinking where on earth are you when a European startup is hiring talent :D

You can play with the numbers here [1] for France. You're right that beginners can be around 30k€ before taxes (although that's a little low), which gives less than 2000€/month after taxes.

[1] https://mon-entreprise.fr/simulateurs/salaire-brut-net

I am honestly surprised. Even a bottom of the barrel public entry level job with worse compensation than private industry pays at least 2k€ (after taxes) here and that's in a place where you can get an apartment for 500€ per month.

What is a C school?

Agreed, my particular situation might be caused by the fact that i initially started working at my present company before finishing my bachelor's and am currently working on finishing my master's. Since the initial salary i was hired with was even lower, it has never quite caught up - job hopping might address that.

But even so, the average net salary in this country is even lower than that (overall, not for software developers) and i don't have kids or a car to take care of, hence others could also have those expenses to consider.

Thus, factoring those in, it might indeed take a substantial amount of time to create any savings. For example, i presently have 25k€ in my bank account, though it has taken about 4 years to get there.

That's not to say that people in US or other places also don't have similar factors to deal with, like healthcare costs or student loans.

I was in the same position when I started working at the first company.

They just continued to pay the same salary after I graduated.

Until you reach senior level, the best strategy for maximising salary is to switch to better paying jobs every ~2 years.

Also, I assume you are from Latvia as you have LV in your username - 1k is waaay to low. I have friends making 3.5k eur a month. You can find mid level positions that pay more than 2k/m

Yep, that's the plan!

There is also something to be said about working for different companies and experiencing different approaches to development, different tools, tech stacks and all of the other stuff you might not see if you stick at one place for a long time.

Though that's more of an auxiliary reason for switching jobs, whereas OP was talking about finances in particular.

If Ukraine legitimately has an average net salary of 2k for a SWE it's better than the actually good parts of the EU. I really, really doubt that this is true.

It's the same or even more in Romania (depending on the parts of the country), I do not know why everyone is surprised about it. There are a lot of benefits there that SWE (and IT in general get) - less taxes if you have a CS degree or you can open a company or be self employed and pay next to nothing in taxes. Since there is an increase demand and not enough supply salaries keep rising. In the end you might get a better deal regarding COL if you quit your western European salaried job and move to eastern Europe.

Ukraine has special tax laws for Software Developers - even if they are working full time on-site for a single company, they can register themselves as freelancers and pay virtually no income tax.

I considered moving to France for a few years (from the US), but I was shocked to find it would be a 40% pay cut, even after factoring in all of the healthcare and other expenses we Americans enjoy. And the cost of living is a fair bit higher in France to boot.

Now that companies are cozying up to remote work, I think I’ll jist do more frequent 3 month trips and work in the evenings when I run out of vacation days. Then I can keep my cushy American salary and afford to travel, avoid dealing with VISAs, and France get my cost of living / tourism money without me taking a Frenchman’s job. Seems like a better arrangement all around.

> I think I’ll jist do more frequent 3 month trips and work in the evenings when I run out of vacation days. Then I can keep my cushy American salary and afford to travel, avoid dealing with VISAs, and France get my cost of living / tourism money without me taking a Frenchman’s job.

Hopefully countries will also warm up to remote work and will create legal avenues for individuals to do remote work while still paying taxes.

I've already seen visas like this popping, under "digital nomad" visas, but none of them are in "developed" (ex. G7) countries. I suspect those will be the last to adopt them, since they don't really need the tax/tourism dollars as much. For them, the primary purpose of immigration is to fill jobs in the country, which remote workers don't do.

watch out, if you spend more time in France than in any other country (not just 183 days per year), then you will be considered a fiscal resident of France and therefore taxable on income. in addition, you can't really work remotely and avoid employment taxes, pension contributions, etc... this is only tenable if you spend a minor portion of the time in the country (like any other country, really... states need their taxes obviously).

Yeah, I would probably be in the US for at least 9 months out of the year, and I’ll take a closer look at the tax implications when the time approaches.

> avoid dealing with VISAs

VISA is a name of a company. What you mean is just "visa".

shrugs in autocorrect

> My net salary is just over 1000€ per month

You would be underpaid in India, where I live, let alone Europe.

> My net salary is just over 1000€ per month as a software dev.

You're way underpaid even for Latvia. The national average now is 1100 EUR gross, or 812 EUR net (https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/ekonomika/videja-alga-uz-pap...), but for the IT field the average gross is 1829 EUR, which I believe is around 1300 net. Unless you're somewhere in Latgale where everything is much cheaper, or unless you just graduated last year, your net income should be at least some 20% higher.

That seems really underpaid. I live in south east asia and my net pay is above 4000 Euro (excluding year end bonus which could be 6 to 12 months salary) . There is no social benefits though.

Why would your year end bonus be equal to your yearly salary? That just seems out of whack.

South East Asia could mean Singapore or Cambodia. Huge difference between those countries

The ferries to Stockholm is right around the corner. There are 13 software jobs to the dozen, you don't need any paperwork to work there, and €4k per month would be considered "bad" there. If I was in Latvia and spoke english I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even if I couldn't physically move, I'd definitely try to get a remote job from there even if it meant a slighly lower pay than an on-site one.

Obviously, you'd have much higher living costs and the weather would be slighty worse, but lets face it no one lives in Latvia for the weather either!

> over 1000€ per month

I would like to know what country/city you are based out of. In the US, that wage is well below the poverty line.

That's not all that uncommon in eastern Europe. I used to earn 5€/hour at my first programming gig in Slovakia. LV in the parent's post likely refers to Latvia.

In fact, even in the first world countries like Italy or Spain it's not uncommon to earn less than 1700€ net.

Here in Finland, 80% of the US GDP/capita btw, some entry level positions are at 2000€ net.

I graduated with 2 bachelors degrees and a masters degree with no debt through scholarships and grants. I have saved nothing for my children’s education. If they want to attend college, it is on them to pay their way just as it was for me. I’ve told them that I will help a bit during their first year. My company matches my retirement savings up to 5%. I save nothing else for retirement. I should have millions of dollars in my retirement fund by the time I retire (I already have over a million). That plus social security should take take care of my retirement. I have a very comfortable job. I live about a 15 minute leisurely bike ride from campus. I work 20-30 hours a week. My company doesn’t track my hours and as long as I get me assignments done everyone is happy. I can take up to 6 weeks of vacation a year plus 10 more fixed holidays that everyone gets. My health benefits are frankly amazing and cheap. On top of all of that I receive a very healthy six figure salary. There are many hundreds of developers at my company that are similarly blessed. My point is that it is possible to receive a very good salary while still receiving many of the benefits you claim.

> If they want to attend college, it is on them to pay their way just as it was for me.

You seem to be completely unaware of how wildly the cost of education has increased even over just the past decade, especially for 4-year institutions.

It depends on the university. I just checked and the university I attended is only about $750 more expensive per semester now than it was when I attended 2 decades ago. Not all universities jacked up their tuition.

Where? You seem to be completely unaware that cost of education varies by country.

How? FIU is 7$k per year, that's not prohibitively expensive. I don't understand how people get out of college with $400,000 in student loans.

400K is the folks doing things like med school. I doubt the average is anywhere near that. People getting loans for more than just tuition can easily hit 100K, though. IIRC the university I went to, which is a state institution, lists the average cost at about $28K a year including room, board, tuition, books, etc. So if someone wants to pay for the whole thing on loans and not work any kind of part time job, they're going to end up with a mountain of debt.

> I graduated with 2 bachelors degrees and a masters degree with no debt through scholarships and grants. I have saved nothing for my children’s education. If they want to attend college, it is on them to pay their way just as it was for me. I’ve told them that I will help a bit during their first year.

I just want to point out how incredibly, incredibly rare that is for anyone to have that experience in the US today, where according to you:

1. You were able to graduate debt free, and since you say you had no debt "through scholarships and grants", I'm taking that to mean your parents didn't pay for your college. While that is certainly possible (e.g. some colleges offer free rides for very top students), it is VERY rare.

2. You intend to save nothing for your children's education. That is not only exceedingly rare, pretty much all financial aid packages expect/require a certain amount of parental contributions. You better hope your kids get lots of scholarships and grants, otherwise they won't be going to college.

Personally, I went to a top US university. I had some grants and scholarships but my parents still contributed a good part to my first 2 years, and I graduated with considerable but manageable debt. I've worked in software jobs over the past 2 decades, including 1 company where my stock options were worth a considerable amount, so I've saved a lot. I work considerably more than 40 hours a week, so honestly I'm quite envious of your "20-30 hours a week" story - I don't know any job where you can work that little and still get paid that well. I see a very large portion of my salary every year go to healthcare and retirement, and as I am childless I don't have to save for my kids education.

I mean, I'm doing quite well, and I still have anxiety about all the things I need to save for. I can't imagine making a more median-level salary, with today's cost of education, and with kids, and not being much more stressed at the prospect of having to handle everything financially.

Yea I am sorry but earning millions for 20 hours of work a week isn't normal in any kind of job I've seen. So count your blessings and luck. Normal this ain't.

Agreed - a lot of the parts of his story I thought "OK, that sounds extremely rare, but possible", but the working "20-30 hours a week" bit? Where the hell is that? Do people at FAANGs honestly work 4-6 hours a day 5 days a week?

I don't work at a FAANG. Not even close. I've been working remotely for most of the last year (just like everyone else), so I do about 4-5 hours of work in the morning and then spend the rest of the day remodeling the house. But even when I worked at the office, I would roll in around 10am. I'd go work out at one of the campus fitness facilities from 1-3 (15 minutes to walk there, 5 to change, 1 hour to work out, 10 minutes in the sauna, 10 minutes to shower and change, 15 minute walk back), and then head home at 5. And I always get exceptional year end reviews because I always get my work done in a timely manner.

> My point is that it is possible to receive a very good salary while still receiving many of the benefits you claim.

A lot of things are possible but not probable.

First rule of the Happy FAANG Employee Club is to not tell anyone about how awesome your job is.

Yeah, except I don't work for a FAANG. I don't even live within a 1000 miles of any FAANG campus.

The irony is that with all your knowledge you can't see that even if that is a universally desirable situation it isn't scalable.

To the entire population? No. To developers in Europe? I would say yes. If we can have similar benefits to what they have, they can have similar pay to what we have.

Well you’re situation sounds a bit extreme, and at the extremes there are also people making 6 figures in Europe, especially in the UK and maybe some central/north countries.

Switzerland is an outlier, but there many senior devs end up above 100k.

So, “fuck you got mine” basically?

No? How could you possibly get that from what I said? Quite the opposite. I'm saying that they (developers in Europe) should be able to be paid the same as developers in the USA.

Your solution doesn't scale. How many devs can do this? 1%? 5%? 20%? What about the rest?

At my company it is 100%. And we are not a FAANG company. I have a sister in law that works as a developer in another non-FAANG company that makes about $100k more than me. I don’t think it is as rare as you think for developers to have good benefits and high salaries.

> I have saved nothing for my children’s education. If they want to attend college, it is on them to pay their way just as it was for me.

That's a pretty scuffed mindset, man. Set your kids up for success. There's no virtue is going head first into crippling debt.

Soooo... You think this is how things should be?

My point is that if I in the USA can have similar benefits as developers in Europe (based on OP's comment) then they should be able to be paid the same as developers in the USA.

OP seemed to be saying that because of all the benefits it was okay they were paid so poorly. But we can have similar benefits here, so they can have similar pay there.


You realize in Germany these "benefits" are available to literally every citizen, right? That means _every developer got this deal, here.

So here is the thing: You can get obscenely rich here, too.

What's your point, really? That you can get rich in America, as a dev? That rich people get all the benefits? Your take on parenting?

Really insightful information there. Thanks for sharing....

> I got here by taking no risk at all.

This is the most European thing I've ever heard. Most people would not like to take risks and would not even think about stepping outside of their comfort zone. Personally, I think this is the reason why there are less startups in Europe compared to US. No one would like to take a risk unless it's absolutely necessary.

> I have worked 20 years in the same job and so have my colleagues.

I do not mean to be offensive and I know everyone has their own cup of tea. But 20 years doing the same the job?? This would literally be death to me personally as a software engineer. Changing your job is part of your career growth in-order to expose yourself to new challenges, problems and new environments. Of course this comes with a risk factor and personally, this risk and excitement is what makes life interesting. I would kill my self if I got stuck in the same job for 20 years.

I can see what you mean, it does however assume that staying in a job is the same as being stuck in a job, doing the exact same thing you were doing 20 years ago - perhaps this assumption is a reflection of US work culture (you tell me, I don't know)?

If you have a good job with a stimulating environment, colleagues, and decent pay, then the perception of being stuck does not exist. Over time the role will change to reflect the changing organisation and role.

> Over time the role will change to reflect the changing organisation and role. > perhaps this assumption is a reflection of US work culture (you tell me, I don't know)?

I do not know anything about US work culture from first hand experience. I'm a software engineer from Sri Lanka working in Germany as a software engineer. It was my personal opinion and as I've said everyone has their own preference.

> Over time the role will change to reflect the changing organisation and role.

If the role has evolved, then it will not be the same job you did 'x' number of years ago. But according to original post, OP says "I have worked 20 years in the same job". Maybe I understood it incorrectly, but it seems like the role hasn't evolved or changed at all.

Yes, sorry, I meant same company. My role of course has changed although I'm still a developer/architect type, it's obviously changing all the time. I have been offered management type roles but consistently rejected them though so it's almost the same "job" too (developer). That my business card might say "Senior developer" or "Architect" doesn't really change what the job is I think.

I'm in the EU, took more risks than most people I know, step out my comfort zone also multiple times. What most people miss is not the willingness, but the safety net.

Results? Unimpressive, fails over fails.

I know value the steady job I have and I keep tearing myself for not opting for this sooner. I don't know if I would be already burnt out if I haven't tried, but timing wasn't great, that's for sure.

Could you elaborate a bit more on what you tried when you stepped out of your comfort zone?

I pick a few key moments. Moving to the capital from my hometown ($30 in my pocket), abandoning college, start working as a self taught developer, quitting my job to work on a startup, moving abroad to chase another startup dream with $100 in my pocket, later doing the same, but in Germany. Trying to freelance. Then work in education for a programming bootcamp.

I can still see some uncomfortable situations ahead of me, but I'm not afraid to embrace them.

> This is the most European thing I've ever heard.

Thank you

> This would literally be death to me

I think how often you change jobs depends on the challenges and type of work. My first project was over 10 years from start to initial release.

I don't think switching jobs is that necessary if you can be challenged in your current job. Ever changing problems are exactly why I'm staying. I tried switching to do some web work in a couple of places, but found that I really hated it and that most things in the "web stack" are just crud and it's really hard to find really hard or complex problems in the space (Where the complexity isn't in something tangential like ops/configuration/scaling...). I'm an engineering/math type person so it's a bit scarce.

I keep a constant lookout for new jobs, but I filter out 99% of positions simply because it looks like generic web tech jobs.

> No one would like to take a risk unless it's absolutely necessary.

It's mostly a rational calculation. Because of crab mentality and stigma of failure, the downside is worse in Europe. The expected value of risk is lower than in America.

> Changing your job is part of your career growth in-order to expose yourself to new challenges, problems and new environments.

A lot of people prefer work to live, while others prefer live to work. Both strategies are perfectly fine.

Yes, but you have to live with the consequences of your life choices.

If you just "work to live", then you'll be just an average employee, with average salary. High salaries and other perks are for high performers.

> High salaries and other perks are for high performers.

Or for loud mouths with increased tolerance to risk.

We like to think that the world is much more meritocratic than it is ("just world hypothesis").

And I say this from the camp I'm describing above.

> I got here by taking no risk at all. > This is the most European thing I've ever heard. Most people would not like to take risks and would not even think about stepping outside of their comfort zone.

In some sense this is true, but lets not get carried away. The American Startupism is all about the flash, big growth, big impact, big IPO. In EU you have companies slowly grinding a hard problem for 20 years that also have huge impact but no flashy news. Look at things like vertical farming, ASLR, fintech. Thats all thanks to low risk and stability.

I have come to the same realisation. I would rather have a better quality of life than I had in US than to get tons of $$ and live off in a gated community. Great public transport, healthcare, schools, world class Unis, top notch research institutes, and great cultural institutes. The Gemeinschaft approach works here because you need to contribute back to the society in order to reap it's benefits.

100% this. As an outside observer, the US is country with an almost impressive list of societal issues. Inequality aside, it's filled with a hermit-like population with little to no knowledge of the world outside its borders unless they visited it as part of military action, failing power structures, regular school shootings, suicide bombings, riots, an uncontrolled pandemic, insurrection, religious extremists and a volatile political situation, at best. No matter how much danger money you have to build into a salary to attract or keep staff, no thank you.

Recommend you take a break from the news then.

I am more shocked how you messed up basic things like zoning.

Single family house zoning? Really? Who the hell needs that? Heck, I will go one step further and declare that nobody needs exclusive residential zoning. You are building a von Neuman bottleneck (separation of commerce and residential areas) into your society. A lot of social issues stem from this incredibly bad idea.

Wait what suicide bombings (barring Nashville)

Getting very rich allows me to do cook less, do less chores and build up my skill further (get better) or to pursue passions that do not pay well.

I calculated moving to Europe as a SWE would lead to a drastic lifestyle change for me—even with retirement, healthcare and children's education considered (with 2 children, Europe wins at 3 hands down).

Reminds me of something I read a few weeks ago. An old lady who lives in a cabin in the woods is being interviewed. The interviewer asks: "isn't it incredibly inconvenient that you need to gather firewood and light a fire every time you want to drink some tea?"

"Isn't it inconvenient that you have to work for someone else for 8 hours every day, only so you don't need to start a fire?"

I'm positive you can do all of those things with an average salary, at least in northern europe. There is little to worry about once you have a roof over your head. You may not have that Tesla though.

I recently learned, people worked less when we were hunter/gatherer, had more leisure time.

I don't want to skip on modern medicine and shit, but it does make you think...

[*] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yocja_N5s1I

Most hunting species are only active a few hours, because most prey species are only active a few hours a day, because there isn't exactly an excess of food or personal security in nature.

Gathering also doesn't make sense as a full time occupation, as most plant species only fruit / produce edibles infrequently, and even then you are competing with wild animals (birds eat far more from the local wild raspberry plants than I do, even when i think to try picking some).

Farmers, conversely, often work from before sunup to after sunset. Whether it is sowing, harvesting, animal husbandry, or maintenance of buildings, fences, equipment, there is no shortage to be done.

All this is to say, hunter / gatherers didn't have some secret to a life of leisure, they minimized energy output to deal with food insecurity and general difficulty actually hunting amd gathering.

The guy in the video says people played, made art and fucked. Humans are not predators, we're opportunists by evolutionary trait turning hunters rather recently.

And you too can go live in the bush and do all those things until you get a toothache, parasites and lose a few kids to infant mortality.

Depending upon where one is in the world, even in large wilderness areas, the volume of game has decreased significantly from the pre-agricultural era. Still wouldn't trade a more-abundant bush with modernity, but it is interesting to consider the relative conditions that would make it easier historically.

It's true, hunter gatherer societies have a way of getting out competed.

I imagine the quality of the leisure time as hunter/gatherer was much lower than what you have now. What are you going to do with your leisure time? Count how many of your children have survived winter?

I tell you a secret: When you are getting older and still solving the same issues because you are not John Carmack, you might release that cooking is actually quite great.

Its stress reducing in itself and versatile.

Nonetheless i also think its a better strategy to become rich enough fast and then retire earlier to have more time for myself and to cook more and do other normal things myself more often again.

As long as i don't have a realistic chance of getting so rich, that i can buy an island, or/and travel for 20 years firstclass, my life will not change anymore in any significant way with me earning more money.

> I calculated moving to Europe as a SWE would lead to a drastic lifestyle change for me—even with retirement, healthcare and children's education considered (with 2 children, Europe wins at 3 hands down).

Curious - Can you explain your calculations and did they include a difference between price vs value?

However, higher SWE salaries don't lead to less cooking or less chores needing to be done. So that is not an argument why a society should strive to optimize for that.

Well if your company is doing well then someone is getting rich. Could be management, CEO, investors or whoever else. Sure you may be okay with it, but clearly not everyone is (hence the question).

At the very top of the parent orgs’ parent org is Warren Buffett, so I guess it’s him!

> I wouldn’t want to switch jobs just to drive up my pay even if I could [...] I have worked 20 years in the same job and so have my colleagues.

Honestly this part of the European mentality is hard for an outsider understand. I lived there for ~10 years and heard this argument countless times.

I want a fulfilling life and part of that is a fulfilling job. It's hard to believe a job on the same company can be fulfilling for 20+ years. Changing jobs is part of professional growth IMO.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

> It's hard to believe a job on the same company can be fulfilling for 20+ years.

I don't see why not. I have never worked for small companies (always 25k+ sizes ) so my view may be skewed but the scope of these companies are so large that changing a project can mean totally different ways of working and sometimes totally different industries. Can it be that it's easier in europe to change your job context within the company and not so in america?

> Changing jobs is part of professional growth IMO.

Actually it's hard for me to understand why this is taken for granted in America and my home country India. Sounds like KPI chasing to me.

It's not KPI chasing. I've grown _so_ much after each job/career change that I often wonder how long would it take me to grow by same amount if I'd stay at a single job (I don't have that answer yet but I'm sure longer).

Changing jobs every 5 years-or-so is forcing yourself to learn a new culture and new set of skills.

> It's not KPI chasing. I've grown _so_ much after each job/career change that I often wonder how long would it take me to grow by same amount if I'd stay at a single job (I don't have that answer yet but I'm sure longer).

I don't know why you are so sure. I work with plenty of europeans who have spent 10+ years in a single company. They seem pretty smart and their ways of thinking are pretty much on par with my american counter parts. If you have some source to cite on this except for personal experience, which is tainted by the culture around you, that would be great.

> It's hard to believe a job on the same company can be fulfilling for 20+ years.

In my experience, the only companies I’ve been in where all my coworkers were first class was in the Netherlands.

I cannot see myself working 20 years in the same company in the US or Japan, but I think I can see myself doing it in the Netherlands.

Fwiw, I did change and change back.

If I was working in web/db/internet stuff there would be much more jobs of the same kind. Then I’d switch more too I think. The reason I’m sticking is also because I work in a niche (which I like).

I want a fulfilling job perhaps more than I want to make more money, which is why I don't switch from a fulfilling one!

Switching every two years to make more money would invariably mean that you switch from fulfilling jobs to less fulfilling ones (Assuming no fulfilment comes from the switch itself)!

I agree, it's basically risk-free here with paid education and the social safety net.

I’m also from Germany. There is significant wealth inequality, but making €40-60k pre-tax a year is very attainable for most developers here. In Switzerland, it’s even higher (€60-70k+) and they have to pay fewer taxes (with a higher cost of living).

But the „average life“ in Germany for a developer is very good. About 4-5 weeks of vacation every year, no expectations of working more than 9-5 (at the average employer), and after 1 year working at a job you’re eligible for unemployment insurance which means you get 60% of your net salary for 1 year if you’re unemployed.

With regards to attaining riches:

You can live comfortably with €2000/month net as a single (and easily with €3-4k with two incomes and two small kids in a smaller city), so for most people, it’s possible to save 500+€/month (most don’t because of lifestyle inflation, but that’s a different matter). With side hustles (small freelance work) you can easily save €500-1000/month which means that after 5-7 years you are able to save €80,000. Continuously investing in stocks, pension plans and ETFs (what most Germans also don’t do) means that you can accumulate half a million euros by the age of 45-50.

And this is the average developer, no 10x rockstar. Having a net worth of €700k to one million euros when you’re 67 years old with a very good work-life-balance is nothing to be ashamed of. With more ambition, you can freelance for €75/h which translates to a six-figure income. With that, it’s possible to build a net worth of 2-3 million over 20-30 years.

For people who want to be a millionaire in 10-15 years, this is not very attractive. But when you consider the work-life-balance and the labor rights, it's easy to see how people would choose that. For high-achievers, I would also recommend working in the US or Switzerland. But for average developers, it's not that bad of a deal.

I honestly think this is a completely wrong-headed way of looking at things. You are paid what you're paid not because the company is determining what is 'fair' given all of your circumstances, but rather the minimum they feel they can get away with.

Nearly all employees would accept more pay if they were offered it, nearly all employers would pay less if they could - so like any market it is always an equilibrium between the two. And frankly in some job markets the salary is negotiated better than others.

There is a sort of learned helplessness to 'I don't deserve more for this job' etc. in the eternal words of Unforgiven - deserve's got nothing to do with it.

> rather the minimum they feel they can get away with.

I completely agree.

I certainly would accept more pay. But I wouldn't switch jobs just to get it. There are several reasons, most importantly that interesting jobs in my niche are scarce. So my employer has a resource that is perhaps scarcer than myself!. Second (and this is the part where it becomes self-fulfilling), because there are no super high salaries, I'm close to a kind of ceiling. I'm not sure what that ceiling is and you could always be lucky and find some extremely well paying job, but let's say that for a job I'd be willing to do, the ceiling is within 50% more than I'm currently making.

If marginal taxes are 50% (at least), then that's a net 25% pay rise. It's basically $1500 more a month net, and it would require me to make probably several job switches. It's certainly not insignificant, but it's just not significant enough. Had there been jobs across the street paying 3x what I do, then certainly I'd start chasing more money. But I value my 6-8w holidays, I can already afford to travel etc. I'm comfortable.

Great response - I very much agree that from the employee's point of view you are always trading off a number of factors and they are by far not all about money.

My main contention really was with the assertion that you don't see why you should get rich - as if it were about what is deserved whereas of course it is a market where the correct price is the one people are willing to pay.

I myself trade off a number of factors in my career which don't equate necessarily to salary.

I'm not saying it would be wrong to be rich or that devs should be rich if they work for companies that make a lot of money per employee. But that's a pretty "valley centric" view that creating software means creating infinitely scalable money machine and each developer always creates a value much larger than what they are paid.

For most us devs, especially in europe where a larger fraction of us developers work, I imagine, in traditional industry rather than "in software", there just isn't a situation where we create this massive value. We create more than we earn, sure, but it's not exacly Netflix money. The company I work for, like almost all companies, have a huge number of employees and a profit margin that has looked pretty similar for a lifetime.

What's unfair is perhaps that there are instances of such companies, where the developers really could and should be rich because they write software that make billions. If such devs were paid better, then I could also be paid better, because I'm paid in competition with them. More likely though they'd be paid more and the jobs that aren't in that category would be done elsewhere. So in a sense, I'm also a tiny bit happy that the pay structures aren't as widely distributed as they are in some places.

> If marginal taxes are 50% (..) that's a net 25% pay rise

Only if you’re not paying any taxes currently :-)

Yeah that's probably the wrong way to express it (hadn't had coffee). If I get $N pay rise, it's only a $0.5N net pay rise, which makes it much less attractive.

> You are paid what you're paid not because the company is determining what is 'fair' given all of your circumstances, but rather the minimum they feel they can get away with.

And the maximum you feel you can get away with. It’s a market, after all.

It all boils down to what you want in your life.

I've seen people (including myself) trying to change the lifestyle, thus money is a vehicle to do so and to build something with. Not everybody has got rich parents or sugar daddies, some people start from nearly zero and try to climb the social ladder.

A higher salary can unlock multiple benefits, in terms of long-term economical security (e. g. in case of market crash and companies go bankrupt / berserk mode, laying people off) and maybe buy yourself a house/apartment.

Plus, saving for children's future is one of the best gift a parent can do.

Coming to an end: having a salary which is similar to what in SF are offered would be really good

Right, if you don't value your work, why would anybody else?

I see this opinion a lot and I do take it personally.

I come from a workers family and getting into IT was hard. I still pay off a (small 10k) debt from university. It took me years to get into the industry, working for very little pay. All the while I didn't do anything for my pension. Now I have a good income, but income alone is not enough to buy a house near the city. Having a migration background in Germany might not have helped.

Do you really think engineers, bankers, administration, lawyers, teachers and real estate agents have it worse?

In an industry that's created to destroy jobs, why would I work for less?

> I just can’t find an argument why I should be able to get very rich doing my job

Another way to think about this is that your job generates certain value in the economy. If labor's salary doesn't capture that, then that value is going somewhere - either to your governments via taxes or to capital owners. I understand that some Europeans will not have problems with the former, but are you comfortable letting capital class capture all the remaining value after taxes? If not, that is a good enough argument because allowing that to happen is what is driving wealth inequality to high levels.

> I got my higher education for free. I expect to save nothing for my children or their education. I expect to have to put aside very little for retirement.

Exactly this. European social democracy allows people to have relatively calm life without burden to start their careers with huge school debt. Or worrying about health insurances. Once you will have family (OP), you will see that not saving for their health insurances and school also helps a lot and I wouldn't change this for USA system. On the other side, it is very simple for software engineer to get a job anywhere in the world, but do take into account pros and cons.

Anyway, to the topic, the way of raising salaries in any sector has always been the same. Form a syndicate, get enough people to join and go on strike (and if you live in EU you are very well covered and protected regarding syndicate activities).

> I have worked 20 years in the same job and so have my colleagues. This is a cultural difference I feel.

I think this is part of your company's culture, not your society's culture. There are also lots of Dunder-Mifflin type companies in America where nobody has any ambition and everyone just coasts until retirement.

I think it's a bit weird to associate "ambition" with the propensity to switch jobs. I'm in a "traditional" industry so product and project cycles last decades, not just moths or years. It takes a couple of years for a new hire to be really productive. I can't compare it to some other places I have worked where half the staff would change every year and a large project would ship in 6 months.

> The thing is, I just can’t find an argument why I should be able to get very rich doing my job.

Sure, but if you are a really good engineer in software, someone is going to get "very rich" from your work. Why not (partly) you?

> Why not (partly) you?

The short answer is that he is replaceable, while the owners are not.

Well then they are perhaps already getting a fair wage.

Well, you could work for yourself. Often times, it's more stressful, more risky with lower pay until you "make it". So since you can live stress free and afford basically anything you want on a salary as a software developer in Europe, not sure why you would want anything more than that.

Of course, plenty of people work for themselves, that's the beauty of the free marketplace.

But to assume increasing salaries _is the way to go_ feels like such a capitalist/american viewpoint that it's hard to understand why it's trying to be applicable to Europe too.

I can understand this for oneself. But to be this complacent/indifferent to your kids' future is just kind of amusing to me.

I haven't got billionaire status ambitions, but I also don't want my elder years to be effectively dictated by the vicissitudes of the political environment.

I'm not OP but I'm paying my taxes specifically so that my children's future will be secured. My taxes pay into their and their peers education, it pays into their and their peers healthcare costs, it pays into my own retirement so that they will not have to worry about feeding me when I grow old. It pays into a social security net so that if there is an economic crash they will still have food on the table and a warm home.

This means the number in my wallet and bank account may look smaller, but I still live a rich life with money to spend however I want.

It's the exact opposite of complacency.

As a parent, is there really any difference between "saving for your own future" or "saving for your kids"? I do some saving for my future (e.g. retirement or rainy day) but I don't have specific savings for my kids, or any particular goals for such saving (such as enough for higher education). Lots of people here save money for their kids so they can get their first apartment which is suddenly really expensive. But I'd rather improve the house we live in now, or take them on trips, and if they need $20k down in 10 years to move out, I can probably solve that. I started with 0 savings from my parents, they started with zero from theirs, and so on. I don't know anyone who received a significant amount of money from their parents that wasn't an inheritance.

You can't count on politics being constant, but "there is a large welfare state here also in 15 years" I consider about as likely as the sun rising tomorrow.

> I expect to save nothing for my children or their education. I expect to have to put aside very little for retirement.

In the UK, at least, I'm not sure this is still true. On retirement, I planning on getting nothing from the government once I get there, and it's looking increasingly likely that I won't be allowed to retire until slightly later in life.

That being said, I have paid off my student loans in less than 10 years of work, so I can't complain about the cost and quality of education.

> On retirement, I planning on getting nothing from the government once I get there

In the UK ever less is expected of the government. I keep reading "I don't expect a state pension" on the Internet. Of course, some people look at the finances and economic outlook and arrive at that conclusion on their own, but I feel a great many others are being primed for this situation. We just expect to be screwed by our government now and it seems like defeat. :(

I'm not sure what the right balance is, but I feel there is a slight aspect of _we can't have it all_. We're not prepared to have a debate in the UK about what the NHS should and shouldn't do, yet at the same time people are living longer and want to pay less tax. Something has to give.

Tbh, I'm happy to save for my retirement, but I'm slightly biased towards a slightly less welfare society (though not as far as removing essential support and health care). I can choose to save more now for an earlier retirement, for example. I think the auto enrollment has gone a long way there.

I really appreciate your honesty, awareness and most of all dignity. Thank you.

What happens when the government doesn't have enough money to pay for retirement anymore? The system works well when you have growing workforce and productivity. It doesn't work with growing number of retirees and shrinking active workforce.

I trust my government and pension system around as much as I trust my private savings being worth anything. I could keep my savings abroad I suppose.

A disaster would mean I get perhaps 60 or 70 or 80% if my projected pension - but I’d live ok on that too. I’m not saving nothing personally, it’s just where I live you usually have to invest in a house if you want one. So the situation is you trust either the pension system or the housing market to hold up. If both were to fail I’d have problems.

What happens if society collapses? If a giant asteroid hits earth? If we find out aliens and they are ostile?

Well, we know what happens, already. You build a bunker, stock up on guns and food, build a bunker in a remote part of your country :-p

I always find this kind of prepping unrealistic, the best thing you can do is a solid social group. If society collapses, even the best prepared loner will be dinner for the nearest somewhat organized group of people :-)

Isn't that going to be a problem whether the pension is public or private?

>I have worked 20 years in the same job

Very different. I cannot imagine staying anymore more than two years - aren't you bored?

Why would I be bored?

Of course this means that you're actually not doing the exact same thing at the same company all the time. A good company allows for that. Either because you can easily switch projects, switch teams, move up, move sideways etc. Depends on things like company size, structure, culture etc. And yourself obviously.

I think what parent means is: Don’t you have to actually maintain the crap you built using your resume-driven technology decisions? /s

I found that the times in my career where I learned the most was when I hung around to face the consequences of my actions. That normally means staying longer than two years.

How do you learn if you don't have to maintain what you wrote after two years...? Also, creating connections and really understanding a company/business is really fun IMO.

He probably doesn't want that kind of deep learning (not in the AI sense), he wants to have fun.

Having fun is one of the most powerful forces in human history. Not always for good.

I average about 8 years in my jobs. I think I'd find it much more boring to be constantly looking for a new role. Job hunting is the worst.

Switching jobs I’d be doing the same thing more than if staying. That’s the thing. I have even switched occasionally but switched back out of boredom. I tried. I’m in a position where the job is interesting (I find most work isn’t - I’d never want to work in a place making some Crud app or web service).

Exactly. A company I know well had to lay off people in France and in the US. People in France keep almost their full wages for a whole year, and the medical insurance for free for a year. I hope the ones in the US find a job quicky and that their higher salary can cover any (medical) cost in the meantime. I would not be so sure.

Lower wages for this amount of security seems a great deal to me.

It sounds like one of these american stereotypes that quite often turns out to be true.

That everyone should aim to be super stinking rich, or everyone is living in the gutter, but there's no inbetween

Unis are telling people that they can be the next zuckerberg or bezos, instead of telling them that they can earn well enough to have a very comfortable lifestyle for the rest of their lives

What you're decribing reminds me of something Bob Metcalfe wrote years ago (but I'm afraid I don't care enough to find the original), that is: people obsessing over getting their taxes lowered are dummies, because companies will pay positions to a particular level in the social context of their employees. If a job - such a software developer - is supposed by employees to be upper middle class, that's what a company will pay in California, or India, or Germany, or whereever. Tax rates, housing costs, what have you, will be factored into that. Hence, within the US, we immediately see companies expecting to pay remote, outside-SF employees less.

In a similar vein, you're describing a lower headline salary buying a comparable standard of living because you aren't paying a mortage-equivalent sum for healthcare and education.

I'm kind of surprised by the idea of saving nothing for your children. Is it a symptom of the dog eat dog American system of capitalism that it seems kinda wild to me? I guess if you can be certain that their fundamental needs will be met, it isn't as important. But in the US your life can be pretty crap, even if not abject developing world style poverty.

It's because most people in Europe don't really make enough to do so.

Also if you somehow manage to increase your income, over half of it disappears in taxes and social security contributions.

Denmark and the Netherlands have the highest income tax bracket at 52/53%. Germany is 43%. However they are stacked taxes.

In Germany (where I reside), the first €9744 (2021) is untaxed, then 14% until a certain amount (can't find it atm) and max 43%. However, if you do your tax returns your effective tax rate will drop significantly. I'd wager that most pay around 25% in total income taxes, excluding things like the health insurance and other taxes.

However, we indeed do not worry about saving up money to put our kids through school.

Earning 65k which what most companies in the tech scene now offer to lure them in as a SWE in Germany is a great salary realistically, considering for example an architect with a masters degree will earn around 55k and no real improvement in sight.

Also don't forget to factor in that the concept of being fired for PROPER reason is nearly impossible in most European countries. Even if an employer hits hard times they cannot just lay off an entire department to quickly green out the numbers in the books, there needs to be proper grounds. I currently need to give my employer 3 months notice before I can even leave, same goes for them to me.

I was laid off recently due to the pandemic. Because I work in tech, it took me two weeks to find a new job and it ended up being a promotion and a 20% raise. I would make 40% less in Europe, even in a big city, and unless I lived in a small European town my cost of living would be quite a lot higher. Even factoring healthcare (contrary to what Europeans perceive, the healthcare system works very well for the upper middle class) and student loan debt, I’m far better off financially than I would be in Europe.

Of course, this isn’t true for Americans in general. I want us to adopt European social policies; however, for SWEs, the financials are just better in the US.

> contrary to what Europeans perceive, the healthcare system works very well for the upper middle class)

... until you get a really expensive chronic disease. And then it fails miserably.

I know upper middle class parents whose kids got a disease which need ~$5000/month meds for a few years (and nontrivial infusion center costs on top).

It worked ok for some, many had been informed that the insurance company decided not to pay - requiring lawsuits (some settled, some ongoing).

No European, Canadian or Israeli parent that I know of kid with the same disease ever had to fight or pay out of pocket - it was all covered by the single payer with no hassles.

Not defending the US healthcare system, but I’ve never heard of an insurance plan without an out of pocket maximum. For example, my plan has a 2k maximum for individuals and 4K for married couples. Combined with a health savings account (allowed to be funded pre-tax from both the employer and employee), I’ve generally put $1-2k a year in that during my 20s when I rarely needed medical expenses. I still haven’t had a year where I’ve spent more than I’ve saved to the point I could cover multiple years of out of pocket maximums just from that account.

And since it’s a “savings account” I can invest the tax-free savings into the stock market with index funds. I’ve actually had a decent amount of growth in that account just from stock market gains.

2k max out of pocket expense to me sounds absolutely ludicrous.

In Germany you can have private health insurance (if you make more then 63k a year you can opt-out of public health insurance) and there the out of pocket is usually around €350. In the Netherlands the out of pocket is also something like €300, which most already consider too high.

The option to get it to zero is of course possible but usually doesn't offset the savings.

However the notion of having to need savings to be sick is... to me extremely foreign and strange.

Just out of curiosity. What would happen if, for any reason, you lose the capacity to work for a couple of years? Let's say that you have a bad accident that affects your hands, or you get a depression.

Are you asking me or ABeeSea?

I agree that American healthcare needs reform (and I want single prayer in particular), but I’ve never heard of an insurance company refusing to cover a necessary drug, at least not any health insurance plan that an upper middle class family might have.

> the healthcare system works very well for the upper middle class

See, that's the point. In Europe it works well for everyone, no matter how much you earn. It's a mentality-thing in the end (where the US position is hard to grasp for Europeans).

I agree. I was responding to the narrower context of the post: affordability for SWEs.

Just have to point out that the pandemic was not a tech crisis. If you want a point of reference, think of the dotcom bust. That was a tech crisis.

White collar workers, especially STEM ones have largely coasted through this pandemic.

I’m not following your point; we might even agree. My point was: despite less legal protection, American SWEs still enjoy a lot of security even during a pandemic (which isn’t a tech crisis but still dramatically impacted many tech companies). Because I make like 80% more than what I would make in Europe, I also am able to save and invest (6 months expenses saved up in a savings account). I also give a good portion to charities and political causes (so hopefully one day America can work well for people who aren’t SWEs).

My point was that we haven't had a job crisis in the software field, for a while. That would be a true test. I have no idea when it will happen but it's reasonable to assume that nothing keeps going up forever.

Fair enough, but it only tells you how each system performs under anomalously bad events (I don't think this is a "true test"). And to my earlier point, when you're making 80% more than you would in Europe, you can save a lot of money to float you through hard times. Notably, I still don't think you'd be particularly well-off in Europe--European worker protection rights don't help if your company goes under, and you won't have a cushy savings account. I'm guessing unemployment is a bit better than in the US, and obviously healthcare will be better, but on balance I don't think your average SWE would be any better off. Of course, this doesn't extrapolate beyond the upper-middle-class and above; poorer Americans are almost certainly worse-off than their European counterparts (and I want to see that remedied).

Except for financially dubious start-ups, getting laid off at a tech company comes with a fairly nice severance package. Dropbox, for example, is giving 3 months salary, Q1 equity, and 100% of 2020 bonuses.

Interestingly enough, I wrote above about this as well but with the opposite sentiment. The Spitzensteuersatz of 42% is applicable for income from 57k€ onwards. That's hardly rich and hardly deserving of so much tax. Meanwhile I could earn millions through investments and dividends and would only pay 25% capital gains tax. Also, 25% sounds ridiculously low when you add up the income tax, social contributions, sales tax, capital gains tax etc. Not to forget yes the 7%/14% you pay for health insurance. Or you have cherry-picked a family of 4 with one person earning 45k€ a year and drawing the most Kindergeld possible.

I am not sure what that alludes to either. Germans and Italians save huge amounts of their income (typically, higher than the US).

You still need to save for a pension in almost every European economy, one isn't given to you (state pensions in Europe, even in the UK, are contribution-based). Welfare systems in Europe are not redistributive like in the US, they are typically contributory (you get out what you put in). So there is no sense in which your fundamental needs will be met irregardless of anything else.

I think the issue with the US is that you have a very redistributive political economy, and so many people believe that those elements are the same everywhere AND they could have all the free healthcare...it doesn't really work that way (marginal tax rates on middle-class incomes are above 50% in some European economies, and top rates are usually lower than in the US...try doing that in the US).

> You still need to save for a pension in almost every European economy

Uh, no? Pensions are contribution based but that contribution comes from taxes on your salary. Far from me to say that the system is perfect but you basically just need to work.

Welfare is absolutely not contributory in Europe, it wouldn't make sense as those who need public welfare the most are those that can contribute less. Some countries like Austria have a healthcare system based on insurance, but employers are required to pay for it, students have it for free and unemployed as well.

> Uh, no? Pensions are contribution based but that contribution comes from taxes on your salary... Welfare is absolutely not contributory in Europe

This is just incorrect.

In Ireland, there is a contributory state pension [0] of up to €500 a week, which you are entitled to if you spent enough years in the workforce making tax contributions. There's also a means-tested non-contributory pension [1] of €237 per week which you are entitled to if you don't have other savings or income, such as the contributory pension. In addition to these, private pensions exist: basically savings vehicles with certain restrictions and certain tax advantages.

There's a similar two-tier system for unemployment assistance and certain healthcare entitlements. I understand many other European countries have similar arrangements, despite your assertion.

[0] https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/social_welfare/social_...

[1] https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/social_welfare/social_...

> In Ireland, there is a contributory state pension [0] of up to €500 a week, which you are entitled to if you spent enough years in the workforce making tax contributions.

That is exactly what I said or are we not understanding each other? Your pension comes from the taxes on your salary.

The existence of private pensions doesn't deny my point. I thought it would be irrelevant to mention them as they exist everywhere.

A lot of people confuse welfare with unemployment, I assume you mean that welfare isn't contribution based which is correct.

In some countries, e.g. NL/DE, unemployment however is contribution based and you always pay for it (it's tacked on next to your normal taxed), which when needed is limited to 2 years based on 60% of your last net income. The idea is that you should still be able to afford your current way of living without too many compromises when you got laid off and haven't found a new job yet.

In Germany for example welfare isn't great, it's around €400/mo though the state pays your rent directly.

That's correct, I definitely mixed up things.

I expect to leave them something (provided e.g the housing market doesn’t totally collapse.)

But I don’t need to save for their education or anything like that. I don’t save explicitly in their name.

I get it, and I would completely agree if the salary gap was the same for managers, HR, etc.

So the question is: why are managers, HR, etc. paid so much more than SWE in Europe? They bring less value to the company.

Pretty much every professionals' pay is proportionately lower.

Doctors are paid around a 1/3 of what doctors get in the US

Nurses around half

Lawyers vary, but quick googling suggests it's around half to third

Finance, insurance and real estate pays waaaay less

Store managers at Walmart get about twice as much store managers at Lidl Europe

The skew in upper management pay is even higher

and on and on...

Well, the US GNI is also higher than that of every European country minus the microstates, Norway and Switzerland.

Partly because even though productivity is comparable, Americans just work more (longer hours, fewer and shorter holidays), partly because the system is just more efficient: single market, just 1 language, great centralized soft power that opens many doors.

They are not. Pay is lower in Europe than in the US across all "well paid" jobs.

Risk is only one reason to potentially be worth a high amount of money.

Others are: having connections that result in value for a company, and having a scarce skill so you can do something valuable for a company. SWE falls under the latter, for the companies that can leverage them highly enough.

That is a completely wrong perspective, and might be symptomatic. You are not paid according to some argument that you personally deserve to be rich, you should be paid according to the value you produce in your context. And the relevant context is more and more global.

I didn’t say deserve - but since switching jobs is a chore, I’d want to be compensated for it. I don’t think it’s a job that should necessarily make me very rich though. Taking risk should, but just creating value that someone else can produce? There is talent scarcity but not that much scarcity. Other people would do my job at my pay (which I guess ties into the topic!)

With the highest salaries perhaps 20-40% higher than mine and marginal tax 50% making that 10-20%, the prospect is basically, would I switch jobs a few times for that little, when I like my situation?

If the ceiling was higher, I’d switch. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy :)

I think there is a comparable amount of value created between you and someone in USA, its just that in Europe managers capture more % of the profit. Its not an issue of scarcity (that makes sens only for the whole playing ground) but of distribution after the scarcity is already priced in.

"Value created by you" is not necessarily dependent on your skills alone. You might be the best Java programmer in the world, but if you get hired to write some boring CRM system for internal use in a bank, then the value you created is limited by how much money said bank wants to burn on internal development efforts.

On the other hand, if you get hired by FAANG and work on the "next big thing", like, say, new operating system for smartphones, then the amount of money that can be made from it is virtually unlimited.

The difference between the US and Europe is mostly that: cool, product-focused jobs are all in America, Europe only has the boring, low-risk, low-reward ones. Europe needs to innovate more, that's it.

> You might be the best Java programmer in the world

This is also true in the opposite sense. A mediocre programmer at a bank or a high-profit company could still create a lot of value because of the surroundings or simply the industry. And they're probably compensated for that, at least in part.

Even more interesting – the cafeteria workers, cleaning staff, etc at those companies also produce more value than their colleagues in less fortunate companies/industries. But they're probably not compensated for it, because markets.

I kind of agree, but it isn't just that europe doesn't innovate, there is a lack of VC infrastructure and it's kind of antithetical to the managerial culture.

In some industries, developers create almost infinite value-per-person. A company can make a product with 100 people and sell it to amillion customers.

In other industries, engineers (software or not) just make products and products are built and sold with "normal" margins and limited growth opportuntites. A healthy company can make a 10% profit every year for a century. Scaling up means having more people because you need more sales, more manufacturing and so on.

In some more pure tech industries like SaaS, Games etc, the profit margins can be much higher. I'd be upset too if I was at a company that made $1M profit per employee and I didn't have a cut. That doesn't apply to most software jobs (at least not here) though.

Or perhaps everything is just cheaper in Europe. If customers get more for less, B2B must also be cheaper, and software is cheaper.

There doesn't have to be someone capturing profit if the whole industry is priced lower.

He believes he is paid what he "deserves".

He /should/ be paid commensurate with the value he produces.

In reality, he is paid the market rate.

I agree, what for?

I would rather reduce the wages of those richer than SWEs by taxing them more and using that to reduce housing prices, increase wages of health workers and educational staff, and pay for more social programs to get the poor out of their misery.

Optimally, it's my firm belief that we should be working towards UBI to reduce bullshit jobs everywhere. I want people to be able to work on things that matter and things they care about, while living in a place they care about and for without having to constantly sweat about money.

If European SWEs wanted to raise their wages, we would have to unionize and demand a greater share of revenue. Also, we would have to vote for politicians that want to force large companies to pay their fair share in taxes. Google, Amazon, apple and others have a leg up because they can make billions without paying our countries their due taxes.

I don't get why I would get a smaller cut of the profit just because I save less for my children than Americans do. I should be paid what is reasonable for the work I do, not how much money I spent on education.

> I don't get why I would get a smaller cut of the profit just because I save less for my children than Americans do

In a sense you don't, depending on how you count. My gross salary is after the pension is deduced. The gross includes my kids university costs, but they are deduced as taxes so don't show up on the net. An american deduces the kids university costs from his net salary (and there could be more, e.g. pensions).

Comparing pay as a simple number "gross pay" is extremely difficult. Comparing net pay purchasing power or similar after necessary expenses including savings (and kids university) is probably more accurate.

As another comment said: to pursue passions that do not pay well.

The most scarce resource is time. Switching job would presumably require more work from me at least temporarily. I'd perhaps need to commute initially at least, for example.

I'd like to know this: if I got 2x the pay in the US, could I instead ask to work 1/2 and get the current pay level I have?

Most likely no, right? So in what way is that higher pay actually helping me pursue passions? I'd be working at least as much as I do now, and most likely more, for that money.

When exactly are those passions supposed to be pursued? When retiring? I'm pursuing that now. I have had 6-8weeks off in summer the last 10 years. I like to travel, etc.

Time isn't the most scarce resource for everyone.

If your passions require more money than you have, it doesn't matter that you have 6-8 weeks off. You still can't do the things you want to do. You can relax, travel (limited due to funds though), which are both nice for a while but eventually become frustrating.

My passions are expensive - too expensive unfortunately. For example I could really do with a house to build things in, but I can't afford to buy a house, so I can't build the sorts of things I'd like to build in one. And you should see the small factory I wish I could afford.

Even small stuff like attending conferences is too expensive if you can't afford the travel and tickets.

As I've gotten older I've come to see there are many situations where, if I'd had more money, things I tried to work on would have turned out very differently. That's the #1 reason I now pay more attention to income than I did for a long time, when I focused on voluntary work for what I thought was worth investing time in, with "SWE side gigs" to pay the bills.

> When exactly are those passions supposed to be pursued? When retiring? I'm pursuing that now. I have had 6-8weeks off in summer the last 10 years. I like to travel, etc.

Depending on what they are, it may have to be evenings, weekends, or when retiring.

That'a definitely a compromise. But if you don't have the money and your passion projects need money, it will probably be never.

Yes, of course the essential needs (houses, travel, expensive mountainbikes) are satisfied. There are no "if only I had X" needs, and many "If only I had more hours to use my X". I reached that point when there were too few hours and "enough" to fill those hours, long ago.

I realize things can change though. If I were to suddenly be divorced for example, I'd probably value having a much higher paying job suddenly (at the expense of less free time, more stress, less interesting work etc), to be able afford life.

> When exactly are those passions supposed to be pursued? When retiring? I'm pursuing that now. I have had 6-8weeks off in summer the last 10 years. I like to travel, etc.


I'm not familiar with all European countries, and not extremely so with the US, but I think this is an important difference: Free time. 5-6 weeks paid vacation is common, and employers expect it to be used. It's often easy to get unpaid leave for whatever reason, such as studying or starting a business. Parental leave is paid and the expectation is that it will be used. Employers demanding overtime or "crunching" or whatever is generally frowned upon.

Etc. etc. My strong impression is that those "low-paid" European jobs are often a lot more balanced, with more room for life than their American counterparts.

(I do live in Scandinavia, maybe we're on the extreme end of this, but still )

Work is exchange of the only finite resource you have (your life) for money. You sure would want the best deal you can get.

> I expect to have to put aside very little for retirement

Which country? You should definitely be saving for retirement

Sweden. I am saving but probably 60% of my "retirement savings" are mandatory payments (payroll taxes effectively) and if I save nothing at all, I'll still have a low-but-liveable pension. The last 40% of my pension or so is what I'm saving for, so basically it's the "extra". It's not nearly as much as you'd have to save in a country where you have to fund your whole retirement.

Also I don't think I'll want to retire very soon which helps the calculation. Saving durig a 50 year career to live 10-15 years is very different from saving for a 40 year career to be retired 20-25 years. I'm hoping to work to at least 70 or longer and that makes a huge difference too. I some times hear US devs talking about wanting to retire at 55 or 60 - which I'd want too if I didn't have summer off every year!

I don't think you've fully thought through your position. You making less isn't some altruistic thing. You making less directly contributes to your (already likely wealthy) boss making more. It's not like you making less means the poor live better lives, it's essentially donating money to your employer.

There's cultural differences here depending on where the employer is based. I believe the employee-CEO pay gap is substantially less for many European companies (excluding UK).

So do the shareholders make a lot more then? Or are companies just less productive?

It's probably true that in software, there are fewer companies that make silly revenue per employee. I work in "traditional" industry, meaning the revenue we make is for saying widgets we make in factories. Having 10% profit margins or 5% yearly growth is fantastic in our industry. In the US my feeling is that a larger fraction of developers work in the type of tech that has higher room for growth. And more importantly, the entire industry has to compete pay wise with these tech companies that can pay based on exponential growth and almost unlimmited properties (like FAANG). Since I don't have people across the street making twice my pay because they work at a FAANG, there is less of that.

The markets might be more competitive, which means less profits.

Right, they only own one Porsche here and a few houses.

I was actually surprised by how shitty of a car our CEO had (it was an Opel). Well, not sure if it was his, but it was the one I saw him in during a company outing.

It’s not altruism, it’s just that I’d need to actively chase more pay to get it. And I’m not in a position where I want to (don’t want to switch jobs etc). Marginal taxes are also quite high (over 50%) so there are diminishing returns.

For reference I make around $70k as a senior type eng. Not huge but the “ceiling” (for cash comp) if I switched jobs 10 times and ended up at a very well paying job in the end would be 20-40% more - which is 10-20% net!

And by switching to a better paying job you end up working somewhere that produces more value per engineer, which in turns makes the world wealthier.. which overall is good :)

That said, I don't think it's just a matter of culture.

Also just because capitalism likely makes the world better on average, doesn't mean we all have to go ferengi and dedicate our lives to pursuit of maximum profit :D (Perhaps there is a balance)

Huh? If he earns more at Pornhub he makes the world better? Even FAANG is debatable.

Defining “better” isn’t easy, but “more valuable” is a falsifiable measure. I hate Facebook and Google but they do provide a lot of value to their customers (advertisers)

Facebook's effect on society is still being studied, the jury is still out. It may very well be more damaging than doing good. Just because people are paying for something doesn't mean its doing anything good. Tobacco is a good example.

Like it or not, there is also a huge amount of legitimate interactions on facebook.

My dad didn't use internet forums before.. now he's on facebook groups about wood working -- I doubt the projects and reviews people in those groups share are fake news :)

Fact is: without facebook my dad probably wouldn't participate in any online community.

Right, thats why uber recently discovered that massive fraud in ad spending did not affect their sales

Hehehe, on average maybe? That said you probably shouldn't live your life by statistics.

Also note: I did advice against going all Ferengi :)

What you are describing sounds horrible. I’m living in Europe (Barcelona).

Upvote for your nickname!

As a software engineer your leverage should be higher than near any other profession. This is why SV engineers are paid handsomely. Your productive output eclipses that of any profession without force multipliers. Your income should not be based on input (risk, comfort), but rather your output (scale, value).

I think it's just a story that software engineers like to tell themselves to feel better about earning more than almost everybody else. Meanwhile, there are plenty other "force multipliers", who are paid a pittance. Even a cleaner is a "force multiplier" - they enable people not dying from diseases coming from dirt - that's much more in terms of multiplying output than we do (without cleaners, everybody dies and there's zero profit).

Salaries are never based on any of those concepts. They are simply determined by how much it would cost to replace you. It doesn't matter that you generate billions if somebody else would accept to do it for less.

It’s based on value but if my value is X and there are many developers who can do my job for my salary Y then it’s not X but Y that’s the pay.

There is a scarcity of talent here too but in order to take advantage of it you typically have to actively seek higher pay. I just don’t want to switch jobs, it’s not that I don’t want higher pay.

Based on this premise any teacher should be payed an incredible amount of money considering they are literally creating the bases to allow professionals like us to generate our "force multipliers".

I absolutely agree that they should be payed the same way as SW.

based on your output and how many people can also create the same output.

that's what drives down the price. as long as other people are willing to create the same output for less money, you will be paid less

> Your income should not be based on input (risk, comfort), but rather your output (scale, value).


Because people pay for output, not input. They don't care if you bought a pencil from someone else or grew the tree, made the paint, etc all yourself. They buy a pencil.

That does not answer the question. Why should someone's income depend on their output? Why is that the ethically correct outcome?

Because otherwise outputs go down, with people naturally making effort to do whatever it takes to qualify for the best compensation, rather than actually doing something productive (as high outputs is not it). As the result, the whole economy (and thus, society) struggles.

Check history of the Soviet Union - it was a glaring issue there.

Have you considered that in a discussion about the USA a modern Europe the Soviet Union might possibly be completely fucking irrelevant? But yeah, my bad, I keep being naive and assume that people try to interpret what I say in a reasonable manner instead of shouting COMMUNISM!! SOVIET UNION!!!

Which famously struggled because it didn't overpay its software engineers enough. So instead of doing productive work like optimizing ad impressions and creating DRM they all became garbage collectors and cleaners.

No, I'm not trying to engage in constructive debate right now. Apparently I lack whatever skill is needed to debate liberals without triggering their COMMIE!! reflex.

Please stop posting flamewar comments to HN and please don't take threads on generic ideological tangents. We've had to ask you this before.



Please keep the discussion civil. I haven't said anything that you imply I had and no one called you a commie (or any other slur) or even used word "communism" at all.

I've just mentioned Soviet Union as prominent and well-documented example. Don't put words I haven't said in my mouth. Thank you.

Heck, this issue is not even specific to communism.

>> That does not answer the question. Why should someone's income depend on their output? Why is that the ethically correct outcome?

Because anything else is wishful thinking at best and destroys society at worst.

As opposed to the current system, which is...not destroying society?

>> As opposed to the current system, which is...not destroying society?

I guess people can have different definitions of "destroying society."

I grew up in the USSR where you literally lacked physical stuff in your life that people in the rest of the world took for granted decades prior. A huge contributor to that was that people's work was rewarded on a metric other than their productive output, as measured by what society was willing to pay for in the free market.

To put it another way - we need people to produce. And we need them to produce the right stuff. The best system we have to deciding what's right is what other people use their dollars for.

If we paid people on some other metric we'd end up with a lot of bullshit work, no aspirations, and physical shortages.

I am sure your definition differs.

> I grew up in the USSR where you literally lacked physical stuff in your life that people in the rest of the world took for granted decades prior.

Define "rest of the world" because for the time period when the USSR was in existence, my part of the world was either actively being colonised or foundering in the neocolonialist wake of independence.

And that's the crux of it, isn't it? The world's foremost capitalist states (and the imperialist states that preceded them and laid the foundation for their current success) aren't less destructive than the USSR or than Maoist China. They simply had/have the dubious luxury of externalising the destruction and misery (and hiding it where it exists at home, in the poor and marginalised). The West built (and still builds) its abundance of "physical stuff" on the sweat, tears and sometimes literally blood of the developing world. Today's "free" market runs on the back of sweatshops, destabilisation and child labour - there has to be inequality and suffering elsewhere for companies to afford to put up the prices that consumers have become entitled to.

But hey, that destructiveness is not in your own backyard, so I suppose it doesn't exist.

Ma'am, this is a a Wendy's. the question was whether people should be rewarded by the value of their output to which the answer is obviously yes.

I am not sure the crazy town you are taking this to. But in case it somehow helps you understand - the USSR was horrible to its own people and to neighboring countries, forced labor and all, and still wasn't able to provide basic shit to anyone but the party elite.

Why did you automatically bring "ethics" into this discussion? The person you replied to was probably using the word 'should' in reference to some other objective.

I automatically bring ethics into this discussion because I try to be a decent human being and actually care about the society I live in.

Someone said, roughly, that X should be like Y. You immediately asked them why this was ethically optimal.

To me that seems like a non-sequiter.

There is no reason to suspect that the optimization (with respect to whatever objective you desire, e.g. total happiness) of a large, complex, chaotic, system (such as a society) can be best achieved by using 'ethical correctness' as the only criterion for decision making.

At least, that's my opinion. I hope that doesn't make me an indecent human being.

Ethically, everyone deserves all the blackjack and hookers they want, because we're all beautiful and precious creatures.

Practically, giving someone a direct incentive to do worthwhile things works out far better than some central planner deciding how much they should produce and how much they deserve. Somehow it always turns out that the central planner deserves way more than everybody else.

I’m willing to do without the blackjack but that’s my final offer

Compensation, in a perfect world, should be based on how much value you bring to the company.

It is clear that your perfect world and my perfect world are quite different.

Not again! The labor theory of value is rearing its head out of the grave again! Oh no! /s

You did not answer the question, you just repeated the initial claim.

You seem to be dodging the obvious: the "why" is because a company has no value when you are risk-free and comfortable because it gets nothing from the inputs towards you, only from your outputs. That doesn't mean it is exactly that black-and-white; your input and output are related. Then there is the availability thing; people with skills and experience are not easy to find so you often want to retain them at the company, and compensation is a great motivator.

If you need a hole dug by tomorrow and you have $1k to spend, you can either:

- Pay one person ($1k) with an excavator

- Pay ten people ($100/each) with shovels

I live in Germany and don't have any of those things. This attitude pisses me off to no end because it forces everyone into the subservient employee rut. I don't trust or want to rely on the government and pensions especially. Higher education and healthcare I like but at a primary and secondary school level they force you to go to school but the schooling they provide is not at an acceptable level. I would never pay for it if it wasn't free. Everything in Europe is designed around keeping the wealthy wealthy and the proles under the thumb. It's a deadend road. I support your right to choose this path but I don't agree it should come at the expense of the intellectually curious and entrepreneurial types.

That's very interesting, and I'm sincerely glad that you're happy. In the U.S., the value system is (was, at least) about personal ambition, talent, and action which determine if one "should be able to get very rich".

There's no shame in wanting to work for a company and focus on a work-life balance. Americans (again, traditionally) celebrate(d) those with higher ambitions and achievement. In Silicon Valley and the startup world (many of whom are on HN), the entrepreneur/founder vs. employee issue can be very sensitive.

You are taking a risk. The risk is that you assume your government will be able to provide you with a comfortable life even when you can no longer work. And when the time comes for your children to get higher education and retire themselves eventually you hope the government will also be there to step in.

It works, until it doesn't. In America you can compensate yourself for this risk by simply getting a job where you are paid a higher salary than the average. Then you don't really care what happens with the social safety net, you've already hedged against it by saving and investing for yourself, and possibly becoming very rich.

Personally I'd be stressed if I were in your position. Government welfare isn't some liquid asset. If you decide you want to go live in some other country with a higher standard of living, such as the United States, is your government going to give you $100k or more to go start a life there at the same standard of living you're used to? I doubt it. You'll have to start from scratch, little to no savings, no real credit history, and paying much more for things that were a lot cheaper back in your home country. And if you were to retire in the US, I have a dim view of your future if you have no savings for retirement. If you are already close to retirement and haven't saved anything, you simply will not be able to retire.

Basically you're locked in to your home country, and have no realistic options for leaving unless you become richer. If the country goes to shit, so do you. This is not the case somewhere like America, where how well off you are is decoupled from how the country is doing as a whole. Government risk is eliminated, your cash flow and net worth is all that matters. That's much easier to understand and helps you sleep at night.

Be careful.

I'm a European living in USA working for a FAANG. Frankly, my assessment is exactly the opposite from yours.

United States is the country that's most likely to go to shit. All of us wealthy professionals here are sitting on a powder keg of inequality and delusional politics, and nobody will be decoupled from it when it blows up.

I plan to stay for a few more years, then return to my safe North European home country with a solid stash of savings. My kids can go to good schools where teaching is in their native language. When they get older, they can go to free college if they're willing to put in the effort. When I retire, I won't need to worry about exhausting my savings because I've got a home fully paid and a sufficient baseline is guaranteed from the national pension system. There doesn't seem to by anything that would make me want to stay in America — perhaps the worst place on Earth to retire.

How is your assessment opposite from OPs? Just like the OP argued, if the entirety of US goes down under, you still have option of moving most of your earnings to your safe North European homeland. Perfect example of income being "decoupled" from the government.

This is why the actual billionaires - including and particularly the ones who setup ycombinator - such as sama and Peter Theil have bunkers outside the US that they plan to flee to (and in some cases did at the start of COVID) to avoid the mess that they've created in the US.

The people cosplaying here by repeating the values that Peter et al want them to quake will be the ones left behind.

Inequality doesn’t really matter as much as people think.

What inequality does is ensure that there will always be two markets of consumers: one that needs goods at low prices and one that can afford higher prices for luxury goods.

As long as the lower price market exists, hoarding sufficient wealth guarantees you’ll be able to at least afford the minimum standard of living, allowing you to safely retire. If everyone was wealthy everything would be expensive and then no one would feel wealthy enough to retire.

...what about the people who can't "hoard sufficient wealth" because it's all been sucked from the market?

...what if "health care" is viewed as a luxury good as it is in the statse?

lol. It doesn't matter much if you're not the one in the lower bracket.

Yes, thank you for telling us that capitalism needs poverty to exist.

Most of Western/Westernized world is going to shit. Western Europe and Japan in particular have terrible demographics, which means that, unless some miracle happens (like a massive influx of immigrants who integrate well and become productive members of society), that less and less working people will have to maintain more and more non-working population. Obviously, it will lead to radical decrease of standard of living and gutting of the welfare programs across the board. Just watch it happen across the next 30-40 years.

There was even a leaked secret recording of heads of banks, where they basically agree that the party is coming to an end for Western Europe (due to demographics) and admire Merkel and Holland for hinting that to the population, as opposed to ignoring the problem altogether.

Do you have link to that recording?

It's in Polish - they were heads of Polish banks and financial institutions. The one who said that was Morawiecki, a CEO of BZ WBK (which is a subsidiary Santander) at the time , who has since then became Prime Minister of Poland... There was a period in Polish politics around 5 years ago were important people were being secretly recorded by waiters in expensive restaurants, that's how this conversation got recorded and leaked.

This "every man for himself / kicking down the ladder behind me" attitude is exactly the reason to leave America. If you slip through the cracks by no fault of your own (e.g. covid), you have no safety net to keep your life and finances from spinning out of control.

> In America you can compensate yourself for this risk by simply getting a job where you are paid a higher salary than the average.

Oh wow! If I want a more secure life, I'll just get a higher paying job. I didn't think of that before!

> This "every man for himself / kicking down the ladder behind me" attitude is exactly the reason to leave America.

The "ladder kicking" part misrepresents their point. I see nothing they said which would preclude another person from following their same path.

As for getting a higher paying job, the problem isn't whether you thought about this clever plan, but whether you are able to actually implement it in you country.

In America you can compensate yourself for this risk by simply getting a job where you are paid a higher salary than the average.

If everyone does that then it just drives the average salary up. In other words, the system can't survive unless there's a strata of people at the bottom who are below average and, by your definition, relying on a government that possibly won't help them.

In Europe as most people rely on the government everyone has an incentive to vote for parties that won't fail those people.

I've struggled with this a lot. Unfortunately, the question "what's the ideal way to run a society?" is a very different one from "where's the ideal place for me to go right now?".

I'm not from America, but moving there as a high-paid, still-young software developer was a reasonable choice for me. I might advise others in my position to do the same. I'd be less likely to tell people "you should run your country more like America".

What you don't realize is that you rely on your government just as much as we do on ours. If it fails, it can't protect your property rights anymore and your net worth is just a theoretical number.

A developed country's government failing to the point that it can no longer guarantee property rights is pretty unusual.

Running out of money to pay pensions is much more common, and it seems somewhat likely given the way demographics are headed.

A bunch of angry people storming the seat of the legislative branch sounds pretty unusual for a developed country as well.

It's incredible to the lengths Americans go when their system is challenged.

You don’t need a lot of savings to move to the US. I could get a good job there tomorrow (I work for a US company already, there are often positions including relocation and US salaries offered). If I sold my house I could buy one in most parts of the US too. I’d still be eligible for my pension from here too.

I bet you've never left your own country for more than a week to visit Mexico.... you're all theory and it's all nonsense.

Major US tech companies earn a profit-per-employee of $200-400k[0]. That's across every employee, so depending on how you attribute value the profit-per-SWE is much higher. That gives a lot of headroom to drive up salaries when competing for hires, and in part sets the market price.

I suspect that low European software salaries are just a function of low profitability of European software companies. e.g, spotify is (at best) around $44k per employee, SAP is $41k.

[0] https://fortune.com/2020/08/24/apple-microsoft-facebook-amaz...

This is the correct answer. To put it another way, US companies are more productive (in the economic sense) than EU companies, and that gap is even wider for tech companies (& those that rely heavily on employing software engineers). Putting aside the question of whether EU companies have higher overhead per employee (probably true on average), they also derive significantly less value from their employees. This is the same effect which explains why the few "big" tech companies in otherwise low-paying regions will pay above local market rates (e.g. Shopify, Spotify, etc).

Reading your comment gave me a thought... maybe a better way of looking at the difference in salaries is that living in the EU is better value for money than living in the US.

In pretty much all of the EU, even in expensive cities like Stockholm or Dublin, if you earn a salary of €100,000, you can live a pretty decent life. Heck even on €50,000, you can do well in a lot of places.

Good luck doing the same in any of the top 10 most expensive cities in the US.

> In pretty much all of the EU, even in expensive cities like Stockholm or Dublin, if you earn a salary of €100,000, you can live a pretty decent life.

Define "decent".

In the top tier cities in western EU countries, buying even a modest apartment that will house a small family will be a challenge on €100k (pre-tax!). It is certainly doable, but you will not be able to afford any other luxuries.

> In the top tier cities in western EU countries, buying even a modest apartment that will house a small family will be a challenge on €100k (pre-tax!). It is certainly doable, but you will not be able to afford any other luxuries.

I would consider Paris a top-tier city, and while none of my friends make more than 100k, half of us bought our house already (we're all late 20s, early 30s, with a few kids starting to pop-up).

If you make 80k€[1] pre-tax in Paris (that's a good salary for SWE here), you can borrow more than 300k€. For a couple, that means buying a 700k€ flat/house, you can even live in the middle of Paris for that price! And we're talking about one of the most expensive city in Europe, with a massive housing bubble since 2000 (where the price was 2.74 times lower, adjusted for the evolution of salaries[2]).

In Europe, you are affluent with less than 100k€.

[1]: I'm talking about «super brut», which is how much money you cost to your employer, not the «brut» which appears on your working contract (which would be around 57k€ in this example)

[2] https://stymaar.fr/net/Capture%20du%202021-01-14%2012-11-55...., source Jacques Friggit (http://www.cgedd.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/prix-immobili...)

What locations are you considering? Because €100k/year in Germany is a really high income.

100k puts you in 1% of the earners, you can get that money as a CTO. Definitely not as a software engineer.

You actually can get that salary in big companies as senior developer, often with team responsibilities. Example: https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/Google-Germany-Salaries-EI_...

And it's not only Google.

You can easily get into that range as a principal software engineer in Germany. E.g, finance and car industry will pay that, depending on the niche even in a startup if you negotiate properly.

100k will also not put you in the 1% of the earners if you consider the cities where the high paying jobs are.

You mean in Munich, right? Anywhere outside of Munich €100k is a really high salary for a software engineer. Not impossible to get, I know of a few companies that offer that kind of compensation or even higher and are located in Berlin (though all of them have their HQ in the US), but that's very high income compared to the rest of the market.

In any case, the point is that with €100k/year you can really have way more than a decent life. More like a very, very comfortable life.

> You mean in Munich, right? Anywhere outside of Munich €100k is a really high salary for a software engineer

These salaries are also possible in Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Mannheim, Heidelberg (and more, this is where I know)

> In any case, the point is that with €100k/year you can really have way more than a decent life. More like a very, very comfortable life.

Well so what? They shouldnt pay more because it is already a decent salary and give the rest to the share holders?

It's no wonder that avarage salaries are low if people approach salary negotiations with this kind of attitude.

I think that you miss the context of the thread

Still, buying a house for your family will be difficult in the main cities.

But almost nobody buy a house for their family in city centers. People rent/buy apartments, or just move a few kms outside and buy/build a full house.

You make it sound like you must buy a home with a years worth of salary. Vast majority of people gets mortgages to finance their homes.

Europe doesn't value property ownership like the UK/USA/AU does - it's perfectly normal to rent for your entire life, and owning your own home is not seen as a requirement for a good life or even a wealthy one.

Europe is not homogeneous. Renting your whole life in Berlin? Yeah, maybe. But most of the Belgians are buying houses. I also heard Italians say it's crucial for them to own a house/apartment.

This is true, but even then it's not the same cult of home ownership == wealth as the Anglo culture has.

> Europe doesn't value property ownership like the UK/USA/AU does

It's funny, because my father in law (French, but who spent quite some times living in the US) often says the opposite: “Americans don't value property ownership. That's because they have wooden houses that last for a few decades and get replaced, while in Europe we buy stone that last for centuries”.

Clichés are clichés.

UK is in Europe btw ;)

Not any more ;)

In Hungary the reverse is true. Owning a home gives you benefits a rental will never can. Plus you are gaining capital compared to using your salary and considering it as an expense.

It's not required to own, sure, but it increases your comfort level significantly.


This list would suggest that there are many countries in Europe with a higher home ownership rate than the US, the UK or Australia. Surely that says something about valuing it.

There is a sense in which a non-trivial chunk of those productivity gains are eaten up by rent-seeking (in SF/NY, the high rents are literally rent-seeking in that they're the result of deliberate manipulation of local laws & regulations around housing & zoning for the benefit of existing homeowners). Even there, though, a single person can live quite nicely on 100k USD (or 120k USD, if going from 100k Euro), if they're ok with roommates. On 50-60k USD, yeah, that'd be trickier, though honestly it's manageable if you skip the top 5. You can have a very reasonable quality of life in, say, Los Angeles (as a healthy young person without dependents, yes) with that income.

You were comparing apples and oranges in living standards. The moment you inserted roommates, it became apples and bananas. By the time you will reach public transport, safety etc - it will be apples and cookies.

The person I was replying to didn't specify any particular baseline for living standards, so I reject the assertion that my example was inappropriate.

If you want to raise a family in SF proper, I agree that 100k/yr total income would be insufficient for what most people consider a reasonable QoL, even if one spouse stayed at home to take care of the children to avoid childcare costs.

Of course, in SF, 100k/yr is "entry-level engineer at an early stage startup" territory in terms of earnings, which is not the typical profile of someone trying to raise children. You'd have to be trying really hard to not make double that as a mid-level engineer in the Bay, though.

Keep in mind that even once you get past the flashy comp numbers at FAANG, there are a huge number of publicly-traded tech companies in the Bay which pay enough that you could afford a mortgage to buy a house in SF on a single engineer's earnings without breaking 35% of post-tax take home pay. (A bit of a stretch at 200k, easy at 250k.) Even startups are getting there: a friend of mine recently got a new job in the Bay (not in SF, but close) paying over 200k in cash comp (base + bonus) with less than 5 years of experience, plus some options (which are probably not worthless, but can't immediately be used to pay a mortgage). He's a good engineer but this isn't an unusual outcome; some of the engineers I know aren't as good, but they make more money because they took the interview grind seriously and went for companies with publicly-traded stock.

My sense is there's a larger US market than a pan-Europe market. If I go from German to France to Spain, I'm almost certainly not going to see the same grocery store chains. In the US, there are regional chains, but also a high proportion of homogeneity. In Europe you have strong national and cultural differences that lead to economies more isolated from the whole. In the US, there's regional differences, but I can order at a Starbucks pretty easily in all 50 states without breaking a sweat.

Maybe why US brands tend to get big in the US and then export overseas? US has a homogenous and large market, which brands can make a lot of money in and develop a solid profitable base. That's probably very hard to do in Europe.

Language barriers - if all of Spain is talking about your product, that’s not going to seemlessly bleed into Italy and Germany as all the hype is in Spanish. Most people speak English as a second language, but they don’t speak German Italian Spanish French and English.

So many VC funded projects seem to be aimed at American cultural problems too, exporting the issues they are trying to solve and fighting non American wye to solve those issues.

> I'm almost certainly not going to see the same grocery store chains

That's not really true. It's fair to say that a lot of supermarket chains have operations only in a single country, but there are quite a few multi-country brands as well which aren't uncommon.

A few examples: Carrefour, Auchen, Lidl, Audi, Tesco, (Euro/Inter)Spar, Iceland, Rewe - and that doesn't include subsidiaries of the same company (e.g. ICA/Rimi).

> It's fair to say that a lot of supermarket chains have operations only in a single country, but there are quite a few multi-country brands as well which aren't uncommon.

Actually it's fair to say most of the business is done by local chains, and Europe-wide operations are rather uncommon.

From your mentions, I'd only consider to be "Europe-wide" Carrefour and Spar. Carrefour is everywhere (though their market strategy changes a lot from country to country) and Spar's operations are kinda spotty but also kinda everywhere.

Auchan is everywhere, but in heavy decline because they're basically the Walmart (supercenter) of Europe and people don't like to drive to a hypermarket that much anymore. Almost their only profitable branch at the moment is their Chinese one.

Lidl and Aldi's presence is very spotty outside of Germany. Many countries copied their hard discount model so they have to fight with local companies that have a cultural edge (Lidl and Aldi tend to have tons of German products no matter the host country).

Tesco is a leader in the UK, then kinda common in Central-Eastern Europe, but then almost universally unknown in Germany-Austria-Italy and westward. There are more Tesco in Thailand than in the whole of Continental Europe, to put it in perspective.

Rewe is just in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe (under different names and with wildly different marketing).

Iceland I never heard about, but it's overwhelmingly a UK operation from a quick search.

From your mentions I'd take the wild guess that you live (or have lived) a significant amount of time in the UK ;)

Carrefour and Auchan don't exist in my country, but Lidl is one of the biggest supermarkets (#4, ahead of well established local brands) even though they only entered the market a couple of years ago. The #2 and #3 supermarkets are owned by Scandinavian supermarkets but rebranded - basically just a different name, same colours and style. The #1 is HQed here, but has a majority share of the market in neighbouring countries.

Tesco is big outside the UK and Ireland in a few Eastern European countries such as Poland and Hungary. I think they were the first hypermarkets in these countries. I've lived in Italy and Spain, and my local supermarkets there were Carrefour and Auchan.

So yes it varies... But my point was that if you actually look it's fairly easy to find a supermarket brand that's HQed in another country.

Maybe more common (where I am) in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe, as these markets are younger, so it made sense for foreign brands to come when everything opened than establishing everything from scratch.

Of course it's not so integrated as the US - you explained this yourself, brands and marketing are tailored for the local market - but it's not so uncommon as OP suggested.

To reinforce your point, from a Swedish perspective. I've never seen or heard of Carrefour before. We used to have Spar[1] but those got replaced by other chains.

Lidl started showing up maybe 15 years ago and is everywhere by now. I don't think any town/city with more than 20k people is missing a Lidl.

Tesco I've only seen in the UK.

[1]: Spara means "to save" in Swedish, so I've always thought that Spar was from here. TIL it's not.

Carrefour is not in the Netherlands, neither is Auchan. The only ones we have are Lidl and Aldi. And spar, e which is of Dutch origin

European Employee here: That is indeed correct. It has less to do with the capabilities of the people or the quality, but with the addressed market. I would argue that 90% of my software products are developed by US companies (e.g. MS Office, Android, iOS, Gmail, ... with only rare exceptions, eg. SAP).

The US dominates the software market (mostly for historic reasons but also for its unrivaled entrepreneur/VC/risk-taking management style) which sells it products everywhere in the world, earning much more on that way. And the remaining software products in Europe are acquired one-by-one (e.g. Skype).

Having said all of that: Being a software engineer in Europe is a privilege with a good income situation.

Keep in mind that those numbers are for the absolute top tech companies even in the US (and by extension, the world). Even in the PPE top 10, the last one Texas Instruments is ~40k less than the number 5.

It would be actually very, very interesting to see the PPE information for a more comprehensive set of companies in the US and EU tech sectors.

Or maybe it's me out of the loop and the six figure salaries are the norm in the US even outside the most profitable companies in the world?

Edit: welp, of course the data was linked in the article: https://tipalti.com/profit-per-employee/

Just picking companies randomly a little lower from the list, Qualcomm is 118k, Oracle 81k, Advanced Micro Devices 30k.

I would love to see some research on the factors that contribute to this. Work culture? Leadership culture? Rigor in interviewing process? Education? There has to be a reason US tech employees are 5x-10x as "productive". What are we doing differently?

There are several factors, but let's not forget that some of these companies have gotten so productive with some shady practices.

Would Facebook have become the Facebook we all know and love today if it had started in Europe? Probably not, because local legislators as well as the public would have said "whoa, we're not doing THAT!" I mean, Belgium outright banned Facebook from collecting data a few years ago, and there are other cases as well.

Companies such as Intel and Microsoft have been repeatedly fined, and it's not hard to see how they would have ben prevented getting in such a position in the first place if they had been started in Europe.

Now, according to some viewpoints profit and size is everything; I've seen this expressed on HN a few times with comments such as "all tech giants are American, Europe is shit", but what this misses is the question if we're really better off with all these tech giants in the first place, because to be honest I'm not so sure that we are. I think quite a few Europeans would see the existence of these companies as a failure of the American system, rather than a success.

So part of the reason is that the US allows for some business practices that would be very difficult (or outright illegal) if a company would be EU-based.

“Productive“ here means “put to work on tasks that produce high returns”, not “output more than average”.

It’s really a function of a willingness to make “big bets” that, when they pay off, pay handsomely.

There was a discussion about this a couple weeks ago [0]. SV (and presumably by extension other US firms) give engineers authority to make their own decisions. UK/EU firms do not, preferring to manage everything with non-technical managers and give the engineers specific tasks.


Academic research shows that US multinationals consistently lead in adapting the best corporate management practices of any major country.[1]

Germany and Scandinavia come in a distant second, with Southern Europe falling significantly behind. The disparity in IT-intensive industries is particularly large.[2]

This is true even when comparing the productivity of workforces within the same market. I.e. European who work for American multinationals tend to be more productive than those who work for local multinationals. The short answer is that American management culture is really world-class. And, I think in software in particular, good management is a major force multiplier in terms of output and execution.

[1] https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.24.1.203

[2] https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.102.1.167

> Academic research shows that US multinationals consistently lead in adapting the best corporate management practices of any major country.[1]

Your source points to an article about horseshoe crabs... Can you update it? I'd be interested to red about your claim.

Read the article carefully. American horseshoe crabs are about 217% more productive than the indolent European horseshoe crabs.

Whoops. Thanks so much for pointing that out.

It's economic productivity, not worker productivity - so it has more to do with the circumstances of the company in the market than the employees.

The companies are bigger with much larger market share (often a significant fraction of the Earth's population) and benefit from the economies of scale that go with that - it's not like Facebook needs a million times more employees than a tiny web service a fraction of its size - tech work benefits massively from scale.

I'd argue the USA has these large companies for various reasons (the start-up environment with lots of VC money, supportive universities etc.) and dominates Europe because Europe doesn't engage in protectionism.

In Russia and China, where protectionism is much more common, the American tech giants are nowhere near dominant and they have their own local giants with Baidu, Yandex etc.

I would like to see numbers which would compare the 'normal' IT market from US with the normal IT market from Europe.

No one can beat Companies like Google, MS, Amazon.

Even a company like Facebook which basically does nothing useful earns so much money just because it was the social media platform which was early enough and one.

And with Google and similiar companies having the money year over year to hire the best people puts them even further at the edge.

It is not magic to be market leader in a market as young as it.

From what I've understood from another Hacker News comment section is that US tech employees don't seem to have working hours.

I think it's the prevalence of venture capital that allows us firms to chase growth for a decade before turning a profit.

This makes the most sense. Ultimately an employee cannot have a company paying them more than the value they generate.

The value engineers for US companies generate is higher than the value engineers for EU/CAD companies generate, so they have a better bargaining position.

This is probably because US companies have a bigger market to start in, and have been more successful at expanding into other markets (including EU and CAD). The profit of tech companies is constrained by size of market addressed, not number of employees they hire.

Parent mentioned SAP and Spotify as examples of large software companies earning less per employee than US software companies. Both of these companies have good penetration in the US market. SAP has great global market penetration. There is something else besides market going on.

Plenty of US tech companies are present in the EU including FAANG, it is not like Europeans work exclusively for EU companies. Suppressed salaries are pure profit. $T companies not just come from nowhere.


I don't think those numbers are accurate.

Google and Facebook both have as many contractors as employees: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/28/technology/google-temp-wo...

> But the company’s increasing reliance on temps and contractors has some Google employees wondering if management is undermining its carefully crafted culture. As of March, Google worked with roughly 121,000 temps and contractors around the world, compared with 102,000 full-time employees, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times.

Accounting for those would reduce profit-per-employee to half. Furthermore, those contractors earn a lot less, further boosting the wages for the full-time employees.

True, but remember that the initial question is about how much they pay SWE. I'd expect that the pay for contractors in e.g. the kitchen isn't subject to the same competitive forces, and won't move up as the company becomes more profitable.

Profit-per-employee is not really meaningful for comparison since very few European companies are pure software, and therefore have cost structures involving much more than salaries. Relatively few employees are software engineers in Volkswagen, Daimler or Siemens, for example. Still huge employers.

Silicon Valley/San Francisco etc. was and still is the epi centry of IT.

That doesn't tell you AT ALL if Europe companies are 'low profitabile' or just 'avg'/'normal' while no one can just comped with the history of SV/SFR.

Yup, this is likely indeed the correct answer.

The real question then becomes: how do other countries cultivate highly-profitable tech companies (similar to the ones in the US)?

Europeaners seem to think getting by is just fine. They're happy that they're hyper educated, that their kids are going to be hyper educated, that their healthcare is paid for, and they get lots of vacation. Because you can't save, you are entirely dependent, in a broader sense, on the government's stability (I am not using this sentiment in a pejorative sense like some might.)

Americans want their fair share of the pie, which will always lead to certain people making more and others making less. Compensation is more than just money to us. It's vacation, stock, better healthcare, expanded education resources and benefits, buying programs, etc... This can be both good and bad. I suspect you can find an endless list of rosy and dark examples to draw from. Most Americans would like to think of themselves as quite independent from the government, whether they want to admit it or not.

The value in risk and reward versus security and stability is just different. It's okay that they're different too. Personally, I believe letting people leave the US without monetary penalties so they can pursue cultures that more match their own values is the solution. I once thought that having a system setup so that people could switch places between countries might be beneficial, one that augments the current immigration system.

> Compensation is more than just money to us. It's vacation, stock, better healthcare, expanded education resources and benefits, buying programs, etc... This can be both good and bad.

I don't think this is the right take at all. They way I see it, Americans want to get rich so they have access to the same quality of education / healthcare and leisure time / stability that the average (western) European has by default. Americans fight for scraps.

For instance, look at the list of minimum annual leave by country [1], or countries by infant and under five mortality rate [2], or education rankings [3], or countries by traffic-related death rate [4].

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_b... [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_infant_an... [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programme_for_International_St... [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-r...

That explains the net flow of Americans immigrating to Europe and not the reverse.

I assume you're being glib, since it's been mentioned elsewhere that more Europeans move to America than the reverse. In which case...

You're missing the point, which is that the higher baseline QoL means that it's better to be poor / middle class in Germany or UK than it is to be poor / middle class in the United States.

With regard to immigration rates, there are many factors to consider:

Yes, some small percentage of Americans can get lucky and make the jump from middle class to upper-middle- or upper-class, perhaps enticing Europeans who hope to get that high-paying SV job.

However, moving your entire life from one country to another requires a certain amount of social and financial security. The argument might be made (whether or not it's true--I don't know) that more Europeans move because more Europeans have the financial means to move, along with a quality education that enables them to outcompete domestic American talent. It might be that many Americans want to leave, but are trapped into staying for social / political / economic reasons (e.g. "if I leave, my elderly parents will have no one to care for them due to our expensive healthcare system").

So without further investigation, the inflow/outflow rates can't really be used to support either side of the argument, even putting aside that the number of people who leave their home country is peanuts compared to the number of people who remain.

Well never know the true motivation of people who immigrate, but the type of visa can give a lot of insight (school, work, family).

As someone who immigrated to the US and can give my 2 cents - it’s opportunity. Instead of staying in my home country struggling for a job, I can come to the US which is the heart of the industry and has a ton of high paying jobs working a big problems that matter.

And as for US people not immigrating because of their old parents and healthcare, the US does have socialized medicine for the elderly.

A larger fraction of Americans have a tertiary degree than almost all European countries.


> Personally, I believe letting people leave the US without monetary penalties so they can pursue cultures that more match their own values is the solution.

There are no monetary penalties unless you are both much wealthier than the average person and have substantial unrealized capital gains. The hard part is finding another country that will take you, not leaving.

> A larger fraction of Americans have a tertiary degree than almost all European countries.

Not if you only count STEM degrees, then USA is far behind.


I'm not sure why American's don't study STEM, you'd think they wanted to study something that pays off. But maybe it is the other way around, with government funded education they only offer STEM degrees since that is what the government thinks will pay off hence more people study STEM?

Most people are made miserable by studying STEM. And if it makes you miserable, you are unlikely to get good enough at it to get the purported payoff.

But the inverse is not true.

My wife just got her psychology PhD. Thankfully it was in clinical psych (which from an observer's point of view is the "best" of the psych programs) and she abandoned academia so she has a decent, well-paying job.

America mints way more liberal arts PhDs than we have jobs for. Being in debt w/o a job at 30 is not a great position to be in.

Also, getting the degree (aka being a low-payed servant for her PI) wasn't far from misery. Just one datapoint, but it was not unique among her cohort.

It is not my experience that their chosen field makes them miserable. Would you mind illuminating your point? My experience is anecdotal and not very helpful.

Most people do not have the necessary personality type/abilities/interest to do well in STEM. Doing a STEM degree is not enough on its own to get the STEM payoff. To be clear, I am not saying that STEM makes people miserable by default, just that a minority of the population enjoys such things.

However the low percentage of STEM degrees can also be explained by the fact that the college lifestyle is an institution of its own in the US. Therefore more people who won't necessarily stand to benefit from college will attempt it, and they are more likely to pick easier majors (which are overwhelmingly non-STEM)

> To be clear, I am not saying that STEM makes people miserable by default, just that a minority of the population enjoys such things.

Ah! Thanks for the clarification. I agree completely

Doing something easy rarely pays off. The road to hell is the path of least resistance.

In this case it won't pay off either. It's a hard job market for mediocre engineers and many STEM fields don't even pay that much better.

The vast masses of people are already on the road to hell from birth no matter what choices they make in their lives so that expression ought to enter its retirement years

I disagree that STEM fields don't pay any better. I think it's clear they do.

Nature vs nurture. It's a mix, it's not all decided at birth. You always have the power to change your outcome. Many people will never exercise it effectively though.

I said many STEM fields don't necessarily pay better, not STEM in general. Obviously engineering/software/quant stuff pays off as long as you are motivated (a suprisingly large hurdle) I was thinking of various sciences like biology, pure maths, where it's heavily dependent on your location and other factors.

> The hard part is finding another country that will take you, not leaving.

I am aware, which is why:

> I once thought that having a system setup so that people could switch places between countries might be beneficial, one that augments the current immigration system.

I've never heard of such an idea before, so I don't know what to call it, but this is the problem it was aimed at solving when I had the idea.

>> Because you can't save

Sorry that's nonsense. Tech remains in Europe generally very well paid compared to national averages, albeit just not stratospherically so like some (not even all) US areas/firms.

I'm sure there are of course still relatively poorly paid tech roles, but tech Europe-wide simply cannot be characterised as too ill paid to build savings!

> Because you can't save, you are entirely dependent, in a broader sense, on the government's stability

Do not bet on your money when your government goes down. In the current situation (China raises, switching of federal reserves from the Dollar to a more diverse bucket, a US Capitol invaded), the dollar went down from its 100% safety in the 90s to a shaky 90% currently. And that can spiral quickly when something radical happens (like a coup) and the world stops trusting the US.

Just saying: I do not trust my bank account.

Imo, the US dollar will remain the world reserve currency and the safest thing as long as the US military remain the most powerful. Sure, EU politics could be more stable but they can't defend against threats (Russia).

Also, I don't think many people, countries and businesses are going to trust China. They have a bad track record especially in crypto (detaining CEOs, freezing money, etc...). Everybody else is too small to matter (ie: New Zealand, Emirates, etc...).

I’m curious to read more about this currency safety metric. Where do you find this?

Well, there is plenty of material on the federal reserves. The capability of the dollar to be so untouchable is because of that.

And to the fact that a currency is only stable as long as the country is: Well, I would say that 80% of the world population has experienced radical changes to their currencies and assets (inflation, complete devaluation, rebranding, coupling to other currencies, stock market crashes, ...) within their lifetime (for whatever reasons). Having a multi-generation-stable currency is the privilege of only a very few countries like the US, Canada, France or Germany. Looking at the history of a country will easily reveal a significant event in the last 50 years which included something destabilizing.

Even the mighty UK was crashed by a single investor (the infamous George Soros).

And again, my argument is limited to the following element: currency stability > country stability.

> you can't save, you are entirely dependent, in a broader sense, on the government's stability (I am not using this sentiment in a pejorative sense like some might.)

I managed to save about €10k/year on a €42k/year salary (and I was being woefully underpaid even by European standards for what I do, but that's a different story, I should have earned at least 60k, but ah well) which I used to fund my business.

Maybe you can save more in the US – I don't know – but you can save plenty of money on tech salaries in Europe.

Yeah. I've managed to save £12k a year just by keeping my lifestyle at a minimum. The big one to avoid is paying for a car, which is actually realistic in Europe.

I hardly lived a "minimal" lifestyle, I just did what I wanted, including paying for my holiday with my girlfriend (who earned much less) and selling my house with a loss to move country (which also wasn't cheap in itself). I could have saved more if I wanted.

I also don't have a car – I don't even have a driving license – and that's indeed quite a large cost-saver. I also don't really have too expensive hobbies or need a new iPhone and macbook every year, so that helps as well.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I was scrimping and saving every penny. My parents used to buy the very cheapest food (mostly "Tesco Value"), second hand clothes, one week of holiday per year etc. I've always had good food, never had second hand clothes, go on multiple weeks of holiday per year. I just didn't succumb to lifestyle inflation early on. I could have spent all my money on all manner of things but I just didn't want/need to because I was happy with what I had.

I work in big automotive supplier company in Germany and earn around €72k/year. Save upto ~€24k/year. And you can live pretty much live comfortably even with almost 33% savings.

> you are entirely dependent, in a broader sense, on the government's stability

It's the same in the US, take for example Trump that fought the Chinese to bring more work back home. Another president can create the opposite flow of jobs.

How many people lost heir jobs and homes during the Financial crisis of 2007–2008 ?

European economy is on strong decline and no new competitive companies are founded. Compare that to US where new large companies are created all the time. All top-5 companies in US were founded in the last 40 years.

"strong decline" is a harsh statement ;)

I might be biased by personal experience, but I think this has less to do with US regulation vs Europe and more to do with direct competition between tech firms’ equity value, notably late stage private companies and recent IPOs. A recent example is circa FB’s IPO, Google would always try to match or beat the other’s comp. Over the long term, you’re hoping that most of your wealth will have come from equity, not salary, if youre an engineer in SV. Senior engineers earn ~half their comp as equity grants even at public companies. Salary is simply a knob to adjust risk.

Theres an interesting sort of recursion where companies compete with others slightly earlier and slightly later than them, where the more mature company promises less risk (in the form of cash and equity $ value as of the last round raise) compared to the less mature company. This means that e.g. Stripe must offer comparable or higher salaries than a series B or C company, and slightly “less” equity compared to the less mature companies more risky but higher potential equity. So the salary floor is driven by very early upstarts, and companies are pressured as they mature to increase that floor or employees leave to other companies with the same salary but less equity risk.

So, 2 things: early companies must be able to grow (so their equity over the long term outpaces or matches larger companies) and early companies must be able to pay something close to reasonable salary (in SV this is usually ~70% salary of top of market, so 90k from a seed startup vs 130k from a FAANG). Basically, more companies need to be started and access to initial investment is a huge part of that.

Been working in Europe for about 10 years now with "low" wages as a Hardware Engineer (6 figures US). Sorry but America seems like a third world country compared with what we get here. I have: 35 days vacation per year, 35 hour work week, overtime pay, free education, childcare money each month, healthcare that wont bankrupt me if I lose my job, up to 3 years in parental leave (6 mo. paid), probably other things which I'm forgetting. No amount of money would make me go back to that dumpster fire that is America.

What is a salary range for a hardware engineer? Can you shed some light, just a rough number?

I work at a unionised company, our union is called IG Metall. You can google the EG (entgelt) levels - engineers range from EG14-17 + an additional % each month (depending on your productivity range from 10-25% of brutto on top) + we get 14 salaries instead of 12 (roughly - union agreement). https://www.igmetall.de/download/docs_MuE_ERA_Entgelte_Juni2...

I always was confused when somebody told me exactly like you did. These levels are inconsistent across different lands. How much brutto is that practically? My calculations are 75-90k, but this is a huge spread :) Anyways thanks for the insight!

Only a very few developers in Europe have 35 hour week and many have to do unpaid overtime.

Do you mean a particular part of Europe? I only ask because there are more factors than salary. I have friends who have moved to work in France, Norway, and Germany. They do make markedly less than I do on my US salary. However, they also get:

* Substantially more actual vacation time

* Substantially cheaper and yet similar health, dental, and vision coverage

* Less risk/stress associated with job security

* A very similar job market

I don't imagine this is the same in every country in the EU, just as technical job markets are different in the US. But working in the US Tech Sector isn't the panacea of work related issues.

>* Substantially more actual vacation time

This depends on the company, last startup I worked at gave me around 6 weeks of vacation per year not counting holidays. Of course I got paid less than FAANG but still better than Europe even without the equity.

>* Substantially cheaper and yet similar health, dental, and vision coverage

I have heard a lot of people in Europe (UK and Germany) complain about issues with getting health coverage for non life threatening issues unless they also had private insurance. No idea how many companies pay for that in Europe.

>* Less risk/stress associated with job security

My bank account is my job security. I don't think I ever was worried about job loss after a few years of building up savings.

I guess my point on vacation is more around the culture of using it. As a senior level engineer/architect with maybe a small team leading role, when was the last time you took a solid 2 week off without anyone calling you for work? Heck, look at the number of unlimited PTO companies out there where employees never take a day. Just as an example.

The experience my friends have in the EU seems to be pretty good over all with healthcare. The US healthcare system give fantastic results at a phenomenal and often strange price. It's a trade-off I'm sure.

I agree that having savings helps. And I have quite a bit of savings. But I still wouldn't feel comfortable being laid off .

Over all I'm here in the US and I love it. But I'm pointing out that there is give and take to everywhere.

Also everyone keeps talking about working for FAANG but.... The vast majority of US engineers don't work for them.

The VP of Eng at my current job routinely takes a week off where he is utterly unreachable (I believe he literally went to amish country last time). The same applies to the rest of the engineering team. It's been the same at my previous two companies as well. No, it's not the norm at companies but there's plenty where that's the case.

In my experience, the US is a place where little is given to you but you can get a lot. But you cannot take anything for granted. If you value vacation then you need to grill potential employers on that point and be willing to take a job that pays less. Most people value money so if you value something different you need to be proactive about getting it.

You make a great point and one thing I posted a bit further down was when I was a director level I did a really poor job of leading by example when it came to vacation. I would literally force people to use their pto and I didn't and they would feel weird or bad. I should have been more like your VP.

> Also everyone keeps talking about working for FAANG but.... The vast majority of US engineers don't work for them.

True, but since FAANGs have offices all over the world, employ a ton of people and doing market research for salaries they should offer, it might be a pretty good idea to look at them and compare what they pay per country to see disproportions

I suspect a lot of us just got back from two weeks off. Dec 19 though Jan 3 (inclusive) for me.

Obviously it’s a personal choice as to what’s important, but the salary difference between the US and EU is still larger than any of the financial benefits to being in the EU.

Getting 6 weeks of vacation instead of 3? I’d still rather take the extra $150k. Having to shell out $15k for healthcare each year? I’d still take the extra $150k.

I'm pretty much at the top end of the salary range where I live. I don't make an extra $150,000. I make a sizable amount. But outside of a few niche places and a few niche companies in those places, people aren't making an extra $150,000 in the US.

The vast majority of SWE in the US doesn't even make $150k/year so yeah, good luck with that $150k extra.

Last time I checked the average salary for SWE in the US was roughly $110k.

In 3 years in the US you earn significantly more than in 5 years in France, so the vacation and health coverage arguments do not hold, unless you have an expensive illness (>30k$ per year). The job security on the other hand is very real, so if you want to coast at your job, europe is the way to go.

I make pretty good money as a consultant. Last year I had 180 hours of saved vacation time (4.5 weeks). I gave up 115.5 hours of that on January 1 because I didn't use it. I expect I will lose a similar amount on next January 1st. I did get 6 federal holidays off. I used a bit of vacation to also take the day after Thanksgiving, the day before Christmas, and New Year's Eve off.

I paid $8400 in insurance premiums for my insurance. I also added $5200 in pretax to my HSA account which I used.

I paid about 30% to taxes.

I'm not complaining. I'd just like to point out that my high salary (which is not > $200,000) comes with some costs.

$200k is £146k

I've seen mid-level tech jobs in London banks for £146k which come with 34 days off including state holidays like new years day, christmas, etc

£146k for a full time contractor on 226 days a year isn't that much at all - £650 a day, which is in the "Senior developer" range [0]

With 30% tax in the US and the cost of health insurance, that would be $68,400

For a staff employee on £146k (which is quite achievable in finance), taxes would be 39.5%, or $79k in tax [1] (there's also local property tax, but that's in the ballpark £1k-3k a year depending on the size of your house). Tax could be potentially lower as a contractor if you're clever about distributing your income, but I know they've been clamping down on some avoidance schemes.

No idea what a HSA account is, I guess some form of pension plan? That tends to come off pre-tax.

[0] https://www.itjobswatch.co.uk/contracts/uk/senior%20ui%20dev...

[1] https://listentotaxman.com/146000

The whole IT contractor bonanza at £650/day is being killed off by the government in April 2021.

Also perm developer jobs in London are at around £100k at the 90th percentile, nowhere near £160k

See https://www.itjobswatch.co.uk/jobs/london/developer.do

How is it being killed off? You might have to pay a bit more tax (either before as part of employer NI, or after), but £650/day isn't an abnormally high rate.

I was looking at the following job last month which was advertised at £200k

Software Engineer needed for award winning tech focused hedge fund run by passionate computer scientists. Sells Flexible hours/work options Technologists only report to technologists Programmers treated as top commodity so ‘spoiled’ Very friendly/collaborative people Cutting-edge tech Multiple greenfield projects No red tape Beautiful offices Small team size in a growing company so able to make a significant impact Role Build and optimise new cutting-edge platforms to back-test, research & trade quantitative strategies Predict models to automatically invest, design and develop trading platforms Performance optimisation & building robust intelligent solutions to problems

And this one at £150k

My client is a specialist quantitative asset management company that takes pride in having a distinct culture and approach to working with technology. With a tech driven and relaxed feel in the heart of London. They are looking for an outstanding Low-latency Network Engineer. The successful candidate will be a key engineer in the company and will be designing, building and managing critical network infrastructure and automating all work.

Now sure, not everyone is paid those, but not everyone is paid $500k in america either. trcollinson was a on a gross of less than $200k as a contractor. Based on his hours that's $800 a day, or £586 a day, or £660 a day if you include Employer NI.

London is hugely expensive, so tech salaries should be higher there to attract workers.

Also, finance generally pays better than other industries (although banking in Netherlands pays typically low-average); but trading and investment companies pay above average.

Median wage pre-tax in London is £736 a week, or £38k a year. It can't be that expensive if half the people live on that.

Median rent for a 2 bed in London is $1976 a month

Average rent for a 2 bed in San Francisco is $3772 a month

[0] https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/housing-and-land/improv...

[1] https://www.rentjungle.com/average-rent-in-san-francisco-ren...

Yes, you can earn $200k in EU. But usually on very senior role/as contractor while in US you can get that kind of offer from FANG just out of university. I would assume that people who can get $200k in EU could get a ton more in US

>No idea what a HSA account is, I guess some form of pension plan?

I think the OP meant Health Savings Account, which lets you put money in pre-tax for certain medical expenditures. There is a limit and IIRC you lose what you don't spend. It's good if you have predictable costs, or you're saving to do an expensive procedure (friends have done this for lasik), etc. You pay the bill then submit a receipt to get reimbursed out of the account.

In the US these are now termed Flexible Spending Accounts, with subcategories of Health, Dependent Care, etc.


It helps, but certainly a different attitude towards social safety nets, defense spending, etc would make a larger difference.

No, FSA and HSA are similar but different. They both exist, the use-it-or-lose it variety you're talking about is called an FSA. HSAs, on the other hand, can carry over year to year, and doubles as a source of income in retirement.

The downside is you must have high deductible plan to contribute to an HSA -- the idea is that you put aside enough money to cover the high deductible just in case, but are now motivated to price comparison shop for MRIs and whatnot, since any unspent money is now yours to keep.

I don’t get this. As a consultant do you get time off? If so why didn’t you use your vacation time? Why not take December off?

Did working those extra weeks mean more value to you?

I am a W2 employee for a consulting firm. They pay me a salary with some benefits and some vacation time and bill be out to clients.

I'd say it's a cultural thing why we don't use it. Working hard and making big money is the dream. I'm not saying my company forces me to not take the vacation time. Heck they try to tell us all to use it more! (PTO is a liability on the books, FYI). But culturally, it's just not a priority (as in our countries culture, not the company itself). I realize it makes no sense. I need to make it more of a priority. My original point is my friends who are ex-pats on the EU seem to have a culture of using that time being more important than working.

Edit: I'm not sure why I'm being down voted. I'm mostly sharing what I see and feel. Your milage definitely may vary and I hope it does!

Work to live, don't live to work.

Your company at the end of the day doesn't care about you, those 5 weeks you could've spend on a trip doing a hike or just chill on the beach. That is what you'll remember later in life. That deadline you crushed, your boss enjoyed but won't be remembered in a few years, and if your "team needed you" comes up, your company overworks you and needs to hire additional staff.

I don't disagree. And I mean this much more generally, I have worked quite a long time for quite a lot of companies. The amount of PTO that is given up, which I was privy to, was staggering.

The interesting thing is I used to try to force people who worked for me to take more time off and they would complain. I think in many ways it was the example I set, which was bad, of always working. It's a regret I honestly have. I'm also happy now that I am just an individual contributor. I don't have to try to change that culture anymore. I only need to change me.

> In 3 years in the US you earn significantly more than in 5 years in France, so the vacation and health coverage arguments do not hold, unless you have an expensive illness (>30k$ per year).

Care to elaborate? Especially the part about vacation. Do you mean that US developers will retire early than their European counterparts because they are earning more in average and by doing so will enjoy more free time? I'd rather prefer to enjoy my free time when I'm in my 20s and 30s than when I'm in my 40s, 50s, etc.

The part about the health coverage: well, that's the thing, you never know if you'll deal with expensive or rare illness... so the European way of health coverage is worth it.

In the US as a software developer you can and do get more vacation than the US norm, so keep that in mind.

There is absolutely no way to get 500k/year from being just an engineer in Europe.

I recall the React creator's base salary is 100k/year in London, and he works at Facebook.

The average salary for a Software Engineer is $107K per year in United States.

The average salary for a Software Engineer is $66K per year in Germany (~61% less).

Source: indeed and payscale.

I always find a bit funny when US devs in HN talk about getting salaries above $200K/year... when the average US dev gets half of that. (I find it funny because everybody here thinks we are above the average dev level and can get a job at Facebook/Google/Amazon/etc... which is statistically incorrect).

Well, IDK where I fit on the skill curve but... my total comp is personally well above that line. There's definitely a bi-modal effect with tech companies issuing RSUs that appreciate dramatically vs. random insurance company or telco.

> RSUs that appreciate dramatically

Well, yeah, luck certainly can factor in. There was a year I made around 1.35 million in total comp due to luck like this. Nowadays I mostly make around 150k.

It feels more like you choose the job you like because you are already rich.

I'm sure you can join one of the FAANGs and get, at least, $300k/year easily.

If I have a few millions in my bank, I'd definitely join an interesting startup with no regard to compensation.

1.3m/year definitely has some luck involved. 500k/year is probably less luck. Just joined one of the hot tech companies and stay for 4 years. You have to be unlucky to not get to 500k/year.

Wrong math. 61 percent of the US average. Not 61 percent less.

I'm talking more about the possibility, not average.

It's much easier to achieve 500k/year in Bay Area than in Europe.

500k/year can be achieved by being a senior engineer at one of the successful companies for a few years. The stock growth should take care of that, easily. There are probably like 100 of successful companies in Bay Area between 2010 to 2020.

There are thousands of people achieving this in Bay Area.

In Europe, the base salary is lower. The stock comp is also lower. If you are a regular IC, these 2 always go together. You would need a much higher stock growth. This level of compensation is rarely heard of that it seems impossible.

> There are thousands of people achieving this in Bay Area.

thousands ? out of how many ? seems like a tiny fraction

Sure, but it's more attainable/possible when compared to other occupations, say, doctors, lawyers, footballers, and etc.

Way more attainable.

Who says everyone here can't get a job paying 300k or whatever? Why is that statistically incorrect? Moreover, median != mean due to lefthand skew of the salary distribution of developers. Also probably excess kurtosis as well.

I guess they mean that:

- number of software engineers in the US: X - number of software engineers in HN: Y - number of software engineers working for FAANG-like companies: N

Where X >>>> Y >> N. So, yes, I also think that everyone here can't get a job paying 300K or higher not because we are not skilled enough but by simple math.

> There is absolutely no way to get 500k/year from being just an engineer in Europe.

Proprietary trading shops in London at the top end or L6+ at Google Zurich can pay that in total comp.

> I recall the React creator's base salary is 100k/year in London, and he works at Facebook.

And what about stocks? There should be at least another 100k in them. Facebook is a publicly tradable company, its RSUs are as good as cash, unlike startup paper money.

Sure, but the base salary for the React creator shouldn't be that low.

That's like a new grad engineer at twitter if we simply compare base salary.

That's 100k pounds, not dollars, and he's making more in RSUs. I also imagine he's an E5, because E6 salaries in London are higher than that.

To be honest, given how Facebook works, all the work he does in React/Redux is probably hindering him in terms of getting promotions.

$100k pounds ($130k) is still too low for the React creator.

When I was a new grad 8 years ago, my base salary was $120k already.

Unless he got a special deal, for an IC, the stock is proportional to the base salary. If your base salary is low, your stock will also be low.

Why the focus on base salary alone? Total (liquid) compensation is what matters, as the high paying places tend to be either equity (FAANGs) or bonus (finance) heavy. And 200k+ GBP TC is very good pay for UK market, probably 99th percentile

For reference, Dan Abramov's tweet regarding his salary in London :


It is absolutely possible at FAANG companies (eg partner level at MS, principal level at G) and other publicly traded (US) companies or startups. Most of it is in stock.

I would guess that his total compensation is probably 2-5x that.

$100k or £100k?

£100k but that's like $130K USD which is a new grad engineer at, say, Twitter.

I unfortunately don’t have much perspective on software development on Europe, but one of the differentiators I’ve observed in the US between high salary SWE jobs/regions and lower SWE jobs/regions is that engineered in the higher categories are considered a core part of the business and are deeply integrated across the business. The engineers sit closer to and interact more with the “money people” than in companies where there might be a layer of analysts or business program managers, etc... As a result, engineering and computing at permeated throughout the business.

This often makes these companies more agile (the cycle times for requirements and feedback are shorter) and seems to make the business more willing to pay for engineering talent generally (as the decision makers see the value or are former engineers themselves.)

This is easier in some industries than others - consumer internet and commercial software companies will tend to organize more like this then health care, for example.

So I guess my answer would be ensure your software engineers aren't just doing software, but helping define the businesses

This explanation does a great job of describing what I've seen in Australia. I moved here from San Francisco after working at several startups including a long stint at Airbnb. I've been consistently stunned by how peripheral software is to businesses here. In the bay area organizations are structured around how they build technology and see it as a key point of competition. Here it's viewed as a cost center and usually outsourced to consulting firms who integrate some semi-generalized third party solution.

This isn't universal, there are startups here that "get it". But it's ubiquitous in large companies that have money, and that drives the salary market.

It seems inevitable that this will change in time either by the old guard catching up or new companies displacing them. I think one of the key driving forces behind this could be the return home of people with experience from SV style companies. As they join companies or start their own they are likely to advocate for approaches that more strongly couple the organization to its technology.

In the Canadian startup circles I once inhabited this was a broadly accepted idea. Seeing people move to the US for high paying tech jobs was generally celebrated, because there was an expectation that many of them would eventually return and be a boost to the overall ecosystem.

This rings true so hard that it's painful.

I previously worked for a large consulting firm and in the Australian side the software arm was seen as 'just another billable unit' even though we built software primarily for internal engineers to use, this has some nasty side-effects (wasted time/money on busywork, inability to do useful work without 'proving usefulness' first).

The London arm was much more of a 'startup' focus, billing time was second to doing good work and delighting clients (internal or not).

I'm now at a London startup that 'gets it' and when I inevitably move back to Australia I'll be taking these learnings back with me and hopefully be Senior enough to try and encourage change in whichever company I end up in (assuming it is needed).

One option is to emigrate to the United States, driving up pressure on the engineers who remain. My near-term ancestors all left Germany due to poor wages and a tendency for Bismarck to sacrifice draft-age men in wars, and while moving to the US helped their own status it also did a bit to increase pressure at home.

> One option is to emigrate to the United States

Not an easy feat. Most would be reliant on the H1B program.

Which is not an issue for people immigrating from Europe.

In what way? Unless I've missed something significant the visa options for those emigrating from Europe to the US are limited. What options are there other than the H1B?

Not 'significant' but you can use L1 internal transfer visas after you work for a while in a branch of an American company.

American company also means a sales or support office (if registered correctly) of a European company.

Some paths are quota based by country of origin, so getting a green card is exponentially harder for a Chinese or Indian citizen than an Aussie, for instance.

> Some paths are quota based by country of origin

Yes, but that has little effect on H1B visas. European applicants are in the same pool as everyone else.

> getting a green card is exponentially harder

Nobody mentioned getting a greencard, which is a problem in itself. Just a work visa. Which, if you're a European citizen, is dependent on a lottery.

Yeah, it's easier for an AU citizen to get a visa (because there's a special program for them), but you haven't said why it's easier for an EU citizen to get one. Please back up your claim.

You quote me yourself saying ‘some paths’- I was deliberately excluding H1B and stating so.

Why is it not an issue? They have to compete for the same ~65K visas/year as everyone else.

No the quotas aren't evenly split.

It's a big issue and a primary reason why you don't see massive developer migration from Europe into US. Most devs in Europe are just comfortable enough to not want to deal with the whole H1-B hassle. People who are money-focused move to the few places in Europe that tend to pay more and/or switch to contracting, which is a hassle too, but still orders of magnitude smaller than trying to get into US.

EU engineers should vote with their feet. That's the only way.

But they don’t because having an average pay in Europe is still preferable to having a high pay in America.

I suspect you don't have any evidence for this claim. Looking at immigration numbers, a far higher percent of Europeans move to America than Americans move to Europe.

A higher percentage of software engineers, though, like the thread was asking?

For how long though? In my personal experience only one out of 5 people from Western Europe are still in US after 4 years, the rest moved back home.

Do you have evidence for that claim ?

Wont work. Big brother will import talent from Africa, Middle East, India.

It has been working for over a century up to today. What will change that it "wont work" any more?

FAANG companies are filled with British/European refugees.

Pre Brexit, there was > 500 million people in the EU with free movement between member states, most tech companies still sourced a substantial number of their employees from outside the EU - some even had majority non EU tech employees.

The only jobs filled by locals were those which had artificial cap on employee numbers and local regulations(accountants/legal)

Whilst some of these engineers were A+ level brilliant, most were mediocre and doing jobs that could easily be done by local talent.

The benefits for companies doing this? - immigration visa tied to job and ability to lowball salary (as residence in host country was itself a major plus) thus ensuring salaries rose way slower than demand would otherwise have made them.

The one off cost of Visa is nothing compared to the money those companies saved.

'most were mediocre and doing jobs that could easily be done by local talent.'

I think most people are mediocore, and doing mediocore jovs -thats ok

Keep in mind that this allowed some compabies to afford half-decent engineers whereas they would nornally only be able to afford junior talent. Whether that works out to a net benefit is ofcourse debatable.

I personally find that a lot on management of engineers in UK is shockingly inefficient. I dont kniw what its like elsewhere, but i recon average 'efficiency' is under 50%

> I dont kniw what its like elsewhere

"Efficient management" is a meme in Russian IT industry.

Is it like “British scientists discovered...”

Nah, it literally grew from managers bragging very often about how much efficient they are, even though the facts were showing the very opposite of that.

I'm surprised "British scientists" meme has a good Wikipedia article in English[0].

P.S. Runet's memepedia Lurkmore redirects from "Efficient manager" to Stalin page.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_scientists_(meme)

Can you support those claims ? at least in Sweden this is far from being the reality

Just like anything worthwhile is done: through free market competition. Build a successful startup, make some nice money and attract the best in the business to work for you by making them eye-popping offers. This will make your competitors react by raising their pay and with it the whole market.

It’s how Silicon Valley reached those salaries after all...

I mean, it's not a great way to raise the salaries of retail and restaurant workers. It's also a terrible way of providing healthcare.

Ultimately it's more a question of supply and demand as to why US SWEs are paid so much.

This is it. It's not your other comment about equality. It's basic supply and demand.

It's a pretty great way to provide healthcare, actually. My understanding is that european countries have pretty significant income taxes.

You may want to take another look. Healthcare in the US is twice as expensive per capita as most European countries while the healthcare system ranks near the bottom of the OECD [2, 3] and 11th out of 11 in a recent commonwealth fund survey [1]. For the first time, life expectancy in the US is actually going down.

Even the best area identified in [2, 3] re: 5-year mortality for cancers is misleading as the US notoriously over-tests early on, detecting disease early, but isn't actually more effective at treating the disease, and folks die at the same time as they would in European systems. This naturally makes the 5-year mortality rates look good, but doesn't change the fact you're still gonna die at the same time.

While admittedly cherry-picked, it's also the only developed country in the world where mother's mortality rates during childbirth are rising. A mother is 5X as likely to die giving birth in America as compared to Canada (where healthcare costs half per capita and covers everyone).

Also, consider the median amount of tax collected in the US (excluding private $800/month tax your employer pays to insurance companies on your behalf) is actually higher sometimes than Canada now. The top marginal rates are also higher, consistently. [4]

[1] https://www.commonwealthfund.org/press-release/2017/new-11-c...

[2] https://www.oecd.org/unitedstates/health-at-a-glance-united-...

[3] http://www.oecd.org/health/health-at-a-glance-19991312.htm

[4] https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/07/canadians-may-pay-more-taxes...

And you think that raising salaries would ruin this somehow?

Otherwise it seems like raising salaries would help here, since the system would be better funded.

Unless of course raising salaries somehow screws up the system.

The US spends more per capita on Healthcare than many countries with a full public health system, for worse outcomes. It's actually impressive if you look at it from a certain angle.

Well, yeah. The US doesn't have the same systems or levels of income tax in place.

But if a country did, it seems that they would want higher salaries so that they would have more resources to fund these systems.

My personal experience moving from CA to Japan is that despite the national taxes being higher than the USA, it pencils out to less than what I was paying in the US because of CA’s high tax rate, and I get a functioning healthcare system to boot.

Are you a developer in Japan? What is that like and what space do you work in? I’ll never be able to move to Japan but it sounds very interesting to me.

I'm working remotely for my startup I built in the USA, so I don't know personally what it's like at companies here per se, but as the other commenter said, wages are considerably lower on average - though I've heard that it's generally higher than the wages in Europe. Seems that $40-70k is a fairly normal first job wage for a bootcamper for instance.

The culture at companies is extremely dependent on the company - a traditional employer might expect the prototypically Japanese extreme deference/obedience to hierarchy, but it also seems that there are plenty of companies that "get it" and don't play that game, as well as the full set of FAANGs and foreigner-run companies that follow a totally different set of rules than the old school businesses here; and it's also subject to change considerably now that model companies like Toyota are moving to merit- instead of loyalty-based promotions, but that kind of shift takes a long time to take hold.

Your job options are much smaller if you don't speak Japanese, but jobs exist, I know people who have gotten them, and they tend to be in the international- or international-style companies. Wages for foreigners strangely are generally decently higher than for locals, I hear, even if not knowing Japanese is more of a handicap than a help lol.

Coworkers at Japanese company with site here in California relayed to me the pay was 3-5x less circa 1990s at least, many developers there can speak English but being fluent in Japanese would help a lot (even necessary at times) in work situations and outside work.

The SWEs will buy more stuff and eat out more, increasing the demand for retail and restaurant workers. It does trickle down, but due to continuous influx (because qualification requirements are low) of new potential retail and restaurant workers you don't notice on an individual level but on a globalized level it matters because those new retail/restaurant workers have improved themselves.

> Just like anything worthwhile is done: through free market competition.

Dont know where to begin unpacking the falsehood of this. Maybe a counter question serves best: how is non-competitive behavior not worthwhile?

I can't speak for OP, but I can say that OP never said non-competitive behavior isn't worthwhile. The question being answered is how to increase salaries, not how to make something worthwhile.

Note that free market competition doesn't preclude cooperation within its framework. It's a bit of a misnomer.

This is a pretty simple topic if you have a good understanding of what enabled developers to pull in large comps, and what kinds of employers pay such comps. I comment on comp threads on HN frequently and don't want to rehash my entire advice, but I can illustrate one example that can be generalized to Europe and America.

Consider two hypothetical employers:

Employer 1: - We want to hire only the best. - We expect people to care about the company and act like owners. - We expect people to flex in and out of different roles. - We fire underperformers.

Employer 2: - We state exact technical qualifications for our roles. - We hire anyone who adequately meets the qualifications. - We don't expect people to do anything not in the job description. - We don't expect people to care about the company, it's just a job. - We never fire anyone.

I hope it's clear that you can make a lot more money at #1 than #2. #1 may be a FAANG and #2 may be your state's Motor Vehicles department. I also hope it's clear that #2 sounds very mainstream European in its attitude towards work while #1 oozes American exceptionalism.

In short, there's no way to raise comp without employers competing for talent but that would basically mean a complete change in employer/employee expectations.

So what happens to European developers who are good/aggressive enough to work for a place like #1? They find it in London and New York.

For what it's worth I am a dual EU/US citizen living in NYC, and my previous job took me a lot to our London office which was primarily staffed with European developers who left Europe exactly for the reasons I described.

Except salaries in London are not at all competitive with US especially if you factor in cost of living, unless you get into Fintech.

What do you mean "except?". That's exactly what I am referring to - high expectations employers who compete for too talent.

#2 is definitely not the norm in Sweden, and we do have a lot of startups.

People leave for higher salaries and broader opportunities since after all Sweden is small and isolated, but not lack of challenges

In my experience, the share of employers with culture like 'Employer 1' who pay like 'Employer 2' is much higher than the amount of all-around 'Employer 2's.

Europe doesn't have Amerikan Dream fallacy, that by moving to a country you become rich if you work hard enough, we also don't go bankrupt after breaking a leg twice in 5 years.

Worst student debt you can get is in the UK, its fees are capped at £9k for each academic year. I paid off my student debt in 4 years after graduation, while financially supporting my family and saving for a house in top5 biggest city, which I bought 5.5 years after graduation.

When I was made redundant I got paid 300% of my salary as a security deposit + what I earned that months and cash for unused holidays, it was close to 5 months salary in one pay. I was given fair review and 3 weeks notice before my last day, I didn't go bankrupt or homeless. In fact market is so good here that I had 2 job offers on next working day.

I would not change this program for American version. I don't think my salary is that low that needs increase by a significant %. We get a lot of other benefits, higher living standard, higher job security, paid holidays (20+ days in the UK + a few bank holidays - depends on country), maternity and paternity leave (weeks or months depending on country).

I don't think Americans really comprehend the shock and horror that many of us feel about the state of their healthcare and the lack of vacation time, or other European norms such as maternity/paternity time or sick pay.

100% Would Not Swap.

Compulsory nit-pick that not all UK nations charge tuition fees to their residents btw :-)

>Compulsory nit-pick that not all UK nations charge tuition fees to their residents btw :-)

True that, Welsh government can also cover 2/3 of tuition for students from poor families.

And more nit picking, some countries in Europe don't charge at all for higher education

I know that, that's why it says "Worst student debt you can get is in the UK"

It's not trivial to do. First you have to account for a lot of things if you want to make a fair wage comparison. Europeans generally work much less. Germans almost work 500 hours per year less than Americans. Cost of living is vastly different. I've heard from a lot of friends in the US they pay tens of thousands per year on education and childcare in expensive cities, that's not the case in Europe where most of it is free, so lower salary is a function of that.

The one thing that probably has a real impact is the enormous size and and profitability and competition of large American software firms for talent. There's not many of them in Europe with the exception of SAP or something? So that's a real difference but it's not easy to recreate because the European market is not homogeneous and policy environment is much more weary of big tech.

I don't actually think Europe should or can compete on wages. Europe has other things to offer. Smaller, healthier ecosystems with focus on working on tech that solves social problems, better balance of life and work, free education and high degrees of safety and equality, walkable cities, and so on. There's no need to be more market-driven.

Another commenter mentioned the income-per-employee of SAP compared to US companies, and it was 4-8x difference. I think SAP has the problem of scaling, in that they need to hire people to grow the company, whereas the FAANGs can multiply their revenue without having to hire.

Spotify is also mentioned in that same post; it has the (profit) scaling problem that the more usage it gets, the more they have to pay their artists. Income and expenses scale alongside each other.

People tend to forget that Silicon Valley tech firms used to collude to keep wages down by agreeing not to try to poach employees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Tech_Employee_Antitrust_L.... Of course, SV engineers were already paid well at the time, but nothing like it is now.

Facebook played a big role in messing up the scheme by refusing to collude and aggressively going after Google's employees (https://techcrunch.com/2014/03/24/sheryl-sandberg-facebook-r...). They started doing this in 2008, years before any antitrust action from the government.

Basically, Europe needs a rocketship tech company, flush with cash and trying to hire away everyone's engineers.

Do engineers in Europe get as much of their comp in stock as the do in Silicon Valley? My hypothesis on why salaries have gone up so high here is if you want to hire folks away from successful companies, that success means their stock grant is likely worth loads more than it was when they signed on, which you now have to match to compete.

If hypothetically every engineer at Apple hired in 2017 got $100k/yr (say $70k cash and $30k RSUs) but because the stock has 4x’d in that time, now they’re making $200k ($70k cash, $130k RSUs). To hire them away now you have to offer $200k as a starting package. And that’s for every single Apple employee with significant stock comp. There’s a critical mass of successful companies, so for google to hire from Airbnb, they have to pay that skyrocketing-comp premium. Airbnb has to do the same to hire from Uber. Uber has to do the same to hire from Facebook, and so on.

Stock based comp in an on-average-growing competitive environment means market comp goes up too.

> If hypothetically every engineer at Apple hired in 2017 got $100k/yr


ICT2: $165k

ICT3: $214k

ICT4: $315k

ICT5: $440k

ICT6: $681k

Point: $100k/yr total comp is pretty low for Apple's standards.

Yup, and that was on purpose. If salaries were low (like in OP's area), then you'd see this rapid upward pressure, presumably contributing to a change towards the higher salaries you mention. The more relevant bit is probably whether I was way off on the percent split between cash and RSUs.

I am a software developer for 15 years and I don't know a single developer who make more than 100K$ a year in Germany (I only talk about regular employment and not about freelancers, because freelancers can work overtime and get bills from other countries including USA).

Where are you based and who are you talking to? 100k USD is just 82k€, which is easily achievable even in places like Zalando.

Just a minor FYI: you absolutely don't need to work overtime to get over 100k€ from German customers as a freelancer.

Apple has only 16,000 engineers.

Landing a software engineering internship at Apple is extremely difficult. Landing a full time job as a software engineer at Apple is even more difficult.

The people we're talking about are a small caste of privileged individuals. Their salaries do not reflect the norm of othet software engineers in the US.

His example has nothing to do with Apple really.

He means every publicly traded tech company with stock and how the collective market (though stock options) increases the money a SWE would make verses saying paying market value for a dentist that might be compensated well but has no competitive stock options to overcome.

Great point

While I think that lower salaries are a result of multiple factors, one interesting data point is that governments actively disincentivize high salaries for workers through taxation, and low salary requirements for visas.

For example, the "high" salary tax income bracket starts at £50k in the UK [1] and at €54k in Germany [2]. More or less, these rates are similar across western Europe (except for Switzerland). In the US, tax brackets are far more permissive [3].

Also, in the UK a £25k salary is fair enough to guarantee a visa [3], or €40k [4] in the Netherlands, hinting that these governments think that such a salary is high enough.

Most policies enacted by governments, I think more through ignorance rather than malice, assume that workers making ~€50k have enough and shouldn't need to get increased.

While other factors (lack of big companies & lack of VC investment) probably have a higher impact on the low wages, I think that government policies also have an affect on it.

[1] https://www.gov.uk/income-tax-rates [2] https://www.academics.com/guide/taxes-in-germany [3] https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-51430811 [4] https://www.iamexpat.nl/career/employment-news/2019-income-r...

Yeah, there's also serious disadvantages to taking > £100k salary in the UK because your marginal tax rate hits 60% as the personal allowance is withdrawn.

True, but it does dip back down to the marginal rate of 40% at £120k. https://www.contractorcalculator.co.uk/marginal_tax_rates_ex... shows this with a clear graph.

I don't think it's cheaper to live in Europe than in US.

The reasons for lower salaries in my opinion are:

- most developer jobs are in "real" businesses, which see IT as a cost center

- compared to US, there is a vanishingly small number of technically innovative IT-first companies, so there's little competition for talented professionals

- taxation is progressive and harsher in general due to being the primary source of govt income in most (all?) European countries, and increasing gross salary kinda stops making sense at some point

It would be great, if these issues were addressed, and there are well-known ways to do that. But I'm not sure, if increasing salaries is a noble goal per se. While much lower than in US, they are still decent and allow one to live a comfortable life. So it's rather US being an outrageous outlier (no wonder, given that post-WWII economy is operated on their terms). The elephant in the room here (as almost everywhere in the world) is real estate. Now that one (and prevalence of mortgage) is a huge issue, and it needs to be solved at all costs, even if just for the sake of younger people.

As for salaries, most developers simply don't generate that much real value (real, not money). Though they somewhat compensate for inproportionate incomes on a "higher" level of economy by over-spending the surplus above the necessary living costs, though I doubt it's by design.

Overall, I'd argue, that developer (and many other occupations) salaries should be lower, so that we had fewer get-rich-quickers to work and to compete with. To be clear, I'm not saying that a dev should earn as a janitor, but rather on par with other "highly skilled" occupations.

> due to being the primary source of govt income in most (all?) European countries, and increasing gross salary kinda stops making sense at some point

It's the same in the US

> It would be great, if these issues were addressed, and there are well-known ways to do that.

How ? moving to bonuses or equity is a way to defer taxes but at the end you would pay the same

I rather meant government taking measures to stimulate IT business and venture capital, like it's done in certain Eastern European countries, for instance - mostly by tax exemptions and concessions.

Regarding bonuses - here in Spain they are subject to personal income tax...so yeah, it's only good for employers.

Basically companies do not recognize the value engineers bring. They are seen as costs which need to be minimised, when in reality it's their core business. Little is invested in helping engineers to get better. Agile practices are implemented poorly. People do not start tech companies. The average software company is a body shop that rents out to insurers, banks and the government, which aren't really tech. This model is only popular because it helps business dissociate itself from tech and gets around all employee protections. More lucrative models like Freelancing are sometimes legally restricted because of the same employee protections, so is not popular. Engineers wait for the hours to pass so they can go home. Code reviews are a tool for office politics. Software engineering is kind of a blue collar ish job which employers think anyone can do. There's just no cachet to being a programmer in my slice of Europe. Simply put, there are so many things wrong with software engineering here that I would not know where to even start to address the issues even if I had the power to do it. And it's not just about money too. It's about something being completely and utterly broken.

Other reasons for the U.S. salaries not mentioned yet:

0) Banning of non-competes in Silicon Valley (!!) and ease of incorporation / listing on markets back in the 90's and before

1) Foreign investment in the U.S. (Saudi, Chinese, Russian money due to favorable treatment, anonymity (!)) and presence of U.S. dollar worldwide as a reserve currency - lots of that money ended up in Silicon Valley (Softbank etc). This especially matters since a lot of the compensation is in RSUs and the U.S. stocks have benefitted from above.

2) DotCom bubble because of (1) inflated salary expectations; U.S. had a head start over other countries also because of the DotCom bubble.

3) Personal bankruptcy laws are more lax than Europe I believe (although I'm not positive), since you can discharge all personal debt in a bankruptcy, cost of risk is lower (leads to more risk taking).

4) Gap between EU/US salaries has varied depending on exchange rate. Generally the way the world economy is set up tends to strengthen the dollar (everyone needs them to transact oil and pay foreign obligations after 1971/1974). That might be changing though; with a weaker dollar salary gap will naturally shrink.

5) As people mentioned before: vacation, school, healthcare cost differentials (though my hunch is that this is a small effect if any)

6) U.S. is a unified market of ~300 million people, most speaking English. EU is many smaller distinct markets because of language & cultural reasons (more-so than U.S. states), so more effort required for growth.

Probably some other reasons that slipped my mind at the moment.

3) Is largely not true, the EU is largely heterogeneous when it comes to personal bankruptcy laws. The fact that unsecured consumer loans are as cheap as secured consumer loans (e.g. car loans), in many EU countries, shows that it is very to get rid of debt permanently. In the country I know best a personal bankruptcy means that you have to keep paying your debts for a period of 5 years before they are forgiven. During this time you must live on $500 per month (excl. rent) the rest goes to the creditors.

I think we're in agreement then that the U.S. is more lenient with its bankruptcy laws than Europe (on the whole, although as you pointed out it varies by country)

Adding more reasons:

Europe as a single entity is problematic, there's a north-south gradient, the cold war east-west divide, and EU/non EU.

* Switching jobs was less common, there used to be loyalty from both sides.

* It's easy to get competent workers from outside of "western" europe with a matching culture and timezone. I've seen a switch from outsourcing to poland(former east) to the ukraine(non EU+east). This is good for the polish guys, they're almost at our level now.

* Residence requirements for people outside of the European continent are low, and on base wage mostly lower than for any other sector.

This makes the wages more internationally competitive from a business perspective, and hooks into "Individual contributors in Europe are not as valued as much as managerial professions" Because you can get the work from somewhere else cheaper.

Be more productive. Companies can only pay more when they make more.

SV is awash in capital because it grows earnings in the 20+% YoY basis. Euro zone companies don’t seem to do this.

My understanding is that EU regulates high growth away too early in corporate life cycle, so anyone wanting to grow fast goes somewhere else.

You just can create a competitive business in Europe. Everything is overregulated and you will spend 70% of your time to comply with laws, instead of developing your product. Even in China companies have more freedom that in Europe. All that will end like Soviet Union.

You need to increase demand:

* Offer tax breaks for tech startups. The UK has a whole suite of these and London is number one in EU (out of now) for tech startups

* Similarly non-tax pro-entrepreneur reforms and help: bankruptcy protections (the US does this very well, the UK very badly); access to mortgages / leases and credit for the self employed; better management of taxes and benefits; reform of regulation for smaller businesses; and media campaigns to make starting (and failing at) a new company more acceptable socially. The UK does great at some of these (starting a business is easy), badly at others (bankruptcy is a nightmare here).

* Legal reforms around freedom: so you can break non-competes (the UK does ok at this and the EU too I think); so it's harder to enforce IP that isn't being actively used; to prevent large established companies from bullying smaller ones (less of a problem already because the rest of the world doesn't follow the "American Rule" for court cost...)

* there are a bunch of smaller initiatives that can assist too: government buy-local and buy-small policies; entrepreneur training and projects in schools and universities, requiring graduate programs to accept delayed/older entries (so you can take a year off between uni and SafeCorp without worrying you'll never get back on the ladder), encouraging contracting over employment.

All of that should drive entrepreneurship. That will hopefully build an eco system (suppliers, capital providers etc.) and it can grow organically from there.

I'm not sure it will ever be Silicon Valley in London or Amsterdam or Berlin. Partly there are established industries that soak up talent tech workers (finance in the UK) but also because software is a "winner take all" market most of the time. Even hardware can be that way too. And that's just not the European culture.

Reading about how the bankruptcy system works in the UK a few years ago (when Thomas Cook collapsed) was mind blowing. How could any system where the firm has to cease operations immediately no matter the circumstance be considered a good idea?

It's based in Old law where your assets were physical stock and tools not brand name and ongoing business. It's also based on the British system where the upper class run everything, and they were more likely to be creditors than debtors.

It's not even just the pure bankruptcy itself. If you've ever been bankrupt you can't be a company director. You can't access all sorts of financial products (car insurance!?) until long after the bankruptcy is discharged. It's a mess.

If you run out of money then you're screwed.

What do you do if you are a person who runs out of money and can't pay debt? Surely you have your assets repossessed and some form of debt charge hanging over you for some time so you can't get into that position again (or rather that others will know not to lend you money again)

Is it different in the US?

For corporations, it is generally different.

"In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the debtor corporation is typically recapitalized so that it emerges from bankruptcy with more equity and less debt, a process through which some of the debtor corporation's debts may be discharged."


So in a chapter 11 bankrupcy a corporation is let off its obligations, creditors suffer, but the corporation emerges wealthier than ever?

Why can't an average person do that?

They can. This is the distinction between unsecured and secured debt (outside of your primary residence, which has special protections). For most unsecured debt, an individual can get it wiped out in bankruptcy court. The main exception to this is student debt. Good luck ever getting any type of loan for the next decade or so though. This is what's called Chapter 7 in the US. There's a means test here ostensibly to prevent abuse.

There's also Chapter 13, which is more of an adjustment plan. You keep your assets, but you agree to pay some portion of your debts over 3 to 5 years. If you don't make your payments, the judge can dismiss the plan and creditors can pursue you under state law for the debt.


What’s not normal about it? As soon as you’re insolvent and not able to meet your due payments, why would you be allowed to keep raking up debt?

US Chapter 11 Bankruptcy gives a firm that has a chance of surviving some respite from its creditors to reorganise and try and emerge as a going concern.

This makes creditors more likely to be reasonable (as no one is getting paid) rather than all race to be the most demanding (because if anyone is getting paid you want it to be you!).

There is also Chapter 7 which governs liquidation. Even that allows room for the company to seek a buyer or similar opportunity rather than just give up and die. British law has moved a bit more on this direction in the last 10 years.

This is important because in modern companies are usually valued much higher than the sum of their parts. Actual assets you can repossess are much less important than the brand name, staff that know the job and each other, on going relationships with customer etc. Grabbing the assets gets you 10% of the value and burns the other 90%...


Even British bankruptcy protects a workers tools. Because a few second hand hammers is worth a lot less than the bankrupt blacksmith could earn if he kept them (and hopefully pay you back). This is the same concept.

1. The culture around equity should be changed. There are too many companies where employees are only offered equity if they ask for it, and people don't understand it. We can educate the SWE community about matters of financial literacy and normalise equity for all full time employees. I personally will not accept a job at any company without equity.

2. Focusing on salary. We need a european alternative to glassdoor and it needs to become popular. People need to know what they are worth. We are quite shy when it comes to discussing salary. TC info is more readily accessible in the US.

3. Europe needs to grow tech giants that demand top tier talent. That's the main problem with Europe, there isn't a huge amount of ambition to home grow 100bn+ companies that attract the best talent globally. Europe is at a disadvantage because it takes fewer risks and it's also more likely to sell out before reaching tech giant status. We are all using Google, Facebook (or some product of) and Amazon (in countries where amazon can effectively avoid taxes). And the UK sold off ARM, though there is ongoing discussion about that.

If you look at industries that are world leading (i.e banking in London for example), you'll find opportunities to double or triple your salary. Turns out that enough of us are turned off by the idea of working in the banking sector that it doesn't appear to translate into pressure for talent. We are also very well educated so it's not as hard to find people

I've noticed from recruiter email that some US companies have decided to go fully remote (no doubt due to COVID-19) and have started looking for talent in Canada, offering a bit more compensation than our local one (not parity) so I expect this effect will start pushing salaries up outside the US, starting with us in Canada due to time zone/language/culture.

Canada has out of control immigration quotas, that will push wages down, and quite a large brain drain to the US.

[citation needed]

10x per capita for permanent residency compared to the US.

And the point based system is also... interesting, as one can score very high and yet be unemployable.

Western Europe is the worst place to be a software engineer. Your salaries will only be like 20% above average salary in the country. However, unlike other jobs, you spend tons of time to learn new technologies, visit a university and all that for absolutely nothing. Decline of Europe is inevitable.

In Germany, a tiler with almost no education will make more money than a software engineer.

>However, unlike other jobs, you spend tons of time to learn new technologies, visit a university and all that for absolutely nothing.

I mean, I have a ton of perks, my job isn't that stressful and I don't even have to leave my home.

I feel like as a software engineer, I'm pretty well off in general.

I too lament the comparatively low tech salaries in Europe. But I suspect the comparatively higher quality of living keeps us happy enough that we won't move (back, in my case) to the US for just more income.

That said, this new +remote world is providing new salary competition from US companies who do pay more but don't require moving to SF for example. Even so, the work-life balance here is much better than in the US, and I suspect part of that also has to do with salary. If the salary is not super high, the workers feel more entitled to take their actual vacation days. In the US, not only are there fewer paid vacation days, but many employees don't use them all.

Many years of my life I took no more than one week; when you're gone, stuff happens, landscapes shift, job security weakens, etc. In Europe however, your job is more likely to be as solid when you return from holiday as it was when you left for holiday.

I am debating right now whether to stay with my medium pay happy relatively easy company (with very good job security) for more money and less of the other things. We shall see.

What does bother me a bit is seeing managers who frankly use less of their brains getting paid as much or more. I don't bemoan doctors earning more than me because I recognize they have worked harder, studied more, and have more real daily risk in their work than I do. But likewise, many managerial positions can be trained in a matter of weeks, but the work I do takes years to learn and perfect. But c'est la vie.

> What does bother me a bit is seeing managers who frankly use less of their brains getting paid as much or more.

The statement "use less of their brains" does not necessarily do managers justice. Managers are good at (guess what) managing people, and that takes relationship skills that some people might not have or not good at. Having being both a software engineer and a manager, I would say it takes some special skill to do either work, who gets paid more is up for debate but not necessarily that an engineer should be paid more because they use their "brains" more.

Another example is a CEO who is non-technical. What skills do they have that make them have higher salaries or even bonuses? Guess what, they can make deals happen. They can secure a funding round, they can close an enterprise deal and it takes some special skills to do that as well.

Good managers are very much worth their salaries. I daresay that good managers are more rare than good software developers. Or rather, a mediocre software developer can accomplish more than a mediocre manager, since the managerial job is tougher. But good managers are rare in my experience.

Mediocre or bad managers make a lot of less than ideal decisions, and those decisions ripple through the entire system. There is no test framework or CI/CD system to catch manager mistakes, and few companies have a rigorous measurement/feedback system.

The best (tech) managers are the somewhat rare group who not only have a good grasp of technical issues (and ideally have solid experience as developers), but they also have good interpersonal skills and empathy. In my experience, the good soft skills managers rarely also have comparable tech skills. And the reverse group make horrible managers and tend to burn out very quickly.

Measuring performance of managers is much more difficult than measuring performance of developers. As such, poor managers can exist indefinitely at some companies, ironically because their own managers may not be good at measuring and identifying bad decisions. This often goes all the way to the top.

Finally, CEOs are terrible examples. More than any other title, CEO is an echelon which once reached, by whatever means, seems to ensure that the title holder can almost do no wrong.

I agree with quantifying managers' performance is a bit harder than software engineers. Take it for what its worth but what I learned from Intels Andrew Groves book "High Output Management" book is that the output of a manager is the output of his team/org and team/org under their influence.

> Finally, CEOs are terrible examples. More than any other title, CEO is an echelon which once reached, by whatever means, seems to ensure that the title holder can almost do no wrong.

I disagree here. I think the CEO is a very good example since if they do something wrong, it would be very visible and that's why even high profile CEOs get fired. See Uber or WeWork or even now, Intel for example.

the problem here you're only looking at one measurement. but life is not measured using one number. honestly, some things can't be measured using numbers. and to those saying competition raises salary, I would say they're roughly right - but you're falling for the narrative fallacy.

the reason, salaries are high here (US) has mostly to do with inequality. remember the average ceo has 2100x wage than the average employee. and likewise, that also pushes the wage envelope for people in the profit center. but in tech not everything is code. support people etc are massively underpaid compared to the value they produce. also while scrum masters are massively overpaid. so yeah you answer is more cultural!! not competition or market factors. but cultural.

in america culture is individualistic, case in point there's huge wage discrepancy between people working the same role | level e.g one Software Engineer could make 20k more or 30k because of negotiation skills.

and I bet quality of life of an average engineer in low paid Europe is way better than your run off the mill engineer here in the US. Healthcare is atrocious! let's see what your high salary will do when you get a surprise medical bill. Last thing SV salaries are not representative of average american tech salaries. most people here seem to forget that.

I would like to pose the question: why do you think these salaries have to increase?

I work in Europe in a SW company, earning a well above country-average salary (around 2.5x). I live quite well. My colleagues live quite well. The company is doing quite well.

Do keep in mind, that every extra euro that ends up in my savings account, is an euro that is not ending up in someone else's wallet in the country where the customers are. That is, if my company decided to raise our salaries, the customers would have to raise prices on their customers, and so on, I would have more savings, but someone else wouldn't be able to have a coffee or pay their tuition money.

Why then, would we want the already well above average salaries raised?

Speaking of low salaries, I saw a $30K/year job ad in a western EU country for a research engineer who will need to build a secure and scalable infrastructure - and I laughed hard. It wasn't even scam, quite to opposite.

There is a reason why Poles, Bulgarians, and Ukrainians are ubiquitous on remote teams in tech: they are cheap, they are hungry for a challenge, and they get gold medals on the IOI (at least the Poles and Bulgarians do).

Dramatically increasing the pay of these people would be doing them a disservice by making them less employable.

They work like machines! It is hard to compete with them

So they are not as good your saying?

From my experience eastern developers seem to need a lot of hand holding their don't seem to be many technical leads / CTO who can take broad instructions and produce a good piece of work

How did you manage to go from "IOI gold" to "not as good"?

Kind of obvious given this comment

"doing them a disservice by making them less employable."

> From my experience eastern developers seem to need a lot of hand holding their don't seem to be many technical leads / CTO who can take broad instructions and produce a good piece of work

Hmm that's interesting and there may be something to it (I'm Polish). I've seen some very competent Polish tech leads, but no one higher than that really. It may be because the local value of a developer or tech lead salary is so high in Poland (esp. if you contract for rich Western/US companies) that people don't really have the motivation to move up the ladder - they're living like kings already and build wealth that will stay in their families for generations.

You say those reasons aside, but I think they’re the difference that makes the difference. No practical changes to the Euro tech job market will change the salary discount compared to the U.S. barring a dislocation in the factors you mention.

It’s generally true that the US is more comfortable with variance in outcomes than the EU. This is a cultural thing which also presents legislatively.

this cultural reason for a lot of countries is logical aswell.

for instance, after world war 2, most European counties had to do heavy intervention in their economy to rebuild their country from scratch. (the dutch and French had wage freezes until the late 50's, Britain had rationing until the 50's, not to mention the insane human sacrifice during the war. Belarus lost a majority of its population during the war for instance). not to mention everything behind the iron curtain being completely mismanaged for 50 years after being the area which took the brunt of world war 2.

having two oceans between your country and the rest of the world helps a ton in keeping your economy stable and growing, while Europe at that time was turning itself into literal dust twice in 30 years.

Competition. The only way a company will pay you more is if you threaten to go work for the one across the street. European labor laws actually work against the interest of employees in this case, since everyone there has longer term contracts, long notice periods and strict non-compete agreements.

I also don't agree with your second point. Salaries of software engineers in the US aren't "skewed" or "inflated". If anything they are underpaid. Up until recently there was a lot of illegal anti-poaching collusion happening among the big tech companies which kept salaries low.

I don't know anyone with a non-compete in Europe. I'm sure some exist, but they are exceedingly rare and expensive for the employer as they'll of course have to pay compensation for the non-compete period.

There are a few FAANG-ish companies in my country that pay well. Besides those companies, it is really hard to get a good salary. Other companies top out at 60-80k EUR. And then you'll probably need a lot of experience. It is not hard to pass the whiteboard interviews, but if the senior devs only take home 80k, why would they give you more?

I'm looking for a job change. Purely for money. Anywhere in Europe is fine actually. I mean, looking at the US, how hard can it be to earn 80k EUR with a CS degree and a few years of experience.

There are a few reasons why they're lower, which other commentators have addressed, such as: different tax regimes; the welfare state; and the scale of the European market.

As an aside I think it's also important to point out while there is a difference, it's not quite as large as you think when you factor in the pay of contractors being around the 500euro mark. These people give up the right to sick leave, workplace security, and supposedly career advancement. Personally, I only contract in the UK because there is little career advancement beyond being a senior engineer anyway, and the rate more than makes up for it. I'm a fairly middling engineer in London, I'm 24 and I made 120GBP last year (I just have to be content I'll never make anything more than that).

You're right in attributing the difference in pay to corporate culture in the USA. In the USA where a senior engineer at a Silicon Valley style company will be seen as a key part of building the product, as if they were a product manager.

At nearly all the companies I've worked for in London, engineering has played a subordinate role to product managers (who also stand the most to gain from a successful project). This subordinate nature often takes the form of siloed access to business data: where I frequently have to fight to run queries on PowerBI; or to sit in client meetings.

Asking: Do European tech companies just offer lower salary, or do they also offer less equity?

In the US, most people I know made a significant chunk of their wealth from their equity growth, especially as equity grants grow much more than salary, as people get promoted.

Equity is not really as thing, most companies you end up working for are not publicly traded and if they are of that size they're generally not offering equity to hire you.

We tend to say: stock doesn't pay the rent.

I can confirm the other commenter: in general European companies don't offer equity, at all. There are exceptions especially in managerial positions but that's the general rule. I know exactly one developer who has part of their compensation in equity.

Join Google and move to Switzerland. It isn't that easy to join Google Switzerland but it pays like Silicon Valley.

This strategy doesn’t scale.

Salaries are only raised when workers are chasing the money, why else would companies raise salaries? All threads about salaries in Europe are full of people telling us how happy they are with what they got, that is the wrong attitude if you want things to change.

Edit: To expand further, think like this: The easier it is for companies like Google to hire good talent in Europe the more they will hire talent in Europe and the more development they will do in Europe. They already do quite a lot of development here as is, there is no reason that couldn't be expanded.

I agree with you, but moving to Switzerland is not a very good solution to achieve that. Salaries are high there only because the cost of living is much higher than neighboring countries. The country is very small, so demand for workers is not high. Also, Switzerland is not part of the EU, so the salary levels there have little influence on the salaries in neighboring Germany, France and especially Italy.

FAANG offices in the EU pay significantly less.

And to be precise, you mean Zurich, right? I haven't seen many Google jobs in other parts of the country.

As already discussed in many places, it's not possible to reach US/SV levels of salary in Europe due to differences in the model of society, taxation etc.

Note however that US companies in Europe pay definitely above the market. So it's not impossible. Partially they pay more because they have more money, as they have access to VS/are listed on stock exchange (and being US-based is almost a most to have this opportunity, even if there are a few successful EU companies)

IMO the diff is that in US companies, developers are more than code monkeys who execute what they are told by the PM. Developers in US companies have more impact hence higher salary: This article nicely summarizes this: https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/what-silicon-valley-gets-...

Can we reproduce this in EU? EU historically has been more hierarchical when it comes to doing business. Young founders probably are less like that, but we need both different attitude to doing business ("IT brings value", not "IT is cost center") + the capital.

Stop accepting low salaries. Do not allow the H1B-kinda cheap-labour visa for tech workers. Perhaps be extra careful with those tech-body-shop companies like IBM, Accenture, Cognizant, Wipro, HCL, TCS , Infosys, and their smaller siblings

> Stop accepting low salaries

Ok, now I'm unemployed, then what?

Salaries are determined by how much they'd need to pay someone else to replace you. It's an auction, not something you can set yourself by being stubborn.

How to increase salaries? Hah, fundamentally change the supply and demand of labor. Not gonna get around that basic dynamic.

Too many unemployed / underemployed educated people willing to take the job for less. Too few companies generating enough profit and growth to employ such numbers of people at good salaries.

All you have to do is change even 1 of those 2 things, and get out of the curse of the middle aged advanced economy.

In France, IT consuling and outsourcing companies are promoting wage dumping. It is not common to be an independant SWE, so consulting companies have a better supply when they hire, thus lowering the wages.

Now, cuturally speaking, in Europe the cult of principles and values reigns whereas in USA it's the cult of god and money (which both work together, cf Harari's thesis).

Interesting topic demanding hours of debate.

Make non-competes illegal (or, well, unenforceable).

Are non-competes common in Europe?

Sadly in UK they are, even though in practice they can be challenged (since the right to work trumps it, basically). To be honest I don’t think they are much of a factor when it comes to compensation though. It’s largely a cultural issue: SV was largely built by engineers for engineers, so there is an awareness of what a happy engineer can deliver to a company. In Europe anybody technical is just that, a technical resource, a cog. That also links into the degree of freedom they are (not) granted, freedom to choose their tools etc.

I have one, though I work in finance (in London). I’ve heard the same for finance / trading companies elsewhere (e.g. Slovenia). Not sure about pure software companies though...

Not in Sweden

It’s definitely possible to have non-competes in some cases in germany, but they come with a catch: the employer needs to pay the employee the (usually full) salary for the entire period, potentially reduced by any income from a job. And it needs to be negotiated in the work contract and cannot be unilaterally enforced after the fact.

So generally speaking, they’re only worthwhile for people that have important company secrets.

Why? I earn ~8x the salary my Mum ever earned, I earn more than anyone I know that I went to school with. I can support myself and my family. I started paying attention to my spending last year and realise around half of it was on stuff that I not only didnt need, but felt better without (tbh it was mostly takeaway food).

Buying a house was hard despite my "high" salary, thats ridiculous, but I don't think the solution is to earn more. I would like to see more support for my mum who lost her job of 28 years due to COVID, I would like to see less homeless addicts on the street due to lack of support, I would like to see the people around me working as hard as they can barely able to pay rent to have more options.

Seeing what tech has made of the Bay Area and asking for more of that please is misguided imo.

Do you own a house though?

My worry is what happens when we hit ages 50-80 and the ageism in Tech hits us hard.

Without a house, retirement is a pipe dream. And houses are incredibly expensive.

In the UK, median household income is ~£30k.

Average intermediate dev salary is something like £30-45k.

Mortgage cost in the most expensive non-London areas (Cambridge/Oxford/Reading/South east) is maybe £1.5k/m.

If your household is one developer and one person working minimum wage (~£17k) you can comfortable afford to cover all your living costs and probably save a little.

> Europe has less freedom of enterprise (debatable)

You would be suprised by the amount of shit you have to deal with in Italy in order to start even the smallest company.

Italians tend to complain a lot about their country.

And by the way, my fellow Italians and Foreign pizza-lovers. Did you know that Italy can be your tax heaven: https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/portale/documents/20143/23...

From what I know of the UK, professionals, executives, and the professional service sector are some of the best compensated roles. This may be the case for any EU economy with a burgeoning financial service sector, too. It’s a similar story in NYC though the city has more and more developer presence than 10 years ago.

The more your SWE role can look like that of an auditor, accountant, management consultant, or financier, the more you will be valued. (Literally: valued.)

I think the traditional solution along these lines is to become a contractor, which I don’t think is out of line with the reasons given here for why US entrepreneurialism is so well paid.

IR35 has definitely slowed down the IT contractor route in the UK though.

I got a simpler explanation - it's what the hiring market allows to happen. If they want to hire a SWE in Europe the market will allow them to offer a lower salary. They set the salary lower in Europe because they can.

European software companies are generally creating less value compared to US ones. Market cap of big tech companies in Europe vs US is probably the best proxy for that.

Makes sense that less value will trickle down to employees IMO.

You should look at all salaries. Broadly US salaries are much higher across the board - whether in IT, finance, engineering, industry etc. So the question should be is how to raise salaries in Europe. Broadly, in economics salaries are tied to productivity. This is best captured by total factor productivity. So you would need to make economies more productive across the board. You can also generally predict the highest salaries with this. What is the most productive economy in Europe? Switzerland. Where are the highest salaries? Also Switzerland.

Remote work will take care of this. Developers will work for companies in USA that can pay more.

Companies want developers and will pay market rates. We will converge towards a global rate for devs.

Маybe, but currently the world is going towards decoupling, not internationalisation.

I don't think this applies to remote positions. Local labor market restrictions + taxes create ample room for a win-win between remote employee and employer. So there's a strong incentive to hire from abroad.

> Remote work will take care of this.

If by "take care of" you mean put downward pressure on European wages, then sure. Unrestricted remote competition would benefit 3rd world developers and the 1st world employers. But not the 1st world employee.

My assumption was that European devs are underpaid wrt USA and that their wages will go up as shortage of devs in USA forces them to pay up for European devs.

Your assumption forgot that remote applies to the entire world, not just the Europe. Have fun competing with team from <insert South American Country> who mirrors time zones more closely with the US.

It is not only SWE jobs that have lower salaries in Europe.

Broadly speaking all jobs in Europe have lower salaries; the living standard in Europe are considerably lower than in the US.

The US has a GDP pr capita of 65.000 USD, whereas the number for EU is just 36.000 USD.

So what can we do?

My suggestion would be to do as the Americans: Expand our military ten-fold, enforce our currency as reserve currency onto the rest of the world, run massive deficits.

We used to be really good at this stuff, too bad we have fallen behind.

> the living standard in Europe are considerably lower than in the US.

Citation needed, unless you're being sarcastic throughout your post (can't tell, Poe's law?).

If I get the 'rona, I might die but at least I won't go bankrupt.

Anyway, GDP per capita in Europe is not the best measure, because there's still a massive economic disparity within Europe; the east is still feeling the effects of the Soviet Union (and Russia's influence), the south has been struggling financially for a long while now (Greece had to be bailed out). The West and North are doing all right for themselves; Germany has a GDP per capita of $46K, 10K higher than the number you cited. Netherlands is even higher at $52K, Switzerland does $82K, Ireland, the base of operations for a lot of US companies has $89K and Luxembourg, a tiny country, trounces the whole world at $114K per capita.

The first part is non-sarcastic.

The GDP pr capita is really the closest to an objective measurement for living standards.

And the GDP pr capita varies a lot inside the US as well.

Let’s be honest: most jobs are underpaid in Europe. Especially the lower wage ones. Living costs are rather similar in the us and in the eu. That mostly depends on what city you live. You can’t fire people easily so there is a huge risk involved into employing people. Especially low wage jobs. High taxes for companies and high income taxes add to that and you generally have less money to spend at the end of the month.

One way things might become more competitive is when more people become freelancers. The freelance market is more volatile than the rigidly regulated traditional labor markets allowing for larger pay increases during good times (and also decreases during bad times), in general, it approaches a more realistic compensation of real added value.

Personally I've greatly benefited from becoming a freelancer in Europe and have never been one day unemployed since I started over 7 years ago (4 different customers in total). The significantly higher income (almost 3 times my old, already decently above average, _net_ income) royally compensates the lack of unemployment benefits or reduced pensions.

I feel that if more devs would become freelancers it would create real upward pressure towards compensation because compensation isn't entrenched in company policies and regulations.

One downside is the proliferation of those in-between rent-seeking businesses, they're probably needed to get started initially but they take huge cuts and have a lot of absurd contract requirements so it's wise to develop an active strategy to find jobs without them.

Do you or somebody else in this thread have some tips for those of us who never freelanced but would be interested in giving it a shot?

What’s the best way to get started?

I think what the OP had in mind and what is actually common in Europe is "contracting". It's basically a full-time position, but you're brought in as an independent company (mostly to circumvent labor laws and sometimes tax laws as well) and not an employee. It's all basically a widespread scam to work around dysfunctional laws. BTW job sites in UK even the the "permanent employee/contractor" toggle for searching through full-time positions.

Start by defining your rate. Find out how much you cost to your current employer (including any additional costs and taxes your employment incurs which you never get to see), add at least 10% for shifting risk towards yourself (e.g. when you get ill the employer doesn't need to pay, cheap to fire you, etc.). Try to read up on some taxation basics and try to understand what your net income would be.

Don't worry about not being good enough for freelancing, there's a market for juniors as well, it's all reflected in the rate.

Start looking for contracts: e.g. just search for "reactjs contract london". You'll find some stuff, but keep in mind most contracts never even get published as the recruiters also have people on call. See how the rates align with what you have in mind, note which skills you know are in high demand, make a list of companies that are involved, contact their recruiters through linkedin by sending your CV and rate, say you're a starting contractor so you need a bit of time to set things up. They will understand, everybody has to start. Things move pretty quickly in that world, once you have a contract, contact an accountant and set up your business and off you go.

You might want to be a bit more flexible (e.g. in terms of location) in the beginning just so you can get started. Once you're up and running, things move by themselves. Keep in mind you'll probably be poor during the first year because you have to upfront taxes and things like that.

Don't let them push your rate down too much, rates are negotiable but keep in mind the customer will probably be paying an already agreed upon rate and you're just giving the recruiters more rent for doing nothing.

If you become a tax hacker you can _really_ optimize your income, don't expect accountants to do an exceptional job for you. Tax systems aren't that different from a quirky legacy code base you can hack around in. Talking to people who are also interested in that might help as well, some people are real tax nerds.

This is just a PSA for those comparing financial (in)equality between Europe and the USA: income inequality is different from wealth equality. Income inequality might be lower in Europe but apparently wealth inequality is relatively high.

This video gives a good explanation about their difference: https://youtu.be/Ot4qdCs54ZE

> how can the European tech job market become more competitive?

As an European (working in "tech"), first and foremost:

The salaries of teachers in primary and secondary education must be at least doubled or tripled. The rest will likely trickle down from that.

Software engineers already make a very good living in Europe, no need to give more money to them. If anything, useless managerial jobs must be culled.

Start contracting remotely for US based companies.

For them, you’re cheap(-er) labor, for yourself, you’ll make more than what you used to make in Europe.

Not cheap if USD keeps falling compared to EUR. My income dropped about 12% since the last peak. Not that I'm complaining, but given the current USD circulation I'm thinking it might lose 50% of value in the next years.

It should self regulate, once American exports become cheap again.

12% is not much, the USD has had its ups and its downs in the last 20 years (compared to the EUR).

if you can, just invoice in EUR. that's what i did.

Seriously. There are many US-based remote positions e.g. in Who is hiring threads, but most of them are still limited to US residents.

My 2 cents: we are living in a certain time when where you live is not as relevant as what you do. IMHO, if you work in areas of high demand and few available professionals (such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, cybersecurity, machine-human interface, etc) you will be a desirable asset and will probably be in the position of choosing what offer is the best one for you. Recruiters are going crazy on Linkedin right now and before you ask they let you know that you can work remotely with very competitive salaries. So as an attempt to answer your question as of how to increase SWE salaries in Europe (as in any other place in the world really) is to consider making a move towards some hot career paths related to areas such as the ones I cited (not restricted to those obviously). I am a firm believer of this type of initiative. It might take time and be very challenging (and it will) but it definitely pays off.

Warning, this post is a bit cynical. Okay, it is a LOT cynical. Sorry.

I suppose this is obvious but the traditional way of increasing prices is to lower the supply. If you want SWE's to get more money, first pass a rule that a SWE has to have some EU certification, and make the certification something reasonably expensive and not easy to get, say a certificate than can only be granted by accredited authorities after some number of years of study/testing/work.

Back in the day that was the role of guilds. They trained and tested individuals and at some point granted and individual "master" status. Consumers paid a premium for goods and services provided by a "master <xxx>."

These days, 6 weeks of "coding boot camp" or maybe spending your days hanging out on mailing lists and watching youtube videos can give you the illusion of being a "SWE." I say it is an "illusion" because while a person doing this can write code it doesn't really mean they can write code that will be durable. Much like someone who considers themself to be an automotive engineer because they grew up doing their own car maintenance.

That said, there are a LOT of programming jobs for which someone who learned coding casually is perfectly appropriate. Just as there are jobs where such people would be completely inappropriate. Unfortunately we call both sets of people "SWEs" when the job requirements are quite different.

An interesting exercise would be to survey jobs and salaries for software engineers an see if you could correlate salary with job responsibility. For example, does a web site "front end" engineer make more or less than a "operations/infrastructure" engineer? Does an engineer writing embedded software for modem chips in phones make more or less than an engineer writing embedded software for a toy. Do engineers writing software for vehicle control systems make more or less than software engineers writing drivers for USB peripherals?

My point here is that because software is eating the world "SWE" has grown as a category to span jobs that are trivial and those that require years of study and experience to do.

I would not be surprised at all if the "simple" jobs were much more prevalent than the "hard" jobs and so your dataset's salary numbers would be more interesting to look at as percentiles rather than as an overall average.

> I suppose this is obvious but the traditional way of increasing prices is to lower the supply.

I've been thinking about this recently and it feels like the current culture in software engineering is to increase the supply. I see people who code and offer free coding lessons to their friends. Pre-covid there has been multiple meetups where I live in themed like "programming for no programmers" or "build your first app".

At the same time when I look at other high impact jobs, like lawyers or doctors, they seem to be keen on building moats around their profession. There are no "six week law bootcamps" that would give you useful skills or anything like that. I'm getting a feeling that engineers are unwittingly cutting the branch they sit on, but they will only realize this years from now when it's too late.

Pretty much, you've got the Bar that must be passed to practice law, and the Medical boards, that must be passed to practice medicine. Those barriers are established, nominally, to ensure a level of ability/quality across providers of medical or legal services. And yet they are not as successful at that mission than one would think given that it is allegedly their "primary" mission.

There is the professional engineer certification, and for a while people pushed the professional data processor, but it wasn't followed with statutory requirements (and penalties) for hiring uncertified individuals.

If anyone reading this is confused, I think it would be FABULOUS to have really strong self-policing certification authorities that would identify and kick out bad actors like various contractor licensing boards do. As long as those same agencies were not designed to structurally discriminate. CA, VT, WA, and VA allow you to take the bar exam without a law degree. If you learn the law on your own, you can take the exam and be licensed to practice law in any of those states. That is non-discriminatory. I would be in favor of something similar for "licensed" software engineers. Self study, trade school, university, any of them should be able to provide a path to becoming a SWE. What we're missing at the moment is some third party to identify those who have "arrived" vs those who are still on the path.

Is it just the VC thing? There is heaps more money sloshing around in Silicon Valley than anywhere in Europe.

Then market dynamics have come in and you fund 1 company with a gazillion dollars it pays Market + 30% then another company gets a gazillion and it pays Market + 30% + 30% (of course it isn't all cash it's tied up in options, and bonuses etc).

So when someone at google say earns 350k/annum* it's not as insane as that sounds to a european because they actually mean something like: 180k (money) / 100k (shares) / 70k bonus (I mean it's still insane). So having companies and a healthy stock market, and bonuses are usually tied to performance of individual and/or company so It's possible in a bad year they dont get their bonus and their shares reduce heavily in value.

* No idea if this is even ballpark, but just random names and numbers for example sake

Costs don't scale linearly with size when you're a tech company that doesn't make physical objects, so large tech companies are insanely profitable because their revenue goes up a lot faster than their costs as their grow. Even small companies can raise a ton of funding if investors think they have the potential to become very big. Some of this money trickles down to the engineers.

It's a lot easier for US companies to become large because the domestic market is huge and there is a common language and regulatory framework. The EU does have a common market but there are still more language/regulatory barriers to expansion than in the US. The EU is also much poorer than the US. France has a lower GDP per capita than Alabama, and they are one of the wealthier EU states. This means it's harder to make money selling to European consumers.

Plenty of good points but don’t forget that the fully loaded cost to an employer of a European employee is anywhere from 1.5-2x of what it is in the US. This alone is a major driving factor since it doesn’t matter how much of your salary you take home, it matters how much you cost the employer.

In my experience, salaries start getting much more similar US ones at the staff/principal level, where salaries get into 170k ~ 200k USD/year range and total comp can go into 500~1M USD/year, at least in the main markets (UK, Germany, Sweden if you are working for Spotify).

My impression is that in Europe software development tends more often to be considered a cost center, rather than a profit center.

At its core I suspect this difference comes from the fact that after WW2 Europe lost its place at the cutting edge of scientific and technological development. There are still companies and universities pushing the boundaries, just fewer than before (due to the massive brain-drain caused by the war). In turn, European companies often tend to play catch-up and they more often need competent executants rather than independent innovative thinkers. Competent executants are cheaper as they do less significant work.

To this you of course have to add the social security, shorter office hours, longer holidays etc. that you get in Europe, but maybe not so much in the US.

I wish European companies would offer stock options as part of their compensation package.

The only European company that offered me something similar was SAP and it was a ridiculous one time 9k EUR.

The American 4-year vesting system is much more attractive. But somehow EU startups won't do that.

Unlikely. Education is much more expensive in the US which means having a degree will fetch a higher premium. With free education European software developers need lower salary to make getting the education worthwhile.

Also European work days are much shorter. A key reason American software developers earn more is because they work a lot more hours.

Last time I checked this I think I concluded I had much better hourly salary here in Europe than in the US because work weeks where crazy in the US. Not to mention much shorter vacations. I got 6 weeks full paid vacation with plenty of national holidays on top, and long paternity leave for each kid.

It is unrealistic for why we should have the same pay as Americans with all the benefits we enjoy.

In Silicon valley, its usually a race of execution. Hire an engineer today at any price rather than wait for tomorrow. This is due to sheer competition breathing down your neck. I do not see this in Europe and hence they do not have the urgency and low wages.

I'm guessing SWE's in more chill markets make more as well.

I'm obviously biased but... Transparency.

I've heard from compensation and hiring managers directly that Levels.fyi has had an impact on compensation. We believe we're making a significant dent in the market.

UK Here. Keep salary how it is, give me free education including University (as we had 10 years ago), give us free healthcare (which we're clinging onto), give us decent pensions (which have got a lot worse over the last couple of decades), give us affordable housing. Let us choose our work location, so we don't have to commute to London or anywhere (COVID may actually improve this!).

Unfortunately UK doesn't highly value technical skills - real engineers (civil, electric, mechanical) are even worse off. To improve things many have been forced to go to Asia, US or Germany.

It would be nice to earn more as a SE, but not without retaining the stuff in the first list.

I'm pretty happy with what I'm getting in Denmark. I think there are many jobs more important than what I do (teachers, nurses, doctors and so on) that get way less than me.

I do wish we had more startup culture and VCs in europe..

Salaries in most European countries have "batteries included" by design of society.

Free/cheap education from zero to graduate, free/cheap health care, free pension plan, free job security, ..., you got the point. In turn you get a beautiful, diverse, stable an extremely well connected economic/social/natural context. Some countries (I can think of Italy or the Netherlands) also offer consistent tax discounts for qualified foreigner workers/entrepreneurs moving there.

I’m SWE for 10 years. I started with very low salary, and I’m about to start a new job in next month and be at the very top (7k euro net, monthly).

TBH I do not need that kind of money. I do it for new challenges that come with it. I live with my partner, we both had our higher education for free, we plan no children, and we both have 80k euro in our saving accounts.

Why would I need to earn more? I would prefer to pay more taxes so everything is growing more evenly - less poverty = less crimes, more happiness.

Just my $0.02

Same situation as you here, 10y xp, free education, girlfriend SWE as well... We have a household income around 190k euro before tax, no kids. The only reason why we could wish to earn more is to afford a nice flat in London, it makes you wonder who can really afford it.

I’m from southern Poland, flats are dirty cheap here. I bought one for 35k euro 4 years ago.

However, we are about to become expats in one month so I kind of think of selling now (few reasons, government taxes, house prices went up). I think that renting is way better in a long run (unless you plan to live in one city for more than 10+ years). As for buying, maybe some small house in my 50s in some less populated area like mountains or forest :)

My understanding is that high SWE salaries require the confluence of two factors:

- Competition for talent.

- (Potential) Output value.

I think a very rough rule is that at a FAANG-like company, a really good engineer can be delivering at least $1M in revenue/value, per year.

So the only logical conclusion seems to be that there’s too much supply of qualified engineers. But then that leads me to believe that many big European tech companies are just piling up money in a vault somewhere.

So my question is: who gets that vault money?

I am based out of Europe. I am a developer here. I have worked in a different tech market before coming here - India.

The whole of Europe's tech scene is smaller than India's. I think that is the reason for the pay gap. Even despite that the pay for engineers is significantly above the median wage.

I live in the Netherlands and I make a salary similar to doctors, lawyers and dentists. So the face value of the salary may be lower but it is a lot for here.

Your second point is the main reason. A company that can generate more revenue by hiring more devs is incentivized to hire more devs. [1] As an investor this is a no-brainer.

There are plenty of US companies that hire devs that do not have these economics, but they’re forced to pay more or loose the few developers they have.

What reduces the upside of European companies hiring?

[1] Calculate the revenue per employee of Facebook, Apple, Google etc to see how much money is involved.

Admittedly I don't know much about work relations in Europe but are SW engineers unionized there? A union could 1.)allow workers to aggressively collectively bargain for more money 2.)add additional requirements (licensure, education requirements, etc) to keep down the supply of labor. I'm not saying such a move would be good for everyone, but it could be good for those who become members of the union.

In Sweden a significant portion of tech workers are unionized. It doesn't work well for creating leverage in term of wages though.

If anything, the impression I got at my last job where I was in the union was that the union negotiations mostly created an excuse for not increasing individual pay. "Sure, you perform really great and all, but if we give you more we'll have to reduce pay for someone else based on the agreed upon average increase."

For high-in-demand jobs such as SWE, the leverage of "if you don't maintain competitive pay I'll probably start look around for other work" is much more effective than union negotiations when no one is paid bad enough that they'd be willing to go on strike to get better terms.

Education is good and free enough that the supply of qualified labor would be hard to keep down without governmental intervention.

>”Sure, you perform really great and all, but if we give you more we'll have to reduce pay for someone else based on the agreed upon average increase."

You do give up some agency by going through intermediaries.

Good thing you are not forced to stay

One of the reasons I personally don't want tech industry unions.

If anything, I've seen union doing exactly the opposite, at least in Germany for senior level jobs. Coming to work for a big company the only chance of getting a higher salary is to be above the union negotiated margin. The companies generally don't really want you to get there and it can be really tough to negotiate this. You are really well protected and basically unfirable in union but there is a top margin to your salary. If outside the margin of union salaries you're on your own with your own responsibilities. I really did not like working on a company that had a union as I've seen lots of people with zero motivation and nothing that a company could do about it.

Interesting. I've always valued higher pay over other benefits and I'd like to retire early so job security doesn't matter much. I guess I would prefer being non-union too.

Worked in several highly unionized companies.

You get a lot of devs with 20+ years of experience with very respectable wages (in European terms) who are not able to implement fizz buzz by themselves within any reasonable timeframe.

The younger devs, although considerably more skilled due to more recent education, aren't encouraged and mostly lack ambition, all they have to do (and can do) to make a good income is to hang around until they have 20+ years of experience.

Successful Silicon Valley companies have an incredible amount of revenue and profit per employee. Software engineers create a lot of the leverage that drives those numbers. As such, it does not seem like such a big deal if they are paid well (excluding labor market demands). If European software companies are seeing similar numbers, they are ripping off their engineers.

European management (and specifically accountant managers) see IT as a cost, and view revenue as being generated by sales and marketing.

So if European software companies are seeing those kind of numbers, they'll be very generous to their sales and marketing folks who created those returns, and continue trying to drive down the costs of engineering.

This may sound stupid speaking as a non-american engineer, but do engineers really need to earn insane amounts?

We already earn well above average, don't have to pay healthcare and bay area rent.

I don't see many experienced devs/engineers complaining that they're not paid double like americans, because we already earn enough to keep us in a decently above average lifestyle.

please define "need"...

It is changing slightly;

Like right now in Munich, there is a boom: Google and SAP are building in Munich right now; Apple isincreasing its workforce, Amazon rented new bigger offices and is also already at 2,5k employees and they have a warehouse in munich as well.

This will pull alot of talent away from the small companies and increase the general salary numbers.

> even adjusting for lower cost of living

Ha, good one! If I wasn't living in Europe probably even three concurrent full-time FAANG-like SWE jobs for the last 10 years wouldn't cover the medical expenses I have accumulated by now. Makes sense people earn more money over there. And don't even get me started on my education ...

I solved the problem by being self-employed. No I can simply "export" my services in better paying countries.

If you find that an employer tries to pay you less after moving to Europe then perhaps you can find some good negotiation points/advice in an article I wrote recently:


Isn't one of the reasons that the total cost of employing a person being significantly higher. I believe I read that in Europe it's often calculated to be about twice the person's salary. I could be mistaken but don't have the patience to look for the source at the moment.

Simply put, internet giants taking a majority of their profit from the global market, and since a large share of those cooperations are headquartered in the valley, where they would have most of their staff, reasonably, valley pays are much higher.

Salaries in the US are not that much higher than in western Europe if you exclude Big Tech. Curbing the power of Big Tech is pending a new international tax agreement (don't hold your breath).

The European tech job market is plenty competitive, especially if you're not looking just at money. I gladly moved to Germany from the US, taking a lower salary. I have never had less stress.

As a contractor/freelancer one could earn €70 an hour if you’re decent. Earning over €100K a year can be achieved this way.

Our rates are up to €100 an hour. The minimum rate we’re currently working at is 60

except most of it goes to tax, when you want to transfer money from your company account to personal.

In case of Sweden, minimum %54 to pay salary to yourself from your contract/freelancing company. Then you pay %25 VAT when you buy anything. As an individual, you would pay a hefty %76 marginal tax in Sweden from that base earning.

That also explains why salaries are lower. Because there are hidden costs to employer.

54% is maximum and if you have your own company you can optimize that. 76% marginal tax is incorrect. 25% VAT isn’t added on everything. Freelancing in Sweden is definitely a path for becoming wealthy.

I am including employment tax in that %54 figure, which is a cost as well. So %31 + %33, ends up being roughly %54-53 on the total. Then add VAT.

I am running my own company, freelancing successfully for 2 years now. So I know these numbers from experience.

Yes, you can optimize the %33 out of the %54. %33 is minimum you can get, up to 42K sek salary.

Create a union for software engineers, make many software engineers join and threaten employers with labour strike. It works for other professions, so why not for software engineers?

I think a lot of people isn't the fact we earn less, because we do get more benefits.

We acutally earn less than other professions like accountacy, etc Where as in america that isn't true.

Salaries in Europe are less spread out than in the US and you don't need a lot of money to live a comfortable life here. Plus, European companies are smaller.

Just a random question. But is it common that SWE is used as a shorthand for Software Engineering? In the Netherlands I always have seen the shorthand SE instead.

More jobs, less candidates, higher salaries. Nothing else.

Americans are hired at-will, with barely any job protection, where as Europeans received far more protection and regulations governing paid time off, universal healthcare and so forth. You're not being paid as much as Americans in Europe but you're also treated far more humanely. I think the question isn't how to increase wages in Europe but how to get the rest of the world to adopt Sweden's labor laws, assuming it has the most progressive ones. I'm an American who would gladly accept Swedish rates with Swedish benefits.

Taking a $200k pay cut to get a couple weeks of extra vacation, government healthcare (which is only a marginal upgrade if you already have high quality private insurance) and better job security seems like a raw deal to me.

Not having to save for your kids education will already offset that, if you look at American university prices.

That doesn’t cost $200k for each working year of your life.

Does it become more competitive by increasing salaries? If anything, increased salaries can make outsourcing to say Ukraine more attractive.

? Companies have to make more money.

Salaries will invariably follow because the pressures for talent become very obvious.

European tech companies can raise wages 4 technical workers by participating in workplace democracies

Careful what you wish for. The US has no guaranteed paternity/maternity leave, and the majority of workplaces have less than a month of vacation time. Then there is the healthcare system.

> Then there is the healthcare system.

European healthcare systems are not exactly dream come true either. Range of treatments available/covered and waiting times can be significantly behind the US. US healthcare is actually great for an SWE making bank at a FAANG & co. Just not that amazing for common folks

> The US has no guaranteed paternity/maternity leave

Top tech companies all have those, it's a fairly cheap perk to provide to attract the talent

> and the majority of workplaces have less than a month of vacation time

I have just 20 days here in UK (on top of public holidays) too

By less than 1 month vacation, I think it's closer to 1-2 weeks/year and that's at big companies. Most of the startups will give you grief if you take more than a week of vacation on top of the holidays.

Not all engineers are at FAANG, we can't compare the average to the top tier companies.

I’m unaware of any big companies that do less then two weeks a year of vacation for their salaried employees. There might be some, but it is uncommon.

Across all workers in the U.S., the average after 5 years is 15 vacation days, with 8-10 additional holidays and a more variable amount of sick leave (https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2018/mobile/private-industry-wo...)

Now Americans are notoriously bad about actually taking all our vacation in a year, but the limited data I see suggests that we still on average take more than 2 weeks a year.

Edit- grammar

Can anyone name names? My US bank employer gives US workers three weeks vacation which is the same here in Canada where wages are also low.

I agree that the healthcare system isn't a dream from what I hear. The main thing I see with the parent's comment though is that in the US you might be making $100k, but paying $15-20k in insurance costs. Whereas you might only be making $80k in the EU but you don't have that same insurance costs. I see this as being the same cost (ignoring the other factors per the OPs request) but just hiding the cost from the employee. Same sort of thing can be seen in the US if you compare the taxes a regular employee pays and a self employed person pays.

The thing is in the US, generally the more you make the lower your insurance costs are.

I made ~$300k last year at a FAANG (Sr. engineer), and my healthcare costs were:

$29/month in premiums $200/month in an HSA, which I'm saving for retirement (complicated US income tax reasons), so money I don't available for my use but it doesn't go into a black hole either. $1500 deducible $3000 total out of pocket

I had a sudden health condition last year, before covid fortunatly, so I maxed out my insurance. So my total costs ended up being $3348 + HSA contributions.

I'm in Washington State, so there's no state income tax, my effective federal tax rate will probably be about 27%.

I'd love to Europe, but it's hard looking at the numbers to justify it. Even if I were willing to take a 50% cut in take home pay, I doubt I could find a job that paid that much.

True, the better jobs tend to have better benefits to go along with the better pay. I'm non-FAANG, making less than a third of you and my max out of pocket is $7k with a $3500 deductible and something like $7k in premiums. My kid has a condition now and so I will be hitting the max out of pocket every year or close to it.

So my comment was intended to apply generally. I can certainly see that there could be some outliers that this wouldn't apply to. I feel like SV and FAANG sort of fall into that category. I think many of us never make close to that money (or maybe I'm just a loser). I think I'll top out at $120k (today's value) if I have some career advancement, which seems unlikely. The US average (median?) for a developer is about $95k.

It takes a bit more structuring but $300k is not impossible. Especially if you have management skills and good communication skills next to solid tech chops.

I don't really recognise the first concern you raise, but that might also be due to the fact that viewing all European countries as the same in this regard might be overgeneralising.

Yeah there's certainly some differences between countries, but in most of Europe it seems to me healthcare is directly or indirectly largely run by the government. Whereas in US (and also Switzerland, btw, has which US-like model but without most of downsides) it's privately run. This causes difference in incentives to doctors. In the latter systems, doctors are incentivized to spend more time on you, spare no expense, get you the best treatment possible, but it is not cheap. In the former, they are incentivized to do the bare minimum

The U.S. Wage, minus paying for your own health care, minus saving for your own (p|m)aternity leave, is still greater than the European wage, at least for the Software Engineering career track.

The calculation is probably more favorable to traditional middle class jobs in Europe.

I wonder what the pension/retirement system differences would like like too.

The american average vacation time is not the reality at tech firms. I easily get 1 month or more of vacation working at a large one. Same with 3-6mo+parental leave being very common along with fairly decent healthcare because your employed by a wealthy company.

Things that are not good for the average american is not the reality for the average big-tech software engineer and you have to compare apples to apples.

The average among technical workers is around 15 days/year according to the BLS. Where are you getting your data from?

I talk to others who work at big tech firms.

That survey probably also includes such stars as tata, infosys, random IT firms and places you wouldn't call SV style software. Yes, you shouldn't move from europe to work at such places. What everyone is implying is working in SV or FANG tier places.

On the upside, in the USA, if you can find that 'sweet spot' company that is paying well, good healthcare, and good time off, you can make bank without overworking. I'm sure these exist all around the world, but perhaps they could be more common in the USA when compared to the EU, given the generally lower EU net wages we're talking about.

Its seems the obvious thing do is build a career in the US and half retire in a foreign country with good free healthcare and affordable rent. Rent out the american real estate bought over the course of the career and have that income pay for the European rent(which in my experience seems much lower).

Dual citizen here, that's precisely my plan. Just found out a couple weeks ago (from HN) how in the Netherlands and Germany you can request to work 4 days a week instead of 5, for 20% less gross pay, I guess its a smaller cut after taxes because you might drop down a tax bracket. As long as the company has 15+ employees. I partied a ton in my early twenties so I'm early in my career despite my age, but the plan is to live very frugally and buy several 2 family houses in low CoL areas to rent out. Then after 5 ish years depending on if I have a family or what, semi retire to Europe.

I don't think any of these reasons explain why European SWE salaries are so low and I don't think they need to be compromised in order to raise wages.

Care to elaborate?

I don’t buy the idea that employing people in Europe is so expensive because of these benefit programs that wages are lowered to compensate.

Some of those costs aren’t even borne by the employer.

make more laws that make it expensive to run a company so never get big companies which in turn in results in no big community/supply and lack of entire eco-system.

Eliminate affordable housing.

You have to destroy your social safety net or escape it.

It is about the mindset that needs to change for the SWE salaries to increase. I was working for a world leader in mobile space. The company was located in a place where there are lot of startups, big world leading local companies, lot of investment activity, US companies etc. The salaries are pittance in that area even though it is a major place of tech and innovation.

I will give you an example of what is the mindset of people(mostly HR) here. There were major changes going to happen at this company I was working for(we didn't know at that time, but came to know much later). The usual trick HR plays in these types of cases is to increase some perks to keep all employees "happy" so that they don't leave the company. So the HR of this company announced a perk via email, that the company will be providing "fruit bowl" to employees every day in the morning. Everyone was excited as there was no other means of eating at the office except for a small vending machine that delivered limited supply of sandwiches and a small coffee machine(did I mention that this company was a world-leader?). The day was announced for the "fruit bowl" perk. So on the day of the perk, when people came to the office they saw that a small bowl of fruits was kept in the "kitchen". There were 2-3 bananas, 2 pears, 1-2 kiwifruit, one apple and a bunch of grapes. One senior engineer who was with the company almost since its inception sent an angry email to the HR and CC'd it to the rest of employees at the office asking them how on earth this fruit bowl was going to be shared between 50+ employees at the office. The HR's reply was(again CC'd to everyone in the office) "But there are grapes"!

And I am not kidding you, I saw this type of "perks" being advertised in the country where I am. The perks are something like this:

"We provide our employees with lunch on Fridays" or "We provide our Employees lunch on first Thursday on the month" etc. What are engineers, beggars? But that is common in companies that are founded in the country where I stay. When I moved to an US founded company in my country, not only did my salary increase substantially(by local salary standards) but the perks were something like this:

Breakfast, Lunch, Pizza if had to stay late, unlimited supply of coffee, onsite postal service, onsite laundry, haircut, manicure, shoe-polish, ironing service, on-site shop for snacks, payment for car fuel(extra pay if the car was environment friendly), 24-7 access to free gym at the Marriot, discounted shopping coupons and the list goes on. And this was not FAANG!

The reaon this is happening is because(I learnt this indirectly), the local companies collaborate, in partnership with recruitment agencies, behind the scene to not only keep salaries low but to share the information with HR that someone is looking for a job or has interviewed at some other company.

In the US, if I am not mistaken, there was a very famous litigation that forced US companies to stop collaborating in artificially keeping salaries down and deliberately not hire from certain companies. This is not there in Europe I suppose.

No thanks.

What’s the incentive for companies to pay European devs more?

Ability to attract and retain talent better than their peers?

Alternatively: What's the incentive for firms in the US to pay high wages?

Managers in US software companies base their seniority on experience in software engineering. Up-valuing software engineers also up-values their own position.

Most large employers of engineers in Europe are rather old industrial companies. Management generally do not have software engineering backgrounds.

If they could compete with American companies to get better developers they could build move valuable companies.

I’m pretty certain that lack of technical talent is not one of the factors contributing to the relatively fewer numbers of large European tech companies.

The problem in Europe is a cultural problem, SWE are seen as factory workers, only with managerial position being seen as "successful" ones.

Your university education and healthcare are free, your public transportation is ubiquitous and functional, and your retirement is a bit more secure than ours.

The method of financing these things (VAT) affects your employer's top line.

Where in the United States we get to see the money first and then have to dispense it, in Europe, it's gone before it even shows up as revenue to your employer.

To-may-to, to-mah-to.

I doubt it's strictly SWEs who are affected by this phenomenon, either. Most of your professionals probably appear to make less than their U.S. counterparts.

Lower income tax. Lower corporate tax. Eliminate onerous labour laws. Eliminate unnecessary regulation. Improve English education. Raise public sector tech salaries. Stronger accounting and capital market regulations. Stronger contract laws.

Please don't take HN threads on generic ideological tangents. They're tedious, repetitive, and invariably nasty. Nothing new ever comes of them, and therefore nothing interesting.



> Lower income tax

Why would that increase gross salaries?

> Lower corporate tax

Why would that increase gross salaries? Corperations pay the minimum they can for the product they get

> Eliminate unnecessary regulation

Well the UK has just created a ton, so that's unlikely to happen, but what specific regulation, and how does it keep wages low?

> Improve English education

They should try that in the States first

> Raise public sector tech salaries

That doesn't really mesh with lowering taxes

> Stronger accounting and capital market regulations

Seems the opposite to elimintating regulations

> Stronger contract laws.

In what specific way?

Lower income tax allows high earning engineers to found their own companies and become angel investors. This builds the startup ecosystem and makes it more self sustaining; new startups receive angel funding from prior employees that are moderately wealthy, and when they get big they fund the next generation. A social safety net is not a substitute for this because you can’t invest government welfare into your company.

As for regulation, [1] suggests EU employment regulations for performance can require documented performance improvement plans before firing an employee is permitted. This basically makes early stage startups untenable, as you can’t easily remove employees that are incompatible with the company’s goal. For example, if you suddenly pivot you can’t just let go of an entire product line’s employees in a week. A recent example of this happening that made it to the HN front page is Gumtree laying off most of their employees a few years back. The trade off is obviously employment stability for employees, but in a hot labor market like software engineering there is not much downside to decreased stability.

Ultimately startups provide competition for big tech and drive up salaries, since if big tech doesn’t pay high enough people will flock to startups that will eat the big tech company’s lunch. That ecosystem doesn’t exist in Europe at least partially because of high income taxes and burdensome labor regulations.

[1]: https://www.saplaw.co.uk/brexit-articles/669-dismissing-an-e...

Income taxes for a $500k/year person in California is $210k

Income taxes for a $500k/year person in Arkansas is $196k

Income taxes for a $500k/year person in the UK $220k - but that includes healthcare

Why isn't Arkansas the centre of the development world? Does skipping healthcare and increasing your takehome pay by 3% really make a difference?




I said it was partially responsible; it is by no means even close to the sole factor by which startup ecosystems are formed. Arkansas lacks in education, research, and a number of other metrics that make it undesirable to develop in. Income taxes are only one part of the tax equation as well, since employers pay a larger chunk of overall taxes in France and other EU countries [1] compared to the US. Again, an employer (or startup) being forced to pay very high taxes on worker income gives a lot of incentive to reduce worker income and makes it more difficult for cash strapped startups to find personnel. Factoring in the employer side makes the tax difference more in the range of 10-20%, not 3%. That difference gets passed on to the worker, either in cash for large companies or in stock options for startups, since the software job market is highly competitive.

Healthcare costs for FAANG and other big tech employees (such as those that would be making $500k) are on the order of $2000/year or less. The company I currently work for covers all health insurance costs for me and I can choose to enroll dependents at a small cost per month. Again, adding high healthcare costs here for an engineer making $500k is unrealistic.

[1]: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/us-highest-taxed-nation-world

An company in California spending $500k a year on an engineer will get the employee about $290k a year

An company in the UK spending $500k a year on an engineer will get the employee about $250k a year

An company in California spending $200k a year on an engineer will get the employee about $147k a year

An company in the UK spending $200k a year on an engineer (gross salary £130k plus £17k employer NI) will get the employee about $107k a year

Its not taxes that keep the salaries "down" in the UK

Hate to break it to you but... $40k a year in extra income is a lot of money. Taking your numbers, 147k is 37% higher than 107k. That money has higher order effects more than just the 40k the employee gets, since all else equal higher salaries attract better talent and winner take all market dynamics mean only the best companies make a lot of money. You might note that Silicon Valley salaries are much higher now than in the 1990s and early 2000s, and this kind of snowball effect is a partial contributor to that. Also, 37% is a LOT and even if you add healthcare and miscellaneous costs that gap is still massive. I would consider anything more than 10% a big difference.

Your own numbers show taxes are absolutely one cause of lower salaries in the U.K., although certainly I don’t claim they’re the only cause.

> Lower corporate tax.

This may quite likely have the opposite effect. Corporate tax is auf on earnings. If corporate tax is high, the push to generate higher earnings is decreased - a large chunk would end up in the tax authorities pockets. Paying your employees more this hurts less since part of the delta is paid from taxes.

Spread the neoliberal, inhumane meatgrinding cancer of American oligarchic capitalism to all shores! :D

Please don't take HN threads further into ideological or nationalistic flamewar. Comments like this are just what we don't want here, and we've had to ask you this before.


Stop skilled visas and free movement of people within the EU.

Skilled people usually pass by the Europe, because they can make much more money somewhere else. It's poorly educated people who move to Europe to get free social services.

Thats nonsense, tech companies in Germany,Netherlands etc are filled with educated developers from Russia, Ukraine, India and so on. Not everyone wants to or can go to the U.S. btw Pfizer vaccine was developed in Germany by a Turkish immigrant.

Create a housing shortage. SV salaries are inflated due to COL in NYC/SV

It's not like housing is much cheaper in e.g. London. In London you can be on the top 2% of earners in the country and still not be able to afford somewhere decent to live

Oh, and interest rates on mortgages in the UK are still like 3-4% for the longer fixes and you won't find a fixed term of more than 5 years...

No, they’re not. A 10-year fixed rate 65% LTV mortgage from Halifax is currently 2.15%

65% LTV is completely unobtainable to most people, and definitely to most first-time buyers.

The average house price to earnings ratio in the UK is over 8x, so your 65% loan becomes 5.2x earnings, which is actually higher than the 4.5x that mortgage lenders are allowed to lend by regulation (only 15% of mortgages can be lent above this).

So let's be generous and say your 65% loan is 4.5x earnings. That means the other 35% is 2.4x earnings.

2.4x earnings is equivalent to saving something like at least 15% of your gross salary for 10 years, assuming a 7% annual investment return (which in itself is unobtainable, but lets be generous).

15% of gross salary is going to be 20-25% of take-home for most people...not exactly obtainable when you're already spending 40-50% of your take-home on rent.

When you finally get the mortgage the monthly payments might be affordable, but getting there is the problem for the vast majority.

So no, most people are still looking at 3-4% mortgages with the equity they have at hand.

In my personal opinion:

- Increase immigration. Especially from China and India. - Figure a way out to clip the wings of EU while keeping the free trade and open EU borders intact. EU's unelectable government servants are bringing immense harm.

You see low salaries, I see more salary equality between engineers and non engineers. Most engineers don't add that much more value than other people in the company to justify earning 2x or more.

Depends I and the company secretary saved one company several million in todays terms by fixing a broken BACS feed and pissed of Jack Schofield in the process

More recently I found a bug costing >£500000 for a Major UK Job listings board.

This literally only benefits the company owners.

> Most engineers don't add that much more value than other people in the company to justify earning 2x or more.

At an engineering firm? Seriously?

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