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In one sentence, I will give my justification for calling it a turd:

8MB save file size limitation.

Every other bug aside, that you can crash your game by collecting too many items in the game, and your recourse is to “collect less items” is utterly inexcusable.

That doesn’t even mention getting kicked off an entire platform after being launched. A feat only achieved by one other game in history.

Ehh collecting items will never do it craft is what does it every item crafted will add a section to the save file detailing the items stats that doesn't go away when you sell or get rid of the item.

I agree, that bug is probably the most ridiculous. To be honest I'm trying to fathom how it even exists, it seems so easy to just up whatever limit is imposing that size.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's literally a variable called SAVEGAME that's a char[8192] array somewhere in the serialization path and that's what's causing the corruption.

You're off by ten orders of magnitude ;)

  char SAVEGAME[8388608];

What was the other game?

Batman: Arkham Knight

It was withdrawn from the PC platform.


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