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Whitespace killed an enterprise app (uxdesign.cc)
708 points by kirkbackus on Feb 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 435 comments

Hallelujah. It's not just enterprise apps, either. I've seen more than a few consumer app redesigns that just seemed to tack on the "clean", "minimalist", "whitespace" ethos, without really having a clue of an understanding of how users actually used the product.

I think this is a big factor in what killed slashdot. They did a big redesign years back that added a lot of whitespace but actually made it incredibly difficult to easily browse comment threads and see quality comments. Similarly, despite the old Reddit interface having a reputation as being "ugly", I hate the new interface and always browse on old.reddit.com, mainly because of the higher density of information that makes it easier for me to scan for posts I want to read.

> I hate the new interface and always browse on old.reddit.com, mainly because of the higher density of information that makes it easier for me to scan for posts I want to read.

I'm actually trying to "redesign" an app (I put design in quotes because I'm a dev and just trying to make a personal project look nice) and one of the struggles I have had is that high information density can look crappy at first but once you get used to it, is a better experience. So much nicer to have everything you care about in a single screen.

> high information density can look crappy at first but once you get used to it, is a better experience.


Your app should have the information density that it needs to be:

1. Useful and 2. Help the user avoid operating the app in a way that they don't intend to or is dangerous

Looking fancy is a secondary concern to good function. Typography has an important function because it is how you convey information to your user. Poorly laid out or written text can cause your user to get tired or use your app wrong.

Of course, making a useful interface is a difficult and long job. It is also thankless work, because if you do a good job your users will use your app without even noticing how well designed it is (good design is invisible!).

It's much easier to slap a pretty facade on your poorly designed app and call it done. People will be impressed by it, but struggle to use it.

I would recommend finding physical copies of Josef Mueller Brockmann's books, especially "Grid Systems in Graphic Design" and "The Graphic Artist and His Design Problems". They are both old (pre-DTP) but have great basic advice about how to design pages.

Make an optional pro interface so noobs get lured in for the prettyness and when they know what they are doing, can swith?

Why have one interface if, for twice the money, you can have two?

Clever girl.

God yes, the older reddit interface was so much better. I don't give a shit how pretty the UI is.

Craigslist is _the_ case study on how an ugly UI can survive over a long timeline. There are many techies and UI designers that are just disgusted at the UI of craigslist. For some, aesthetic is more important than usability. Luckily, for most, it's not.

Not to forget amazon.com. I am actually in awe of their boldness in completely ignoring UI design trends.

Amazon has purposefully broken their search and navigation, but probably in an anti-consumer metric-driven way instead of designer-driven.

Ebay is the pinnacle of broken search and navigation! They should be winning awards, industry accolades, Webbies, the works!

I find eBay search more predictable than amazon. When I use amazon I feel that they show to me what they think I should get instead of what I want.

Ebay removed substring search years ago, and this basically collapsed a whole bunch of industries that were using Ebay as their marketplace. Think hundreds of thousands of similar part numbers. This is why you see pages of part numbers blasted over the listing details.

Ebay's one job is to connect buyers and sellers and they fail miserably at that.

Not even a local minimum, a global minimum. Not a platform, a gated swamp.

Yes, both Amazon and EBay are bad examples.

They are old-school because they are lazy about it, not because something is already optimized.

Whenever I hear about how great a Amazon is as a company, I just do a single search and am dumbfounded.


If you type the name of a product - even when it is in their catalogue - it may not come up.

Search for 'mousr' on Amazon and you only see PC mouses.

The only way you can get to the mousr product is by typing the company name.

It's ridiculous.

Tip of the iceberg.

I can sort by price on eBay. On Amazon, I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to finally be able to sort by price, and the results I get are far from exhaustive.

I find eBay search pretty fine for my purposes. They could allow for more fine-gained structured descriptions, though.

Amazon search is in comparison much more... approximate.

I think that has a lot to do with Bezos saying "no" when it matters, like Jobs did at Apple.

Amazon's interface is pretty bad, though, especially in the video and kindle areas. I know I'm constantly frustrated using the site, and as far as I can tell, they don't appear to be very interested in reducing user's pain.

they probably follow the money instead of trends.

Well, minus their shit video streaming site, I agree.

Yes exactly. CL is probably my favorite website on the internet, for the sheer reason that they have virtually not changed at all since they first launched over 10 years ago. It's fairly incredible. I can't think of another website that has done that.

> I can't think of another website that has done that.


This still exists?! It's still being updated?!?! So much more content than when I last checked it, which would have been 2004 or so. My faith in the internet is restored.

holy shit

I don't think the Berkshire Hathaway site has changed much:



> I can't think of another website that has done that.

Hmm, I'll give you a hint. You're looking at it.

CL is only ten years old? I always figured it was from the 90s — maybe a bias originating from the design.

It's over 20 years old, it launched in 1996. Time flies.

oh wow, I stand corrected. I always thought it was 10 years old because I discovered it around 2008. Sheesh.

Remember Windows XP?

Fun fact: we're further away from its first release (2001), than it was from Windows 1.0 (1985).

Remember Windows 7?

We're further away from its first release (2009), than it was from XP.

Win7 certainly has some rough edges in retrospect, but I occasionally interact with old systems and so many things are so much snappier. I'm sure the modern frameworks in Win10 allow for "new experiences" but the plain old desktop experience was well served by Win7.

And those of us who do remember Windows 1.0 (not using it, though, but I do remember the ads), are probably mostly closer to retirement age than to the start of our careers... I feel old now.

Craigslist was a true innovation when it started.

Craigslist is _the_ case study on how an ugly UI can survive over a long timeline.

I wouldn't call the CL UI ugly. It's certainly not beautiful, but I'm not sure how it could be described as ugly. There's something in between, right?

It's not aesthetically polished, but it's well though-out. So it works.

I think craigslist survives _despite_ its ugly UI just because of market lock-in/inertia. the ui is awful from a utility/ux, pov - it’s limited and hard to shop/browse with.

Definitely - there used to be a bunch of sites that scraped craigslist and put their listings into more browse-able formats (e.g. Padmapper), but once they got too popular, CL started sending C&Ds and filing lawsuits.

Amazon's website comes to mind, also

Wikipedia would make this list as well.

apod.nasa.gov is the classic example for me

The Drudge Report is another one.

That’s the strange thing about reddit’s new design: It not only lacks functionality and performance, but also white space and clean aesthetics. It feels dated already.

It's also slow, unresponsive and breaks all the time. The dark mode toggles back to bright mode randomly, posts sometimes don't render... It takes multiple seconds to render the comments in a thread. It's a mess.

it was designed to make it easier to integrate ads

The thing is that the new interface can take seconds to load whereas the old one was instant.

How is this an improvement?

It's better for them, not necessarily for you.

Reddit wants lots of growth (they are taking new money now I think) and that means lots of new users that don't know the old UI. The new one is designed with those users in mind, not ones that know the site inside and out already.

It's sanding down a barrier to entry that was already fairly low, in my opinion. They haven't really made it much lower either.

Integrating RES into the main site would've been most of what they needed to get going...

imo the killer feature of RES is that it makes it extremely easy to manage arbitrarily many sockpuppet accounts. there are other nice features of course, but the ease of managing multiple accounts always stood out as one of the biggest perks to me.

in the current political climate, it's not hard to see why reddit might be cautious about implementing such features. of course, the real reason might just be that most reddit users don't even have one account to manage.

They aren't going to care about what anybody on HN has to say about it because we aren't the audience they are after.

They need hundreds of millions of new users and those have to come from Facebook and probably on mobile.

> and probably on mobile.

The site isn't mobile-friendly though, is it?

It's slow, bloated, and has repeated interstitials demanding you get their app if you deign to use mobile.

There is an old mobile interface which is very quick and also easy to use.


I tried the new interface, and even after a couple of minutes I still couldn't find where my saved posts were. Went straight back to `old.`

The old mobile reddit site [0] is _amazing_! No whitespace, no padding!

[0] The one which you can still reach by adding '.compact' to any reddit url

> so much better

In particular, faster.

I need to have a supercomputer to scroll past the first few pages.

I use ud.reddit.com

Although anytime I mention this I fear they'll take it away...

Just out of curiosity, why "ud"? It seems like any two letter subdomain works in the same way.

I have no idea what ud is, I use old.reddit.com

Honestly, I think that was just one I bookmarked at some point and there it is in my history ;)

It's actually old.reddit.com but they probably have some sort of a wildcard rule.

This is probably it : any two letter combination seems to work.

It was (originally) for localization: ja.reddit.com would (for example) give you a Japanese interface. Eventually they realized what a horrible idea l10n is for a community-oriented site, and dropped the translations, but kept the `lang` that it would apply attributes. Eventually subreddit moderators figured out that you could use this to provide multiple variants of the per-subreddit CSS, such as dark modes, custom filters, and other silliness[0].

[0]: For example, see /r/CrappyDesign with (https://old.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/) and without (https://of.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign) Comic Sans.

Testing it out I found something interesting. You can put in subreddit.reddit.com and it redirects to reddit.com/r/subreddit. But any 2 char prefix works sends to old.reddit.com (a.reddit.com -> reddit.com/r/a)

e.g. hackernews.reddit.com -> reddit.com/r/hackernews

Why does this subreddit exist?

> hackernews.reddit.com -> reddit.com/r/hackernews

> Why does this subreddit exist?

Considering the prevalence of the rebuke "HN is not reddit" on HN, probably for people who want to talk in a more reddit-like style.


Other than "np", as in "np.reddit.com", which is used for "no-participation mode", I think the other two-letter sub-domains are used for language codes. I think at one point in reddit's history doing things like de.reddit.com could give a german site, and so on. I'm not sure what "ud" would refer to, but I assume it's similar.

np is implemented as a language code. Subreddits have to change their stylesheets for that language for it to work.

Maybe "undefined"/"undetermined"?

Given how aggressively reddit push their terrible no good very bad interface, I figure there has to be some advantage to them to my using it? I don't know what that could be, maybe users struggling to use the new interface looks like engagement to ads?

The new UI isn't all that pretty either...

I have seen it in ill fated attempts to replace POS systems that were old green screen types to warehousing stocking tools using the same all with new pretty GUI or web page interfaces. Looking slick is great if customer facing but down in the trenches its all about familiarity, speed, and stability.

One pet peeve of mine is that these old systems are often trivially navigable with a (often custom) keyboard, then replaced with something that needs a mouse.

So 'tap, tap, tap, tap, enter' becomes 'tap, <locate mouse> click, tap, tap <locate mouse>, click'.

The new Reddit interface wasn't designed for users. It was designed for the customers (advertisers).

Also worth noting - consumer app or website designs that cram negative space everywhere are almost always slow as shit to use compared to their older "ugly" replacements. The way new Reddit renders content is an excellent case in point. An older example is the Guardian website - it's design about four or five years ago was despised by users (which was ignored) because it was slow and made using the site slower.

Reddit also fails to load aporoximately 20% of the time, too. I figured it was growing pains, but they've not changed a thing. They designed it, they're done, and they're really not interested in what the users think.


These days it's so hard to organise or browse your own music collection.

Oh man, glad I'm not the only one I noticed this. It used to take ~2 seconds to find my favorite playlist and play it. Now it takes upwards of 10-20 seconds.

On the dedicated "select a playlist" page with the squares, it even freaking re-organizes the squares every time you view it! Imagine if your desktop icons re-organized themselves in some arbitrary way every time you needed to open a program, and you get the utter destruction of muscle memory that can make up for the gaps in efficient design.

Netflix is the king of this awfulness for me. Every time I use it the homepage is different. Different lists show up, disappear, change position, etc; even my list of saved shows that I reference all of the time suffers from this. Sticking with literally any layout I've seen on there would be better than the randomness that I have to navigate through each time.

Just give me the damn list of everything in your database and let me search and sort using the metadata. Why do they need to throw algorithms at everything?

I keep hearing this but I find Google Play Music to be way, way worse.

So because Google Play Music is worse at X, that means Spotify's X can't be bad?

Or are you saying the bar is: "as long as there's something worse"

> So because Google Play Music is worse at X, that means Spotify's X can't be bad?

It could be that, in most cases, we only think of the options as ones that we've been introduced to.

We're way too busy with daily life to really think in-depth about everything in hypothetical possibilities, such as "here's a way in which a music app that doesn't exist could do it better." Instead, (unless we're very passionate about music), we tend to only think about the options that have been presented to us.

You're extrapolating here. Maybe I was not clear enough. I've never found Spotify's interface to be that bad, but have the same sentiment you hold for Spotify towards Google Play Music.

I haven't seen a web music player / library manager with good UX for a very long time.

Need a spotify for WinAmp plugin

I long for the days of foobar2000!

I think old Reddit, HN, and Craigslist are good examples of what I've seen referred to as Brutalist Web Design (https://brutalist-web.design/).

Also another great example about why user and accessibility testing are very very important. It was downright ignored and when pressed the Admins admitted it. Leave your beliefs at the door and fucking watch how the user interacts with your site, then ask them why they make those choices. Buy them a beer or whatever gets them to talk.

I use "old.reddit.com" exclusively too, information density is king.

Material design and minimalism probably have a lot of strong theory behind them, but the cargo culting around them often leads to worse UX. I think a lot of companies reach the "dedicated UX team/person" stage before the "careful A B testing of user flow" stage.

> I think this is a big factor in what killed slashdot

For me it was the pedantic, toxic community. HN is a breath of fresh air by comparison.

Obligatory anger for the Gmail and Calendar minimalist redesigns. This is not minimalism really. It's whitespace maximalism.

I'll forever be scarred by a web app I made to make the workflow in a mainframe terminal obsolete. Was so proud of what I'd done and all the theoretical productivity I had enabled (hey, I calculated the numbers, and the manager signed off on it!).

But my only lasting memory of that app is that it probably didn't increase productivity as much as I thought it did when I looked at how they used it day to day, and only succeeded in giving them carpal tunnel syndrome due to all the extra mouse-clicking. The final conversation I had with those users is how their wrists were starting to hurt so much. But hey, I was moving on to another project. Hey, sorry to hear, here are some exercises for your wrists, see ya. Oh, by the way, did you ever try Powerball? Supposed to do wonders to make your wrists stronger.

I try not to be so narrow-minded about app design after that. Pretty does not necessarily equal functional, useful, or value-adding.

edit: In retrospect, those users grocked that terminal interface with all their key shortcuts the way a seasoned developer or sysadmin would grock emacs. Imagine forcing such a guy to use point and click instead for everything. You'd have a riot. I can't believe I didn't see it at the time. Young and naive, and now also regretful for all those people's wrists.

Bank tellers went through this in the 90s. You could tell when they swapped out their terminals for Windows. No more machine gun F key navigation, hello “hunt n grunt” cruising with the mouse.

This is what I’m increasingly going through with apple’s Touch Bar. Half the time I’m accidentally hitting it when I don’t mean to, and the other half of the time I have to look down, as a touch typist, to find the “button” I want.

One point:

>Are there things my users really don’t need to see right now? If you don’t know, ask!


For the love of god please ask your users. I worked for a company with a big clunky enterprise app. It got redesigned numerous times and rolled out with big fanfare.

Nobody who used for any significant amount of time was involved in any of the redesigns. It was horrible every time with numerous changes just to get it not to be a huge pain point.... and then a new overhaul would come again.

I changed jobs to web development recently and really the first questions are to define the problems we're solving, and find out from folks using it day to day what their pain points are and how they work. I'll make some mvp type stuff for say a given function and then show them and get more feedback, the important thing is to get it from the end user, not their boss, not their VP, but the end user (boss and VP have to be involved too of course, just in other ways, distract them with fun control panels and such....).

I ended up working for a very small company, handful of people, me and one senior programmer, the product doesn't dominate the market but time and again customers just love that we call, ask, and do stuff and don't dictate how they work (within reason).

You can still make things clean, but when removing things you have to ask, communicate, you'd be surprised how much you can change if it is part of a conversation, and how little you can change if you just force it on them.


Except users lie all the time. They don't know what they need or want. People are horrible at being logical about what will actually help them.

Watch them work. Watch a bunch of people work. Test and prototype changes and watch more people work. And watch them work at their desk or where ever they work.

> Watch them work.

This x1000! I took on a freelance project for a heavy machinery hauling company. They were a year into transitioning away from some customized off the shelf Enterprise scheduling and dispatch system into some custom built software by an “Enterprise” consulting company.

They were originally bringing me in to audit what the team that was building it but that pretty much changed on the day I submitted my proposal...

In the proposal I wrote to my then prospective client I allocated a couple of days of onsite interviews with “lower than management” people that would be using the system or it’s outputs, and a week of shadowing people in all roles that would be directly using the system. The project sponsor (to his credit) didn’t ask me why I would need to do that, he started laughing and exclaimed that I was the only person to ever even recommend this approach.

We ended up re-writing the proposal into multiple phases where I just interviewed and assessed, documented their current processes, provided business process workflows and suggested ways their current workflow could be optimized, irrespective of any one technological solution. A crappy process, then automated, is still crappy.

I wound up spending 6 weeks before even proposing anything that had to do with technology.

My implementation proposal was set in phases that would bring related functions to light in a way that their teams could begin using them right away and we could collect feedback and iterate while producing the next set of features as well. It was their first ‘agile’ project or contract and the fear was quelled when after the first month I had put more useful software in their dispatchers hands than the “Enterprise” team had in a year.

From day one interviews to “finished” project we spent about 6 months and that system still lives 9 years later- though it has been modernized and upgraded every so often in the intervening time, it is still one of my proudest projects even though it was one of the least “sexy” I’ve ever done.

> it is still one of my proudest projects even though it was one of the least “sexy” I’ve ever done.

I think one of the most valuable thing software engineers can do for themselves in some circumstances is attempt to shift perspective towards assessing projects by how many people they help and how. The most rewarding projects I can think of are the ones where a day or two after rolling them out, I'm contacted by a few employees that they affected the most and told they love it and it saves them 30-90 minutes every day, consistently.

I think it's a feeling most developers can empathize with, since we often automate boring drudge work in our own jobs and lives. Making multiple people's lives and jobs a little less monotonous and dreary, or a little more effective at their job in a way they feel and appreciate is a good feeling.

My wife is a genetic counsellor, and as part of her work she regular has to use this one formula to calculate the probability of this one genetic condition I can't quite recall.

Because of the complexity and the importance of getting it right, it took her around 10-15 minutes every time she needed to use it. She, and her colleagues, are pretty much luddites so a basic calculator was their only tool.

I spent 10 minutes writing the formula in javascript, dropping it an html file, and running a few test.

She absolutely loved it, and shared it with the rest of the staff. Apparently some counsellors at another clinic heard about it and requested it as well. Someone thanked me at her Christmas staff party.

In terms of effort to build vs. hours saved and end user appreciation, I don't think I'll ever top it.

It probably boggles the mind of people like us, used to being power command-line users and automating our boring tasks with powerful tools, to hear stories like this.

With the prevalence of office jobs that use computers, being a developer is sort of like being an engineer in the 1960's or before but having the ability to whip up designs for simple mechanical devices that you can build for very low time and money cost, and replicate for free. It's like being the inventor of the slap-chop except that it costs so little to get items out there, that people often just do it for free. I would love it if I was doing some annoying repetitive task like mincing garlic or onions and someone said "hey, I can make that easier. Give me an hour..."

I like your description, it's one of things I love about software, how malleable it is for quickly building "devices", tools for my own use or a potentially large number of users.

About the last point you made, how it would be great if hardware/mechanical devices could be made more like software - a few years ago I heard about "micro factories" (forgot the exact term): 3D printers for small(er) scale manufacturing. It seemed promising that soon we could be writing software to manufacture devices/products at home, in a garage, local maker "lab". If you thought of an easier mechanism to mince garlic, you could whip up a prototype in a code editor and "print out" a working prototype (or production-level device)..

One of my best work hackathons was spent asking non-technical people what parts of their job sucked, and helping them automate those tasks. The last project involved updating a button that cloned data to go further, and clone some additional data. That work took me an hour, but saved a team at least 10 hours every month!

You did the work of a product manager, business analyst, and engineer all in one. This is what consulting is supposed to be but most companies are merely hiring contractors and are uninterested in any challenges to their requirements (that were never derived from the real world in any way, just an ivory tower of management / conceptual consultants). So you also had a good client as well that respected your proposal and were willing to re-assess their assumptions.

> you also had a good client

I had a fantastic client. I don’t know if it’s because the rigging industry is full of “holy sh, we gotta think on our feet” situations or what, but for a seemingly “low tech” client they grasped on to an iterative and flexible approach so much better than most clients I’ve ever had from the tech industry.

Yep, most clients aren't interested in _paying_ for it. "I wound up spending 6 weeks before even proposing anything that had to do with technology." And they start paying without knowing exactly how long/how much money it will take to get to the end, or even what the end is.

Penny wise pound foolish.

To be fair, they may not _trust_ that you'll actually do a _good job_. There are so many terrible consultants out there, and clients are not very good at evaluating who's going to be good.

RE: and suggested ways their current workflow could be optimized, irrespective of any one technological solution. A crappy process, then automated, is still crappy.

One has to be careful with this; often a process has "invisible benefits" such that outright removing it creates unintended consequences. For example, one industrial analyst found a way to speed up the assembly process. However, it was so efficient that the glue didn't have time to dry before the subsequent steps, damaging the product. Work-arounds were found, but it took time to iron out all the changes.

My first paid gig I did this with wild success also. After that I tried to do this several times and was always met with incredulity. Management never seemed to grok the importance of this, to the point where I started thinking maybe my first experience had been a fluke (gaslighting). While I no longer think this is practical (unless you are the one in charge), I do recommend it whenever possible. The product will be orders of magnitude better, but expect management to strain at the gnat of paying a software developer to watch a non-technical person do their job.

You could manage this by setting expectations early. When you start negotiating, a classic trick is to set a few different “packages” and then gently guiding the other side towards the option you really wanted from the start.

So let’s say you really want to do this bit, but you also know management is too cheap; you create a super-cheap option where you don’t do the activity, but something else also happens that management is unwilling to accept, something pretty horrible. Then you have two other packages that are actually desirable, both containing the activity; one of them should be the bells&whistles option that will look expensive. Management will discard the costly choice and the obviously-subpar one, and pick the middle tier. The skill is in not making it too obvious that is what you wanted all along - i.e. you should sound really disappointed that they didn’t pick the super-expensive version.

Great war story with enough specifics to be learnable, thanks for sharing! Reflects my experience as well.

Loved the story. I'm studying (mainly web) software development right now, but this type of work is what I enjoy most. Studying & understanding users' workflow and building a solution that does exactly what they need.

Do you have any tips/ideas on how can I pursue this as a career?

Contact is in the profile, reach out and I’ll make the time.

Thank you! Your profile only has your Twitter handle, and I tweeted @you last night - https://twitter.com/willediger/status/1095901887537315840

I also added my email to my HN profile.

This story makes me happy. It's what I aspire to

> Except users lie all the time.

That's the starting point for all the garbage enterprise apps I've ever used. Someone that has no clue what the users are doing makes a decision about how best to design an app that they don't even know how to test.

Don't ask them how to design the app. Ask them what they do with the app, then find the best way to get them where they need to go. Then let them test the first and second and third versions, and listen to their feedback without an assumption that "they just don't understand my genius".

It's important to distinguish between casual social media app users and power users spending hours of their day using an app to get their work done.

> I've ever used. Someone that has no clue what the users are doing makes a decision about how best to design an app that they don't even know how to test.

You're talking at cross-purposes.

To get a sense of how people are interacting with the software you have to watch them interact with the software. The moment you ask them a question about UX you'll begin to get low quality input that you can't trust:

* user is expressing an exaggerated desire for some esoteric feature that nobody else would use or discover

* user is repeating what they think should be decent design

* user is agreeing with a criticism they don't understand because they want to appear knowledgeable

All of those and many other problems go away when you just watch somebody use an interface.

Watching someone use an interface can be low-quality information, especially when that interface is already heavily optimized to guide the user down a prescribed path. If that's your sole input, then you're essentially doing a naïve gradient descent, and you're bound to be stuck in a local minimum.

Asking users, in addition to watching them struggle, can inform you on what they're actually trying to achieve, and what's their mental model.

I do try to avoid getting them to tell me _solutions_ though.

"What's the most annoying part of your job with this software" (with followup questions to understand why and what they were trying to do and _why_ they were trying to do it) is better than "What feature do you want that would most make this software less annoying"?

This I can agree with, but with a caveat: if you're dealing with professional domain and users who are domain experts, it might be worth it to pick their brains about features too. They might have used other software in the past, and know a design element or functionality that works better.

You all them what they do, and they say things like "I open my email, ...":

If you watch them you see that what they mean is (dramatised!) "I open my browser, which defaults at Google, then on the Google home page I type 'bing', click on the first search result, then go back because it wasn't Bing search but something else, then read the results and find bing search engine, follow that, login to Bing, then access the app button to choose "Outlook" online, ...".

You might not be able to train them not to search for a URL, but IME users will click an "outlook email" icon on desktop or favorites/links bar; of course you need to watch them to see if they do.

Aside: browsers could fix this but the browser makers are either the SE owners or in their pockets and don't choose to.

>>If you watch them you see that what they mean is (dramatised!)

Not necessarily dramatized... I've seen almost identical behavior in some places I've worked.

Basically: you can't take anything users say for granted. You need to actually see them work.

Yes, this is from experience of watching users. I've often had to bite my tongue. Sometimes one learns something clever.

I once saw a professor type "google" into the browser search box (which had google selected as the search engine), click on the first result, and then type in their Google query.

ofcourse you dont ask them how to design. you are hired as the designer. ask them for specifications / limitations / painpoints in the current system etc. etc. and base your design upon their feedback on actual relevant questions.

a plumber doesnt ask his customer how to plumb. just which pipes need fixin! doesn't go fix the toilet if the shower is broken :S

I think the better analogy would be installing a whole new bathroom (it’s a redesign after all).

In that case the plumber could and should ask where the sink is going, even if he was only told to move the toilet.

Why? Because maybe the sewage line is over there and about to be covered over with concrete and they’ll have to tear up all of that to move it in two weeks, but the sink hadn’t arrived yet so no one told him that would move either.

The point is not that the plumber is asking his customer how he should do his job, but that he can be more valuable if told the whole scope and impact of his job.

Similarly you can’t just ask a user “how could this screen work better”, you need to watch them work so that you see that that screen isn’t even the problem - they’re clicking off of it 15 times every call - but you didn’t even know to ask about the other page.

> you can’t just ask a user “how could this screen work better”

Why would you ask that anyway? You've already assumed the problem and solution at that point.

You ask how it's going, very generally and let the conversation lead you to their pain points.

You don't ask about the UI, which they are not an authority on. You ask about their subjective experience, which they are.

The best approach is to watch them do their work and ask a lot of questions. For example, "Why did you have to leave this screen to go find X?"

'Why?' is a very powerful question.

A few months ago I heard a talk by the chief product manager at a photo album printing company where he talked about an in-depth series of customer interviews they'd recently conducted.

His advice was to keep asking why until you get to the root of why someone did something. However, if the answer you reach 'Because I don't want to die alone', then you've gone too far...

This technique is called a 5-Why in lean manufacturing. Useful tool in digging into a root cause, and helps people think deeply about the causes of issues that are not inherently obvious.

Also, 5 is just the "suggested" number. More or less may be needed. If you reach 'Because I don't want to die alone' in 3 whys, probably no need to try for 5...

Or the answer is, "Because the last guy who didn't do X got fired."

Perhaps you could measure the user instead, as in time taken to complete tasks.

If you use a stopwatch or equivalent, the user may get weirded out. Maybe do a rough-count in your mind and take a note, but to emphasize time above other factors may be a mistake, except for special domains or circumstances.

I often find that it's not that they lie, it's that they're often trying to come up with solutions and present those, rather than explaining the root problem.

But yes, watching them work is invaluable. First time I visited one of our clients, I noticed two issues that I had no idea of:

1. All users had dual-monitors, and maximized our application across both. Our application is MDI still. This was a very bad fit for dialogs that were (for historical reasons) had the default position set to center-of-application, rather than center-of-screen. Try reading a dialog split right across two monitors. So when I got back I immediately did a pass to make them all center-of-screen.

2. When doing the main data entry, they didn't look a the window they were entering data into, but rather the source material. Thus any additional controls or dialog would mess up their workflow big-time. That's when it really hit me why the user interface for that window was rather clunky...

I probabbly didn't emphasize it enough but yeah you give them something mvp like and watch them and get feed back on it.

Recently, I actually forgot to make a whole series of changes on a dashboard that were requested. They hated the old version .... but I didn't change it before the next meeting ... and then they loved it at the recent meeting. It was the same one they hated on.

Sometimes you also just have to let them get used to it too ;)

It's an iterative process no doubt, but as a dev... I'm no better at knowing what I'll do too. Iv'e worked something up and weeks later changed it completely after I've used it.

Consider their response an input signal and not necessarily instruction from them. If my little niece comes crying saying there is a monster under her bed, of course I know it's not a monster but I'll still go look. Maybe a toy is under there making a noise, or the heater pipes, or the cat is moving stuff around.

This is how you get your kid eaten by monsters.

But in all seriousness, this is a good point. In addition, you have to think about the user you are listening to. Are they smart? What terminology do they know that other users don't? Maybe they figured out a workaround to some problematic UI already, and you can just make that workaround global.

I've heard a corresponding principle in both game design and writing expressed as "When people tell you what needs fixing, they're almost always right. When they tell you how to fix it, they're almost always wrong." Feedback is great, but feature requests and proposed changes aren't actually feedback, they're new ideas.

>> Except users lie all the time. They don't know what they need or want. People are horrible at being logical about what will actually help them.

That's a bit harsh. IMHO people don't know what's even possible, so they can't tell you what the solution is. Sometimes they can tell you what bothers them about what they've got even if they don't know what would be better. The rest of your comment it good though. Watch them. Look for things that look hard or redundant. Ask if they ever get tired of X, what gets in the way, etc... But don't necessarily expect them to tell you how to make it better.

I like to say users don't have requirements. They have problems.

They often gloss over how they might use an app, or use it differently to described when doing real, live work with real data instead of test scenarios. Just as I would likely gloss over much of what I do when I drive a car, as I no longer think about it. Sometimes they use something differently to how their supervisors think they do. Maybe they found a handy shortcut or unintended timesaver, maybe relying on a side effect or unused field.

Best to watch a few at all levels of seniority, if at all possible, to fully understand how to deliver what they might need. Then dig into the issues, shortcuts and timesavers or bottlenecks they currently have.

This is why user/usability/UX research is actually a _thing_. Like a discipline, a thing to learn, a thing where experience and skill matter.

Yes, you can't just "ask". But there are certainly ways to learn. Doing a major UX redesign without doing any UX research seems like asking for trouble -- and I don't trust the conclusions drawn from the outcome, still without being based on UX research, either.

I think that this attitude a great example of the arrogance that permeates a lot of the redesigns that get dropped on people today. Yes one needs to sometimes throw out suggestions (because they aren't aware of techniques) but when users complain or praise something that needs to be listened to because they are literally telling you their workflow and describing potential optimizations. Nothing is more obnoxious than designers telling me I won't want something! It's like, 'fuck you, you don't know me, stop discounting what sounds like a good idea!'

Ask things to your users, and then listen to them! Watch them when they show you things, watch them when they work, watch their emotions to see what they like and don't.

> Except users lie all the time. They don't know what they need or want. People are horrible at being logical about what will actually help them.

Asking them to describe the problems they have and doing exactly what they say will fix those problems are two very different things. The difficult, but critical, step here is to decipher what root problem should be fixed given the feedback users have given you. Sometimes the right thing to change is something the user never would have thought of to ask for, but can be figured out from what they did ask for.

Remember, your users (usually) aren't UX designers, they just know where they get frustrated.

> They don't know what they need or want

Of course they don't always know. That's why you have to do proper user research. You should not just build what they are asking: you should try to figure out why they are asking for a particular solution, try to find patterns among all the users, find the actual source of the problem and then propose a solution that could work for them. This is, of course, an over-simplification. Like I said in another reply, work with a PM that's really good at user research (like scientifically-good).

I've found its not that they lie (all the time) it's that often they don't have the time or mental energy to figure out what they want and even if they do they lack the tools to communicate it.

That is fundamentally a human problem and I'm not sure what technology can really do to significantly improve the solution which is to slog through it and listen to feedback.

I think many people don't really understand how they perform the functions of their job. Some things they enjoy doing, some things feel like busy work: all the things are mixed together over the course of the day. Picking and teasing the separate pieces apart and dealing with them individually is always hard for people and for some more than others.

> They don't know what they need or want.

If they're so deluded about what they want what makes you think you can see through that and find a solution more clearly than they can?

Because you know something about UX.

Good design is a cross-disciplinary activity, mixing the domain knowledge in users' heads with the design knowledge in the heads of developers/designers. This is hard to do well, with few hard-and-fast rules, but it often benefits from collaboration.

There are often big a-ha! wins when you're watching a user and ask a question like "why did you do that that way?" or "what if I redesigned it like this?" Users often can't ask those questions because they're focused on doing their job rather than the meta-job of improving it. They often don't realize what's possible.

That's no excuse for ignoring their suggestions, and unfortunately many users have been specifically discouraged from thinking how to improve their own experiences by developers who were lazy, incompetent, or merely bureaucracy-laden. But fostering a collaborative environment, where developers learn something about the domain and users learn something about how their tools are created, can lead to much better user experiences than either could do alone.

More to jfengel's point, it's not just UX, you have more knowledge of what is technically possible. People will often come up with very convoluted solutions to problems because they don't have a good view of what is technically possible.

It also happens that people only take their own needs into account and not those of the other users they're indirectly interacting with via the app. They'll tell you that certain app objects should have certain constraints, that certain things should be impossible, and that such assumptions can be used as foundations for other features. Then you go visit another user and they'll tell you very plausible conditions under which those things should be possible and even required. Talking to users is good, but you also need to observe them as a group and sometimes weigh their needs against each other.

You can probably find a better term for this phenomenon than "lie", which implies a degree of active intent to deceive.

Users have ideas. These ideas are motivated by pains and pleasures.

When asked what they want, they present the ideas they believe will reduce pains or increase the pleasure of using the software.

It's up to you to 1. Determine if the idea reduces pain, increases pleasure or both. 2. Test whether the hypotheses are correct.

Rephrased: Users come up with untested ideas

Some of this comes down to phrasing. We should both ask and observe (but it has to be the right kind of asking).

The asking should be user interviews and contextual inquiry to understand their problems. What are they trying to solve? We shouldn't be asking them to design our products for us, because users often don't know what they want or what they even do. This should typically come very early in the process as foundational work.

Observing people both working and in a usability testing setting will help us learn what is and isn't working. As we get into the prototyping stage, it should be a lot more observing and testing.

I think what you are responding to is this idea that all we need to do is just talk to our users, and you are correct, that is very wrong. Just asking users what they want is a good way to give them something they won't use.

When we do ask people questions, they need to be done in a methodical and probing way.

    > Except users lie all the time...
OK, observation is certainly important, but if they tell you something LISTEN.

Users who have "skin the game", who actually have to use the application usually have valuable observations and suggestions. Does it mean that you should uncritically implement what they ask for verbatim? No, but sometimes the insight is right in front of you if you're receptive to it.

Why not both? It's not even that people lie, but they might not know what's possible, limiting the amount of information they will give you.

Yes, users do lie all the time.

So ASK, but do not ask direct questions (e.g., what do you want?).

Instead, ask what are their problems, their pain points, and what items they rely on most.

And OBSERVE -- watch what they actually do. What items they most rely upon (i.e., do NOT change that stuff if you can avoid it).

These answers & observations can then form the basis of your solution, which should relentlessly focus on their needs (and not your own design conceits).

Story from a friend who wrote & sold software into IT shops: When he asked "Do you like these features and would you buy this software?", he got all kinds of "Yes" answers, would write the package, and find few buyers.

When he switched to asking (basically) "What are your pain points, what is aggravating, time consuming, etc?", then writing software to address those issues, he got plenty of sales and happy customers.

It's the indirect question that matters.

A friend's company actually films users using software/websites, analyse their reactions and build a thorough report on UX. All their science is based on the concepts from IA -- information architecture -- from a decade or so ago.

And only change what are real problems. Maybe something like a user needs to navigate to three different pages to get the information they need. That's something you can improve.

But resist the urge to do a general facelift or reorganization just for cosmetics. Users can fly through the ugliest interfaces, even text-mode terminal interfaces, once they get used to them. Change that at all, and they will be stumbling around and complaining. That can be worth in the end if their usual workflows are now shorter and faster, but tread carefully. Users of enterprise apps really don't care too much about how they look.

Another thing is that suggestions from users often suffer from the "XY problem" issue. So even when a user has a ridiculous suggestion or request, there might be a legitimate issue behind it.

Its not always an option, but another alternative to asking and observing is becoming. If you yourself (or someone on your team) have previously been or are currently a user then you can usually answer a lot of the questions yourself with much less of a bias and maybe find solutions you wouldn't be able to by just asking and observing.

While this can give you insight, I think there's a huge danger of thinking you are a _typical_ user when you are not at all representative. I have seen this happen with disastrous consequences. I think "becoming" can supplement, but never ever substitute for observation.

While they might not know what they need, they definitely know what won't help them.

It's true, but you still need to ask, and watch them work. But what it often comes down to is that the company underestimates the effort involved, they push you to rush the process, and communication is the first thing to suffer.

Exactly. Asking users is only interesting if you know what you are looking for and you have to ask around the questions instead of leading them to answer. 90% of the time observing is what you want.

You don't ask them how do they want it redesigned. You ask them what they like, what they don't like. And preferably, you get a chance to see them use it.

Couldn’t agree more! Often the users look at you as “the expert” as if you could tell them how to do their job and show up basically with a ready app.

Don't just watch. Measure. Observers have biases. Figure out what you want to improve, figure out how to tell if you have, test changes against that.

>Watch them work

Exactly. It's your job to see that, for example, people spend lots of time manually doing X in Excel, and design a tool to do it for them.

I think you need both.

You need to ask/provide a way for users to tell you what they want (fixing or features).

And you also need to observe users using the product.

A/B testing can help. Show them 2 or 3 different ways and watch them as they work with each.

You have to do both. Watch and ask.

Look, we're playing an intricate meta game where the application must please the following people in this order:

- the boss of the boss of the representative of the customer company

- the boss of the representative of the customer company

- the representative of the customer company

- my line manager's boss

- my project manager's boss

- my line manager

- my project manager

- me and my team

- the user

Any of these people might of might not have been ever in contact with the elusive "user".

We have this issue now. Inevitably when the actual users of the app report issues with this or that, the answer from the dev team is almost always, "Works as designed".


And then, nothing. New features come out though, most of which aren't needed or deprecate features that we actually like. So I'm sure some Project Manager is being paid handsomely.

>the answer from the dev team is almost always, "Works as designed".

When I say 'works as designed', what I'm actually saying is that I didn't have control over the design, go talk to the ones who did.

And in addition, that they are aware it is batshit crazy too.

Yup, and this is the primary reason for why I avoid commercial products (or, even worse, services) like the plague.

When shit's broken I want to at least be able to go in there and fix it myself, not email some support vendor who's just going to ignore it.

Asking is good but you often get a lot of wrong information that way. As well as very selective information.

When I was working on a reimplementation of an existing web app I had several team members watch how users were using the application. A mixture of sitting next to them and quietly watching (not interrupting their workflow) and remote watching via shared desktop (which we also recorded to refer to later).

Watching (in person and remotely) was without question more valuable. We could go back and replay what they were doing and why (we had copies of the worksheet they were working from for each use). Without it we wouldn't have delivered about 30% of what they were looking for and would have had to redo a load of work compared to if we had just gone by how they said they were using the system.

The new system rolled out and we had a total of two post-launch changes to make. Both of which were very simple changes. So don't just ask but watch how the users who use the system actually use it.

The challenge with Enterprise software is that the people who pay for it are usually not the people who use it everyday or a lot. So the vendor takes feedback from the end-users but they still have to demo to the guys holding the purse strings and when those guys give feedback (usually different from that of the every day user), vendor has to go with feedback from the purse string holder. If the vendor doesn't do this, the project doesn't get approved.

I think the proper thing here is for the purse string holders to defer to the views/feedback of the every day users.

lack of communication is main issue in all issues. people thing 'user' opinion is worthless or they lie or cheat you, but fun fact is that if they don't like your fancypants app, it will get shot down and cost you either time , money or clients or a combination of the three. if you ask ask ask, and then subsequently put it all in writing, verify with everyone they agree on the plan, they can never hold it against you even if they lied and cheated.

Not just ask, work with them. Try doing their job for the day.

The article has an example of customer records where the name fields are merged, same with the address fields. I know that would be hell for my friends in customer service wanting to find a customer by postcode or just their first or last name. Sometimes people are insistent they have complained before and you have ignored them, or you get scam artists. In these scenarios the team have to do detective work and they rely on having a decent sortable grid of customer records so they can find what they want if given incomplete information. Incomplete information comes from telephone messages made by cover staff, poor quality handwriting and a multitude of other sources. Since the staff stare at the same screen all day they know their way around it and simplifying the layout helps nobody.

Or even better - RUN 5-minute user testing sessions!!

Even in terms of the "recommendations" in the article, I can see all sorts of red flags. Group addresses? What if I needed to see what state it is at a glance? Now the state alignment is off. Or if I needed to sort by state?

All of this could have been avoided by sitting down with users of the existing system, watch how they interact, and then put together a revised version, and watch how they interact/where they have trouble/etc before doing a wide release.

The fact that user testing wasn't done, especially on an internal application where the users are right there available for it, is the real story here.

Agree - I could take most of this comment back to the late 90s and most of it would still apply. One thing you could do back then was with visual GUI editors, you could place buttons and widgets where you wanted them and change it quickly.

Indeed. I sure the hell miss WYSIWYG ui design. The auto-flow "constraint management" of web UI's and CSS turned bicycle science into rocket science. (There was a HN story about this a few weeks ago.) I had Jetsons technology, it felt great, but then it was ripped from my warm productive fingers. Will they do the same with my flying car?

> So this designer set out to solve the problem, taking cues from modern consumer apps.

The problem is, the arrogance of the designer. Who would ever redo something without talking to the user?

What made you switch to development?

The industry I worked in was networking (data center products, routers for ISPs, etc), but technical support. I did that for 20 years.

Even though it was pretty high end stuff.... everyone hates technical support and I found that generally companies eventually devalue it as time goes on. I got tired of that system.

I got paid really well but just got tired of seeing the atmosphere at company after company get more negative. Poor management trotted in, just coasting, incapable of making changes and such. Despite bringing in massive $$$ in support contracts... that money was never directed to support and things just degrade over time.

Then companies would outsource to some garbage company and the support there would be terrible so I and others would take the brunt of angry customers. Then someone would roll out metrics that show those folks overseas who just close cases are doing great because ... they just close cases without solving the issue.

The bad stuff just snowballs and there is no going back no matter how valuable you are in support.

When I was in support I worked closely with the engineering teams who wrote the code and who really liked how I worked (they'd ask that difficult cases be transferred to me because they know I'd document things, actually troubleshot, be honest if I don't know). They actually picked me at one point to be able to fast track issues that I saw straight to engineering and they'd pick up the phone immediately, because if I told them "you're gonna see this soon (either from a VP or something) because it is bad, you want to get a head start on it" they knew it was real. So I was already curious about coding in some form.

I wanted to do something new, got laid off after an acquisition, got a severance, and went the bootcamp route. I like making things now and web development is fun for me, I find that "troubleshooting" and "debugging" and such are all the same thing and that has served me well as well as the ability to work independently and learn independently.

> Then someone would roll out metrics that show those folks overseas who just close cases are doing great because ... they just close cases without solving the issue.

We've all got bad metrics stories, but wanted to share this one.

Friend at megacorp was doing JS work, and working with the offshore team in India (few people in the US, and 3-4x as many in India IIRC). India team was "killing it" because of all the issues closed, and the US team was getting crap because they "took forever".

One of the mandates was "when you commit code, you need to have a test for it". Friend checked out the offshored code, ran the tests, and ... they failed. Almost all - a few worked by accident, but they were failing tests. Actually, when he first ran the test suite, his whole system locked up and crashed - the test suite runner couldn't deal with that many failures (that was my impression based on the symptoms and repeatability).

The 'defense', such as it was, was that no one had instructed anyone that the tests should actually be run or pass, just that test files needed to be committed with regular code. So they'd write empty tests, or copy/paste code from other tests. The line count and 'closed issues' were both great - so much better than the US counterparts. It's just that... literally... nothing was actually being tested. Budgets were cut and he and a bunch of other folks didn't have their contract renewed - they put more money in to the offshore team. :/

Ooof that's brutal. That's like just abandoning a fundamental aspect of the job for an excuse.

I feel like my current company was going this direction for a bit, but they’ve reversed course and are now bringing all development on-site, if not in-house.

Which is really the only way to develop if you want anything to get done.

Biggest issue I had with technical support was that it dials the cynicism up to 11; if someone calls tech support, either the product or the customer did something stupid. Therefore, no matter how good the products or smart the customers, it starts to feel like all the products suck and all the customers are idiots.

Yeah there's a lot of negativity you have to combat.

Everything is a "problem", and the executives at the company, often feel that way about support itself.

Sounds sadly typical. I wonder how many fields there are where "everyone who's actually good at field X eventually goes into related field Y instead because it's higher paying, more respected, better atmosphere, etc".

Yeah no doubt that's a thing.

Everyone values support when they talk about it... don't want to actually pay for it.

Products are optimized for those who sign the bills, not necessarily users. Flashy colorful design, useless charts, all that stuff.

>a well-intentioned UX Designer at a large high-tech company who was given a new project: Redesign an internal control panel that was ugly [...] It lasted one month before the company was forced to retire it. Users absolutely hated the new system. Sure, the old system was ugly, but it had everything they needed, right at their fingertips! Their jobs were incredibly fast paced—they worked in a tech support call center and were rated on productivity metrics. They didn’t have time to click or scroll to find information while the clock was literally ticking.

This same exact story of a UI disaster happened at a Fortune 100 company I was at in 2005. They had a legacy app (think DOS character mode talking to a mainframe) for entering accounting documents.

To replace it, a high-priced consulting firm installed a "web portal" technology. (Unifying a company's various enterprise applications behind a single web portal was a hot endeavor back then.)

When it was rolled out, the accounting department fell behind on their work. Nobody noticed that the constant UI banner at the top of the of the web portal browser window was forcing users to always use the mouse to scroll up and down to look at information. In the old DOS system, they could just enter info from invoices quickly without even looking at the screen. But the new system broke the users' fluid familiarity.

The UI disaster was so bad that the consulting company had to have their consultants come in on Saturday to help the client's workers catch up on all their data entry. Imagine an army of $150k consultants doing the work of $10/hour clerks because the web portal's UI was never really field-tested with a real-world workload! If just one UI web developer actually shadowed one of their users for a day, they would have noticed the usability problem.

I can't believe how many times I've heard your story but in different companies.

I feel like there is an opportunity to make a graphical user interface framework that mimics old terminals. Full screen apps that leverage use of the keyboard shortcuts or hell even a custom keyboard specifically made for industrial use. Basically a IBM 400 system but running on modern software stack. Airlines have stuck with their UI and for good reasons.

Being easy to use and easy to learn are not necessarily the same thing. GUI's are generally easier to learn, but not necessarily the most productive once a typical user reaches the plateau of the learning curve. A UI designed to minimize hand and eye movements may have a longer learning curve than a GUI. The ideal solution may thus depend on staff turnover rate.

I think you'd be surprised how quickly people can pick up on an interface that is as simple as the kinds of TUIs we're talking about. These kinds of things were very common for all sorts of tasks throughout the late 80s and early 90s and I don't think I've ever heard of the learning curve being a problem.

Shift+F5 F10 F10 code Return.

How to look up unsold inventory on the system at the first job I worked in 1999.

There people there who could navigate 5 screens without looking until the system returned the result they wanted.

People are smarter than many give them credit, the computing revolution in business really started taking off in an era when computers booted to something like.

I’m not suggesting we throw out guis but we could do much better in some areas.

Those old green screen apps (CICs etc) supported enormous key stroke rates all right, with nary a mouse in sight.

But productivity was not as high as a rosy colored view of the past might suggest.

Operators had to be highly skilled. Entering a record for the East coast sales team would require remembering the code ESALES03. There were no helpful UI affordances of the modern age, e.g. fuzzy or free form searching.

So combine the two, there isn’t intrinsically a reason you couldn’t do either with a TUI.

I work on enterprise systems and try hard to keep things consistent, it’s amazing how much enterprise web stuff I’ve run into that doesn’t even handle tab order correctly on a form that is pure data entry.

It’s hard to go all in on keyboard because browsers are somewhat inconsistent on which key combos do what though.

Not sure the lesson here in going back to CLI. What designers need to do is to conduct research - interviews, observational studies, etc - to understand how and why people use their software and then create design alternatives.

Ignoring a learning curve for the sake of argument, the most effective UI's tend to be command-oriented. If you memorize the abbreviated commands, you don't have to traverse menu trees. Command-line interfaces can still have menus for newbies.

For example, pressing Enter or giving the command "m" or the fuller "menu" at the command prompt may give a menu similar to:

   1 - Search for employees (SE)
   2 - New hire (NH)
   3 - Department transfer (DT)
   4 - Etc.
   0 - Back to prior menu [app-wide convention]
   Command: __
Here newbies just enter menu numbers; but next to each menu is a shortcut command, such as "DT". After they get experienced, they start using the shortcut commands to jump across the menu tree as needed, they are usually global. It's like a Go-to (gasp!). The prior stuff is still on the screen for reference because they wouldn't get a menu when using the shortcut commands; it only shows up if you ask for one.

And the shortcuts may take optional parameters, such as "SE gar" to search for all employees with a last name starting with "Gar". (Without the parameter, they get a typical search form.)

Before GUI's, I worked with users directly to gradually fine-tune such gizmos, and after a while their productivity screamed. They loved me and even forgave my lack-luster people skills.

Many emacs modes use something akin to this (see magit as a stellar example). This makes learning it relatively easy (it's discoverable), but becoming a power user is still possible.

Yup. Magit is a stellar example of UI that's both discoverable and ergonomic. It shows you a popup with a list of options available to you at a given stage, with plainly visible keyboard shortcut. But it doesn't block or slow you down with this.

Say you're trying to show git log. The first time around, you'll press "?" to show the top-level popup, notice "l" is for logging, press "l", see the popup for logging commands, notice you need to press "l" again, press it. The next time around, you'll just press "l l" without thinking, and Magit will react as fast as you can type.

There are custom keyboards, they're just hard to find. The Devlin KMX-144 or the Logic Controls LK1800 come to mind. I'm sure there are others. You can use (n?)curses to make a terminal user interface.

I still prefer the web - just with the keyboard as a first class citizen.

I don’t think webapps can ever make the keyboard a first class citizen. The browser already has a bunch of keybindings.

Personally, I’ve never used a web app that I actually liked or trusted. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m always worried the page will time out or refresh or something.

Like imagine emacs or vim in a browser window, it would be horrible!

I wasn't going to mention qutebrowser[0] since I didn't think it was relevant, but it works well. Most of the keys in the browser can actually be rebound. With keyboards like I mentioned, the additional keys can be mapped to special key combos like `Alt+Shift+D` to avoid collisions.

It's also possible to map most or all of Chrome's (not sure about other browsers - but we're talking within the enterprise) keys can be rebound. Check out keycode.info - every key even ones like `Alt+D` and F1 and even `Ctrl+R` can be rebound and prevented from doing their normal function in place of something else!


Try vimium, I've been using it for years - as long as the HTML is semantically correct a surprisingly amount of the web is navigable.

No. Just mimic the speed, information density, and task-centricity.

Even a web app could do that in a pretty straightforward way with proper handling of keyboard events and tab order and a compact layout. "Press 1/2/3/4 to select a tab" is entirely doable in a web view.

Re: Everyone agreed it needed modernization—it looked like it was from the early 2000s, after all!

My goodness, Flintones even. The fashion chase is becoming obsessive and wasteful. As I've ranted about many times on HN, UI faddism is a huge time and resource drain and the industry should just say no or see a therapist.

It sounds strange, but desktop UI's around 2000 pretty much reached the pinnacle of business UI's. The web slid us downhill with its stateless ways, unpredictable layout results, and now wasting screen space while copying touch-screen-oriented design for mouse users who don't need swollen boundaries. Use 5-pixel lines to visually segregate panels, saving you about 20 pixels of width versus white space. ("Web" pixels, not nec. actual pixels.)

(The only exception is perhaps drill-down link-heavy lists/reports/charts. The web served these well.)

I’m convinced this happens everywhere, at almost every software company. As a developer, the most demotivating part of my job was the endless redesigns-for-the-sake-of-redesigns that kept happening. It’s ultimately what drove me away from being an individual contributor software engineer.

And it’s always for goofy vague reasons: “It looks dated!” “It needs more pop!” “It’s not fresh enough!” (What are we making? Software or food?) Nobody is willing or able to prove with numbers or measurement that the old UI is bad and the new UI is better. It’s usually just the designer’s hunch! Yet if I want to change the search algorithm we are using I have to prove the new one is faster with research...

Nobody ever talks about the psychological toll this takes on developers, and also on the overall software quality. If you are just re-building the same UI over and over again because "everyone is now doing it in Django / Angular / Vue / React / {insert future hyped framework}", no developer will go the extra mile to produce a stable, high-quality code base anymore. Why should they, if they instinctively know that they are just coding for the garbage bin? What you get is a team of depressed, cynical developers and low-quality software that barely works, which will then be re-implemented 12-24 months lather in some other framework, possibly by another team of developers because the old team has left in frustration or been fired for lack of motivation. It is a vicious circle that consumes the most productive age of an entire software engineer generation, and (although I am sure some of you will heavily criticize this) I am deeply convinced that the only way out of this is to just stick to basic tools and programming languages that have been around forever. Avoid any framework that is advocated like a religious cult.

Eventually, one of those current frameworks will "have been around forever". My bet is on React or one of its descendants, because viewed as a generic API it's a pretty good philosophical refinement of preexisting non-web-specific UI frameworks.

For example, there's now a framework that implements the React API for general-purpose terminal rendering, without actually involving any web stuff at all: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink

> My bet is on React

Exactly, it is a bet. A bet in which you can win nothing more than a refined résumé, or lose a lot of time.

In the context of web development, in the past 10 years I have seen other developers and myself write wrappers for the same JavaScript libraries again and again and again in so many frameworks and for so many CMS I lost track and count (incomplete list: typo3, Drupal, Wordpress, GWT, jQuery, AngularJS, React). This usually included weeks of work, after which it was possible to write web applications which could've been written with vanilla JavaScript on a static, handwritten HTML page in a single afternoon. From a macroeconomic point of view, it was all just an incredible waste of time. But the customers of the various companies I worked at as a student and after finishing university loved hearing the name of the frameworks. I am pretty convinced that it actually would've been enough to just write bare JS code and a HTML page by hand and sell it to them as "written in bootstrapped AngularJS". This would've saved hundreds of man hours.

> This usually included weeks of work, after which it was possible to write web applications which could've been written with vanilla JavaScript on a static, handwritten HTML page in a single afternoon.

You can have a website up and running (not just locally, but live on the Internet) within literally 5 minutes using React and Heroku, netlify, now.sh or whatever. If it takes weeks to do that, you're doing something fundamentally wrong.

It did not weeks to write the website, sorry if that was not clear from my original post. It took weeks to port existing JavaScript libraries into the ecosphere of the respective framework, to a point where it was indeed possible to write the website we wanted in 5 minutes.

> You can have a website up and running (not just locally, but live on the Internet) within literally 5 minutes using React and Heroku, netlify, now.sh or whatever.

Of course, I am not disputing this! But it is equally possible to have a website up in literally 5 minutes using vanilla JS + HTML + CSS and an nginx Server, without taking the dangerous bet that the framework you have chosen won't be obsolete in 2 years.

> without taking the dangerous bet that the framework you have chosen won't be obsolete in 2 years

That's why I specifically mentioned React and its API, as it's generic enough to have drop-in replacements or even frameworks that apply its basics to completely different kinds of rendering (https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink). I find it unlikely that the basic idea of component trees, efficient one-way rendering of updated data, and JSX rendering will go away anytime soon, and none of that depends on the specific project named "React".

> A bet in which you can win nothing more than a refined résumé, or lose a lot of time.

I strongly disagree. Perhaps if you dont really have a problem that needs React to solve it. I understand you already had extensive expertise solving this problem in JS without React et all.

Everyone is afraid of being "left behind" and not being able to get a job. Keeping one's resume marketable trumps being productive.

I'm starting to look forward to the days when I can just work on old projects in semi-retirement, where all of this stuff doesn't matter, and the languages and frameworks are the ones that I grew up with.

This isn't to say there's no new good stuff. The problem is that there's also all the new fads, and it's a very rare job when you can get the good without the fads.

Not only does it happen almost everywhere but is has been going on since the beginning. There were people in the 90’s who did nothing but study UI’s, what happened to them??

The web happened. And now people use the web GUI to make destkop and mobile applications.

They are called UX researchers and they exist alive and well today. There is a huge difference between design backed by research and just doing things to keep up with times.

Wow, I kinda wish I worked somewhere with so few real problems they had to invent new ones just to keep busy.

Also remember: you MUST kill any Java-based enterprise app (Java is old and not modern) and replace the backend with Node.js. Then you can reuse all your server code in the frontend!

And remember to use Angular or React... actually, now you must use Vue. And create polyfills for your webpacks (and vice versa).

I wish more web apps would give a bit more choice on information density and layout - remember desktop software 15 years ago? You change all the colours, fonts, layouts (sometimes) so it suited you.

White space is great for new users to help not overload them, but after a few weeks of use, most should be able to go to their options and change the layout to save all this pointless mouse wheel scrolling.

I am impressed at the responses in this thread - I honestly thought I was in the minority about this, but hopefully the fashion moves a little more towards functionality

Please change the clickbait title. The app didn't die, they just had to revert the design change.

That aside, the Freshbooks redesign last year pushed me to switch to QuickBooks for exactly this reason. The new design had the stereotypical "modern app" design, but every common task required 5x more time than before.

For example, just to change the category of an expense you have to 1) click on the expense, wait for the detail page to load, 2) click on the category, 3) click "Change Category" and wait for the dropdown to load, 4) click on the new category, wait for it to apply, 5) click "Save", 6) click "Back to expenses." And every interaction takes a second or two to register, so imagine a delay between every step. Now imagine doing this 50 times every month when you're doing bookkeeping.

... In the previous version this took two clicks: 1) In the expense listing screen, click on the category, a drop down instantly appears, 2) click on the new category, it instantly applies.

They also took away the feature to add an accountant to your account. Imagine if GitHub took away the option to add "member" users.

Xero just did this with their Invoice section. Everything is fancy looking but has less visible data and less features with 10x more work to do the same thing.

But people want Excel levels of functionality, not a brochure, and the community has been unanimous with negative feedback so maybe they'll improve while they still can.

Really mind-boggling. I'd think companies of those sizes would do usability tests to see how users react BEFORE they roll it out to hundreds of thousands (millions?) of users.

They re-added the accountant feature recently. I imagine they received major pushback on that change.

I heard. Too late, though. They still have a long way to go with making the UX/UI useful again.

Agreed... that’s why I spent yesterday moving all my expenses to a different system.

> Users absolutely hated the new system. Sure, the old system was ugly, but it had everything they needed, right at their fingertips!

I'm not sure this is about whitespace or information density.

I think that users, especially users using something as part of their job on a regular basis ("enterprise"), hate change. Any change. If they know how to use the thing as part of their job now, it is very difficult to make a significant change that they won't (at least initially) say they hate and want the old thing back. Even if the change would have been liked better by more new users/customers. Even if they hated the old thing too!

And aside from just change-aversion, of course, there may have been lots of knowledge/decisions about what users actually needed to do to do their jobs "encoded" in the old UX, as a result of lots of changes over time, that can be lost when creating a brand-new-from-scratch UX -- especially if you aren't doing a lot of (or any? it wasn't mentioned in the post) UX research in advance of the re-design.

I think this story may be about change, without necessarily being able to conclude anything about the factors of the change/design, such as whitespace, or any other design elements.

If you're doing UX design, you should be doing UX research. And not assuming any universal principles about whitespace or information density from this blog post.

Yeah I have similar concerns about the lessons learned. Power users rely on muscle memory. Productivity is boosted by familiarity. Unless there is a great deal of turnover on the team, the thing they are familiar with is the thing they have.

If you want to change that you have to come at it with respect and empathy. Fields nobody uses anymore? You can take them away but that changes tab order. So you might have to do that piecemeal or one screen at a time to give people time to adjust.

UX for pros runs counter to a lot of guidelines for beginners. You’re trying to reduce the amount of attention they have to dedicate so they can go faster or juggle the feelings of the person they’re talking to. They want speed and predictability. Discovery is only for very obscure workflows. Important, yes, but not paramount.

I’ve seen this even with developer tools. When someone starts yelling at a dev the conversation goes smoother when the task is straightforward. “Let me just pop in here and look... here’s your problem.”

>Use color deliberately.

And think of the color blind. Especially dark red shouldn't be the only way this information is highlighted. 8% of men are the kind of red-green colorblind, where dark red and black is not easily distinguishable.

If 8% of men don't see your error notifications, maybe that shouldn't be the only kind of highlighting (or choose a color that is less likely to affect so many people, like orange).

>Let users export data, instead

And maybe even import. I have a lot of administrative tasks I could script easily, if I had more direct access. But writing a python script using a headless browser, which breaks every time they update, doesn't sound as attractive.

And a point they kind of forgot: Make it perform well. There are so many enterprise apps where you need to click a lot and wait so much time in between you start doing something else, which reduces your flow.

A second point: Give people keyboard shortcuts, and make them apparent through tooltips. Your power users will highly appreciate if they can do things more quickly with the right shortcuts.

>Use color deliberately.

And think of the color blind. Especially dark red shouldn't be the only way this information is highlighted. 8% of men are the kind of red-green colorblind, where dark red and black is not easily distinguishable.

The example given in TFA is bad. Red should never be the sole indicator of an error. As you pointed out, color blindness is a thing.

The example should have also put an error glyph (like an exclamation point in a triangle, or the local equivalent) next to the problematic number. Or presented it in reverse, or with an unusually thick border. Anything but color alone.

>If 8% of men don't see your error notifications, maybe that shouldn't be the only kind of highlighting (or choose a color that is less likely to affect so many people, like orange).

While it is true that it's about 8% in total, there is a gradient on how red/green color blind one is.

I feel like the author really wanted a scapegoat for a process that was flawed from the start (redesigning a product without research, empathy with users, feedback, gradual introduction with small test groups etc.)

Too often I see UX issues blamed on visual choices — the whole everything must be flat movement of 2013-2018 is one example — when there are deeper issues that can't be extracted into a pithy recommendation.

Exactly. Proper white spacing shouldn’t be the problem of any redesign.

Also consider that users often have a tendency to rebel against change. Habits and routines are hard to overcome and the actual might be that features and data simply aren’t in the same place they used to be, regardless of if that new location is much more reasonable. I saw it again and again: Users memorize hard-coded paths to certain functions - simply changing the name, appearance or position of certain elements along that path was enough to throw them completely off the track.

No, you don't really need much white space. Use thick lines to show boundaries. They do the job of visually segregating things without wasting screen real-estate.

White-space became a "thing" because of the increased use of touch-screens, such as iPads and smartphones. The space helps avoid fingering mistakes. However, if the vast majority of users are using a keyboard and mouse, it's an anti-feature. People started copying the trend without thinking about and road-testing the practicalities of it. Unlike the Kardashians, science works.

White space has its purpose - grouping and the principle of proximity comes to mind.

Of course this argument comes down to how much white space is appropriate and we may actually agree, but if you're indicating that the whole idea of white space, and other Gestalt principles, is a fad, I think you're wrong.

I think GP is just saying that white space is not the only way to apply Gestalt principles. There's hardly a clearer indication of which things belong together than surrounding them with a border.

That is true: there are multiple ways to visually split and group things. Lines, space, color, and shadows come to mind; each with trade-offs.

A down-side of space for grouping is that it uses up screen real-estate and can result in the need to scroll more. Scrolling not only takes up user time, but makes it hard to compare information on the screen, because two or more units of data may not be able to be on the screen at the same time.

For example, if you are entering employee info, and you get to the "dependents" section, you may want to know if the dependents have the same last name as the employee as a quick check of applicability. If the employee name is at the top, then it may have scrolled off the screen by the time you get to the dependents entry. In a more compact design, it's more likely both will be on the screen at the same time.

> I saw it again and again: Users memorize hard-coded paths to certain functions - simply changing the name, appearance or position of certain elements along that path was enough to throw them completely off the track.

It seems like that argues against changing it to me, at least in productivity-sensitive applications.

There could be a justification in revamping the interface if there is an expected amount of turnover or the costs of training are significantly higher, of course. Often, though, these are situations where form should follow precedent, not just function.

I'm not sure if I agree. Of ourse it's a decision that has to be weighted and carefully considered, but by avoiding slight and temporary inconveniences at all cost nothing would ever change or progress. Often people don't know what they want or need until they see it and sometimes people have to be forced to abandon the idea of faster horses.

Those are process elements, and the goal of them is primarily to produce a good result.

A better process may have reduced the likelihood of a bad design, but the bad process is the meta-problem, not the problem-problem.

Some design decisions really are bad in ways that are counterintuitive to a lot of designers. Reducing information density is often one of them.

Another modern web design pattern that I hate is when a website uses an excessive amount of AJAX requests. The practical effect of this behavior is that you see the UI update many, many times before the data you're looking for is actually shown. While the data is being loaded, you just see placeholders and you don't feel like you should do anything until the entire page finishes loading.

For instance, when I log into the Chase website, there's 8 UI updates (i.e. 8 sets of loading bars/HTTP requests; see below) that have to load before I can see the recent transactions on my account. Each chunk of requests must finish before the following chunk can start. All in all, it takes ~7.1 seconds for the page/recent transactions to load.


The 8 UI updates the Chase website goes through before it finishes loading/you can see your recent transactions:

1. Initial blue loading screen with a spinning loading icon

2. Tan colored background color replaces screen #1

3. Header loads

4. The blank outlines of the main UI components loads (without any data in them/with placeholder loading bars)

5. All of my Chase account metadata (account type, current balance, and last four digits of the account number) loads

6. More in-depth data of the first account on the list loads (available credit, payment due date, minimum payment due, etc.)

7. Recent transactions panel starts to load (with no data/with only a placeholder loading bar)

8. Recent transactions are shown

At this point, the page is finished loading.

Was a PM for a product that got criticism for its lack of density. When you are building a powerful tool for power users, you may need density and a lot of levers for flexibility. The consumer/enterprise distinction is huge here.

As a domain expert, I was for a sparse UX that emphasized the awesome just-works power of the product. I'll never forget how one bank IT director customer said, "I just can't pay for something with this little on the screen. Can you add more stuff?"

I think the key PM-fail on my part was privately scoffing to the architects afterwards that while we reduced the whites pace, we should also implement the ruby acts_as_enterprisey module to make the product seem crappier. This lack of people insight (and downside of visionary personality type attitude) pretty much summarized my limits as a PM.

Real lesson for us was: enterprise users trade on demonstrating their value by performing complex work. It's job security. The stakeholders you need to close an enterprise sale include those users. If your product or UX trivializes someone's job, they are going to fight you.

When they say they don't want your UX but they want your data, what they are really saying is, they don't need the problem you think you are solving solved, they are indexed on finding a way to demonstrate their value.

I"m learning this the hard way now with a product that doesn't quite close the knowledge gap for non-experts, but am finding it's simplicity is undermining to the authority of experts. Solving problems and demonstrating value are very different things. It's like building a tools vs. building instruments.

The UX question I need to answer is, does my product solve a problem, or help a problem solver demonstrate value? If a) then the end user is not my customer, if b) it's going to need a lot more knobs and whistles.

White space isn't just white space, it represents the expression of functionality to the customer.

The UX design question always takes you back to first principles, who is your customer and what do they need?

In my comment about the Bloomberg Terminal, I talked about how it, and any good software (also like Vim and Emacs) makes users feel like a wizard. People, especially enterprise banking users, want to feel powerful when using an app. Like it’s an extension of their own mind and body.

If you make something that is valuable but doesn’t give the users a power trip, it will fail. This is just how people work.

It's not just about power trips. It's about utility and context.

Vim and Emacs give you actual power, not just the feeling of it. Vim's "shortcut grammar" and Emacs' deep interoperability are a huge productivity multiplier for any imaginable task that you can reduce to manipulating text.

Information density is about providing context. A good example here would be Google Maps. The app is optimized to be used as a point-to-point navigation tool, but some design decisions - like inconsistent showing of street names - make it pretty much useless as a map. Your UI design may be leading the user down a prescribed path, but if you make it show the minimal amount of information necessary on that path, the UI automatically becomes useless for all other related paths.

> If your product or UX trivializes someone's job, they are going to fight you.

I find that kind of arrogant. In a lot of cases, the UX designers simply underestimate the real complexity of a task.

Reducing a complex task that takes 10 fingers and gratifying thought to a single button choice architecture is trivializing. Recognizing that interests are rarely articulated is the real art.

> Reducing a complex task that takes 10 fingers and gratifying thought to a single button choice architecture is trivializing.

Not if that works only in the 90% of usual cases and working the non-usual ones is not possible, anymore, after the change.

Am I the only one like dense information? There is judicious use of whitespace (Swiss layout, Brockmann et. al) and then there is the whole material UX enchilada.

I prefer Foobar2000 over Apple Music. Give me dense, logical and flat layout over 50 page long hierarchical layout full of whitespace. Whitespace is tiring when used extensively.

For me, the latest example is Youtube Music versus Spotify. When I subscribe to channels in Youtube Music, it kills the performance of my Youtube iOS app thumbnail downloads.

So, I used a nifty service (http://soundiiz.com) to sync my artists across multiple services. I hate the idea of paying for Yet Another Service, especially because I'm paying for one (Youtube Premium) that's useless for music because Google won't respond to bug reports, but I started to spend some time in Spotify.

Spotify is uglier than Youtube Music, but a thousand times more useful. Part of that is the more active community (artists that I like which have 0 followers on Youtube Music will have hundreds or thousands of followers on Spotify) and more engaging playlists, and part of it is that I was able to "get" Spotify features and navigation quicker than Youtube Music... which is still feature poor as they migrate from Play Music to Youtube Music.

So, to me.. Spotify is uglier and far more useful.

The learning curve is much steeper with a dense interface. So if you only use a software occasionally you may be better off with a friendly looking interface that hides stuff from you unless you need it.

You make a really good point. Checking into a flight should not be buried into some dense corner of the website. Users need to do that in one click and not very often. A retail POS UI that's used daily should be optimized for dense logical layout at the expense of learning curve.

I feel like there's a conflation of density with bad design.

A lot of good design is minimalist. I don't know if it has to be. Sometimes it makes sense to present a lot of information in a dense block

Whitespace is toxic in design.

As a trend I can't wait for it to die in fire.

it's a tool. As with many tools in our industry it has acquired hype, leading it to be used in situations where it isn't appropriate. That doesn't detract from the fact that there are appropriate cases for it.

Too much white space is bad. White space is not a trend. That's like saying colour is a trend.

Proper use of white space is an essential part of good design. But when there's so much space between elements on a page that it shoots the page height to the moon, that's bad.

It really depends on the use case, but yeah dense can be fine.

But imagine staring at Foobar2000 all day as if it is your primary work. You probabbly are looking for just some of the data most of the time and filtering the rest... so in that case maybe less would be better.

On the other hand if you glance at it and want lots of data without clicks, then dense is great.

But your point about "logical" is the key for dense stuff, and getting to what is "logical" can be hard.

Have you heard of Bloomberg Terminal? Thousands of people stare at BT all day long full of dense information. You can attest to its success by the fact that it is the defacto standard in financial analysis.

Bloomberg could make it "modern" full of whitespace but they deliberately don't. Dense contextual information in my view is better than whitespace decorated vomit that we see in today's UX/UI trends.

I'll go back to saying it depends on use case.

The folks staring at Bloomberg Terminal want all that data.

If it was a website and I just wanted to get one chunk of data, change one setting, might be a pain.

And that's the main problem. Today's designers don't differentiate between websites and "serious" applications.

A website must be easy to navigate without any training because it's one of several hundred that the user visits each week. Any learnings are forgotten anyway on the next visit. So it has to be completely self-explanatory.

A "serious" application on the other side is used for several hours every day. Efficiency beats simplicity in that case because that three-day crash course a user might need in the beginning is neglectable in comparison to just five minutes of saved time per session on later use.

But most UX designers these days only seem to know casual, consumer-oriented - and then try to apply the same recipes to enterprise apps. It's almost always a disaster.

People are already naturally good at filtering out irrelevant information automatically. We do this all day as we take in data and focus on what we want.

So a dense UI can be naturally worked with while a lean UI offers no alternative.

It seems a lot of UIs these days are designed for beginners instead of people who know what they are doing. Someone’s this is OK but in a professional conetwxt it often isn’t. I can’t even imagine if IDEs like Visual Studio were designed “spacious” and “minimalistic”. It would look cute but you wouldn’t get anything done. Some things are just complex and there is no way to design that away without hurting productivity.

You can do it, but it requires tons and tons of effort. And even after all that, you can't escape the backlash.

There's a great series by Jensen Harris, Office Program Manager, about how they designed the Ribbon: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jensenh/2005/09/26/the-why-... (you can find the rest in his blog archives, unfortunately the images are gone)

It was an incredibly complex undertaking, Microsoft did many studies, had focus groups and the whole thing (Office after all, is a major business to them, worth billions of dollars).

The end result was demonstrably better for the vast majority of users (Microsoft had hard numbers to back their design decisions).

And yet if you read many of the comments on tech forums you'd think Microsoft killed the users' puppies.

I don’t know how they come up with the numbers but I still think that menus and toolbars were much more discoverable and faster to use than the ribbon :)

Yes, I often open a document and decide I want to use a Tool. ;)


More importantly for power users, they were much more customizable.

They checked that and power users didn't customize that much. There's a lot of studies that show that power users don't customize, since customizations are not portable across PCs/systems in general.

I wasn't kidding when I said they went through a lot of numbers while designing the ribbon (I read the whole blog archive at one point).

On top of that, the new UI is way more discoverable for new and intermediate users. And at the end of the day, beginners are let's say 10% of the users, intermediate users at various levels are probably something like 85% and power users are probably only 5% ;)

Power users tended to use shortcut keys which are STILL (Office 2016) supported. Want to add an image from a file? Alt, I, P, F and you have a file picker on your screen ready to go.

> The end result was demonstrably better for the vast majority of users (Microsoft had hard numbers to back their design decisions).

I'd rather believe their studies/methodology is flawed than that the ribbon interface makes sense. It's the most illogical and confusing interface I have ever encountered since I got my Sinclair ZX-81 as a birthday present. I still cannot use Word without googling where to find a function in the Ribbon interface, and I have no problem with any other GUI anywhere. (To be fair, I'm mostly using Linux so I'm not Word very often.)

This entertaining diatribe about Sibelius' difficult to use design mentions poor use of a Ribbon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKx1wnXClcI

This is great. Makes me think of the change from Visual Studio from 2008 to 2010. They made a very good IDE into a slow, unreadable mess with much less functionality just to have a “flat” interface. I still don’t understand that nobody at MS noticed how bad that change was. Or more likely people weren’t listened to. Even after almost 10 years they barely have caught up to what they had with 2008.

It was a major rewrite of large chunks of the interface from native C++ using raw Win32 calls (and said C++ was written back in 1996 in many cases, to the point where it'd do AddRef/Release calls by hand sometimes - forget RAII and anything that you know of modern C++), to C# and WPF. And it was necessary even solely from an engineering perspective, because adding features to that original code was becoming a huge pain.

The result was worse in pretty much every way. Graphically (whole idea was it to take out all colors from the Ui? I don't know anyone who thought the 2010 UI was a good idea), Slower, less customizable , less features (for example they removed macro recording).

It was definitely not a good showcase for WPF.

These are different issues, though.

For example, the color was a UX design decision - WPF made it possible to do theming easier, but even so, doing it instead of using stock controls actually required extra effort. But, speaking of colors and preferences - when VS 2012 went with its "black and white" color theme a couple years later, a lot of people actually demanded specifically the return of the blue VS2010 theme. Which is why it's still there today.

As for macros, it was essentially on life support for several releases prior to all that. It was essentially a separate subproduct, coming from Office originally (since it also uses VBA for scripting), but forked ages ago, and not well maintained... and it was completely broken by changing the GUI framework. So the choice was basically to rewrite or drop it at that point, and a rewrite would require substantial work - on par with the rest of the product, really. And with <1% of VS users using macros at all, it was very hard to justify a rewrite.

I would agree, though, that WPF was not a stellar framework at the time. But, ironically, VS adopting it made it better in so many ways - for example, WPF font rendering was fixed (to be less blurry) largely because of user feedback in VS2010. Perf was improved substantially, as well.

Not even that. It is designed for aesthetics.

That something I didn't realize until lately but aesthetics is hugely important. We once updated our internal issue tracker and everyone raved about how better it is now. The thing is: absolutely nothing changed for the average user besides the style. Things like more tasteful color choice, a more modern look with square corners, etc... nothing practical.

Also, from some guys at Microsoft: if you didn't change the UI, from the user point of view, you didn't do anything.

The problem with modern UIs for beginners is that too much is hidden. Panels that only appear when swiped from the side, parts that give no indication of being clickable, highly abstract icons, lack of consistency (ex: the "hamburger" menu can be anywhere, or not be present at all).

> It seems a lot of UIs these days are designed for beginners instead of people who know what they are doing.

I think the underlying thing is that simple UIs sell better because you're usually presenting it to someone that can't visualize their complex workflow needs up front. The number of times I've seen requirements that are basically sales enablement features that customers would rarely use is not insignificant. Similar to focusing on usability for low-res displays, when the only time the app would be used on a low res display is when hooking it up to a projector in a demo.

Not often that you hear Visual Studio described as "minimalistic"!

Thank god it isn’t. They sort of tried to do that with 2010 but failed miserably.

Jira drives me nuts with this. I have a 34" monitor and with six columns in our Kanban board I can see 4, maybe 5 tickets per column. With 10 people on a team it means constant scrolling to see what people are working on.

It finally pushed me over the edge to use user stylesheets. A bunch of "margin: 0 !important" and "display: none" and I get twice as much information on my screen at the cost of... looking polished I guess?

The real lesson here is that the company tried to save money by hiring a design agency instead of a UX designer who would have done the research to understand the end user and their needs. Had that been done then the new interface would be just as quick to use but with major improvements. Instead of modernizing they should have asked how to design a product that’s even more useful.

I see this problem all the time when I talk to companies. They hire a big agency expecting big results and the agency rolls out the red carpet and does everything they are asked. Both parties fail. The first question I ask when someone asks me to design something for them is “why?” Most of the time the response is way out of touch with the actual reason why you should ever consider design. A real UX consultant will do 70% research, 30% design if they offer that portion of the service which I do. Please don’t make the mistake of assuming you know what you need. Find a UX designer not a UI designer and listen for the hard questions- who is your customer? What problems are they complaining to you with? What do you think this redesign will do for you? These are just some of the basic questions you’ll be asked. Your consultant will know your customer better than you when they are done before they touch any designs, if they don’t do any of these things then walk away.

Related and no doubt even as infuriating is the tendency to also decrease the contrast of UI elements by, in addition to adding copious amounts of whitespace, turning blacks into light greys. I remember one instance where an internal website was "modernised" with a new stylesheet and panicking for several minutes wondering if something was wrong with my eyes or monitor, because everything looked faded and unclear in addition to the nauseating effect of the sea of whitespace. My coworkers were just as repulsed by the change, and after confirming with the department responsible that they were not going to revert the change ("because we don't want to go back to old stuff" --- that's literally the explanation I was given), took several minutes to come up with a user stylesheet and distribute it to everyone else interested.

To this day I am still astounded that more than one person thought #BFBFBF is a perfect colour for text on a white background.

Yikes, that's a contrast ratio of 1.84... well below the AA accessibility guideline of 4.5 from webaim.org. I personally aim for about the AAA guideline of 7 (about #595959 on a white background) since I appreciate the lower eye-strain of slightly reduced contrast. I also like having the option to go darker for emphasis.

Chrome developer tools now shows you the contrast ratio along with these recommendations when you modify text colour.

since I appreciate the lower eye-strain of slightly reduced contrast

I don't understand this --- it seems to be a recent trend, but if anything, it causes more eye strain. For many years full white/black was the norm, and no one really complained. Perhaps it's because of monitors being set to max brightness/contrast by default? IMHO FFFFFF/000000 should not be uncomfortable to look at, and if it is, the brightness is probably too high.

Modern UI design is awful. It might work for Joe Moron, who is just scrolling through video clips and short fragments of text, but I can't imagine why you would ever try to apply design principles designed for that case to professional users. Do people really think they can take the complexity out of these inherently complex business systems? I'm not saying that everything has to look like shit, but no amount of dumbing down an interface is going to fix the fact that certain software needs to display an intimidating amount of info, and that the learning curve for that software is going to be pretty brutal.

I want to wake up from this nightmare. Software like Bloomberg Terminal and CATIA doesn't need to be beautiful web apps with clean, !minimal! Material design, they need to tear through the issues they're meant to solve as quickly and easily as possible, even the reality of that is a little ugly.

Well, let's challenge ourselves: what is the best designed (digital) interface with the deepest usability? Or some outstanding interfaces that square that circle?

I'm familiar with 3d software suites, and they're (mostly) all highly-configurable, permitting custom layouts, panels, toolbars, and even enabling intermediate users to create UI tools.

To your point, they're also ferociously complicated for novices.

Bloomberg is a funny example. It's a well-indexed reference, rather than an expressive tool, so mastering its shortcut-dense interface is an affordable cost to professionals of modest technical sophistication.

I wonder if TurboTax is in the running; for all its blandness, in 2019 it's exceedingly transparent and clear guide to doing an extremely complicated task. I hasten to acknowledge that's hardly going to be a universal belief.

Maybe Gmail? But again the functionality is fairly shallow...

Gmail is a bad example. It's way too limited, very low-density in default settings, and generally slow. Thunderbird would be better, but it's far from the peak of what's possible. If you redesigned Thunderbird around the principles of terminal or Emacs-based mail apps - in particular the keyboard-first focus and high performance, with Thunderbird's rich content rendering, then it would be much closer to e-mail perfection.

3D software suites like 3DS Max or Blender are perfect examples of software that's a tool, not a toy. The learning curve is roughly proportional to the breadth and complexity of the problem domain, so training is required, but the software itself doesn't waste your time and patience with slow and low-density UIs.

A champion of data density who has a lot of thought provoking words on design is Edward Tufte: https://www.edwardtufte.com Worth a look if you aren't familiar.

I literally had this discussion today at work. And then couple of weeks ago, when I suggested we drop a bunch of chartjunk on our products' graphs. And then some time earlier too.

Tufte talks about minimizing "chartjunk", maximizing "data ink", and being comfortable with high information density. Charts are tools, and while they may sometimes require some amount of effort to understand, they play to humans' strengths like scanning and pattern matching. I think Tufte got this very right, and it generalizes well to user interfaces.

Came here to plug for Tufte.

"What’s the lesson here?", asks the article. It seems to me the lesson is don't hire UX designers that are ignorant of basic seminal work in UX.

> In the above example, note the prominence of the single red highlight in the gray-themed table, thanks to the lack of other color. Each row suffers slightly in its horizontal scannability, but at the gain of increased table-wide scannability. Consider what is more important for your application.

For what it's worth, I found the blue table easier to spot the red numbers. I'm red/green colorblind and I could not differentiate the red from the grey table coloring very well. With the blue it stood out.

Never underestimate the power of a data entry person working in a high volume organization with an app that looks like it was designed in 1975.

I worked on a potential redesign of the US Navy's medical appointment booking application and the data entry rate and responsiveness of their "ancient" system was far superior to the newly proposed solution (web based).

I've watched in amazement as a person slammed through green-screen after green-screen to enter data while the new "more productive" GUI interface took everyone 10 times as long. Worse, the damn GUI actually required a longer on-boarding period for the new employees.

I miss companies like Palm that had a person who counted the taps to get something done.

My college, part of a larger university system, was in the first wave of campuses to switch from a hodgepodge of legacy stuff (CICS-based student info system, with other apps probably in classic ASP and ASP.Net, plus other vendor products) to PeopleSoft (Campus Solutions, HCM, Finance, etc.). The major complaints - from students, staff, and faculty alike - were about excessive pageload times and significantly more clicks to do simple things. They added huge sticky headers and layers-upon-layers of portals.

Perhaps the only people happy with the migration were the Oracle sales reps.

> Users absolutely hated the new system.

I feel like this is a universal absolute, doubly so when it comes to enterprise apps (the lone exception being when we switched from Lotus Notes to Gmail -- then only half the company hated the change).

I would've liked to know how long the changes were in place and how it affected productivity metrics, especially the amount of training time spent on new users. As is, the article seems kind of obvious. Enterprise users abhor change; who knew?

> Just like you wouldn’t appreciate a dictionary with only 10 words per page (so many pages to flip through!)

This also makes me question the veracity of the article. It's a really terrible metaphor that makes me wonder if they were _solely_ concerned with pretty design on the outset.

I want a dictionary that shows me 1 word per page, with a search bar. The page flipping functionality is useless and can be removed entirely. It's a bad workflow.

I can definitely say that over the past 20 years, our in-house LoB app has developed some really bad workflows as well (business changes a lot over 20 years). Removing these bad workflows would give us back a ton of screen real estate without losing productivity.

The causality is backwards. I don't want to create whitespace by changing the design and ruining the functionality. I want to change the functionality which will create more whitespace and allow room for beautiful design.

>> Just like you wouldn’t appreciate a dictionary with only 10 words per page (so many pages to flip through!)

> This also makes me question the veracity of the article.

Personally I thought the opposite, I find it a fantastic quote from the article as it exactly describes the problem:

Things that used to take a single click taking multiple clicks with slow animations between them because "design" and information not anymore visible on one page even though the human visual system is very well optimized to deal with that vs waiting for multiple screens.

He's talking about a dead tree dictionary, not a piece of software. While I largely agree with you, adding a search bar to a book isn't possible.

You can come surprisingly close with indexes and glossaries.

The author writes a solid article, makes good points, then blows the conclusion.

It's not "function over form, always"

It's function with form, always. They're properly inseparable when building a product. They aren't separate things such that one should ever be over another, or that one should ever suffer to the other. You consider the product and match the function and form together to that product's needs.

It should never be function over form, or form over function. They work together in unison to be one: simpatico. The function isn't separate from the form, the form isn't separate from the function. The necessary end result product can only exist with both, as such they necessarily inform and cooperate with each other at all times.

The flawed approach described in the article, was form over function, which is the identical conceptual mistake to function over form. It's the mistake of ever considering the two to be separate or to ever elevating one over the other.

If a high density information presentation approach is the best form, that's not function over form. That's the proper form for the function of the product. That means the two are working together - neither is elevated - to deliver the best combined form + function for the product in question and its specific needs.

I have worked with many teams at large companies where clunky applications, usually just database facades / CRUD, have been in place. In almost every case these 'database interfaces' never fully satisfy the users' needs.

Instead, I have found much success in slowly deprecating these applications and, instead, giving these users direct read-only access to the database and teaching them SQL. SQL is not a tool only for 'technical' people. Most of these users have mastered the 'dark arts' of Excel so they are capable of learning other tooling. These users can then query the data in any way they want and export it in any way they want. There is more to this, like ensuring to only give them access to reporting databases. The application then can focus on being an interface for updates / writes and not for data exploration.

If someone in the UX space wants to change the world, start a twitch stream and review websites/apps.

I have several scratch-my-eyes-out sites I use every week for fodder and am sure you would never lack for suggestions.

Maybe I’ll take you up on it. Give me a list of sites you want reviewed.

> What’s the lesson here?

> A large business by its nature has massive-scale data and usually thousands of users who directly interact with it—searching, manipulating, reporting, and more. They need to move through that data quickly, without a lot of digging around in the interface.

The lesson here is actually that the designer didn't understand the context in which customers were using the app.

It sounds like s/he didn't talk to customers about how and why they use the app, or show wireframes to them, or even sit and watch them use it for an hour.

If they had done any of the above, they would have had a lot more context about what a good solution looked and felt like.

There really needs to be a different term for 'visual' white space and \s+. I can't be the only one who was expecting a tale of python/makefile woes.

We use an enterprise MIS and the developers just did this very thing to us. When I reported it, they just said to decrease the zoom level in the browser. Of course, they blew me off when I asked how that reduced the ratio of whitespace to data, which leads me to believe they're in denial of the problem. Just to reiterate some sentiments already expressed here, "Spacious. Minimalist. Clean." is great for consumer/entertainment/etc. apps, but you can pry my data-density from my cold, dead hands when it comes to business apps where real work needs to get done.

Sounds like UX failure.

A large part of design is incorporating obvious workflows from non-obvious systems.

User testing, iterative development, some type of strong feedback loop are all tools we leverage to combat this outcome.

I understand why the title was used but it really falls short in highlighting just how critical and valuable UX is as part of the development process.

It isn't just these stylish hipsters building art on storyboards which is what I am arguing your title implies....its about UX bridging the user with the developer as well ensuring their voice is not only heard but can drive the process.

This reminds me of those older systems that had a learning curve, where employees were trained in them, but they were efficient to use. Navigation was all keyboard-based, making extensive use of the function keys. You'd be talking to an employee and while they were using the system, they'd be confident and hitting all kinds of memorized keys to jump around and look up parts or orders or whatever. As those systems get replaced with more "intuitive" web-based UIs, where navigation is done with a mouse, and they are sold with the prospect that there isn't much of a learning curve, it seems there are more folks that don't get to that level of confidence and efficiency. Maybe it's due to lack of training, or the software isn't designed for efficient use, or web-based UIs tending to change more frequently, or the backend systems being less responsive and reliable... I'm not sure. But it sure feels like I encounter more people saying "well the system isn't doing what I want it to do today" or "let me just figure this out I'm not seeing it here". I like seeing software empower people, not make them feel inferior, so hopefully it's a temporary trend. Or maybe my view is just skewed through the lens of nostalgia. I hope I never see the day when grocery store checkers have to fumble through an ill thought out web-based UI...

I think another lesson to learn is "if it isn't broken, don't fix it". I think we all have used apps where we got used to one thing and then there's a UI design that changes everything.

As an example that really has no major impact (but I think illustrates subtle changes), I got mad with the Android 9 update. The number one thing I was mad about was the clock placement. Every previous generation it had been placed in the upper right. Since 9 it moved to the top left (same as iPhones). Problem being that Android literally trained the userbase to look in a specific area for that feature and then moved it. Sure, I know where to look now, but I still frequently look at the top right first.

Feature changes like this I don't understand. I can't understand how it would be a significant factor in converting users (which in this case the platform had majority market share) and also results in confusing (rightly so) the existing userbase.

Not working in UI I see them a lot like QC (but with more work to do). If everything is working perfectly QC should have nothing to do. Just like if your UI is good then it shouldn't be changed. I don't understand this "need" to always change things. Sure, there are legit reasons to do so (just like QC NEEDS to exist (for the love of god don't get rid of QC)), but I see a lot of changes that happen that don't make things easier and appear (from the user side) to just be change for the sake of change.

> See where you might reduce visual complexity by combining elements — for example, by putting a customer’s first and last name in the same field.

Great, until people want to sort/filter by stuff that is now crammed in to one field. Sort by state? Sorry - it's now "city/state/country/postalcode"

Some people will want things one way, some will want it another, and you'll be tasked with making it work "both ways" - just add a checkbox to check to switch how it works. How hard can it be, right?

> putting a customer’s first and last name in the same field.

This can also present unexpected difficulties for people who's "first name" contains a space. It will appear as though that unified field contains their middle name too, which it might, but the customer might be using their middle name as a de facto part of their first name in systems such as on their credit card.

You can get a beautiful fast and dense interface if you want one. But then you need someone to actually design it for you.

Most design that happens today is actually Styling rather than design: you just slap some framework on everything select some colours, apply some layout patterns and call it a day. Maybe you “go wild“ with some minor detail and are proud for beeing a rebel.

Like with architects who like to use glas and wide open spaces everywhere, regardless of social use, this is what divides really good designers from mostly ok designers.

Design is not finding the same clean, minimal look for everything, but looking at every interface that has been designed (including physical interfaces) and asking the question what is appropriate. And let’s face it: sometimes your design is worse than the unstyled browser default or the “readability mode”.

Design should be a lot of work, but like always you don’t pay an expert just to get it done, tou pay them for their experience, their knowlede and their ability to treat your project the way it deserves to be treated. This takes a little longer, but the iconic minimal designs everybody and their grandmother knows (Rams Braun radio for example), were 90% thought and the rest was styling and technical problems to be solved.

If you have a chance, please hire someone for actually thinking about a design and critically analyzing things they try out — this is were all great usable designs come from. If it looks modern as a side effect, so be it. Give them somebody who knows all hairy technical implementation details as a side kick and you are good to go

This is exactly how I feel about FreshBooks’ redesign last(?) year. Sure, it looks a lot prettier and I assume discoverability is better for first time users, but it feels overly dumbed down, information density is much lower, and common tasks take longer with more friction.

There is always some resistance to change at first, but over time I’ve only grown more frustrated with it rather than getting used to it, to the point where I’m starting to evaluate alternatives now.

This is where user research would have saved time and money. Rework is expensive so is slowing down staff. Usability testing would have determined this prior to launch.

It also sounds like they didnt understand the user's needs. A little user research at the beginning would have highlighted what information was needed, with the time constraints.

Indeed. Usually the number of actions to get to something or do something is a big part of UX. It becomes critical when the software is a tool used for repetitive tasks. This sounds like a project where the users haven't been involved at all, I'm surprised it wasn't noticed earlier.

Its important to distinguish between apps that have super users and then apps which is really just for consumption. Super users apps might have features that if you use them once in a while it doesent matter if they are a little more cumbersome if in exchange you get a cleaner and easier to understand interface, the problem arises when clean gets to trump feature and functionality which is used all the time.

In my opinion the lesson to be learned here is not design related, but requirements related. Gather your requirements from your users before you implement a change, otherwise you're just working off of assumptions, and that's just bad practice.

If you have Product Management the failure was on them for not driving the customer need. Also, this is not me just scapegoating PM... it's actually what I do

This article reminds me of Japanese web design and how dense it is. It's almost a bit like the 'western' web when Craigslist was first launched. Ultradense, kind of ugly, but extremely utilitarian.


There is a certain irony in reading about wasted screen space on Medium. That uncloseable banner on the bottom is driving me a bit crazy.

If you use uBlock Origin or compatible ad blocker, you can remove most Medium nonsense across all domains by adding these filters:





Install one of the many 'click to remove element' browser plugins and then you can zap the header and footer with a couple clicks.

I used to open dev tools and add the style: visibility: hidden; but that got old fast.

The real problem here is the lack of UX Research that went into designing the new interface. All of this could have been foreseen before the design project even started.

The whole point of UX research is to avoid expensive redesigns/features/products that users don't want. It is future oriented and pays for itself tenfold in avoided missteps in the product lifecycle.

The author suggests Google’s “Material” but in my experience, Google has it wrong compared to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines. For example, Google hides stuff behind icons with no text. Unless you already know the UI, you are hunting around for what you need (remember screensharing on Google Hangouts?) On Apple’s apps, icons always come with a text label and rarely are things hidden behind unnamed icons. Google also seems to be changing UI constantly. Material Design is terrible — it’s the very essence of the problems being mentioned in this article. Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines also address accessibility far better than Material design. Maybe it’s me, but it does feel like there are camps when it comes to UI: the Material Design side and those that care about usability for people that don’t spend their time in the Googleverse.

Google UX in general is atrocious. They keep changing the format on every product so you never know where to look. The use of dark patterns is especially horrible. I don't know if what they do is on purpose terrible, or someone just failed at their job, but Google and material design in apps is particularly bad at doing things for the user. Any time someone references Google or some other large corporation and say "see, they are doing it this way" I want to slap them.

The typical person making a purchase decision doesn't know what the app does in any detail. So if he sees less information on screen he thinks it's easier to use, as compared to more information on screen. Of course the opposite is normally true, which is where the trouble starts. It also looks similar to simple consumer apps that the decision-maker is used to. Finally the UX designer says magic words like "clean" and "simple" and "focused" and "beautiful" and the sale is made.

The lesson here is to find way to counteract this. User engagement metrics would be the last line of defense. Earlier than that maybe small focus groups.

But something is already lost by the time we got here - we're not on the same page wrt what is important and what are the criteria. I'm open to suggestions here.

You are confusing UX designer with UI designer. UX designer does not use words such as clean and simple or beautiful that’s the talk of someone who does no user research which is precisely what UX designers focus on primarily.

I don't really agree about the merging of information (the rest is fine). In the example, what happens if you want to sort by state or zip (assuming they are sortable)? The upgrade is really just a downgrade functionality wise in that case. This is something I find happens time and time again, an app will get redesigned and lose functionality to look simpler. It might not be the case here if it doesn't need to allow sorting, but I hate that general trend/idea.

There are better ways to have less crowded information (custom optional columns), that doesn't remove functionality. Also the more flexible a UI, imo, the better, so long as the flexibility does not increase complexity too much and it's obvious (if the setting for the columns is hidden in some obscure place, it's useless).

Merging fields for display doesn't preclude sorting by the merged fields, which may or may not be trivial depending on the UI libraries being used. But if the user wants to sort by state, it's worth finding out why. Is it so they can "simply" scroll down 50 pages to the Louisiana customers in order to print out a screenshot and fax it to the Louisiana office?

That's true, I just feel the example is a bit dangerous. It could be really good advice in one context and really bad in another.

Also sorting a table is rarely more complex than filtering the data by some property, and although I avoid UI libraries, I can't think how one could get in the way.

I worked at a company whose name begins with K ... exactly this happened. The 'old' UI was an ASP nightmare from the early 2000s but it contained all that the users loved. The new thing never took off, despite the CTO putting his job on the line for it.

Another company had a green-screen nightmare from the 1980s replaced by some mouse-driven mofre modern UI - ditto. The users could easily naviate with arrow keys, tabs, function keys. It was FAST. The new UI, and it's even newer HTML replacement, both needed the mouse.

Hard to sell and 2002 nightmare or a green-screen to a prospective client - but they LUURRRRVE a cool modern Angular UI, but the people who buy thing thing aren't the ones who have to use it.

What's a "green-screen" in this context? Like a terminal app old school style?

yea, most old terminals had black and green CRTs; or black and amber. For some reason the ambers were still called "green screens".

It blows my mind that to date we have major companies who put forward horrible UX. Few come to mind off the top of my mind: Chase, PayPal, Digital Ocean. Trying to get statements from Chase is like playing ping pong. Webflow, Freshbooks, all major offenders.

It is very common problem for UX experts who haven't worked on big enterprise/data-rich applications before.

There are tradeoffs when designing for first time use vs repeated use. And also between simple and powerful. Like a GUI vs a Terminal. Or keyboard shortcuts vs Menu. A user configurator vs a cad program. Or when it comes to game design - first time vs replay vs endgame. Maybe Ux designers can be inspired by games - designed for engame (multiplayer) but with campaigns with a progressive difficulty ...

That would be great. Each game usually features its own weird UI, with unique shortcuts, half-broken controls and plenty of design experiments - and yet users don't have any problem with learning all of this. A lesson for the UX people that users aren't as dumb as it's often said.

This could have been written about the redesigned user panel for gandi.net. The old one looked like Windows 95, but it was very usable. The new one seems to be made as a lifestyle site for mobile users on the go. So not me. I emailed them my concerns, as a good customer and citizen. Didn't get a response, why would they bother? So I voted with my wallet and migrated all my domains.

> Are there things my users really don’t need to see right now?

Yes, what about the ridiculous amount of space taken by the header and footer on that page.

Oh the irony of posting this on medium. On my laptop the content is merely 30% of the screen - there's a big banner, pop up, and big footer. To boot to that 60% of width is dead white space too. I'm excited to see the death a frankenstein medium.com has become - it's completely unreadable without postprocessing extensions.

I don't think the root problem is white space.

Taking the dictionary example: A good dictionary doesn't display a hundred words per page. Instead, you just need a box to write down the word you search and a few lines to display the results. Plenty of space for the designer to turn white.

The problem is somewhere in the process where someone creates an app without having experience with the old system and not understanding how the app is supposed to be used. It is quite common that UX designers do not have that kind of knowledge, but then they have to make sure to include people who have it (workshops, interviews, prototype testing, etc.).

I am not saying that white space is always good the way it is used today, but the problem isn't a clean look. The problem is a dysfunctional design and the process that caused it.

The quote about dictionaries refers to paper dictionaries, does it not?

Well, the paper dictionary is one implementation of a dictionary. Conceptionally, a (language) dictionary is a tool to translate words from one language to another. When you implement it, you have to take into account what you can do to make this tool as useful as possible for your user.

Since traditional paper can't change what is written on it, you are a bit limited and simply write down the database in an ordered way to help the user find what he needs.

On electronic screens the concept can be implemented in a better way, so doing it exactly the same way as on paper would be a bad design.

So discussing a given design without looking back to the concept that should be implemented, will often bring you just to a local, but not to a global optimum.

In the "Use color deliberately" paragraph the table has a column of numbers that are left justified. This makes comparing adjacent rows very awkward. The should be right justified. This is such a simple thing to get right yet it is nonetheless very common that it is done wrong.

I think interfaces should be constrained to match the specifications of your input devices and screens. If your users use a mouse, then dense windows with lots of check boxes and radio buttons is usable, and probably preferred. If your users might interact with fingers on a tablet or phone, then you need more space around things to make it easier on the user.

I've never been a fan of trying to build one interface that works for all systems. It sounds great in theory, but in the end you are left with everything at the level best suited for the least capable system. Same goes for games, by the way. If you see I'm using a mouse and a keyboard, present me a different interface than if I'm using a controller.

What if I'm using a mouse, keyboard, and a touch screen? Like my laptop, when sometimes it's just easier to jab the screen.

I am building an enterprise-y software (a 1:1 meeting app[0]) and, not being a designer or UX expert, I am taking some chances with the design.

I am using a dark background and I am aiming for a design heuristic where everything of common use is reachable with scroll and 1 click. It becomes a long page the more meetings and notes you had. This does not leave much space for white space.

I am also being bold on the use of colors to differentiate where the user is while among all that scrolling.

I am not sure I am right in any of my choices, but this article makes me think I am on the right path. Even if we have different instances on scrolling

[0] https://www.oneonemeeting.com

Your website needs a little bit more ...ahem... whitespace. Text that is tight to the edge of the screen is unpleasant to read. Meanwhile, I glanced at a couple of the screenshots and noticed they need a lot less whitespace, especially vertically.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with the site.

I am not so sure about the less whitespace on the application. There is an "accordion" feature at those lists you saw that - I believe - fit well with taller rows. A lot of space to click is good. But maybe cutting 2px might help indeed

This quote (below) reminded me a story...

    “There should be a minimum amount of furniture (rules, boxes, dots, and other guide rails for traveling through the typographic space) and a maximum amount of information.”

    – Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style
A company I know of, had rolled out major UX changes in their bug tracking system. One of the changes was complete removal of all borders on text boxes on bug entry screens. Imagine a page filled with text boxes, with not a single clue of where they are except labels above them. Users literally revolted. The change ended up becoming an option just for that company.

I see this all the time. It is a symptom of blowhard UX designers who don't understand there's a difference between mass consumer and enterprise app design. They look at a shitty looking enterprise interface and snort "I can make this so much better! Let me introduce you to Material design!"

If you want to make pretty little apps that get you tons of likes on Dribbble or whatever, go make consumer apps.

When it comes to enterprise apps boring is beautiful. I'm talking dense data displays, esoteric shortcuts, NO optimistic saving behaviors, etc. Everything that classical consumer app designers hate. The point of an enterprise app is all business.

Correction: UI designer. I wish developers would stop grouping them into one category, totally different fields.

You're right. It's like when people lump IT and Software Engineers together. I should have said UI.

>Consider using monospaced numbers when comparing digits between rows matters.

For the love of god don’t only consider it, actually use tabular numbers in any context where the number is not part of a sentence or something similar.

>>>> Users absolutely hated the new system. Sure, the old system was ugly, but it had everything they needed, right at their fingertips!<<<<

I understand this but before agreeing to this, I think one should look at the issue of "change management". By default, people resist change. Once you get used to something, it is difficult to adapt to a new one (even if it is better). If the UI is "really bad", then it should definitely be changed but this should be done in tandem with change management (lots of training, slow cut-over to the new system, etc).

Have to agree with this. Too many times I've seen UX people brought in who see the ONLY path to simplification as removing things /they/ don't perceive as necessary. They're flat out wrong - you can simplify also by using the suggestions mentioned in this article.

Sometimes the strategy pays off. But for enterprise apps with high information density it often doesn't. New systems end up lacking essential features just because a few people who never needed to use the original system (and would not need to use the new one either) end up stripping things away.

And PLEASE don’t break the keyboard with your bespoke (buggy) reinvention of html. Specifically Ctrl-F and the back button. Oh, and <select>s. I could go on but it’ll just make me sound grumpy.

I rewrote 12k Powershell application for a previous job. Thing was ugly, full of errors, but they had been using it forever.

Turned it into a webapp. It didn't last three weeks. The users didn't want change. My app was able to increase speed by about 10%, management wanted it. But the guys in the call center didn't like it. Unlike the redesign in this article, I spent a year using that Powershell app and was very familiar with how it was used and its shortcomings.

There is something to be said for just wanting the status quo.

> A large business by its nature has massive-scale data and usually thousands of users who directly interact with it—searching, manipulating, reporting, and more. They need to move through that data quickly, without a lot of digging around in the interface.

The challenge strikes me as less handwaving assertions of what "large business" ops is about, more understanding user needs and capturing intent with a UI that balances productivity and experience.

> Look at Material’s Updates No! If you're thinking about your enterprise application like an android app then you're starting in the wrong place.

remember a guy who worked in some fany BLUE in basic developed application for accounting on his dosbox windows xp. he wanted a new tool, he had a bunch of web apps made for him, but all the time he hit the simple fact, that page refreshes and lack of keybindings made his work incredibly tedious and slow.

Made a curses implementation of his old application so he could work full speed with the exact same interface and keys. a modern implementation of his oldskool app, so he could finally ditch dosbox and windows xp for a more modern operating system. happy chap after that, he wondered why people even use web UIs for local things.

funny lesson in that 'modern' doesn't mean 'fancy', just like in this case. you can modernise something and not make it fancy, that is what they wanted. this guy made it fancy, which is useless.

i try to tell people (hard to hear for IT people i know) that internal applications are not 'user apps' in the same sense a website is. so they should be treated differently as well. if you would ask the users what they want before redesigning the thing they use for hours a day i'm sure such mistake can be prevented.

I'm somewhat in the minority, but I like plain html that puts the right stuff in the right place way better than an unnecessarily designed masterpiece.

I agree, aesthetics have no place in an information processing environment. The emphasis should be on interface latency and predictability.

This reminds me that I should go back and re-read "Don't Make Me Think". So many of these things seem obvious, but only when pointed out.

For any UI that has long running power users, however complicated, the users will over time memorize how the screens look and operate. It doesn't matter how 'intuitive' the redesign is because you will have broken their rote patterns - and the user has to rethink how they use the software, often at every turn. In the high paced environment of a call center this is simply untenable.

This is everywhere, not just enterprise. Take a look at craigslist and how every attempt to make it "pretty" has failed. Many successful products are focused on getting things done, even if they're exceedingly ugly in doing so.

There seems to be a lack of education and experience in teaching designers that UI != UX and what design really means is helping users reach goals, not just looking nice.

Speaking of data intensive applications, I find it really hard to design a complex UI with popular frameworks such as bootstrap/antd because of the amount of padding/white space in input/select/row/column components. Always have to adjust the CSS/LESS/SAAS/whatever to get to an optimal amount of whitespace.

Everybody says the designer should learn the user's workflow. But for complex workflows the designer is not going to learn everything they need to know. I think the other way around is better: let the users tweak the design. UX isn't that hard to learn or understand, especially for industrial systems where aesthetics are not important.

For every case where there is excessive whitespace, I see 10x where there is way too much clutter, and not a single place where one can click (for example, to bring the browser's window back into focus) without activating something. This sounds like a problem of not talking to your users enough, not a problem of too much whitespace.

Click? Those people don't have time to click, they use the keyboard.

I think that this is more of a tale of not doing proper user research. If they've done their homework, they would know what data users of the platform need at their fingertip, and they wouldn't have hide it behind clickable-collapsable UIs.

My take on this: work with a PM that's really good at doing (proper) user research.

Speaking of not understanding the users while redesigning, anyone remember Digg?

Digg's downfall started with a redesign: https://www.fastcompany.com/1690829/digg-redesigns-loses-mor...

After reading the comments I'm left thinking maybe everyone wants dense information. This is not just Enterprise.

I think the problem stems from the responsive designs that were used to build really slick sites for marketing purposes. Everyone wants to apply the same aesthetic to what are really software applications running in your browser. These are very different things and should not follow the same design guidelines.

The local bank office used to have text terminals (ok, this is a long time ago).

I distinctly remember that they got much slower at getting work done when they switched to a colorful GUI.

They did not switch back to the text terminals. If you deal with processes that don't change much, it's a questionable decision.

Yes, terminals could be a lot faster.

A major advantage that often seemed to be overlooked in the rush from terminals to web pages is that if you pressed a key that took you to the next screen, your next keypresses would be queued up and they'd go into the next screen when it was ready. So if workers were following a familiar process, there was often zero latency when changing screens because they could just start typing into the box they knew was going to appear.

Web based things made this worse because you have to actually wait for the new page to load before you can start typing.

it's even worse when you consider that modern computers are much slower than an apple 2e: https://danluu.com/input-lag/

The example where the author takes a row of address data and merges the columns, with the caption: "easier to scan"

No, its really not. Anyone with a hint of dyslexia or similar will not forgive you for merging cells together.

Its just not easier to scan. What would have made it easier? first name first.

This person has it all wrong. If there are too many nobs and too much data for a person to comprehend, then it means you need more automation. The people who complained about the GUI are the people who will probably lose their jobs in the next decade to machine learning.

I think about this every time I watch some physician friends using Epic or any Electronic Health Records system. Those things are dense as hell and packed full of data and utility. You won't see a bit of wasted space. Different problems require different solutions.

> You won't see a bit of wasted space


"How Medical Tech Gave a Patient a Massive Overdose" https://medium.com/backchannel/how-technology-led-a-hospital...

> Do you spot the problem? Perhaps not, since it is hiding in the middle of this dense screen,

(that quote is from part 2 of the series of posts)

Of course that's not the only reason this incident occurred, but it likely contributed to it.

I think the best way to sum this up is: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Was there any usability testing done on this throughout the entire design process? I don’t see the word “test” in the article mentioned once.

Seems like the process is what failed here. Maybe there was zero feedback loop between the creator and the consumer?

This is exactly the Google plus vs Facebook argument I've been making over the years. 'Plus', with all it's white spacing was arguably ugly and this was also why it had low user retention that led to it's demise.

Absolutely nothing to do with whitespace and everything to do with a broken UX workflow.

That was my thought too.

"Sure, the old system was ugly, but it had everything they needed, right at their fingertips!"

"They didn’t have time to click or scroll to find information while the clock was literally ticking."

Sounds more like they added way more friction in the new design. Users now had to click multiple areas to fill out everything they needed which slows down work flow.

> It used progressive disclosure to hide presumably insignificant information.

This is the line that shocked me the most, emphasis on the word presumably. It comes off as a decision being made without any sort of objective data behind it.

Usually when I hear that something "killed an app" I think "software stopped working", not "users didn't like the new look".

To be clear this is a "users didn't like the new look" story.

It sounds like they weren't nearly as productive.

Sounds like a classic “throw it over the wall” redesign without getting input on how users experience the current application. Great recommendations in the article though — loved the address readability example.

Ironically not listed as a solution: use skeuomorphism.

Skeuomorphic interfaces, for all their pitfalls, are good at visually separating interface elements for quick comprehension without requiring mountains of whitespace.

If the "UX collective" thinks that site is what user experience should be, then I think it's time for a military coup. It's really hard to read.

I find it quite telling that no major takeaway mentioned talking to users or testing the design. This reeks of genius design, which really isn't genius at all.

I'm very opinionated on this, and I can't stand the way modern UI has no respect whatsoever for my valuable pixel real estate.

The author seems to have completely missed the lesson that designers should get buy in from the people who actually use the tool, or at the very least should be required to use their own design under realistic conditions. If you just want to apply design principles and not worry about whether your work is accessible, stick to fine art. I feel no sympathy for the designer in this scenario, s/he deserved to fail.

Someone wasn't good in there job. UX also means to understand the user.

High density data in good looking is still possible.

This is exactly what happened with the Withings app after the Nokia acquisition

The harder to scan example was easier than the east to scan example, for me.

Sounds like iOS 7, which threw out a lot of bathwater and babies.

White space didn't kill the app. A lack of adequate analysis, interviewing, and user testing killed it. Let's be clear about this; design trends in themselves aren't the issue, it's their improper usage.

TL;DR: 1. Design for design 2. Wilfully ignore business requirements in favor of visual groupthink 3. Feign surprise when your brand-new, byoo-tiful and oh-so-modern app is unusable, blame your tools

A great example of a really nice information dense app is the Bloomberg terminal. Maybe it’s ugly (a lot of people say this, but I personally don’t think so), but all the right design choices have been made. High Contrast, monospaced fonts, extensive keybindings, absolutely no wasted space. And, most essential, it’s not a web app.

I used to work at a portfolio analytics company who’s explicit goal was: to have all of Wall St use Bloomberg on one screen, and our product on the other.

Our app was probably the anti-thesis to the Bloomberg Terminal in almost everyway: “modern” design, tons of white space, a web app, making you have to log in every 30 minutes for “security”, no keybindings.

I’m sure most of HN have never used the terminal, but let me give an analogy. The Bloomberg Terminal is like using Emacs or Vim, they make you feel powerful, they make you feel like a wizard.

Our app was like google docs, you never felt like you were in direct control of it. You never felt like it was an extension of yourself. Unsurprisingly, even though our app was incredibly useful and provided portfolio analytics that you could only get from excel (our biggest competitor), it, and the company, was largely a failure. Instead of being worth billions, we were capped at a valuation of 200m for over 5 years.

I believe completely that the company’s failure was due to our “modern” white space heavy app.

> You never felt like it was an extension of yourself.

Not a better phrase to describe a Bloomberg Terminal. Everything is there, mainly data, quick charts, Messenger and with it 'social' (yes, Bloomberg Support do make restaurant recommendations if asked), quick facilitation to sometimes complex questions through these services, handy linking to Excel, and where data quality was questionable a quick response.

I think what Bloomberg did/do was/is listen to their customers. A Bloomberg today is much like when I first touched it 20 years ago, but it isn't. It feels the same, or similar, the screens are vastly larger, does what it has always done, scales. There are no redesigns that stop a user doing what they've done before, yet allow them to do more. It is what is expected and surprises, sometimes frustrates, but a learning curve and pleasure comes from learning.

The Terminal is probably the best and greatest app that's ever existed. There's just this ineffable feeling you have when using it.. like all the knowledge in the entire world is available at your fingertips. Using it just feels good, you feel powerful, and in control.

For people that haven't used it, I know it sounds like porn. But it's incredible.

I love the Bloomberg Terminal style. I watched one of my users retrieve some product information yesterday, a few key presses and it was there. Much faster than a web application.

The colour scheme also looks good. A black background gives you many more high contrast choices. Try using yellow or cyan on a light background. It seems most of the colours are based on the old 8-bit selection; red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, white and black. Orange seems to have been added as well.

Actually orange is the oldest. The story goes that when the Bloomberg terminal was created in the early 80s all the consoles where monochrome, and the only choices were green or orange (on black in both cases, of course). Everyone else used green so they went with orange to be distinctive.

> The story goes that when the Bloomberg terminal was created in the early 80s all the consoles where monochrome, and the only choices were green or orange (on black in both cases, of course).

It's probably not entirely true given there were dozens of known phosphors, and there were monochrome displays in other colors (e.g. the 1980 Apple Monitor III was available in green and white).

However assuming they went with pretty standard equipments green was by far the most common followed by amber. Amber is also somewhat softer on the eyes, which might have been an argument in favour given they'd have folks looking at these displays all day long, especially for charts which would fill the terminal with <color>: green monitors were OK when you had mostly black (text, curses interfaces) but it was way too harsh otherwise.

Our first computer actually had both green and amber displays, the amber display was dedicated for games and the like, anything which would light up a significant fraction of the display at once would go to the smaller amber monitor instead of the larger green one.

Green and orange? You just gave me a flashback to my 1980s school experience in Australia with MicroBee computers.


I was going to post about Bloomberg Terminals, but figured since I'm late to the story, someone else already did. Yeup.

It's funny how little credit we give to business users these days, and how much marketing UX there can be.

There was a time when business students attending college and their crufty professors could manage using email by telneting into the mainframe to use Pine. And the technology was a wonderment to them.

People who say Bloomberg is ugly have a very shallow view of what design means. It's the form over function way of seeing things. These are the people Apple markets its products to.

This seems to be the mainstream school of design, no doubt inspired by what Apple and Google are doing.

Myself, I absolutely hate it, because it puts sellability over productivity for end users. I.e. it literally wastes people's time.

I liked the bloomberg style so much I ripped the fonts out of some Bloomberg software and use them as my terminal font :).

It's an attractive font.

> I used to work at a portfolio analytics company who’s explicit goal was: to have all of Wall St use Bloomberg on one screen, and our product on the other.

Me too! I wonder if it was the same company?

> Our app was probably the anti-thesis to the Bloomberg Terminal in almost everyway: “modern” design, tons of white space

It was not.

I worked for a company that rhymes with “potus” did you work for the company that rhymed with “brighthouse”?

Man those guys had an ugly app.

Mine rhymed with "grim soup". To be honest, although there was a portfolio management tool of sorts, it only had one customer, and the company's real focus was on trade ideas. It sounds like the top brass had similar levels of ambition, though.

Actually I was talking to the Bloomberg people at a conference and parts of the terminal are web based now.

Also how are monospaced fonts "the right decision"?

For the same reason that monospaced fonts are the correct choice for code: so text can line up. If you you’ve used the terminal, it displays structured information really nicely because of this.

Also in regards to the monospaced fonts, you can easily calculate how much space a block of text will take on the screen.

They do have the Bloomberg anywhere portal which is web-based, but the main app isn’t web based.

> the main app isn’t web based.

Source? I heard this from the developers directly.

> For the same reason that monospaced fonts are the correct choice for code: so text can line up.

This isn't a requirement for code. Coding in variable width fonts actually works fine.

I don't think I've ever met a single programmer that has ever used variable width fonts for code. Maybe you're the exception?

But the vast, vast, majority of people think otherwise.

This is how I feel about computing in general. GUIs in general were a mistake. Vim is fucking awesome, and there's no replacing a shell and the myriad CLI utilities you have at your disposal. The computer is there to automate repetitive tasks, not create virtual busywork.

GUIs generally represent the sacrifice of power and automation for approachability by the lowest common denominator.

> The computer is there to automate repetitive tasks, not create virtual busywork.

The GUI eliminated the busy work of setting up your environment to make your workflows easy. It instead provides an environment where a wide variety of workflows are easy by default, although maybe not as easy as they could be with specific configuration like setting up customized keybindings, etc.

Easy but time consuming. I.e. not ergonomic. Also point&click UIs tend to sacrifice composability, whereas keyboard-driven interfaces tend to allow to chain operations and modifiers in a way that makes it ergonomically cover much larger space of possible workflows.

> Easy but time consuming

But learning is time consuming, too. Keyboard-driven interfaces can be more efficient but they are not discoverable. Maybe keyboard-driven interfaces make sense for the domain specific tasks that you do every day, but would you want a keyboard-driven interface for every random website you come across?

> would you want a keyboard-driven interface for every random website you come across?

Definitely, no. But you can have both at the same time; in fact, in 90s-era applications and in professional desktop software, this is the norm. You build your discoverable UI, but ensure every action is attached to a keyboard shortcut, and that keyboard shortcut is also discoverable. Call it "progressive enhancement" of UI ergonomics, if you like; the point is not to put the ceiling for regular users on the level of your average first-time user.

> But learning is time consuming, too.

Not as much as time wasted if you don't provide a "faster path" to learn. I'm trying hard to understand, why modern UX designers react to the possibility (not even requirement) of users learning like devil to holy water. That is, beyond the obvious reason - pretty but useless software sells better, as you rate looks on first impression, but ergonomics on repeated use (i.e. after sale).

Vim has a GUI (or a UI I guess), but it allows you to input commands. For some reason we think of GUI as mouse based interfaces in which you click around. There’s no reason why this has to be the case.

The most powerful form of computing is having the command line for input but also allowing a UI for the display of information.

Vim has a TUI, not a GUI. Unless you're referring to gvim.

I have also thought this through to the following logical conclusion: Imagine computer users being fluent in SQL and everyone sharing one giant database.

Let’s check Twitter...

select message, username from TWEETS order by date desc limit 10

Slightly more realistic is the “semantic web” concept.

The trend of GraphQL in JS-land is helping move a little bit towards this, since it's a strong reason to have row-level user authentication and access control so that queries can live in the frontend.

The problem at this point isn't with technology, it's with companies that try to silo in the data users give them.

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