Not too surprising since wages have long been stagnant and fewer people are able to get sustainable careers. Then there's the staggering debt. People are looking for more ways to pay ends meet, and I bet most people in the next 15 years are going to need a side hustle in order to live comfortably and retire.
Those reasons all revolve around the people who already have money wanting more of the money. And considering the HN community is organized around entrepreneurship and wealth generation, most of us are at least complicit in it if not actively fighting to keep it that way.
That's true, people could become more minimalist and work a lot less. Actually, minimalism seems to be a growing trend right now, but I think this has more to do with necessity than minimalism as a philosophy. For me, it's a little of both.
In the UK we treat healthcare as a common problem across the country.
I believe in the US you only do this with the most expensive, wealthiest people (medicare), and let those who actually work for a living be ravaged by the russian roulette of things like cancer.
There was a suggestion that people with large amount of unearned wealth (land) in the UK should have to pay towards their care homes out of whatever capital they had left at the end of their life, rather than increasing the burden on the non-wealthy workers who can barely make rent, let alone buy a house.
That went down like a lead baloon with the wealthy pensioners, as if forcing brexit on the young wasn't enough, they want the young to pay for their healthcare.
There are no major parties suggesting mass euthanasia of those age 70, I suspect such a party would do well.
It’s a right, like defence, policing and education. It gets paid for by those that work hardest/smartest/longest. The Tory plan was to get those that benefited from unearned gained in wealth to pay for it too.