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Paper Planes (paperplanes.world)
792 points by reimertz on Oct 3, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 192 comments

My first thoughts when I visited the site was "This all looks very silly. Who would even do this?"

15 minutes later, having launched and caught a bevy of paper planes, I am rocking in my seat with delight like a schoolboy again.

Thank you for making me remember the simple delights of making, discovering and connecting. Activities that filled my childhood days...

Same exact experience here! I was like "What is the point?" but I've caught and released 5 so far and I'm excited to keep going!

>What is the point?

I know right? I'm playing. I'm a few months shy of 30, and I'm literally just playing.

Just when I thought I was getting jaded. Well played Active Theory, LLC. Hats off.

Super simple, really like it.

Reminded me of thatgamecompany's games (Flower, Journey) and how they make a simple experience/world you join for imaginative moments.

Yeah, doesn't seem viable. What's the plan for monetization?

Does everything need to be monetised? Cause this seems like the kind of app that could work just fine as a passion project or a typical free game.

I was attempting sarcasm.

Incredible that this is all done in the browser. I much prefer this to downloading yet another app for my phone. Good clean fun.

And it works fully on mobile!

I haven't tried it on mobile, but...

Chrome (latest) on Mac (Sierra): blank page, dev console shows it tried to write to local storage and never caught the exception when that failed (I restrict local storage and cookies based on whitelists; unsure why this would need local storage).

Safari (latest): partial load followed by a message telling me to "get a modern browser" and a redirect to download Chrome.

Firefox (latest dev edition): page actually loads, but doesn't seem to do anything and tells me to use my phone to throw planes.

At that point I gave up trying.

> I restrict local storage and cookies based on whitelists

Similar to people who block all Javascript, you should expect things to break if you do this.

Thing is, I can understand how something might just not work without JavaScript. And cookies I'm prepared to accept the tradeoff with.

But local storage? It consistently astonishes me to find sites which completely refuse to even load any visible content unless they get access to local storage, when there's no reason whatsoever to need it. And I don't just mean sites that use it as a proxy for detecting incognito/private windows (who are, obviously, trying to force acceptance of tracking in order to view anything), I mean JavaScript demos which should run perfectly fine without needing to store anything client-side but still get built to use local storage, and to fail not at all gracefully when it isn't available.

I prefer to use localStorage over cookies. I'm not sure why you'd prefer to have cookies in your browser.

Same experience here, with FF Dev Edition on Windows. No restrictions at all, event disabled my ad blocker: No dice, just the 'Use your mobile' message.

Shocked it preformed sp well in the Amazon Silk browser, its Normally pretty lame,but got by come with this. Even if typing this is a pain...

Buttery smooth in the embedded browser on the Hews app too. I'm very impressed

Except that fourth fold took me right back here to the comments. But really impressive overall.

Smart design choice to not allow arbitrary user input, just location/timestamps. Reminds me of the Smule apps (such as the Glee branded app [0]) in the early iOS days. The real-time component could be mostly an illusion, but there was something really charming in the idea that you could "pluck" something created by someone else in the world and view/listen to it.

[0] http://mashable.com/2010/04/15/glee-iphone/#lm4kDm3YDmqG

Ahhh Smule. Ocarina is still installed on my phone http://www.smule.com/ocarina/original

Does anyone know a nice guide about how these things are made? Real code examples aren't really necessary, I'm more interested in the setup and choices made. (Like, how is the world made, how are the planes flying, what is the server side technology behind it, how is the 3d effect created, library or all plain webgl stuff, and so on)

I've written a few blog posts and articles on WebGL. Not the same sort of projects, but some similarities in the rendering techniques.



You've got some awesome tutorials Matt, they were some of my first exposure to the graphics pipeline

Here is a very detailed article/tutorial about creating a very similar game: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2016/04/26/the-aviator-animating...

This is very very similar to an app my Cousin made a few years back called Airendipity (https://www.engadget.com/2013/01/22/airendipity-the-app-that...).

Looks like it's no longer on the app store. It was, and still is, a fun idea.

lol hi aaron

Some of these planes are just filled with stamps! Got this one:


I caught this one, which is almost completely filled: http://imgur.com/a/H58J4

Not completely.. I can see from here a few sweet spots^^ Nice one!

Now that I'm looking closely, they have an internationalisation flaw: the dates are all in American format. "Italy 09/30/2016" should be 30/09/2016, for example.

Which is why we should all use YYYY-MM-DD in writing. Say it however you like.

Orrr... we should all do it the sensible way of day/month/year. Well, almost everyone already does.

Sure -- in a database, or logfiles.

But it's not unreasonable to write the date the way it is spoken. I say "[Tuesday the] fourth of October, twenty-sixteen", so I write 4/10/2016.

And many Americans (myself included) say, "October fourth, twenty-sixteen." We do write it as we say it, just as you suggested. And there's the issue. Are we simply "wrong" for saying it that way?

> Planet Earth, Planet Earth

Wonder if this is a geolocation failure that produced that stamp.

I have seen "name of city, Planet Earth". What kind of geolocation service contains city names but not country?

A cheap/free one?

Or maybe cities in disputed areas, like Jerusalem or Sevastopol.

I didn't know I was supposed to allow location at first and got just "planet earth." it's a default.

Isnt that whole idea?

The best feature of this site is that the music pauses automatically when you switch to a different browser tab.

That's a nice touch and yet it takes additional attention detail and time to implement. Which sort of makes one wonder what it would be like if browser defaults were inverted.

IOW tabs, by default, would become muted if they lose focus. With an optional flag to keep background audio playing, settable through JS.

And with a fade out / fade in. Small details like these make for a great experience.

Don't have a phone handy. Can anyone fill me in on what this is supposed to be beyond an animation?

Basically, you just put a 'stamp' on a piece of digital paper, which shows what city you are in - then you 'fold' the paper into an airplane and make a little 'throwing' motion with your phone, being careful not to let go and fling your phone across the room, and the plane flies off. Then everyone can make a sweeping motion with your phone to catch other people's planes (seemingly random) to view the stamps, and add your own, then throw it back.

Ayup. Here's a video teaser where you can see it in action: https://twitter.com/active_theory/status/778646571206385664

I sent out a few planes on Thursday and they've already been stamped in Thailand, Italy and Massachusetts. So cool. :)

Chrome -> Developer Tools -> Device Toolbar is your friend to send some paper planes :)

And hit space to open them.

You stamp a paper with your location, "fold it" and then throw it using the accelerometer of the phone.

Then you can catch other planes, see who else has stamped it, add your own stamp and throw it back with the others. Quite neat.

made by http://activetheory.net

paid by google.

How does one learn to make sites like these (particularly the "see work" link)?

The "See work" link it's trivial for anyone with their fair share of CSS. The projects inside their works are what look really awesome and complex.

To see more demos like that button, I highly recommend Tympanus/Codrops: http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/CSSMaskTransition/ (keep clicking on the arrow to see them all).

Tympanus/Codrops is such an amazing resource to learn and use stuff from there. Glad to know people know about this site.

I have a small facebook group with a couple of friends where we used to post css stuff and half of the links are from there. I/we just love that site

I know, right? seems to be a group of highly skilled people, for sure.

I assume they have a very good match between good front-end engineers, webgl and designers to make these kind of magic happen.

> a buttery smooth animation engine.

Looks great, would love to know how it works.

Obligatory comment on how rendering a couple thousand polygons in HTML5 maxes my high-end CPU and GPU usage, for a measly 8fps.

Much to my delighted surprise, it renders very smoothly in Firefox 45 on this rather resource-constrained machine, in a way that stuff like this almost never does.

I was also surprised at how it appeared to run at full frame rate on my aging iPhone 6

iPhone 6's are considered old these days? Yeesh. I thought they were still fairly powerful for a mobile device.

If they got it when it was originally released it's 2 years old now which is pretty old for any electronics in terms of where it'd sit on the performance curve.

It's in the top end of the performance spectrum still.

Great now I am sad because my phone is considered old :P

It sounds like GPU acceleration has been disabled or blacklisted. Maybe try another browser?

Same here. Still no hw accelerated 3d in Chromium for Linux I suppose.

Runs fine for me. Chrome 53, Arch, 270X with Radeon driver.

Strange... I keep catching airplanes from Mountain View, CA, over and over again.

It's like an unintended microcosm demonstrating how these types of neat mobile apps get little traction outside the Silicon Valley echo chamber.

This appears to be a bug. It was working last night when I tried it, but now I just get the same Mountain View plane over and over again. Also the planes I made have stopped accumulating stamps.

When it was working I was surprised how few of the stamps were from the bay area.

Same here. ~15 planes caught, the only time I caught one that had a stamp other than mountain view, it had one of my own stamps on it :(

yeah me too.. 8 planes, all from Mountain View, CA

+1 =/

I'm in DC and am catching planes with stamps from all over. Cairo, Copenhagen, Tokyo.

Apparently it's buggy, but it's one of those especially whimsical web things that shows up every once in a while, that makes me happy.


This just brought a huge smile to my face! Reminded me how connected we all are in this world. Curious to know how many of the 260K + users that were on as I was came from HN. Perhaps incorporate a visualisation of where users are from.

I'm sure this is really cool, but autoplay music with no visible volume control, not cool.

You don't have volume control on your phone?

It keeps saying "You've made 0 planes" no matter how many I make. Apart from that it's a nice little project, it's fun looking at all the stamps and thinking about our connected world.

edit: Ok, after reloading the site it shows some of my planes. Might be a bit overcrowded and slow at the moment.

This would have been fun if I was able to catch more than MountainView California stamps. I was going to share this with the kids, but as it is, there's very little return on investment. Also, using the view my planes showed me nothing. :( Nice concept, with some rough edges.

I made three planes in Singapore but it keeps saying I've made zero.

Same here, no matter how many planes i make, it always says 0 planes.

It was working last night. And it looks like there are some problems this morning.

Beautiful magic, wondrous to behold...

"It was a student who gave me Francis. One Spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk, just a few inches of clear water in it. Floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I washed, it sank. Just when it reached the bottom, it transformed into a wee fish. It was beautiful magic, wondrous to the behold. The flower petal had come from a lily, your mother. The day I came downstairs, the day the bowl was empty, was the day your mother..." ~Horace Slughorn, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Are you trying to make people cry?

In case anyone is interested, there is an app version of the same website. Yes, it's open source!


I'm being told I need a modern browser for this, then redirected to the Chrome download page.

I'm using the latest version of Chrome.

Same here, version 53.0.2785.143 m (64-bit), which is the latest according to Wikipedia. Also my webGL is enabled according to chrome://gpu. Running on Windows 8, no other GFX issues. Firefox works though. :/

Same here, FF on Linux, with WebGL enabled (at least I couldn't find an invalid setting in about:config). Weird.

Very cool, but here's a tip - if you're going to use Geolocation based on IP, don't be more precise than your dataset is accurate. My stamp shows me as being in a city ~1hr and bridge and county away from me. Something less precise like Northern California would be much more useful than presenting that everyone who's on a Comcast Business line lives in South SF.

According to the MaxMind dataset[1], I'm correctly in WY according to my IP. I'm not sure how the Paper Planes geolocation could be so wrong, but it places me in Seattle, WA.


Hah mine took me from Durham NC to Atlanta GA 383 miles by car. I'm guessing that's where my AT&T cell service joins the wider internet or just where this block of IPs is registered to.

My Comcast business IP was previously determined to be in NJ.... I am in Northern California. Seems pretty darn accurate otherwise

You can turn on GPS location in the settings

Not as insulting as being confused for being in New York when I'm in Boston ;p Jumped on wifi and was fine.

Had the same issue. City was nearby - but definitely wrong.

Seems to repeatedly show a plane with one stamp from Mountain View...

The four planes I threw aren't helping. Sorry :)

oh hi paul

hey buddy. good to see you. :)

Everyone I caught have had just one stamp in it and from Mountain View. :( No doubt the app is popular in silicon valley but I doubt is is ubiquitous.

I've caught a few with many more stamps, fyi.

I visited on my macbook on chrome and just see a globe with airplanes flying around and no way to interact with it.

Yeah, it's mobile only to interact, all gesture based (of course it could be done without that, but it somewhat looses it's charm, it's only a small demo, so it's mostly about that little moment).

I think you need to be on mobile.

you are right, you need to be on mobile

Chrome developer tools can help with that.

This is incredible!! Great work!

Don't know why the stamp was showing Los Angeles, CA when I'm in Salt Lake City, UT. Switching to wifi was much accurate.

Edit: Will it be a good feature to add, where user can randomly pick paper planes on desktop browser as well? Just to see what's going on.

I made a plane and threw it, then tried to catch some and the net wouldn't catch anything, then I tapped See Your Planes and it said I've made 0 planes. I'd say this was a resounding success.

You have to make a sharp jerk motion with the phone to catch (same as that used to throw - as far as I can tell).

When you click on the small info button the second paragraph says "Visit paperplanes.world on your computer to throw planes into your screen". Is this actually a working feature? I did try it and it actually seems like a plane with the same colour appeared shortly after I launched it with my phone. That might still be coincidence though since there are a lot of planes.

edit: I've tried it about 20 times or more now, and I'm pretty certain that it actually works. I'm guessing all planes that are being launched at the moment are displayed live with their correct colour?

Wow. This is stupidly beautiful.

Can't believe the amount of time I've spent here. I even found a stamp from a small city in Mexico! (anyone in Chilpancingo right now?) Never thought someone would be using this there.

Very nice.

In case anyone is wondering I think this was made by google since all the assets seem to be on google servers:


I keep catching planes from MountainView California

so do I

This is definitely going to break at least one phone

This is really neat. I wonder who is behind this?

https://activetheory.net/work/paper-planes-io for Google I/O 2016.

It featured prominently at the beginning of the video stream.

That is some impressively terrible UX for a website.

Disagree. It's not a website, but a portfolio. Agencies and designers have to show off what they can do and a static site with screenshots won't cut it. I'm personally very impressed.

All the more reason to have a good user experience. How likely am I to work with an agency that can't even show me their work in a functional way? Scroll is broken, navigations are broken, weird looping behavior. It feels like an old Dreamweaver site.

Agree that it's a generally different use case, but I'm trying to click through to examples of work and I went through three or four times to what seemed a blank page, returned to the homepage, and started over, before figuring out how to access them.

There are still slight UX requirements even for showy contexts like this.

Probably Google, I get redirected to download Chrome when I visit without WebGL :)

Google, according to the info popup bottom right

Do you think it's an attempt to gather location data from users? Or just a fun gag?

Flew two planes on my phone. Both normal designs. Didn't see the point.

Caught one and then put my stamp on it, too. That was neat.

Still, I think there is a missed opportunity here. If I could design the plane however I wanted and compete with others, that would've been fun. But, I have no reason to go back and do it again, because there is no challenge.

Not all games are about competition. Some games are simply about connection.

Yeah, this is really just about leaving your mark on the world. No frills.

Interesting to see that none of my planes have been stamped yet, and yet most of the ones I catch have been stamped multiple times before. Are more people joining the site / creating new planes than catching and stamping existing ones? Is there a higher chance of catching a plane that’s been stamped more times?

Amazing. I caught one that had been thrown 10 days ago from the same nowheresville town I happen to be passing through.

Designing passport style stamps is so much fun! Put some together a while back for a iOS 6 era language learning app of mine:


Just made a FPS mini-game for Hololens with a lightning spell, but I must admit, it's nowhere near the paperplanes' coolness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wp_LukLn3c

If you open it on your computer and your phone, you get to see your plane fly out onto your computer screen after you throw it from the phone.

I wonder how they are doing that, must be by IP?

Or maybe the planes coming from the bottom of the screen are a realtime feed of new planes world wide.

Sounds like coincidence. My window has planes continually flying from my direction, and throwing one from my phone doesn't seem to change anything.

+1. curious about how they linked desktop + mobile. i think you just see all the ones launching nearby by ip address.

Yeah, I'm curious as well... I'm trying it and it doesn't seem to work for me :-(

I keep getting stuck at "Tap to choose your location stamp". I tap, it stamps, then nothing. Can't tap again to add a new stamp, and I don't get the prompt to start folding.

Chrome Dev on a Nexus 5X running stock android N.

Very cool. Does anyone know if the way you "throw" the plane actually affects it's trajectory? I'm curious what level of detail they are using behind the scenes for sending the planes around the world.

I suspect not... The first plane I threw pretty softy, because I wasn't sure how much force was necessary, and in a couple minutes it traveled from Washington State to Serbia.

I wonder if the direction or speed that I throw it with is used at all... I guess I know what source I'll be reading through over lunch today!

Im thoroughly impressed that when you throw a plane on your phone you can see it begin flying on the web browser (Same colored tail).

Really nice little touch.

How does that work? I assume anyone that resolves to the same geo ip will see the plane?

Nice! I almost threw the phone, despite the warning.

I can't figure out why it seems to think I'm in SF when I'm actually in PDX. Is there a way to force it to update location?

So cool!!! love it. the idea is so simple but so brilliant. This can be the next dating site ? :) all random encounters?

Wow it's blinking like crazy on my Android phone using Chrome. Impossible to use. It looks neat on a computer though.

browser version doesn't do anything except animation. Once installed the phone app, you can follow prompt to create an plane and send it away. Or shake your phone to catch one, and click to open, to see the list of cities where it had been caught. that's all it does.

Can this game be made to work left-handedly? You're losing out on the best 10% of users :)

Yep, once the airplane is folded, a rotate button appears and then you can throw the airplane with your left hand.

When you're about to throw the plane, there is a circular button in the lower-left to switch handedness!

Doesn't seem to work on firefox mobile even after giving plenty of time to load.

Reminds me of those dollar bills that are stamped with codes to see where they've been.

Very cool.

Love the cute "don't let go of your phone" message.

Autoplay sound warning. It was quite loud.

What does it do?

To quote Blaaguuu[1]:

Basically, you just put a 'stamp' on a piece of digital paper, which shows what city you are in - then you 'fold' the paper into an airplane and make a little 'throwing' motion with your phone, being careful not to let go and fling your phone across the room, and the plane flies off. Then everyone can make a sweeping motion with your phone to catch other people's planes (seemingly random) to view the stamps, and add your own, then throw it back.


and sitting right next to you is somebody that will argue tooth and nail about why a .com tld is important

This is so cool.

What a nicely done little project!

So it's all about WebGL?

How utterly adorable!

That's what I call useless, but impressive.

great idea!

please add a message feature.

Maybe it's just because the site is getting hammered, but whether I view it on my phone or computer, I just see a cool visualization of paper planes flying around the world, but I see no way to interact with it at all... Nor is there any explanation of what I am looking at. It looks pretty, but is rather confusing.

It's very silly that they didn't include a desktop experience or at LEAST an explanation that you can only use it on your phone.

Bottom right corner says, join on your phone.

Ehh, I don't know if that counts. Lots of sites want me to join on my phone or download an app, even though they are desktop compatible.

I'm irked when companies go for this form of anti-documentation. It 1) makes me feel dumb 2) wastes my time 3) I'll eventually figure out what you're not telling me, so you might as well cut to the chase.

It seems "Join on your phone at paperplanes.world" actually means 'Join on your phone with Chrome browser at paterplanes.world'

Firefox is my primary browser even on Android. It didn't work on it, so I suspected and tried it on Chrome. It works there.

I was actually impressed by the desktop experience. It looked and sounded beautiful.

It was successful too. I pulled out my phone.

it's not that silly. We're mostly all developers so its easy to forget but most people dont have desktop computers nowadays. Mobile is the primary experience for many people.

And remember what it was like when they did have desktops?! Thank the gods they use their phones instead now. Leave the desktops to those who know how to actually use a computer.

You can't interact with it on your PC (as far as I know) but it works on my phone. There should be a little button with a plus sign or paper plane on it where you can create a new plane. Might take some time to appear on first start.

Yeah, it took a good 4-5 minutes for it to start doing anything on my phone... Would be nice if there was some fallback for when it's loading, so I'm not just staring at a 'blank' screen, wondering if anything is happening.

I just tried it on my phone and it only took a couple of seconds before it showed me the button.

Loaded instantly and worked flawlessly on my 6P.

Use devtools device toolbar and you'll get the option to fold and throw a plane.

And hit space to open planes you catch.

I assumed that they wanted me to install an app, so I skipped it.

They should say to open in your phone browser, then I would have tried it.

yeah but that ambient synth/string music sure is pleasant.

It seems "Join on your phone at paperplanes.world" actually means 'Join on your phone with Chrome browser at paterplanes.world'

Firefox is my primary browser even on Android. It didn't work and I suspected and tried it on Chrome. It works there.





Yet another reason to replace my BB Classic.

Er, no, forget it, I don't need a spyphone.

You mean, another spyphone?

Teasing yah, but the blackberry was the government phone. I would imagine it was among the very first phones hacked by NSA.

Almost certainly!

But given that the NSA is recording _everything_, I am unlikely to be able to avoid them. What I can avoid is the commercial sale of my private identity; and to do that, I need to not sell myself to Google or Apple.

Open the tab - sounds starts playing, take a quick glance over page - no clear mute button, close tab. 1/10

I saw Paul Irish tweet this [0] a few days back. Hopefully this doesn't come off as too negative, but I disagree with it being a "beautiful web experience". I tried it on my Nexus 5X and it's not a smooth experience, and that's with Chrome on a high-tier phone that isn't even a year old. With Firefox for Android, my default mobile browser, it seems to struggle even more.

With that said, I think it's an impressive demo. I'd love to look over the unminified source.

It's worth noting that it doesn't appear to load properly if you're using uBlock Origin; I had to toggle it off for the demo to work.

[0] https://twitter.com/paul_irish/status/781895377737756672

Nexus 5x is not a high tier phone, but an entry level phone. Mine constantly lagged just using Facebook, fb messenger, and Snapchat.

The 6p is the high tier one.

I'm running it on a 5X and it ran just fine.

It runs fine on my S5...

doesn't run fine on my S5 mini (firefox)

Well, I'm in Chrome. If only mobile browsers had some sort of debugging tool, so we could see why...

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