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This has been happening since... forever?

I guess code search requires a lot of processing power so they'd rather know who's doing it in case they need to be throttled.

No. It was possible previously. The whole search feature on github seems to have been rewritten recently with several regressions in functionality.

They wrote a pretty interesting blog about the rewrite.


I wasn't aware of the specifics. I was only going by the UX changes. Good to know more detail. Thanks

I stopped being able to do GitHub code search without being logged in several months ago. The search bar would search through open issues; clicking code on the left in the results prompts me to login. Has been this way since at least June.

Yeah, I used to use github to search for codes that I don't remember in what repository I used, by searching for keywords that I can remember, but that doesn't work anymore.

Whatever the equivalent of the DMV in Sweden is?

I'd presume those plates get from the license plate factory to the DMV offices somehow. I'd presume that method isn't carrier pigeon.

Tesla said they would want to pick it up at the factory. The factory is putting them in nice packages to be delivered.

The factory says they can't do this.

> According to the Transport Agency, current regulations mean it is only able to distribute number plates using Postnord.

The district court just ordered the Transport Agency to hand over the plates to Tesla within a week, Postnord be damned.


As a temporary injunction, yes.

Judges don't give out injunctions forcing the govt to do something outside the status quo easily unless there's a strong case.

"Deliver the mail" is hardly that far "outside the status quo".

I think the purpose of this lawsuit is to get that regulation changed.

Then the factory workers might refuse to hand out plates to Tesla as they're also part of a union.

But they aren't. Also unions can't push these sympathy strikes too far, by doing targeted denial of government services they are really making it easy for the current right wing government in Sweden to add regulations to prevent unions from denying government services via sympathy strikes in the future. There are already such laws for healthcare etc.

They aren't because the situation doesn't require it yet? If the rules/regulations regarding delivery of plates changes union action will change to address that. If the government does something to curb union power (in a non life and death situation) they'll likely lose the next election.

> If the government does something to curb union power (in a non life and death situation) they'll likely lose the next election.

No they wont, if they do something like: "Sympathy strikes is not a valid reason to refuse to deliver mail" nobody who currently votes right will think that is bad. Post workers can then still strike for better conditions for themselves, but they can't shut down the postal system for companies they don't like.

Mail is necessary for many government functions, it isn't some optional thing that you can work around.

Edit: Seems like the courts agrees that this is a necessary function so they have to give them to Tesla via alternate means:


If they do something they would have to change the law as the Swedish system does not use Ministerial governance for individual cases like this.

So far only Tesla has been heard in court, Judge ordered temporary relief as Tesla argued that their business would be hurt short term, it's not a final decision. Workers at the factory are also part of a union, so they may refuse to hand any plates out.

You are annoyed with chrome's distracting home screen that shows your most visited sites but you are not annoyed with firefox's distracting home screen that shows your most visited sites plus some ads?

Weird, I don't see adds on my Firefox new tab screen. Maybe you accidentally checked ``Sponsored shortcuts" ? :-)

I believe it also depends on your location. I only see sponsored tiles when traveling in some countries.

"Sponsored shortcuts" comes enabled by default, at least on Windows builds made by Mozilla. If you are using Linux I suppose your distro turns it off by default?

btw in my case it adds two ads: Nike and Amazon. They come with tracking parameters that are unique to me (if I create a new browser profile, they change)

Disabling them is one click away, however.

I'm going to be pedantic and point out that it's two clicks if we count the one to pull up the settings pane in the first place

It continues to surprise me that people use the home screen, regardless of it being Firefox or Chrome. New window, new tab, I always set that to a blank page, in my mind that should be the default.

It continues to surprise me that people don't make their "new tab page" useful, it's probably the page you see the most everyday. Make it your own, put your bookmarks in there or whatever is useful (I use https://start.me/)

Firefox has made it unnecessarily difficult to customize the new tab.

You can have it blank or you can have Firefox recommendations. Those are your options.


This resembles a dark pattern to push users toward Firefox recommendations, a moneymaker.

That explains the ton of extensions to manage that page. That does seem like a pretty dark pattern move, I recall it having three options, the last being a custom URL.

You're ignoring the fact that "Firefox Home" itself allows you to customize what it contains. You can remove the recommendations, shortcuts, recent pages, recent bookmarks etc. individually (or strip it all the way down to a search bar).

> You're ignoring the fact that "Firefox Home" itself allows you to customize what it contains.

Correct. I am ignoring that fact because I don't want new tabs to display "Firefox Home" and I am not interested in customizing what it contains.

I want new tabs to display an HTML file that I made myself. Firefox previously allowed doing so.

The replies that suggest using extensions to re-enable the disabled functionality probably have not actually tried doing so. What those extensions do is load the "Firefox Home" content, then (as if on page load) redirect to whatever you set as your custom new tab. Which is just wretched. I could have typed the URL faster than that.

And on the subject of pushing core browser functionality into extensions: Why are things like Pocket, Firefox Sync, Hello, and the like integrated / bundled with Firefox but the ability to set a custom URL for new tabs requires users to install / trust a third party extension?

See also: The deplorable state of "Classic Theme Restorer", another case of "Users who miss the disabled functionality can just install an extension."

There’s extensions to change the new tab page

It's absurd that it needs an extension. Another example of how Firefox no longer acts as a user agent.

For me, a new window or new tab is something that's only active for time it takes me to type in the URL of the site I'm going to. At least earlier having content on that page slowed down Firefox, which is annoying if you just want to go straight to entering a new URL. So setting it to about:blank was a major workflow improvement.

There's no point to the "new tab page", it would be better to have a popup to type the URL into and then hit "Go" and have that open a new tab. For me it's really just a distraction. Why would I open a new window/tab if I didn't know where I'm going?

I have the Bookmarks toolbar set to "Only show on New Tab," I don't want anything more than that from a new tab screen.

I wish "new tab" could show me all my bookmarks instead because I have already plenty interesting pages bookmarked to read, but I never use them.

It surprises me that you'd be surprised. It's convenient to have your most used sites a single click away on the new tab screen, and it still opens instantaneously, so I don't see any disadvantage. If there's something there you find distracting, you can remove it.

> If there's something there you find distracting, you can remove it.

Now you'll have me manage yet another thing, I just want stuff to require no management.

On being surprised, I suppose you're right, there are about as many ways of using a computer as there are users. It's easy to get lured into the feeling that anything you don't utilize yourself is weird and pointless. I never use the "home screen", nor do I really use bookmarks all that much. For bookmarks I get why they are there, I have maybe a hand full myself, but it's not something that I use enough to pay for, or even require, a bookmarking service. So seeing someone actively use one or even depend on it because a curiosity.

Long time Firefox user here, I’ve never seen ads in the browser.

I am on Mac, however. It looks like from the other comments, windows builds somehow have ads.

You turned them off at some point. To turn them back on: On a new tab, click the cog in the top right. Tick "Sponsored shortcuts".

Compared to the Google panopticon... I can live with it.

If you have your new tab set to being blank it might never have shown sponsored shortcuts.

My new tab has been blank for probably over a decade now

I think it's about the sponsored shortcuts in the default home screen.

I've had them as well (3 or 4, can't remember which ones. Amazon's search engine might have been one of them), removed them, done and done.

It's not a big deal, but it's still something.

Also annoyed when someone I know cant be bothered to open the settings and customize. It's crazy how basic stuff goes over heads.

It's annoying that defaults everywhere are to be visually noisy and distracting. I guess it works for some kinds of people. Let's say MS Edge used to show news and other stuff on the new tab page, or in the start menu or wherever.

Yes, good users customize this but the default means it's pervasive in people's average experience.

My new tab screen in firefox is a blank white screen

I suppose the cards themselves are the same regardless of the region, but the language of the instruction manual depends on the region, and they are commingling decks from all regions?

Back in the day when the human models were full of silicone and the photos were full of photoshop?

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