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The factory says they can't do this.

> According to the Transport Agency, current regulations mean it is only able to distribute number plates using Postnord.

The district court just ordered the Transport Agency to hand over the plates to Tesla within a week, Postnord be damned.


As a temporary injunction, yes.

Judges don't give out injunctions forcing the govt to do something outside the status quo easily unless there's a strong case.

"Deliver the mail" is hardly that far "outside the status quo".

I think the purpose of this lawsuit is to get that regulation changed.

Then the factory workers might refuse to hand out plates to Tesla as they're also part of a union.

But they aren't. Also unions can't push these sympathy strikes too far, by doing targeted denial of government services they are really making it easy for the current right wing government in Sweden to add regulations to prevent unions from denying government services via sympathy strikes in the future. There are already such laws for healthcare etc.

They aren't because the situation doesn't require it yet? If the rules/regulations regarding delivery of plates changes union action will change to address that. If the government does something to curb union power (in a non life and death situation) they'll likely lose the next election.

> If the government does something to curb union power (in a non life and death situation) they'll likely lose the next election.

No they wont, if they do something like: "Sympathy strikes is not a valid reason to refuse to deliver mail" nobody who currently votes right will think that is bad. Post workers can then still strike for better conditions for themselves, but they can't shut down the postal system for companies they don't like.

Mail is necessary for many government functions, it isn't some optional thing that you can work around.

Edit: Seems like the courts agrees that this is a necessary function so they have to give them to Tesla via alternate means:


If they do something they would have to change the law as the Swedish system does not use Ministerial governance for individual cases like this.

So far only Tesla has been heard in court, Judge ordered temporary relief as Tesla argued that their business would be hurt short term, it's not a final decision. Workers at the factory are also part of a union, so they may refuse to hand any plates out.

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