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Signals are a common term for this. Someone else invented the term not the people who wrote this.

Another movie that does this is Tenet. There is this massive action set piece at the end, people are literally fighting for the fate of the world. Then you have people running around, shooting at nothing.

Are massive set pieces with hundreds of extras just not economically feasible anymore?

I remember that. There were so few people in that scene, it felt uncanny.

You are looking at this with hindsight bias and are assuming that for some reason the future will remain the same as the past. There are no fundamental reasons why ios and android development occur with two different ui frameworks in two different languages.

With low interest rates companies will not be able to justify paying 3x to maintain 3 different apps when they could theoretically just pay 1x for one app that works everywhere

The key word here is “theoretically”. These cross platform solutions are great in theory - who wouldn’t want to share code across all platforms? It’s a great sell, especially to the folks holding the purse.

The reality though is it doesn’t work well. The tooling, performance, debugging, library stability and observability are all substantially worse. Your team might save a ton of time spinning up a React Native app, but lose it all right back once you keep hitting gnarly Android performance issues.

In the future, once we have a proper cross platform development kit officially supported by Android and Apple, code sharing will be great. But today it doesn’t exist. And that’s why none of (the good) apps you use are written in a cross platform way.

Flutter’s development experience is better than RN’s, and perhaps even better frameworks will come in time.

Hard to leverage JS devs when it's an entirely different language from JS.

Dart really isn't hard to pick up and is surprisingly nice to write code in.

Good metrics for proposal to VCs .. to steel the cake from native platform overlord. Lets eat the apple and google cake to boost our return margins. Bam! VCs alliance for new scene graph renderer for the web on any device.

It’s the other way around. Don’t let native overlords eat into our cake.

Ios and android development as they exist today will die once governments mandate then end of the app store monopolies.

There is no Android app store monopoly. You can download apks and install them already. See: https://f-droid.org/

Just as there was no “IE monopoly”, even though you could technically download separate browser.

I don't think that works as a metaphor. IE got MS in trouble because it was so embedded into the OS that it was literally required, and MS did everything they could to force users to use it.

Android works fine when built from source with no Play Store at all, using F-Droid as the primary store.

Ah yes, this mandate will immediately make all APIs across all OSes the same

Ugh, you are right but then someone comes and uses this to rationalize not including things like map, filter and reduce in a language because they are supposedly too complicated and you can just do it with a for loop

I work in a Rust codebase that uses a lot of functional functions, and I’ll say this: on average the imperative style takes less lines of code and less indentation. I also find it more readable personally, and idiomatic.

Just because we’re on the topic of performance: the rust optimizer can sometimes generate better code if you use map / filter / etc. The slice iterator in any context is a huge win over manual array iteration because it only needs to do bounds checking once.

Javascript (v8, last I checked) is the opposite. Simple for loops almost always outperform anything else.

I've seen cases where an iterator was better, but I've also seen gains from using an imperative loop with manual indexing. Loop conditions and the occasional assertion can be enough to elide bounds checks. (Though sometimes the compiler gets too paranoid about integer overflow.)

Most of the time you should just write whatever's clear/convenient but sometimes it's worth trying both and scrutinizing godbolt.

This is premature optimization imo. Unless you’re using par_iter

Without knowing the domain, you have no way of knowing that.

It’s also much easier to stick to for() loops in javascript as you code than it is to rewrite everything later when tuning for performance. If that’s something you expect to need to do.

Functional iteration is good for the same reason we use for loops over while loops, and while loops over goto: they are more constrained, more clearly communicate intent, and are therefore easier to reason about.

Sure but it’s easy to go overboard with this stuff. Reduce (fold) especially can be pretty hard to read in hairy situations.

My general rule is that if you need fewer lines of code to implement your logic with a simple for loop, you probably should.

Yeah, I agree with that. Especially reduce/fold, which I find is almost always better written as loop. Filter would be a good example of the opposite for me: almost always much clearer written functionally.

I find I frequently use a combination - use map/filter to setup an iterator, and then reduce it in a loop.

I suspect this has more to do with the lack of first-class sequence comprehensions in the syntax. If you had to write imperative style, but all loops were HOFs, it would hardly be ergonomic, either. OTOH a good query language is much more readable.

Doesnt deno bring a bunch of security improvements to the table?

Calculate how much more you need to earn in CA to make $75k.

Im assuming higher federal taxes than you are.

Half of Sf is transplants, they arent living close to family

> The average worker in SF is getting paid 10%+ more than the average worker in FL or TX

10pct more is not enough to cover the difference. Also if you are good you can make sf salary anywhere in places where the cost of food is a third of the price

> Calculate how much more you need to earn in CA to make $75k.

I did. It's 15%. You ignored it.

> Also if you are good you can make sf salary anywhere in places where the cost of food is a third of the price.

If you are skilled in The Bay - you can easily make $500k+ per year.

Saving $700 per month on food would not be a consideration for almost anyone at that income.

At the $500k+ budget - almost all companies are paying 10-15% less if you move elsewhere - at which point - financially alone - it rarely make sense to leave.

All employers that I’ve seen adjust your salary down to wherever you end up living.

I dont think gatekeeping rust is necessary. The nice thing about rust is that people that are not experts can now attempt to create high performance low level software and the worst case scenario is that its slow due to unnecessary copying.

Markets are supposedly efficient because people pick to buy companies that are good value for the profits they generate and sell companies if they become less valuable.

If people are buying index funds automatically in retirement accounts they are not making this judgement and thus all stocks in index funds are selling at a premium because of this automatic buying pressure. If enough people do this there is potential for the stocks in index funds to be overvalued.

People expect apps to work across all their devices

you can always sync, that's good practice with "Offline First"

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