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This is the best take on the generative AI fad I've yet seen. I wish I could upvote this twice.

I had the same impression. I have been suffering a lot lately about the future for engineers (not having work, etc), even habing anxiety when I read news about AI, but these comments make me feel better and relaxed.

I even considered blocking HN.

Yeah, this is called motivated reasoning.

Rather embarrassingly, these chips are actually produced by TSMC :-)


Easily the lesser of two embarrassments had they opted to use Intel's process, which Gelsinger is betting the farm on (RIP).

This super unhelpful error is sometimes the result of trying to run an unsigned or developer signed binary on Apple Silicon. Try `xattr -d com.apple.quarantine program.app`, then open it by right clicking on the app, and selecting 'Open' while holding option + command.

Bypassing Gatekeeper (the binary signing process in macOS) does not seem like a good idea when downloading apps off random websites.

Given the audience on HN, I think we can presume any readers of my comment are not trying to execute completely random untrusted binaries. There are legitimate cases when you need to do this to run a binary you trust, but the system doesn't.

I always run everything through virustotal first. (I should probably add that this is step two in my process: step one is to be very cautious and not download most things in the first place.)

I believe the poster means, it isn't allowed by Apple's guidelines, ergo your app will be rejected because of it. Nothing to do with the law itself.

The difficulty you'll face for mobile is users man-in-the-middling their own device to find your developer's API key, and then making their own POST requests to increment their credit balance. This is why platforms like the App Store offer the ability to validate receipts of transactions [1].

Probably something you'll need to grow support for if you want this to be a drop-in solution for mobile devs.

[1] https://medium.com/@ronaldmannak/how-to-validate-ios-and-mac...

Very interesting point. Thanks for bringing this up.

Couple of questions: shouldn't my customers be taking care of this since I don't know their architecture? I think mobile devs can hugely benefit from Creduse, can you point me on how to support them for this scenario?

open to discuss via email if you prefer: francesco@creduse.com

If you’re intending for your API to be server to server then it’s not an issue. But that may limit uptake from mobile devs who may be looking for a more plug and play solution to dodge the need to build their own infra.

I intend it as server to server but you made me think about this specific case. I might have found a solution that bypass and solve the problem you are referring to but I need to deeply think about it. Not only needs to be secured the API Key (which is solved by the solution I have in mind), but also the content/payload of the request (otherwise the client would change the amount of credits).

Why would you use this on the frontend? anything that requires auth tokens should never be used on the front end, You would be using this on your own server

Totally agree. I understand his point but can’t do much unless I implement some very complex stuff specifically for mobile (and I’m not even sure it would work safely)

True, although the Fermi Paradox still sort of applies here, e.g., even if the galaxy were teeming with aliens zipping all over the galaxy in their warp-capable spacecraft, the odds of them charting a course right past our fairly uninteresting solar system seem low.

This is likely not helped by the fact that we are more than halfway out to the edge of the galaxy, in one of the Milky Way's spiral arms; since we're not near the galactic centre, there are less possible travel paths that pass by us (if we just assume arbitrary random travel between any two points.)

So even if it is happening right now in abundance, and even if we can detect its occurrence, are any of those paths close enough to us to be detected?

Yes, it wasn't a thing in the US, but basically all televisions in Europe had a text mode for this, and it was very popular when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s.

US televisions didn't have support for the blanking interval data and GUI, and it never got added to the NTSC standards.

For a brief period in the 1980s a few companies tried to provide teletext service, either over modem or a UHF decoder to a home computer or - more bizarrely - as a read-only presentation done overnight when no other scheduled programming was being shown.

Keyfax in Chicago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgs0kbxo68w

Keycom home service: https://iml.jou.ufl.edu/carlson/history/Keycom.htm

I think it did get added to the NTSC Standards - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NABTS

That said, there were several other competing standards offered at the same time including https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electra_(teletext)

The issue of course - like everything else with standards adoption in the states, the decoder wasn't mandated to be included with TV sets.

I take it this is mostly useful for compute workloads, neural networks, LLM and the like -- not for actual graphics rendering?


Can you expand these acronyms for those of us not familiar with the ins and outs of California real estate?

Well, except that AppLovin is a (non-malware) ad tech company. So I mean, at least there's that.

But the play is more consolidation that anything. A large swath of mobile games use Unity, and a large swath of free games monetise using AppLovin. The Venn Diagram of these two is nearly a single circle.

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