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Hehe, two years ago, I wrote a similarly titled article - "You're not dumb, the prerequisites are bullshit." :) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30035456

Hey! Author here! It's been 3 years since I wrote this article. I realized pretty soon I don't need as much resources. I think I'm at 17 bucks per month currently, and I have several more projects running.

My angle was more about the ambiguity of the status/using the phrase, but I can see how it may appear insensitive to others. It definitely wasn't my intention.

Hey. Author here. It's not, that's where I draw the line! :)

I just started following Bryan's journey two weeks ago.

I didn't get the same impression as you. I always thought it's implied he's talking about what's good for him, not all people. He then uses that as a framework for something others could pickup and incorporate in their lives.

I like the iterative nature of his work - he always tries to improve the recipes and supplements he takes.

I always see a lot of negative comments about the guy here on HN, and he's basically hacking his own body and publishes everything for free[0].

[0] https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.co/

I don't know, there's a lot of red flags on his site.

"Slowed pace of aging by 31 years": How could one possibly quantify this accurately?

Depending on his body weight, a bench press of 240lbs isn't particularly notable or impressive.

Giving leg press numbers instead of something like deadlift or squat is a bit suspicious. Leg press is easy to cheat by limiting range of motion. Plus full body movements that require more stabilization would be a better measure if one is trying to prove they haven't aged.

Comparing strength numbers to an 18 year old is probably not the best metric, given that strength takes a certain amount of time to build. Not that there are good scientific papers on this but I think general consensus is it peaks mid 20s

I agree that I like many aspects of what he does, and I am not just saying negative comments.

I'm speaking specifically about a recent video where he explicitly says that every other diet is worthless because it's not backed by data, and his is.

Great job! I love that you only need to press the record and stop on the phone and the rest is done automagically in the background.

I wonder if there's a thing for Android that's as accurate as Whisper!?

Somebody could build an Android frontend - and use the same OpenAI Whisper library on the server.

I didn't bother with React Native thinking audio recording would be pain in the butt.

One directly, one indirectly. :)

The article "Screw it, I'll host it myself" was on the first page for some time, and the traffic was crazy. Some people used my referral link for Vultr, earning me enough hosting credits to last me for a year for my little websites and development projects. [0]

Later that year, I posted a collection of my favorite hacking/coding movies and literature[1], and several people bought a book I wrote[2]. I did put a disclaimer for both, being a good netizen I am. :)

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26725185

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29501157

[2] https://codeofwar.xyz/

I just thought of a similar thing when reading the article. My question was more in the direction - will someone unearth my remains in a few hundred years? How many years does it have to pass for your bones to become something that might end up in a museum?

I guess a lot of people have the wish to be buried and left alone once they die. How do we deal with ethical questions regarding archeology? If you had an ancient burial site with clear writings on the entrance like "PLEASE DON'T UNEARTH US" :)), would that be honored?

That also makes me wonder - do you fellow hackers feel connected to your ancestors? Are generations that lived hundreds and thousands of years ago just fun stuff to look at when you visit a museum, or they're something more to you?

I'm getting off-topic now, but just like the vastness of the universe can make you feel small and insignificant, time may even be worse in that regards.

>Do the chickens lay eggs? >>Yes. They are the best fresh eggs you’ve ever tasted. They are available for $20 each. Pick up only.

Wow, some expensive eggs! Is it because these chickens are now celebrities? :)

Kidding aside, I just bought a box of 10 eggs today for 4 euros (~4,15USD) and thought that was a bit expensive. Also from free-range chicken.

I can find "egg prices around the world", but I can't find a single site where I can filter results by the size of eggs and type of chickens. Here's an idea for a really unneeded SaaS!

I'd guess they're purposely inflated to cut down on people asking to buy them

Colloquially called the “Fuck off price”.

“We don’t want to do it, but if you are really going to pay this, we’ll make it happen.”

I was quoting some wood deck and lawn work this spring. I had four people come out to quote, and two gave me fuck off prices about 3-4x what I eventually paid.

EDIT: for reference on good eggs, I’ve found duck eggs to be superior to chicken eggs.

I’ve found duck eggs to be superior to chicken eggs.

Especially if you're interested in hatching ducklings.

The people I've known who raise chickens quickly reach the level of "please take these eggs, please!"

Fresh chicken eggs are da bomb. The egg whites cohere and do not spread out in a puddle. You might be buying organic eggs (or free range, or wot-evs) but if the whites are runny and spread out in the pan, the eggs are NOT fresh.

One thing that always stood out to me about fresh/real chicken eggs I got from my father was the color of the yolk. Much, much darker than store bought, though I don't know what even plays a role determining that.

Hoping to get a coop up later this year and start experimenting!

Yolk color is a function of xanthophyll in the diet. Backyard chickens tend to get food scraps that contain more xanthophyll than there is in commercial feed, which is why backyard eggs yolks tend to be more orange. If you want more orange in your yolks, you can feed your chickens stuff like marigolds or cooked carrots.

We'd feed birds crab shells every second day for a week or two. When the hard boiled eggs were cut open we'd have concentric red/orange rings in the yolk.

Or you toss in beet peel scraps.

The color of the yolk depends on what the chickens eat; it doesn't really indicate anything about the nutritional content of the eggs. Supermarket "organic" eggs that have a dark yellow yolk might just mean that their chickens' diet included pigments that caused that. A true free-range chicken that had a more wild diet including insects and seeds other than wheat or corn will also tend to have eggs with a darker yolk.

>...though I don't know what even plays a role determining that.

Age is definitely one big factor. The longer they sit the lighter they get. But I suspect diet also plays a big role, and to a lesser extent, lifestyle/overall health

Oddly enough you don't want your eggs too fresh. I remember my grandmother saying that you can to keep them for a couple of days before eating - something about the texture of the white

I think that's only for making hardboiled eggs.

The whites don't separate from the shell well if they're too fresh

According to that criterion the eggs I buy are apparently fresh, though I usually wish the whites were more runny when I use them.

No one likes a non runny white.

i suspect it's sarcasm. that's not the price of eggs anywhere in the USA.

Fans of J.S.G. Boggs used to try to collect both hand-drawn bills he made AND the item he bought with the bill. I see an opportunity here to collect both the NFT and the egg of the chicken in the picture.

Wow, some expensive eggs!

Maybe it's a typo. Perhaps he meant $20/dozen.

Which is still expensive. I get my eggs from a farmer 30 miles out of town, and she only charges $8/dozen, and that includes delivering it to my doorman. But I only order when she's recently slaughtered another farm animal, to make it worth the trip for her.

I don't think you're looking high enough. Try looking over your head as that's where this bit of humor sailed ;P

After a long time, I visited Stallman's site because I woke up humming the free software song (weird, I know :). I forgot just how much information the man has put up there. Like him or not, he's a fascinating character. Not just that, but he stands for something the majority of us only profited from in our professional careers.

One other interesting article he wrote is about his decision not to have children[0]. I remember reading it for the first time some five years ago, sharing it with a bunch of friends, and ending up having a night-long discussion about it. I personally believe that he went a bit too far with that one though.

[0]: https://stallman.org/articles/children.html

He also didn't know that many parents don't yell at their kids, have a happy life and eventually let their children go into the wide world, unencumbered by a history of familial strife.

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