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After a long time, I visited Stallman's site because I woke up humming the free software song (weird, I know :). I forgot just how much information the man has put up there. Like him or not, he's a fascinating character. Not just that, but he stands for something the majority of us only profited from in our professional careers.

One other interesting article he wrote is about his decision not to have children[0]. I remember reading it for the first time some five years ago, sharing it with a bunch of friends, and ending up having a night-long discussion about it. I personally believe that he went a bit too far with that one though.

[0]: https://stallman.org/articles/children.html

He also didn't know that many parents don't yell at their kids, have a happy life and eventually let their children go into the wide world, unencumbered by a history of familial strife.

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