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Interesting. How many unique views a month does your site get now and what kind of conversion rates are you seeing? I am planning to launch a paid version of my app, http://www.pageblox.com and my potential customers are also developers/designers.

About 200 - 300 a day...

Thanks for the feedback, PageBlox is not meant to be a tool for professional or even novice web developers. It allows someone who has no experience with html/css to create a functioning cross-browser compatible layout and build on top of that with their own css, which is trivial to learn.

I don't think someone that has "no experience with html/css" would care or understand what a "functioning cross-browser compatible layout" is. Just my opinion though, I've been wrong before!

How so? Everyone has to start somewhere. Not that learning HTML or CSS is difficult, but it would've helped to speed things up when I first started.

I created https://www.pageblox.com, a layout tool for web designers. I've been getting between 1500-2000 uniques a month, so when I turn on the paid version, I should be making at least a few hundred a month depending on how the conversion rate turns out...

I have to admit that more than anyone else, Amy and Patrick inspired me to create my minimum viable product, https://www.pageblox.com which is currently an html/css layout creator. It may end up turning into a CMS, or evolve into a feature-rich web design tool. I launched several months ago and am putting in time every day (except Sundays). It hasn't been easy, but once you establish momentum, it's hard to stop. I, however have not quit my job (I am very risk averse). The podcast Startups for the Rest of Us and the book "Start Small, Stay Small" are probably the best resources for learning how to build your own products...

My advice to someone looking to start something on the side: don't quit your job, but find a low-stress job at a large corporation with normal 8 hour workdays and a short commute.

with normal 8 hour workdays and a short commute.

...or a long commute by train or other transportation that gives you the opportunity to work on your project with a notebook :)

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. The question to ask is: who doesn't do this?

The should seem obvious to most, but the problem with countries that have laws that "protect" workers (as in Poland, where I've been working for the past several years) is that such laws dramatically suppress wages and job creation.

You can't get laid off for no reason (only so-called "mass" lay-offs where a minimum of 20% of staff has to go due to restructuring reasons - or, of course, disciplinary action) but the salary you employer pays you (much lower if such laws didn't exist) has to take into account that there can can be long periods of time where there is no work for you to do and they can't get rid of you legally.

just added tinymce editor...

thanks for the heads up, I just did

yes, this is the next feature I will implement

that was tricky to implement so for now I used buttons... it's on my to-do list

Also, having the buttons on each Blox causes some noise, maybe show them on hover?

I have considered that but I would like as much of the UI as visible as possible, nothing hidden. I would like to make a decision as to show controls on hover (or not) based on some measurable usability testing.

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