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Show HN: my weekend project, PageBlox (pageblox.com) (pageblox.com)
42 points by ctek on Aug 6, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I remember seeing this before, and for curiosity's sake went for a look: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3546149 (Posted six months ago.)

Was this, umm, the same weekend?

This is neat, but I think these days if you're going to use a grid it might as well be responsive. For example this is a good responsive grid generator: http://gridpak.com/

Or you could always use Bootstrap.

First thought: dragging doesn't resize boxes. broken.

Second thought: dragging doesn't move boxes. broken.


Other than that, very neat project. Hope you continue to build and develop this further.

Kinda neat, I don't see yet any added benefit over Bootstrap however - the problem it solves in a visual way is not really a problem for a mildly experience web developer and for the beginners it's not enough functionality IMO. As a thought experiment it's cool, as a viable product it would need some work.

Thanks for the feedback, PageBlox is not meant to be a tool for professional or even novice web developers. It allows someone who has no experience with html/css to create a functioning cross-browser compatible layout and build on top of that with their own css, which is trivial to learn.

I don't think someone that has "no experience with html/css" would care or understand what a "functioning cross-browser compatible layout" is. Just my opinion though, I've been wrong before!

How so? Everyone has to start somewhere. Not that learning HTML or CSS is difficult, but it would've helped to speed things up when I first started.

I'd reconsider using blueprint, AFAIK it's no longer maintained. I'd go for bootstrap or foundation.

page doesn't load here.

UURRGH the soap-bar buttons are back from the 90s! Help!

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