Same experience here. I took 0.1g to close to 1g on several occasions over a couple years.
Doses in the 0.1-0.2g range would leave me fairly slow the next day, but that's it. With heavier doses I'd see after-effects for about a week (like reaching for my phone and pulling a lighter from my pocket, disconnecting in the middle of a conversation, losing track of time)
The only time it took a long time to fully recover (5-6 weeks, progressively) was after taking some twice in 2 consecutive days. Quantities weren't big, maybe 0.5g total, but the effects lasted really long.
Doses in the 0.1-0.2g range would leave me fairly slow the next day, but that's it. With heavier doses I'd see after-effects for about a week (like reaching for my phone and pulling a lighter from my pocket, disconnecting in the middle of a conversation, losing track of time)
The only time it took a long time to fully recover (5-6 weeks, progressively) was after taking some twice in 2 consecutive days. Quantities weren't big, maybe 0.5g total, but the effects lasted really long.