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Not being 100% sure which command this will correct to is dangerous. Also the need for this is largely negated by a shell with autosuggestions.

> Not being 100% sure which command this will correct to is dangerous.

And yet the concept of the invocation `fuck --dry-run` is surely unappealing. :-)

I don't often laugh at HN comments, but when I do, I do it hard. :)

You get easily aroused.

Created a pull request for a `fuck -dry` option. Did not test nor store the command so when it is ran again it is recalled, but the base is there for it to be fully implemented.

Okay that was hilarious!

/sigh @hackernews turning into your typical reddit thread.

I think dry-run should be the default. Then if you really want to run it without checking the command first you could do:

    fuck --without-condom
or maybe

    fuck --iamfeelinglucky


Ok. The --without-condom needs to be an option.

What if you could fuck with a small D? `fuck -d`

I think a good solution to this would be to have it display the command it's going to run with a y/n prompt. It would only add one extra keystroke and make the utility a lot safer. I think I'll make a pull request or fork or something that does this this weekend if somebody hasn't already by then.

If it defaulted to yes, then running it would be,

which is probably good enough. (Pressing the same key twice is pretty much the same as pressing one key, but pressing two different keys is harder.)

I used to alias `rm` to `rm -i`, until I realized that I just pressed <return><y><return> without thinking.

Or syntax highlighting as found in fish, red if your command will not run, blue otherwise, params in blue. Duno I wish more shells had basic syntax highlighting for input commands.

I'd like it more if it just expanded to the 'correct' command and required another return to actually run:

$ apt-get install foo<return> $ fuck<return> -> sudo apt-get install foo<return>

zsh does something similar for history commands, I think:

$ echo foo foo $ echo !$<return> -> $ echo foo

Yeah I agree...the appeal of CLI is to tersely do a variety of powerful commands...and the tradeoff is that you have to be exact in your syntax. The seconds saved in not having to retype something is a relatively irrelevant optimization, which isn't bad in itself except that it also introduces a significant amount of ambiguity, which can be deadly in CLI work.

Good point, maybe don't use this for steering satellites or weapon systems.

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