Bustaname is pretty nifty and useful. I'm also a fan of Namebird, a name generator that uses probability algorithms to make names that are catchy and memorable http://shobia.com/namebird (and only partly because I made it!)
I keep seeing this plugged (by yourself actually.. :P )
I think it definitely needs a tutorial or walkthrough of some sort. I only ever get dodgy looking words that aren't memorable in any sense, in fact would be extremely difficult to say over the phone. I am guessing it's the way I'm using it but I don't know any better! :)
Hehe, launching something new you made is hard/takes persistence. Hope I'm not being annoying; seemed to be appropriate here and the other time I mentioned it in a comment on HN.
Sorry to hear that. There actually is a tutorial/guide referenced a bit lower on the page but not many people seem to see it, may need to emphasize it more!
Maybe try the basic word maker to make words starting with 'arb,' 'orb' or 'mar'? I've found the words those generate are fairly nice as an idea for what it can do. Also maybe try shorter words?
Dunno. To be honest, having used the other name generation tools, this is the one I'd use to get a new domain name and a good amount of people have found names they like through Namebird (someone put in starts with 'pay' and got paydrow for instance and I used it to name itself too :P).
No no not annoying at all! If anything I'm annoyed (extremely mildly, mind) at myself because I'm not managing to get it :)
It looks like a really good tool if (and I'm assuming it does for others) it works nicely, I'm just missing that moment of 'click' right now where I grasp how it works. Going by what you've said I think I was more using it as "here's a word, do more with it please website robot" - I'll have another play! :)
Wait, did I read that second one right? A streaming gif that is created/updated in real time by the server (i.e. the later frames don't even exist as the browser starts loading the asset)? What a hack!
I love pinboard! I started out with delicious until it got bought and got weird, then I moved to Google bookmarks but it's so crude. I need something that follows me on every machine. The magick is in being able to add tags.
It's no frills, just works, saves a cached version of the page when you bookmarked it, doesn't change in any way that is going to surprise you, did I say it just works?
I've wondered the same.. I actually subscribed to see what the hype was about; after using it for a few weeks I found it hard to justify the cost for such a simple and relatively featureless webapp
I only paid one up-front fee of about $10.00. It isn't subscription-based. That is stated quite clearly on the home page. Be sure you go to http://pinboard.in/ and not one of their rivals.
http://strawpoll.me/ - create simple straw polls that anyone can answer at a unique link. Every game streamer I watch uses it daily. Dead simple to use and a memorable name.
http://pythontutor.com/ (my webapp) very small footprint ... just a single simple CGI script. but pulls in 6,000 - 10,000 uses per day. not "large" by commercial standards, but not bad for a free tool made by a single person.
Exactly. At late nights when I am unsure about whether to sleep or continue working, I simply go to the site and calculate when to sleep. It has become a habit!
I'm completely amazed that people do this to figure out when to sleep. My intent is not to sound rude; I'm a big believer of "do what works" in my personal life and at work. For me it's always so simple: if the following day is a work day, I need to make sure I get at least 7 hours of sleep so that determines how late I can stay up. If it's the weekend, I go to sleep when my body says it needs a break.
I think an app like Sleep Cycle is better than this because it can feel your movement, whereas this is just based on the "average" person's sleep cycles...
I think if you keep it on the outside of your bed (away from the partner) and your bed isn't super responsive, it should work. There are others that integrate with wearables and works in that situation, but the concept of it using motion and not just random time is what makes it work more effectively.
The two appear to get different results. To get up at 7:00 AM, sleepyti.me says to go to sleep at 10:00 PM, whereas jollynap says to go to bed at 10:45 PM. Obviously the latter is taking 15 minutes into account for falling asleep, but it's still an hour difference.
SleepyTime mentions, "The average adult human takes fourteen minutes to fall asleep..." so I compensate with 15 minutes in the calculation. There shouldn't be any major variance. Perhaps an odd calculation with Daylight Savings?
The time is based on your browser's Date function which should match your system clock. I think you might be experiencing a strange calculation with Daylight Savings.
In many regions of the world, navigation devices only locate a fraction of buildings by their street address.
Naymit lets you mark, share and find exact locations.
Etherpad : real-time collaborative text editor. Readable URLs so great for instantly getting people together on a doc. http://etherpad.org/ is the project site but a commonly used hosted one is at https://etherpad.mozilla.org/
A really simple Rails CRUD app where 90% of the time was spent inputting data and making it look nice. We average about 500 daily uniques and pay for it purely by advertising revenue (lol - "revenue"). It pays for itself and is a nice resume-booster.
Interesting to consider that the vast majority of these apps could be implemented as well or better as mobile apps. I'm on record as being a skeptic of the "mobile is eating the world" meme but I do expect a lot of these kinds of smaller, more specialized apps will migrate to the computers we carry with us everywhere.
Looking at the top-voted examples here, I would entirely disagree. They seem to mostly be utilities that would be used while in the process of doing other, more involved work.
For those apps that are useful on mobile, what advantage would they gain by being developed as mobile apps? In their current states they work on nearly every system commonly in use in the world, including all of the popular mobile platforms.
http://www.boomeranggmail.com/ I feel like half the people I talk to at work use Boomerang for gmail. They seem small because I don't see a footprint online or much marketing from them.
https://targeted.io - Email testing, made by two developers. 200% growth per month. Not large in commercial standards but still large amount of users for a two man team.
url shortener with builtin support for google analytics link tagging utm parameters. time saver for marketers creating tracking links for google analytics.
What always prevents me from using URL shorteners other than bit.ly or goo.gl is reliability. Might have temporary downtime just at the time when a traffic surge comes, or completely stop working one day and then you've got a bunch of broken links. Seeing (C) 2013 on a site when it's nov 2014 makes me not even take a second look :) Would fix that.
What do you mean by "explore"? You mean how do people find out about these apps? Usually word of mouth, online forums, stuff like that.
Even five years ago, the global programming community wasn't that large. If someone built something small and useful, and they promoted it in their local community (like at a LUG, Perl Mongers, other meetup) they gained decent usage and exposure.
It tells me I'm "You are 7970.70 miles away from Ebola at Bellevue Hospital Center", which is completely wrong. I'm only 3500 miles from Liberia:
That's 100% correct, eight days ago there were zero active cases of Ebola in Dallas. The two active cases since the first one had been shipped out to other cities and they were just on watches for the remaining exposures.
It's probably the only example I can conceive of existing, too, since it's in a pretty unique position of being cheap to serve and indefinitely funded (hence not under pressure to grow, monetize, or advertise to cover costs).