The "+" icon in the upper left corner throws an error when you are not logged in:
{"success":false,"error":{"code":1,"message":"You are not logged in."}}
For some reason I doubt this is by design.
Also, when you upload a pic for the "screenshot", there is no confirmation after the progress bar disappears. No thumbnail, no "Ok, pic uploaded!". Nothing.
Another note: no place to put hyperlinks when you create a post?!
And I cannot edit my post afterword (to add a hyperlink in the description).
Nice but the infinite scroll is unbearable. You have some badness going on there. It completely blocks the UI and it crashes Chrome if the dev tools are open. Good luck.
Website is really slow on Firefox 32 (on Ubuntu), it's like trying to run Atom. After that, hopefully it remains responsive. Maybe add a limit to how much data is shown right away? like 5 posts, then load the rest as people scroll down? Duno, feels like too many posts are being downloaded at once.
The site is definitely too slow. Thanks for the tip! I'm going to reduce the number of posts downloaded and then also lazy load the images.. hopefully that will help.
Are you getting all of the posts as a single JSON object? It might also speed things up to make multiple small requests to the API (one per post) and handle it asynchronously. That wouldn't be something you could do quickly, though.
Also maybe don't even call linkify.js until an item loads (you can set custom event handlers for dynamically generated elements in jQuery[0]) - I don't know if you're already doing this or not.
I'd love a clearer indication of your mission, maybe in the tagline or an about-us page. I can't decide if you're a new-product-finder, an announcement platform, or a social network for hackers. There's evidence for each of those in different views of the site. :)
It's main purpose is to get feedback on what you're working on as you're working on it. I realize now that I never mention that on the site. Thanks for pointing that out!
Was gonna say this now that I've seen it work! From a first inspection this makes me think of producthunt but maybe for projects in progress or not launch-ready?
Maybe the name could instead reference a hardware bracket? Like something that holds up a shelf, or I don't know, holds up startups to be seen. You could swap out your sports-sytle-bracket-icon for something that looks more like this:
I don't normally complain about such things, but your font colour could be a lot more contrasty. It's on the extreme end of the current grey text on white/light background vogue and even for me it's pretty hellish to read.
I joined and posted something and a few things jumped out: no place for a link to the project (if there's a home for it) and no way to edit or update posts. Weird.
Also, when you upload a pic for the "screenshot", there is no confirmation after the progress bar disappears. No thumbnail, no "Ok, pic uploaded!". Nothing.
Another note: no place to put hyperlinks when you create a post?!
And I cannot edit my post afterword (to add a hyperlink in the description).