While not exactly thrilled, as a Linux user I have to admit it's only fair. That's exactly what some of us did all those years when Windows used to have more holes than Linux. Ah well, back to BSD I guess...
Hmnn well I wonder just how much safer BSD is compared to Linux...
I would consider linux to have more eyes on it, and if I remember correctly, LibreSSL was not infallible (despite all the shaming of OpenSSL folks that went on)
At least many of the things you find on OpenBSD really are much smaller and simpler than commonly used alternatives in the Linux land. Order-of-magnitude differences are common, but even 20k lines vs 60k lines means a lot if you're actually going to dive into the code.
So when I poke around under /usr/src, I find some utility or daemon or whatever else I haven't looked into before. And I think, oh, that's only a couple k lines of code? I wonder how it works... It just invites me to read.
I get the exact opposite reaction when faced with some system that's 200k lines of code. That looks important, maybe I should audit it.. nah, I don't have the time now. Maybe I'll start tomorrow. Tomorrow comes. Maybe I'll start in the weekend. Weekend comes. Maybe I'll start in two weeks because now I'm busy and next week I'm busy too. Two weeks later, chances are I don't even remember. If I do, I might end up promising myself to take a look at it around next Christmas...
Another thing is that OpenBSD moves slower, and instead of constantly adopting another cool new thing as the new replacement for the old thing that kinda worked but nobody wanted to improve, they seem to put more effort into extending and polishing the old thing that has served well. So there's less code churn, i.e. less new code with new bugs.
OpenBSD is actually formally reviewed/audited, not just relying on "many eyes." Of course you have to remember that only the base install is covered; software in packages/ports is not included in that.
It bugs me a bit that "many eyes" took on a security connotation to begin with. That doesn't seem to have been the original claim - it didn't strike me as such when I originally read CatB, and revisiting I can see a way to give it a strong reading but it still doesn't seem to be the sense intended. "Many eyes" in the sense I read it starts once someone notices that there is a bug - for which audit is tremendously better suited than use or casual perusal when it comes to security issues.
My point was that some OpenBSD guys rewrote OpenSSL in an attempt to fix it, yet also introduced some bugs (I read one article about a bug that was introduced by them, though I don't have a link, nor want to search the internet for it)...
And if you pay attention, you'll notice that this overblown bug was only relevant to Linux. Linux simply lacked some functionality OpenBSD has so they tried to hack a solution into the compatibility layer. So the first one or two preview releases turned out not to be perfect.
OpenBSD was never affected.
Though there were a few other unintended OS-agnostic changes that did actually slip in and were subsequently noticed and corrected.