"the need to offer a relatable role model is more important"
My point being that I don't actually believe that people need to be the same gender (or skin color or etc) to be relatable as role models.
I think making role models less demographically binned would be an important and positive step.
"Female students have generally related more to my female colleagues"
Do you have any reason to believe that this isn't because every time they're getting started someone carefully creates that situation, as is being created here?
Measurements are frequently measurements of effects, rather than of causes.
"Which is perfectly fine"
How can you be sure that refusing demographic cross pollination by intent is not a negative thing?
I understand you personally feel this way, but research has shown that this is not the case, and I think it makes sense.
It has been proven that our society is full of gender and racial biases, and to fight them we need to accept this fact so we can have a sensible plan of attack. Apparently we can't just make those biases disappear by wishing them away. It is easier to dismantle them by first fighting the symptoms. If you just tell people to ignore their biases, you will ask them to ignore their personal day-to-day experience, and that's asking a lot. It's hard for people to believe one thing if what they see around them goes against that belief. To change beliefs we must first change the experience.
My point being that I don't actually believe that people need to be the same gender (or skin color or etc) to be relatable as role models.
I think making role models less demographically binned would be an important and positive step.
"Female students have generally related more to my female colleagues"
Do you have any reason to believe that this isn't because every time they're getting started someone carefully creates that situation, as is being created here?
Measurements are frequently measurements of effects, rather than of causes.
"Which is perfectly fine"
How can you be sure that refusing demographic cross pollination by intent is not a negative thing?