My daughter is 12 and has expressed for years that she wants to be an architect or engineer. She's also interested in medicine. She knows some Python and likes building things. She is also in need of some inspiration. I can show her medicine but I need some help on the engineering side. As it happens, her spring break is next week, so it would be good timing about now. PM me if you are interested. I would really appreciate it. We could probably work something out, maybe meet at lunch or something. I'll buy.
Edit: SD = San Diego. And for those recommending FIRST: our challenge with FIRST is that she has 16 hours of gymnastics practice every week, which markedly improves the report from school and now she's in love with it so I can't talk her out of it. I've tried. So spring break would be ideal.
She presented at the first RobotsConf and it was really compelling and could inspire other kids to start building things: