Minor point. That's bluefin tuna. The stuff that comes in cans in the United States is albacore tuna. Albacore is less overfished than bluefin, the latter of which is more highly prized in Japan. I believe bluefin is the one that is widely illegally fished in Japan.
"About two-thirds of the world's tuna comes from the Pacific, but bluefin tuna accounts for only about 1% of this."
Yes I know, but the above is the more important point, sorry I should have quoted it. The amount of tuna fished from the Pacific (67%)! is way too much to be sustainable.
Moreover, you know tuna is extremely overfished right? This helps explain the price of that can you bought going up. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jan/09/overfishi...