GoInstant offers a hierarchical key-value store that is synchronized between all users inside your application. We offer a couple of mechanisms when last-to-write is not sufficient.
You can use set overwrite[1] (similar to redis SETNX) with key expiry[2] to create locks and then leverage our ACL[3] to secure[4] which users and groups can modify the data.
We are currently planning to implement MVCC based transactions and operational transformation primitives into our core Key interface. I can't say when these features will be ready, but we definitely want to get to them!
You can use set overwrite[1] (similar to redis SETNX) with key expiry[2] to create locks and then leverage our ACL[3] to secure[4] which users and groups can modify the data.
We are currently planning to implement MVCC based transactions and operational transformation primitives into our core Key interface. I can't say when these features will be ready, but we definitely want to get to them!
https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/javascript_api/key/set.h... https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/javascript_api/key/expir... https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/guides/creating_and_mana... https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/overview/security.html