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GoAngular - build realtime, collaborative apps with AngularJS and GoInstant (goinstant.com)
73 points by franciso on Oct 22, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 41 comments

GoInstant is like firebase, realtime db in the cloud.

Not golang related as I can tell.

Something related to golang would have been called golangular ;)

That's a shame. I'm just writing a Go + Angular app and got a little excited for a moment.

This looks awesome.

I just signed up for GoInstant, won't have time to play with it for a bit but now the signup email should remind me :)

Thanks Tehwebguy, I'd love to hear your feedback once you've had that 'reminder' ;)

submitting the blue "get updated" signup just went to a 404 for me.


We'll take a look ASAP, thanks for letting us know.

I would love to use this for the app I am building, only thing thats preventing me from using this is, I already have some data , and I need a way to use my exiisting data ( may be offering an import solution would serve the purpose )

We are preparing to launch an API in the coming weeks that will allow you to import(and export) your data into GoInstant. We'd love to give you a sneak peak by giving you access to the beta. If you're interested please drop me an email (available in my profile).

Why do these kind of tools have tendency to appear on HN about a month too late? :)

WebSocket book(oracle press) at the beginning of this month, TogetherJS a few days ago and now GoAngular/Instant. For me the timing couldn't have been better. TogetherJS has references to hosting your own server, but I couldn't find something similar on GoInstant. I am still digging around on their site though.

BTW, what did you end up doing? Did you build something of your own? Any gotchas you would like to share? I am investigating if Nginx will co-operate with the websocket connections and what will be the price of maintaining live connections to a bunch of clients. I am kind of inclined to build and run my own server...

You don't need a server, we offer our realtime collaborative stack as a service. We're cooking something up right now similar to TogetherJS, if you'd like a sneak peak drop me a email (in my profile).

If you want to build and host your own realtime application take a look at HAProxy (tcp mode in 1.4) for load balancing the incoming websocket connections to your application stack. There has been a lot of success using Node.js with engine.io, socket.io, or take a look at the meta Primus module.

Thanks a lot for all the pointers. Really appreciate it.

BTW any plans to zero-in on the pricing anytime soon? I saw that for one app you will always keep it free, but it will be nice to know what happens beyond that..

We're working on pricing now. No timetable at the moment, but you do get 1 app for free. We know its really important and we're working on it now.

We'd be happy to talk to you further about it and get your feedback.

No worries. I will keep following it up on your website. Thanks,

Check out Nombo[1]. I'm looking forward to trying it at the weekend.

[1]: http://nombo.io/

Hey Tzaman, we wish we could have brought it to you sooner,

I'd like to believe it will make you so efficient, you'll make up ground :)

I will certainly give it a shot - right now we are using pusher and manually pushing updated object both ways. Not very efficient but it works.

Because you didn't post them a month ago.

I think DerbyJS appeared on HN a year ago.

I don't understand what GoInstant does, the "How it Works" page tells me nothing. How does the real time functionality work? Is it MVCC, Operational Transformation, just a locking protocol?

GoInstant offers a hierarchical key-value store that is synchronized between all users inside your application. We offer a couple of mechanisms when last-to-write is not sufficient.

You can use set overwrite[1] (similar to redis SETNX) with key expiry[2] to create locks and then leverage our ACL[3] to secure[4] which users and groups can modify the data.

We are currently planning to implement MVCC based transactions and operational transformation primitives into our core Key interface. I can't say when these features will be ready, but we definitely want to get to them!

https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/javascript_api/key/set.h... https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/javascript_api/key/expir... https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/guides/creating_and_mana... https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/overview/security.html

Any plans to offer security rules similar to Firebase? Really love what you're doing but that's a deal-breaker for me unfortunately..

We currently have a comprehensive security model in place which is detailed in our developer documentation at https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/overview/security.html.

We offer fine-grained access control lists that work with our authentication mechanism that gives the developer the ability to determine exactly which users and groups can modify data. You can read more about our ACL implementation at https://developers.goinstant.com/v1/guides/creating_and_mana....

Security is a huge priority for us and will continue to be moving forward, we will continue to work towards building features that enable and documentation that focuses on building secure realtime applications using our Platform.

Yeah how does this compare to firebase?

So is GoInstant a javascript wrapper around an XMPP service? I wonder if they use ejabberd.

We're built on a custom architecture and internal protocol, it allows us to internalize a lot of concerns.


Nice work guys - Looks very slick!

How does this differ from Firebase?

what's the difference between this and parse?

sounds like angularjs with golang backend,kind of irritating :/

My first impression is that it is like extending the two-way binding of AngularJS across the wire. Not sure though...

That is pretty much bang on Kops :)



so it's an instant way of hosting go? I think not.

GoInstant isn't related to Go (the programming language), just has "Go" in the name of the company. It's a realtime, collaborative stack.

totally agree with you, but why take the name GoAngular? now a protect that ties go and angular can't be called goangular

Sure it can.

They can call it GoLangular

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