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Oh, nice, you are right, should be compiled against OS' key storage. Actually it's wget who often doesn't care of that.

Um, GNU wget does check the key, and it requires the lengthy `--no-check-certificate` to disable it.

Perhaps busybox wget doesn't check the key? But if you're using busybox, that's a whole other can of worms.

Wget does not validate certificates by default because there's no CA bundle provided with wget. It does check for /etc/ssl/cert.pem, but it doesn't provide one. So you have to provide one or set up /etc/ssl/certs/ as OpenSSL libraries expect.

Curl does provide a CA bundle (/usr/share/curl/ca-bundle.crt) and by default libcurl validates certs against it.

cURL doesn't provide a CA bundle any more [1], it's the job of your OS to provide this. As I understand it, all tools that provide SSL support will fail safe if there are no root CAs on your system. [1] http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html

Though, to be fair:

    $ pacman -Qi ca-certificates | grep 'Required By'
    Required By    : ca-certificates-java  curl  glib-networking  neon  qca  qt4
Note that curl is on that list but wget isn't.

Pacman lists ca-certificates as an optional requirement of wget: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/wget/

But the point halfasleep is making is important: Don't assume either wget or curl will validate your SSL connection because it may not have been set up by your OS/distribution.

I wasn't that wrong then. ;)

They do still provide a bundle[1] though, for cases where you need it (eg homebrew's curl-ca-bundle package).

  [1]: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html

Wget has the --no-check-certificate flag, I've had to use it to work with self-signed certs before.


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