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I see no reason not to use a password manager (ex: keychain on macos) to keep different usernames and passwords for each account. It is very little overhead (at least with keychain).

And yes I mean different user names even if it is required to be a valid email id. If you use gmail, you can use "yourid+RandomNumberOrAnything@gmail.com" as the email address. This is additional protection against remote hackers since guessing the account name of one account doesn't get you the names of accounts on other services.

And yes ABSOLUTELY NO reason to not have 2 factor auth for your google account.

You didn't really read the article about what happened did you? It didn't really come down to the email address especially since part of it was concealed. This came down to both companies letting you do things over the phone with minimal personal information.

This is merely things that I practice that I think may be useful to some. I did read the full article and not just this one all the others including Matt Cuts post on 2fa. The companies are to blame, yes, but the "victim" is also responsible to some extent. "Only the paranoid survive." (I think that's by Andy Grove).

Honan owned up to not backing up, for example. Would it have been an "epic hack" if he could restore up to date data because he had a time machine backup?

Please, take your time to understand what happened before blaming the victim.

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