You know what would actually kill for saving on log data? Being forced to use an efficient format. Instead of serializing string literals to text and sending all those bytes on each log, require that log message templates be registered in a schema, and then a byte or two can replace the text part of the message.
Log message template parameters would have to be fully represented in the message, it would be way too much work to register the arbitrary values that get thrown in there.
Next logical step is to serialize to something more efficient than JSON— should be dead simple, it’s a template followed by N values to sub into the template, could be a proprietary format, or just use something like protobuf.
It’s better than compression, because the data that was being compressed (full text of log message template) is just not even present. You could still see gains from compressing the entire message, in case it has text template values that would benefit from it.
I get it, we lost human readability, which may be too big of a compromise for some, but we accomplish the main goal of “make logs smaller” without losing data (individually timestamped events). Besides, this could be made up for with a really nice log viewer client.
I’m sure this all exists already to some degree and I just look dumb, but look dumb I will.
We log TBs per hour and grep is enough for me to find interesting data quite effectively.
The problem with weird log formats is recreating all the neat stuff you can do with tooling not necessarily just being able to open a file in a text editor.
I think this is a really good point. A logging system could theoretically toggle "text" mode on and off, giving human readable logs in development and small scale deployments.
> In fact, I'm going to build a toy one in python!
I suggest building it as a normal python logging handler instead of totally custom, that way you don't need a "text" toggle and it can be used without changing any existing standard python logging code. Only requires one tweak to the idea: Rather than a template table at the start of the file, have two types of log entries and add each template the first time it's used.
Drawback is having to parse the whole file to find all the templates, but you could also do something like putting the templates into a separate file to avoid that...
I am writing code on my machine, running one query at a time. I can easily view the logs and spend a lot of time looking at them.
I am running test suites, running thousands of queries. It's harder, but I will still view the logs around failures.
Then I am taking the very code, and pushing it to prod. Should my logs be suddenly completely different in this case?
(The right answer of course is to have "log-to-text formatter", either running in-process or as a separate post-processing step. But it better produce nice-looking, human-readable logs, or every format will be "Message: %s" )
I once created a library (now bit rotted) that did all the things you suggested plus some: schema, binary representation, changing date times to offsets from the first record's date time, abbreviating common strings like hostnames etc.
There were a bunch of problems/irritants mostly stemming from the fact that the format become stateful. Every log needed to have a schema (or repository) available. Abbreviations and date offsets meant that the log contained meta information ... for example, assignment of a compact abbreviation to a string in anticipation of using that abbreviation from that point on. This meant that the log could not be arbitrarily lopped off.
And to my chagrin, I found that simply gzipping a json stream made it almost as compact! That's when I figured it wasn't worth it. I'd probably have investigated more if there was CPU or memory bandwidth pressure in that situation (due to creating more data just to compress it).
I started developing a tracing/span library that does just this: log messages are "global" (to a system/org) hierarchical "paths" + timestamp + a tagged union. The tagged union method allows you to have zero or more internal parameters that can be injected into a printf (or similar style) format string when printing, but the message itself is only a few bytes.
The benefits to this approach is it's dramatically easier to index and cheaper to store at any scale.
One thing I think people don't appreciate about logging efficiency is it enables you to log and store more and I think many don't appreciate how much even modest amounts of text logs can bog down systems. You can't read anything, but you filters easy and powerful and you can't filter something that doesn't exist.
Another thing people won’t appreciate is ANY amount of friction when they “just want to log something real quick”. Which has merit, you’re debugging some garbage, and need to log something out in production because it’s dumb, harmless, quick, and will tell you exactly what you need. That’s why I think you need a sort of fallback as well, for something like this to capture enough mindshare.
How did your solution work out in terms of adoption by others? Was it a large team using it? What did those people say? Really curious!
It doesn't really replace something like print-line debugging, but the type of system that benefits/can use print-line debugging would see no benefit from a structured logging approach either. The systems I'm targeting are producing logs that get fed into multi-petabyte Elasticsearch clusters.
To answer your question: the prototype was never finished, but the concepts were adapted to a production version and is used for structured events in a semi-embedded system at my work.
> should be dead simple, it’s a template followed by N values to sub into the template,
CSV without fixed columns would be fine for that.
> require that log message templates be registered in a schema, and then a byte or two can replace the text part of the message.
Pre-registering is annoying to handle, and compression already de-duplicates these very well. Alternatively the logger can track every template logged in this file so far, and assign it an integer on the fly.
> You know what would actually kill for saving on log data? Being forced to use an efficient format.
Logging is unstructured and free-form by design. The observability events that can be expressed with a fixed format are metrics events, which are already serialized in a trivial format. See line formats from services like Statsd.
Was going to point out the same thing - the original article's solution is losing timestamps and possibly ordering. They also are losing some compressibility by converting to a structured format (JSON). And if they actually include a lot of UUIDs (their diagram is vague on what transaction IDs look like), then good luck - those don't compress very well.
I worked at a magnificent 7 company that compressed a lot of logs; we found that zstd actually did the best all-around job back in 2021 after a lot of testing.
We have a process monitor that basically polls ps output and writes it to JSON. We see ~30:1 compression using zstd on a ZFS dataset that stores these logs.
Many commenters seem unenthusiastic about this approach, but it seems like it solves some useful problems for my typical use cases.
Regarding dropped timestamps: if log order is preserved within an aggregation, that would be sufficient for me. I'm less concerned with millisecond precision and more interested in sequence. I'm making a big assumption that aggregation would be limited to relatively short time horizons on the order of seconds, not minutes.
Grouping related logs sounds like a big win to me in general. Certainly I can perform the same kind of filtering manually in a log viewer, but having logs grouped by common properties by default sounds like it would make logs easier to scan.
I've never been involved in billing for logging services so I can't comment on the efficiency gains of log aggregation vs zstd or gzip as proposed by some other commenters.
Shipping and diving logs is a bad idea for anything other than last line debug defence.
If you're going to agregate your logs, you're much better off converting them to metrics _on device_. it makes comparison much easier, and storage and pensioning trivial.
It doesn't need to happen on device, just upstream of storage (and as close to the source as possible to minimise transport overheads). Most of the OTel collectors are good at this, but IMO Grafana Alloy is particularly neat.
This works for when you cannot change the log source too (e.g. third party component or even legacy hardware that may be syslog only).
Metrics are useless in my experience for figuring out a problem. For the most part they only tell you that you have a problem. Being able to slice and dice logs that you have faith in is critical in my experience.
My problem with this is handling malformed logs (which is exactly the logs you are the most interested in).
If you process logs in a smart way you have to have assumptions about them. When the assumptions are broken the data might get missing (or you can lose the correlation between logs that are close together).
That's why I prefer raw unprocessed logs.
For example let's imagine you have a bug with stale transaction id in the first example. You probably won't notice when it's grouped by transactionId. If it's raw logs you might notice the order of the logs is wrong.
Or maybe the grouping key is missing and your throw NPE and crash the app or skip that line of logs. I've seen both happen when I got too fancy with logging (we had async logger that logged by inserting into a db).
The multi-line case can usually be fixed with simple configuration changes to a structured log format.
The other cases are more interesting, and pre-aggregation of all logs related to a correlation ID can be really helpful when debugging a specific incident, but it does seem like this proposal is the same basic trade-off around size and performance as with virtually any form of compression.
I have a persistent mental nag that the way we do logging always seems so inefficient: that theoretically no application should ever be outputting actual text messages, because logs are basically fixed strings + formatting data.
So in theory we could uniquely identify all logs as a much more compact binary representation + a lookup table we ship with the executable.
Yep, every actually efficient logging system does it that way. It is the only way you can log fast enough to saturate memory bandwidth or output billions of logs per core-second.
Microsoft had a poorly documented tool called tracewpp that did this. Blindingly fast logging with very little runtime overhead.
It was hard to figure out how to use it without documentation so it wasn’t very popular. No idea if they still ship it in the DDK.
It was a preprocessor that converted logging macros into string table references so there was no runtime formatting. You decoded the binary logs with another tool after the fact.
Vaguely remember some open source cross platform tool that did something similar but the name escapes me now.
I think the Windows event log works like this. Sadly it's very opaque and difficult to use for non admin apps (you need admin rights to install your logs for the first time. Afterwards you can run with less privileges.)
If you're thinking of ETW (event tracing for Windows) and not the actual Windows EventLog itself, then you're right. traceWPP used ETW under the hood to record logging as ETW events in a file.
The Windows Event Log also used (uses?) this idea of pre-defined messages and you just supplied an event ID and data to fill in the blanks in the message.
Originally there was only one system-wide application event log and you needed to be admin to install your message definitions but it all changed in Vista (IIRC). I'd lost interest by then so I don't know how it works now. I do know that the event log viewer is orders of magnitude slower than it was before the refit.
It’s not the same system. The message catalog based method requires entering your message strings in .mc files during compilation. It is an aid for localization and display is up to the application as to time and method of output.
ETW is for high speed general purpose logging of low-level events with multiple collection mechanisms including realtime capture.
> It was a preprocessor that converted logging macros into string table references so there was no runtime formatting. You decoded the binary logs with another tool after the fact.
Is be curious how that stacks up against something like zstd with a predefined dictionary.
Compression is only ever as good as the information it is given, if given text, it can do an OK job using general entropy encoding. However, most data is not text, even log data is not text. Log data is timestamps, numbers, enums, indices, guids, text, etc. Each of those categories, combined with how they are layed out, can be compressed in different optimal ways, resulting in different optimal compression ratios based on your specific log format. As a simple example, compressing 3D meshes as meshes is an order of magnitude better than compressing 3D meshes as text.
Sure, zipping your logs gives you a LOT, and you should do it, but if the result disappoints it is not the end of the road, at all.
Isn't compression the best general purpose solution with theoretical guarantees? I mean a simple huffman coding could easily extract the key-values (where the repeated keys will be candidates for compression) relationship and compress it. But if you want to extract more juice, then that implies knowing the datatypes of strings themselves. It would be like types for logs and not messing those up.
In most modern distributed tracing, "observability", or similar systems the write amplification is typically 100:1 because of these overheads.
For example, in Azure, every log entry includes a bunch of highly repetitive fields in full, such as the resource ID, "Azure" as the source system, the log entry Type, the source system, tenant, etc...
A single "line" is typically over a kilobyte, but often the interesting part is maybe 4 to 20 bytes of actual payload data. Sending this involves HTTP overheads as well such as the headers, authentication, etc...
Most vendors in this space charge by the gigabyte, so as you can imagine they have zero incentive to improve on this.
Even for efficient binary logs such as the Windows performance counters, I noticed that second-to-second they're very highly redundant.
I once experimented with a metric monitor that could collect 10,000-15,000 metrics per server per second and use only about 100MB of storage per host... per year.
The trick was to simply binary-diff the collected metrics with some light "alignment" so that groups of related metrics would be at the same offsets. Almost all numbers become zero, and compress very well.
You never send a single individual log event per HTTP request, you always batch them up. Assuming some reasonable batch size per request (minimum ~1MiB or so) there is rarely any meaningful difference in payload size between gzipped/zstd/whatever JSON bytes, and any particular binary encoding format you might prefer.
Most log collection systems do not compress logs as they send them, because again, why would they? This would instantly turn their firehose of revenue cash down to a trickle. Any engineer suggesting such a feature would be disciplined at best, fired at worst. Even if their boss is naive to the business realities and approves the idea, it turns out that it's weirdly difficult in HTTP to send compressed requests. See:
HTTP/2 would also improve efficiency because of its built-in header compression feature, but again, I've not seen this used much.
The ideal would be to have some sort of "session" cookie associated with a bag of constants, slowly changing values, and the schema for the source tables. Send this once a day or so, and then send only the cookie followed by columnar data compressed with RLE and then zstd. Ideally in a format where the server doesn't have to apply any processing to store the data apart from some light verification and appending onto existing blobs. I.e.: make the whole thing compatible with Parquet, Avro, or something other than just sending uncompressed JSON like a savage.
Most systems _do_ compress request payloads on the wire, because the cost-per-byte in transit over those wires is almost always frictional and externalized.
They will compress over the wire, but then decompress and ingest counting billing for uncompressed data. After that, an interesting thing will happen, because they will compress the data along other interesting techniques to minimize the size of the data on their premises. Cant blame them... they're just trying to cut costs but the fact that they are charging so much for something that is so easily compressible is just... not fair.
We should distinct between compression in transit and at rest. Compressing a larger corpus should yield better results in comparison to smaller chunks because dictionaries can be reused (zstd for example)
The answer to "this thing is horrendously inefficient because of misaligned incentives" isn't to be frugal with the thing, but to make it efficient, ideally by aligning incentives.
Open source monitoring software will eventually blow the proprietary products out of the water because when you're running something yourself, the cost per gigabyte is now just your own cost and not a profit centre line item for someone else.
I've built a logging system like that, in an embedded context, and defmt ( is an open-source implementation of the same context. What's most handy about it is that logging continuous sensor data and logging events can both use the same framework.
It depends on your use case. If you're looking to have a set of data that you can search through, sure. If you're looking to tail the log while working on things, having it output in plain text is very handy.
IPv6 is used internally a lot more than externally, so I would expect to see a LOT of commonality in the network ID fraction of the addresses- essentially all the bits of representing your IPv6 network ID get reduced to the number of bits in a compression token, in the worst case. In the moderate case, you get a few chatty machines (DNS servers and the like) where the whole address is converted to a single compression token. In the best case, you get that AND a lot of repetition in the rest of the message, and you reduce most of each message to a single compression token.
It's hard to explain if you haven't actually experimented with it, but modern variants of LZ compression are miraculous. It's like compilers- your intuition tells you hand tuned assembly is better, but compilers know crazy tricks and that intuition is almost always wrong. Same with compressors- they don't look at data the same way you do, and they work way better than your intuition thinks they would.
The obvious answer is a relational structure. In the given example, host, status, path and target should be separate relations. They'll all be tiny ones, a few rows each.
Of course, performance etc are a separate story but as far as the shape of the data goes, that's what the solution is
I'm wondering how this would compare to compressing the logs with Broli and a custom dictionary.
I would imagine the size reduction would be much better than the 40% Kevin showed with his approach.
As for volume, I don't know if volume is a problem. With logs I either need to look at one log entry to get it's details, a small handful to see a pattern, or aggregate statistics.
I can do all of those things wether the volume is 1x, 100x, or 100000x.
In other words, size matters to me, but I don't care about volume.
On the other hand, for cases when we use tools that charge for uncompressed size or message count, then Kevin's approach could be a useful cost-saving measure.
IME, I've found sampling simpler to reason about, and with the sampling rate part of the message, deriving metrics from logs works pretty well.
The example in the article is a little contrived. Healthchecks often originate from multiple hosts and/or logs contain the remote address+port, leading to each log message being effectively unique. So sure, one could parse the remote address into remote_address= remote_port=64780 and then decide to drop the port in the aggregation, but is it worth the squeeze?
If a service emits a log event, then that log event should be visible in your logging system. Basic stuff. Sampling fails this table-stakes requirement.
It's reasonable to drop logs beyond some window of time -- a year, say -- but I'm not sure why you'd ever sample log events. Metric samples, maybe! Log data, no point.
> It's reasonable to drop logs beyond some window of time -- a year, say [...]
That's reasonable in a reasonable environment. Alas, I worked in large legacy enterprises (like banks etc) where storage space is at much more of a premium for reasons.
You are right that sampling naively works better for metrics.
For logs you can still sample, but in a saner way: so instead of dropping each log line with an independent probability, you'll want correlation. Eg for each log file for each hour only flip one weighted coin to decide whether you want to keep the whole thing.
Metrics can be sampled, because metrics by definition represent some statistically summarize-able set of observations of related events, whose properties are preserved even when those observations are aggregated over time. That aggregation doesn't result in loss of information. At worst, it results in loss of granularity.
That same key property is not true for logs. Logs cannot be aggregated without loss of information. By definition. This isn't up for debate. You can collect logs into groups, based on similar properties, and you can decide that some of those groups are more or less important, based on some set of heuristics or decisions you can make in your system or platform or whatever. And you can decide that some of those groups can be dropped (sampled) according to some set of rules defined somewhere. But any and all of those decisions result in loss of information. You can say that that lost information isn't important or relevant, according to your own guidelines, and that's fine, but you're still losing information.
If you have finite storage, you need to do something. A very simple rule is to just drop everything older than a threshold. (Or another simple rule: you keep x GiB of information, and drop the oldest logs until you fit into that size limit.)
A slightly more complicated rules is: drop your logs with increasing probability as they age.
With any rule, you will lose information. Yes. Obviously. Sampling metrics also loses information.
The question is what's the best (or a good enough) trade-off for your use case.
> If you have finite storage, you need to do something.
> A very simple rule is to just drop everything older than a threshold.
Yep, makes sense.
> (Or another simple rule: you keep x GiB of information, and drop the oldest logs until you fit into that size limit.)
Same thing, it seems like.
> A slightly more complicated rules is: drop your logs with increasing probability as they age.
This doesn't really make sense to me. Logs aren't probabilistic. If something happened on 2024-11-01T12:01:01Z, and I have logs for that timestamp, then I should be able to see that thing which happened at that time.
> Sampling metrics also loses information.
I mean, literally not, right? Metrics are explicitly the pillar of observability which can aggregate over time without loss of information. You never need to sample metric data. You just aggregate at whatever layers exist in your system. You can roll-up metric data from whatever input granularity D1 to whatever output granularity e.g. 10·D1, and that "loses" information in some sense, I guess, but the information isn't really lost, it's just made more coarse, or less specific. It's not in any way the same as sampling of e.g. log data, which literally deletes information. Right?
Log message template parameters would have to be fully represented in the message, it would be way too much work to register the arbitrary values that get thrown in there.
Next logical step is to serialize to something more efficient than JSON— should be dead simple, it’s a template followed by N values to sub into the template, could be a proprietary format, or just use something like protobuf.
It’s better than compression, because the data that was being compressed (full text of log message template) is just not even present. You could still see gains from compressing the entire message, in case it has text template values that would benefit from it.
I get it, we lost human readability, which may be too big of a compromise for some, but we accomplish the main goal of “make logs smaller” without losing data (individually timestamped events). Besides, this could be made up for with a really nice log viewer client.
I’m sure this all exists already to some degree and I just look dumb, but look dumb I will.