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For those who haven't encountered the term before: "traffic violence" is another way of describing "car accidents" that emphasize that injury due to automobiles is not inevitable and should be worked to be eliminated.

I do find it hard to believe rockson doesn't know anyone who has been involved in a car accident if they live in the US.

Hey, I want to thank you, erikaww, and underbiding for pointing me at a great research topic: a big rock I can turn over and see what's slithering around under there:


It's a propaganda device. Should we rename plane accidents to "plane violence" since they are not inevitable and should be reduced?

Hmm yeah plane failures are totally as pervasive as traffic violence

Calling it propaganda is also crazy. Like you want people to keep dying this way? Great way to show your true colors pal

Classic propaganda device: if you're against calling X "Y", you must be in favor of X.

"Traffic violence" is not a thing. Call them "traffic accidents" as we always have, and we can move on.

And then, of course, bicyclists often run into other bicyclists, or into pedestrians. So now there's "bicycle violence"?

Soccer players often get injured, or get into fights. So there's "soccer violence"?

How about workplace accidents? They are also not inevitable and should be reduced. Are they "workplace violence"? Clearly not, that already means something else.

That is why it is accurate to call "traffic violence" a propaganda device.

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