Flutter is not bad, but I hesitate diving into it based upon who controls it. Using a Google product feels like you're in constant threat of it just disappearing.
It also still has all the remnants of mobile and fingers and not desktop and mouse. Support for improving this is non-existent in my experience.
If this takes off it is only a matter of time before someone creates a rust based engine around this framework that does not rely on Google. For now, one pro of google maintaining flutter is that they also maintain android.
Why conflate Google's customer facing products with their OSS technology contributions? It seems a weird comparison to make, as if their sales and marketing departments are the ones behind technology decisions.
Angular came out of Google and hasn't gone anywhere. Also GoLang.. even GWT was supported well past its prime and is now maintained by the community. What evidence is there that they abandon languages and frameworks?
> Angular came out of Google and hasn't gone anywhere.
I think you actually answered your own question.
The difference is that Angular was already a hugely adopted and relatively simple piece of technology (the difference between a JavaScript framework and all the moving parts and pieces of Flutter/Dart is huge)
Since the latter doesn’t have anywhere near the investment outside Google it’s not a fair comparison. The fear that if Google drops it, it will die are legitimate.
> The fear that if Google drops it, it will die are legitimate
I'm not trying to argue against the fact it would die or not. I'm mainly trying to understand why people think Google would abandon it. Abandoning Google Reader and abandoning Flutter or GoLang are _not_ the same in my eyes, and I can't think of any cases where Google has abandoned a technology rather than a consumer facing product in this fashion.
It also still has all the remnants of mobile and fingers and not desktop and mouse. Support for improving this is non-existent in my experience.