Hi, I made a bridge (
https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge v2.0.0) between Flutter and Rust, which auto translates syntaxes like arbitrary types, &mut, async, traits, results, closure (callback), lifetimes, etc. The goal is to make a bridge between the two, seamlessly as if working in one single language.
Then, as an example, I showed how to write Rust applications with GUI by utilizing Flutter. That is discussed in the link in details.
To play with it, please visit the GitHub repo, or refer to the end of the article for detailed folders and commands.
When I first released 1.0.0 years ago, it only contained few features compared to today. It is the result of the hard work of contributors and me, and many thanks to all the contributors!
Upgrading from v1 to v2 was not too difficult and v2 is a significant upgrade with lots of useful features, massively improved codegen experience and support for tokio async were the big gamechangers for me.
Writing all the app business logic in Rust and using Dart as the front-end works out really well. I know Flutter/Dart doesn't get much love here on HN but in my opinion I think it's much easier to reason about than a system like React which I think is the wrong level of abstraction compared to Flutter's render the entire widget tree approach.
Massive thanks to @fzyzcjy for all the work on FRB, great job!
[0]: https://saveoursecrets.com