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This has to be satire.

"Do the wrong thing unless it's for you, in which case ship it earlier", "your job is to make you feel good about what you put in your CV", and other amazing quotes.

The only thing of value in the whole comment is saying to not get too attached to any job or worry too much if you get fired, but even the reason given for it is wrong. Incredible to realize I probably work alongside a few people with the same adversarial attitude.

Some people do like to live life in the wrong game theory quadrant.

No, everyone lives life in the same "game theory quadrant" whatever that means. People primarily play for themselves including you, some people are just more aware of this fact than others. And also its still always rational to defect.

That's not true, I have many examples I've seen of people putting themselves second. Of course everyone has these thoughts and actions and needs to reflect and be self aware, but it's not true that everyone is just always out for themselves, in fact that's the type of world view that leads people into the wrong quadrant and it's a bit of a depressing world view. I think you understood exactly what I meant by wrong quadrant, from your reply.

Don't you know anyone that donates money? Or that volunteers their time? Or that doesn't use all their deductions when doing taxes? Haven't you read stories about people who anonymously donate kidneys? There's so many examples - and the only way for your world view to "work" is if all of them only do these things for selfish reasons.

At some point one has to acknowledge and believe in good and cooperation and decide if they mostly want to try and operate in coop mode or in selfish mode, but the more you believe others are likely to choose coop, the more like you are to do the same. So you need to start from the belief that good and coop are things other people will also choose. Your world view prevents this "from the start".

I understood that you were referring to the prisoners dilemma, but I dont understand or agree with your idea of living in a quadrant. Everyone lives with the same game theory, difference arises from individual incentives and indivdual intelligence/rationality. But ultimately everyone seeks the nash.

Donating money? Volunteering? Even donating a kidney can all categorically be understood in terms of individual gain.

I'll drop in here and say that donating a kidney is an excellent relatively low risk thing you can do that has the power to transform someone's life. Here [0] is an excellent article telling one persons' story.

[0]: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/my-left-kidney

Last i researched, donating a kidney affects your quality of life extra-ordinarily. for eg you can't eat the same way, can't exercise/move around the same way and also you might have permanent complications from the surgery. i MIGHT consider it for a close relative but for a stranger? that would require some real mental gymnastics.

From what I know, this isn't true. Nutritionally, the only thing you need to avoid is high-protein diets. You can exercise just fine after a 6 week recovery period.

Of course, it's impossible to predict complications. Some donors have died on the operating table. The risk of complication is very low, though.

If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer.


* https://www.livingdonorgames.org/

* https://www.kidneyregistry.org/for-donors/kidney-donation-bl...

* https://www.kidneyregistry.org/for-donors/i-want-to-learn-mo...

yeah id rather not cut out my literal organs for some random person thousands of miles away.

come the f on u for real?

In the US there are ~20,000 live kidney donations every year. ~200 of those are to stranger (the rest going to somebody the person knows).

There's more information about living kidney donation here: http://waitlistzero.org/living-donation/risks/

Which part of his comment was satire exactly?

He mentioned that your job as Software Engineer is to focus on Software quality and push against on unreasonable deadlines. It is NOT your job to make sure the company is hitting its sales targets, that's the management's job.

If you think this is satire, you are in the wrong profession and frankly I'm amazed that on a website called Hacker news, people are attacking parent for this advise. Then again, perhaps not since most people here are focused on startups churning out products with unreasonable deadlines.

No wonder no one takes Software seriously if _this_ is the attitude from the self proclaimed "Engineers" themselves..

it's just written in such an over the top, office-space, Dilbert-esque, somebody's-got-a-case-of-the-Mondays style that it's hard to take seriously. Yeah, don't write absolute trash code, but also don't spend three years architecting the most beautiful, most modular code and run out of money before you ship; you ain't gonna need it. If you're programming from a place that's so far removed from customers that you don't care about sales, what are you even doing? Just writing code for the sake of writing code? If the only person you're writing code for is yourself, that's fine. this is the Internet age and there are a ton of unbelievably awesome passion projects out there, like that engine noise one. But the rest of us are writing code for some sort of purpose which involves other people using the product that the code is being written for, and sometimes money changes hands.

There's software quality, and there's that one guy who over-engineer's everything and just loves writing frameworks and never ships actual product. Without seeing actual demands and code, it's impossible to know which of the two categories they fit into, but it reads like the latter of the two.

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