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it's just written in such an over the top, office-space, Dilbert-esque, somebody's-got-a-case-of-the-Mondays style that it's hard to take seriously. Yeah, don't write absolute trash code, but also don't spend three years architecting the most beautiful, most modular code and run out of money before you ship; you ain't gonna need it. If you're programming from a place that's so far removed from customers that you don't care about sales, what are you even doing? Just writing code for the sake of writing code? If the only person you're writing code for is yourself, that's fine. this is the Internet age and there are a ton of unbelievably awesome passion projects out there, like that engine noise one. But the rest of us are writing code for some sort of purpose which involves other people using the product that the code is being written for, and sometimes money changes hands.

There's software quality, and there's that one guy who over-engineer's everything and just loves writing frameworks and never ships actual product. Without seeing actual demands and code, it's impossible to know which of the two categories they fit into, but it reads like the latter of the two.

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