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Treehouse is my fourth company and I've been running a 4-day week with all my teams since 2007.

I have a pretty good sense, based on experience, whether someone is a good hire or not. You often know within 30 days.

Major props on pulling off the 4-day week. I hope it catches on.

My criticism was limited to your early declaration of victory on your hiring binge. The bottom line is that you can't know if someone is going to end up ROI positive until they actually get there. After 30 days you can tell if someone is a good dude and they can get stuff done, but you can't tell if some other company will come along in 2 months and poach him. Shit happens.

By building a strong culture you are taking good steps to minimize the chances of losing people, but you won't really know if you've succeeded with these hires until they are a net positive.

You shouldn't hire someone unless they are going to add value to the business. If you're not sure about that then you shouldn't be giving them a job.

But hiring comes at a cost. Recruiting, on boarding, and getting new employees up to speed all cost money and resources. My only point is employees need to stay long enough to recoup those losses.

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