It's definitely Art, in that it is making a statement, provoking a response, etc.
But, it's just a nearly continuous sound, except for the pitch change every few years.
It's a Sound, but it's not Music.
If you were to argue that it is Music, I would ask, "Which part of the piece is your favorite? Why do you prefer it to the other parts?" Trying to answer these questions with a straight face becomes difficult.
If this is Music, then is it possible to make an art installation which has making Sound as its primary focus, and have it not be Music?
My opinion has always been that intent is what turns something from sound to music, or from non-art to art. I might pose the question back to you. At what tempo does the piece go from being music to being sound?
It's definitely Art, in that it is making a statement, provoking a response, etc. But, it's just a nearly continuous sound, except for the pitch change every few years.
It's a Sound, but it's not Music.
If you were to argue that it is Music, I would ask, "Which part of the piece is your favorite? Why do you prefer it to the other parts?" Trying to answer these questions with a straight face becomes difficult.
If this is Music, then is it possible to make an art installation which has making Sound as its primary focus, and have it not be Music?