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Alyx was really good (though I'm a wuss and couldn't finish it) but not a continuation of the cliffhanger that we've been sitting on for 16 years since episode 2.

Mild HL:ALyx spoiler: If you'd actually finished the game, you'd know that it does continue that cliffhanger (briefly)

Cliffhanger A swapped with Cliffhanger B

When/if HL3 is announced, I actually believe it might break parts of the internet.

A decade ago, yes. Valve was riding high on the dual successes of Dota 2 and Portal 2, we were only 6 years out from HL2Ep2, and CS:GO was newly released.

Today, not so much. Aside from a prequel, the series had been dormant for as longer than it had been alive (11 years alive 1998-2007, 13 years dormant 2007-2020), and the prequel required a pricey hardware peripheral to run. It’d get attention, but it wouldn’t be that big of a deal at this point.

*interquel - Alyx takes place after HL1.

No spoilers then, but the ending of Alyx does retcon the old cliffhanger.

I need to just watch a lets play at some point

> the ending of Alyx does retcon the old cliffhanger.

that's semi-disappointing, if for no other reason than that they'd do it in a game so few have the ability to actually play.

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