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It's not cool they are seemingly terminating a service I've already paid for. I say seemingly because their FAQ pressures you to opt-in to their new mail service as soon as possible and is vague on whether or not GandiMail will remain usable after November. That's BS to me; I'll transfer out even if it means paying more elsewhere.

You were already paying $2/mo for one of the "legacy" GandiMail premium 50 GB mailboxes? Yeah I can see how this looks much worse from that perspective. Your price is going to triple if you switch to the new premium mailbox.

Since I've only been paying for domain registration while using email for free, I feel that I can't complain as much, at least not in good faith.

Still, both the freebies and the paying customers get 6 months to decide which is all I can really ask for. GandiMail has plenty of room for improvement so as long as they can justify the cost increase, I'll consider staying.

I think we as customers have to manage expectations and at least let the vendor process their changes before making our decisions. That's what the 6-month period is for. If thousands of customers take flight immediately after the announcement, the rest of us might end up with a lesser service than we otherwise would've. It has to be subsidized somehow, clearly domain registration fees weren't doing the job.

I complained. Their prices are already way over what I can get on namecheap.

The free email is the only thing that kept me with them.

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