Location: Greater New York (US Citizen)
Remote: Yes (Remote Only)
Willing to relocate: No
• Web: React | TypeScript | JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | GraphQL | MongoDB | Chart.js | D3.js | Material-UI | Bootstrap | Figma | Retool
• Microsoft: .NET Core | C# | Asp.Net MVC | Web API | Linq | Entity Framework
• Data: SQL Server | NoSQL | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | CouchDB
• Cloud: AWS | Azure | GCP | Docker | IAM | S3 | EC2 | SQS | RDS | Aurora | DynamoDB | Serverless Functions
• Packages & Tools: Typegoose | Mongoose | Axios | WebPack | Babel | NPM | Git | Jenkins | Splunk | SumoLogic | Jira | Keycloak
• API Integration: Salesforce | Zoom | Google Calendar | Zuora
Email: jainrasik [at] gmail.com
Résumé/CV: https://www.rasikjain.com/resume/
Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1993944/rasik-jain
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasikjain/
Github: https://github.com/rasikjain
ABOUT: Experienced fullstack Software Engineer in React js / TypeScript / Node.js / GraphQL / MongoDB / C# / AWS / Cyber Security. Worked in different roles dealing with Product Development, Solution & Enterprise Architecture, Security & Cloud
Location: Greater New York (US Citizen)
Remote: Yes (Remote Only)
Willing to relocate: No
• Web: React | TypeScript | JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | GraphQL | MongoDB | Chart.js | D3.js | Material-UI | Bootstrap | Figma | Retool
• Microsoft: .NET Core | C# | Asp.Net MVC | Web API | Linq | Entity Framework
• Data: SQL Server | NoSQL | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | CouchDB
• Cloud: AWS | Azure | GCP | Docker | IAM | S3 | EC2 | SQS | RDS | Aurora | DynamoDB | Serverless Functions
• Packages & Tools: Typegoose | Mongoose | Axios | WebPack | Babel | NPM | Git | Jenkins | Splunk | SumoLogic | Jira | Keycloak
• API Integration: Salesforce | Zoom | Google Calendar | Zuora
Email: jainrasik [at] gmail.com
Résumé/CV: https://www.rasikjain.com/resume/
Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1993944/rasik-jain
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasikjain/
Github: https://github.com/rasikjain
ABOUT: Experienced fullstack Software Engineer in React js / TypeScript / Node.js / GraphQL / MongoDB / C# / AWS / Cyber Security. Worked in different roles dealing with Product Development, Solution & Enterprise Architecture, Security & Cloud