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> Saying something like that in real life would get you laughed at.

All you've told me here is that the people you personally associate would laugh at the idea that Tesla is a toxic brand. The world is not made up of a single social group with a single set of norms. In the groups I associate with, and no we are not blue haired SJWs I am married with a family in the suburbs and work a boring corporate job, Tesla is toxic.

Some things I try to keep in mind as much as possible:

- We are all operating from different frames of reference.

- Social networks are fundamental to our survival: people will go to great lengths to stay in the good graces of their families, friends and associates.

- "Society" is a huge tapestry of interlocking social networks, each with its own internal logic and reward systems.

- The logic and reward systems of the most powerful networks tend to leak into all the others over time to some degree.

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