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Top job boards for software devs (maxmasnick.com)
199 points by masnick on Jan 2, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

If we're saying for "for software devs", I think that http://dice.com has to be mentioned.

It's the top or a top board for contract programming.

While hn talks about start-ups a lot, we should certainly consider that a start-up is not for everyone, not even for everyone who's a good programmer.

AngelList has just launched a talent-matching service: http://angel.co/jobs.

See exactly who you'll be working with, how much you'll be making, details on equity, who has invested, etc. All from some of the choicest, funded startups.

This is awesome. Now if the site just supported faceted search..

its also interesting to see the variance in percentage stakes for the various roles.

Where would you go for embedded jobs? I realize that HN is not typically for devs who program close to the hardware but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the discussions here. I do however feel a bit lonely since I don't know RoR/Node/<anything web> but have spend years working on embedded stuff. Where's the job postings me?

I feel your pain. I've done so many different things I don't know what I am any more, so I can understand how it's hard to find someplace where people are looking for people like you.

I feel like I'm the inverse of those crazy laundry-list job ads. But maybe someday I'll find someone who needs a sysadmin-like person with a strange hybrid CS/math/science degree who has used too many languages & OSes to keep track of, even things like CAD scripting for a CNC machine, and who has managed to successfully troubleshoot weird, proprietary, undocumented systems used in a glass cutting & tempering operation, and has been called to act as a substitute factory supervisor, first aid provider & even help the maintenance techs on occasion.

But I don't know a soul who wants any of that, and I'm not quite sure what to tell people that I am any more. What do you even do with skills like mine? I guess I can at least take comfort in being currently employed.

Hello husted, Thanks for asking. I am in a similar situation. I love embedded, but also like the culture here on HN. Jim

Fellow embedded dev. here, what's a good job board for us guys?

If we had any web skills we could build our own site :-) In my part of the world positions are mostly filled by word of mouth but I guess that's true everywhere. However I'm looking to relocate to another country and I wouldn't mind working in a small shop again.

If you are thinking USA, shoot me an email. Most of my contacts are telecom and medical.

Great list, but do keep in mind of language/tech specific job boards. To give a concrete example, if I was looking for Perl developers (or to work as one) I would surely check out jobs.perl.org first. Such focused boards or mailing lists usually exist for most popular technologies and might give more solid leads. YMMV of course.

The conversation of which job boards should be added to the list is happening at https://plus.google.com/105563832196530779426/posts/4hqn8dLP.... I suggested my company there, rather than in this thread, per the OP's request.

Tossing my recently launched email list into the mix: http://startupfrontier.com

Still in it's infancy, but I'm interviewing startups that are hiring and sending out the interviews each week. The idea is to provide applicants with a more personal look inside companies, since traditional job listings are either extremely sterile or trying too hard to talk about nerf guns and foosball.

Since you're 'Asking HN' it might be appropriate to mention more explicitly about where you want the developer to be. You seem to have chosen US focused boards. Are you excluding remote developers? I think the websites that people look at are very region specific.

P.S. My favourite new thing is jobstractor.com so perhaps you should ensure that you're tweeting your job ads in a suitable manner.

thanks for the mention. I'm hoping to improve http://jobstractor.com in the new year so any feedback from HNers would be welcome.

Would it be too bad if I suggested to add http://job4dev.com to the list? Not only we have a regular way for companies to add job listings to the website, we are also aggregating all the top feeds on the "paid" list; except for LinkedIn (which never seemed to have a "hacker" focus) and authentic jobs (which seemed to be more inclined to web and graphic design). We also aggregate the job listings from the Python mailing list. Adding the same functionality to other boards is not hard at all.

Listing and companies get their own "page", where people can get more information before applying, or even help with by adding more information.

There are a couple of other "semi-features", things that I worked on for a while but never got the users to see it/test:

1) bookmarking of external listings: a place (http://job4dev.com/jobs/bookmarks) for job seekers to manage all the listings that interest them

2) Resume building.

What do you guys think about niche job boards? I run the following two of them and it's free to post there

http://jobs.pythonweekly.com/ for Python related jobs

http://jobs.nosqlweekly.com/ for NoSQL related jobs

It's Ruby only (including Rails, of course) but I've been running http://jobs.rubyinside.com/ for the last few years.

It looks formulaic on the surface (due to being run by Simply Hired) but we've run a few hundred ads from folks like Scribd, TechCrunch, Expedia and New Relic, and all listings get sent out in an issue of Ruby Weekly (10k subscribers) too.

To balance it out, the folks at http://toprubyjobs.com/ are running a Ruby and Rails job board too. It's cheaper than mine but gets you into the Ruby5 podcast I believe.

There was a TechStars company called http://grouptalent.com who sponsored the last Seattle Startup Weekend. They're a high-end job board positioning themselves to help people finance their bootstrapped startups.

You're focusing on full time only sites as opposed to freelance?

http://agilescout.com/jobs/ is a good place to post Agile positions. It's $49.

No mention of indeed.com? Or even usajobs.gov?

I would add in the forrst job board as well

What about joelonsoftware.com?

I think that's the same as StackOverflow Careers.

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