Context: first laptop in circa 20 years that doesn't run Linux (m1 air).
I don't like OSX and after a year I'm still not really used to it. But... It's still a much better choice to deal with it than Asahi right now (emphasis on right now, I expect it will get there and I will gladly use it at that point). No GPU, no sleep, no audio, no real power management. If you need arm Linux for something concrete, VM is the way to go right now unfortunately.
Yeah, if the option is between MacBook + macOS VS any other solid laptop with Linux, I'm gonna have to do with the second option. Any time I tried to use macOS (which, for many years before I did use daily), I end up getting frustrated...
I don't like OSX and after a year I'm still not really used to it. But... It's still a much better choice to deal with it than Asahi right now (emphasis on right now, I expect it will get there and I will gladly use it at that point). No GPU, no sleep, no audio, no real power management. If you need arm Linux for something concrete, VM is the way to go right now unfortunately.